over 2 years ago - loriipops - Direct link
Nail down your first session with some tips and tricks below!
Must-know keybinds (You will find these in the menu as well!)

W, A, S, D: Move
F: Interact
Space: Jump
L Shift: Sprint
L Ctrl: Crouch
C: Swap between 1st and 3rd person
L Alt: Free Look
Scroll Wheel: Select hotbar slot
Number Keys: Select hotbar slot
Q: Drop Item
TAB: Toggle Menu
I, O, P, M: Inventory, crafting, tech and map
L Click: Primary use for equipped item
R Click: Secondary use for equipped item
Ctrl Click: Move items in inventory
Shift Drag: Split stack in Inventory
Alt Drag: Take one item from a stack
R: Hold for building options, and click to rotate pieces
Y: Deconstruct built item
Numpad 9: Hide UI
F3 or F12: Take Steam screenshot
ESC: Escape to menu

Key things to do!

Play with friends or solo
Once you’ve created your character, select a Prospect to drop into. For the initial Beta Weekends there is only one option, but it comes with lots of time for you to explore and level up. You’ll also be able to see and join Prospects being played by your Steam Friends. Maybe ask them first before dropping in. If you want to play alone with no one accidentally joining you, switch Steam to Go Offline. Icarus supports up to eight players, but we recommend four players for the best game balance since the Beta Weekends begin with a smaller map.

(NB: this is not our final intended multiplayer experience. We are working on implementing private in-game and other related systems. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, especially for our content creators.)

Scavenge resources
A lot of what you need is already on the ground. Press F to pick up sticks, rocks, oxite and ferns and quickly get the resources to craft your early tools.

Find a source of water
Make sure you keep an eye on your water levels. Knowing where to find a water source could save your life. Hold F to fill all your water containers and replenish instantly.

Craft your axe and pickaxe
Your axe and pickaxe blueprints are already unlocked, look at the recipes in the blueprints, and collect the necessary resources to craft them.

Build your first shelter
To protect yourself from exposure debuffs, and to give you a place to put items such as crafting benches and bedrolls, shelter is critical. Unlock pieces such as walls, ramps, floor, pillars and doors in the tech tree.

Use ‘R’ to perfect your building
Holding R when building a piece of your shelter will give you options, such as a door frame or window frame for walls. Pressing R will flip the direction that piece is aiming, allowing you to place them exactly as intended.

Choose your talents
With each level you will unlock talent points. Invest these in the talent tree and lay out a path to talents you may want in future.

Build crafting benches
To access tech at Tier 2 and higher you’ll need a crafting bench. At level 10 you can unlock this and it gives you access to more advanced equipment as you progress your character.

Go hunting
The local wildlife are fast so you’ll have to be stealthy. Use L Ctrl to crouch and use your stealth to sneak up on your prey and score a 2.5x damage bonus.

Stay in good health
Recovering from an unexpected bear? Look out for the debuffs you’ll suffer after a tough battle. A bandage will stop your bleeding and food will help you recover your health so you can survive the next onslaught.

A good bedroll can make your day/night
A bedroll serves many purposes. You can use it to sleep through the night time cycle, or set it as a spawn point if you get caught out in the wilderness and need to reset.

Build a bridge
Icarus’ buildings and structures simulate structural integrity. When built well they can carry large weights (including vehicles in future). If built flimsily they will collapse. Use beams to spread the load and you’ll be able to build quite some distance.

Optimise your settings
Since Icarus is still in Beta, jump into the settings and play around with the graphics levels to get a balance of framerate and detail.

Complete or pause your prospect
To come back and play a prospect later, hit ESC and quit to the main menu to leave your character on the surface. You’ll be able to resume this prospect later as long as the drop timer didn’t expire while you were away. If you wish to end your prospect completely and permanently, use your dropship to station. During the Beta Weekends you won’t be mining exotic matter, but in future you’ll return it to the orbital station via your dropship.

Have fun, play it your way
There’s no right or wrong way to play Icarus. While there are fast routes and slow ones, you play it how you want to. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. The fun is in the journey!

Happy exploring, prospector.