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Week Sixty Six introduces a new mission to Icarus, Ironclad. Tasked with deploying protective plating to three different locations in preparation for a research station deployment, your task will be fraught with risk and challenges.
We also give an update on our ‘Galileo’ project, and our progress so far on the fishing and bestiary features.
Jump in and have a read.

Mission: Ironclad
This week brings a new mission to Icarus, Ironclad. Your task is to deploy large metal plates in three different locations on the map in preparation for a research station deployment. Your briefing is as follows:
//OPERATOR: Sinotai
// MAP: Styx
// BIOME: The Great River
// BACKGROUND: Schematics for plating construction in space or on the surface have been developed
// MISSION: Deploy protective plating in prepration for research station deployment
// TERMS: Schematics and deployment locations provided, additional plating will be provided as suitable launch windows arise

Orbital Exchange Interface Improvements
We’ve been gathering feedback on our improvements to dropship and mission reward pod landing spots and are adding one more safeguard this week, this time for Orbital Exchange Pods.
Orbital Exchange Pods can now be recalled from the Orbital Exchange Interface in case they end up in a bad position, allowing you to move past any location issues that may happen by random and prevent you from gathering resources.

Progress on Galileo
The first features you’ll see from our Roadmap are the Fishing system, a Bestiary and Achievements. We plan to combine these into one large patch, which we’ve codenamed Galileo, which we expect to share in 2-3 months.
More than just a Fishing Rod, our Fishing system will let you use rods, lures and traps to capture a variety of fish which can be used in new cooking recipes, decorations and collections. It includes a new UI for the anglers which records the number caught, the highest quality as well as longest and heaviest. You will have to traverse the map and fish in different environments to catch them all.
This week, we have been spending most of our time iterating on the catching mechanic for fishing and making adjustments to its performance and feel based on internal feedback. We have also managed to get the basic implementation of the bestiary and fishing UI in to our dev environment, as well as having a lot of the fish being modelled, skinned and rigged. These are the early foundations of both features, and we’re making great progress early on in this process.

Changelog v1.2.41.108522
New Content
We also give an update on our ‘Galileo’ project, and our progress so far on the fishing and bestiary features.
Jump in and have a read.

Mission: Ironclad
This week brings a new mission to Icarus, Ironclad. Your task is to deploy large metal plates in three different locations on the map in preparation for a research station deployment. Your briefing is as follows:
//OPERATOR: Sinotai
// MAP: Styx
// BIOME: The Great River
// BACKGROUND: Schematics for plating construction in space or on the surface have been developed
// MISSION: Deploy protective plating in prepration for research station deployment
// TERMS: Schematics and deployment locations provided, additional plating will be provided as suitable launch windows arise

Orbital Exchange Interface Improvements
We’ve been gathering feedback on our improvements to dropship and mission reward pod landing spots and are adding one more safeguard this week, this time for Orbital Exchange Pods.
Orbital Exchange Pods can now be recalled from the Orbital Exchange Interface in case they end up in a bad position, allowing you to move past any location issues that may happen by random and prevent you from gathering resources.

Progress on Galileo
The first features you’ll see from our Roadmap are the Fishing system, a Bestiary and Achievements. We plan to combine these into one large patch, which we’ve codenamed Galileo, which we expect to share in 2-3 months.
More than just a Fishing Rod, our Fishing system will let you use rods, lures and traps to capture a variety of fish which can be used in new cooking recipes, decorations and collections. It includes a new UI for the anglers which records the number caught, the highest quality as well as longest and heaviest. You will have to traverse the map and fish in different environments to catch them all.
This week, we have been spending most of our time iterating on the catching mechanic for fishing and making adjustments to its performance and feel based on internal feedback. We have also managed to get the basic implementation of the bestiary and fishing UI in to our dev environment, as well as having a lot of the fish being modelled, skinned and rigged. These are the early foundations of both features, and we’re making great progress early on in this process.

Changelog v1.2.41.108522
New Content
- IRONCLAD: Initial mission setup
- IRONCLAD: Update mission steps, recipe requirements and objective locations. - Added old quest markers to vision folder
- IRONCLAD: Added dialogue events and increased rewards
- IRONCLAD: Added quest text when a new pod drop zone has been marked on the map
- IRONCLAD: Fixed spawn locations selection
- IRONCLAD: Fixed save progress
- IRONCLAD: Fixed pod spawn locations.
- IRONCLAD: Fixed snap point visuals on reload
- IRONCLAD: Fixed mission completion dropping placed plating and not removing map icon.
- IRONCLAD: Fixed pod deployment for clients
- IRONCLAD: Added and updated mission art
- IRONCLAD: Fixed spawn timings
- IRONCLAD: Rewrote spawning logic.
- IRONCLAD: Updated layered plating drop mesh
- IRONCLAD: Improved visual feedback when completing a location
- IRONCLAD: Fixed search area not being cleaned up resulting in pod spawning repeatedly
- IRONCLAD: Add additional objective complete feedback to sides bravo and charlie
- DEP_Hedgehog - added 3x damage state meshes (SM_DEP_Hedgehog_MED_01-03)
- Scorpion Hedgehog Trap - added 3x damage state meshes (SM_ITM_Scorpion_Hedgehog_Trap_01-03)
- Fixed a number of typos
- Fixed a bug preventing dynamic mission rewards that don't scale to only ever give 1 of the item. - Tweaked some dynamic mission rewards with fixed scaling in mind
- Fixing geyser reverb being too loud when inside a cave with a geyser near by
- Fixed grenade effect not cleaning up properly after detonation
- Added ability for collection steps to complete on partial collection, setup AGRICULTURE: Hydroponics to complete collect step on partial collection
- DYN: Cache, fixed a bug allowing abandoning the mission to grant XP
- Permit Use Of Unstuck Button When Mounted
- Added ability to rerequest exotic transport pods
- Fixing up Plating placement in the quest step and reimporting deployable to have the correct facing to match and correct import scale
- Fixed collection logic to work again with individual collection.
- Added SPELUNKING to list of prospects that allow partial collection to complete their quest step
- Reduced cooldown between exotic transport pod redelivery to 30s from 300s, added slight delay before new pod comes down after sending off current one
- Fixed an issue with the UI where the caption 'LMB to catch fish' would appear on both clients and servers
- Fixed a bug where if a player switched item right as a lure caught a fish, the UI element 'click to catch fish' would linger on the owner
- Updated Mo's Cave Prefab, River Spline Pass and Transition Cave Between Purple and Red Quad, Prometheus
- Polish Green Tundra, Landscape Painting & Worked on Tundra Transition Cave, Green/Yellow Quad, DLC Map
- Updated Striker animations, added LookAt Control Rig
- Expanded Striker Melee Behaviour Tree to call each attack specifically, instead of relying on random GOAP montage selection
- Polished around resources and spline points in Green Quad, and placed navmesh volumes around the swap cliffs in Purple Quad ,DLC
- Add audio volumes which set audio behaviour related to MegaTrees:
- MegaTreeAudioVolume actor, a trigger box which calculates and sets dedicated FMOD parameters for mega trees
- Set up related global FMOD params
- Set up all required prefab functions to get working with world generation
- Added audio volume instances to existing mega tree maps and updated the prefab assets, extents may require tweaking
- Added some missing forward declarations from prefab code
- Striker now turns to face target after performing combat dodges. Lowered striker max attack radius and gave some specific attacks damage source location overrides
- Adding Stats for Catching Different types, quailty and rarity of Fish
- Adding Stats for Fish Descriptors and assigning to fish upon capture, adding fish descriptors to FishData table
- Adjustments to how the exotic cleaning device fmod event plays back to stop weirdness with stop starting
- Update SetAudioComponentPlayState function to automatically release the audio component event instance on stop, preventing a subsequent play call from abruptly restarting the existing event instance. Partly fixes a bug where processor audio sometimes cuts out when the processor stops, instead of fading nicely
- Adding lava broodling attack vocal and all footstep notifiers and attack notifiers
- Added mesh, textures, materials for Gold and Copper Wire (ITM_Wire_Gold/Copper)
- Added meshes (SM+DM), material, AO map for Carved Wood Sitting Bench (DCO_SittingBench_Wood_Carved)
- Adding Lava broodling death vocalisations and event and data table entry
- Removed Bad Actors in Mo's Cave and Added Nav Mesh Blockers to Cliffs in Blue Quad, Prometheus
- Added Nav Mesh Bocker, Landscape Painting & Worked on Tundra Transition Cave, Green/Yellow Quad, DLC Map
- Added several more assets for Buildable Rework Investigation
- Added ability for Striker to dodge incoming projectiles. Increased Striker damage/health.
- Added new BallisticSubsystem that can be used to retrieve a player's most recently fired projectile data
- Make save/load aware of dynamic forecast changes (for upcoming dynamic mission hooks)
- When capturing fish, ChanceToCatch stats are now taken into account
- Adding in Fishing Bench Mesh and hooking up to Item
- Adding Fishing Lure Items, Adding Fishing Lure Recipes
- Renamed conflicting NavModifierVolume actors
- Polished around resources, placed navmesh volumes around the swap cliffs in Purple Quad ,DLC
- Adjustments to snow striker animation notifier timings
- Added text for fishing bench
- Setting up meshes and BP's for fishing higher tier fishing rods, assigning basic stats and recipes
- Resaving Datatable
- Landscape Painting & Worked on Tundra Transition Cave, Green/Yellow Quad, DLC Map
- Added RVT switch to LC Terraces and Geothermal
- DLC Trailer Levels and Sequencers
- Adding lava broodling general move event, sounds and all notifiers. More movement events to follow
- Adding Images to the FishData datatable
- Adding Basic Bestiary Datatable Setup, and associating creatures to the Bestiary Categories
- Adding in striker head dodges, blendspace and block animations
- Fixed a source of Failed to parse FGameplayTagQuery log spam
- Adding broodling attack whoosh event, sounds and notifiers
- LC Terraces - disabled RVT in blueprint
- Added Nav Mesh Blockers to Cliffs in Blue Quad, Prometheus
- Polish Swamp Transition Cave & Tundra Transition Cave, Yellow Quad, DLC Map
- Adding broodling light slam and heavy slam sounds events and anim notifys
- Added DEP_Fishing_Trap_T2
- Added DEP_Fishing_Trap_T3
- General clean up of rivers and polished splines, riverbanks, decals and underwater terrain in Green Quad, DLC
- Adding lava hunter and lava broodling swoosh audio and event and notifiers
- Fix transform math error in mega tree audio volume prefab deserialization
- Fixed accidental log spam, log now only shows whether the function 'showing static widget' returns true or not
- Implementing Both Fishing Traps, incoperating Lure slots, custom UI and individual stats for both the basic and advanced
- Updating Fishing Trap Talents and Adding an Advanced Lure Pack
- Basic Setup for T3 / T4 Aquariums, Recipes, Talents, Item and Models
- More additions to broodling animation notifers
- cliff adjustment and decal placement polish pass - grasslands, Green Quad
- Flushed grass, Green quad
- Polish Swamp Transition Cave & Tundra Transition Cave, Flushing Grass on Green/Blue/Yellow Quad, DLC Map
- Transition Cave Between Purple and Red Quad, Prometheus
- Fish Placed into Aquariums are now shown and bob up and down
- Added power and water requirements to Aquariums, When Aquariums are powered the fish placed in side will not expire
- General clean up around lava biome, on cliffs, resources and geothermal pools, Purple Quad, DLC
- Adjusted and reimported DEP_Bench_Seat_Wood, DEP_Bench_Seat_Wood_INT to match DCO bench heights (for sitting anim)
- Adding Gold and Copper Wire Items / Recipes / Talents
- Fixed Super Cool Ice Deposit using incorrect deep ore material and displaying wrong name on tooltip.
- Fixed Ice Borer attaching to deep ore deposits instead of super cooled ice. Added collision to super cooled ice deposit mesh
- Adjustments to the play / stop behavior of the ice borer to stop the end sound playing when the borer is deployed. other deployables could benefit from this change too
- Adding Striker Dodge vocalisation, data table entry and animation notifiers
- Small adjustment to lower footstep land sizzle and small adjustments to lava river flow min vs max speeds for a better balance
- Fixed Floating Deep Ore in GL Cave & Polish Swamp Transition Cave /Yellow Quad, DLC Map
- Transition Cave Between Purple and Red Quad, Prometheus
- Adding in layered plating mesh and material pass, icon to follow
- Adding in layered plating Icon and hooking up to D_Itemable