over 2 years ago - loriipops - Direct link
Originally posted by Dinomania: Is this Multiplayer like DayZ or is it more a "need friends Game" ?

normally i play on my own as a lone wolf ... but i think this is not for Lone Wolfs ? its more for -Party-Guys/Girls ?

or is here permanent ingame-voice-chat so i can easily join a party?
Hi Dinomania (cool name btw)

You can absolutely play alone! It may be more punishing, but there are also many positives playing solo, you get to do your own thing and concentrate on that!
Playing with a team is super fun, you can get tasks done together more efficiently. It really depends on your play style!

As for the in-game voice chat, I asked our developers about this last week. It is currently not implemented and not a high priority for us right now.