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Welcome to week 157.
This week, we are introducing a new juvenile variant of the Wooly Zebra that can be raised and nurtured into a new mount with Arctic specialties.
We also add some improvements to the AI in Icarus perception so they will be far less likely to detect players in various situations.
We’ve also got some news on next week's update, with even more firearms coming to your armory.
Jump in and have a read.
Notable Improvements:
This Week: Shaggy Zebra Mount
Shaggy Zebra’s present in the Arctic Zones of Prometheus will now have a chance of spawning with juveniles. As with all juveniles, you will be able to tame, raise, and nurture them once their parents have been disposed of. When this juvenile grows up, you will have your very own Shaggy Zebra mount.
These mounts thrive in arctic environments, and as with all our mounts, they have their own talent tree to progress through as they level up.

This Week: AI Perception Improvements
A few of the big issues that have been brought up with Icarus over the years have been the AI perception. That being the assumption that AI can see through walls and players get attacked while in their bases while not being antagonistic. This week we have made some improvements to AI perception to prevent these cases from happening.
The first change is that AI must now be in their heightened state of aggression to be able to detect players if they have been seen recently. Previously, if a player was seen by an AI, they would continue to be 'seen' regardless of whether or not the AI had line-of-sight if player was within 3.5m of their last seen location. That distance hasn't changed, but the AI must now be fully alert to the player now before this behavior is enabled.
The second change is we have halved the player's footstep and jump noise range while sheltered, this will help to make creatures detect you far less while prospectors are inside buildings.
We aim to continue improving this system to provide a better experience so players suffer from less seemingly random attacks.

Next Week: Advanced Pistol
Next week, we plan on introducing the Advanced Pistol, a Tier 4 option that will round out the sidearm class with options at all applicable tiers.

Your support makes these updates possible.
Changelog v2.2.32.130789
New Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
Fixed [expand type=details expanded=false]
Future Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
This week, we are introducing a new juvenile variant of the Wooly Zebra that can be raised and nurtured into a new mount with Arctic specialties.
We also add some improvements to the AI in Icarus perception so they will be far less likely to detect players in various situations.
We’ve also got some news on next week's update, with even more firearms coming to your armory.
Jump in and have a read.
Notable Improvements:
- Fixed the Biofuel Powered Drills and Extractors not turning themselves back on after reloading a prospect
- Fixed a PhysX-related building replication crash that was occurring on larger prospects when join multiplayer games
- Fixed a crash that could occur when supply pods take off if they are near buildings or deployables
- Shifting Mission in Layout and Starting Position so that when you open the mission screen you are presented with the first missions rather than the middle of the tree
- Add 'Raw' prefix to uncooked meats so that its not confused with cooked meats
- STRANGE HARVEST: Increase size of Contaminated Bear, grant increased health, poison damage and chance to poison
- Fixed an issue where crops would regen quality even if all the seeds were dead, when looking at the tooltip it could be confusing as the crop would be wilted but could still look alive
- Drinks in the crafting menus now have their own icon to differentiate them (see the drinks in the campfire)

This Week: Shaggy Zebra Mount
Shaggy Zebra’s present in the Arctic Zones of Prometheus will now have a chance of spawning with juveniles. As with all juveniles, you will be able to tame, raise, and nurture them once their parents have been disposed of. When this juvenile grows up, you will have your very own Shaggy Zebra mount.
These mounts thrive in arctic environments, and as with all our mounts, they have their own talent tree to progress through as they level up.

This Week: AI Perception Improvements
A few of the big issues that have been brought up with Icarus over the years have been the AI perception. That being the assumption that AI can see through walls and players get attacked while in their bases while not being antagonistic. This week we have made some improvements to AI perception to prevent these cases from happening.
The first change is that AI must now be in their heightened state of aggression to be able to detect players if they have been seen recently. Previously, if a player was seen by an AI, they would continue to be 'seen' regardless of whether or not the AI had line-of-sight if player was within 3.5m of their last seen location. That distance hasn't changed, but the AI must now be fully alert to the player now before this behavior is enabled.
The second change is we have halved the player's footstep and jump noise range while sheltered, this will help to make creatures detect you far less while prospectors are inside buildings.
We aim to continue improving this system to provide a better experience so players suffer from less seemingly random attacks.

Next Week: Advanced Pistol
Next week, we plan on introducing the Advanced Pistol, a Tier 4 option that will round out the sidearm class with options at all applicable tiers.

Your support makes these updates possible.
Changelog v2.2.32.130789
New Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
- Small improvements to Woolly Zebra Juvenile FGur setup and collider setup
- Fixed Wooly Zebra feather material not being 2-sided
- Duplicating wooly zebra idle inserts and adding more variations of the idle animations so they dont jump around you the whole time which becomes very annoying. Adding more to mounts versions also
- Adding additional unique wooly zebra idle audio event and adding to mount idle with less vocalisations. Adding more idle variations to juvi for less repetitive jumping audio etc
- Adding the correct wooly zebra juvi idle montage to the BP. Adjustments to a few juvi volumes and spacials. Consistency pass on a few long events and consistency between a few events reverbs
- Unlocking Wooly Zebra and Juvenile
- Added the remaining wooly zebra saddle skeletal meshs and updated saddle data table
- Added water and coffee and cream drink recipe icons
- Added Calf and Cow Carcass icons
Fixed [expand type=details expanded=false]
- Delete old irrelevant Notes from Styx. Add new notes for current issues to be addressed
- Floating object and buried voxel fixes for CF_MED_002 prefab cave
- POTSHOT: When added as an operation in the future the provided items will not respawn
- Flushed Grass across Blue and Yellow Quad on Styx
- Flushed Grass on Green and Red Quads, Styx
- Fixed a typo in stone cairn item description
- Fixed placement of 2 Wolf Dens in Styx
- Battery Light correctly turns off when out of battery now
- Add Raw prefix to uncooked meats so that its not confused with cooked meats
- Fix encumberance bar showing overlapping text when bag is full and overencumbered
- Gate Dropship FP mesh logic behind RepNotify so FP arms aren't visible for other clients. Made Dropship mesh visibility unlimited during flight and apply limitations once landed
- Add additional stack size (plus/minus 10) modifier buttons and new MIN button to reset count to 1 for Crafting UI to give more easily accessible input options when crafting
- Add calf and cow carcass icons, just using the head icons for now
- Water container Field Guide page now doesn't have a resource network attached, as it shows what is used to fill water containers in the other sections
- STRANGE HARVEST: Increase size of Contaminated Bear, grant increased health, poison damage and chance to poison
- Minor talent spacing
- Setup custom icons for drink crafts
- Added Drink recipe icons
- Add min and x10 crafting buttons to processors
- Add sort to player crafting window and bench/processor inventories
- Fixed bug where deep mining drills would be automatically turned off when reloading a prospect save
- Fixed cursor going invisible when clicking on title screen
- Rewording Everygreen talent to mention that weather still can wilt crops if they are not protected
- Also fixed an issue where crops would regen quaility even if all the seeds were dead which could have been causing confusion
- Hooked up water and coffee with cream drink icons
- When supply drop pods take off, they now damage a maximum of 30 walls/deployables around them instead of literally everything, this should hopefully fix rare issue where game freezes/crashes when a pod takes off from within a base or building
- Supply drop pods now damage objects around them over time instead of simultaneously (one object per frame)
- Shifting Mission in Layout and Starting Position so that when the screen opens you are presented with the first missions rather than the middle of the tree
Future Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
- Adjustments to the rock golem vocal reverb distance. Adjustment to snapshot reverb amount and adjustments to armor break
- Updated textures and material for Assault_Rifle_T4
- Recommit of DEP_Great_Hunt_Device destructible
- Elysium - geothermal lake set dressing, red quad
- Added SK_ITM_Club_Ape legendary weapon
- Added DMs for all the Lab Equipment, plus added teh meshes for the stool
- Destructable mesh added to Norex hunt deployable
- Added item text for farm fencing
- Added item text for animal traps
- GH_RG_O1 is now fully playable
- Add Rooster Talent Tree
- Fix Chicken talent icons having many duplicates
- Reduced severity of movement speed debuff attached to RockGolem's burrow attack
- BTS_SweepBoneDamage should no longer incorrectly launch the attacking NPC
- RockGolem now spawns CaveWorms during it's burrow attack (WIP)
- Fixed RockGolem hit reacting twice during phase transitions
- RockGolem burrow now lasts longer, and RockGolem is invulnerable whilst fully underground
- Fixed RockGolem LookAt not being disabled when target was out of view angle
- Disabled RockGolem IK when starting it's roll
- Aded Slug Grenade Payload VFX
- Fix deployable naming of bunker props
- Elysium - toggled on use external actors and converted existing (lets try that again)
- Elysium - toggled on use external actors and converted existing
- Added DCO_Planter_Box_Wood_LRG
- Updated SK_SPR_IceMammoth_Melee, rotated 180 degrees
- Updated some mesh assets for the Swamp Ape Club Legendary weapon
- Adding heavy attack for golem gauntlet split up for a charge attack, third and first person start loop and end animations
- Outpost 13 - added atmosphere controller to persistent level
- Added the first batch of saddles fitted to the wooly zebra mount
- Elysium - geothermal lake set dressing, red quad
- Heavy axe swing added in form of start loop and end animation to enable the axe attack to be charged up, still needs the charge functionality for melee weapons but anims are done
- Adding first pass ape grenade audio
- Cliff Pass Blockout on Yellow Quad, Elysium
- Decal pass on scree slopes, Green Quad, Elysium
- Updated Landscape geo
- Added Bunker Prop Icons to D_deployableSetup
- Setup Garganutan Lab to spawn at the start of the great hunt
- GH_RG_O2 is now fully playable
- Add lab chair setup
- Adding gauntlet punch impact and whoosh event and removing audio from actionable component and adding to animation instead
- Update DF shadow bias on LC rock meshes causing self-shadowing artifacts inside some caves
- Added BP_Atmosphere to persistent lvl
- Deleted BP_Atmosphere from Outpost 13
- Adjustments to dialogue as per requested
- GH_RG_FINAL mission is now fully playable
- Reverting slug grenade to explode after 3 seconds as previous as this is a sticky grenade not an instant explosive
- Added ECVF_Scalability flag to foliage.LODDistanceScale cvar
- Removing pin pull from slug grenade and changing to detonate on impact which makes more sense with the audio and for the type of grenade it is
- Adding slug grenade explode audio and overlap slug slime audio and BP imp
- Added golem and juvie golem bestiary image to the project and updated atmosphere and bestiary data table with the new images
- When Great Ape is hanging in a tree and targetted player runs behind, animate the 180 degree spin
- Ape Grenade no longer has it's pin pulled during throw animation
- Ape Grenade now persists on ground for a period of time before fading out after applying its effects
- Added impassible terrain to outpost 13
- Adding ape attractor constant loop audio as well as ape chest bulge thing pulse. Adding VFX to the right locations and activating and de activating them on power up - down. Adjusting behavior of audio to not turn on if not properly powered
- GH_RG_FINAL adding quest steps and required mission items
- Added animations for BW pistol Reloading 1ST and 3RD character animations, gun needs some mesh reimporting to make the reload working gun side but character animation in at the moment
- Great Ape will now throw logs when hanging in tree
- Made Swamp Ape grenade less bouncy
- First implementation of Swamp Ape grenade functionality
- Great Ape can now jump into trees (currently turned off as currently no way down)
- Decal and Cliff Pass on Tundra in Green Quad, Elysium
- Cliff Pass Blockout on Yellow Quad, Elysium
- Adding ape attractor audio and BP. Not currently hooked up to play only when activated and powered - waiting BP updates
- Garganutan Great Hunt: Assigned Dialogue to each mission
- Added two new bat variant art assets for the ice mammoth fight. Added blue colour varation of the arctic bat material. Updated 2 of the bat BPs for the ice mammoth fight with the new art assets
- Elysium - geothermal lake set dressing on red quad, new decals for geothermal landscape, material variants for a couple rocks
- Fix Garganutan quest D objectives list
- Garganutan Great Hunt: Setup final mission to activate entrance
- Garganutan Great Hunt: Setup map markers for all missions
- First implementation of WIP Lava Flyer Mine
- Adding lava hunter flame thrower event and unique audio. Not currently hooked up
- Setup health bar for Great Ape and put a spawner in the Swamp Arena. More tweaks and fixes for ape
- Add foliage.LODDistanceScale to Foliage Quality scalability group so users can get higher quality foliage LODs than current default (High = Current, Epic = 1.5x, Low = 0.5x). Update settings menu description
- Added lab stool item icon
- Adjusting ape grenade audio based on updated gameplay functionality. Added grenade bounce impact and increased the intensity of the grenade audio to match VFX. Added audio to play off payload BP instead of data table
- Adding lava hunter beep and mine explode audio and BP Imp
- Adjusting Seismic Probe item description and flavour text
- Added ITM_Mission_Radio
- Updating animation for DEP_Mine_Lava_Hunter
- Added SK for DEP_Mine_Lava_Hunter base with triggered aninmation
- Added reload animation for Black wolf revolver, had to re work how the cylinders work and reimport all cylinders with new offset to work with the animation, but where the attached cylider isnt moving currently but all functionality is there for audio pass
- Replaced VFX for Ice Mammoth IcePillars, Payload, Frost Spot and Ice Armo, also removed PixelDepth on Arena Ice Material to fix decal issues
- Cliff and Decal pass on Green Quad, Elysium
- Cliff Pass Blockout on Yellow Quad, Elysium
- Elysium - crevasse and cliff placement, landscape sculpting in red quad
- Adding additional slug grenade buildup sizzle and adjusted explosion to be less bomb like and more glass break goo splatter
- Resave datatable
- Adding revolver open, bullet, close and click audio and notifys
- Added Yeti bones and carcass sk meshes, materials and textures, gfur
- Modiyfing the Mission Radio Description
- Adding Mission Radio Icon and Implementation
- Adding in 1ST and 3RD anims for gauntlet block and ranged mode including pose and use animation
- Added swamp ape bestiary images to the project and updated bestiary and atmosphere data tables
- Elysium, Red quad - geothermal variants of AC crevasses, swapped out AC BPs to fix wrong material during build
- Added Hammhead Slug bestiary images to the project
- Added Ice Mammoth bestiary images to the project
- Fixed a minor typo in RG quest description
- Added poses for DEP_Mine_Lava_Hunter egg sack animation
- Adding notifys to black wolf revolver reload
- Adding rock golem bestiary audio and data table entry
- Added Revovler reload anim montage 1st and 3rd person to revolver firearm data and hooked up revolver reload anim, identified the issue with the animation not playing due to attachment method of the static meshes of the living weapons
- Update dialogue setup for Garganutan mission dialogue
- Hooking up anims to the rock golem gun to work with new clip based reload and moved the focusable over to be 2handed rifle based instead of pistol based, gun ejecting clip incoming
- Update Garganutan research lab and trail contents
- Update note quests to trigger on reading notes
- Adding mission device accept and deny audio and BP implementation
- Updated rotation on SPR_IceMammoth_Melee
- Adjustments to black wolf revolver pistol. changed notifys to player type so volume could be adjusted depending on perspective
- Added Wall_Curved_Glass, Wall_Curved_AngleUp_Glass, and Wall_Curved_AngleUp_Glass will all variants, including mask textures, materials and DMs. APEX DMs still need to be made
- Great Ape basic core loop (melee, throw rocks and sticks, retreat and climb tree). First pass, still needs plenty of balance. Still some jank in tree jump animations (more anim coming)
- Cliff Pass Blockout on Yellow Quad, Elysium
- Cliff and Decal Pass on Scree Slopes on Green Quad, Elysium
- Fixed crash due to new Atmospheres being created with no Curves defined, feeding a nullptr to the atmosphere controller. Also fixed incorrect images being used for biomes