about 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 3 years ago - Heightmare - Direct link
As the Icarus team's planning for 2022 continues, this week we've taken a break from adding new missions to get a bunch of new items into the workshop. You'll find a lot of new options to take in your dropship load-outs that let you choose how you want to tackle a mission.

Inaris Tools
The Inaris manufacturing consortium has introduced full new set of tools for Icarus prospectors, including Axe, Pickaxe, Spear, Knife and Arrows.

Showing their heritage in the mining industry, Inaris’s products have a weighty, industrial look to them. They're designed for durability as you'd expect of products used far from Earth where repair and replacement are difficult if not impossible.

New Backpacks
Offering more than just extra inventory space, these specialist backpacks offer additional bonuses whether you consider yourself more of an Archer, a Gatherer or a Survivor.

Farming Packets
Mastering the preservation process, farming packets are now available for most of the crops that have been introduced to Icarus. They can be used to set up a farm on your favorite outpost, or simply to bring Mushrooms to parts of Icarus where they are not yet found growing in the wild.

Modules, Deployables
There are also two additional modules that improve animal visibility, and two pre-built deployables to speed up your settlement once you arrive: a furnace and a storage crate.

Patch Notes In addition to new content, we continue to prioritize bug fixes and game balance. Here are the details of the other bug fixes and updates in today’s patch:

  • Added Gatherer's Backpack (+6 Inventory Slots, Reduction in Wood and Ore Carry Weight)
  • Added Archer's Backpack (+6 Inventory Slots, Increase bow reload speed, increased arrow projectile speed, increased aim down sights speed)
  • Added Survivor's Backpack (+6 Inventory Slots, Fall Damage resistance, sprain chance reduction, small movement speed buff)
  • Added Farming Packets for various crops, allowing you to farm crops that may not exist nativly in the drop area.
  • Added Animal Highlighting Module which increases the visibility of fauna when equipped.
  • Added Animal Healthbar Module which lets you see how much health creatures have.
  • Added New Inaris Tools:
    • Axe 'Dias' - Wood Carry weight reduction
    • Pickaxe 'Neves' - Emcumbered penalty reduction, 148% mining yield
    • Spear 'Gris' - 50% Chance to inflict slow, 10% to immoblise
    • Knife 'Ventura' - 100% chance to resist wound
    • Arrows 'Aruda' - 25x Pack 71-75 Damage
  • Added MXC Furnance allowing players to shortcut some of the resource production chain.
  • Added MXC Crate - Deployable storage container available right from the start of your drop (25 slots).
  • Changed the layout and cost of several workshop recipes.
  • Increased number of slots in player gravestones and overflow bags, preventing items being moved into the world where they could be lost.
  • Fixed several issues with the STATION TO STATION: Long Survey mission.
  • Fixed issue where physical resistance was not correctly applied to melee resistance in damage calculation.
  • Fixed 'Quick Load' talent not increasing reload speed as intended.