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Welcome to Week 162.
This week we go over a multiplayer weapon fix that has now been tested, and the performance improvements that come along with it.
We also feature the new Coconut Seeds, which will drop from wild coconuts and can be planted to grow your own crop back at your base. These can also be brought down from the Orbital Workshop.
We’ve also got a look ahead at what to expect next week.
Jump in and have a read.

This Week: Weapon Fix & Performance Improvement
As mentioned previously we have had an experimental build up over the holiday period testing a fix for players connecting to a multiplayer game and being unable to fire weapons in some circumstances, particularly in older prospects.
Guns, bows and crossbows were unable to be fired by players in older prospects unless they were the server. These types of items have their own special inventory controlled by a container inventory manager. They differ from the the regular inventories on benches as they track ammo & attachments. This meant the game was not aware of ammo levels, as it was waiting for the information to be replicated from the server. The replication was not occurring because of the sheer number of these inventories that needed to be replicated. Other items that act in a similar way are the medical kit, seed pouches and anything that contains an attachment (so most T2 equipment and above).
There was a few different things that were causing the issue.

This Week: Growable Coconuts
From this week on, when you harvest coconuts, you may get a coconut seed. Like all seeds, this seed can be used for crafting or planted to grow your very own coconut tree for harvesting.
In addition, there will be packs in the orbital workshop so you can bring seeds down to the surface. This will also mean you’ll be able to grow coconuts on maps where they aren’t found in the wild.
Coconuts have also received a small QoL as they are now stackable, their weights have been adjusted and they now yield more from wild harvests.
This was added to ensure that all food plants were now growable, regardless of location.

Next Week: Bug Fixes and QoL
Next Week we are planning on addressing several bugs and issues found over the holiday period that have been reported and some other small QoL improvements before we start back up into the planned work for the year.

Your support makes these updates possible.
Changelog v2.2.37.131606-rel-Laika
This week we go over a multiplayer weapon fix that has now been tested, and the performance improvements that come along with it.
We also feature the new Coconut Seeds, which will drop from wild coconuts and can be planted to grow your own crop back at your base. These can also be brought down from the Orbital Workshop.
We’ve also got a look ahead at what to expect next week.
Jump in and have a read.

This Week: Weapon Fix & Performance Improvement
As mentioned previously we have had an experimental build up over the holiday period testing a fix for players connecting to a multiplayer game and being unable to fire weapons in some circumstances, particularly in older prospects.
Guns, bows and crossbows were unable to be fired by players in older prospects unless they were the server. These types of items have their own special inventory controlled by a container inventory manager. They differ from the the regular inventories on benches as they track ammo & attachments. This meant the game was not aware of ammo levels, as it was waiting for the information to be replicated from the server. The replication was not occurring because of the sheer number of these inventories that needed to be replicated. Other items that act in a similar way are the medical kit, seed pouches and anything that contains an attachment (so most T2 equipment and above).
There was a few different things that were causing the issue.
- We were not always cleaning up old container inventories. These could come about by having items be created, used and discarded or destroyed, their inventories would still exist. We have now improved this so the inventories are now cleaned up appropriately, we have also added checked when a prospect starts up to clean up any unused inventories to cater for ones that should have been cleaned up but were not.
- There was too much data to replicate to clients all at once. As prospects get older and people create new weapons, seed pouches and medical kits the amount of data to replicate becomes quite large. We have also modified the way this data is replicated to allow for targeted updates to prevent network flooding every time a single gun is fired and its inventory its updated.

This Week: Growable Coconuts
From this week on, when you harvest coconuts, you may get a coconut seed. Like all seeds, this seed can be used for crafting or planted to grow your very own coconut tree for harvesting.
In addition, there will be packs in the orbital workshop so you can bring seeds down to the surface. This will also mean you’ll be able to grow coconuts on maps where they aren’t found in the wild.
Coconuts have also received a small QoL as they are now stackable, their weights have been adjusted and they now yield more from wild harvests.
This was added to ensure that all food plants were now growable, regardless of location.

Next Week: Bug Fixes and QoL
Next Week we are planning on addressing several bugs and issues found over the holiday period that have been reported and some other small QoL improvements before we start back up into the planned work for the year.

Your support makes these updates possible.
Changelog v2.2.37.131606-rel-Laika
- Enabling Coconut Seeds, Workshop Coconut Seed pack and Coconut Palm which is growable in crop plots
- Coconuts now stack to 10
- Coconuts weight Adjustment 200 -> 800
- Upped Coconut yield when harvesting locally (1 to 2-3)
- Doubled maximum partial network bunch size from 64kb -> 128kb
- Added a fix for prospect files where clients couldn't use or reload various ranged weapons
- Server host now cleans up orphaned inventory container component data on prospect load, this should prevent issue where clients weren't getting inventory containers (weapon mags, seed pouches, etc.) replicated to them because the initial replication packet was too large
- Increased various default network connection timeouts from 3->6 minutes