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Welcome to Week 164.
This week, we’ve enabled the Lava Hunter World Boss on Prometheus to spawn outside of its specific mission. This will allow you to fight it over and over again without having to start new prospects.
We’ve also done a quality-of-life pass on the rest of the world bosses' spawns to address their regularity so you can engage them more.
Jump in and have a read.
Notable Improvements:
This Week: Lava Hunter Respawning
We have enabled the Lava Hunter World Boss on Prometheus to Spawn outside of the Mission.
Like other World Bosses, this can now be encountered randomly in the Volcanic Biome, and the timer for it to respawn will persist after you defeat it.
The Prometheus Mission 'FRACTURE' does not need to be completed for the Lava Hunter to spawn in open worlds.
This was mainly done so people could tackle the Lava Hunter outside specific missions which may be important in the coming weeks.

This Week: World Boss QoL
World Bosses in Icarus are giant creatures that appear in open worlds and on missions when traversing Icarus. These large creatures can be quite tough to deal with if not properly prepared.
The current world bosses in Icarus are the Black Wolf, Sandworm, Giant Scorpion and now the Lava Hunter. Each map offers different word bosses that naturally spawn. There can also be mutiple world bosses of the same type present on the map at the same time, for example on an Olympus open world a maximum of three sandworms can be present at any one time.
World bosses can be tracked on the map via the 'World Boss Module' module purchasable from the orbital workshop. When equipped into your suit this will display map icons over every world boss currently active map wide.
This week, we have modified the way all world bosses naturally spawn as with the introduction of open worlds there where some side effects which meant they spawned far less often that originally intended.
In the past, every time you started or finished a operation in open world, the world boss timers would restart and not persist, meaning that world bosses would spawn far less often in the world. This has been corrected so that respawn timers now persist, so it will be far easier to encounter these creatures in the wild.
Let us know your feedback on this change and if you’re finding yourself encountering these foes more often in your Open World sessions.

Next Week: Hammerhead Slug World Boss
We will be introducing a brand new world boss to Prometheus next week. This is the Hammerhead slug, found in the Swamp Biome and sporting a deadly splitting attack.

Your support makes these updates possible.
Changelog v2.2.39.132249
New Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
Fixed [expand type=details expanded=false]
Future Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
This week, we’ve enabled the Lava Hunter World Boss on Prometheus to spawn outside of its specific mission. This will allow you to fight it over and over again without having to start new prospects.
We’ve also done a quality-of-life pass on the rest of the world bosses' spawns to address their regularity so you can engage them more.
Jump in and have a read.
Notable Improvements:
- Fixing the Cold Screen Space Effect, which was applying incorrectly on and persisted unintentionally
- Fixing the Achievements ‘Styx & Stones’ & ‘Zero to Hero’ so they are correctly tallied and granted on Steam and in-game
- Fixed Black Wolf Boss Spawners not begin present correctly in Olympus Open Worlds, the Black Wolf Bosses will now spawn correctly
- Removed Textures and Materials that where not used resulting in a smaller client pack size
- Texture Optimization which results in lower video memory and client pack size, will help on graphics cards with lower memory
- Fixed an issue where world stats and difficulty stats where being removed on open worlds when loading into a game with an operation in progress
- Fixed an issue where bunk-beds would unintentionally duplicate every time a prospect was loaded

This Week: Lava Hunter Respawning
We have enabled the Lava Hunter World Boss on Prometheus to Spawn outside of the Mission.
Like other World Bosses, this can now be encountered randomly in the Volcanic Biome, and the timer for it to respawn will persist after you defeat it.
The Prometheus Mission 'FRACTURE' does not need to be completed for the Lava Hunter to spawn in open worlds.
This was mainly done so people could tackle the Lava Hunter outside specific missions which may be important in the coming weeks.

This Week: World Boss QoL
World Bosses in Icarus are giant creatures that appear in open worlds and on missions when traversing Icarus. These large creatures can be quite tough to deal with if not properly prepared.
The current world bosses in Icarus are the Black Wolf, Sandworm, Giant Scorpion and now the Lava Hunter. Each map offers different word bosses that naturally spawn. There can also be mutiple world bosses of the same type present on the map at the same time, for example on an Olympus open world a maximum of three sandworms can be present at any one time.
World bosses can be tracked on the map via the 'World Boss Module' module purchasable from the orbital workshop. When equipped into your suit this will display map icons over every world boss currently active map wide.
This week, we have modified the way all world bosses naturally spawn as with the introduction of open worlds there where some side effects which meant they spawned far less often that originally intended.
In the past, every time you started or finished a operation in open world, the world boss timers would restart and not persist, meaning that world bosses would spawn far less often in the world. This has been corrected so that respawn timers now persist, so it will be far easier to encounter these creatures in the wild.
Let us know your feedback on this change and if you’re finding yourself encountering these foes more often in your Open World sessions.

Next Week: Hammerhead Slug World Boss
We will be introducing a brand new world boss to Prometheus next week. This is the Hammerhead slug, found in the Swamp Biome and sporting a deadly splitting attack.

Your support makes these updates possible.
Changelog v2.2.39.132249
New Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
- Lava Hunter now acts as a world boss and can respawn
- World Bosses can now start on a respawn cooldown instead of immediately spawning on prospect begin
- Added Lava Hunter spawn point to PROM
- Lava Hunter mission now waits for player to get slightly closer to spawn location before boss emerges
- Removed invalid world boss configs from PROM prospect list entry
- Lava Hunter World Boss no longer starts on respawn cooldown
- Existing prospects now update when new world bosses are added, fixes issue where people wouldn't have the new Lava Hunter World Boss in the existing PROM save games
Fixed [expand type=details expanded=false]
- Project-wide asset optimization pass and cleanup
- Project-wide asset optimization and cleanup
- Bunk beds pending cleanup no longer attempt to spawn top bunk actor on begin play
- Fixed bug where bunk beds were duplicating on prospect reload
- Fixed a typo in bunk bed tooltip
- Fixed bug where bunk bed couldn't be picked up after game was reloaded
- Updated Skeletal meshes for SK_PIC_Obsidian and SK_ITM_Sickle
- When rate limiting damage numbers, always emit the first damage number immediately if there are no other damage numbers currently being processed
- Added a fix for recently introduced edge case where the hot/cold post-process screen effects would sometimes persist on screen even after player corrected their temperature
- Fixed Attachment Slot availability not being shown on ranged weapons
- Fixed issue where radars couldn't be activated
- Fixed bug where prospect world/difficulty stats for dynamic missions (operations) were being cleared on reload
- All prospects (open world and missions) should now have the same number of world bosses that spawn (with a few exceptions). Previously each mission and open world would individually specify the minimum and maximum number of world bosses that could spawn, now this is done on a per-map basis to reduce confusion
- Fixing Mission Achievements, after the rework the total number of missions to complete was incorrect so they achievements could not be completed successfully
- Fixed issue with the Mission Achievement Trackers as they where not counting the first mission in every tree - like they should have been
- Fixing issue where the Exotic Item was not correctly tagged which means it could not be collected and added to the transport pods and sent to orbit
Future Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
- IMP pass blockout in the swamp on Orange/Purple Quad, Elysium
- Implemented Homestead Cabinets
- Implementing Alternate Fire on the Legendary Flamethrower and Stat which govens if the alternate fire occurs
- Lava Hunter Flamethrower has 2 Alternate Fires now (Fireball & Flame Burst)
- Cliff Pass in Arctic, Green Quad, Elysium
- Adjustments to ape gas cloud timing and adding wave whoosh
- Hammerhead slug - fixed niagara effects only playing on cocoon start and not end. Lowered base slug hp. Removed tusks from the ice mammoth
- Foliage pass in Tundra and Cliff Pass in Arctic, Green and Yellow Quads, Elysium
- IMP pass blockout in the swamp on Orange/Purple Quad, Elysium
- adjusted light source on flamethrower
- Adding short roar and volume adjustments and crit hit timing adjustment for better audible notify
- updating GH mission images to source
- Deleted tree meshes under developer folder
- Adding in riccochet hit indicator event for new hit zone for the Rock Golem. Data table setup
- Critical hit areas can now conditionally apply for only some damage types
- Ricochet area now only applies to projectile damage
- Pickaxes now do 5x damage to golem armour instead of 10x
- Adding rock golem roar audio, event and notify
- Added new 'long jump' montage for RockGolem that has the Golem in air for longer
- Added new quick variant of RockGolem roar montage
- RockGolem now waits for player to get near enough into cave before jumping out and roaring to start the boss fight
- RockGolem's face plate armour now always ricochets incoming projectiles
- additional slope rocks, tweaks to PFS_LC_Slope_Rocks, 2 new cliffs + textures/materials
- Added anim BP, control rig, NPC BP and mount BP for the Raptor creature. added entries in the AI setup data table
- Added art assets for the Raptor creature
- Adding unique legendary flamethrower audio to child actionable. Added flamethrower actionable to the data table to point to correct item
- Added new ballistic mechanic that allows projectiles to ricochet off certain strong points
- RockGolem in final phase now attacks at least once after each jumping attack
- Increased minimum time between separate collision damage events on RockGolem roll, less chance to be double-hit
- Hits on rockgolem armour plating now ricochet bullets, dealing no damage
- Add DT validation for ItemTemplate entries that don't point to an ItemsStatic. Remove 2 entries
- Added DEP_Bird_House_Standing_Wood and DEP_Brid_House_WallMount_Wood with materials, textures and DMs
- Adding completely new fire audio for the glob gun which turned out to be more of a grenade slug goo launcher than a goo gun. data table setups, audio and events
- adding GH mission images to source
- Adding Missing Lava Hunter Biomass
- Initial Pass for Boss Resource Drops
- Initial Pass for Boss Resource -> Biomass Conversion
- Initial Pass of Legendary Weapon Costs
- Resized boss currency icons and added slight gradient to them
- Updated Wet materials for DCO_Planter_Box Wood
- Re-hide weight of items stat (as this is shown in item tooltips)
- Updated slime creature, materials, textures and static meshes
- Reparent BP_InstancedCaveEntrance mesh, so scaling the mesh doesn't scale the teleport placement disc
- Fix Processor Recipe for Condensed Exotic pointing to wrong meta resource entry (was testing)
- Added Elysium additional Ridges voxel pools for all biomes
- Fixes for EDS rounds
- Fix Ice Mammoth Great Hunt O2 steps
- Fixes for ape bossfight music, with additional cleanup on RockGolem and Ice_Mammoth
- Adding Orka vocals attack and spot events and vocalisation table setup. Also adding V2 pistol muzzle shot for testing - possible use and adjusted shotgun V2 to be slightly less
- Further break up the screams when Great Ape is throwing rocks
- Fixes for ice mammoth bossfight music
- Great Ape now performs different screams when throwing rocks
- Adding intro briefing to the dialogue data table
- Optimized Raptor textures. Fixed missing Physical Material defines. Added 4th LOD. Delete StaticMesh
- Fixes for rock golem bossfight music
- Fixed wrong cave ID in ape and golm Great Hunt Instanced Levels
- Resaved data table with moved muzzle flash location into correct folder
- Resaving FMOD to try and fix banks breaking
- Adding test VFX smoke with reduced size, opacity and time for potential use
- Added art assets for the weather vane
- Fixed the material for the wet version of the planter box
- Hammerhead Slug - Fixed slugs not being spawned at the correct % hp after recombining then dying again
- Adding impact audio for slug grenade ballistic
- Project-wide asset optimization pass and cleanup
- IMP pass blockout in the swamp on Orange/Purple Quad, Elysium
- Adding fireball audio for flamethrower. Explosion, and travel audio
- Hammerhead Slug - Fixed incorrect scaling of slugs. Fixed slug manager cleaning up after all slugs are dead
- Many Rock Golem Great Hunt Fixes: Weakness poison tracking fix and add damage leeway, final hunt travel step location set, rebuilding biofuel mission assignment fixed, prototype progress clamped, mission selection lockout fixed, elimination mission numbers and tracking fixed
- Fixed Great Hunt device objectives list not clearing on reset
- Adding quest markers, location markers and blockout for DH mission 1
- Split RPC calls to show damage numbers over mutitlple reps rather than flooding in one frame (clients and buckshot)
- Adding quest markers, location markers and blockout for DH intro mission
- Dummy prospect adjustment to see if it fixes FMODs error
- Replaced crystal mesh to black plain in Great Hunt Instanced Levels
- Commit to try fix FMOD
- Adjustments to volumes and spacial of ricochet hits on rock golem
- Remove an empty section form JuvenileApe_Attack_Montage
- Point the Juvenile GOAP anim actions to JuvenileApe_Idle_Montage
- Fixed issue where ballistic ricochets weren't using the correct logic to spawn damage numbers, meaning audio wasn't played correctly
- SpawnFloatingDamageNumbers no longer fires off a reliable multicast containing damage information for debugging purposes unless verbose damage logging is enabled on server
- Adding flamethrower fireball fire audio and event, data table setup
- Implemented Bird Feeders
- Fix instanced cave entrance assets after parent class modified
- Added DEP_Bird_Bath_Iron, DEP_Bird_Bath_Gold and DEP_Bird_Bath_Water, as well as their Materials, Textures, and DM's
- Adjustment to volume of crit hit hit volume adjustment from rock golem
- Removed cave entrance from BP_CavePrefab25 and Replaced with static mesh. Green Quad, Olympus
- Adding air release audio to eds canister and deploy audio
- Adding GH Radio Device / Talents / Recipes etc
- Voxel Pass, Green Quad, Elysium
- Modifying QM locations for the RG Great Hunts as they were in the wrong locations
- Applying distance scaling to ape audio threat override
- Applying distance scaling to ice mammoth audio threat override
- Fix Rock Golem A Great Hunt, quest initialization was unhooked for testing
- Applying distance scaling to rock golem audio threat override
- Adding Forbidden Talents so that missions are locked out when choices are made for the Ice Mammoth Great Hunts
- Feature Locking the Ice Mammoth Great Hunt Mission Talents
- Adding Great Hunt Images to the Project and Setup as part of the Missions
- Enabled Ice Mammoth Missions so they can be played
- Added missing DT changes to fix build
- Stormwall material WIP
- Added first implementation actionable behaviours for various RockGolem gauntlet actions
- Living weapons can now specify multiple default meshes instead of just one per slot
- Added a function to query if given living weapon has a particular upgrade
- IMP pass blockout in the swamp on Orange/Purple Quad, Elysium
- Foliage and Landscape Painting Pass on Tundra, Green Quad, Elysium
- Ape Great Ape D2 fixed mission descriptions
- Adding orca flinch vocalisation, event and data table setup
- Added new alien tunnel meshes, textures, material
- Garganutan A Great Hunt now grants craftable lab equipment account wide
- Fixed Garganutan B Great Hunt map marker and steps description to clarify
- Dummy dialogue adjustment to try fix dialogue lookup bs
- Hammerhead slug - Fixed physical damageon slug spit
- Hammerhead Slug - Reduced duration of slime. Reduced poison damage and increased physical damage
- Adjustments to orka vocal levels and adding to data tables
- Updated ITM_Ape_Hide textures to a better quality version
- Hammerhead Slug - Added missing bool from proj component and reenabled health override on slug projection components
- Deleting profiling session that was committed. Also adding missing cave context eq to some of the dropship layers causing some layers to not be muffled
- Fix missing translation entries in orbital exchange and damaged ship mission interface
- Allowing WorldTalentManager to always be relevant and replicate to clients, this enables clients to interact with the great hunt device
- Fixing Mission Cheat to Allow for Correct Setup of World Stats, Weather, Boss Spawning and other Dynamic Properties
- Adding snapshot to reduce volume of ambience when big boss music is playing. Helps declutter busy mixes. also slight reduction in other players assault rifle volumes and reloading
- Add Intro when first interacting with NOVA station
- Fixed feature lock on EDS Canister
- Added some cheats to debug inventory subcontainers
- Hammerhead Slug - Added projection health bar to each version of the hammerhead slug. Added override to allow any creature a health bar with a checkbox. Slugs will no longer try to merge with other slugs that are in a cocoon state
- Fix EDS Canister (mission item) physical material and client side effects
- Garganutan Great Hunt: Added audio triggers to wave defense mission objectives
- Fixed waterfall swimming and looking the wrong way when entering the ape arena in Great Hunt Instanced Level
- Update Garganutan Great Hunt kill progress missions to show progress percentage, O1 to have a progress stage indicator, mission E to have resupply, fix EDS Rounds typo
- Fix Drill Arrow and T3 Cleaning Device material opacity being 100%
- Splitting dialogue into two events as requested. Adding events to dialogue table
- Deployable Decals (dev facing) are now swapped with world objects on load to improve performance
- Updated Garganutan Great Hunt prebuilt lab to reduce deployable count
- Ensured Bunk Bed top bunks are cleaned up if their lower bunk is cleaned up
- The Sandworm Crossbow now fires Spears as intended
- Adding Norex Weapon Crate Mesh for the Legendary Weapons, so when they are dropped they appear as the box and not their core pieces
- Further increase the chance that Great Ape will produce noxious gas when low on health
- Fixed waterfall not showing up in ape arena Great Hunt Instanced Levels
- Changed colour scheme on NOREX Great Hunts Radio
- Updating the ape fx to not use its own unique one rather than scorpion burrow. Adjusted values for better visibility and to be more appropriate
- Fixed phys material on base meshes of Great Ape den entrance
- Project-wide asset optimization pass and cleanup
- Added Great Hunts Interface Assets
- Redone oasis at the start of desert on Yellow Quad, Elysium
- Voxel Pass in Tundra, Green Quad, Elysium
- Garganutan Great Hunt Black Market mission: Revamped to require construction
- Balance pass over lots of the legendary - boss weapons. Reducing some third person volumes and volumes etc
- Added ITM_GreatHunt_Radio, with new materials and textures
- Added ITM_WeaponCrate_Norex
- multiple new cliffs kitbashed from existing assets, new alien tunnel segments + entrance
- Hammerhead Slug - Slug now stops aggro when 100 meters away and no one else close
- Further reduction in volume of the ambience when big boss fight music is playing. Also faded the snapshot with the music fade param
- Added Sandfalls to Rock Golem Arena, Rotated player entrance and added a cliff to block a seam
- Toggle GreatHunts EntrancePlane blocker + PP volume based on existing actor visibility logic
- Fixing issue with the Rock Golem and Ice Mammoth Missions referencing the wrong Terrain and thus spawn group making arctic animals spawn in the desert on Olympus
- Add text wrapping to bonus rewards from missions