over 1 year ago - Rocket - Direct link
We are targeting 1 - 2 months internally. I must stress though this is subject to change. Currently we believe the remaining work is relatively straightforward, but it will depend quite a lot on how our testing goes.

Regardless are really excited we will be able to bring the missions inside of the open world experience for Olympus and styx. I think styx is underrated, and this I think will really bring that beautiful map out.

We will include additional estimates and updates in each of our weekly update posts as we proceed with the work.
over 1 year ago - Rocket - Direct link
Originally posted by MorePopPunkThanPizzaTTV: Is there any word on more tamable animals atm?
Yes, in fact we have a new animal almost ready to go. We plan to significantly iterate on how mounts are in the game, as well as introduce new mounts. A new mount might be next weeks update (not this week, but the week after). Note this plan might have to change.