Week Eighty Seven brings a new set of interior decorations to Icarus - rugs. Six variations have been included, with five animals to hunt down to gather the required materials. We’ve also just announced the upcoming premiere of the newest live action documentary in the Icarus saga ‘The Seeker’. You can sign up for the YouTube premiere below. Finally, for those who missed last week's announcement, you can read up on our upcoming expansion, New Frontiers, now only three weeks away.
Video Premier: The Seeker
‘The Seeker’ is the latest installment in our live action documentaries, and it’s premiering on YouTube on Saturday August 12th at 6pm EDT. There might even be an old friend, thought lost to Icarus, making an appearance…
Want to refresh your memory on the story so far? Check out the first two chapters below, No Rescue and Fatal Sky.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZyd1e51YMo&thttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIz-6-w_fxY New Content: Rugs
This week brings another community requested feature, decorative rugs.

We’ve added six new rugs to the Tier 2 Textiles Bench in Wolf, Cougar, Deer, Desert Wolf and Snow Wolf varieties. All of these will require an animal head which can be gathered using the Taxidermy Knife, along with 20 fur, 10 leather and 20 fiber.
There is also one rug available that doesn’t require animal fur or animal heads - the Thick Woven Rug - which requires 10 leather but 100 fiber.
One notable fix that may help you in collecting all the required ingredients to craft all six variations, is that radars will now spawn a variety of creatures based on the biome you’re in. This will make them more interesting and varied to use, but will also increase the difficulty as you contend with different predators.
Expansion: New Frontiers
If you missed our announcement last week,
our first expansion ‘New Frontiers’ is releasing on August 24th. 
We’ve been blown away by the incredible reception so far, and can’t wait to show you more. ‘The Seeker’ is the first reveal and keep your eyes peeled for a gameplay trailer to follow.
More detail is in our previous annoucement
Support our Development
If you like what we’re doing with Icarus, and want to support our continued development, consider purchasing one of our DLCs for a few dollars, it would mean a lot to us.
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2445280/Icarus_Interior_Decorations_Packhttps://store.steampowered.com/app/1995690/Icarus_Styx_Map__Missions_Pack/ Changelog v1.3.9.114091
New Content/QoL [expand=details]
- Adding Tech Level Requirements Indicator on Prospects in the Mission Selection UI, so players can know before selecting a mission what level of tech will be required for completion
- Updated prospect data to include the required tech level for each prospect
- Unlocked Basic Rug Set for players
- Added rug blueprint sets, updated rug recipes
- Assigned correct material for shengong suit 3rd person
- added 1st person arms for shengong suit
- Fixed issue with Kea trying to land too close to campfires when hungry.
- Reduced likelihood of Kea setting themselves on fire when trying to eat from Campfires.
Future Content [Expand=details]
- Adding quest movement Replication
- Cleaning up Mission Selection UI as the implementation was messy and added ability to easily colour the UI where appropriate, added new white prospect selection outline which can be coloured programatically
- Updated Encrypted Mission UI Colours based on the new concept
- Updated Ordering of Feature Levels so Hypatia and New Frontiers are ordered correctly based on proposed releases
- Updated Mission Reward UI displayed below missions so its now dynamic rather than hard set, NF resources are now feature locked out
- Updated Terrain Selections so Prometheus is correctly locked out via the steam flag as well as the feature level
- Allowing Dehumidifer Modifier to Clean the air in the surrounding area preventing the Ash-Clogging modifier which reduces crafting speed
- Update lighting in mission 6 cave
- Adding new World Spawn Lava Broodlings which will take the place of low level predator in lava biomes so rockdogs can be placed as the larger basic predators in the volcanic biomes
- Adding in higher fidelity animations and green varaint of the gas flyer
- Updated Story Mission 6 cave assets to enable loading in-game
- When clogging deployables with weather events halve the effectiveness for sheltered deployables
- Setting up dialogue for PRO_STORY_0
- Adding clay trap door open and close, windows open and close and missing metal trap door open and close
- Rework tagged weather damage to be fairer to players (no longer blanket damage)
- Fixing issue from previous commit which accidently removed the lock Icon from prospects that you have not completed
- Fixing Nomad dialogue line refering to organic transport
- Replace biome heatmap texture used by Outposts 004 and 007 so that the player biome is set correctly at runtime
- Adding Lava Broodling Corpse and Anim BP so it can be skinned and items collected
- Added SM_DEP_Bench_Masonry_T3, M_DEP_Bench_Masonry_T3, Bench_Masonry_T3 Textures & DM Meshes
- Shifted PRO_STORY_6 G15 Camp Location so it is present on top of the ground and not underneath
- Adding new quest step to PRO_STORY_6 to travelling to the cave before progressing through
- Adjusting all map markers and search area's in PRO_STORY_6 to be red
- Adding description for viscid corpse
- Adding clay door open and close audio and events and notifys
- Updated Outpost_007, Added Cave Voids and Fish Volumes
- Autonomously spawned NPCs are now tagged as such. AISpawner's NPC count around players is no longer affected by autonomously spawned NPCs (Kea, Pred Bird, Gas Flyer)
- Added data validation for AICreatureType data table
- Updated skinning and kill XP event names for the Ashen Drake
- Removed dithering effect on alpha mask to reduce smearing artifacts on toi toi
- Removed colission from CF_CaveRootsHangingA variants
- Updated Outpost_004, Added Cave Volumes, Voids and Cave Entrance to Manual Cave
- Updated Outpost_006, moved fish volume down & fixed floating fish
- Fixed typos and pluralization throughout dialogue, experience events and creature stats
- Added slime trail art assets for the slug creature
- Decreased predator bird hostile target radius around selected corpse.
- Added a small minimum delay between when a corpse is spawned in the world and when a predator bird can select it as a target.
- EnvQueryGenerator_RecentDamageCausers can now filter by relationship type.
- Fixed bug where buffalo mounts would become a valid attack targets for other mounts if they accidentally damaged owning player during charge attack.
- Mounts will no longer attack NPCs or Players that have a Neutral or Friendly relationship type
- replacing gas flyer float fast sounds with less whooshy version
- Updated Outpost_004, Generated Edge Splines Along Rivers
- Lots of tweaks and adjustments to gas flyer velocity audio. Adding sludgy movement in and other adjustments
- Fix landscape collision physical materials in outposts 4, 6, 7, 8 - ensures correct footsteps, impact effects etc. are used
- Fixed a warning by adding an isvalid check for when a creature dies so it doesnt try to get the players stat container when a creature dies but not by a players hand
- Updated Outpost_008, Landscape Painting, Added New Prefab Cave, Voxel Pass and Foliage Pass
- Updated Outpost_007, Voxel & Foilage Pass
- Adding velocity based footstep notifiers for the new gasfly movement sounds now that they have been updated to speed up their movement dramatically at times
- Rotated CRE_Slug slime trail meshs 180 degrees
- Fixed a broken reference trying to compare items instead of comparing tags
- Update exposure modifiers to use dynamic audio data to play exposure vocalisations where appropriate
- Updated new WorldSpawn variant of LavaBroodling's locomotion BS to better suit smaller world scale
- Fixed bug where Photo Mode post process effects could blend in and out when the camera moved.
- Fixed bug where Photo Mode mouse scroll function checkboxes weren't saving their state correctly for each preset
- Updated Outpost_008, Added Nav Modifer Volumes, Landscape Sculpting, Foliage Pass and Removed Duplicate PFS
- Removed Sylvan Range from open world spawn zone selection options
- Added Jagged Crater to open world spawn zone selection options
- Lowered Jagged Crater spawn level slightly, as it was an outlier in the grasslands region
- Updated Prometheus Open World selection images to their higher resolution versions
- Fixed feature flag icon clipping issue on long item tooltips. Fixed ResourcePrompt UMG clipping issue for long item names. Added a new footer to UMG_ItemPopup that describes related feature flag requirement of item (if applicable). Slightly reduced opacity of FeatureLevelIcon image
- Removing Big Boom delay from start of event (for testing purposes)
- Added a version 2 of the ponga, bulbous flax, flax, bramble A, bramble E, and hanging cliff foliage with double sided goemetry turned off. Improved textures on Bramble E and removed shader tinting on the ponga, adding the colour into the texture file instead, removing the colour difference in the billboard
- Fixed new pistol and rifle rounds granting the wrong item when crafted
- Added validation to ItemTemplate, currently unhooked (dev only)
- Dialogue fix for Prom open world story mission 0
- Prevented exotic plant from spawning on persistant missions (same as other exotic spawn requirements)
- Removed Foliage and FLOD Items from the Persistent Level, Prometheus
- Prevented weather clog from being applied to non-processing deployables (no functional change, as this only impacted processing speeds)
- Reduced maxiumum clog amount to 90% instead of 100%
- Updated Gas Flyer's anim curves to match higher fidelity idle/vent anims.
- Slightly lowered max anim playback rate of Gas Flyer and increased bob height to better suit larger size
- Added orbital laser BP small change that was missed in last commit
- Update Outpost selection UI, currently unhooked for further visual pass
- Fixed the workshop UI showing a tick next to the First Cohort Envirosuit even when it is unavailable
- Added Pickup interactable stones around swamp megatree roots, Blue Quad, Prometheus
- Further balance to tagged damage weather events
- Added Pickup interactable stones around swamp megatree roots, Purple Quad, Prometheus
- Second pass of orbital laser explosion audio and build up
- Adding v2 material for Lava Hunter broodling world spawn, also hooked up skinned state for the world spawn corpse
- Added SK_CRE_LavaBroodling_Carcass, with material and textures
- First pass on big boom laser build up and shoot audio and BP implementation. More fine tuning and balance to go
- Fixed bug where Blueback AI would freeze when it tried to charge attack. Increased blueback health
- Fixed NPC Trail segments projecting on top of foliage
- Fixed item setup for potato and tomato to allow feeding to mounts
- Fixed some bugs where segments of Swamp Slug's trail would disappear or become opaque when they were supposed to be fading out.
- Added temporal dithering to slug trail material
- Adding a question mark to a dialogue line
- Delaying dialogue line after orbital strike. Making it come after all the explosions happen
- More adjustments and improvements to orbital strike. Adding tremolo, volume and spacial adjustments, and snapshot which removes music and reduces ambiences during event
- Update open world drop information to highlight wood and rock availability in swamp and lava biomes
- First pass VFX for Gas Flyer Idle
- Add dynamic music and dialogue triggers to PRO_Story6_Evidence quest
- Replaced Old Volcanic Outside Pro Foilage Voxel with New Volcanic Outside Pro Foilage Voxel on Prometheus
- Fixed Swamp and Volcanic biomes not using correct diorama. Fixed GetCurrentProspectLocation not giving correct return values for newest atmosphere types (Swamp, Volcanic)
- Loadout list is now correctly refreshed after deleting a loadout
- Fixed incorrect check state when moving inventory items causing a crash
- Adding names, descriptions and flavor text to new meta envirosuits
- Revert previous commit causing crash
- Replaced Incorrect Voxel Blueprints with Pro Version on Prometheus
- Changed lava biome dried saplings to grant a small amount of wood instead of fibre to increase wood availability throughout the lava biomes
- Adding more urgency to dialogue lines by reducing large gaps between lines. This helps clear the audio for the mission laser and adds a more frantic feel. For dispatch mission.Also adding small delay to allow sound of laser start to play just before dialogue
- VFX polish for Gas Flyer Idle
- DEP_Bench_Anvil_T4 - meshes, textures, materials and animation added
- Fixed scorch decal appearing at the start of orbital laser effect. Small tidy up of BP BigBoom
- Added ability to research, purchase, and request new workshop equipment via the Orbital Exchange Interface while on a prospect (for New Frontiers update)
- Added ability to return loadout items via exotic delivery pods
- Added ability to return other players' loadout items either by pods or drop ship. Players who aren't currently in game will receive the items next time they join that prospect. Take care when leaving a mission prospect as the hosting player, as the prospect can't be resumed for other players to be able to join to be given their items back
- Fixed issue where having an older settled loadout for a prospect could be deleted when returning from the prospect with a second loadout
- Submitting Swamp Slug Statue - Stone - mesh and textures
- Swamp Roat will now attempt to steal food from nearby containers like the Kea