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Welcome to Week 166.
We’re kicking off a Double XP weekend, a great chance to earn those talent and blueprint points that have been evading you.
World Bosses have also been given a valuable update, with lootable resources that include exotics.
We have also converted two existing missions so that on completion you will earn additional talent points for your characters.
Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
This Week: Lootable World Bosses
All current world bosses are now lootable, and this will remain true for any future bosses as well. World Bosses can be looted the same as other creatures, but don’t require skinning. You can go up to the carcass and interact with it to access its loot pile.
All of the World Bosses Loot have been rebalanced to provide some more of their unique parts than before as well as granting exotics as one of their rewards, giving you a new way to collect currency for the Orbital Workshop.

This Week: Extra Talent Points
This week, the same way we did with a mission in the Null Sector, we have added the ability to gain some additional talent points for your characters by completing missions on Olympus and Styx.
These missions can be completed as standalone missions as part of an open world.
The missions are listed below:
If you have completed the mission in the past you will need to complete them again to collect your new talent points. Each Mission will provide an additional 2 talent points which can then be spent in the player talent tree. Once complete, all of your existing or new characters will gain 2 extra talent points.

This Week: Double XP Weekend
We’re putting on a Double XP boost this weekend, so you can jump and gain those valuable levels for more blueprint and talent points. This will run from when the update goes live through to when we remember to turn it off again.

Next Week: Fixes & QoL Next week we are dedicating the patch to smaller fixes and Quality of life.

Your support makes these updates possible.
Changelog v2.2.41.132767
New Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
Fixed [expand type=details expanded=false]
Future Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
We’re kicking off a Double XP weekend, a great chance to earn those talent and blueprint points that have been evading you.
World Bosses have also been given a valuable update, with lootable resources that include exotics.
We have also converted two existing missions so that on completion you will earn additional talent points for your characters.
Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
- Fix Seed tooltips and links in Field Guide
- Clip the player modifiers to the bounds, ensuring it doesn't overlap into the players inventory
- Caveworms outside caves will now show a small mound instead of rocks
- Caveworm carcasses & loot clean up faster than before
- Improvements to the Sandworm Death should mean less instances of worm floating in mid air after death
- Reduce title screen keyart images filesize from 140MB to 12MB
- Reduce uncompressed Terrain button images from 180MB to 5MB

This Week: Lootable World Bosses
All current world bosses are now lootable, and this will remain true for any future bosses as well. World Bosses can be looted the same as other creatures, but don’t require skinning. You can go up to the carcass and interact with it to access its loot pile.
All of the World Bosses Loot have been rebalanced to provide some more of their unique parts than before as well as granting exotics as one of their rewards, giving you a new way to collect currency for the Orbital Workshop.

This Week: Extra Talent Points
This week, the same way we did with a mission in the Null Sector, we have added the ability to gain some additional talent points for your characters by completing missions on Olympus and Styx.
These missions can be completed as standalone missions as part of an open world.
The missions are listed below:
If you have completed the mission in the past you will need to complete them again to collect your new talent points. Each Mission will provide an additional 2 talent points which can then be spent in the player talent tree. Once complete, all of your existing or new characters will gain 2 extra talent points.

This Week: Double XP Weekend
We’re putting on a Double XP boost this weekend, so you can jump and gain those valuable levels for more blueprint and talent points. This will run from when the update goes live through to when we remember to turn it off again.

Next Week: Fixes & QoL Next week we are dedicating the patch to smaller fixes and Quality of life.

Your support makes these updates possible.
Changelog v2.2.41.132767
New Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
- Lava Hunter, Scorpion Boss, Sand Worm now all have lootable carcass inventories when killed
- Update loot table for Black Wolf corpse
- Add additional talent point unlocks to Nightfall (Olympus) and Ironclad (Styx)
- Show hints on Styx Expeditions as to which unlocks shorcuts between different biomes
- Added Double XP Banner and Added Double XP for Players
- Added descriptions to boss carcasses
Fixed [expand type=details expanded=false]
- Project-wide asset optimization and cleanup
- Fix DeployableSetup DTValidation using half height for nav checks rather than full height (and setup some bespoke exclusions for checking). Update entries. Setup T4 toughs to be obstacles to get Creatures to only nav over if necessary
- Improve collision on Trough meshes to better support creature navigation
- Remove 8k texture from landscape shader that isn't used
- Reduce title screen keyart images filesize from 140MB to 12MB
- Reduce uncompressed Terrain button images from 180MB to 5MB
- Project-wide asset optimization pass and cleanup
- Remove Beta weekend UI content
- Fix a warning about UI.HideAmmoCount for legendary weapons
- Re-added dummy ItemRewards row referenced in Tree Prefabs
- Delete voxels inside arctic prefab cave in Olympus that were placed in the world and not in the prefab itself
- Fixed remaining issues with Prefab caves having overlapping voxels. Improved tooling to pick up on this better
- Grass cache flush on OLY
- Fix Seed tooltips and links in Field Guide
- Adjusted description for Desert Master talent suggesting movespeed is decreased when its actually increased
- Add Fur for Drac lootable item rewards
- Fix Chase Em Down not being unlockable after Quick Clean UP in Hunting Tree
- Fixed floating deep ore deposit, Styx
- Clip the player modifiers to the bounds, ensuring it doesn't overlap into the players inventory
- Swapped DC_MED_001 with a new cave the removes cave entrance, Green Quad, Olympus
- Adjustment to make the anvil t4 constant loop more subtle as requested . Also removing the 'auto activate' from the audio in the BP
- Clear trailing whitespace at the end of Doggo names. Add DT Validation to detect this
- Pushing dummy fmod tweaks to force banks to try fix themselves to fix build
- Added unique entries for kill/skin XP events to fix up some DT validation warnings and ensure XP descriptions match creature names.
- Updated DT Validation to be simpler and remove bespoke exceptions.
- Corrected Large Antelope's name to be Large Antelope and not just Antelope, causing confusion in some Hunt quests.
- Fixed up some cases where Kill vs Skin XP wasn't consistent (eg: Skinning a Terrenus was awarding more XP than Killing it, Skinning should be roughly 50% of the Kill XP.
- Destroying a Beehive was giving same XP as Killing a Bear)
- Fixing Spawner Issue where condensed Exotic was not correctly being processed into smaller exotics and enzymes in the cleaning devices
- Wall torch: Removed Small light doing very little. Re-added existing light setup as Icarus point light so that settings work with these deployables again
- Fix cube used for Slotable casting shadows when it shouldn't
- Fixup redirectors in Dev folder
- Copy data from Prometheus_V2 to original Prometheus DT entry and delete duplicate row causing additional unused assets to be packaged
- Fix Display names in Biomes DT being the same, breaking the Weather cheat function. Added validation in to catch this in future
- Fix issue where Caveworms can be looted for Sandworm loot
- Added cleanup to Caveworm carcasses after a short delay
- Outside caveworms will now show a small mound instead of rocks
- Doubled trace distance for Sand Worm's death IK, should mean less instances of worm floating in mid air after death
Future Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
- Optimized geothermal stalagmites into single material/texture set, new kitbashed stalagmite formations, placement tests in red quad
- Proxy mesh system progress update. Logic will be tested on Animal_Bench
- Cliff Pass and Landscape Painting Pass, Green and Yellow Quads, Elysium
- Blockout cliff pass in volcanic on Purple/Orange Quad, Elysium
- Wire new stats for Slug Launcher muzzle atttachment
- Fix a BP warning in the Slug Launcher
- Hide ammo counts for Slug Launcher (fillable ammo)
- Adding spawn and destroy audio for ape and rock golem spawners. Event and BP Imp
- Imported new Mammoth image and Norex Logo for Grat Hunts Background. Tweaked Boss button animations. Tweaks to the Great Hunts Interface UI
- Improvements to Hammer Fist input action (rock golem gauntlet)
- Updated ricochet damage floating number icon
- Fixed Juvenile Rock Golem incorrectly losing track of target perception during fight
- Added new BB and Controller for Juvenile Rock Golem
- Juvenile Rock Golem will now perform a rolling attack if target is too far away
- Increased brightness of Rock Golem trail cloud particle
- Shifted Rock Golem's eye socket location to be unaffected by rolling animation
- Adding static to cover naughty word in dialogue
- Fixed a few typos in GH content
- Adjusted a few GH subtitles to censor some colourful language
- Fixed scorpion crossbow arm alteration phrasing
- Updated the texture of the patchwork variant of the homestead curtain fabric to match the quilted bed asset
- Added destructible mesh for the homestead shutters
- Adding rock golem idle event and data table setup. Also putting limitations to how many caveworm screams can happen at once and increasing chance of the scream being a more subtle version for better variation for missions with lots of caveworms
- Add DTValidation for FLOD entries which had flammable set to false but still had a flammable row entry defined causing undesired filtering results
- Update Billboard materials on BushB assets to blend better
- Added skeletal mesh and destructable mesh for the saloon door asset
- Balanced updated GH audio file to sit in the mix now that its clearer. Slight adjustment to the ducking to be less dramatic
- Added DCO_Vintage_JamJar A to G and DCO_Honet_Pot_A to C
- Update Snare Trap base class to support varying damage values. Set Scorpion Trap to existing 50 damage, Ice Mammoth Trap to 75 (+ cold modifier) and Black Wolf trap to 100
- Update Snare Traps with new base class, unified logic and cleaned up now obsolete data
- Adding restrictions to play amounts of some audio events and adjusting destroy golem nest to be louder
- Adjustments and fine tunes to rock golem juvi vocals
- adjustments to sounds played on rock golem roll in
- Smoothing up the 1st person version of the basic gauntlet attack to feel better, 3RD person to follow
- Adding new Lab for the Ape Quests
- Fixed blocker walls in Rock Golem arena not destroying correctly on clients
- Landscape Sculpting Pass, Landscape Painting Pass and Cliff Pass, Green and Yellow Quads, Elysium
- Blockout cliff pass in volcanic & flushed grass on Purple/Orang/Blue Quad, Elysium
- Added Biolab background assets
- Removing profilers. removing FX from rock golem death that were used for the main rock golem that didn't make sense on a juvi. Removing aggro vocal from Rock golem Juvi. May replace it
- More Great Hunts Interface tweaks and animation tweaks
- Quarrite Great Hunt B: Initial worm spawn is now immediate, dialogue now plays after a short delay
- Fixed bug where mission complete dialogue wasn't playing when operations completed
- Landing dialogue now plays when starting operations via the contact device (it previously wouldn't because the player never 'dropped')
- Fix Quarrite C and Rimetusk C2 Great Hunt dialogue timing
- Elysium - new stalagmite mesh clusters, adjusted materials/textures for geothermal stalagmites and terraces
- Lots of rock golem juvi movement events and animation notifys. WIP
- Fix mission complete dialogue for all Great Hunts
- Quarrite and Rimetusk Great Hunts: Removed incorrect dialogue entries for prospect data
- Improvements to rock golem juvi events including roll velocity dynamics
- Added art assets for the chicken nest homestead asset
- Adjusting Biolab based on concept
- Set correct atmospheres for Arena_SwampApe and Arena_IceMammoth
- Added fix for Rock Golem Juvenile BT crash
- Added ricochet areas to Juvenile Rock Golem
- Added target to a scaling function that wasn't working correctly in GH_RG_B_Eliminate
- Juvenile body armour mesh now uses rock golem's physics asset
- Adjusted blending times for Rock Golem roll montages
- Removing rock golem layers that were meant for the main boss and not the juvi. adjustments to cave reverb etc
- Reverted to old JRG physics asset
- Fixed bug where only JRG head was applying ricochet modifier
- Fixed bug with slug grenade where clients and server would have missmatched explosion locations
- Proxy Mesh System sample on animal bench. For testing
- Elysium - stalagmites and polish of lakes in geothermal, red quad
- '- Toned down RG earthquake screen shake
- Increased distance of RG burrow, jump attack screen shake
- Added screen shake to RG roar
- '- RG now becomes 'vulnerable' for a period of time after rolling, allowing players to freely attack
- Added light hit reacts to RG light attack BT
- Updates particle system used for RG jumping attack
- Fixed bug where BTTask_Basic_JumpTo was launching the target in wrong direction
- Added time limit to RG rolling attack when targeting player
- Fixed bug where RG would fall through ground when killed
- Rocks now fall from the ceiling when RG performs a jump attack in final phase
- moved nav modifier volumes to persistent level
- Blockout cliff pass in volcanic & flushed grass on Purple/Orang/Blue Quad, Elysium
- UI pass on biolab store screen, added animation and custom buttons specific to biolab
- Elysium - stalagmite placement and polish pass of lakes in Geothermal, red quad
- Fix the line trace for ape gas (was hitting foliage before landscape - which wasn't tagged)
- Updating OEI interface so the Biolab works correctly
- Add alternate proxy mesh sample setup for artists
- Adding Dead Researchers to the Ape Lab
- Adding new Deployable for Dead Prospectors for easy mission placement
- Adding new Dead Prospector materials (white) for researchers
- Adjusting prebuild ape lab to include items in inventories and place researchers
- Adjusting dialogue delays to make more sense within missions so they don't spoil big moments before - as they happen
- Added new biome curves for Arena's
- Added art assets for the homestead saloon door variant
- Fix Garganutan Jr desert spawn location being underground
- Cliff Pass and Landscape Sculpting Pass, Green and Yellow Quads, Elysium
- Fixed muzzle flash position and ads offset of the black wolf revolver by adding corresponding sockets
- Fixing GH_RG_A Camp and resaving with notes in correct locations
- Fixed Spelling Errors in GH_RG_A Camp prebuild save
- Adding Collectable Note (Laptop) and setting up
- Adjusting Save / Load Prebuilt cheat so it now sorts the avialable quest markers by distance
- Adding Missing Ape Blood Prebuilt Structure
- Adjusting the juvi spawner audio location so its in the right place
- Added art assets for the plant pots. 5 different shape variants with 4 different texture variants on each
- Adding slightly more intense spawn juvi sound and distancing for better audible cue
- Display Melee Damage stat on main inventory window for Mounts/Pets
- Added mission descriptions for GH mission trees
- Fixing issue where the parent quest was not ticking off the information correctly in GH_RG_D
- Adjusted common craft quest to allow for machine specificity
- Adding heavy rock golem gauntlet attack audio and event. Reducing weight of ape juvi attack and other ape juvi adjustments and fine tunes
- Biolab upgrade screen Slot and Pins adjustments and added background blur to upgrade slots
- Prevent spectating players when dead in instanced levels
- Added DMs for lamp post and wall mounted lamp
- Added proper DMs, as well as updated the animations and added proper colision for all meshes
- Fixing Spawner Issue in GH_RG_D which was spawning 2 rock golem spawners on top of each other
- Fixng the Retrieval Pod in GH_RG_E so it has a set location rather than a dynamic one
- Blocking in Tundra to Desert Transition pass on Yellow Quad, Elysium
- Tidy AICreature validation
- Adding new manual spawn point for the retrieval pod for GH_RG_E, this should fix issues where the pod spawns underground
- Fixing the Biofuel Calculation Quest in GH_RG_E as it was not summing the amount of biofuel stocked correctly
- Setting up Vintage Jars, Sewing Machine, Honey Pots, Ranch Gate and Sign Items for Homestead
- Adding Currency Conversion for the Biomass items into a intermediate resource and then back into biomass for exchanges on the orbital station
- Adding new Ice Mammoth Prebuilt Structure for the research lab
- Adding new bespoke Ice Mammoth Experiment for GH_IM_D quest
- Resaving spawners to fix the default variable assignments
- Adjusting Spawner Code for Ape / RockGolem Spawners and base faction mission spawners so that they scale and spawn appropriately code is not longer using the swarm component as it is not appropriate for the way the things are being spawned, added safeguards such as max creature spawn, minimum spawn distances etc
- Fixed Ape Spawner as it was spawning apes underground
- Adding in 3rd person grip socket for the slug launcher and the lava hunter flame thrower, currently unsure if they are setup to use the 3rd person sockets but they are ready to be used
- Fixing hands position and sliding on the slug launcher and lava hunter flamethrower, one small issue where the equip animation for the flamethrower doesnt use the left hand grip socket, fixing next commit pass
- Adjusted sandworm crossbow ADS to better align with the spear end
- Fixing the spear not loading correctly in the sandworm crossbow by redoing some bones in the animation to match up with the base skeleton
- Adjusting the scorpion rifle ADS to match up with crosshair
- Fixed armour materials sparkly issue to light and did an optimize pass on the master default textures
- UI pass on Biolab Upgrades screen. MAde adjustments to nodes, slot and wire locations
- Cliff and Landscape Pass on Tundra, Green and Yellow Quads, Elysium
- Blockout cliff pass in volcanic on Purple/Orange Quad, Elysium
- Prevent biome reverting to none when player dies and is a spectator inside a biome override (for clients)
- Elysium - stalagmite placement and polish pass of lakes in Geothermal, red quad
- Added DEP_Well_Reservoir with all SMs, SKs, DMs, Materials, Textures and Animations
- Adding new gun tool break audio event and data table setup for better indication that a weapon has broken. Slightly delayed and also a metallic mech element to it
- many more ape juvi sounds including new attack vocalisations, idle, idle far, aggro, whoosh and slams improving the ape Juvi experience a lot
- Added lamp post and wall mounted static meshes, material and textures
- Added 3 additonal fabric material assets for the homestead curtains. Updated homestead curtain 1 and 2 textures with adjusted colours
- Fix leave area size for Rimetusk D Great Hunt mission
- Update account flag for Garganutan unlock to match mission name
- Elysium - stalagmite placement and polish pass of lakes in Geothermal, red quad
- Update Rimetusk D to use a single explosive, pending prebuilt structure
- Adding DEP_Bench_Kitchen_Homestead_Stove, Sink and Filleting with destructibles
- Various updates and improvements to mission and legendary items
- Ignore collision for Fortification Spikes deployment, allowing them to be deployed more easily
- Fix Legendary Weapon preview not loading textures correctly by forcing MIP level & LOD on the SK/SM components and enabling updates on every frame for RenderTarget
- Elysium - added variations of buttercup flowers from Prom grasslands to Tundra grass type
- Updated Quarrite B dialogue to play explicitly when first spawn is successful, rather than after a delay
- Correcting audio timing of spawning juvis form the spawners
- Added default audio for Rimetusk Great Hunt D mission
- Update Rimetusk Great Hunt D mission requirements to match new building
- Update Workshop deployables to properly destroy when they reach 0 durability
- Update Garganutan Great Hunt A unlock text to be clearer that the items are just decorations
- Make Great Ape more vulerable to melee attacks
- Statify more elements of Slug Laucher attachments rather than switch on attachment type (to give players more feedback)
- Creatures can no longer climb the drill or large rocks on the rock golem spawners
- Adding dead Miners to the GH_RG_A_Mining outpost
- Elysium - cliff and macro placement in volcanic area surrounding geothermal, red quad
- updated weapon rack static mesh and textures
- Landscape Painting Pass, Decal Pass and Cliff Pass, Green and Yellow Quads, Elysium
- UI pass on Biolab Weapon Screen. Reimported Biolab Background Artworks
- Blockout cliff pass in volcanic on Purple/Orange Quad, Elysium
- Fixing white squares which where showing on fillable legendary weapons
- Adding Stat that can be added to items which means they no longer require to be carried in a utility slot
- Adding Setup for the LavaHunter Flamethrower Legendary weapon so when upgraded it doesn't need to be carried in the Utility Slot
- Fixing Rock Golem Spawners so they spawn the juveniles and not the Rock Golem Bosses
- Adding Revival of the Rock Golem Spawners during Mission RG_C2