over 3 years
ago -
Lil Shammgod
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Mission Achieved, Prospectors!
Beta Weekend Four provided a challenge like never experienced before on Icarus, but you took it head on with confidence, creativity and a lot of courage. With the largest journey yet to complete on foot, changing biomes and fierce new predators, it took careful planning and resource management to successfully complete.
Mission Broken Arrow saw countless warheads recovered, bosses defeated and recovery missions completed. We also include several successful performance improvements (always more coming) and balance changes for this Beta Weekend, and put out a couple of hotfixes during the weekend that addressed some spawning issues and bugs.
Make sure you keep sharing your clips and victory photos with us. We love seeing all of them, and it inspires us to keep daring to make something great for you all.
You should all be Creative Directors
Once again, we struggled to choose some favourites from all the clips you tagged us in over the weekend. Thank you to all our content creators, players and future gaming artists, you’ve outdone yourselves. Here’s a few we particularly enjoyed:
So close, yet so far - Jeff_the_maniac[clips.twitch.tv]
I'm going to make you into a hat! - SlothOcelot[clips.twitch.tv]
WOAH WOAH WOAH - WhoopWhoopGamin[www.twitch.tv]
Mammoth go Brrrr - Râ
Getting the most out of Feature Upvote
FeatureUpvote[icarus.featureupvote.com] has become familiar to most of you, as our hub for players’ ideas, bugs, features and dreams. Our development team actively combs it for information.
We’ve been working on optimising this over the last few weeks so it becomes an effective, efficient and easy hub for making sure the most popular community issues get recognition, and want to explain how you can make sure your feedback is heard.
1 - Before submitting a ticket, do a quick search that a similar ticket doesn’t already exist
Often, your great idea or bug has already been reported, even if in slightly different words. Before you submit a new ticket, search for some keywords to see if someone else has said something similar, and add to it as a comment, along with upvoting it, so we know it's important. Submitting a duplicate ticket might result in 20 tickets getting created for an issue rather than one ticket with 20 votes, which is more likely to be prioritized.
2 - Make sure you’re super clear and detailed in your explanations
We’re combing through thousands of tickets a weekend, so providing good, crisp and clear information is critical if we’re going to be able to take your feedback. Where, when and how does the issue occur? What steps could we take to reproduce the bug ourselves? If relevant, what graphics card and drivers do you have?
3 - Keep it constructive, we’re all building this game together
We know bugs and imbalances are frustrating, but that’s why we do these Beta Weekends! When submitting your tickets or comments, make sure to breathe, think through your feedback, and provide it in a constructive way. Getting upset just makes it trickier for us to decipher what you mean which leads to us not being able to include your feedback in our sprints.
We’ve loved so many of the ideas, suggestions and thoughts you’ve offered over the last four weeks. Let's make the next three even better by using feature upvote to its full potential!
If you want to get a picturesque shot, remember to press 9 on your Number Pad to hide the UI, and post them in #screenshots in our Discord[discord.gg].
Credit: Quiet
Credit: Chill
Credit: Tiberius
Credit: Septic Falcon
Credit: Beinn
Credit: Lolly
Credit: Munnky
Get ready for Beta Weekend Five
We might have just finished Mission: Broken Arrow, but the sands are stirring and the Desert is ready for its first adventurers. Beta Weekend 5 is almost upon us, read about how our Beta Weekends work here.
Beta Weekend Five begins on:
- 5pm Friday 22nd October PDT
- 1am Saturday 23rd October UTC
- 1pm Saturday 23rd October NZT
- Liam