almost 2 years ago - Icarus - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
27s [Music]
36s [Music]
68s [Music]
86s you
92s [Music]
140s one
143s [Music]
155s [Music]
161s [Music]
169s [Music]
206s [Music]
356s [Music]
372s [Music]
380s [Music]
412s [Laughter]
414s [Music]
443s [Music]
473s [Music]
499s [Music]
599s all right go ahead liam we're live hello
601s hello hello
602s all right
603s hello
606s all right we'll uh
607s get this underway uh we have dean just
610s loading it as well with j-rod here who
612s will be playing
613s and
614s i'll be somewhat hosting right in the
616s ama and i've got a bunch of great team
618s members coming in to join us got a bunch
620s of questions already uh laid out
622s which are looking really really good to
624s cover some of the topics i know you guys
626s have been asking about for
628s quite a few weeks now and also if you'd
630s like another question to be asked or
632s send a chat about um please drop it in
634s discord in the lobby or here in twitch
636s chat um we won't be able to answer
638s everything we don't have a all the time
639s in the world but we'll try and cover as
641s much as we can and try not to repeat
643s ourselves in any topics so
645s thank you all for joining i hope you're
646s all enjoying sticks i know it's been a
649s pretty busy weekend uh the game's out
651s we've heard some really really good
652s things from the new update i've seen
654s some really really cool clips here
656s people are loving the kias even though
658s they're pests and making your lives hard
660s um even is enjoying the new space so you
662s know thank you so much for all jumping
664s in and getting involved um
667s welcome welcome home jrod and dean we're
668s starting uh yeah jumping starting a new
670s character j-rod yep starting new
672s characters i had to delete mine um
675s first question
676s hard or medium or easy
680s are you really asking that question okay
683s done
687s just casual jared is this the new casual
690s j-room
694s i went with hard
696s good
698s all right while you guys get set up i
700s will go and summon our first two guests
702s for the day which is two of our game
703s designers adam and shawn are we
706s how's that work so you guys can jab
708s along and play i'll bring adam and sean
709s into uh chat answers some questions but
711s you guys are obviously welcome to chime
713s in as well with any thoughts any of them
714s as well uh and would probably mute you
717s though no fair enough you can't play the
719s game and try and oh very fear my voice
721s is uh a drone versus soothing so i
723s completely relate and understand you
725s guys could you guys i don't know how
727s should we do that j-rod
729s should we just mute you you just mute
731s them
731s [Laughter]
734s no strings they won't be able to ask us
736s questions
738s turn this volume down i had seen them in
740s a written
741s they could've seen them in a room they
742s could write us a leader write you a
744s letter snail mail
747s tell you what if i've got a question i
748s think you might like i'll drop a line to
749s you as well you're welcome to unmute me
751s for a brief period
756s see if you can join my session dean i'm
758s looking for it
764s all right while you guys get on surface
766s i'll get them loaded in
786s you
812s oh there's a wolf already i'm running
816s nice
817s great start really what we needed
830s i'm just going to be dying here
840s this has gotten very well to start we
841s already have lost our first uh
844s our first teammate but don't worry our
846s rocket is here too do not go to your
848s right
848s [Laughter]
852s or or go to your right and die
854s that's up to you
860s oh you should come res me
863s will do
865s i'm just sitting my
868s all right i want these two uh figure out
870s what they're up to start dropping some
871s questions in chat so i'm just going to
873s respond the first two guys we've got
875s jump again adam and shawn they are two
876s of our game designers so any question
878s you've got related to game design that
880s could be to do with missions it could be
881s to do with some of the processes and um
884s infrastructure we have in the game it
885s could be how the game runs in place
887s anything in that space that is your
889s go-to uh topics to cover so drop some uh
892s messages in twitch or in the lobby
895s channel and discord thank you talk
896s through
898s what do you mean
899s you're coming through uh liam's coming
902s through you're just mike because he's
904s really loud i'll be quiet guys
907s this is nice this is not asmr stream
910s hello adam welcome to the stream
913s oh thank you
914s i i can't um yeah i can't mute
921s all right
924s we'll just wait for our shoulders as
926s well sean and adam here uh so serve
928s again so before we actually get into it
930s adam and sure just want to give a quick
932s background on what you do for the team
934s and um you know what you've really
936s enjoyed about stacks
939s oh yeah um adam uh design uh lead on
942s icarus um
944s been at rockworks for
946s well it's over over two years now um
950s yeah it's gone pretty good uh
952s you know it's um oh sorry this music is
955s playing over the top of me
957s just joining into the game now um
960s yeah sorry what was the question
962s what do i enjoy about sticks yeah what i
963s enjoyed about making it getting involved
965s in it you know what and what have we
966s done on it it's just been really cool to
968s see just a whole new environment come
970s together um you know so we we had a
973s first couple of test maps that were
975s making it at the start of the project um
978s and then you know we eventually ended up
980s with what became uh olympus map
983s and um you know we've been playing on
985s that on that for quite a while now so
987s it's uh yeah it's just been it's kind of
989s like getting to re-explore the game
992s again from from from the start with uh
994s playing on a new map like sticks
996s love it awesome here and sean a little
999s bit of an intro about yourself and i
1000s know what you've been up to on sticks
1002s and what you love about it
1004s um sean i started as an artist uh the
1007s first artist on the project um kind of
1009s now in
1011s the design team i'd say pretty heavily
1013s um
1014s yeah i guess uh stixx is just nice to
1016s see um just a bunch of the lessons
1018s learned uh applied in
1020s um
1021s kind of big broad strokes and just a
1023s just a nice um kind of step forward um
1027s from from what was a good kind of
1030s proving ground in um olympus just to see
1032s uh
1033s you know where we where we can go from
1035s here
1037s love that no awesome here guys so uh
1039s i'll jump into some of the questions we
1041s do have for you guys around you know
1042s what um
1044s what we've got from game design and then
1045s i'll also pull some questions out of
1047s discord and twitch as well for you so
1048s we've got some ones to topic um but the
1051s first one i've got here is um actually
1053s quite a cool one so when deciding the
1055s look and feel of something say a new arm
1057s or a new bench how do you um decide on
1059s the balance of kind of grit tech reels
1061s and fantasy is it some kind of round
1063s table discussion or do they just submit
1065s concept to make a decision so i guess
1067s what's the process and how do you decide
1068s all the elements of what goes into those
1070s new features
1073s i'd say that sounds very much like an
1075s art question uh i'll pass that one over
1077s to sean
1079s um uh i guess yeah kind of key as being
1082s that um round table discussion so a lot
1084s of the stuff that kind of um comes
1086s through
1087s uh concept or even you know uh
1090s updates through the modeling stage um we
1092s kind of
1093s all weigh-in i guess um everyone kind of
1096s considering uh
1098s different elements um
1100s the design team is a pretty cool little
1101s amalgamation of different talents uh so
1105s it's just
1105s yeah definitely like a kind of group um
1110s unless someone has like a very strong
1111s opinion you know that they can um
1115s vouch for or
1117s kind of
1118s stake claiming then it's yeah definitely
1120s like a unanimous decision that we kind
1122s of all look at i guess you know
1124s different parts of the project does it
1125s fit in with aesthetic does it fit its
1127s function um and all that jazz
1131s cool so i guess that kind of plays into
1133s a lot of the features we put it because
1135s i know that a common discussion has been
1137s right how do you balance realism with
1139s obviously um you know enjoying the play
1142s style enjoying the game and not having
1144s realism somewhat drain away from the
1146s experience so obviously that comes up a
1149s lot in a lot of decisions we make so
1151s what is kind of i guess the the team's
1153s thought process around finding a nice
1155s balance between the game not being
1156s ridiculous but also still having their
1158s layer of fun so we're not you're not
1160s having to focus on every single element
1162s you'd actually have to focus on as a
1163s human being in real life
1166s um i guess for me it's it's definitely
1168s been um
1171s a learning curve to kind of
1174s be able to steer away from realism a bit
1177s you know when it's when it comes down to
1180s gameplay versus realism
1191s the negatives gameplay that realistic
1193s approach versus what are the what are
1194s the positives from you know
1196s doing things a little little differently
1198s um
1199s so yeah and we we try and find ourselves
1201s in the middle ground but um
1204s yeah
1206s no that that's really good and i know
1207s that that can be a difficult balance
1209s sometimes and i know that people at
1210s times can have you know they they prefer
1212s one or the other so i think it is quite
1214s kind of um important to understand how
1216s we obviously have to make those
1218s decisions and ultimately at the end of
1220s the day the biggest thing about a game
1221s is it's fun and there's elements of real
1224s life that i promise you that no one
1226s enjoys so if we wouldn't be that
1227s detailed there's an element of taking
1229s away from that
1230s um so am i gonna go to work simulator
1232s you know yeah what do you want
1235s every morning in the rain like we can
1236s put it in but you probably hate us so
1239s all right we'll jump onto the next one
1240s which is one that um i know has been
1242s something that the team has been talking
1243s about internally which is around
1244s rebalancing things so will we see every
1247s balance of some items so they've seemed
1249s a little bit useless in the i guess
1251s scale of things such as the pistol is
1253s there a plan for more rebalancing around
1255s existing pieces or or if not is there a
1258s reason why certain items may not feel
1260s like they serve a purpose but actually
1261s have a different kind of value pay off
1268s that one john yeah i'll jump it um
1271s you know i mean it is as seen by just
1274s the
1275s the weekly kind of cadence update um
1278s we definitely try and consider
1280s holistically as much as we can um
1283s [Music]
1284s i'd say
1285s balance would definitely come with um
1288s kind of purpose um so you know if we
1291s don't see things kind of
1293s sitting their intended purpose or
1295s finding you know some someone uses some
1297s stuff in some cool creative ways maybe
1300s i'm leaning into that and
1302s trying to leverage that so um there's
1304s definitely a couple things on our radar
1306s that
1307s we are you know 100 aware about but that
1311s kind of just changing on a whim um
1314s it
1315s might have
1316s a few more knock-on effects um so you
1318s know the example you gave the pistol at
1320s the moment does does fit like a little
1322s niche of like an easier access um
1325s firearm um but uh
1328s you know upping
1329s the
1330s the damage or you know
1332s there's this sure like minor tweaks we
1335s can kind of do on everything which is a
1337s rabbit hole that kind of starts to
1339s spiral the more you get into it um so i
1342s guess uh
1343s looking at um maybe the whole uh
1347s guns
1348s as a blanket and then looking at their
1350s fit um compared to other animals other
1353s creatures um but again kind of comes
1355s with that purpose so um you know if the
1358s majority of the stuff isn't
1361s isn't kind of broken maybe
1364s don't touch a tiny little minutiae
1366s unless it's a you know very very kind of
1368s easy game and then
1371s reevaluate as different parts of the
1373s project come coming so you know things
1374s like the scorpion boss how does he play
1376s with guns okay you know if guns aren't
1378s good enough to tackle him then like does
1380s he need to change or do guns need to
1381s change as a crude example but oh yeah
1385s short answer balancing ongoing hundred
1388s percent i actually kind of raised
1390s another question and there was one of
1391s your points which is around um yeah if
1393s we see a creative way a certain item or
1394s feature is used that you know we may
1396s look down that path do have we had any
1398s situations where we've seen the
1400s porcelain game and gone oh heck this is
1402s used in a completely different way than
1403s we expected or there's something here
1405s that we hadn't predicted so let's
1407s explore that and see how we can
1409s obviously build that out and develop it
1410s have we seen anything in particular like
1412s that or is it something that we can't
1414s say we have done yet but we've got a few
1416s on our radar
1418s um
1420s i'd say the question one creative
1422s example is kind of leaving in the fact
1424s that people are kind of hand making some
1427s little lightning rods um by you know
1429s building structures higher not
1431s necessarily like unintended as we did
1434s you know say cool look for structures
1436s high up to strike with lightning but
1438s little
1439s little things like that that i guess are
1441s um not necessarily intended features but
1443s that are kind of gameplay centric things
1447s another one actually being kind of bare
1449s jousting which wasn't an intended
1452s straight up implementation but people
1453s kind of learnt
1454s behavior around it and we actually fixed
1457s it which then made bears
1460s not kind of as fun to play so then we
1462s kind of purposefully put it back in just
1464s because it actually did fit that
1465s playstyle and um
1467s get all that um you know that kind of
1470s fun combat kind of mechanic back in yeah
1472s because that kind of speaks to as well
1474s with um obviously game design the
1475s balance between how something is intent
1477s and how something is experienced so are
1479s you finding us obviously we move through
1481s all these months of occurrence and now
1483s with sticks that we're learning more and
1484s more and more about the game actually in
1486s the hands of players with the thousands
1488s of hours and going okay we can see
1490s things molding and developing here and
1492s that you know how much does that
1493s influence um you know how you guys take
1496s the game forward is there a specific
1498s balance or does it kind of even flow
1500s with this is the direction we're taking
1501s it but this is how players are playing
1503s is it an ongoing kind of movement
1508s yeah i think um
1509s obviously you know if we find
1512s players making use of a mechanic that
1513s you know we thought oh it would be this
1515s would be great for a but they're
1516s actually using it for b then you know
1519s and if that doesn't have any massive uh
1521s repercussions then um yeah we'll
1523s absolutely lean into that kind of stuff
1525s it's um it's very much a live service
1527s game you know we we're
1529s we're taking on board feedback and um
1532s you know seeing how players are playing
1533s the game and kind of uh moulding it to
1536s to suit that as well awesome awesome i
1539s guess one more point just slightly on
1541s here which is a bit um off the side
1543s that's the death oh we've lost someone
1545s nope still alive
1548s one thing we obviously talked about
1549s there was the pistol being an example of
1551s an item that people felt was possibly
1553s useless at the moment on the topic of
1554s guns is there plans obviously for guns
1557s to be suddenly come to the workshop do
1558s we have more expansion and firearms
1560s coming forward um or do we feel that
1562s there is a reason why we haven't
1563s necessarily gone down that path with
1565s firearms yet
1568s hey i need i need a rescue
1573s yeah i mean firearms is a tricky one
1575s because
1576s i mean in order to make firearms
1579s uh not completely op you need to have
1582s bigger creatures and bigger creatures
1583s have their own set of challenges
1585s um that you know players that are that
1588s were around on you know beta weekend one
1590s um they'll know that the the creature
1593s scope is quite different and you know
1595s it's constantly expanding and evolving
1597s and um you know with that we we get
1600s bigger creatures and
1601s bigger creatures need bigger guns so
1603s it's definitely something we we want to
1605s lean into um i know that uh oh god
1609s ow yep i've just slept
1611s well
1614s you look like you're standing up j-rod
1617s broken bone he is uh
1619s gone but not forgotten over-encumbered
1621s because okay
1622s um but yeah just just to kind of check
1624s on on adam it's it's again just about if
1627s we hit that kind of ceiling too fast um
1630s uh you know we give the players a rocket
1633s launcher straight away it's like
1635s you know kind of you have to keep one
1637s upping yourself so i think it's just
1639s about taking those um measured steps
1641s slowly um
1643s just about yeah
1645s not not kind of
1646s leaping off a a cliff um
1649s nicely
1652s um yeah but just yeah yeah kind of
1654s taking those measured steps yeah a good
1656s example is the uh is the lever action
1658s right so we
1659s that was one of the first guns or might
1661s have been the first gun we had uh in the
1663s game
1664s and um you know it was a five or six
1666s shot semi-automatic you know real quick
1669s to
1670s put bullets down range and it was just
1673s overpowered because at the time we had i
1675s think we might have had the bear
1677s um it was as the biggest challenge and
1680s it was just mowing everything so
1682s then we like okay we need we need
1685s something that fires a bit slower which
1686s became the um the bolt action rifle so
1689s um yeah players early on might have
1691s remembered seeing
1693s the i guess the lever action rifle
1695s switch places with the bolt action
1697s because it became a higher tier weapon
1700s got you
1701s um so
1702s if i'm a little confused then other
1704s people probably are where is this the
1707s ama segment yeah so we'll obviously just
1709s do some questions with some of the team
1711s over the top where you guys chat but
1712s you're obviously also welcome to jump in
1713s and ask where should people post the
1715s questions uh so if you'd like to ask a
1717s question this place is a hashtag
1719s lobbying discord or just on twitch chat
1721s and i'll be pulling a few out of there
1722s but we also had a few of our mods go out
1724s the last couple of weeks and grab a few
1725s from the community and organize them so
1727s we've got some briefings already had but
1728s we'll obviously pick up some new ones uh
1730s about six things it's now been out three
1732s days so drop them in twitch or lobby and
1734s discord
1735s and i'm sure i speak from everyone who
1739s who
1739s frequents amas the important thing about
1742s an ama is not to pick
1744s the um questions that necessarily always
1747s that we'd like because the worst thing
1749s about an ama is when it's just a bunch
1751s of like
1752s um you know like when they do the movie
1754s ones and the actors are just like yeah
1756s it was my greatest project
1759s for sure and i guess the next question
1760s will be exactly one that everyone wants
1762s which is around transportation
1764s so is there going to be any kind of
1766s transportation uh even in the short term
1768s like amounts or even a carriage to
1770s transport you uh more than you can lift
1772s as your character so they give you that
1774s extra carry-on opportunity so i guess
1776s what is the vision for transportation
1778s what are we thinking guys
1781s well i think people should probably on
1782s the transportation front read the blog
1784s posts um yeah we
1787s outlined there basically we still have a
1789s lot of homework to do with the game
1791s i think um
1794s um
1794s yeah well that's the key thing is we've
1797s we've kind of been doing our homework
1799s with the game through the last 25 weeks
1801s six is kind of a culmination of that and
1804s and yeah i mean we did a milestone data
1806s miners have found some of the work we
1809s did on vehicles early on um
1811s yeah something everybody wants to do
1815s all right what were your thoughts adam
1817s shawn
1819s yep they definitely um summed it up as i
1821s said just even just reading that steam
1823s kind of post really nicely um
1825s encapsulates it it's just about
1827s you very rarely uh
1830s sorry very readily run the risk of um
1832s destroying a lot of content by taking
1835s that step too early um
1838s uh you know just carefully kind of
1841s mapped out map we've got some cool
1842s biomes cool vistas um i think you're
1845s blowing by a whole bunch of that in a
1847s vehicle
1848s not to mention the um conversation
1850s around nicely navigating a vehicle
1853s around things like the
1855s the forest and um
1856s areas like that will i think cause a lot
1859s more problems then
1861s they'll just solve by being able to move
1863s fast
1864s so
1865s definitely on
1866s you know the radar
1868s do a lot of conversation around it do a
1870s lot of um
1872s planning and you know how could we make
1874s this work but um for the for the most
1876s part it's i think as dean said you know
1878s learning the the lessons on things like
1880s our environments and being able to
1882s implement that and something large scale
1884s sticks um is like a nice big step
1887s forward just in
1888s the general project and vehicles
1890s definitely talked about but um i
1892s wouldn't say coming very soon yes cool
1895s cool i guess actually now just watching
1897s gerald slide to his death again one
1899s people might be interested in is what
1900s type of vehicles are we thinking about
1902s because there's obviously been talk
1903s about handful carts for more carry
1905s weight someone's actually just mentioned
1906s in chat will be cool will be a glider
1908s for some of those near dear situations
1910s or are we thinking motorized so what i
1913s guess has been discussed or looked at
1917s i mean now that we have the uh the kia
1919s bird in the uh in the game we need uh
1922s wing suits right um
1924s i think there's a lot of things a lot of
1925s situations of value for those as we have
1927s seen in the last 10 minutes
1929s oh is this where we put in game requests
1932s yes
1935s yeah so i it'd be interesting to see
1937s obviously the direction we take vehicles
1938s how we play them out but to obviously
1940s hear a bit about um
1942s you know what goes into that decision
1944s and i guess an interesting point as well
1946s is around you know what when we consider
1948s an item and how we add it how many
1950s different um you know just how many
1952s different things can get affected by
1954s that decision and what do we have to
1955s consider when making those decisions so
1957s um i guess what's the process internally
1959s when it comes to that we've spoken a bit
1961s about obviously thinking about how we
1962s discuss balancing items but is there the
1964s same kind of discussion internally
1965s around how do we add something without
1967s creating you know an apocalypse
1970s yeah i mean it's it's very much i think
1972s sean touched on an earlier was um it's
1975s very much a collaborative uh effort um
1978s you know we all
1979s enjoy different parts of the game and
1981s we've all kind of
1983s put um
1984s yeah we've all kind of
1986s had our hands on different systems in
1989s the game so you know we each bring
1992s different kind of viewpoints and
1993s perspectives on you know if we add item
1996s x how is that going to affect a b and c
1998s you know and um you know through a lot
2001s of back and forth and
2002s making sure it fits in the game fits in
2004s the theme fits visually if it's you know
2007s the law all that kind of stuff um
2009s this there's definitely been some items
2011s that have tried to sneak in and uh kind
2013s of get past those and um yeah we've
2015s caught them and
2017s changed them up or you know just make
2019s sure that everything kind of is cohesive
2022s awesome i've got a cool question here uh
2025s just coming in from the community around
2027s uh some of the reward systems so um
2030s texas prospect rewards are pretty
2031s similar in count um as some of the later
2033s olympus missions but some of the
2035s missions are harder and the example
2036s given here was alcazar uh eddie plans on
2039s a holistic rebalance some of the rewards
2041s um so some like the farming missions
2043s obviously are quite tough and is there a
2045s plan to obviously always looking at
2047s balancing rewards and i guess um no
2049s currencies and whatnot alongside items
2056s that one sean
2058s yeah yeah i mean
2059s again same with everything you know live
2061s service game um as soon as we kind of
2065s move the bar or i see that something
2067s requires a new tier or a new
2071s uh
2071s you know we're throwing around ideas of
2073s in the the the different implementation
2076s ideas i should say of like the different
2078s reward types um kind of moving forward
2081s so again live service game definitely um
2085s as
2085s as we see an outlier or see something
2087s egregiously
2089s offending our beautiful designer minds
2093s definitely expect things to be changed
2096s but not without
2097s kind of a lot of discussion as with
2098s anything item balance or
2101s all that jazz definitely carefully
2103s considered um
2104s but yeah as with rewards as with
2106s everything else in the game there's so
2109s many kind of avenues and aspects to
2112s consider with like an open world live
2114s service game i guess um
2116s yeah awesome
2118s cool um we'll jump into one here um
2120s around obviously the map and the
2122s environment so will we see changes to
2124s icarus i guess olympus and sticks in the
2126s existing environments over time as well
2128s or are those going to be more permanent
2130s with obviously more changes applied to
2132s missions and creatures and items and
2134s whatnot
2136s we've got a successful kill over here
2139s i heard it too
2141s um
2143s sorry what was the question uh yeah so
2145s um we're looking at obviously the
2146s accuracy environment are we expecting to
2148s see changes today
2149s yeah um totally yeah i mean um
2154s i think sticks are still fresh um you
2157s know there's been a lot of uh obviously
2159s uh testing uh leading up to its launch
2162s um we're still finding
2164s new areas like as you know
2167s not not as as world builders but as the
2169s designers you know we're still finding
2170s all these cool areas that that has been
2172s built um
2174s and so we're like exploring how missions
2177s will go in those areas um you know we
2179s might need to move some
2180s [Music]
2181s some impossible cliffs here and there to
2184s to make room for things but um
2187s i mean the the the world that you know
2189s that we kind of get given as as
2191s designers is um
2193s massive and there's so much opportunity
2195s that um
2197s you know that hasn't really needed to
2198s happen but uh
2201s i would say like for for the most part
2203s what's cool about sticks is again kind
2205s of one of those um i guess less and
2207s learn uh type implementations is um you
2210s know the base set of missions does
2212s fundamentally change um the way you
2214s navigate the map by unblocking those
2216s like shortcuts so i guess that that's
2218s kind of like a step in that direction of
2220s like permanently affecting and kind of
2223s changing your environment um definitely
2225s had you know precursory conversations
2227s around
2228s events and and all that jazz um i guess
2231s it's just been about not not not again
2234s taking on too much um too quickly
2236s without looking at the knock-on effects
2239s and stuff because again once you've kind
2240s of made that change you've made that
2242s change it's yeah
2244s harder to retcon um at that point yeah
2246s for sure and i think that um that idea
2248s of obviously really considering all the
2250s elements of change um no it can be hard
2252s to understand at times too that um you
2254s know there's a lot of thought process
2256s that goes into every change because
2257s impacts are compounding it's almost a
2259s ripple effect things don't just have one
2261s small impact and undoing something is
2263s always harder than doing in the first
2264s place i think we've learned that too
2267s even looking at the fact that it's a
2269s live service game you know making a
2271s change and say half of the player bases
2273s on that one prospect in that one spot um
2276s and you say cool there's a big uh
2278s asteroid that lands and creates a
2280s mountain on the spot and you end up
2283s covering our player bases already set up
2286s nice spaces um yeah yeah yeah
2288s yeah and that's all cool learning
2290s experience too and i think the live
2292s service game area that's been i guess
2294s something for us that's been really fun
2295s to experiment with so i guess for you
2297s guys what's been the coolest thing about
2298s through the live service space and
2300s what's been the hardest
2303s for me definitely just the the direct
2304s community feedback um you know the uh
2308s the mod testers sorry the mod the mods
2311s um and they're the level of testing that
2313s they do uh on the experimental branches
2316s um and just everyone getting involved
2317s there you know like even preparing
2319s spreadsheets with you know links or
2321s links to feature upvote and all that
2323s kind of stuff like feature up but it's
2324s been a massive thing for us as well
2326s um just being able to see at a glance
2329s what the biggest issues are you know
2331s averaged out by the community
2332s um
2333s yeah there's been that direct feedback
2335s and constant feedback really yeah shout
2338s out to the um the experimental branch
2339s team and all the other people in discord
2341s and across feature effort have helped
2343s like you guys probably would never
2344s realize how awesome it is to get that
2346s and you know the level you've gone above
2347s and beyond this the spreadsheet is a
2349s great example and stuff like that just
2350s makes us go oh heck these people are
2352s pretty on to it so a big thanks to you
2355s all for that
2356s um we've got a cool one here from um
2358s shangpo and the chris um server is any
2361s word on skill caps or being out of
2362s research skills so i guess more of a
2364s broad topic around school capture i'll
2365s be looking to obviously at any point uh
2367s increased levels increase more skills
2370s more unlockable items i know we've got a
2372s lot of veteran players now in the team
2373s who have got you know an
2375s absolute mountain worth of points and
2378s blueprint and unlocked so what's the
2379s plan to obviously extend that and build
2381s that out or to provide more opportunity
2383s for those points to be spent
2387s um tricky one um
2389s uh i guess you know again first step in
2392s that direction is providing the kind of
2394s single respec um option uh just to kind
2398s of diversify based on that that
2401s kind of one player um
2404s mentality uh if you you're gonna ride
2406s out that one player across the game um
2408s being able to respect into some new
2411s points that maybe get added to the tree
2413s um or so um i would say it's again it's
2416s a hard one to address holistically to
2418s say oh you know there's this massive
2419s long-term plan to
2421s fully address
2423s every aspect of you know your character
2425s progression and all that it's again one
2427s of the kind of ongoing things that we
2430s evaluate at different stages you know if
2431s there's a big piece of tech that goes in
2434s um say we add a new
2437s whole system to the game that requires
2439s its own you know entire branch of the
2441s talent tree um its own category then
2443s it's like how do we um
2445s you know incentivize current players um
2449s to invest in that how do we enable them
2451s without starting a new character do we
2453s want you know a new character every time
2455s um to have to engage with those big
2457s systems um it's again yeah ongoing
2460s conversational uh like meetings and um
2463s how it plays with the game as a whole in
2465s hell
2466s and then again re-addressing once the
2469s player feedback comes in
2471s like
2472s um
2473s how how it did land how it did stick how
2475s it's been engaged with um yeah cool
2479s awesome that's really really good and
2480s again i think it's another area too
2482s you're gonna have players who are
2484s unbelievably good at this game and are
2486s gonna max it out you know players on the
2487s other end of the spectrum too who are
2489s more happy with you know earning a few
2490s points here and there and being able to
2491s do some stuff with it so i guess there's
2494s also that idea that uh we'll always try
2496s to do as much as we can for every type
2498s of player but you're working with such a
2500s diverse player base that at times it is
2502s obviously being able to account for both
2503s really yeah
2505s and not only that um you know being able
2508s like creating a game that scales from
2510s one player to eight players on top of
2512s that uh yeah absolutely challenging but
2514s um you know we're looking for those
2516s those wins where we can say you know
2518s this this will work in in a multiple of
2520s scenarios you know this will work for
2522s veterans this will work for casuals
2524s um you know this will work for
2527s one player this will work for eight very
2529s very unlikely that happens but um you
2532s know with the i mean the
2534s the
2535s changes that we've done in the
2536s difficulty system
2537s um have have given us opportunity to
2541s revisit that quite a bit
2543s um mission difficulty and and so on like
2545s you know when we when we spawn a
2547s boss creature for a mission you know we
2549s we look up how many people are playing
2551s at the time you know we we buff their
2553s health or all that kind of thing so
2556s it is is very much an ongoing um thing
2559s to kind of expand on as we go
2561s cool that's really really good
2563s um i can see this one coming up all the
2565s time and not to shut up not going to
2567s ignore him which is uh fishing what is
2570s the plan with fishing everyone want to
2572s get out there and do their best fishing
2573s job they all want to be on discovery
2575s channel tell us what's going on team
2579s fishing
2581s there's something near and dear to my
2582s heart like i love fishing in real life
2584s um
2585s and i guess it's one of those ones that
2587s we don't want to
2589s half bake just for the sake of having
2591s the mechanic in so you know might even
2593s fall into one of those cool big bigger
2596s system categories um
2598s uh you know first stage might be
2600s something like um we had a quite early
2602s implementation of like fishing traps
2604s which were quite like a nice little um
2606s passive thing that that worked so you
2608s know i might be like
2609s exploring now that we have deployable
2612s traps um in other areas kind of bringing
2614s that system back as a as a start um but
2617s yeah just just about not kind of half
2618s baking something just for the sake of
2621s taking the fireplace away from me
2623s cool
2625s sorry sean
2626s he's just making me mad
2628s [Laughter]
2630s actually i just obviously saw something
2632s on screen that wanted to raise a
2633s question some people have talked about
2634s which is around debuffs i just noticed a
2636s new one there the komodo byte um debuffs
2639s are an interesting one we are obviously
2641s really putting in a lot of more risk
2643s reward factors with a lot of um actions
2645s in game
2646s what goes into those decisions and how
2647s do we obviously make them unique enough
2649s that there is always something different
2651s about every type of um
2654s every type of debuff every type of buff
2656s and how does that balancing system work
2660s can i say that the
2662s i'm really stoked with the
2664s implementation that we did of the
2665s komodo's behavior um yeah just
2668s the the fact that you can pretty much
2670s walk straight up to it and it just
2672s casually ignores you but if there's food
2674s around
2675s and you're near its food it will just go
2677s skits so
2679s i think that that's just really cool
2681s that we've um kind of and that that
2683s leans into i guess part of its balancing
2686s too you know if
2687s you need to make a decision where you
2689s you know do you need that food more than
2691s the komodo does if so you risk a pretty
2694s pretty gnarly bite an infection um you
2696s know do you help me
2700s you mean bit
2701s yeah
2703s um yeah yeah so you know do you have the
2706s equipment to to to cure it yeah no yeah
2712s love that hanging on a new character yes
2715s i've got a good question here from um
2717s odin wright and twitch i said you put it
2718s in discord too which is uh what's your
2720s ultimate goal for the size of the map
2722s and is there any plans to upgrade to
2723s unreal five at any point
2729s uh gabriel five one might be a better
2731s question to jump down later but do you
2733s want to i guess chat to the plan for the
2734s size of the map
2738s sean did you want to talk to the like
2739s the um the i guess the the changes that
2742s we did to the mission layout
2744s for sticks in comparison to to olympus
2747s yeah so i guess um uh just overall uh
2752s blanket answer to golf or size of map um
2755s i guess just as as as big as feels good
2759s um you know there's no point in doing
2761s this this huge um 64 by 64 kilometer map
2766s um
2767s without vehicles you know like there's
2769s no there's no um
2771s kind of straight answer to that so i
2773s guess just map size
2776s whatever we feel like feel feels good um
2779s it gives us enough kind of room to work
2780s with um for the missions as adam said
2783s olympus was like our first
2785s implementation
2786s and so again learning lessons um it was
2788s a
2789s quite a linear experience and we took
2791s you from one of the forests and to a
2793s couple of the biomes into the next virus
2795s into the couple of other biomes and um
2797s kind of tiered the missions as they went
2799s sticks is going to be definitely a more
2801s um kind of open approach where you kind
2804s of
2805s uh
2807s take your path again comes with some
2808s caveats of like
2810s missions not necessarily like tiered to
2812s like you know start here and here um
2816s but a kind of cooler player-driven
2818s experience i feel um being able to kind
2820s of
2820s navigate and choose the areas you want
2822s to open up first and yeah tackle
2825s awesome definitely some definitely
2827s something we wanted to explore too with
2828s sticks was that um
2831s uh we felt like
2832s we we
2834s cut off access to biomes in a lot of the
2836s missions um and you know when we wanted
2838s to
2839s uh
2840s make special items you know so um
2843s for example squash got moved to the
2845s desert only
2846s um and then we had missions that didn't
2849s act didn't give you access to to the
2851s desert so
2852s we kind of felt that with that approach
2855s it uh it was limiting kind of the
2857s gameplay that we were creating so it was
2860s it was definitely nice to kind of take a
2862s different approach with sticks and you
2863s know we're
2864s we're not using um
2866s you know those those those bound
2868s boundary limitations and stuff uh we're
2870s using
2871s the world more naturally to do that kind
2873s of progression yeah cool
2876s cool um i've got a good one here that's
2878s coming um
2879s from with a test tutor i didn't see it
2881s on twitch so i didn't get to it earlier
2883s but thanks for putting it again in
2884s discord which is will you have to be
2886s reducing the mission timer's length uh
2888s so they feel some people are feeling
2889s that they're a bit too long and don't
2890s really pose a threat as they might be
2892s intending or i guess what is the ideas
2894s now behind mission timing we obviously
2896s made a um
2898s change recently to how those work that
2899s was one of our big updates a few weeks
2901s back so i guess do we have any more
2903s plans to reduce those to increase the
2905s threat level or how do we plan on
2907s working with them in the future
2910s yeah so that um
2912s that mission timer change um obviously
2915s has a massive impact on this um
2918s yeah we're going from
2921s i mean i guess that that's one of the
2922s reasons why the missions were so long is
2924s because you know we had to account for
2926s people who couldn't you know play it
2928s every day and so we had to make them
2930s week long and then some were a month
2932s long so um
2935s they didn't necessarily
2937s suit the mission as much as it did um
2941s uh average player play time so
2944s i think we will definitely see
2946s a
2947s a shift
2948s in that as as we kind of move forward um
2951s you know tricky thing with
2952s doing changes on a live service game is
2955s you know if we uh if we chop those
2957s timers then uh you know what kind of
2959s happens to those existing prospects you
2961s know and uh expectations you know
2964s so um yeah i think it'll be a soft
2967s ongoing change that we uh that we do
2969s cool i love that
2972s cool um i'll jump into this one here
2974s which is i know another one that people
2975s have been asking for a while and i saw a
2977s lot more um chatting about it now that
2979s we've brought the kia's out which is
2980s will they be tameable animals to write
2982s in the future or to have his pets or to
2984s use his buddies i guess are we looking
2986s to do more animals than just have them
2988s as um you know prey or predators
2993s yeah i mean again it's definitely been a
2996s conversation that we've um had animal
2998s husbandry would be a definitely like a
3000s cool um
3002s addition uh i guess it's just more about
3004s oh that was not good
3007s like the the
3008s uh
3009s the implications and um and uh you know
3013s how it works with our
3015s with our system um our capabilities as a
3018s studio you know and and
3020s what we kind of devote um time to um so
3024s it's definitely
3025s again on the
3027s on the discussion table um some of the
3028s games have have done it quite um simply
3031s valheim's got a very very simple um kind
3034s of taming mechanic um that would be like
3036s maybe a nice like parallel to to look at
3039s as a um stepping stone um
3042s so yeah again uh
3044s yeah
3046s it's just about continuing that
3047s conversation and yeah seeing seeing what
3049s we can
3050s i guess even in the chat in the check
3052s and have some peace of mind that is uh
3054s something we've talked about and
3055s considered and we have heard you and we
3056s like the idea too you know a lot of the
3058s stuff that um you guys talk about we
3060s really like it as well and um for us a
3062s lot of the time like you've heard a lot
3063s of decision-making goes into how do we
3065s do this so it's cool and not um
3067s absolutely game breaking so um i think
3071s all of us would love to have a care as a
3072s pet i think that is a uh across the team
3075s feeling so you can rest easy on that one
3078s um shoulder mounted pits exactly it'll
3080s be awesome i really just want to care to
3081s land on my arm and i could send it out
3083s to get me dinner that would just be the
3084s dream so put that one down um i've got
3087s one here which um i think i guess i'll
3089s just cover off because i know a lot of
3090s people uh may still be a bit in the dark
3092s about it but um has been answered for a
3094s while which is around when players are
3096s going to start seeing alien flora and
3098s fauna um in the game um so i can kind of
3101s speak to i guess the plan but adam and
3103s shawn you have to jump into and i guess
3104s chat about um the direction we're going
3106s there um obviously
3108s icarus first cohort is really um players
3111s landing on the areas of um the planets
3114s that actually probably had the best
3116s response to the terraforming therefore
3118s are the most earth-like even with their
3120s own differences such as obviously some
3122s some creatures that have proven to be um
3124s you know a bit more alien such as the
3126s sand worm but also the um oxygen and um
3129s you know i'm climbing not being quite
3130s exactly the same in the more volatile
3132s weather but as we explore into new
3134s frontiers and dangerous horizons we're
3136s really venturing outside of what feels
3138s almost like some familiarity and safety
3140s into more alien and dangerous territory
3143s so more of that alien floor and fauna
3145s that you've really been championing at
3146s the bit for that's really going to come
3148s as we explained into
3150s the first two dlcs so i guess speaking
3153s to the drc's and the most recent posts
3154s we talked to the i guess timelines and
3156s plans for uh when those are coming i
3158s guess adam and sean how are you guys
3160s feeling about um the direction there and
3162s are you excited what's the overall
3164s sentiment you've got about uh new
3165s frontiers
3169s i mean
3172s yeah i'm pretty stoked because
3174s again like the similar feeling that we
3175s had with um
3177s with sticks
3178s you know getting to explore the game
3180s again from from from those early stages
3183s i think we're going to see a lot of that
3184s again uh in the dlc it's not uh
3187s it's not going to be
3188s um i mean i don't want to hype it up too
3190s much but it's not going to be a small
3192s thing um
3193s i think it's yeah we're definitely um
3195s got a lot of plans a lot of discussions
3196s in the works
3197s um i don't know how much what if any
3200s detail we can go into
3202s um
3203s oh it's cool no i mean even just to hear
3204s obviously some excitement in the team
3206s about the direction we're taking is
3207s awesome um i guess a cool one here and
3210s this goes to um we've obviously had a
3211s lot more food source variations i really
3214s enjoyed jumping the other day just
3215s having all these plants and different
3217s options for growing that out um a
3219s question again people have been asking
3221s for ages is around different beverages i
3224s had a lovely one i got earlier in the
3225s week what about sake and whiskey we've
3227s obviously gotten a lot more plants now
3229s that have a lot more options to turn
3230s them into different drinks do we have
3232s obviously different options uh we've
3233s obviously had beer and other options and
3235s whatnot do we have plans for doing more
3237s around beverages um i know a lot of
3239s people are always asking about their
3240s favorite friday 5 p.m drink i guess is
3243s there any plans around what we're doing
3245s in that space
3246s well i think we need to do some kind of
3248s uh some poll um to
3251s to get everyone's votes in yeah um get
3253s them all in i think that's a great idea
3255s we might have to start uh getting a bit
3256s more inquisitive what are your favorite
3258s drinks uh what are your favorite foods
3260s we if it's possible i don't then we can
3262s do a fully cooked lasagna unfortunately
3264s might take a few too many ingredients
3266s but hey if you've got something you
3267s quite like to see in game you never know
3270s i mean i'm a real big fan of that we
3271s have coffee plants now because i'm
3273s pretty sure i'm 40 coffee bean at this
3275s point so that was a great addition
3278s i mean i i want to see chicken sniffles
3281s outstanding i think i think we can call
3283s the game done at that point yeah i've
3285s got one here for cactus apples don't
3286s even know what cactus samples are but
3288s that does sound really delicious
3295s um
3297s we'll jump into this one here um will
3299s there be better guns or a more complex
3301s gun system to make them more viable
3302s versus both i guess we spoke a little
3304s bit to it earlier around that system but
3306s i guess this plays into the bigger
3307s question around tech and whatnot is
3309s there um do we have some cool ideas what
3311s is the plan for us expanding out in that
3314s space i know that people have really
3316s enjoyed a lot of the really unique items
3317s we've added and the bows have been a big
3319s hit so as they obviously planned for
3321s other weaponry to be expanded upon and
3323s built
3326s um i will say that the
3328s uh
3329s we've got a bunch of larkwell
3332s arrows coming in and they have
3335s some specialization on them so i think
3337s that's
3338s uh that's i mean they've proven to be
3341s pretty awesome in combat um in the
3344s internal testing so um yeah it
3346s definitely adds some flavor um and
3349s yeah as sean said earlier it's tricky to
3351s add um
3353s weapons without
3355s causing uh damage to the gameplay
3357s balance um so it's certainly something
3360s that we take measured approaches to
3362s uh make sure it you know a solo
3365s player can't just defeat the boss that's
3367s designed for eight people with because
3369s they've got one gun or you know if if
3372s they can it's very limited use so um and
3375s that that's where i guess um the
3376s workshop items come in you know we can
3379s kind of have a handle on on how powerful
3382s they are for how long um
3384s so yeah there's there's been a lot a lot
3386s of discussion and um
3389s yeah yeah a lot of discussion on what we
3391s can do in the future for sure
3393s so um i was thinking guys we uh
3396s we should probably move the ama to a
3398s separate day and do it on reddit um
3400s because it's more of a q a um and then
3403s we can sort of keep the questions
3404s lighter um and keep them flowing yeah
3406s for sure we'll keep uh jumping through
3408s some of the funny questions about just
3409s proven watching just because i think
3411s it's going to be really hard for people
3412s to go through and follow really specific
3414s stuff and things like that so i think uh
3416s what we'll do is we'll schedule um uh
3418s we'll work with the um
3421s uh the reddit community um and um and
3424s you know take some of the questions and
3426s and put them in here i think that that
3428s way that people can follow it and then
3429s just keep this this more as a light q a
3433s yeah cool yeah for sure so if you guys
3435s have got some ask some some fun
3436s questions you want to ask the team uh
3438s we've got a little bit more time of uh
3440s editing some questions yeah i think um
3442s it's just uh the ama format i think
3444s people want to you know dive in through
3446s the detailed stuff and and i think
3448s people want to see it written and i
3450s think it'll be hard for us to go through
3451s and and write um all this up because
3453s definitely some of the more complicated
3456s answers um you know we have to go away
3458s and talk with say uh you know our tech
3461s team and stuff like that to confirm bits
3463s and pieces you know we don't want to
3464s sort of off the cuff promise promise
3467s something live on here um
3469s so yeah so i think um we'll try and
3471s split some of the stuff into two parts
3473s so some people might have some questions
3475s um and yeah we'll deal with those uh
3478s more in ama um now we'll try and you
3480s know answer the things that we we can um
3482s that are totally simple
3489s yep
3497s oh i hear google
3507s all right um i'll do a cut one here hook
3509s i'd like from the first chap which is
3510s adam and sure what are your favorite
3512s items or features that you guys have had
3514s the pleasure of adding um i heard a few
3516s of the cool ones you liked earlier but
3517s do you have a particular favorite or one
3518s of two that you eventually just love to
3520s enter the game and what you've seen to
3522s kind of be saying that you've got man
3523s i'm stoked about that one
3527s where you got sean is it going to be the
3529s oxidizer
3531s i'd say probably one of my
3533s favorite ones that we um got in there so
3535s this is was your little um scorpion
3538s pincer trap
3539s oh yeah
3540s like a nice little cool um this
3543s amalgamation of um you know the
3545s creatures coming in using a bespoke
3547s little um
3548s uh
3550s resource from that creature and then
3552s getting in that cool little um
3554s mechanic that then circled back around
3556s into
3557s leaning more into the hunting and and
3559s all that jazz um probably mine
3562s i think for me it's probably going to be
3563s the flairo
3565s um
3566s yeah just be you know because it's been
3568s dark at night for a very long time um in
3571s the game and
3573s um
3574s yeah the first time
3575s shot one of those flare arrows out and
3577s the whole the whole thing lit up um
3580s it can be tricky to do that kind of
3581s stuff because of um
3583s you know performance on a big light but
3585s um
3586s yeah i think the the visuals kind of uh
3589s really set the tone and um yeah it's
3592s pretty cool to see i think the green
3593s really just pops as well and i think i
3595s really
3596s really loved about that and obviously
3597s this is an area that we've looked at is
3599s around uh we're going to find your
3601s teammates know how to communicate with
3602s people and understand that yeah i
3604s remember early on like you know having
3606s that flair and i just launched on
3608s straight up in the years to get a bit of
3609s a read that was awesome and it really
3611s made it feel like kind of dangerous and
3614s risky it felt like almost one of those
3616s old-school like you know missions and
3618s stuff it was a cool place yeah
3620s we had some great um
3622s testing moments you know like we would
3624s have certain people leading the charge
3626s and they'd be you know six six or so
3628s people following and they'd be just
3630s launching flare areas and you know like
3632s just running at night no one stops you
3634s know if you get left behind you get left
3635s behind but keep an eye out for the
3636s arrows it was um yeah real intense but
3638s yeah i think it's such a cool feature i
3640s think of stuff like that as well that's
3642s where you get that really fun balance
3643s between um you know we could just have
3646s things like oh there's your teammate on
3647s the map but how much cooler is it to
3649s fire them you've got to see this green
3650s orb floating up in the air and go that
3652s way
3654s it's just
3655s effect um another one i guess people are
3657s always interested in is um you know the
3659s animals we add them or not so kind of a
3661s couple of unique animals we put in this
3662s time which is komodo dragon and kia um
3665s and kia being a really unique one thing
3667s is it is obviously a native bird to new
3668s zealand and it's a very unique one with
3670s a very unique kind of personality and
3672s characteristics so i guess what what's
3674s the cool kind of um you know um
3676s reasoning behind why we do a lot of
3678s stuff and the animals particularly
3679s things like the kia they are such a
3681s unique uh i guess addition to the game
3684s so what kind of ghost process when we go
3686s around what animals we're going to add
3687s how we're going to create variety and
3689s whatnot
3692s get your go
3693s um
3694s all right i'm just trying not to die in
3696s the game yeah
3699s um
3700s yeah i guess um yeah it's just speaking
3702s to the the key in the the komodo there
3704s were just some cool um
3706s uh
3707s the kia obviously we kind of wanted a
3708s bird for a while um
3710s it has some nice cheeky behavior of um
3712s maybe stealing some some unguarded food
3715s um items you might have lying around uh
3718s campfires and oh some containers and
3720s stuff
3721s yeah yeah so maybe maybe maybe try and
3724s um get those things under under locking
3726s key joe right um
3728s so yeah i guess the the ethos has just
3729s been
3730s around finding that that cool um spot to
3734s to add some some more flavor and some
3736s more um
3738s of that kind of gameplay tie-in um the
3740s komodo again you know nice one uh in
3743s that it's food motivated as adam said um
3746s so again
3748s keep an eye on on your um fresh kill if
3750s there's any komodos around because i'll
3752s probably um fight you for it so yeah i
3754s guess this is about looking at those um
3756s sorts of opportunities and and how they
3759s kind of play
3760s yeah for sure and i actually speaking of
3762s the key i mean the first time i jumped
3764s to sticks for a play test i just think
3765s they remember like going off doing some
3767s hunting on my way back and i look at the
3768s base and i go what the heck is going on
3771s and there were five here just pillaging
3773s everything and it was one of the coolest
3775s things to see from a distance just going
3777s oh crap like i've gotta warm my hands
3780s when i get home by such a cool idea and
3782s i it kind of brings a lot of those uh
3785s survival game characteristics of having
3786s to be always be aware of your base on
3789s who your enemies are you know most
3791s survival pvp games is like who's the
3793s local uh thief that's gonna come by and
3795s on your server and this one it's
3797s literally a bird that looks friendly but
3798s is out to steal your dinner
3800s so i think a lot of those elements um
3802s are really cool and for people who uh
3804s don't know a lot about the kia um so
3806s obviously it's a native parrot new
3807s zealand it's one of the i think it's the
3808s second third biggest parrot in the world
3810s the biggest being the kakapo which is
3812s another new zealand native and they
3814s really are like that in terms of uh
3816s being mischievous very smart and cunning
3818s um they've been known to
3820s create tools with rocks and understand
3822s physics and the elements for obviously
3824s being able to get different types of
3826s prey um and if anyone who's really ever
3828s been down there arthas past new zealand
3830s will know the kia will come and steal
3831s your windscreen ripers that's not even a
3833s joke they will come and they will rip
3834s them off your car so they really are
3837s cheeky little uh cheeky little things
3838s and so i think it's been a cool addition
3840s to the game to also bring a little bit
3842s of kyriana and a bit of new zealand to
3844s it so
3845s um no i've loved it i guess the other
3847s really unique one crocodile obviously is
3849s uh um quite a cool light um and it would
3852s add to the game but the komodo dragon
3854s which again is another really unique one
3856s and you spoke a little bit there to its
3858s um behavior as well so
3860s i'm animals like that it's not one you
3862s would see in every single game it's not
3864s your standard so i guess are we really
3867s you know exploring into different kind
3868s of creatures and are we using kind of a
3870s how would they behave in real life as a
3872s bit of a um motivation for who what
3875s animals we like in the game
3878s i mean i think a lot of it is gameplay
3879s driven um so i think uh i don't know how
3882s early on in the piece sean we thought
3884s about the the kia snatching stuff from
3887s campfires but i think
3888s that was that was a gameplay opportunity
3891s we kind of thought of um you know
3894s we see issues like oh yeah campfires are
3896s always full of food okay well let's
3897s let's put a keyer in the game and have
3898s them steal all the food so
3900s um and things like
3903s just experimenting with different
3904s behaviors uh so like the komodos
3906s different kind of uh i mean we have we
3909s have kind of overarching definitions of
3912s you know territorial or um you know on
3914s on-site aggressive or just general
3917s passive but um you know as
3919s as we kind of expand the game mechanics
3921s and you know we find different um
3924s different levers to pull um and we we
3926s start exploring with you know what what
3928s about a hybrid of you know it's kind of
3930s territorial but under certain
3931s circumstances and that uh that just
3933s gives players new things to to learn and
3935s experiment with and um just adds adds a
3937s new flavor to the game um
3940s that's awesome cool um i've actually
3942s just had our next two uh you know guests
3945s for the day jump in so that's uh matt
3947s and cam so adam sean you're more than
3949s welcome to hang out chat play uh if you
3951s need to jump into something else uh big
3953s thank to both of you for coming again
3955s and having a chat today hey hey adam
3957s really help me adam uh it sounds like
3958s jayla does need your help though so i'll
3960s let you go and save our fallen friends
3963s but you know big thanks for jumping in
3965s guys lots of good stuff there and
3966s obviously
3967s yeah we'll do it you read it ama with a
3968s bit more details soon so i'll get you
3970s guys to help write some stuff up but hey
3973s keep going being amazing
3975s all right thank you
3977s all right i'll introduce our next couple
3979s of guests got in so we have the amazing
3981s cam and matt from our art team so uh
3984s both these guys have been uh pretty
3986s integral to what we've been up to if
3987s you've seen it that probably has
3988s something to do with it um and they've
3990s been doing some crazy cool stuff for us
3992s so i thought i'd bring them in and have
3993s a chance to talk about you know all
3995s things visual and creative and art and
3997s what we're doing in that space so i
3999s guess first things first um you know a
4001s little bit of intro about yourself and
4002s you know what you've been up to on
4003s sticks and what you do for the team so
4005s matt you wanna take us away
4008s uh hello everyone my name's matt i'm a
4011s concept artist here at rocket works um
4015s yeah i've been here day one
4017s uh
4018s doing concepts for
4020s olympus and now we've started looking at
4023s sticks there's a lot of stuff still to
4025s come into sticks
4028s yeah everything from creature designs to
4030s the tech to the benches and what you
4033s make on the benches and uh
4036s yeah all
4037s the good stuff
4038s hopefully better stuff to come oh i love
4040s that all right and cam
4043s go to kyoto uh my name's cam the other
4046s concerto
4048s might be a little soft cam
4050s oh sorry
4051s how's that my chick
4054s this is so sweet that voice is the same
4056s i don't know
4059s keep going you're still
4064s yeah just one of the concept artists
4065s here i'm not sure i didn't do too much
4067s on sticks myself but
4069s um
4070s looking at different types of creatures
4071s and just kind of observing from a
4072s distance and watch the map come together
4074s the founder sticks
4075s um yeah and what cam doesn't tell you is
4077s he's the one who if anyone on the team
4079s needs to be able to figure out what
4080s that's up to or just organize stuff cam
4082s should go to guys so he is uh
4084s you know from a marketing side came to
4086s be now our champion star along with matt
4088s and getting everything moving so uh been
4090s really really fun to work with both
4091s these guys and obviously they've got a
4093s lot of the hands and uh the art and the
4096s style and the direction of icarus so
4098s great chance to go and ask them out
4100s related questions so i'll jump into a
4102s couple we've got and obviously people
4103s feel free to post some in twitch and
4105s discord and we will try and cover as
4107s many as we can
4108s our first one i've got here is um you
4110s know will there be more customization in
4112s the future um you know a lot of people
4114s have talked about um different art armor
4117s sets we've obviously had a bit of
4118s exploration into some of the different
4120s styles of the different factions and
4121s whatnot so i guess what are you guys up
4124s to what do you think about you know how
4125s much opportunity there is for art to
4127s really build out this really kind of
4128s colorful diverse world in that
4131s area yeah um i mean that's a that's a
4134s question that's not just for art it's
4135s also for design and stuff
4138s not entirely sure what we can say um
4140s yeah but even like it's like what
4142s have you guys got some cool ideas for
4143s how we can really you know take art the
4145s art style of icarus and build a product
4147s with how we've built out a lot of the
4148s world and whatnot like what's i guess
4150s from a concert point like how like what
4152s type of vision have you guys got have
4153s you got some really cool ideas in the
4154s bank what are you thinking
4156s i mean we've always got ideas in the
4158s bank yeah i love that
4160s it's just a matter of like i guess what
4161s comes up and what we've got scoped and
4163s what you can put in the patch um
4165s but the system we work with and the
4166s amount of stuff we can chuck in there
4167s it's you know
4168s yeah if we find something it's good
4170s being on the um the art team the
4171s designer's really good with sort of
4173s accepting like pictures from us if we've
4175s got an idea that's like yeah it's not
4177s exactly part of the game that's been
4179s planned but we're like we really want
4180s this um we made this armor it's cool
4183s um yeah
4184s chuck it in yeah i love that yeah
4187s there's one thing yeah one thing we were
4189s kind of looking at that
4191s would be fun to do in the future is
4194s variations of say the same leather armor
4196s um so you have your own style um your
4199s own blueprints
4201s we've kind of had a brief look at that
4204s and uh
4205s yeah because we've
4206s we've designed many variations of stuff
4208s already yeah yeah we've had like a
4211s polish passing like a round two on
4212s certain items so there's always like you
4214s know arts and never ending process so
4216s yeah for sure variations
4218s i guess on the topic of that um you know
4220s what's a certain item or thing you add
4222s to the game do you look at it and go man
4223s i'm so stoked with how that looks how
4225s that kind of appears and you know what
4227s would be if there's any come to mind to
4229s go yeah i think that one's like a really
4230s awesome piece of work
4233s ah for me because the icarus is quite um
4238s real life so there's always a lot of
4240s things we can draw on
4242s to
4243s like say if we
4245s made a backpack you can look at
4246s backpacks and stuff like that and say
4249s but for me the one i enjoyed first was
4251s making the oxidizer um
4254s just because it never existed so you had
4256s to come up with a way how to make
4259s oxygen come out of a big set leather
4261s sack with bones and
4263s and where you attach the uh oxygen tank
4266s to it and stuff like that so for me that
4268s was like the first
4270s thinking outside the box one yeah i love
4272s that
4274s yeah i think everyone's got
4275s like a place in their heart for the
4277s oxygen dissolver
4279s you get the idea of like dissolving
4280s oxygen from rocks and some sort of
4282s primitive
4284s technology that you just find from
4285s dropping on the planet
4286s those sort of
4288s like problem solving processes i guess
4290s you can call it
4291s the thing that comes out of the end and
4292s if you you know you've got a theory of
4294s how it works there's always fun
4296s yeah
4297s i think my personal one and this heaps i
4300s think some of the the benches are real
4302s fun to sort of work on um
4305s i mean i guess it's the bolt action
4307s rifle oh yeah yeah
4309s where
4310s we kind of started to put together ideas
4312s about like you know what is tier two
4314s we've got like a lathe
4315s um
4317s it's it's advanced it's not like
4322s it's not the most advanced thing you've
4323s ever seen but it's still late so you can
4324s sort of make like pipe guns and um use
4326s that sort of technology to design
4329s something other than wood um
4331s yeah yeah i get you designing this the
4333s pipe gun from planet
4335s stuff was very very fun i enjoyed it
4338s yeah no awesome awesome
4340s yeah and i guess um you know you talked
4342s about like obviously the process of
4344s doing passes and updating things um you
4346s know
4347s how like what so i guess the the
4349s mentality around when we say okay we
4350s want to change how this looks to make an
4352s update here or i can update there
4354s because obviously the team does an
4355s incredible amount of work really
4356s refining and polishing and making the
4358s items just look fantastic before they go
4360s and game i guess for a little bit of
4362s like you know behind the scenes for the
4363s art team like you know how does that
4365s process look how what is the point of
4366s which we go yeah we're happy with that
4368s because obviously you guys do an
4369s incredible amount of work to really get
4371s things and what players seeing gay
4373s really is just the final product so i
4375s guess a little bit of process around
4376s that from start to finish
4381s i mean are we talking
4384s yeah
4384s because obviously it starts with you
4385s guys at the concept level in neo and in
4387s for items by the time they're getting
4389s game you know we look at some of the
4390s original positive that you have done and
4392s the amount of bit of detail right down
4394s to having uh i think of the workshop
4396s bench and some of the tools that are
4397s sitting on it and the obviously the
4399s visual and the skin of it right down to
4401s the detailing on those there's so much
4403s effort that goes into making things look
4404s just so
4406s great and in place
4407s um you know
4408s that level of kind of effort and
4410s perfection like you know how that back
4411s and forth and proceeds how what's the
4413s time it takes to do things um you know
4416s what really drives you guys to get to
4417s that level of um you know perfection
4419s each time
4421s i guess the the
4423s the perfection or the the level of
4425s polish that comes from the effort from
4427s the entire team like concept of you know
4430s it's an interesting job because you just
4431s sort of make an idea
4432s um and then you present it to the 3d
4434s team um and they're the guys that you
4436s know really make it reality
4437s um
4438s so we sort of have an idea throw it to
4441s them and they'll have some ideas and
4442s throw it back or we'll do like a a
4444s prototype um
4446s or we'll have like a small test and you
4448s know how big is it in the game when you
4450s walk up to it is the right height is it
4452s interesting enough
4453s um then they'll throw it back and we'll
4455s sort of do like a paint over or discuss
4457s ideas further um
4458s and it just goes on down the pipeline
4460s and comes out fantastic
4462s there are um
4464s time timelines with these weekly updates
4466s and stuff like that
4468s so
4469s we often promise the 3d team that
4471s they'll get to polish stuff later yeah
4474s yeah
4475s but
4476s because yeah sometimes they're under a
4478s lot of pressure to get stuff out for
4479s their weekly yeah yeah uh but we do
4483s revise stuff and uh
4485s and let people come back to it because
4487s yeah they're very passionate about
4489s what their model is going to look like
4491s in a game and sometimes
4493s we have to say well it's got to go in
4495s but yeah revisit it
4497s and uh yeah yeah i guess players would
4500s have seen a lot of that as well of items
4501s changing over time yeah
4504s yeah no awesome awesome and obviously
4506s you mentioned as well like the the
4508s primitive element and some of the items
4509s i've got and you've got a really
4510s balanced primitive the advanced tech and
4513s it goes into that so
4514s you mentioned that that's quite a unique
4516s kind of process of having to say how
4518s would this actually look if we were to
4519s make a primitive version of it um no
4522s what's that experience been like of
4523s having to
4524s balance primitive resources with quite
4527s unique tech
4530s you start living off that yeah yeah
4532s that's been the
4534s that's been the fun part um
4538s you you've basically got to put yourself
4540s in the place of someone landing on a
4542s planet and uh
4543s and what materials you've got and what
4545s you would do with it and uh
4549s well
4550s backed into a
4555s uh
4556s yes so
4559s am i getting feedback from your mic
4563s yeah let me just check that yeah that's
4565s good so
4567s what are y'all sharing a desk
4569s we sit right next to each other we're a
4571s very friendly team here in office
4573s and we're sitting really really close
4575s but
4578s yeah so
4579s yeah we've
4581s we sort of sometimes have the high tech
4582s stuff as a baseline and then we have to
4586s keep stripping it back to
4588s um what the primitive stuff will be like
4591s but we also want people to be able to
4592s recognize
4594s this is a primitive version of the same
4596s sort of family
4597s so there is a there is a design language
4599s that we want to carry through
4601s but we also have the design language of
4603s the different materials we use and the
4605s different um
4607s crafting craftsmanship i think it's a
4610s good word um as you go up on the benches
4613s we
4614s have said that players put things
4616s together better um there's better
4618s welding and stuff like that rather than
4620s say the tier two bench where it's almost
4623s like you're
4624s banging stuff together and and it's more
4627s about the
4628s um
4629s purpose of the item rather than the
4631s uh
4633s the
4634s how well it looks and how well it
4636s functions and stuff like that um
4638s yeah
4641s yeah
4642s it's kind of an interesting process when
4644s you know you've come from space and you
4645s do land on a planet with absolutely
4647s nothing so sort of
4649s you know our tech stuff is sort of
4650s looking back in the past and um
4653s looking at what i don't know getting
4654s your kid in the space to think you know
4655s if you you were dropped on the planet
4657s with nothing
4658s and there's beers what would you make
4660s how would you start um
4662s it's often like i'm gonna look at like
4663s diy um
4666s items or like how does someone make like
4667s a
4668s a welding kit with you know the back of
4670s the microwave sort of thing so you can
4672s sort of get into these weird little
4674s weird pockets of the internet and draw
4675s inspiration to get uh
4678s this tech that you'd make sort of out of
4680s nothing bare minimums and stuff
4681s [Music]
4683s yeah like that russian inventor guy that
4685s we
4686s followed yeah yeah yeah crazy projects
4689s yeah yeah i was gonna ask around um you
4691s know inspiration for a lot of what we do
4693s is there any kind of particular places
4695s you've drawn inspiration from or any
4697s kind of you know either artist or maybe
4698s other games or places you've gone yeah
4700s that's really given me uh some really
4702s cool ideas and some themes and feels
4704s that i want to bring to icarus
4709s oh that's a hard one i think for me it's
4711s you know
4712s art station in general or um
4715s other survival games also have some
4717s great stuff
4718s i think
4719s i think getting inspiration and
4720s mechanics and the way things work from
4722s other games has always been fun uh
4724s valheim was great for that i think a bit
4726s of v-rising at the moment not exactly
4728s the same um
4730s but seeing how things are used in the
4731s importance of items i think that was
4733s good inspiration um
4735s and for the art style
4737s um
4738s just
4740s i guess with a visual sense of it you
4742s know quality art from art station or you
4744s know
4745s things from the team that you see and
4746s you really really like um and for the
4748s themes i think the internet is yeah yeah
4751s it's great
4752s i love that
4754s i've got some um
4756s old survival books as well i used to
4758s live on a little island for a while for
4760s about four years on solar panels so i i
4763s accumulated all these old survival books
4766s um
4768s and yeah so i've got really some really
4770s good old-school reference on how people
4772s actually survived in the day and the
4774s traps they made so
4776s very practical stuff
4778s yeah yeah yeah so i often go back and
4780s pull out some of those and uh figure out
4783s how to
4784s yeah because that's stuff that's worked
4786s over time it's like i've got you know
4788s from the frontiersmen how they used to
4791s make their furniture and stuff like that
4794s uh yeah
4796s it's good to draw on yeah yeah no i like
4798s that
4799s i guess another um you know bundle
4801s people have um talked about there's been
4803s a few cool fun items to put in such as
4805s like the side the you know the side you
4808s can make on the carpentry bench to be
4810s able to label them name different parts
4812s of the game and whatnot are there any
4814s kind of cool things that you guys would
4816s like to do for like kind of that
4817s personalization i know one area that you
4819s have spent a lot of time on recently has
4821s been wall mounts and a lot has gone into
4823s that so that level of kind of adding
4826s personality to be players kind of play
4828s styles and bases um you know have you
4830s guys really enjoyed that what's your
4832s thinking behind it what are you feeling
4833s has that been an area you've enjoyed
4835s kind of building out
4838s yeah it's cool i think um
4840s well personally i spent a lot of time
4842s doing sort of like in-hand items and
4844s benches and other stuff um
4847s i think matt you actually did quite a
4848s lot of the buildables and construction
4850s stuff early on uh um yeah so when i got
4853s to doing a bit of the i guess the
4854s decorative stuff it was kind of it was
4856s nice it was just you know i can imagine
4858s putting it in my outpost
4859s yeah yeah
4861s yeah it's cool
4862s yeah and you mentioned obviously benches
4864s there as well as being an area that you
4865s worked on we've got such a huge array of
4868s benches like how did you really build
4870s that differentiation them from a visual
4871s perspective and i guess what was your
4874s what was going through your head and how
4875s did you want to make each of them feel
4877s like they really were different unique
4879s so there wasn't a repetition in the
4881s design
4884s yeah um i guess we'd describe it as
4887s tears i think it's yeah like tears of
4889s technology um so you know you've got
4892s your own person stuff like uh the woods
4894s fair being held here it's very simple
4896s um and then when you get to
4899s the crafting bench in it now you get
4900s into woodworking and advanced uh ways of
4903s putting together wood stone bone
4905s uh
4906s machining bench you get into like middle
4907s lathes welding there's just like you
4909s know for every detector there's kind of
4911s like a
4912s tech intervention that
4914s we can draw inspiration from for the
4916s items but also other benches and other
4918s buildables in their area you know if you
4920s figure out how to weld on a planet um
4923s it's gonna mean you'll be able to build
4924s awesome stuff and for design it means we
4926s get to sort of
4928s unleash a bit and try different things
4930s you know yeah yeah having worked well
4932s together as a fun process
4934s yeah yeah i guess a really unique one i
4936s can bring to minds the herbalism bench
4938s seeing as the majority of them have got
4939s their rectangular shape and then you've
4940s got this one that's the circular um kind
4943s of standalone pick so
4944s why what was the reasoning behind that
4946s one just being so different like what
4948s was the logic
4950s well we want players to be able to have
4953s a quick read when they walk into a room
4955s and know what each bench is supposed to
4957s do because as you say there can be quite
4959s a few benches in a room at a time so we
4962s we do look at shapes and
4964s the herbalism bench to me just felt a
4966s bit more
4968s um
4970s almost
4972s what's the word trudy like you're a you
4975s know you're a um
4978s a bit more shamanistic almost in a way
4980s so i thought let's make that um
4983s quite primitive looking but with a quick
4985s read so with a lot of our benches will
4987s have a bit of height to them in that
4989s height you can like the herbalism bends
4991s has herbs hanging off it and as you say
4994s a distinctive shape there'll be other
4996s ones the glass borrowing branch we make
4997s sure there's a glass blower um that can
5000s be seen quite quickly
5002s so you don't want to just walk up to the
5004s bench and look at the surface to try and
5005s figure out what it is you want that
5008s silhouette read and as you say the
5010s herbalism bench sort of jumps out
5011s because it is quite different a
5014s different requirement to a lot of the
5015s other benches
5017s as in you're mixing herbs rather than
5020s manufacturing
5022s uh materials that you put together stuff
5024s yeah no awesome no it's really really
5026s good
5027s i guess as well like you you've
5028s obviously mentioned to the around you
5030s know how we differentiate benches
5031s another game that's obviously got a lot
5033s of variety as weather and obviously
5035s biomes and whatnot um a really good
5037s example being storms so
5039s i guess on the element of like you know
5041s the the atmosphere the kind of overall
5043s color scheme of like the um different
5045s biomes like i guess how how do we plan
5048s those out how do we kind of say these
5050s are the feelings and experiences we want
5053s to you know create what what went into
5056s that
5058s i think
5060s i mean sort of leaning on what dean says
5061s a lot of games are played not made yeah
5064s it sort of started with um
5066s you know a whole bunch of items together
5067s and we had intentions for what they look
5069s like there's heaps of atmosphere um
5071s but as it moved on you know we started
5073s thinking about
5075s it
5076s um we started thinking about i guess
5078s separating the biomes like having each
5079s one that would have a distinct sort of
5081s feel
5082s um but when you go into the arctic is a
5084s little bit more crispy than
5086s um
5087s say the desert where you can see you
5089s know you see a bit of haze throughout
5091s the entire thing
5092s um
5093s so
5095s we kind of went into them
5098s a proposed experience like can you feel
5100s like you're you're at the top of the
5103s well in the valley of like some sort of
5104s very cold alpine peak um and everything
5108s feels like super crispy
5110s barren uh i guess a bit isolating um
5114s i think stixx does a good job with that
5116s when you're running across some of the
5116s arctic zones and it feels like
5118s you know if you're solo player it's it's
5120s just you yeah it is a fast path
5122s landscape
5124s yeah and i guess that's a good point on
5125s the topics of worlds and obviously
5128s you guys haven't been i guess
5129s specifically world builders yourselves
5131s you obviously had an understanding of
5132s that element as well
5134s that feeling of barren and almost like
5137s just unbelievable size is obviously
5139s intentional for the fact that you are
5141s almost like somewhat alone on this brand
5143s new planet
5144s um and that feeling of almost a daunting
5147s or that comes with that obviously then
5149s translates into a lot of everything else
5151s and we've talked about the primitive
5152s elements and obviously that i guess the
5154s other area is in animals and how we can
5157s make animals really feel either fearsome
5160s or feel like opportunity and all those
5162s other elements so
5164s we always we've talked in the past
5165s around the process that it goes into in
5167s our making of icarus some
5169s videos
5170s around the process that goes into making
5172s the different animals right from concept
5174s art through to rigging through to 3d
5176s animation
5177s i guess on that face
5179s the process of kidding an animal into
5181s game well how
5183s like i guess people are interested to
5184s know like how long does it take how much
5186s of the team is involved what goes into
5188s it these guys want to speak to some of
5190s that process from like you know how do
5191s we bring something like the polar bear
5193s and turn it into this apex predator of
5195s the planet from the art side
5199s yeah
5200s it does take quite a while because it
5202s there is a
5204s huge pipeline from concept through to
5207s mod link to rigging to fur
5210s um a big part that doesn't often get
5212s mentioned is the audio of these
5214s creatures
5215s um i think that to me when i'm playing
5217s the game is the
5219s first
5220s sort of
5220s scary warning sign like if you hear a
5222s polar bear suddenly you're crouching and
5225s looking around for the thing
5228s but it does take a long time and then
5231s you've got the ai of the creature to
5234s sort out
5235s which
5237s i'm not too familiar with it but i know
5238s it
5239s can cause all sorts of headaches yeah um
5243s and also yeah there's
5245s there
5246s there is still a concepting phase to
5249s making a polar bear look impressive um
5253s obviously
5254s as a concept artist you just don't want
5256s to google a picture of polar bear and
5259s hand that on to someone and say yeah
5261s i've constantly added
5263s so we we try find all the best elements
5266s of a polar bear mash it up pick out
5268s features that we want um
5270s these ones are obviously i think they're
5272s way bigger than a normal polar bear is
5275s um
5275s which which you need in these massive um
5278s you don't want something to look like a
5280s cute little cuddly thing
5283s yeah
5284s beers are not for cuddling though i just
5285s did that the other day i just did a
5286s streamer on twitter i was like this is
5288s more the reverend than paddington around
5290s here
5291s that's right that's right i guess on the
5293s topic of animals like that i mean this
5295s is personally my favorite so i have to
5296s bring it up and that's our big friendly
5298s blender face sandwich is awesome so that
5302s really for you guys would have been the
5304s first i guess
5305s non-earth-like creature you got the
5308s opportunity to put into game
5310s i'd love to hear about that
5312s that was an awesome process that was a
5314s concept because um it came in for a beta
5318s weekend yeah and it was quite
5321s a a rush job to bring it in and get it
5325s going for the beta weekend
5327s but we've been working on sand worms as
5329s a concept team um
5331s and i think that one can be called a
5333s collaboration that sand worm um
5337s i i'd done the base of it but then there
5338s was back and forth with cam and george
5340s and minnie
5341s um
5342s and
5344s together we put together
5347s quite a cool concept um
5350s there were
5351s um limitations with it when it went into
5353s the game we had the idea that the face
5355s would actually close up into a um almost
5359s perfect uh
5361s seal so it couldn't go through go
5363s through the sands but for the for the
5366s launch we had to have it sort of
5367s scrunched up face um but it still looks
5369s cool when it opens up and then it's got
5371s little secondary movements which uh it
5373s was cam's suggestion to bring in with
5375s little smaller teeth that come out and
5378s wiggle around and
5379s say yeah the sandwich raw is very cool
5382s but then we also had um
5384s marcus our creature designer build that
5387s and
5388s we had our animation team put in all
5390s these attack animations and this was
5392s done over a week
5394s i think so i thought it was an amazing
5397s process to get it done
5398s um
5399s and yeah we had
5401s special effects guys bringing in the
5403s sand and the
5405s uh the spit and everything and then of
5407s course the ai and um
5410s yeah that was that was a really cool
5412s experience to suddenly pull together
5414s about
5416s five different teams to to get it done
5418s and lots of back and forth and uh
5421s flexibility and
5422s it was cool yeah that moment when you
5424s see it in game for the first time was
5425s quite cool the thumb with that guy
5428s it was so different to everything else
5429s we had and it was our first touch sort
5431s of alien in them
5433s scale was awesome when you see that
5435s thing charged up and you look at it
5436s you're like okay cool yeah good job yeah
5438s yeah r.i.p
5440s yeah i totally was
5443s sorry i was totally following so many
5445s streamers waiting for that moment
5447s because yeah they were like i bet
5449s there's going to be a cougar here oh
5450s we're going to have a cougar boss or
5452s something and then yeah they have that
5454s pop up during the uh beta test was
5456s awesome oh man the first time it popped
5458s up on me scared me yeah
5461s it still scares me and i mean i've seen
5462s that thing like 20 times now and i'm
5463s still terrified like it's probably one
5465s of the coolest things and i think that
5468s the way it looks as well the fact that
5470s it has somewhat earth like
5472s characteristics but is so alien at the
5474s same time it almost makes it feel more
5476s terrifying because you can almost
5478s understand it but you don't know what it
5480s is
5481s yeah and there's quite a back story on
5483s that too there's um
5485s so
5486s uh sean and sean's been working hard to
5488s develop a
5490s you've got your cave worms that are
5492s basically the lava spawn of these things
5494s and uh
5496s and i ran into the adolescent cave worms
5498s yesterday in a stixx mission that i was
5501s doing and they destroyed me they've been
5504s amazing they're in the cloud i don't
5506s know if you guys have seen them but i
5507s broke into a cave and was wandering
5509s through and these they're all different
5511s colors and they all have different
5513s things they do
5514s so yeah
5516s i don't even know that was happening
5518s yeah
5519s i still got to get my body
5522s i guess that's kind of encouraged onto
5523s another cool area of the map that's been
5525s quite unique to icarus which is capes
5526s and they've been obviously incredibly
5528s popular and i think the fact that all of
5531s them are so unique and diverse and
5532s whatnot but also
5534s the way they've been designed to almost
5536s have even the audio the layout the
5538s lighting the colors everything that goes
5540s into that to make them feel truly like a
5542s cave versus just necessarily a hole in
5545s the rock um i guess that kind of speaks
5547s back to that kind of experience thing
5549s and played not made was there any kind
5551s of uh process that went into really
5553s making case feel like capes versus just
5555s feeling like another area of the
5559s map the hard one that could be a
5561s question for the world builders as well
5563s i think um
5565s i think we went into caves no we wanted
5567s like a a pretty dark day cave that could
5570s sort of facilitate um some pretty good
5572s jump scares and some some hectic moments
5575s yeah
5576s i can't know what cave it was but it was
5577s on olympus i remember before you had um
5580s the light uh light slot on your hip
5583s running into a cave straight away from a
5585s animal i think it was a
5587s polar bear and just falling off a cliff
5589s um
5590s that stuff's perfect because like you
5591s know it's
5592s a cave will look like a cave i guess but
5594s the experience you give with like height
5596s and you know um
5597s what else is in there is a big part of
5599s it i think even like some of them being
5601s underwater you've got a lot of them with
5603s water in case ice caves the variety on
5606s them is just so diverse
5608s yeah i think to be honest i'd love to
5610s work more with caves i think they're
5611s really cool yeah yeah
5613s there's some crazy ones in icarus uh and
5615s sticks as well
5617s um behind waterfalls and stuff like that
5619s yeah
5620s some massive ones that i've just started
5621s coming across yeah there's so much
5623s opportunity to discover them as well and
5625s i think the fact that we've started
5626s really developing a variety of them is
5628s awesome and i know a lot of people like
5630s there's obviously places um they have
5632s you can obviously go and find them if
5633s you don't necessarily want to search
5634s yourself if that's not your play style
5636s but for players like myself who are more
5638s like we want to accidentally stumble
5640s across things
5642s like yeah it's awesome to accidentally
5644s find a cave behind a waterfall like that
5646s level of experience is just amazing so
5649s it instantly feels like you're treasure
5650s hunting it does it does and i think
5652s that's really really cool and i've
5654s enjoyed that experience of like you know
5656s i think that kind of goes for a lot of
5657s the different things in game is there's
5658s been a lot of things that have just kind
5660s of blown me away with um how they look
5662s and how they've come out
5663s um which has been a lot of fun
5665s um and whatnot so yeah i guess honestly
5668s um the last thing i'd like to ask you
5670s guys um would be you know
5671s what i guess are you most excited about
5673s the sticks personally in terms of um you
5676s know what you're going to do with it
5677s like is there an item you've already
5678s done like is it a care what's something
5680s you've done you've loved or as an
5682s overall expansion what's been the
5684s coolest part of this view what are you
5685s most looking forward to what have you
5686s most enjoyed doing
5691s yeah i've
5693s we've got some stuff coming so i won't
5696s give away secrets yeah yeah but yeah
5699s there's some really cool um
5701s almost law
5703s coming in with um
5705s with things and and a lot of it's still
5707s got to be aok and work through with
5709s design but
5711s it's going to be like olympus as far as
5713s a evolving map and
5717s yeah i i had done a few concepts
5722s as part of the pitch art and we ended up
5724s with a
5725s picture of the key of flying over sticks
5727s but we headed some other concept art and
5729s i
5730s had to keep
5731s um
5732s putting that to the side because we
5733s hadn't
5734s put the thing in that we wanted to show
5736s off yeah they're just going to mention
5738s that there that everyone even watching
5740s um no matt and cam have been all the
5742s concepts that you guys have seen in
5744s imagery or in posts or the weekly
5746s updates or the content that we've had
5747s for those um you know the hero images
5749s and whatnot that's been these guys and
5751s it's been just awesome to work with them
5753s on that like some of the stuff they've
5754s made is incredible every week like you
5756s know we'll give them the most simple
5758s brief and they'll just go away and make
5759s a piece of art it's just phenomenal so
5761s oh if you ever see something cool out of
5763s there you like we do put a lot of the
5764s stuff that we make in the brisket so if
5766s people would like them as wallpapers or
5768s would like to have them you know print
5769s them out themselves a lot of stuff is in
5771s there but make sure you go check these
5772s guys out as well and i'm not thankful
5774s for their work or have a look at what
5775s they've got are you guys on art station
5777s yourselves
5778s i linked their art stations at the start
5780s in the twitch chat brilliant there it
5781s goes it was just panicking and going
5783s back to see whether uh whether anything
5785s in the woods leak is
5787s coming but i think we're in the clear
5789s well there you go so make sure you go
5791s follow follow the art stations and see
5792s the other stuff they get up to obviously
5793s not just stuff on that crest but other
5795s projects because you know it's pretty
5796s awesome stuff guys and it's been a lot
5797s of fun working on that stuff with you
5799s guys and the content has just been
5800s incredible so um yeah it was awesome to
5803s hear about the kia as well and i mean
5804s that image we had for the um you know
5806s the
5807s hero art for sticks is just awesome you
5809s know it makes kias look like just
5811s incredible wish they are but you made
5813s them look even more incredible which is
5814s hard to do
5817s i feel bad for shooting them right
5820s yeah kiwis
5821s the kiwis are going to feel a little bit
5822s guilty because they're protected here
5823s but there's too many of them on that
5824s cross they're not protected
5826s you can attach them to your hip too and
5828s they're massive looks like you've got
5829s wings yeah that's pretty good what was
5831s that me and you cam joking the other day
5833s about the fact that doc was gonna come
5834s and find you he woke up he woke up
5838s yes if then if you start hunting kids
5841s and seeing doc after your hunting
5842s particularly if you've picked up too
5843s many so be careful out there prospectors
5848s i guess cam i got back onto you what
5849s would be i guess you know what have you
5850s really enjoyed about stacks or what are
5852s you looking forward to as anything
5853s particularly just overall just really
5855s excited for this new kind of expansion
5858s oh he sees me now
5860s is this where i die yes that's where you
5862s die jarrod looking forward to watching
5863s j-rock get slaughtered and sticks that's
5865s my highlight
5867s yeah that that was fast
5869s yes yeah was that your favorite cam
5872s that was my favorite dude
5874s i don't think i'm doing it
5877s i think he's burying you in snow that's
5879s not what they do when they like you know
5881s defecate i thought he was flossing
5884s dancing the line dancing was going on
5886s there you said dance on by polaris
5890s awesome but honestly guys thank you both
5892s for jumping in you're welcome obviously
5893s hang out you're not going to jump in a
5894s plate but um i'm going to jump into a
5896s quick chat with dylan and have a chat
5897s about a few things as well but oh am i
5899s done i have no response
5904s rips in chat for j-rock mode
5906s so that there would be a quick end
5909s that might be the q a over
5912s we're just staring we're on we're ready
5914s for right now we're gonna go as long as
5915s j-robe can live i'm gonna make a coffee
5917s i'll be right back
5919s i guess cheers cheers guys
5921s cheers
5922s thanks liam no more welcome uh dylan
5924s i've been here for a little bit so we're
5926s just going to cover a couple of little
5927s things uh but majority of stuff will
5929s obviously do in a more big red ama but
5932s um i guess first and foremost you've
5934s been
5935s you know pretty
5936s integral part of the community as well
5938s being something that's gone back and
5939s forth um one question i wanted to ask
5941s you was just around um the experimental
5944s branch and what we've done with that and
5945s getting that involved and what your
5947s experience has been like
5949s developing i guess that kind of
5950s community team and how much it's meant
5952s to us so just kind of obviously you know
5954s talk a little bit about what you're
5955s doing there would you want to kind of
5956s cover off what that's meant for us
5959s um i think uh sean and adam briefly
5960s touched on the community engagement side
5963s is something that i think a lot of divs
5965s really enjoy about game development um
5967s and it's something that we enjoyed on
5970s stationers for years just being able to
5973s let people make the call for themselves
5974s whether they wanted to trade off on
5977s stability and stuff to play the newest
5978s content so that they could you know be
5980s um get give feedback when stuff's new
5983s and and test it out like that with the
5985s with the weekly patch cadence that we've
5987s been doing um
5988s it means that you end up putting a lot
5990s of pressure on testing and stuff to
5993s sort of test the full scope of the stuff
5995s going in
5996s um so that's where like having having
5998s that same thing in the community is is
6001s just
6002s really really useful to everyone but
6004s because
6005s some of that content doesn't make it
6007s into fairly close to patch day it's not
6009s always possible to um
6011s have sort of a scheduled thing where we
6013s have yet another deadline introduced in
6015s the week to to have everything on like a
6017s tuesday so that it can go live on
6019s experimental so we kind of treat it
6020s fairly ad hoc at the stage and
6022s look at the state of the build each day
6024s and if we um if we feel like most of the
6026s content's in for the week it's just
6028s waiting on
6029s the sort of things that come in later
6030s like voice lines or
6032s um descriptions of items stuff like that
6034s where uh
6035s we'll we'll get things up on
6037s experimental so people can play it and
6038s then wait for all the
6040s um the feedback that comes in and then
6041s that can just be a nice way but with the
6043s time zone difference we can sort of get
6044s that up in the evening here and then by
6046s the time people turn up at work in the
6048s morning
6049s some nice um bugs to work through yeah i
6052s mean i guess that kind of also speaks to
6053s um you know having that update on uh
6055s friday night new zealand time and
6056s working towards that it's been a cool
6058s process for me to work on with you guys
6060s as well as getting that already getting
6061s patch notes doing the write-outs getting
6063s it all involved i'll be keen to know
6065s what's been your favorite weekly update
6068s what's the one for you that go yeah i
6069s loved that one that was like my favorite
6071s do you have one in mind give a couple
6076s without going and scrolling through the
6078s list which was my first instinct um
6084s i've really liked the ones we've finally
6085s been able to address like some of those
6088s massive um
6091s like the highest voted feature upvote
6093s things you know like when we introduced
6094s the belt slot and stuff like that it
6096s doesn't seem like much but because
6098s when i see something that sits at the
6099s top of feature upvote for weeks on end
6101s like that weighs on you as a dev you
6103s kind of like man i really want to solve
6104s that thing and and things take time to
6106s to fix and address so
6108s it's nice to kind of release the
6110s pressure velvet when you finally get to
6112s to stroll out in front of everyone and
6114s say
6114s hey that thing all of you have been
6116s jumping up and down and wanting we we
6117s did it
6118s we did it
6119s yeah no for sure and there's been some
6121s cool ones on there like personally for
6123s me it has to be the same one just
6124s because of how epic it was but i
6126s remember obviously a big one for us was
6127s the in-game timer change and that was a
6129s really obviously a lot of back and forth
6131s and process put into that um you know
6133s how what would be i guess
6135s how how have you felt like that's been
6137s received have you been happy with how
6138s that's god are you overall like yeah i'm
6140s pretty stoked that like we've we've
6141s managed to make some good changes along
6143s those weeks that have really contributed
6145s to the health of game
6148s one thing that i often find um
6150s us telling the team is that the
6153s often the community will present you a
6156s solution they'll say you need to just do
6158s this thing because that will solve these
6159s problems we've got but often because
6161s they don't always have the full context
6163s and the full story and why some
6164s constraints are where they are and stuff
6166s you kind of need to take a step back and
6168s say well what's the problem that they're
6170s really wanting um wanting to address and
6173s i think that one was just one where we
6175s found
6176s we found it wasn't probably the solution
6178s we wanted it wasn't necessarily the
6179s solution the community wanted but it was
6180s a nice it was a nice middle ground where
6183s it was technically achievable it was it
6184s was going to cause the minimal
6185s disruption and um
6188s and it's just nice to sometimes see
6190s those those things come out of the
6191s woodwork where there's just a
6193s a convenient fix
6195s yeah
6196s not for sure
6197s and i guess obviously you know sticks
6199s has been a huge undertaking for the team
6201s a lot of you have a lot of time a lot of
6202s hours a lot of love's gotten into this
6204s um you know i was able to get this
6206s launch out to have all the success and
6208s whatnot how how what speed the journey
6210s like for you to have i guess first kind
6212s of large scale um i guess we call it a
6216s map and mission back but not an
6217s expansion but our first large-scale
6219s update like this like how's that
6221s experience been for you while also
6223s maintaining a live service game
6226s um this one was because it was so
6228s largely based around the map like our
6231s sort of week-to-week content updates
6232s don't have a lot of um
6235s there's not a lot of
6237s work for the for the world building team
6239s specifically to do in those except for
6241s those occasional fixes remove the bush
6243s from a rock or you know
6245s lower a tree that's hovering seven
6247s meters above the ground
6248s um but
6250s they've done a great job working through
6252s that time getting getting an entirely
6254s new map done um
6256s especially as a as a fairly new team um
6259s that they've managed to pull that
6261s together and then all the rest of the
6262s stuff just kind of came nicely around it
6264s the um the designers really had to pull
6266s out all the stops to get to get all
6267s those new missions in but we've been
6269s doing them for the weekly content
6270s updates so we kind of knew what that
6271s process was like
6273s um everything's always going to be a
6276s sort of push and pull between
6278s trying to develop the long form content
6280s as well as sort of maintain that that
6282s weekly update cadence that we've been
6284s doing um
6286s no i love it
6287s yeah i guess you know you talk a lot
6289s about like you know it can be accuracy
6292s is going what we're i'm getting up to
6293s and whatnot and how we're bringing it
6295s forward um and a lot of what has you
6297s know moved therefore to be talked about
6299s short about this has been balancing
6301s obviously our vision for the game with
6302s the community's amount of feedback and
6304s getting that kind of in
6306s um in real-time response and whatnot you
6309s know how have you found that process of
6311s not only working with the plan of what
6314s we wanted to achieve and obviously the
6315s feedback from internal q8s as before
6317s launch to now shifting to having this
6319s almost live service game with a live
6322s service community testing for us like
6324s what's that change been like for you and
6326s how has it helped you know you and the
6328s game move forward
6331s um it doesn't necessarily scale in the
6333s same way that like working on stationery
6336s was great because it was a nice
6337s tight-knit community um it certainly
6339s wasn't the size of the icarus one so
6341s it's just been it's just been a case of
6344s you have just you have to delve a bit
6346s deeper to find the to find the diamonds
6347s to find the great little pieces of
6349s feedback because you just don't have
6350s time to look at everything so
6352s um
6353s it's been a lot harder to sort of and
6355s that's where we we rely on tools like
6357s that feature upvote page and stuff like
6358s that we sort of
6359s rely on the community to sort of help us
6361s do that filtering um
6363s you know let the let the most
6365s significant issues bubble to the top and
6367s again not necessarily let us just jump
6369s in and address them straight away but in
6371s in our normal process of looking for
6374s um
6375s achievable things that will will make
6377s people happy we can you know it's best
6379s for us to know what is
6381s what's affecting the most people and
6383s sort of impacting their joy of the game
6385s cool i guess a lot of the questions that
6387s obviously i cover up with you are a bit
6389s more in depth and detailed so i'll save
6391s most of them for a reader ama as uh dean
6393s is mentioning now on the discord jetta
6395s we'll do a more written out one we will
6396s cover a lot of these topics with you and
6398s go through a lot more of the detailed
6399s stuff but i will kind of finish up with
6401s one last kind of like fun question which
6403s um someone sent him which is what is one
6406s thing about the game so it could be art
6407s could be a model could be audio could be
6409s a mechanical whatever so you actually
6411s think it's really awesome but you feel
6412s the community might not be aware of or
6415s might be overlooking a little bit by
6416s accident it's something that you've kind
6418s of gone huh i want to see that pic like
6420s players do that more use that more
6424s i probably sound like a broken record at
6426s this point um we're talking at least
6428s internally to the team but i think
6430s audio is just so often an overlooked
6433s thing in games you know it's like if if
6436s doing their job perfectly you just don't
6438s notice them you know what i mean it's
6440s like it's just everything sounds the way
6442s it should and it's never jarring and i
6444s just think
6445s like
6446s sitting in a house in a storm that's
6448s made out of a couple of different
6449s building materials and you're just
6450s hearing
6451s everything sound the way it should and
6453s you just like that is that is amazing um
6455s yeah so i i yeah i i do see um i already
6458s see lots of praise for the audio team at
6460s least internally but i know that a lot
6462s of people playing the game probably
6464s don't even think twice about it yeah but
6466s they should it feels intrinsic to the
6468s experience but know i've seen how hard
6470s the team works the effort they put in
6472s the detail you know some of the some of
6474s the creative ways they'd be able to
6476s create the sounds they're after is
6478s actually pretty amazing and one thing
6479s today we didn't get a chance was to get
6481s andy on david chatty was a bit busy but
6483s i do plan at some point i'm getting a
6484s chance to have a chat with him about the
6486s audio for the game so that the community
6488s can hear a bit about what goes into it
6490s but yeah i'd agree the audio is just
6492s it's such an integral part of it and i i
6494s sometimes
6495s you know when i'm playing the game i
6497s sometimes mute everything just to kind
6498s of see what it's like and it's crazy how
6500s much the difference in the experience is
6502s you know i might do it because i want to
6503s call or something but having it the
6505s music
6506s the sound effects everything that goes
6508s into that and makes it incredible i mean
6510s hearing the thunder boom in a storm
6512s let's get this oh no not the thunder the
6514s thing i was thinking of was the crack of
6516s a drop ship coming into the atmosphere
6517s oh yeah yeah that sound like the level
6520s of like ever that goes into all of that
6522s but then also just the result it's
6524s amazing and so i mean the team even
6526s makes all the music for our trailers and
6527s things we release so they really are so
6529s unbelievably talented and i'd agree with
6532s you it's an easy one to overlook not
6534s because people aren't appreciating it
6535s because they're not aware of how much it
6536s does for the experience
6540s cool cool we will wrap that one up there
6543s today um however as dean's been
6545s mentioning we'll look to do a proper
6547s reddit written ama at some point so
6549s which will get a chance to cover off a
6550s few more of the kind of the in-depth
6552s more questions with a little bit more
6554s detail behind them so we can actually
6556s type up answers for you guys that you
6558s guys can have a look through uh and read
6560s on so i would also you know say everyone
6562s go and have a look at the update blog we
6564s released the sticks on friday um that
6566s has in it um a really good section
6568s dean's written up on answering a lot of
6570s those kind of core questions we've been
6571s hearing for weeks at least from his uh
6573s from the game runner perspective on
6574s what's coming we'll obviously cover them
6576s off again with him and some of the other
6577s team in the ama but have a look through
6580s that there's some really really good
6581s answers in there um obviously this
6583s stream as well will um upload to youtube
6585s later so people are welcome to re-watch
6588s um but honestly i'd like to thank you
6589s all for coming out all for playing
6591s sticks all for getting involved it's
6593s been awesome to see we've been really
6594s really stoked with the feedback and now
6596s we're really excited for what we're
6598s going for but here so you know big
6600s thanks to everyone for coming out the
6601s stream today bit of things all i guess
6603s and dylan who's just jumped on here at
6604s the end to help us wrap up and to j-rod
6606s and dean for jumping and playing and
6608s providing our visual entertainment um we
6611s will tell you when the next chance we
6612s have to jump a stream up we'll be but
6614s apart from that get in there play sticks
6616s keep asking your feedback we'll keep
6618s working our little butts off to make it
6620s awesome for you
6621s and a big thanks to liam for talking for
6623s the last two hours yes i'm going to get
6625s a very tasty coffee and i'm going to
6626s enjoy it immensely but i've loved it
6629s it's always a lot of fun talking to you
6630s guys so awesome cheers team we will see
6633s you again soon
6634s bye
6641s [Music]
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6693s you
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6750s you
6755s [Music]
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6904s you