over 2 years ago - loriipops - Direct link
Originally posted by PartyTillYouNuke: I am unable to place anything on a newly built floor. Tried a few times, demolishing the floor and building somewhere else and still unable to place anything on the floors
Hi there!

You will need a solid foundation first. Try placing beams and then place the floor on top. Icarus has structural integrity and so uneven flooring could result in it breaking.

The second part to this is ensuring you are placing your crafting bench and other tables/benches on a good foundation, inside a house with walls and a roof.

Next beta weekend, storms will be at full functionality, and large benches, tables, furnaces etc need to be placed under cover where they are the most safe, as storms can break/ruin them completely.

1. Build a strong foundation.
2. Build a complete house with walls and roof.
3. Place items inside your safe house.
4. During the storms next week, use your fire whacker and repair hammer to keep you, and everything in your home (like benches and tables) safe from damage.