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Welcome to Week 168.

We have a big announcement to make: Great Hunts Campaigns will soon be available

Great Hunts is our newest expansion, available now to be wishlisted.


This DLC accompanies a free update which includes content that enhances how everyone interacts with bosses in Icarus.

Hunt Bosses in a brand new way through Campaigns! Proceed down branching paths of missions on your way towards investigating each boss. Your choices affect the world around you, unlock unique tools, and degrade the boss’ abilities.

Each campaign ends with an instanced boss encounter in their own bespoke arena. The first three campaigns available to owners of Icarus, Icarus: Styx, and Icarus: New Frontiers are Quarrite, Gargantuan, and Rimetusk. Existing boss experiences, such as the Black Wolf, Sandworm and Scorpion Boss are updated in the free patch to introduce their currencies, planetary equipment and legendary weapons.

Each campaign also unlocks the blueprint for a respective Legendary Weapon. These have up to 81 combinations of attachments, so you can personalize them with special buffs and perks to suit your prospector.

Originally posted by author: This Supports our Project Great Hunts Campaigns are not essential for the game, and a lot of base game mechanics will be updated for free. Our DLC is made to provide a way for those who enjoy the project to further support it, and in return receive some new content. This content is not essential to have fun or be competitive in Icarus. Thank you for your support.

This Week: Notable Improvements
  • Fixed bug where if a player gained less than 10 experience for something, the shared XP would round down to 0 for all players. Now the minimum shared XP is 1
  • The Black Wolf Boss is now lootable in the same way as the other World Bosses. It no longer requires skinning and cannot be carried
  • Fixed bug where world bosses that respawned after being killed weren't populating with loot correctly upon being killed again
  • Fixed bug where animals/tames would continue to attack targets long after they had died
  • Projectiles no longer affect physics bodies. This should fix an issue where animals would 'disappear' after being killed with buckshot due to pellets pushing the simulated corpse
  • Fixed Item reward scaling from loot. It was mistakenly only ever using the max value when rewards were set to scale instead of rolling a number in between
  • Fixing Envirosuit Workshop Layout so that 'Hark' Suit is positioned further back in the tree and and adjusted the costs to match
  • When destroying smaller objects that do not have specific described meshes, we now play a small particle instead of not having any effect

This Week: Beastmaster Armor The LM Beastmaster armor has been added to the workshop this week. This armor separates itself from other workshop armors as it provides buffs to mounts and tames during combat and general play.

While wearing the armor, any mounts or tames that you own will receive the following if all pieces are worn:
+ 22% Maximum Health
+ 10% Physical Resistance
+ 10% Movement Speed
+ 20% Melee Damage
+ 40% Health Regeneration

Next Week: Tree Regrowth Last week we mentioned we were going to release the tree regrowth feature, but we have decided to delay this for a week to take a bit more time with the feature. We plan on having a build on the experimental branch this coming Monday for people to try early ahead of the next patch. We appreciate your patience and feedback as we continue refining it.

Your support makes these updates possible.


Changelog v2.2.43.133489-rel-Laika
New Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
  • Adding new system so that objects without destructible meshes can now specify a destruction particle to display, this is really only valid for small meshes which do not have destructible meshes, such as jars
  • Fixing Envirosuit Workshop Layout so that 'Hark' Suit is position futher back in the tree
  • Adding the Beastmaster Workshop Suit
  • Fixing Physical Resistance for Mounts not being granted via armor correctly
  • Fix Envirosuit unlock costs with reorganized tree

Fixed [expand type=details expanded=false]
  • Fixing Stat Affliction Vulnerable was not connected up correctly
  • Added fix for crash related to FlammableComponent::CanPropagateToTarget
  • Added tooltip for rotational snapping of deployables (R) and allowed toggling between 15/30/45 degree angles. Fixed snapped rotation not working when played outside buildings
  • Force FogColor to use zeroed constructor when adding new items to weather manager biome map (potential intermittent pink sky fix)
  • Allow Beer, Wine and Mead in fridge
  • Fixing delay in flash on shotgun muzzle FX that was causing the light to happen just after the shot
  • Fixed duplicate lava hunter trophy recipe entry
  • Fixed boss loot not being based on AI Setup entries
  • Fixed boss looted heads scaling by rewards (always grants 1 head)
  • Fixed boss heads not being linked to AI setup head entry, preventing bestiary progress
  • Fixed boss loot population not being notified to relevant systems
  • Fix Alpha Wolf boss ItemRewards applying scaling to Head/Vestige item
  • Added fix for crash that occured when exiting the game within an instanced level in-editor
  • FMOD bank refactor
  • Fixed bug where if a player gained less than 10 experience for something, the shared xp would round down to 0 for all players. Now the minimum shared xp is 1
    Reworked Leaf Break particles to Niagara and reduced max instance count to less than 10 max to fix FPS drop when chopping trees
  • Adjusted Player Rewards system to be Generic instead of being hardcoded, this means any future currency will be able to be taken to orbit correctly rather than just the Purple & Red Exotics, this involved upgrading the save game files and a conversion from the old system to new system on load.
  • All Existing Data should be maintained
  • Remove gate hiding 0XP notifications as this unintentional rounding down should now be resolved in code
    stone, dust, glass, wood and jar generic destructible vfx
    fixed to face X forward for the needler, zebra and crocodile stone statues
  • Optimization and cleanup on Creature related assets.
  • Fixes to Carcass setups and GFur related content.
  • Remove unncessary nesting of Materials and unwanted texture inheritance.
  • Fixes for Creatures which had no Alert setup causing their widgets to be positioned incorrectly.
  • Clean up Meshable entries that were setup for Caracass to be carryable when its not.
  • Removed unused/wip assets.
  • Alpha Wolf no longer carryable
  • GOAP Corpse will now clear material overrides after skinning and after harvesting, fixing incorrectly applied materials on Carcass or Bones mesh.
  • Rewards that don't scale will now still apply the min/max range logic instead of simply awarding the max amount
  • Fix shadow casting lights on deployables not setup properly
  • Swapped animal bench PM from carpet to wood which fixes the repair hammer not making any sound when hitting it
  • Deleting multiple DMs for old buildable assets from BLD folder
  • Fixed bug where world bosses that respawned after being killed weren't populating with loot correctly upon being killed again
  • Fixed bug where animals/tames would continue to attack targets long after they had died
  • Projectiles no longer affect physics bodies. This should fix issue where animals would 'disappear' after being killed with buckshot due to pellets pushing the simulated corpse
  • Fixed bug where top bunk wasn't spawning (or able to enter)

Future Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
  • More balance/tweaks to Ice Mammoth SledgeHammer legendary weapon
  • Fixed IM_B mission search area not appearing for clients
  • Adding new audio loop audio to the mission juvi spawners to indicate whether they are active or not
  • Submit den entrance for unable to enter state
  • Adding rock golem and ape juvi spawner constant loop to indicate that the spawner is still alive. Stops when the spawner is destroyed
  • Tweak anims for ranged attack stat for Ice Mammoth Sledgehammer
  • Enable an Unable to Enter state for boss entrances
  • Adding in 3RD person version of the rmammoth sledge ranged attack to match up to 1ST person variant
  • Tweaking 1ST person aiming idle loop by removing camera animation and smoothing out loop
  • Wire ranged attack stat for Ice Mammoth Sledgehammer
  • Submit teleport interact requirement for invalid entry to dens
  • Adding legendary ape club right click heavy impact audio, adding ice mammoth ice pillar shatter audio, adding legendary right click whoosh
  • Seismic Probe polish update
  • Added more Biolab UI transition Animation, added pattern material background to buttons and background. Changed Weapon Info Title Font color
  • Adjusting delay on GH_RCKGLM_B_3 now that it plays in the correct place. Now waits 2 seconds before playing audio about the cave worms being out
  • Fix Ape E and O2 defend progress being divided by 10
  • Fixed a bug where if you buy a living weapon it would show blank spaces where weapons should be.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking the 'biolab' button from the exotic exchange in world would not play the animation to show your living weapon inventory
  • Update to many great hunt item costs and benefits
  • Update Brazier effect to allow better scaling for different sizes
  • Fix Great Hunt RG_E electronics not being required, as the progress logic is automatically marked as complete
  • Adding sonic device audio to play on Ape mission. Effected to sound like its playing out a speaker with limited vocal variations to leave boss fight audio more exciting
  • Updated meshes for DEP_Trough_Luxury and Luxury_Filled with new DM
  • Update Seismic Probe to lerp to target, added supporting VFX and fixed Audio triggers.
  • Add new meshes that are more accurate to final BP assembly.
  • Fixed Meshable data.
  • Add SM versions of component meshes for Combined mesh assembly
  • First Great Hunt mission now says start instead of continue
  • RG_C fixed boss spawn clipping set dressing
  • Trigger RG A quest step after defeating spawner and spawned creatures
  • Added New Background for Great Hunt Interface. Moved Mission Briefing to make more space for objectives and outcomes on mission sidebar. Changed font thickness
  • Adding audio for ape sonic device. Adjustments to random banks breaking build
  • Setup recipes for Black Wolf armor and Great Hunt initial release boss attachments
  • Added first and third person sockets to the sandworm crossbow to fix the hands not sticking to the gun correctly
  • Fixed ResetBossCooldowns cheat not being configured/working correctly
  • LivingItemUpgrade cheat no longer prompts for desired socket, now shows user-facing alteration name
  • Setting sonic ape device volume to a much more balanced level. Was far too loud
  • Fixed emissive on Caveworm (is Mask but didn't work as non-sRGB, so increased Brightness Curve to compensate for linear). Deleted duplicate unused textures and repathed default material to actual used default
  • Updating legendary sledge hammer fire audio. Also adjusted payload audio behavior so it plays and accounts for surface types
  • Added potential fix for Rock Golem getting stuck in burrowed state during fight
  • Change the decayable of IceMammoth SledgeHammer projectiles so they don't melt mid flight
  • Fixed issue with outcomes text shrinking and flickering, changed GH mission Interface to match concept, changed look of weapon button on GH mission Interface
  • Sandworm Crossbow (LW) - Added stat to LW upgrade to spawn both a toxic cloud and a nearby new friendly sandworm on % chance. Increased the amount of particles in the 'gascloudAOE' niagara effect to prevent periods of emptiness
  • Great Hunts will now go on cooldown once boss has been killed and players won't be able to re-enter the arena
  • Updated cooldown UI on World Boss / Great Hunt buttons
  • Updated info text on GH RG missions to make it clearer that extra pickaxe damage only applies while creature is armoured
  • BaseLevelTeleporters can now have an activation cooldown
  • Added ability for interaction popup to show currently disabled interactions, this is used on great hunt arenas to show that they are on cooldown
  • Added cheat to reset all GH / World Boss cooldowns
  • Enzyme Cannon WIP
  • Adding in legendary ice mam sledge projectile shoot sound, travel and impact event. Added missing anim swing whoosh
  • Update Quarrite Earthquake icon
  • Fix seeds/snap actors being unable to be deployed after rotation adjustments
  • Adding distant ape roar to dialogue event to play just before it mentions 'thats a big one' so it makes more sense. Ape C2_4
  • Fixed IM_B cleanup. Fixed RG_A Elimination quest
  • Adjusted delay for after killing the ape so that the dialogue allows the ape to have its death montage before abruptly coming in
  • Adding item audio data to the lab doodads research equipment
  • Adding offset for the sandworm crossbow to compensate for the new spear position
  • Great Hunt RG_A split quest steps to better communicate requirements, updated descriptions slightly
  • Ape E and O2, removed decimals from progress display
  • Small adjustment to the sandworm crossbow reload timing
  • Added ape juvie trophy art assets and blueprint to the project
  • Fixed Great Hunt IM_B interaction tracking breaking on reload
  • Added quarrite juvie trophy art assets and blueprint to the project
  • When players unstuck in an instanced level, place where entered
  • Adding distant ape roar into other mission branch where it was mentioned but not heard
  • Update Exotic Processor/Cleanser VFX
  • Updated IceMammoth Trap to apply different modifier via an affliction (so can be resisted) and reduced pin time on players
  • Hypothermia now affects NPCs, this should only be able to be granted via the IceMammoth trap
  • Added IceMammoth Armor stats and set bonus
  • Fixed durable setup for Quarrite Sledgehammer
  • Quarrite Sledgehammer and Gun now accept attachment, gun now benefits from shotgun modifiers
  • Added Juvenile Rock Golem Trophy Icon
  • Update screensizes on Wood Barrel mesh. Simplified collision
  • IM_C removed unused node
  • IM_C Mammoth now tethers to spawner
    missing water material from last commit
  • Changing Ape Rug Dropped Mesh to be a Generic Crafting Kit
  • Adding more dressing and filling containers in the IM_A mission
  • Update Enzyme Cannon HUB to swap to 'on' material when activated. Removed screen info from
  • Albedo as it comes from Emissive
  • Fixed collision and final LOD on 10FT Extractor
    adding vocalisations and events and splitting ape juvi idle events for setup
  • More Enzyme Cannon Tweaks
  • All Legendary Weapons can now be repaired with the Repair Kit the same way most workshop items can be
  • Fix typo in Garganutan Jr Head name
  • Allowing Biomass to be transferred to the Orbital Station
  • Fixed water materials for various troughs + T2 water purifier
  • Fix Juvenile Quarrite Trophy mesh assignment
  • Swapping anim notify for gauntlet whoosh for one that uses player perspective and added adjustments based on first and third. Slight adjustments to whoosh audio
  • Fixed background not changing from last commit
  • Added ammo counter to Rock Golem Gauntlets
  • Rock Golem Gauntlets now correctly use up charges when alt-attacking
  • Rock Golem Gaunlets melee attack no longer triggers at the same time as Hammerfist attack
  • Actionable OnActionHit and related functions now pass through TraitBehaviour that called the function, allowing for extra filtering back in the behaviour classes
  • Added stats to show extended functionality attached to Rock Golem Living Weapon upgrades
  • Adjusting Enzyme Cannon to use Toggle-AI base with Generator Component so it only consumes Enzymes when active and when out of Enzymes it Shuts down
  • Adding UI of Enzyme Cannon
  • Starting to add layers for idle juvi ape
  • Added icons forJuvenile Ape Head and Juvenile Ape Trophy
  • Polish pass on 10FT Extractor
  • Changed Great Hunts Interface background.
  • Made GH Campaign buttons bigger and gave them a red border.
  • Weapon now has over animation.
  • Added Gradient to top and bottom of Mission interface so that they don't make the tops and bottom bars busy
  • Updates to the gauntlets audio. Heavy impact now has debris layers, first and third person whoosh balance, whoosh now has more metallic rattle layers etc
  • Split out two ape varients with different GOAP setups (one for ape missions, one for ape arena)
  • Block out and systems setup for Web VFXs
  • Switched the model for the friendly worm to be a sandworm instead of a cave worm and reduced the size
  • Add Rock Golem and Ape Juvenile trophy blueprints
  • Extended delay on dialogue that plays after killing the ape. The final death animation was longer th an expected so was still being interrupted at 6 seconds. Now is 9 seconds delay
  • Removed ADS from sandworm crossbow to prevent clipping through shoulder
  • Updating the trail and payload VFX for the ice mammoth sledge hammer fire to make more sense for a players weapon. Previously was based on boss ice kicked projectiles
  • Add recipes for ape items, slug and rock golem grenades
  • Update tags for all grenade types
  • Update slug grenade area and Hammerhead area attack to refresh periodically
  • Adding in 1ST person version of the gauntlet Shield Bash anim
  • Resave DT due to whitespace
  • Prevent Enzyme Cannon from being always active in D_Energy
  • Prevent Enzyme Cannon from stopping once started and ensure cannot be started without power
  • Fixed rotation on new trophies and wall mounted cabinets
  • Bees now do -75% damage to buildings, these are designed to diversify gameplay and encourage melee instead of cause damage to your base
  • Sandworm crossbow - Changed override for friendly sandworm crossbow audio to stop combat music when friendly is near
  • Extended D_Actionable functionality to support player input injection into a single action instead of all attached actions at once, this should make it easier to design and configure items with multiple complex actionable behaviours like the rock golem gauntlets
  • Increasing Base Stats of Black Wolf Revolver
  • Cliff and Landscape Sculpting Pass, Green and Yellow Quads, Elysium
  • Resave quest datatable
  • Updated sandworm trophies to me more consistent in scale. Updated the two sandworm brazier blueprint so lighting and vfx are in the correct location for the new scale. Updated the phyical materials of the sandworm body section of the trophies to be carpet instead of flesh. Added a detail normal to the two larger trophies to compensate for the lower texture resolution
  • Splitting Great Hunt Device into Two - Crafting Bench and Communicator, setting up new items, crafting recipes and blueprints
  • Setting up correct feature levels on blueprints in the GH blueprint tree
  • Adding GH feature level icon
  • Adding Icon for the EDS rounds & EDS Canister
  • Fix fish appearing offset to the Garganutan Fishing Trap, add offset to rotation to avoid symetrical appearance
  • Fix Great Hunt IM_D base having generator unsheltered, replaced with special undamagable, unremovable version
  • Added fix for bug where entering photo mode in a multiplayer game could blur other players' equipped item
  • Added keybind prompt on Photo Mode screen for toggling UI visibility
  • Adjusted Revolver second trigger upgrade icon image
  • Fixing issue post save upgrade which was causing Red Exotics to be granted as well as purple exotics after extracting purple exotics to members who where not online while exotics where exported prior to the save upgrade code
  • Adjustments to spacializer settings and delaying FX of tree regen until audio has built up. Added correct deploy audio. For Enzyme Tree respawner
  • Feature locked Young Quarrite Carcass so it doesn't appear in Field Guide until released
  • Increased resolution of albedo and normal texture for the Luxury Trough asset
  • Adding in heavy overhead slam for the club and sledge legendary weapons
  • Ice pillar now destroys when colliding with a gravestone
  • Changed back button and Start/continue Hunt button look
  • Fixed GFur components on Apes not having LOD setups. Fix Alert component on Apes not being set to a correct bone
  • Adding in fix for incorrect socketing for the legendary sledgehammer in 3RD person by reparentaing and baking anim asset with offset
    additional tweaks to trough water material normals
  • Adding enzyme cannon audio to BP. Adjusting timing to match audio and device. Adding ending gas cloud audio decay
  • Updated the ape boss fishing trap trophy with a more appropriate design at the bottom
    Added functionality to the back button on great hunts interface and disabled it when you cant go back any further
    fixed up pivot points of these stone statues
  • Deal with some reload problems with the Enzyme Cannon
  • Adding WIp enzyme cannon audio and event. Also some adjustments to some of the ape juvi layers
  • Allow attachment on Great Hunt armor pieces
  • Add recipe for Ice Mammoth trophies
  • Added additional stats for easy config of golem gauntlet & related upgrades
  • Increased durability of rock golem gauntlet
  • Added new fuctions in base Actionable behaviour that allow easy adding and removing of temporary stats to owning item
  • Golem gauntlet shield upgrade now blocks damage when used
  • Added separate screen shake assets for different golem attacks
  • Fix seating position on Rock Golem Chair
  • Fix alpha wolf head armor being crafted requiring itself, rather than an alpha wolf head
  • Updating audio of slug grenade to 1.5 build up to match updated effects build up as requested
  • Updated SM_DEP_Trough_Luxury and Filled version, as well as updated textures and Destructible
  • Blocking in Tundra to Desert Transition pass on Yellow Quad, Elysium
  • Resave datatable
  • Basic Setup of Butter Churn, Coffee Grinder, Lamp Post (Ground & Wall), Cheeses, Hanging Meats,
  • Vintage Jars, Rocking Chairs, Ranch Signs, Sewing Machine, Picnic Table and Barbed Wire Fence
  • Prefixing All Homestead content with Homestead and setting up missing recipes, tags, deployables and items
  • Adding NPC vocalisations for dangerous horizons test NPC enemy. Attack, flinch, death, spot, idle. All audio, events and vocalisations data table setups. Including presets for distance eq, reverb and gain
  • Adding in 3RD person version of the golem gauntlet block bash
  • Added Gfur to the juvenile ape trophy
  • Blockout cliff pass in volcanic on Purple/Orange Quad, Elysium
  • Change the filter on Ezyme Cannon to block only buildable and deployables
  • Elysium - cliff and macro placement in volcanic area surrounding geothermal, red quad
  • Cliff Pass, Landscape Sculpting Pass and Landscape Painting Pass, Green and Yellow Quads, Elysium
  • Extended the floor section for the dead prospector asset and updated textures to match the new UVs
  • Blockout cliff pass in volcanic on Purple Quad, Elysium
  • Adjustments and updates to the NPC enemy audio vocal events
  • Implementing Achievements for killings the new GH bosses, Slug, Lava Hunter, both normal and hard mode
  • Elysium - cliff and macro placement in volcanic area surrounding geothermal, red quad
  • Added duplicate Scorpion Rifle reload montages and switched to magazine reload type
  • Added stats for new Scorpion Rifle upgrades
  • Increased Scorpion Rifle loudness and physical recoil amount
  • Fix spawn assignments for Garganutan to fixed Ape_O1 mission
  • Add stats to dyamic spawners to take more damage from explosive and pickaxes
  • Updated scale of the ice mammoth trophies, updated destructible meshs and updated one of the physical materials
  • Removed bad normal maps on lab equipment assets and added hard edges to meshes, including SKs, SMs, and DMs
  • Adding rock golem gauntlet fire and impact events and data table setups
  • Adjust the rate at which Enzyme Cannon burns Condensed Enzymes (given short warm up diuration)
  • Fixed bug where gauntlet/charge axe would have weaker charge attack the longer the animation took. Added charge attack to the slug axe
  • Cleaned up tagged notes for itemable rows that needed a text pass
  • Update IM_C sample granting to grant samples on kill reliably
  • Added Safety Check so that we never subtract currencies when matching player extraction vs prospect extraction records
  • Loaded rows for GH accolades
  • Deal with edge cases where Great Ape can be killled whilst swinging in trees (new anims/logic)
  • Updating behavior of tree regrowth device. Needs BP adjustments for audio. Adding loop section, buildup, and release audio. Routing NPC vocals correctly
  • Adjusting Greaty Hunt crafting tree to be accessed at level 30
  • Fix some compiler warnings about no default value assigned in struct
  • Fix an ensure in the WorldTalentManager where delegates were being assigned twice
  • Elysium - cliff and macro placement in volcanic area surrounding geothermal, red quad
  • Added homing, ricochet, shotgun upgrade types for Scorpion Rifle Legendary Weapon
  • Added stat to add number of ricochet bounces to any projectile
  • Enabled aim-assist component on BP_RangeTarget for debugging purposes
  • Added custom Scorpion Rifle Ammo Controller to enable multishot when stat exists
  • Added new stat to control strength of homing projectile correction
  • Added Great Hunt Modifier Icons
  • Change the collision profile for Juvenile Apes used in arena and turn on RVO avoidance (stop Great Ape tripping over them)
  • More balance for Great Ape on hard difficutly:
  • Reduce the scale on Great Ape health for hard difficulty
  • Great Ape will only retreat to high in trees and regen health a certain number of times in fight
  • When Great Ape retreats to high in trees only perform a single regen of health
  • When Great Ape is enraged only melee and rock attacks will be performed
  • Fixed mask texture and added snow variant material for CaveIn mesh
    smoothed and raised polycount of CaveIn mesh to improve quality when scaled up
  • Added DCO_Knitting_decor sm meshes, materials and textures
  • Fixed bug where NPC Actor Death multicast was getting called multiple times on clients
  • Added fix for Alpha Wolf and Ice Mammoth ragdolls teleporting to 0,0,0 after stopping physics simulation on clients
  • Adding audio to the scorpion rifle reload animation
  • Fix Rock Golem lamp trophy deployable blueprints. Delete duplicate item template row
  • Adding new lightning event to enzyme cannon. Also adjustments to spacializer and volumes
  • Update Black Wolf Trap pin time on players and add Hemorrage (to creatures) and wound (to players)
  • Rebalance Drill Arrow, reduced amount crafted and damage but increased damage to Quarrites
  • Reduce price of new boss modules, added recipe for Black Wolf Trap, added additional costs to worm trophies, Fix IceMammoth chandelier using wrong ice mammoth material in the recipe
  • Added new 1ST and 3RD reload animation for the scorpion rifle to work with a clip based system
  • Adding lightning strike event for enzyme machine so that the audio is controllable and manageable with all the sounds happening
  • Enzyme Cannon - fix windup sounds aren't being multicast and stump lifetime
  • Slug Axe - Added new swing animations to fix the disjointed segments. Charge now works properly and no longer runs through past actionables
  • Fix up material errors, delete unused assets causing errors
  • Add DT Validation to ensure ItemRewards stack sizes are good
  • Added Storm and Lightning VFX to Enzyme Cannon Deployable
  • Black Wolf world boss can no longer be picked up or skinned, keeping in line with all other world bosses
  • Added new boolean to GOAPCharacter BP that prevents NPCs from being replaced with corpse item on ragdoll settle
  • Fixed issue with Ice Mammoth Boss where clients weren't able to open up loot inventory
  • Fixed bug where clues from PRO_Story6 mission weren't being cleaned up properly on quest end
  • Added recipes for sandworm buildings
  • Add placeholder blueprints for non-boss unlocks
  • Adding audio for jars, honey, cheese and hanging meats. Correct data table setups and adding generic small deploy audio
  • Move Bat Nest assets out of Creatures folder
  • Implementing Achievement for crafting a Legendary Weapon - fixed DT as it was incorrectly formatted
    cleaned up Asset Library level for buildables asset
  • Adding in test enemy NPC with human dialogue. AI setup, ai auduio setup etc. Adjustments to reverb on vocal events
  • Implementing Achievement for crafting a Legendary Weapon
  • Updated sandworm trophy to a material instance with the physical material set to carpet insetad of flesh
  • Elysium - removed flowers from Tundra grass type (LGT_AC_Tundra_DLC2)
  • Updated meshes for DCO_Honey_Pot_A, B, and C
  • Added DEP_Fireplace_Brick, DEP_Fireplace_Brick_Extension, DEP_Fireplace_Brick_Cap and Cap_SML with destructibles
  • Move Bat Nest assets out of Creatures folder
  • Added proxy mesh system for ranching station and carpentry bench for testing - Developer mode enabled
  • Updates to the audio and BP logic for the tree regrow device to play audiuo correctly at the right time - loop and then release
  • Change the stat on the Hammer Head Slug Launcher Muzzle A to be and AOE radius
  • Cliff Pass, Landscape Sculpting Pass and Landscape Painting Pass, Green and Yellow Quads, Elysium
    Blockout cliff pass in volcanic on Purple Quad, Elysium