over 3 years
ago -
Lil Shammgod
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Hello, Prospectors!
Wow, what an incredible Beta Weekend 3! Testing your skills against a savage and unforgiving arctic biome was always going to be a challenge, but so many of you did it with courage, creativity and a good dose of humour and joy.
It was quite a trek to make it from your peaceful landing zone to the arctic’s genetically modified mammoth, and it wasn’t easy taking them down at the end either! Bullets, bolts and thousands of arrows were shot into that mammoth over the weekend, and our team has thoroughly enjoyed watching your clips, hearing your stories and admiring your victory poses between those massive tusks!
Credit: DOMO1
We realise that getting to the mammoth was slightly harder than we had intended, and during the weekend we put out a small hotfix to balance the arctic wolf packs a bit. This reduced their spawn rate slightly to give players a bigger window to progress down the arctic valleys.
You creative geniuses
As with each weekend, we were blown away by the awesome clips and content from our content creator community. Daring missions, savage encounters and many good-natured mishaps make for some incredible memories we won’t soon forget. We can’t share them all but here are a few we couldn’t get enough of:
- Teamwork makes the dream work - PartiallyRoyal[clips.twitch.tv]
- The luckiest lightning survivor of the day - Cate7wolf[clips.twitch.tv]
- One man, one bow, one mammoth - Foosh_005[www.twitch.tv]
- Kill.... Cam?
Tag us @survievicarus and use our hashtag #surviveicarus so we can see your content and give it a repost or like!
Credit: StixxAus
Content creators who would like Beta Keys can apply via Rainmaker[rainmaker.gg] or Woovit[woovit.com]!
Community Tools
Our Discord has hit over 20,000 prospectors - and you’ve been busy! Some dedicated community members have been making guides, wikis and tools to help others master Icarus. It’s great to see the First Cohort of prospectors working together. There’s safety in numbers.
Check out these unofficial tools we love:
- Icarus Wiki[icarus.fandom.com]
- Icarus Talent Calculator[icarusbuilds.app]
- Icarus Intel Map[www.icarusintel.com]
Warning: Use them but be aware the info won’t always be accurate! While Icarus is in Beta anything can change. Because the tools aren’t affiliated with us, we can’t guarantee their accuracy at all times, even though the authors of them are doing an amazing job! Ultimately you’ll have to use your own wits to survive Icarus.
One tool you can use to contribute to the games development is FeatureUpvote[icarus.featureupvote.com] by providing us with feedback and bug reports. The developers check this regularly and we’ve already implemented many of your suggestions and squashed many bugs.
If you want to get a picturesque shot, remember to press 9 on your Number Pad to hide the UI, and post them in #screenshots in our Discord.
Credit: MachineOsaur
Credit: C Mat 2
Credit: Arrowgon
Credit: Angelos
Credit: TinTinMan
Get ready for Beta Weekend #4
It feels like Beta Weekend 3 just ended, but we’re almost knocking on the door of Beta Weekend 4 already. Read about how they work here.
Beta Weekend #4 begins on:
- 5pm Friday 8 October PDT
- 1am Saturday 9 October UTC
- 1pm Saturday 9 October NZT
- Liam