over 2 years ago - sknightly - Direct link
Sorry to hear this!

Outposts are saved on your local harddrive, but characters are saved on the game servers. So reinstalling Icarus would have wiped your Outposts.

This is mentioned in the FAQ but probably isn't super obvious. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1149460/discussions/0/3195863700532085888/
over 2 years ago - sknightly - Direct link
There are several advantages to storing the Outpost saves locally, especially performance-wise as that mode is designed to support large complex builds and store them with no time limit or expiry date. Enabling offline play by saving locally not on our servers also suits this kind of creative mode, which is often a time-consuming solo labor of love. A lot of players don't like single-player games that are unnecessarily 'always online'. It's also a mode where cheating doesn't affect other players in any way.