Week Seventy Five brings both a new mission, ENCROACHMENT: Extermination, and various bug fixes
This new mission will have you gathering information and valuable extermination data on various creatures inhabiting Styx.
We also have an update about Galileo. We have now entered the internal testing phase and are planning to release a closed public test build soon. We are looking forward to receiving feedback from players before launch.
Jump in and have a read.

ENCROACHMENT: Extermination
ENCROACHMENT: Extermination is a new mission on the Styx map where players have to establish a foothold and hunt various targets as they progress through the mission.
Players will need to build across most of the central Styx region, and will receive additional targets to hunt as they expand their reach across the map. Here’s your Mission Briefing:
ENCROACHMENT: Extermination
The Great River // BACKGROUND:
UDA requires additional information on Styx wildlife. // MISSION:
Establish a foothold throughout the region, receive additional hunt targets as you expand. //TERMS:
Contractor responsible for all safety concerns.Mission requires building across most of the central Styx region and killing a set amount of animals in each biome.
While teaming up with others can be beneficial for building in multiple biomes and sharing the workload, solo play is just as fun in this mission. If you choose to travel alone or break away from your group, don’t forget to approach each objective with caution. This is Icarus after all.

Galileo First Look
This week we had a team-wide playtest of Galileo where we collected a heap of valuable feedback. Fishing was a stand-out feature for many of us and it didn’t take long for things to get quite competitive between our devs. We had a lot of fun with it. We can’t wait to see how much our community enjoys reeling in their latest catch.
In the lead-up to the release of Galileo we thought we’d start taking a look at some of the individual features we have in store for you. First up this week is our new batch of Steam Achievements! These range from challenges like unlocking all the creatures in the Bestiary to catching a fish with a bow and arrow to events like getting struck by lightning twice.
You’ll find a few of our favorites listed below. Can you guess what will be needed to unlock these?
- Pain in the Bass
- Pony Slaystation
- Biome is where the Heart is
- Lock, Stock, and lots of Bears
- Buck and Cover
- Welcome to Icarus

Icarus T-Shirts, Pins and DeskPads
Our merch shop is now back online with a few exclusive pieces from our initial launch back on sale. These range from T-Shirts to pins and desk-sized mousepads. Get in quick to lay your claim to being part of the First Cohort! You can access the shop

A shout-out to our Neighbors

While things at the studio can get competitive when it comes to Smash Bros or ‘Peer Pong’ or fishing in Icarus, we’re united in our love of making games and our vision for the studio is to learn how to develop and support amazing game ideas. This hasn't always been easy, as many of you have seen in our journey with ICARUS. Our teams share lessons actively, borrowing and sharing from each. We'd love for you to check out another of our projects, STATIONEERS, that we also regularly update and redo. Our philosophy of removing DRM and making games that can outlast their creators has applied to both ICARUS and STATIONEERS, and we've love your support by checking out our other products.
https://store.steampowered.com/app/544550/Stationeers/ Changelog v1.2.50.110601
New Content
- ENCROACHMENT: Unlocked mission for release
- ENCROACHMENT: Slight tweaks to mission step text
- Fixed accolade/stat loading causing a crash on dedicated servers
- ENCROACHMENT: Added 2 decimal points and increased the frequency that quest progress is updated.
- ENCROACHMENT: Fixed a bug for client progress.
- ENCROACHMENT: Slightly lowered kills required in each biome, increased reward from 200/50 to 250/100.
- Clean up PlayerEffectsComponent, micro optimizations and simplification. Moved all Tickables into separate graph
- Change atmo controller slowtick rate from 0.5 to 0.2 to help with jittering sun movement
- Fix new weather params defaulting at 8.0 instead of 0, causing them to fire on game start
- Fixed incorrect particle rotation for Rain, now moves in -X like all other effects. Enabled drift effects which were being altered on tick but were hidden, and they look cool
- Update additional user interface strings to be linked to existing translated text
- Implemented damage states for hedgehogs to show when they are below 75/50/25 health
- Remove unhooked texture reference, deleted unused asset, moved material into proper folder and fixed filename. Update reference in PlayerChar BP
- Change function in Buildable Base to reference different array for error reporting to prevent false positives
- Move Vehicle MPC to VC folder. Delete unused duplicate master material
- DEP_HedgeHog_MED - added broken spike meshes (SM_DEP_Hedgehog_MED_Spike_01-05)
- ITM_Scorpion_Hedgehog_Trap - added broken spike meshes (SM_ITM_Scorpion_Hedgehog_Trap_Spike_01-05)
- Resave audio anim notifies in a handful of creature anims to suppress errors about loading soft paths
- Fixed Variety of Texture and Invisible Wall Issues, All Quads, Styx
- Override locations of exit points for Respawn Dropship seat to prevent player from standing on top of seat at end of sequence
- Fixed Variety of Texture and Invisible Wall Issues,Green Quad, Styx
- Fixed Variety of Texture and Invisible Wall Issues, Green, Blue and Yellow Quad, Styx
- Fixed bug where switching to fire arrows wouldn't apply correct panini effect on fire particle until you switched weapons or changed camera perspective.
- Firearm 'AttachPreviewItem' function now uses same Panini update logic as BP_FocusableBehaviour.
- Shifted majority of panini update logic to new BP_PaniniFunctionLibrary
- Fixed a typo in our error messages
Future Content
- Add bestiary fish caught backend and UI popups
- Added recipe filter icon for lures.
- Removed fishing bench from the fishing bench recipe set.
- Fixed some lure stats
- Adding in lava hunter walk start and stop anims to better blend in locomotions
- More additions to lava hunter. Footstep adjustments and death curl audio
- Adding Workshop Fishfinder Item
- Updating Fishfinder Location Query
- Improved damage source location for Lava Hunter attacks.
- Added screen shake to some Lava Hunter heavy attacks.
- Added new way of enabling/disabling sweep damage in montages without needing to edit curves (use new NofityState_SetBlackboardBool).
- Added WIP spit FX/Spit item data for Lava Hunter
- Bestiary string table pass
- Adding Steam Achievements into the accolades menu in their own category
- Don't attempt to allow initalization complete on PlayerEffectsComponent if no atmosphere controller is found
- Add alt implementation of cave location toggle for dev testing convenience in cases where location data isn't cached in world settings
- Adding first pass of cast fishing rod audio and loop. Currently only cast is hooked up
- Fixed fish not showing up on clients
- Fixed the old lure occasionally appearing.
- Changed referenced skeletal mesh of fish 001 to the new mesh.
- Adjusted sockets in the fish mouth to display nicely
- Added DEP_Smoker_T3
- Optimise lake audio component updates over long distances. Cache an edge spline bounds sphere on init and use that as an early out each update to avoid more costly spline checks
- Fixed SM_Wall_Win_DBL_Wood_R, SM_Wall_Win_DBL_Wood_L & Re-imported masks
- Fixed SM_Wall_Win_DBL_Wood_R, SM_Wall_Win_DBL_Wood_L & Re-imported masks
- If interactable lakes and rivers don't have IsDrinkable set in data, destroy their interactable component instead of just setting interactable data to none, which was causing a warning in trait component setup
- Added dynamic updates on perspective change so the lure doesnt get rendered over the player
- Added several pieces for the Stone Buildable rework/optimization
- Steam achievements working correctly
- Fixed issue with complete entire talent tree accolades not correctly saving as complete
- Added cheats to reset accolades and trackers, Steam stats, and Steam achievements
- On next login accolades and player trackers are merged migrated to the player data folder from their existing locations. Previously they were per character, they are now per account
- Added migration framework if additional data migrations are needed in future
- Added hanging ferns and roots/vines to river tunnels and adjusted cave volumes, Green Quad, DLC
- Added hanging ferns and roots/vines to river tunnels and adjusted cave volumes, Green Quad, DLC
- Added missing string table entry for migration failed message
- Added missing config for achievements
- Removed the unused name in the DT.
- Removed debug logging when selecting a new image
- Resaved the DT for buildvalidation error
- Setting up all fish variations Fishing Bench Filletting Station Recipes and converting the Filletting station into an auto crafter
- Added D_Armour setup for Larkwell envirosuit. Added placeholder D_ItemsStatic row for Larkwell envirosuit pending talent creation and stat balance
- 3 textures of the Fish14 updated according to our meeting
- Adding lots of fishing sounds and anim notifs
- Added CF diorama with lighting and cameras for creating beastiary creature images
- Added several pieces for the Stone Buildable rework/optimization
- Add new Tundra biome curve which isn't as cold (-5 to 10) as base arctic (-20 to -5)
- Change swamp temperature curve to be 10 to 35 degrees
- Change volcanic temperature curve to be 32 to 45 degrees
- Add new tooling to overview biome information, including temperature curves
- Expand DecalProjectionTool to support secondary decal for overlaying biome names
- Add row color support to 6Col UMG widget for better data representation/organization
- Adjusted Lava Flow points on lakes and rivers, checked all cave tunnels volumes, polished lava biome manual cave, Purple Quad, DLC
- Fixing 3RD person actionable for the fishing actionable by fiixng the Porp bone in the left hand on lateral locomotion anims
- Adding more T3 fishing road sounds, adjustments etc
- Prevented attempting to send data to steam if steam is disabled (e.g. in editor)
- Added a few more building pieces for re-vamp, as well as created master materials for all kits and updated material instances. Also added assets to proper Collections
- Add Armor Piercing rounds data and icons for Rifle and Pistol (Shotgun uses Slugs)
- Renaming Field Guide widgets and Tidying up UI
- Adding home button and title screen to field guide
- Cleaning up categorisation in the field guide
- Added master materials for wood tier kits and updated all materials to these. Also added various assets to proper collection
- Deleting 3 unnecessary shaders for Stone buildables
- Add hooks for environment temperature deltas to be painted on terrain (future content)
- Added the last pieces for the Stone Buildable rework/optimization
- Added Iridicent, Subsurface, Dither and UV1 Color Gradient functions to M_Creature_mm to acommodate new fish specific material into one shader
- More fishing sound adjustments and layers
- Small adjustment to basic cast audio
- Fixed a hole in the roof of LC_MED_004 and Other issues in prefab caves, Prometheus
- Adding basic rod creak and added missing data table entry
- Adding more Catgorisation to the Field Guide
- Adding additonal filtering options to the Field Guide and folder view for The Bestiary & Fishing Records
- Tagging bosses in the bestiary as bosses
- Adjusted Lava Flow points on lakes and rivers, checked all cave tunnels volumes, polished lava biome manual cave, Purple Quad, DLC
- Prometheus shadow geo - fixed shadow settings so they cast shadows instead of doing nothing, edited base meshes to use a single material
- Adding all new dioramas audiuo for the new biomes
- Deleted old materials and textures for Wood buildable revamp
- Deleting extra textures and fixing redirectors on a number of materials for Stone Buildable revamp assets
- Lots of audio adjustments to fishing events and spacializers. altered first vs third person audio volumes etc
- Updating Bestiary to include locks and information over bestiary data
- Adding Category highlighting to the field guide
- Tidying up Bestiary creature page and adding tooltips where appropriate
- PRO_Story_6: Implement further quest steps. Early blocker to be implemented, enemies and locations to be fleshed out
- Updating fish page to remove Quote as it is no longer needed
- Fish Rarity is now shown by default in the fishing record
- Committing Fish Data Table