Week Seventy brings two new vegetables to Icarus, the Kumara and Rhubarb. These aren’t found organically growing on the surface but can be collected when completing SMPL3 quests in Open World.
We also give an update on Galileo, which is moving into its latter phases as we complete the production work and shift towards testing and refinement.
Jump in and have a read.

Kumara & Rhubarb
We’ve added two new resources to Icarus that players can plant, grow and cook with.
These are Kumara and Rhubarb, two new vegetables with their own perks for players when consumed.
These vegetables are only available by completing SMPL3 quests in Open World, and not found growing naturally on the map like other vegetables are. This limitation makes them highly valuable, and they come with seven new recipes across the Drying Rack, Fireplace, Cooking Bench, Potbelly Stove and Biofuel Stove.
For those unfamiliar with Kumara, it is a variant of the Sweet Potato that came to New Zealand with the Maori settlers. It has a distinct sweet taste and its flavour is sometimes associated with a blend between the standard sweet potato and American yams.

Galileo Update
Galileo continues to make steady progress, and we’re now moving towards testing our Fishing mechanics, localizing our Achievements and finalizing details.
We have now added the final fish meshes and finished the casting and reeling animations, completing this part of the project and moving it into the testing phase as we refine our UI and look for any bugs that might be present in the new system.
We have also updated the bestiary to include more information and possible unlocks, as well as the ability to trigger the respective animal sounds.

Changelog v1.2.44.109451
New Content
- Added HRB_Kumara with Stage 1 to Stage 5 variants, as well as dead variant
- Added ITM_Kumara with data table entries, as well as added the growth stages to the data table
- Adding Kumara Icon
- Adding correct sounds for Kumara and Rhubarb
- Removing Feature level flag from Kumara & Rubarb Dynamic Quest Rewards and Recipes
- Adding Rhubarb Icon
- New vegetables dynamic missions reward increased in likelyhood 3x and rewards 2-3x more vegetables
- Updated recipes that are not purely fruit and vegetable to not scale off of the Vegetarian talent
- Modify MinScreenSize engine setting for Foliage to be smaller, allowing more control over culling distance of foliage assets
- Initial pass on culling distances for numerous foliage assets for optimization
- Add PerInstanceFade node to IceRockSmall master to help blend culling
- Added FoliagePicker Utility to show and select what foliage is being looked at because UE4 foliage tooling is incredibly terrible. NB: only supported by Foliage which has collision (so no FoliageOverlap assets)
- Fixed some typos found by our translation community
- Fixed typo in description for wooden buffalo cart
- Created reloading montage for the hunting rifle, set correct start, loop, end behavior and added to firearm table. Hunting Rifle now has visible bullets when reloading
- Adding correct audio data table entry to stone statues
- Fix an exploit where save/load with an active food buff and long lasting food talent stat would increase the duration of the food buff
- Fixed bug where juveniles weren't being initialised correctly, leading to baby deer not being cleaned up when parent despawned
- Increased max trace distance of underground checks for a few more EQS
- Increased max distance of trace that checks potential spawn points aren't underground, should fix a few cases where creatures/quest actors are spawning inside cliff faces
Future Content
- Added cliffs on macros base in Swamp, Grasslands and Vulcanic biome, Green & Purple Quad, DLC
- Added meshes, materials, textures for T2 Fish wall displays (SM_DEP_Fish_WallDisplay_T2_01-03)
- Make lava rivers and lakes non-drinkable. Added IsDrinkable bool to water setup data, and updated interactable river and lake BP construction scripts to only add WaterSource rowhandle to their Interactable component if IsDrinkable, otherwise none
- Fix build - add missing include on ifdefed code (internal only)
- added fish13 textures, materials and static meshes with LODs and correct texture groups. Also added iridesence for fishes 11,12,13 for rarity
- Small balance tweaks to lava river flow audio event and lava waterfall bottom event
- Decrease size, slight increase on density and tweaks on material for buttercups grass type to make them look less harvestable
- Adding generic SMPL3 dialogue assets
- Saving Trailer Seuqecers and Levels
- Updated names of various new creatures
- Initial setup for SMPL3 in dialogue table
- Delay switching to Billboards for TU Grass
- Adding rough fish imagesand tidying up some bad logic in the fish and fish entry widgets
- Added dialogue text for SMPL3
- Added option to turn off foliage flatten position offset (turned off on Reeds) and changed PerInstanceFade to OpacityMask Dithered to improve distance blending
- Tweak Glass settings for DeskLamp and fix filename
- Add On material variation and remove emissive from base material
- Tweak LOD settings to not switch so early
- Decrease emissive texture size
- Fix material reference on SittingBench DM
- Fixing the Fish Images
- Adjustments to ambience based on mega tree climb up height
- Expand support/functionality of Inspection Tool
- Disable Print Screen writing Mode info to Log
- Adding dev folder shortcut to Shortcuts utility, tweaking size
- Fixed a bug where if you changed lures it would consume your first 'cast' input on the fishing rod and added ranged data to the fishing rod
- Added missing item images for rods for the radial menu, Fixed the base fishing rod not saving the lure because of a missing inventory component
- Adding Icons and Deployable Setup for Carved Wood Decorations
- Adding lavafall top event and sounds. Adding to BP
- Adding Icons for the Shaped Obsidian, Super Cooled Ice and Exotic Seed
- Added cliffs on macros base in P2 Volcanic, Purple Quad, DLC
- Added cliffs on macro base in Swamp Biome, Blue Quad, DLC
- Improved predator bird dive animations. Predator bird now climbs at an increased rate, and both predator bird and kea now orient their torso rotation to better match their current velocity direction
- Fixed an error where when no fish is on the line and the player picks up their lure, the game would try to add a null 'fish' to the players inventory. Also removed unused orphaned nodes/functions
- Fixed predator bird carcass ragdoll not using copy pose AnimBP
- Add bestiary progress tracking with weighted scores for skinning bench and trophy bench (feature locked to Galileo outside dev builds)
- Changed borders in fish page and fish stat widget
- Edited all underwater rocks material and LOD in desert biome with updated texture, Red and Yellow Quad, Styx
- Edited all underwater rocks material and LOD in desert biome with updated texture, Red and Yellow Quad, Styx
- Adding unique mega tree leaf and creak audio and adjustments to event
- Set up BP AC Cave Entrances, Replace SM AC Cave Entrances with BP AC Cave Entrances version in all Pro Cave Prefabs
- PRO_Story_5: Update creature AI
- Updated fish stat visual and changed texts on them via ST_UMG
- Adding geothermal terrace event. Not imp yet in map
- Add bestiary progress tracking with weighted scores for skinning bench (again - missed a file when committing)
- Added text for new fruit and veges and their recipes
- Added text for Carved Wood collection
- Adding in 1ST person Fishing anims for implementation, will tweak and add 3rd when we've signed off, suite should be all to action current fishing plan including Cast, Reeling, Strike and landing the fish
- Added art assets for Fish10 with 4 colour variants to project. Added Fish10 skeleton, animBP, and control rig to project
- Added skeleton, anim BP, and crontrol rig for fish13 to project. Updated static mesh to match skeletal mesh position
- Added cliffs on macros base in Swamp Biome, Blue Quad, DLC
- Adding geothermal terraces audio component to the audio quad
- General Landscape Polish & Clean Up Purple/Green Quad, DLC Map
- Adding Lava hunter mini buzzy fly explode audio
- Added predator bird target circling functionality. Added extra food-related combat behaviour to predator birds
- Tweak tooling for pre-generation setup
- Regenerate some Prometheus Generated tiles due to substantial environment changes
- General clean up, polished around megatree manual cave, foliage, resources and decals, Purple Quad, DLC
- small adjustments to mega tree audio and adding unique light wind howl. Also very small adjustment to creature idle spawn rate / chance so they don't play too often
- Adding in Fish Meshes and Icons for 10 & 13
- Fixed LOD Material Override Issue & Fixing Leaning Foilage on Red/Green Quad, DLC Map
- Adding Fish Lore for the Bestiary and renaming the Barracuda
- Fixing collider issues with PRO_Story_2 which was blocking the visbility channel and preventing building, projectiles and animal spawns
- Add support to FloatingFoliageChecker for detecting foliage which is angled too far from 0 (X/Y)
- Add Align Max Angle settings to FTs for newer assets which didn't have it setup to prevent big angles in future placement
- Adding new Icons for New Fruit & Veges
- Fixing Promethus Mission 3 mission item respawn
- Added WIP deployable to block AI spawning in an area
- Adjustments to the mega tree event and placement of audio zone. Adding wind gusts and reverb to creaks
- Added Cliffs on Macro Base in Swamp Biome, Added back Removed Voxels and Foliage, Blue Quad, DLC
- Adding Item Icons for New Horizons Food
- Checked BP Cave Entrances Pro Cave Prefabs & Clean Up Leaning Foilage on Green Quad, DLC Map
- Adding Rustic Wall Shelf Item, Icon, Lore and Recipe
- Adding Clay Vases A->I, Items, Recipes, Meshes and icons
- Adding Geode Lamps, their Variations and recipes
- General clean up of foliage, decals and riverbanks in Grasslands and Tundra, Green Quad, DLC
- Added missing source files associated with new spawn blocker behaviour
- Added Obsidian Sickle and all Obsidian projectiles
- Added PIC_Obsidian
- Added text for new lamps
- Added text to clay vase items
- Fixed typos in carved items
- PRO_Story_5: Lowered obstacles by 33%, lowered creature speed, added rewards
- Added Cliffs to base of Last Macro in Swamp & Removed/Added Voxel Back, Blue Quad, DLC Map
- More updates and improvements to mega tree audio adjustments based on new placements
- Adding new Models for the Fish Wall mounts and Setting up Blueprints & variations for the additional signs
- Lowering WL bed amb when up in mega tree some more based on updated curve / placement settings
- T2 Fish displays - scaled up meshes 150%, reworked #01 to have metal plaque instead of hanging wood sign
- Minor updates to SwampBird locomotion blending and AnimBP
- Adjustments to predator bird spawn rate and volume and spacial override for attack flap
- Fixed General Issues in template caves on Purple Quad, Prometheus
- Remove old angled sapling trees in GL area & repainted sapling in GL area on Green Quad, DLC Map
- Added and replaced some icons and borders on bestiary. Updated fish page look a little
- New GL atmosphere, new curves, added weatherman support, adjustment to player effects (embers, ashes, enable SW/GL Debris), added weather culling to VFX materials
- Remove old angled sapling trees in GL area & repainted sapling in GL area on Purple and Green Quad, DLC Map
- Add popup for bestiary unlock events (Galileo feature locked)
- Adding predator bird swoop loop audio and anim notif
- Added new icons, borders for bestiary creature page. Changed text sizes and colour. Added lore and rewards page under a widget switcher in creature page
- Fix some epic creatures causing EpicBoss version of combat music to play when the player is fighting any creature. In cases of epic creatures using non-boss AI setup, music condition override settings aren't configured, and the music override was being applied regardless of the threat level the boss creature was presenting to the player. Updated the creature threat audio system to apply a minimum music override threat threshold to epic creatures using AI audio data setups with no music override configured
- PRO_Story_1 and 2: Setup dialogue colliders, need to be resized to fit landscape
- Add a 'must be placed outside' flag to D_Deployable
- Added first-pass dioramas and EProspectLocation entries for new biomes
- Change the percentages for bestiary unlocks and mechanism to derive percents (Galileo feature locked)
- Added Fish 14 art assets to project. Added animBP, CtrlRig
- Removed unused material from all fish 10 static meshs
- Added Fish 07 art assets to project. Added animBP, CtrlRig
- Added animBP for fish 14. Added updated texture collection
- Retiming dropship sonic boom effect to match timeline, adding layer for effect visability
- Adding predator bird spot audio, data table entry and fix to PB holding dive anim instead of seamless looping
- Fixed a few replication bugs to do with the fish not being removed from the end of the fishing rod and extended the time it takes to fish based on stats of the fishing rod properly
- Fix players sometimes being blocked by invisible volumes in caves.
- Removed collision from the static mesh components instantiated at runtime by BP_CaveInstance for the purpose of culling weather effects - typically these would be inside the cave roof and not matter, but in some cases collision could be possible
- Fixed Issues in two template caves where players could get stuck in a pit in a cave, Prometheus
- Hanging Foilage in swamp on Purple Quad, DLC Map
- Remove old angled sapling trees in GL area & repainted sapling in GL area on Green Quad, DLC Map
- Transport pod effect fixes, adding reentry FX
- Adding Fish 7 and 14 images and meshes
- Fixing bestiary creature page and modifying title bar back to what it was
- PRO: Update wetlands atmosphere to be more green
- Adding predator bird distant spot audio, and updating standard spot audio with more layers. Adjustments to distancing and volumes
- Review and adjustment pass on foliage assets project wide to prevent bad placement and tweaked for improved visuals with subtle offsets
- Make lava rivers and lakes ignite characters instead of wetting them on overlap:
- Refactored 'wet' behaviour in swimming component to choose modifiers from overlapped water bodies' data
- Set up new lava modifier which applies a debuff stat causing fire to be persistent, then ignites character
- Updated flammable actor component to check the stat and treat as a persistent fire if required, meaning its lifetime will be refreshed while the stat is active
- Changed wet modifier component to apply Wet_Expired when modifier is removed, rather than applying this in the swimming component
- Added lava gameplay tag to prevent some other modifiers from being applied while in lava. Needs further work
- Applied appropriate modifier settings to water body data
- Setting up all varations of the fish displays and adding a new widget to show the stats
- Improved convex hull collision for AC_RCK_CaveIcePillar_Var1-6
- Remove old angled seedling trees in GL area & repainted seedling in GL area on Purple Quad, DLC Map
- Added a third state to the projection widget that shows when the fish is on the line
- Adding needler in and out of mud / ground audio and events
- Add first pass for Fishing maps
- Divide Fishing areas into cardinal directions for simplicity
- Add DT validation for new Fish DTs
- Fix description for Fishing cheat
- Add Source images for Prospect Select images