over 1 year ago - Exctoris - Direct link
- Fixing Race Condition caused due to new dropship player initialization which was causing players to die before landing on a prospect
- Added timeout check for retrieving data from the server. If migration fails a backup option is now shown to allow you to play without old data. Migration can be attempted later, however this will lose more recent data.

***New Players can now enter the game after attempting a migration, existing players who haven't migrated will have the option to skip migration. People who have already migrated will be unaffected.***
over 1 year ago - Exctoris - Direct link
If you have have done a migration in the past - you are fine.

If you are a new player - you can click ok and play and it is fine.

If you are returning after not playing for a while and haven't done a migration - the migration is down currently but you can choose to skip and play and migrate when it is back up using the [ForceMigrateButton]. When you Force Migrate it will clear all progress made after the skip, but you will have all your old data from when you last played.