over 3 years
ago -
Lil Shammgod
Direct link
Hi! Here to dispel a few myths or assumptions that you might have:
- We have 2 purposes with this beta. Test our features and get real feedback from players (hence the 6 weekend rollout) and give players a chance to test without the 2 hour countdown looming over them (confirmed it won't count towards it)
- We have a very capable and talented QA team! They're the bees knees. But players also want a say, so here's a beta for you to do that!
- That artwork was me! I did that so people would know that if they pre-ordered, they could come test the beta out! The fact you noticed it, meant I did my job right! Woohoo!
Hope this helps!
- We have 2 purposes with this beta. Test our features and get real feedback from players (hence the 6 weekend rollout) and give players a chance to test without the 2 hour countdown looming over them (confirmed it won't count towards it)
- We have a very capable and talented QA team! They're the bees knees. But players also want a say, so here's a beta for you to do that!
- That artwork was me! I did that so people would know that if they pre-ordered, they could come test the beta out! The fact you noticed it, meant I did my job right! Woohoo!
Hope this helps!