over 1 year ago - Exctoris - Direct link
Was this on a mission or outpost? If it’s an outpost you could send the file to use so we could try and track it down. We have had a few cases of this in the past and found a bug then put in some code to prevent it from happening.
over 1 year ago - Exctoris - Direct link
Originally posted by Dejaden77: It has happened in both-- the outpost and last night the mission Voyager.. I went in twice and both times the cables were missing portions of it to cause the whole place to be out and the water pump also.. so I had to rewire it both times.. Thank you for your response.. Oh in case you need to know- it was a multiplayer game - myself and my boyfriend.. Thanks again.
We fixed a few issues with resource networks this week (Patch going out in a few hours) let me know if it happens after this and we can do some more investigation.