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Welcome to Week 167.
This week, we have a number of smaller fixes and some QoL. We have highlighted some below, but check out the patch notes for the full list.
We go into detail about the Achievement Fixes and Changes and a new addition to the sleep screen.
Finally, we discuss a feature that has been requested for a long time—tree regrowth—which, if all goes well, will be released next week.
Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
This Week: Achievement Fixes
We have had some issues with Achievements in the past, specifically the ‘Styx & Stones’ and ‘Zero to Hero’ achievements. One of these issues included a bug where the game was not correctly sending the complete data to Steam (specifically, it was ignoring the missions, which were unlocked by default). This resulted in the two achievements never being completed, which has now been addressed.
We have also adjusted the ‘The Bigger They Are…’, ‘… The Harder They Fall’, ' Leader of the Pack', and ‘Sting Operation’ so they now award the achievement to everyone who is on the server fighting the Boss rather than just the player who deals the final hit. This was not only an issue for teammates but sometimes even for the whole lobby, as Mounts, Tames, Fall Damage, and Poison could all do the final hit, rendering the achievement given to no one.

This Week: Sleep Screen QoL
We have also added a small QoL to the sleep screen, so you will now be able to see who is sleeping and who you are waiting for in your play session. This can help larger prospects quickly track down who you are waiting for and dish out some well-earned condemnation.

Next Week: Tree Regrowth
We are in the middle of testing out the implementation of tree regrowth.
This involves building and powering a device that will trigger tree regrowth inside a preset radius. We know the community has been asking for this for a while, so we are taking our time to make sure it works as intended. If we don’t feel like it is ready early next week, we will do a smaller patch with some QoL and Fixes instead.

Your support makes these updates possible.
Changelog v2.2.42.133112
New Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
Fixed [expand type=details expanded=false]
Future Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
This week, we have a number of smaller fixes and some QoL. We have highlighted some below, but check out the patch notes for the full list.
We go into detail about the Achievement Fixes and Changes and a new addition to the sleep screen.
Finally, we discuss a feature that has been requested for a long time—tree regrowth—which, if all goes well, will be released next week.
Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
- Fixed an issue where the Game would suffer from persistent frame drops after interacting with the Orbital Exchange Interface
- Increased XP gain from killing world bosses significantly
- Dirt and Stone Buildings now take damage in Lava as intended
- Cakes can no longer be placed on Walls
- Increased the zoom level on the map to double the current amount
- Removed the level lock on the Arctic Armor talent, Big Game Hunter talent, Ghillie Armor blueprints, and Arctic Armor blueprints
- World Boss Icons have been updated to more accurately reflect their state
- Updated the Bestiary overview page to show the biomes of creatures in addition to their image
- Adjusted Meshes in the desert to use ‘Far Shadows,’ which increases the shadow quality visuals
- Made adjustments to the shadows on floor torches to reduce the performance impact
- Adjusted Muzzle Flashes and Smoke on most guns as it was causing unnecessary obstruction to the player's view
- Removed an exploit where you could use a shovel on a dirt building piece to collect unlimited dirt

This Week: Achievement Fixes
We have had some issues with Achievements in the past, specifically the ‘Styx & Stones’ and ‘Zero to Hero’ achievements. One of these issues included a bug where the game was not correctly sending the complete data to Steam (specifically, it was ignoring the missions, which were unlocked by default). This resulted in the two achievements never being completed, which has now been addressed.
We have also adjusted the ‘The Bigger They Are…’, ‘… The Harder They Fall’, ' Leader of the Pack', and ‘Sting Operation’ so they now award the achievement to everyone who is on the server fighting the Boss rather than just the player who deals the final hit. This was not only an issue for teammates but sometimes even for the whole lobby, as Mounts, Tames, Fall Damage, and Poison could all do the final hit, rendering the achievement given to no one.

This Week: Sleep Screen QoL
We have also added a small QoL to the sleep screen, so you will now be able to see who is sleeping and who you are waiting for in your play session. This can help larger prospects quickly track down who you are waiting for and dish out some well-earned condemnation.

Next Week: Tree Regrowth
We are in the middle of testing out the implementation of tree regrowth.
This involves building and powering a device that will trigger tree regrowth inside a preset radius. We know the community has been asking for this for a while, so we are taking our time to make sure it works as intended. If we don’t feel like it is ready early next week, we will do a smaller patch with some QoL and Fixes instead.

Your support makes these updates possible.
Changelog v2.2.42.133112
New Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
- Added name and shame for people not sleeping to the sleep screen and sleep icons next to players names on the party list
Fixed [expand type=details expanded=false]
- Fixed on MF_Dolerite and MF_CheapTriplanarUV that disables world aligned when UseObjectPos is enabled for rocks
- Add Custom Highlightable setup to Exotics Deposits so all primitives highlight together when looked at. Same approach as Deployable base. Some component render distance optimization
- Check to see if hit actor is a buildable before rewarding shovel resources in order to prevent infinite dirt exploit by shoveling a dirt mound
- Fixed a few typos in the alterations table
- Add missing building tags to Lava TagQueries to ensure that Scoria and Scoria Brick are the only two building types that can survive being placed in lava, as designed
- Fixed Operations text on mission device being untranslated
- Update Water Trough/Bowl water material to be darker and more visible so its easier to tell if the container has water or not
- Slighty reduced size of Dribbo shellhead
- Gate Reinforced Wood behind the Carpentry Bench directly, instead of being Beeswax, as the Reinforced Wood is meant to be combined with Stone buildables
- Set shadows on Floor Torches to be DistanceField (which can result in 2x perf increase). Enable CastShadow on mesh but disable DF shadow (removing self-shadowing artifacts but allowing sunlight to cast shadows off it). Fix BP Highlight errors after original mesh setup was changed
- increased flash light distance, reduced strength, and reduced fall off. This should result in less bright light up close, and a similar visibility from a distance
- Fix normal textures for Cactus resulting in bad lighting reaction and reenabled alpha channel for billboards (roughness)
- Defaulted max normal angle for Cake placement (was 180). Remove unnecessary rotation step
- Increased Experience granted from bosses significantly
- Removed Double XP weekend banner and stats
- Removed level lock on Arctic Armor and Big Game Hunter talent, and Ghille and Arctic Armor blueprints
- Spline Meshes now cast Far Shadows which should help substantially increase the shadow quality visuals in the Desert
- Update experience tracker notifications to stack similar events, not show 0 xp events (eg for shared XP) and added a short fade out
- Produce warning when saving assets with a final LOD vertex count >1000 to ensure LODs are being properly added to every asset. Update LOD tooling
- Delete unused SHA geo, ungroup SHA in level
- Project-wide asset optimization pass and cleanup
- Update Dropship used in Olympus 'Forsaken Recovery' mission to have a lower impulse (parts were headed into lower orbit) and fade out destructible mesh pieces after delay
- Fix crafted device in Field Test: Recovery mission bouncing around when dropped. Created single combined mesh. Removed no longer needed blueprints. Updated quest description to be more specific
Future Content [expand type=details expanded=false]
- Garganutan Arena lighting updated, and assigned in DT
- Adding extra data to Biolab Weapon Info so it can be displayed on the UI
- Small Touches to the Biolab Weapon Info UI
- Renamed Garganutan arena biome controls
- Adding Updated Biomass Images
- Made a few changes to ensure subtitles match dialogue in RG missions
- Adding mission explosion audio, event and BP imp
- Update Rock Golem B dialogue to trigger after damage dealt, instead of after spawn, to ensure players are aware of the spawns
- Setting up Biolab Weapon info to include the purchaseable upgrades
- Fixed Great Hunt Miner typo
- Added overall description text to each Great Hunt
- Did a pass on GH item text, added flavour and fixed a few typos
- Fixing dialogue line that plays at den entry. Removed reference to drill step
- Made a few changes to ensure subtitles match dialogue in IM and APE missions
- Adding and replacing rock golem end 3 dialogue file so it makes more sense with the mission
- Cliff Pass and Landscape Painting Pass, Green and Yellow Quads, Elysium
- Fixed Hole in Cave_GL_MED_002 Prefab
- Setting up Remaning Legendary Weapon Part Names
- Adjusting one of the Rock Golem Gauntlet Alterations so that is provides bonuses to both melee and projectiles so it is not reliant on another upgrade
- Living item preview lighting should now be the same between HAB and on-prospect contexts
- Added Ape VFXs, impact, regen, enrage,gas, log/rock throw. Changedd materials for destructible log
- Fixed issue where terrain and other non-weapon geo was being displayed in the living weapon preview screen
- Voxel Pass, Added Deep Ore Deposits, Green and Yellow, Elysium
- Wire sweep attachment stat for Ice Mammoth Sledgehammer
- Fixed Golem Gauntlets being rotated incorrectly in Biolab preview screen, as well as attachement meshes not being correctly positioned
- Added 'PreviewMeshOverride' to D_LivingItem rows, allowing living weapon preview screen to use a non-default mesh when previewing items
- Adding Various Helper Text to GH_RG Missions
- Moved the cave entrance to better suit the base, Green Quad, Olympus
- Adding disconnect spline audio and event. Not currently hooked up. Also dummy changes to try force fix FMOD banks
- Added sk mesh and anim for DEP_bench_sewing_machine
- Resaving D_Ballistic Throwable Log Entry
- Added new firing blend space for the slug launcher and fixed incorrect anim overlay type being used, 3RD person now using custom firing anim sequence
- Improve collision accuracy on GL Macro rocks by using a lower LOD
- Fix a problem with auto equipping shields and new legendary weapons that may have block actions
- Update backpack and module icon in workshop
- Adding reduced opacity smoke muzzle flashes for guns resulting in far better visibility. Kept farmers rusty shotgun smokier as this makes sense for the weapon
- Garganutan D2 mission ensure Goop is still granted while on final objective
- Tweaked timing of bio lab weapon fade in, fixed fade in happening for slot UI when same weapon was selected twice
- Ice mammoth bats - Changed exploding bats NPC type to passive so other world bats wont attack them on sight
- Changed their displayed name from lava flyer to arctic flyer
- Ice mammoth bats - Swapped exploding bat out for its new mesh. Fixed bats death destructible mesh having incorrect materials
- Fix blocking attachment stat for Ice Mammoth Sledgehammer is not blocking
- Small adjustment to ice mammoth sledgehammer. Reduced metal ring on hammer slightly and also reduction in volume to the spider in in world context
- Adding 1ST person animation for the mammoth sledge ranged attack
- More Biolab UI tweaks. Changed Golem Gauntlet Slots and Pins locations, Changed font colours on statbox row, removed coloured tints on Biolab Upgrade slot choices, biolab store button now removed and changed to Back button
- Adding appropriate audio for opening and removing exotics from mission exotics deposit
- Adding in block montage and anims for the ice mammoth sledge
- Updated Garganutan A base setup, added more blood and updated habitat contents. Reduced travel area so players trigger dialogue once within the base
- Adding legendary sledgehammer ice pillar audio event and BP Imp
- Improvements to sprite presentation to children of BP_note, adjusted materials with emissive pulse to improve visibility
- When spawning based on chance, make the ice pillars not so OP for the Ice Mammoth Sledge Hammer
- Update Ape O1 search area size
- Update descriptions for Garganutan mission O1 and ensure spawning happens when required
- Adding correct spawn logic to other rock golem spawners that are used in the missions
- Fixing carcass material on the rock golem juvie that was using the wrong carcass mask
- Adding niagara system to deployable note BP
- Fixed JRG 'popping' when swapping from Character -> Corpse BP
- Fixed JRG corpse bones using the wrong material
- Raised JRG Character mesh up a bit to make feet more level with ground plane
- Changing world notes to play at location rather than 2d. Added spacialisers and BP settings
- Turned off shadows on Editor-only locator spheres for Deployables
- Restrict IceMammoth spawn by stat
- Adding open computer terminal note audio and close. Adjusted open note and close note audio to play off BP instead of UMG so it could be changed per note type
- Rimetusk D Unhooked testing logic
- Rimetusk D mission, added a slow while explosions are happening if you approach the base
- Reduced NOVA station exotic price, increased credits price. Reduced the unlock price and increased the purchase price
- Reduce variance in Rimetusk D explosive damage
- Adding Rock Golem Juvie bones and textures and hookup to BP
- WIP generic destructible particle effects
- Added DCO_Small_Ranch_Sign, with textures, materials and DM
- Wire block attachment stat for Ice Mammoth Sledgehammer (currently using GolemGauntlet anims)
- Wire chance to spawn ice spire attachment stat for Ice Mammoth Sledgehammer
- Blockout cliff pass in volcanic on Purple/Orange Quad, Elysium
- Fixing GH_RG_O1 Map Marker being at the wrong location
- Fixing GH_RG_E not ticking off the fill biofuel / water quests correctly
- Biolab weapons no longer fade in when previewing attachment options
- Added some aditional polish to biolab weapon preview
- Increased zoom level on map to double the current amount
- Wire slam attachment stat for Ice Mammoth Sledgehammer
- Updated the Giant Ranch Sign with a rigged gate, as well as proper collision and destructible meshes. The mesh was also reduced significantly and the textures updated
- Elysium - new LC plant debris decal, new LC erosionblend variant. Cliff placement and foliage painting in volcanic area, red quad
- Update Garganutan Gas attack to provide a buff to the creature while in the cloud
- Rescaled Garganutan HP and resists to be primarily based on HP value, with exceptions to poison, fire, projectiles and melee (instead of resisting all damage types with lower HP values)
- Removed unutilized Hammerhead HP Curves (now uses flat values)
- Adding legendary flamethrower lava sizzle audio event and BP IMP
- Fix Half Pitch for Ice, Limestone and Tempered Glass
- Fix Great Hunt UI being hidden in release builds
- Replaced Legendary Weapon images to higher resolution ones
- Add Great Hunt outcome stat and fight changes
- Great Ape noxious gas clouds now cover a larger area and persist longer
- Tweak the socket position for Great Ape tail attacks
- Added empty slots to weapon list
- Weapon now highlighted when selected for upgrade
- Pins now don't highlight on opening the upgrade screen
- Weapon buttons now don't started highlighted
- Added slide in animation for both the weapon bar and currency boxes
- Changed text in button from Back to Return To Store
- Fix Rock Golem Great Hunt O2 not tracking poison damage
- Add cheat function for restoring trees in radius
- Great Hunt IM_B updated map icon
- Great Hjunt IM_D add map icon, update quest text
- Add helper text to Rimetusk B mission
- Additional dialogue delays to give time for action to happen before its talked about
- Adding slight delay before mini hip flinch or death audio vocal plays so that the impact can be heard first before the vocal. Currently feels like the vocal plays too abruptly
- Added dialogue delay to make more sense in mission
- Fixing Mission steps in GH_RG_C2 so they can check the containers inventory once again - was accidently removed when the spawner replenish logic was put in
- Fixing Rock Golem Spawners in some special cases they get healed and start spawning again - in this case they where healed and never spawned anything - this is now fixed
- Removed WIP blueprint, pending implementation
- Fixed feature level on great hunt bosses and Rimetusk Bats
- Fixed loot on Icy Mammoths and Quarrite Juvenile
- Fixed bestiary progress granting on NOVA station
- Added in segmented 1ST person ranged attacks for the Mammoth Sledge to use a click and hold and release method for firing
- Added 3RD person ranged attack for the mammoth sledge to match the 1ST person version
- Fixed Legendary Weapon attachments having blurry textures initially when first previewing them in the bio lab; relevant meshes and textures are now pre-loaded upon first selecting the Legendary Weapon
- Fixed sandworm crossbow loaded state not being held properly due to missing animbp setup, moved to parity with the basic crossbow animbp and added missing anim states
- Fixed notes not being interactable on client
- Fix Bear, Elephant and Juvia RockGolem carcass materials not looking skinned. Fix RG Juvie mask being inverted
- Mentioning that you will need a taxidermy knife in GH_RG_01 durinf the first quest step
- Adding legendarya Ice Mammoth and other sledgehammer whoosh
- Fixed issue where game could become laggy after interacting with the Orbital Exchange Interface until restarting or returning to main menu
- Living Item Preview now only captures scene when relevant UMG is visible
- Decreasing Weight of the ammo the Slug Gun Launcher Legendary Weapon uses
- Added world boss icons in map icon form
- Reducing Number of young quarrites which spawn in the very first quarrite mission
- Adding the Alternate Fire for the Legendary Weapon Ape Club, adding new particle effect for the slam
- Adding new Stats for the Legendary Weapon Ape Club Slam attack, as well as the 3 possible effects based on selected upgrade
- Fixing Various Alteration Description Typos
- Fixed Ape D2 mission giving unreasonable amounts of Goop on the final objective
- Update Bestiary overview page to show the biomes of cratures in addition to their image
- Renamed world spawn Ice Mammoth to Icy Mammoth
- Setup Icy Mammoth slightly different loot table and spawn zones
- Setup Bestiary information for Garganutan, Rimetusk and Quarrite, and related world spawns
- Add resistance and weaknesses for Garganutan Jr, Quarrite and Jr, and Icy Mammoth
- Fixed weapon list not scrolling, changed button look on biolab resource display
- Fixing Dropshadow that was blocking interactable widgets on the weapon customisation screen
- Replaced slugger biolab info image. Changed compression settings of Living weapon images
- Reimported GH weapon Hunt images to images divisible by two. Changed compression settings to Default from UI
- Fixing Biolab Currency Exchange Widget as it had outdated variables
- Adding Biolab Currency Exchange Widget
- Fixing Slug Launcher and Flamethrower Meshables BP's so they do not inherit the flamethrower mesh
- Fixing an Issue where the World Talent Manager was sometimes causing crashes when players would load in to a prospect with GH talents
- Fixing Juvenile Rock Golem Item Rewards so they don't give exotics any longer
- Added missing LODs for DCO_Giant_Ranch_Sign
- Added DCO_Coffee_Grinder
- Added DCO_Butter_Churn
- Added pixelated effect to biolab preview item fade-in, also added drop shadow
- Allowed dead miners (quest asset) to be removed/deleted by holding X
- Cliff Pass and Landscape Painting Pass, Green and Yellow Quad, Elysium
- Great Ape tweak state changes after health and resist stat changes
- Tag some logs in Swamp Ape Arena to able to be picked up by Great Ape (rather than him having to knock them over)
- Update level scaling of dynamic spawner creature spawning (typically for Quarrite and Garganutan spawners) to be a small flat amount, instead of multiplicitive on the area level
- Adding audio event and BP for probe scanner
- Adjusting Black Wolf Revolvers Name as one of its parts was named the same
- Gret Hunts Interface UI tweaks, changed hunt sidebar colours, moved weapon button out of side bar