about 3 years ago - loriipops - Direct link
Originally posted by The Unknown: ok so its only 20 quid...

WOW SOOOO CHEAP (for a game we can only play on the weekends!!!!) Which is why i have not... and will not purchase it until release in november (don't you know it was listed to release end of september/beginning of october?)

But we can only play once a week.... >.> should be a demo due to this *rage moan shout sware moan rage....*
Hey The Unknown,

People have paid for their pre-order. The bet access is an added benefit, not only that, it allows us to listen to our community (you!) and make the game better before launch day. It's an important stage of video game development.

If participating in our beta weekends isn't for you, that's okay! I hope you have fun playing Icarus if you do decide to purchase on launch day or beyond.