over 1 year ago - Shamm - Direct link
This week we’re introducing a new mission to Styx, similar to DEEP VEIN and PAYDAY which guides players to explore the many exotic deposits across the map. REMNANT will provide multiple outcomes in a dynamic environment, perfect for new players or exotic farmers.

We’re also making a change to exotic extraction, providing a more balanced extraction experience across our three biomes, as requested by our community in Feature Upvote.


New Mission - REMNANT: Extraction
This week, we’re bringing you a new mission, REMNANT: Extraction. Similar to the introductory missions DEEP VEIN and PAYDAY, REMNANT guides players to place a number of radars in various locations to find, extract and launch exotics into orbit.

REMNANT takes place on Styx however, which has a much higher saturation of exotic deposits on the map, so the mission has a wide variety of outcomes. Lines from the radars will point players to different exotic deposits with varying distances, and allow them to learn the mechanics in a more dynamic environment with more paths to choose from.

Your briefing is as follows:

REMNANT: Extraction

// BIOME: The Great River
// BACKGROUND: UDA advises additional prospector training with advanced scanning techniques, after clearing the area of easily found exotic deposits
// MISSION: Follow UDA radar procedure, locate and extract exotics, deliver exotics to orbit
// TERMS: All extraction equipment and materials are to be provided by the Contractor

Exotic Extraction Balance
We’re making a requested change to exotic extract, unifying the drill slot count across biomes and increasing relative mining speed to provide a balance.

All three biomes (forest, arctic and desert) will now have two extractors, reducing forest from three to two. To balance out the reduction, each extractor will extract exotics 50% faster, which provides a better situation for single player session where players may not want to have to craft multiple extractors.

Effectively, this just reduces the forest biome to only having two extractors, to be in line with the arctic and desert biomes, but these 2 extractors will be as effective as the previous 3 allowed in the forest biome.

Bug Fixes
We’re addressing a range of bugs to kick off 2023. While you’ll find others in our detailed change log, we wanted to address these three in particular:
  • Fixed a bug where if a client holds a shield and a one-handed weapon the UI doesn't show the shield highlighted
  • Fixed an issue where Dropships & Dynamic missions can trigger outside of the playable area by implementing a new ‘Bounds Mask’
  • Before writing to Character/Profile/Prospect data, temporary backups of original files are created to as safeguards in case of an unexpected shutdown or game crash during the saving process. Save file restore occurs on the initial application load
