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I'm noticing a large amount of people attacking LE after the announcement that there would be no trading. Websites like D2jps and their userbase are are going apesh*t saying they wasted their money on buying the game only for it to turn into another diablo 3 just because there is no trading. That's just one example.

If you can buy power with money, third party or not, then it is horrible game design. These free traders act like there is nothing wrong with trading when it brings a slew of problems to the game. Like P2W, scamming, massive botting among other reasons. It also breaks the core gameplay loop of killing monsters for power. Free traders never counter argue with anything meaningful and they bully you for disagreeing with them.

Blizzard tried making trade work in D3. It was horrible which is why it was removed when the xpac hit, grim dawn has no focus on trading and is a great game. D4 will have almost no trading and won't be well over half your power like it is in PoE or D2. It will be a small amount of your power, if any.

Every upcoming and modern ARPG has no focus on trading. Developers know how much it breaks the ARPG experience and makes it pointless to farm for items, when you can just work an extra day for cash and buy all the BIS items.

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about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by hardolaf

how the f**k does option 2 make you play the game longer, when it MASSIVLY shortens the time it takes to progress your character

People quit early if they aren't getting what they want. But if they're having fun, they play for a long time. There's a reason why Harvest and Ritual league had the best long-term retention tails in PoE's history: players could get the items they wanted and have fun playing the fun part of the game.

Great point, does that need to come from trade?

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Hey everyone! Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

We've got an abnormally large number of reports on comments in this thread. We know this is an important topic for a lot of people. Please remember to be respectful and argue the issue and not the person. It's a shame to have to remove posts with high quality reasoning because the last couple lines are just unnecessarily aggressive.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by grayscalering

it takes 1000s of hours and effort to get the best items in poe solo

because the games drop rates are balanced around trading, the game is functionally unplayabe SSF unless you are willing to put hundreds of hours into it

how does buying an item from another player somehow make you want to spend MORE time in the game then finding it does?

option 1: i want the item, i go through the challanges to find it, i find it, i upgrade it, time effort and fun have gone into making my hcaracter better

option 2: i want the item, i buy it.........

how the f**k does option 2 make you play the game longer, when it MASSIVLY shortens the time it takes to progress your character

poes loot experience is a pile of absolute ass, i have 1600+ hours in the game, its dreadfull

if you want poe, f**k off back to poe, let the better game stay better, im genuinly fed up with people like you who want to change LE for the worse because its not exactly the same as poe, you have your shit game, dont make mine worse

People asking for changes to LE which make it different from what you want is perfectly valid. Please do not tell people to not voice their opinions or tell them to leave.