

27 Feb

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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed fully offline mode not being able to leave game back to character select
  • Fixed players being able to block themselves in chat

17 Feb

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct


  • Added client support for system updates
  • Added performance telemetry information for tracking FPS and frame hitches to support continued performance improvement efforts


This patch requires rolling server restarts to get the servers up to version. We have also started a count-down notification in game for the server shutdown. We expect the server downtime to be very short, as it’s just a restart for the update.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Travelers, and welcome back for the fourth installment of Making Last Epoch! For today’s look at the world of game development within Eleventh Hour Games, we’re going to be taking a look at World Design and Narrative with our resident Lore Master and Lead Writer: Kyle Melberg. Kyle has made a couple of guest appearances on our weekly Developer streams to answer questions about the lore of Eterra, and today we’ll be talking about what exactly “World and Narrative” is, and the process behind creating the expansive universe in which all the loot, lizards, and groles reside.

World & Narrative vs. World Design

Let’s start off by getting an explanation of what exactly “World and Narrative”, and “World Design” are ...

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31 Jan

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Closing this thread as there is no discussion presented or feedback being provided in thread purpose, and is only causing unnecessary conflict. If you’d like to discuss the validity of measuring a game by active player counts, please use one of the existing threads, or create a thread for that purpose.


Originally posted by wentwj

as someone who mostly plays offline, I’m a little confused how seasons will work in LE in the early days. Will non-seasonal characters have the same content or will it be like other arpgs where season characters have different mechanics.

From an earlier conversation I thought I remember that the first few cycles would all be immediately put into non-seasonal as well

Currently all content additions will be available in Season, and Legacy; Online, and Offline. It's possible in the future that we may do Season only content, but for now all game modes get all new content.


Originally posted by Trespeon

Yeah. They have just worked for the 9 months(from Harbingers to this next release date) and only made 3 months of work.

You have proof they stated they limited their scope AND extended their patch cycle, because that’s about the stupidest decision I have ever heard from a game that’s officially launched and past 1.0.

Season 2 will be a very large patch with a lot of new content. The misunderstanding we often see is that we took two of our previously planned seasons and put them together to make the new Season 2. That's not the case, we took planned features from all across the board to make a Season 2 that best addressed the largest areas of community feedback, rather than confining ourselves to the previously split up schedule of content additions.


Originally posted by ettieredgotobed

Have they said yet if this will be the season that pushes characters to legacy?

When the season releases, existing Cycle characters will join Legacy, and a fresh new Season (cycle) will become available.


Originally posted by violentlycar

Did we stop calling them "Cycles"?

We received a lot of feedback that referring to major releases by their patch number (1.1, 1.2, etc.) was misleading as partial numbers like that didn't feel like they were as big as they were meant to be (Content expansion, environment restart, new ladders). We changed to Seasons as a familiar term to better communicate that these patches were those kinds of large content drop starts players were looking for.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Season 2 - Tombs of the Erased

Comes to Last Epoch April 2nd, 2025


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29 Jan


Originally posted by DrGlyph

Thank you so much for the detailed reply! I followed the steps and found a rogue "nullnullnullnullnull" stash tab file. I restored the backup and everything's back to normal. Thanks for the amazing support!

Happy to hear it! Good luck in Eterra Traveler!


It sounds like this may possibly be the result of character save file corruption. The two most common causes for corruption is the game being closed unexpectedly while saving (such as a power outage or alt+f4), or by somehow being modified by a third party program.

As the character was offline we would not have it stored in our online database. However, you should still be able to find it! Firstly, please turn off the Steam Cloud Sync in Last Epoch before doing these instructions!

You can go to this area: Windows: C:\Users[your_pc_account_name]\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Saves Linux: Steam games files can be found in the “~/. steam/steam/SteamApps/common/” folder SteamDeck: Saves will be located in the home directory. There is no fixed place where native games store their data, it may be under .config/, .local/, or in a private directory. Proton saves are stored under .local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/

Note: In order to see the [A...

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Hey u/MalaM_13. I've gone over the examples you've provided in your post, and none of them flag in our chat system. It is very much possible that you're being denied sending messages in chat due to excessive past flags, or there may be something else in the messages you're sending causing them to be blocked. To look into why you might be getting blocked messages that shouldn't be, please submit a support ticket -

27 Jan


Congratulations to ThellllStandard and Azerov!

We're always excited to see community events and happy to help how we can. I look forward to seeing what kind of fun events the future brings!

20 Jan


Originally posted by Necessary_Lettuce779

Can't you check the account and enable all owned cosmetics before launching non-true offline mode?

No, because then it wouldn't be true offline. That's a connection occurring. We had previously raised the possibility of having "check-in connections" every few months for offline mode, however the community feedback very strongly stated that is not true offline. So we agreed to the community's feedback and made true offline, truly offline.


If you're playing offline, then your game is not connected to your account. This means the client has no way to know what cosmetics your account might have, as it doesn't even know what your account is. There is two offline modes (offline and true offline), however they both need to work with the same code, which means the offline client can't support game features true offline doesn't. Things like chat and friends lists can work in offline (not true offline) still because they're more like a "layer" on top of the game.

We haven't given up looking at options to potentially make cosmetics available offline. However currently, the whole crux of it, that which prevents access to your account purchases, is the very feature of the game mode itself. Being offline, not being connected to remote services, such as accounts.

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We are currently planning to take our servers offline for server maintenance on 2025-01-28T04:00:00Z. We expect this downtime to take approximately 6 hours, and will provide an update once services are restored. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


2025-01-28T04:00:00Z - Servers have been taken offline for maintenance.

2025-01-28T10:00:00Z - Server maintenance has been successfully completed and servers are now online again! Thank you for your patience.

17 Jan

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a recent issue causing low FPS issues under specific conditions