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First off, I love this crafting system. Its engaging and rewarding and it's got so much potential. That being said here's a couple suggestions and comments

It's weird to have a full 4 affix T5 white item. I feel like at a certain point in crafting it should upgrade to blue and then yellow.

Right now I dont really understand the difference between the rarities outside of when the item drops it has a higher chance to have more affixes the higher rarity it is? Even then I've seen blues with 4 affixes and yellows with 2. Blues and even whites seem to be just as useful as yellows right now in deciding what to pick up. Which makes it quite time consuming to look at all the item drops to try and find a good base with 1-2 well rolled affixes (which youd then use to start a crafting project)

Maybe when your item hits 2 affixes from crafting it turns blue and 4 affixes it upgrades to a yellow item?

** Even further crafting a full T5 item could have it's own unique fancy yellow border signifying the achievement of the craft. Thatd be pretty cool to show .

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almost 6 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by GivingItMyBest

Pretty sure the item not showing the right quality is a known bug.

Yeah, it's a bug. There'll be a fix in the next patch.