This game keeps getting recommended to me on Steam and I can’t stop looking at it and watching gameplay video. For some background on me, my games of choice are typically Dark Souls, Elden Ring, and a ton of Monster Hunter. I’m mainly addicted to these games because I enjoy crafting builds and seeing what I can come up with when trying to defeat whatever.
I’ve never played any ARPGs like Diablo or Grim Dawn. I’ve been intimidated in the past because seriously, these games look high IQ and I’m about as smooth brain as they come but man, this game looks like so much fun. Is this a good entry point for someone like me? As someone who’s never played any ARPGs and is kinda dumb.
Lastly, I was mainly looking to play this game on an ASUS Rog Ally. Would this be playable with a controller or is mouse and keyboard mandatory? I don’t mind playing on PC but I would love to tackle this game at the gym post workout or on my commute to work.
Sorry for the long post and I hope I can get some feedback. I would love to dive into this as I’m kind of burnt out on Elden Ring, Souls likes in general, and Monster Hunter.
Thank you every one!
Edit: I bought it.
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