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If this is a total lie, Steam needs to remove this post because it is hurting sales...

"One of the lead Eleventh Hour employees, Sarno, (or at least lead in public relations), is incredibly defensive about the horribly coded security that Last Epoch has. Even mentioning the fact that the ladder high scores are filled with cheaters will get you banned on all platforms. Sarno's fragile ego goes so far that he has removed Last Epoch game access from those who have criticized Eleventh Hour's ability to stop cheaters, which is illegal in many parts of the world."

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almost 4 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Essentially the game is not server authoritative yet and someone has discovered that they can cheat/exploit this and are exposing it. We have a few social systems like the ladder that we have to monitor a bit more closely for this reason for the mean time. Multiplayer release will come with most logic existing on the server instead of the client and change the majority of what that post is referring to - and should alleviate their concerns. Sarno removed their post because it’s against our ToS to cheat and having more people obtain info on how to do this just causes more manual work for us before these systems are brought to server authority.

I can see how that person would be concerned if none of this was changing for multiplayer, but it is. The way we’ve developed it will allow us to support offline single player as well in the long run.