The discord has a lot of valuable information, and is helpful, join it if you aren't in it, and the devs answer questions all the time. Mostly Mike and Sarno, these are all answers from Mike, there is a lot more, but these are pretty important/interesting I thought, and also some more recent questions, so I won't be going back all the way lol.
Q: Asked them about the gambler being a super good way (if not the best) to get endgame gear
A: I agree that the gambler isn't in an ideal spot at the moment. We are still working out the balance of loot drops to gambler. Gold is going to become a lot more valuable so the gambler is going to get way worse because of that.
Q: Why is there no mana on hit affix or manaleech? I feel like this would enable more spells/builds as viable.
A: Kinda, but more accurately because we generally try to avoid using cooldowns to gate skills. By using mana as a gating mechanic, we can give high power skills no cooldown so they can be used in strategic ways. Then have free or cheap skills to fill the gaps. It also helps to encourage multiple skills being used instead of one button builds.
3d models will be in some pre 1.0 updates and post 1.0 updates, but they aren't really worried about it as much as the endgame systems, balancing of everything, multiplayer, trading, etc.
There will be more affixes on gear
There will be crafting updates, they've got big plans for it. (like more glyph types)
Q: Recent path of exile expansions are characterized by significant regressions in combat and mechanics. What steps will Last Epoch be taking to ensure that you have a unit and integration test framework that A) identifies far reaching consequences from system changes and B) ensures minimal developer hassle as they frequently make intentional changes to your game?
A: Wow, you're hitting me with the hard questions. I had one like this yesterday and I can't quite fully answer it because it would spoil some unannounced content. We do have the huge advantage of being able to have watched other games that have done similar systems and be able to see what went right and what didn't work as well. The short answer is that we have designed end game systems with intentional expansion avenues that will allow us to add new content to them without adding new mechanics and be able to add new mechanics without invalidating old ones.
Q: Whats the reasoning behind not wanting "zoom zoom"?
A: That is a very deep question. The short version is that we want the moment to moment combat decisions to be more impactful. Having an ability which can cover large distances while killing everything in its path makes the environment, enemies, and other abilities kinda pointless. We already have several ability setups which can get you going very fast and maybe even a little too fast in some scenarios.
Q: Is there some way to configure the loot filter so an item needs to have 2+ affixes on my list?
A: Yup, we've got lots of wants for it and they will likely come in a big bundle. We've just got those people doing other things like multiplayer work for a bit now.
- There will be more skills and overhauls for each class pre 1.0 to make them smoother.
Q: Is a transmog system like in D3 / GD / MMOs planned, so you can change the appearance of armour and weapons with the appearance of other gear that you found in the game? Sorry if this has been asked before.
A: Something similar yes, not exactly the same as any game I know of but I'm sure someone will be able to point to an example when we reveal it.
- overhead hp bar will get some touch ups.
Q: Are you planning on implementing the inspect function either ingame or in the forums? Example: there is a top 5 marksman in arena and i wanted to check their build but i'm unable to
A: That's a very controversial topic. We currently show their equipped abilities as teaser of what sort of build they are running. Many people also don't want to make their builds visible. If we did implement a full inspect on the ladder system I think it would either be opt in or opt out in some way so that people who do/don't want to show their builds can.
The loot filter version that is available right now is still the first version really. We do intend to make improvements on it. We haven't had the design meetings on what those improvements are going to be yet.
Minion AI is being improved in the next patch (0.8.2, in May)
Optimization is always being worked on
Procedurally generated maps are a “being worked on” and they will let us know if they can get it in anytime soon. Most definitely a far off post 1.0 update if anything. It’s tough to do.
Q: Will there be male and female versions of all classes?
A: This is a pretty deep topic that we've talked a bit about on the forums. The short version is that we won't be adding any more base character model customizations before the 1.0 launch but will look at doing things like this post launch. It's a feature we are interested in and know that many of you are also very interested in it too. It's just not something we have room for in the scope before we launch 1.0.
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