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EHG, please make bosses immovable. My little character shouldn’t be able to walk into and move a huge dragon (looking at you reign of dragons boss). Not only does it not make any sense but it completely messes up my positioning when I’m trying to dodge attacks because instead of walking around the boss I push it to the edge of the screen.

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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

We currently only have the ability to make something immovable by making it completely immobile.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by RoastBeefer

Maybe in a future update the boss can be coded to be immovable by a player but the boss itself can still move through its phases and attacks?

We don't have the capability of doing that right now. We currently only have the ability to make something immovable by making it completely immobile.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Denaton_

Don't you use rigidbody, if you do, can't you just raise the weight?

It's not that simple. It's caused by the unreliability of the position of the enemy and yourself between the client and the server. But yes, that's what offline mode does.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Denaton_

Can't that be solved by server prediction, similar to how client prediction is done, but on the server instead?

Not that we know of. The client doesn't really predict anything either.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by maxxxmaxmaxx

i don't know anything about dev stuff, but how was this solved before? i played a good while ago and moving bosses around wasn't a thing, came back in 0.9 for a few more hunred of hours and Im basicly playing ping pong with the bosses with my smiterdin character.

pre-0.9 was offline only. This isn't a problem in offline mode even now. The problem is a networking issue.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Mind_Is_Empty

Would it be possible to attach an aura on bosses slightly larger than their model which immobilizes the player if they're standing in it and facing its center?

Depending on how common/replicable it is, the "center" can be changed from a point to an internal radius, which should at least push it toward not happening as often.

Rotation is not reliable either, this doesn't work. Sorry.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Mind_Is_Empty

I've been scouring the game to see if there are any NPCs that move and block player movement while online, and I've found one.

The rabbits in The Old Road block movement and shove the player out of the way while in online mode. Would it be possible to have a boss use the same behavior as the rabbit?

If there's some sort of code voodoo that lets the rabbit work while copying it elsewhere makes it fail, is it possible to enlarge a rabbit until its collision radius is the same as a boss, turn it invisible, and have it update its position to be standing directly on top of the boss at any given frame?

Isn't there some story about not being able to make the trolly move at the start of half life 1 but they could make a person move so they made a trolly sized hat for an NPC to wear. Reminds me of that.