


    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Either way, I still don’t think people are going to do it because levelling the skills will take too long.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Last time I played hard I was rolling in tokens. I could easily respec daily without trying and I could easily afford to do it way more often than that. If that’s all you’re referring to, tokens are cheap.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

I promise that if mastery respec is meta defining I will push very hard to add a restriction. I understand the concern here. You’re right that it is harder to take something away than it is to add it. We are confident that if some limiting factor is required that it can be done cleanly enough that it’s worth it to just go to the system we think will be the best in the long run.

In this case, that loud camp I think actually delayed this. Low quality arguments for something can have the opposite effect by making the recipient dismiss the entire idea due to some reasons being ineffective. It’s not intentional but I sometimes find myself needing to figure out why on my own.

As an aside, I see the D2 approach being recommended quite a bit but I do want to point out...

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    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m going to push back on them being effectively free and even if they were, it wouldn’t “absolutely promote frequent switching”. It could under the right circumstances but I don’t think we have those. I think the premise of the argument is on very shaky ground.

As I said previously, if it does end up being a problem, we are prepared to make adjustments as we always are. We will be paying close attention to feedback and adjust accordingly if necessary.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, that would help to facilitate a function that we aren’t attempting to promote. It’s like the Faction swapping. When we announced it, there was a worry that people would be switching back and forth like crazy. I think this is similar. We aren’t trying to promote frequent switching but want to allow “un-bricking” a character.

I’m not saying that a loadout system is impossible to do in the future but it’s not an obvious or necessary follow-up to adding an option to respec your mastery.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sure, that makes sense. We don’t have a full-free-respec system. What are your thoughts on loadouts in a gold and skill-xp cost system?

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

That one is easy, I’m a degenerate redditor and I just stumble upon epoch stuff in my feed while I’m looking at other topics.

05 Mar

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

I just left you a massive reply on discord (at almost the same time as you put this here) but I’ll reply here too.

Why? Those are options that are on the table. I’m not opposed to some limiting factor like that at all. What’s the benefit to it though? What does it do for the gameplay experience? Can those things be done another way?

01 Mar

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m not sure, I just use the dev command to do it.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

As far as I know it’s just gold. Like you have to pay for all your passives to be refunded after all.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

I am sorry that I said we didn’t have plans for it so recently. It was a very recent change and I wasn’t sure it was going to even be announced yet. I saw the trailer for the first time when it went live. I also let me emotions get the better of me in that one.

Mastery respec and build templates might seem connected but they are targeting very different things. Mastery respec is aimed at the new player experience. Restarting your first character with the same base class because you were disappointed with the mastery selection significant hours into the game can be a motivation and fun killer. Build templates and quick switching would be aimed at end game characters to be able to quickly switch builds to do different content.

I don’t think that these are a slippery slope to one another at all. We’re basically saying, ok, there are 5 classes and if you are playing a mage, you have access to all of mage with enough effort.

Build templates still have the same major ...

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27 Feb

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Technically blessings have always been items in the code. Blessings are not going to start dropping as items that can be put in your inventory. Don’t read into that shot. It is possible to generate Blessing “items” using dev tools and it looks like that accidentally happened for the capture.

23 Feb

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

So we have no intention of making this change at this time. It is possible to change our minds. The way you are attempting to do that is not effective. If you would like to accomplish your goal, here is my advice. I do understand that there is a language barrier here so I’m trying to help.

  1. Stop using words like “commandment” or “final judgement”. You are offering a suggestion. Something about how forceful you’re phrasing things makes me want to do it even less.

  2. “Because another game did it” is generally not a good argument. All of the systems works together and taking one element from another game and attempting to slot it in rarely works well.

  3. Use the phrase “when x happens, I feel y”. Sometimes the best solution isn’t obvious and phrasing the problem this way gives us the ability to look at the issue from different angles. Telling us the solution limits the scope of our investigation.

  4. Consider why the system is...

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22 Feb

16 Feb

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is really cool to read the guesses of what it is going to be. I have seen someone get it 99% right somewhere, I think it was on Reddit. It was before any CTs saw it so I don’t think it was a leak.

06 Jan

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

SGU was just hitting its stride when it got cancelled. Had a bit of a BSG vibe to it in the best way possible.

I also realized that the episode I was thinking of was “200”, not “Wormhole Xtreme!”.

29 Dec

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yea, that’s what I was saying. I’m agreeing with you. In a different genre, it worked great.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wildstar had inspired CC. Both of those examples are from there. I thought it was a lot of fun because every ability was a skill shot.

19 Dec

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

At least initially, I think that people will be in one of two camps.

  1. OMG that random bug that nobody believed I had forever is finally fixed.

  2. Did something change?

Going forward: it gives us access to new tools and options for developing better stuff in almost every axis. Sometimes it’s a simple as a plugin that can now be updated to have an extra option in the dialogue tree because it didn’t support the old version of unity. I don’t actually know if that is one, just a random weird example.

16 Dec

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

You’re both very close but what I actually said was that we came very close to releasing it last week and someone found a bug so we delayed it and would wait until everyone was back in the office in the new year.

I don’t know when in the new year it will get pushed out but as long as no more major issues are found, probably pretty quick.