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For those who might be unaware, Chris Wilson the lead game designer of Path of Exile is a big time Magic The Gathering fan and has cited it as a source of inspiration for the game. Items like [[Chaos Orb]] being a direct reference to MTG. Which leads me to Judd Cobbler, the lead developer of LE who goes by the handle of /u/moxjet200 which appears to be a direct reference to one of the oldest MTG cards [[Mox Jet]]. Now I am convinced people only make these games because MTG is so expensive and they need a way to fund their hobby. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

One day I’ll have a real Mox Jet. Even if it takes 7 years of building a game studio from my basement.

7 years later…. Ugh it’s still so expensive