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Finished the story thus far and played until level 45. Great game and definitely would like to play more, but the long load times and amount of client crashes I'm having don't really make it all that enticing at the moment. Will return to the game when it has more updates, but thanks for a great 7 hours so far.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Apologies for the technical issues! We're working on them.

One of the worst offenders was loading the zone The Maj'Elkan Catacombs; for some it was a very long loading screen, for others they could even crash when attempting to load it. Our Lead Developer has identified the cause of this, and we're testing a fix which has brought this down to between 5% and 11% of the current load time. It's too early to say how impactful this will be for other zones.