almost 2 years
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
4s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
6s | back to another last Epoch Dev stream as |
10s | always I'm your host Mike |
13s | hello and we're hopping right into the |
15s | game uh a little slow little late start |
18s | here I discovered that it takes me |
20s | 12 minutes to go from oh crap I'm |
23s | working too it streams live |
27s | so that's good uh and yeah so let's |
30s | we're just gonna hop right into things |
31s | let's get our chat cleared away here |
36s | let's follow the backpack we're going |
38s | down we still we're still playing with |
39s | our two-handed blade dancer |
43s | nothing new there |
46s | let's hop right back in |
48s | I think we should go this way |
52s | how's everybody doing if this is your |
54s | first time here or you just want a |
56s | refresher as always you stream for |
57s | charity World neighbors is our charity |
59s | of the month we'll have a new one next |
60s | month and if you have any questions |
62s | please feel free to ask them but at last |
64s | Epoch game in the question and I will |
66s | see it better if you notice someone else |
68s | asking a question later that doesn't |
69s | have that in there |
71s | you can you can slap it out Lassie Puck |
73s | game on there let me know that I missed |
74s | one |
76s | or I'll just say this again later too |
83s | hope everyone's having fun doing good |
85s | today I expect to be a little light |
87s | today because there might be something |
88s | else happening in the uh in the genre |
95s | I still haven't tried it yet |
96s | but I want to |
98s | I will we'll see see what happens |
104s | might take a little bit of things things |
105s | are starting to the the frenzy of uh |
108s | multiple release has calmed down a bit |
110s | so we're a little less in the |
113s | every second |
115s | gotta be going what's going on here the |
117s | water's not loaded |
119s | interesting |
123s | that's a cool I don't know before |
128s | come on just just just just you know |
130s | don't be alive anymore |
135s | how's everybody doing |
137s | what a really good week I've had like a |
139s | strangely good week it's been really |
141s | nice |
144s | nothing really major I guess nothing |
146s | like stand out great has happened but |
148s | it's just been like a really solid week |
157s | we are going through potty training with |
158s | the kid right now and it's |
160s | that's not been fun |
168s | hey Dario 23 months oh we're coming up |
172s | hot on that two-year mark thank you very |
174s | much |
177s | those bees |
181s | he's gonna do like a b anything in a |
183s | while |
183s | there's those big influx of people and |
185s | and uh |
188s | I guess we'll have to at some point |
191s | revive the thing that this little |
194s | sticker is from right there |
196s | if you if you've never seen what that is |
198s | oh it's kind of buried there's |
200s | I bought a |
203s | B Halloween outfit for a five-year-old |
206s | and wore it on stream |
209s | as a |
211s | neck collar instead of a skirt |
216s | because my neck is the size of a small |
219s | person's waist |
221s | that Claymore could be actually really |
222s | good |
232s | oh maybe |
235s | it's funny like I can already as we're |
237s | getting like further into the campaign I |
238s | can already start to feel this build |
240s | like slowing down where I'm like that's |
242s | gonna be problematic in a little bit I |
244s | can feel |
250s | all right where are we going with this I |
252s | think we're coming down here |
256s | yeah we're just getting that leech right |
258s | away |
259s | yeah if you have a question please don't |
261s | forget to put at last debug even the |
262s | question I haven't seen any yet but I |
264s | assume there's some questions in here so |
265s | let's see if I can read some |
269s | uh do you have any estimate on when the |
272s | next bug fixes may come out uh I do not |
275s | know when the next bug fixes are coming |
276s | out I know there's sort of always uh |
279s | so right now at least there's always a |
281s | hot fix that's in |
284s | um |
285s | in in the pipe to go and uh so once once |
289s | that gets approved I'm sure it'll be |
290s | coming out with more stuff |
293s | I know there were some people that were |
294s | really hoping to um |
296s | to get one out today but I don't think |
298s | it's gonna happen |
301s | you know we're not actually using |
302s | Shadows |
310s | yeah I got I gotta do something for my |
311s | damage we're like zdps right now not not |
314s | okay |
319s | um can you add a dog to the Imperial |
321s | heroin named mediumists |
324s | as the link between Maximus and Minimus |
325s | I mean I wouldn't I'd be lying if I said |
327s | this is the first time I've heard that |
328s | suggestion |
332s | I've not had a chance to play D4 beta |
335s | yet |
336s | um I have I've gotten as far as watching |
340s | most of the opening cut scene |
345s | and it may have crashed in the middle of |
347s | that |
350s | which to to be fair |
353s | um |
354s | the the Lassie Puck editor was running |
356s | in the background and last Epoch was |
358s | running in the background as well |
362s | um |
363s | it's probably more my fault than |
365s | anything else |
373s | up |
384s | a hill I'm coming into the game and I |
386s | work on this freaking form build with |
388s | buying someone's freaking Scorpion and |
389s | healing totems all these kind of scale |
391s | with Attunement yes lots of Druid stuff |
393s | skills in achievement |
395s | um but I want to pursue poison chants |
398s | does a human do anything for this build |
400s | or should I only scale poison also does |
402s | minion melee or spell damage does |
404s | anything for me or does it only damage |
407s | over time so |
408s | um |
409s | I'm sure you can get this answer in the |
411s | text format and one of our uh like |
413s | forums or Discord or something a lot |
415s | better but generally speaking in go over |
416s | roughly what affects what so if if |
418s | you're trying to give |
422s | it okay assistant says 21 this is 33 |
425s | poison resistance and 21 minion poison |
428s | resistance |
429s | um so what's going on here is the all |
431s | the stats that say can do this oh this |
436s | that's out |
439s | it's frustrating |
441s | um all the stats that say minion apply |
444s | the stats to your minions all the stats |
446s | that don't say minion don't apply those |
448s | sense to me I know it might be like seem |
450s | kind of obvious or whatever or or |
452s | like like why does it need saying but it |
454s | is something that just needs to be |
456s | clarified |
456s | and |
459s | um the stats all work the same on |
461s | players and minions except for |
463s | attributes attributes don't actually get |
465s | transferred to the minions |
466s | um they're effects do but yeah so the |
470s | um |
471s | if a stats if they say a minion is |
473s | dealing poison damage |
476s | um |
478s | increased minion poison damage increased |
480s | minion damage and increased minion |
483s | damage over time all will help that |
486s | because they all apply to poison damage |
488s | on your minion |
491s | um |
492s | as far as attributes go |
496s | um the abilities that you're using if |
498s | you hold alt on the tooltips it'll tell |
501s | you what the attributes do for that |
503s | minion most minions it helps with health |
506s | and damage |
507s | um so it's a good example here is |
509s | um ballista which is a minion has |
511s | dexterity scaling |
513s | um and level scaling it also means to |
515s | level scaling this this the scaling |
516s | you're seeing right here is extremely |
518s | consistent across almost every minion |
522s | um it's not quite the same on all of |
523s | them but most of you'll see this so like |
525s | the ones the means you're talking about |
527s | um will probably have Attunement scaling |
530s | four percent per point for increased |
531s | damage one percent for Point increases |
533s | uh the attack speed might be different |
535s | actually |
537s | uh so that might be something different |
538s | there but it'll say what it is and then |
539s | level ceiling Health per level |
542s | so tune will help with your minions |
545s | regardless of what type of damage |
546s | they're doing because it's just |
547s | increased damage so all of their damage |
549s | is increased |
565s | I think I want to get rid of ballista |
567s | and put points into uh smoke bomb so I |
570s | can start getting some of the damage |
571s | buff stuff out of it |
573s | that might help speed some stuff up here |
578s | we've got that |
583s | uh next question |
586s | hey Mike when a skill converts all |
588s | sources from one damage type to another |
590s | is that supposed to be reflected on the |
592s | character sheet no |
594s | are you guys working on a bug probably |
597s | uh please take bug reports to the forums |
601s | um |
603s | yes we are working on that bug |
608s | uh hey Mike when skill converts also oh |
610s | yeah sorry twice |
614s | sort of my fire summoned lately and my |
617s | means regen shows zero all the time is |
620s | that a bug or do I just understand the |
621s | information in the |
623s | minion tab you might be misunderstanding |
625s | the minion tab |
626s | um |
627s | this shows |
629s | um |
630s | sources of increased minion Health |
632s | regeneration that are generic so if you |
635s | have say you had a stat and said like |
636s | increase |
638s | ranged Minion or bow minion |
642s | um |
644s | health regen that wouldn't be displayed |
646s | there or if you had |
647s | um |
648s | increased Companion health regen |
651s | while that would apply to most of your |
653s | minions because on primeless most |
654s | minions are companions |
656s | um it wouldn't be counted in that tab so |
658s | it only shows exactly what that tab |
661s | would reflect |
663s | um likewise if you had like plus five |
665s | minion health regen not increase but |
667s | just plus five flat it wouldn't show up |
670s | there because it's showing increased not |
673s | the total amount |
686s | easy too easy item link key will be in |
689s | this month I don't think so |
691s | um Something's Gonna Be A major content |
693s | patch |
694s | um this month and I think it's waiting |
695s | to the next major content patch so |
697s | hold on that's only what seven days left |
699s | of the month |
706s | I think that's gonna be a 0.91 feature |
711s | it was very close to being ready |
713s | um |
715s | yeah I just didn't quite get in |
720s | I did see a version especially because I |
722s | did see a version of it working |
724s | um |
725s | but there was some changes to the the |
726s | chat system that caused that version to |
728s | break unfortunately |
730s | oh yeah I don't know this is why I was |
733s | holding off on it before because I knew |
734s | I was just getting the specialization |
735s | slot really soon so |
738s | that makes sense we're gonna do smoke |
739s | bomb |
741s | um I think this one's slow stacked yeah |
742s | we went slow |
744s | you do a duration area |
748s | yeah we went down here don't we cleanse |
750s | ailments yeah this is what we want |
753s | we want to cleanse those ailments |
759s | back that we won |
760s | we are doing some |
762s | silver shred stuff so that's gonna be |
764s | quite useful we don't care about our |
765s | allies we have no friends |
772s | uh yes that looks great |
781s | armor shred that's what else we're going |
783s | this way next |
784s | yeah |
786s | cool |
793s | I can't remember exactly where stuff is |
794s | on the trees |
797s | yeah I'm like I know what is here I |
800s | don't know where it is or what it's |
802s | called |
803s | someone's just looking at it in a giant |
805s | list |
807s | yeah let's let's get rid of some stuff |
809s | okay this is |
812s | pretty sweet |
815s | uh no not we're looking for |
824s | sword let's grab that one just in case |
826s | we want it later |
831s | hello mate I had to reinstall the game |
833s | after the trade changes |
836s | I had to reinstall the game after church |
838s | we haven't put any trade changes in so |
840s | I'm not sure when |
843s | when we get the trade in the game can |
845s | you elaborate more oh I see what's |
847s | happening here okay so |
848s | um you're asking |
850s | if you will have to reinstall the game |
852s | after the trade changes I mean so the |
854s | trade the the item faction system will |
856s | come with a large patch |
861s | um it will not be happening before |
866s | a large patch |
868s | um |
871s | it will not be the item faction system |
873s | as a whole will not be |
875s | coming like immediately or anything this |
878s | this idea was something that we |
880s | first discussed like a week before that |
883s | post went out |
885s | um and since that happened like 0.9 |
887s | released and we've been pot fixing it |
889s | like crazy so like we haven't started on |
890s | that infection system at all yet |
893s | um |
895s | there's still lots of work to do there |
903s | I hope that answers your question |
905s | I'm not quite sure |
907s | if you have a question please don't |
908s | forget to put the outlasty about game in |
910s | the question uh any plans to add toggle |
912s | for controller players to allow skills |
914s | to not Auto Target |
916s | um I I don't know maybe if you want that |
917s | please go leave a suggestion on our |
918s | forums |
921s | where we go this way |
924s | as you know there's no accuracy rating |
926s | in the game so it means you can attack |
928s | your attack can't miss or be dodged |
930s | right now I mean there is |
932s | um dodging is a mechanic so there's no |
934s | Miss but there is Dodge so someone can |
938s | um can dodge an attack and in the |
941s | monolith you can get monster mods where |
943s | they get Dodge so it can be dodged there |
947s | and some individual enemies can have |
949s | Dodge but it's very rare |
952s | all right I have another question |
954s | regarding defenses uh I tried today to |
957s | make the arena on level 50 difficulty |
960s | with my level 73 necro 1.5 K live 30 |
963s | armor full resin bone armor working and |
966s | I get insta killed by the boss on 150 |
969s | more damage what am I doing wrong I mean |
972s | um the that 150 more modifier is pretty |
975s | huge |
977s | um |
979s | there was likely one that was a lot less |
981s | than 150 maybe pick the other one first |
984s | um there's other defensive layers that |
986s | you may want to look into crit avoidance |
989s | um glancing blow I got a necklace not |
991s | much glancing blow |
993s | um Ward so you can look into war |
995s | Generation |
997s | Um |
998s | use minions more as uh like defensive |
1001s | elements like like use it as meat |
1004s | Shields |
1007s | um |
1010s | fun fact in the arena there's uh the |
1012s | boss fights that happen |
1014s | um the Rogue will use if you get the |
1016s | Rogue at the end it'll use |
1018s | um decoy |
1020s | and while it doesn't Force the player to |
1025s | uh to Target the uh the decoy object |
1029s | um if you manage to kill |
1031s | the decoy before it expires it will drop |
1034s | a whole bunch of crafting materials |
1038s | um |
1039s | so there's like a reason to attack it |
1042s | um |
1043s | and so it does it does kind of work as a |
1046s | decoy |
1047s | for the opponent I I just I really think |
1050s | that's neat this thing's really cool |
1062s | everyone here and here |
1065s | so slow |
1071s | yeah good vulnerability let's go |
1075s | um that's actually sorry that's a |
1076s | another really useful thing I'm talking |
1078s | about defenses sometimes you can use |
1080s | offensive abilities as defensive players |
1082s | as well so Frailty is a really good |
1084s | example of this |
1086s | um Frailty reduces the damage dealt by |
1088s | six percent multiplicative with other |
1089s | modifiers uh last four seconds |
1092s | um sex up three times so you can get |
1095s | um |
1096s | this is a little misleading because it |
1098s | has a specific time that Frailty |
1100s | information is just generic so if you |
1102s | get Frailty applications on like a |
1103s | weapon for example so this like I have a |
1105s | chance to supply Frailty on my weapon so |
1108s | the things that I'm attacking pretty |
1109s | quickly are dealing pretty significantly |
1111s | less damage to me because of that so |
1112s | that that might be a good option as well |
1113s | to um |
1115s | increase your survivability you can get |
1117s | minion Frailty applications so if you're |
1119s | playing um on an act like you can uh |
1124s | I think you said accolade |
1126s | I I may just like made that up |
1128s | oh necro yeah necro yeah so yeah you can |
1130s | have your minions apply for lt2 |
1134s | which is really good |
1140s | smoke bomb failed smoke bomb again |
1143s | didn't fail nice |
1149s | yeah like those dustrad Stacks oh yeah |
1157s | greetings from Brazil hello |
1159s | it's probably gorgeous down there right |
1161s | now |
1162s | in general are you happy with the |
1164s | current state of throwing builds that's |
1166s | kind of strange because weapons have |
1168s | very little impact on throwing Builds on |
1170s | bikes weapons do have very little impact |
1172s | on throwing bikes |
1174s | sorry |
1176s | um yeah I mean I get this question a lot |
1178s | um |
1179s | it's it's |
1181s | sort of that like |
1183s | half feedback aspect to it |
1186s | um the |
1188s | I think the important thing to note with |
1190s | a throwing build |
1195s | yeah let's just put |
1196s | it on here |
1198s | um actually so like shurikens |
1201s | thematically there are like like this |
1205s | this is an alternate weapon this is a |
1207s | secondary maybe that second this is an |
1209s | alternate weapon that the Rogue has |
1210s | access to this is |
1212s | um sort of drawing to that fantasy of |
1214s | like the right tool for the right job |
1217s | um and and these shurikens are not your |
1220s | weapon |
1223s | excuse me a little lingering cough from |
1225s | that long cold ahead |
1229s | drink lots of water boys and girls |
1232s | um so this is it's it's not you're not |
1235s | throwing your weapon right and this is |
1237s | true for for basically all I mean |
1239s | there's kind of a thematics um weapon |
1241s | throwing that happens with javelin but |
1243s | let's ignore that for a second |
1245s | because this is mostly what people are |
1246s | talking about when they ask questions |
1247s | like this is you're not throwing your |
1249s | weapon you're throwing uh like a |
1251s | secondary weapon an alternate weapon |
1252s | something else that you have in your |
1254s | Arsenal |
1256s | um and so in order to to like balance |
1260s | this because it's not your weapon like |
1263s | balance it the the thematics and the |
1265s | mechanics of it together |
1267s | um we we try to to keep uh to keep those |
1271s | Concepts separate a little bit so the |
1272s | things like what do you equip that helps |
1274s | you throw things better right like maybe |
1276s | you've got more |
1278s | um things you can carry so you're like |
1280s | your your belt has like utilities and |
1282s | things like that I think belts have |
1283s | throwing stuff on them and may not |
1284s | anymore but like gloves rings |
1288s | they're all like associated with your |
1290s | hands and you're throwing things with |
1291s | them and that's that's kind of why |
1293s | that's where the primary throwing stats |
1295s | are found on rings and gloves |
1298s | um and we also balance the |
1301s | throwing abilities base damage |
1304s | from |
1306s | nice mod there but a really cool thing |
1308s | that's that's why you bounce the base |
1310s | damage as though knowing you're not |
1312s | gonna be getting flat damage from your |
1314s | weapons |
1317s | foreign |
1326s | answering the question yes I'm very |
1329s | happy |
1336s | all right hey first off want to say I |
1338s | love the game thank you just said one |
1340s | question what is I'm trying to die here |
1343s | what is the devs philosophy on one |
1346s | button build I find I'm playing a piano |
1348s | a lot of this game and as a person whose |
1350s | hands hurt a lot because I'm old uh it |
1353s | always confused me why devs are against |
1354s | one skill does all philosophy I don't |
1356s | mind hitting a bunch of buttons for |
1358s | bosses just not 24 7. |
1360s | um I |
1364s | uh |
1367s | uh I don't know provide as many builds |
1369s | as possible that are good to use a bunch |
1370s | of buttons |
1372s | um |
1373s | that definitely doesn't mean that there |
1375s | are no |
1376s | primarily one button builds in the game |
1379s | um I think that's especially clear with |
1381s | like war path is like the poster child |
1384s | for one button builds you know |
1387s | let's get to the sub to see thanks bud |
1392s | Steve is oh you could say he's he's part |
1396s | of the team |
1398s | yes very much so |
1400s | uh |
1402s | that's that's funny I appreciate it |
1404s | thank you |
1406s | uh what was I saying |
1411s | uh uh one button Bill false yeah yeah |
1415s | um |
1415s | I I think there's this |
1418s | we do generally steer things towards |
1420s | having multiple things to do |
1423s | and I think |
1425s | generally one button builds are often |
1429s | useful in a channeling situation |
1433s | um that's where they show up the most |
1436s | Warpath lends itself so well to that |
1438s | because it's also a mobile one-man thing |
1442s | um |
1444s | well I I think we kind of lean more |
1446s | towards the lack of one button builds as |
1449s | being a like a |
1452s | a really common thing just as it's it's |
1455s | I guess the gameplay that we find more |
1457s | interesting ourselves |
1458s | um |
1465s | I will say that we like |
1469s | it's it's hard it's not something that |
1471s | we're like all right how do we don't |
1472s | ever sit down and say how do we work |
1473s | more buttons into this build or anything |
1475s | like that |
1478s | um |
1481s | yeah |
1487s | I hope that answered it |
1492s | hello Mike uh did you guys expect the |
1494s | amount of people still playing every day |
1496s | by now even with a huge amount of RPG |
1498s | stuff coming out this close together |
1500s | really happy for Ellie giving the |
1502s | attention and serves yeah I mean we were |
1503s | we were definitely hoping that we would |
1505s | still have a significant number of |
1508s | people I actually don't look at the |
1509s | numbers that often I try and avoid them |
1511s | as much as possible |
1512s | um |
1513s | I I try to you know just like |
1516s | keep making the game keep having fun |
1518s | with it |
1520s | um I try and I try and just ignore the |
1522s | numbers as much as possible I do I do |
1523s | see them every once in a while |
1525s | um and certain someone I'll message me |
1527s | like like a friend we'll be like don't |
1530s | you work on this game and I'm like yes I |
1531s | have been talking about it for five |
1533s | years now thank you |
1535s | um and like like weird things like that |
1538s | have happened recently which is which is |
1539s | really cool |
1541s | um so yeah it's it's been fantastic it's |
1544s | been fantastic I'm thrilled that we're |
1546s | like delfor beta started today or open |
1549s | Beta started today |
1551s | I'm thrilled that we're still still |
1553s | seeing lots of people playing like |
1554s | there's still there's over 100 people |
1555s | here right now which I did not expect I |
1557s | thought given what's happening today |
1558s | that today's stream would be like a |
1560s | 20-person stream but thanks for coming |
1561s | everybody glad to have you here |
1564s | and I know I'm a little bit behind on |
1566s | questions and I apologize |
1571s | um so I'll try and get the next one |
1572s | will there be training 1.0 there will be |
1574s | the item faction we okay our current |
1577s | goal is to have the item faction system |
1580s | um as soon as possible okay I don't know |
1583s | when that's gonna line up exactly with |
1586s | patches and everything like that |
1588s | um but yes item faction system is like |
1591s | one of our higher priority items of new |
1595s | features to add we know it's something |
1596s | that a lot of people want we know it's a |
1598s | very anticipated feature |
1600s | um there's still a lot to do with it and |
1602s | the reason I'm being kind of vague on |
1604s | timelines is because I don't know if |
1605s | we're gonna run into problems at any |
1607s | stage of it or not so if everything goes |
1609s | well yeah it'll probably be like we're |
1611s | we're getting on it pretty quick here |
1614s | um but the |
1616s | fact that I was not that far into it yet |
1618s | means I don't want to make predictions I |
1620s | can't back up |
1623s | uh it depends on in the clock back to |
1625s | the mini map absolutely I don't know |
1626s | where it's gone I think it's one of |
1628s | those things where there's a bug that |
1629s | removed it and we've just had so many |
1631s | more important bugs to deal with |
1633s | um that it hasn't gotten put on the the |
1635s | priority list yet you know |
1637s | uh but yes it's coming back |
1640s | oh |
1642s | in the jet video you have a shaman using |
1645s | everhammer with lightning earthquake |
1648s | which looks awesome however there's no |
1650s | reason to use lightning EQ with Amelia |
1653s | weapons because it gets switched to |
1654s | spell uh can be something similar to |
1656s | Javelin to transfer some of the melee to |
1658s | spell damage uh maybe |
1662s | um I I really like the suggestions I get |
1665s | on stream it's really cool to like hear |
1666s | people's thoughts on everything like |
1667s | that I get so many suggestions every day |
1671s | that I don't write them down and I do |
1673s | not remember them so if you really want |
1675s | to get your suggestions listened to and |
1677s | possibly add to the game please put them |
1679s | on the forums on the Discord |
1681s | um get get other people talking about |
1683s | them |
1684s | um you know like like all that sort of |
1685s | stuff is really it's really good for |
1686s | getting them noticed |
1689s | but send them directly to me terrible |
1691s | way to get them noticed I'll read them |
1694s | and enjoy them and uh 10 seconds later |
1696s | they're gone |
1700s | but thank you oh uh Board of Soul |
1703s | welcome welcome everyone from that |
1705s | stream glad to have you with us let's go |
1708s | over a quick recap we do stream for |
1709s | charity if you have a question for me |
1710s | put out last game of the question I'll |
1712s | be happy to answer just as quick as I |
1713s | can |
1715s | where's the next one what's your |
1716s | favorite class and build I'm I'm a big |
1718s | Rogue fanboy |
1724s | um I think my favorite build so far has |
1727s | been |
1729s | um it's so hard |
1734s | I really I know I said big Rogue Fanboy |
1736s | I've really enjoyed detonating uh |
1739s | zombies |
1740s | uh that that's like my favorite thing to |
1742s | do |
1743s | um |
1746s | volatile zombies not Disney zombies |
1749s | volatile zombies |
1753s | um I think that's my favorite build |
1754s | recently |
1755s | but uh |
1757s | generally I I defer to Marksman would be |
1760s | my default if I'm like what do I play |
1761s | I'll play Marksman |
1774s | I was seeing some some uh some stuff |
1777s | some posts recently about uh like |
1779s | respecting skills while you're leveling |
1781s | and everything like that and |
1782s | um and the cost being too high while |
1784s | you're leveling and stuff and I just I I |
1786s | think that there might be a piece |
1787s | missing from the uh information we're |
1790s | being presented here and it's kind of |
1791s | right here is that |
1793s | um |
1794s | The Experience game that it has is super |
1797s | duper accelerated so like I got this at |
1800s | the start of the stream I I specialize |
1802s | this right at the very start of the top |
1803s | of the stream it's been it's been half |
1805s | an hour and I've been going pretty slow |
1807s | um but we're still like we're still |
1809s | below 50 we're still in the leveling |
1811s | process I haven't even got a single |
1813s | level up since yeah this unlocked at the |
1815s | start of this bar and this is so much |
1816s | experience I've got and it started at |
1819s | six I think it'll tell us right here |
1821s | uh |
1822s | minimum seven okay so it started at |
1824s | seven |
1826s | um and I've already got a bunch of I've |
1829s | already got three level UPS from it |
1832s | um |
1832s | and like |
1834s | the others haven't moved hardly at all |
1836s | you know |
1838s | um so they do they do catch up quite |
1840s | quickly |
1843s | so if you are planning a respect it's |
1845s | it's not as devastating while you're |
1847s | leveling as it might appear |
1857s | oh disappear |
1863s | we do want to swap the list out for |
1864s | something because it's just useless |
1866s | they're like I tickled you to death |
1880s | a little bit closer there we go all |
1882s | right next question scroll scroll scroll |
1885s | that's a big gap I assume there's a |
1886s | bunch of questions there that just |
1887s | aren't tagged with me if you have a |
1888s | question please put out let's see if a |
1889s | game there |
1892s | is there ways to make corruption uh in |
1896s | mono's more important |
1898s | um I mean it it does do a lot of stuff |
1900s | but uh |
1902s | there's there's there's no like thing |
1904s | you can do in game to change the effect |
1906s | it has |
1907s | that's what you're wondering |
1911s | hey yo Mike happy Friday happy Friday to |
1913s | YouTube If a node States when you kill |
1916s | an enemy X happens does it count uh |
1919s | minion slash totem kills as you no you |
1921s | are you you are not your minions |
1925s | only you are you |
1935s | uh any chance we might get a sound |
1938s | redesign of the bow sounds with flirty |
1940s | multi-shot or like to build the sound |
1942s | really annoys me I mean any chance yes |
1946s | um if you want to leave feedback for it |
1948s | and get the suggestion in please go to |
1950s | the forums |
1956s | uh when should we expect an auction |
1959s | house um so the bazaar which is very |
1961s | similar to an auction house |
1963s | um is something that we're working on |
1965s | it's part of the item faction system |
1967s | um you can find more information about |
1968s | the item faction system oh my gosh that |
1970s | was a lot of damage Don't Die Mike |
1973s | um you can find more information about |
1974s | the item faction system on our website |
1976s | on our forums there was a recent uh Dev |
1979s | blog that covered uh the details of what |
1981s | that's going to look like |
1983s | um we don't have a specific timeline for |
1985s | it yet as I was saying earlier this is a |
1988s | extremely new feature |
1989s | concept right now |
1992s | um and we're just getting going on that |
1993s | post 0.9 launch |
1997s | um I do not have an ETA when it will be |
1999s | in |
2001s | um it will not be in i i unless |
2004s | something dramatic happens we're we're |
2007s | not aiming for it to be in the next |
2008s | patch the next major patch even |
2015s | this is |
2016s | we're at the stage of |
2018s | the document we released on the forums |
2021s | is all the work that's been done on it |
2023s | like that document being created |
2031s | we just knew we just knew we had to get |
2033s | something out on the topic as soon as |
2035s | possible |
2037s | it was a pretty hot topic and there was |
2038s | a lot of misinformation going around |
2039s | about the systems that we were planning |
2042s | um and a lot of very wrong assumptions |
2045s | um so like we have to get some sort of |
2047s | communication out to write this to to |
2049s | make it clear what's actually going to |
2051s | happen |
2052s | um |
2053s | and uh |
2055s | yeah so we as soon as we had something |
2058s | that we were confident about going |
2060s | forward we're like release it tell |
2062s | everyone about it go go |
2067s | but yeah that is still a |
2070s | extremely early process |
2072s | development feature |
2079s | we are shredding that armor it's like it |
2081s | don't even exist |
2087s | uh |
2091s | you want to be a totem I mean |
2094s | um play a maid play sorcerer uh take |
2097s | Arcane ascendance and uh your totem |
2099s | congrats |
2108s | oh come on |
2113s | smoke bomb we just specialize in tons of |
2114s | cool stuff smoke bomb does right now |
2120s | tons of armor Shred |
2124s | these things are just zapping everywhere |
2126s | come on |
2137s | I am the Knight |
2140s | there we go |
2143s | it's hanging out my smoke bomb |
2150s | Flair shark of the ox |
2154s | you had some funny names that are |
2156s | generated |
2160s | he wants to talk about how many |
2161s | tentacles lagon has |
2163s | just popping up everywhere |
2165s | hey Aaron how's it going |
2168s | uh recently we got a discussion coming |
2170s | up the community related to the lack of |
2171s | consistency because of some sub skills |
2173s | receiving or not the bonus of some nodes |
2175s | in the skill trees especially damaged |
2178s | ones so what should we expect for the |
2180s | future episode skills still remain how |
2182s | they are now with some benefiting from |
2184s | the rest of the skill tree and others |
2186s | not or can we expect to see changes to |
2188s | make them more consistent across all |
2189s | skills okay so I have a gigantic |
2191s | response to this that I posted I'm just |
2193s | gonna find a link to it and post that |
2199s | find this |
2207s | this has already been posted it's |
2208s | already public and everything but I'm |
2209s | just gonna |
2210s | slap it in jet |
2213s | um so the tldr of it is there are only |
2215s | at there is a very clear rule in place |
2218s | that we don't tell you ever but like |
2220s | when I say clear like a well-defined |
2223s | rule there's a well-defined rule that we |
2224s | have in place oh uh kentarok |
2228s | kids rock welcome back thank you for |
2230s | four months of resub glad to have you |
2232s | here cheers see you sir |
2234s | um so there's there's a there's a |
2236s | distinct |
2239s | um |
2241s | rule uh include to find a rule that we |
2244s | have clearly defined to ourselves |
2247s | um that has not been communicated well |
2248s | which defines what will be passed on and |
2250s | what won't be passed on |
2255s | infusion came from when I |
2258s | answer the question wrong on the |
2259s | acidation which does happen because I'm |
2262s | unbelievably far from perfect and |
2267s | um |
2268s | the uh so here's here's the here's where |
2273s | the rules work |
2274s | um |
2275s | if if the |
2278s | ability being triggered is an ability |
2281s | that shows up in this screen here it |
2283s | will not receive |
2286s | um the stuff from the tree |
2288s | okay it will just get used as though you |
2291s | had used the ability |
2293s | um and it'll use its own tree if you |
2295s | don't have anything in its own tree it's |
2297s | just a basic version of the skill |
2299s | the exception to this there's there's |
2301s | three exceptions I'm going to talk about |
2302s | here the the exceptions to this first |
2304s | rule is Black Hole uh and using the |
2308s | meteor skill |
2309s | so |
2310s | um the media used from black hole is a |
2312s | generic meteor let's just call it Comet |
2314s | for now instead okay so black hole using |
2316s | comet is not the same as easy media so |
2319s | it's that's that's an exception there |
2322s | um |
2327s | the the second rule is that any |
2331s | condition any any modifiers which are |
2334s | conditional on the opponent's status so |
2338s | right now you see like I have ignite on |
2340s | this target whoa |
2342s | I'm out of potions this is bad I'm gonna |
2344s | die |
2345s | yep I'm gonna die uh |
2353s | uh um okay so if you have something |
2354s | that's conditional on the status of your |
2356s | opponent |
2358s | um for example like more damage to |
2360s | ignited enemies so if it's a flurry |
2362s | deals more damage yeah okay |
2364s | um it says flooring deals more damage to |
2365s | ignited enemies |
2367s | um and flurry was procking uh energy |
2369s | wave |
2372s | energy drink signature connect first |
2375s | yeah connect first |
2376s | um |
2380s | the code version of this is called |
2382s | Energy wave not kinetic burst anyways |
2384s | um |
2386s | so if there's something on here that |
2388s | says like more damage to ignited enemies |
2390s | because that is checking the condition |
2392s | of the opponent's status so saying |
2396s | because the enemy is ignited it's gonna |
2398s | do more damage |
2399s | um that does not get passed on to sub |
2401s | skills so connect first would not get uh |
2404s | the damage Boost from more damage to |
2406s | ignited enemies only flurry would get |
2408s | that |
2410s | um if it said flurry does more damage |
2414s | while you are at High Health |
2416s | conditional on your own status or |
2419s | um more damage per shadow that exists |
2422s | conditional on your own status the |
2424s | number of Shadows that you have |
2425s | um those do get passed on |
2428s | um so conditionals based on your |
2430s | opponent's status do not get passed on |
2432s | to sub skills |
2434s | um the two example uh the two exceptions |
2436s | for this |
2438s | hey |
2440s | look at that I was I was talking about |
2442s | making the build with this this is great |
2444s | um |
2446s | I can't do on this character though but |
2447s | yeah uh the the exceptions to this are |
2451s | uh uh |
2454s | crap it's not post static orb and |
2456s | javelin |
2457s | the javelin the the split the rain where |
2460s | it comes down it splits out like Divine |
2461s | Fury uh style that is that does inherit |
2466s | uh |
2467s | um enemy conditional stats and |
2471s | uh static orb does one of them as well |
2473s | it's in that link I just posted a little |
2474s | while ago the Reddit link |
2477s | um so so those are that's the rules and |
2479s | the exceptions as they are right now now |
2481s | the question I think you're asking is |
2482s | how's it going to change going forward |
2484s | what is it gonna change going forward |
2486s | because you don't like this fair enough |
2487s | I think it's uh probably frustrating to |
2490s | deal with too and |
2492s | um I ideally there would be a hard fast |
2495s | systematic rule that would enforce this |
2497s | the reason it's like this is um every |
2501s | time we do a conditional an enemy Target |
2503s | conditional stat we have to |
2506s | um write specific code for that specific |
2508s | skill in that specific condition |
2511s | um |
2512s | and if it's being anything that's being |
2515s | passed on to a sub skill needs to go |
2517s | into each skill gets something called a |
2518s | mutator and it changes how that skill |
2520s | works when you use it based on what |
2522s | nodes you have selected |
2524s | and |
2526s | um |
2527s | lots of sub skills don't have mutators |
2529s | so for example here let's use connectors |
2530s | again connect first does not have a |
2533s | mutator that changes it because there's |
2534s | nothing that affects it that needs to be |
2537s | manually adjusted for that ability |
2539s | um if there was I don't know if there is |
2542s | a target conditional thing in Florida I |
2543s | don't think there is |
2545s | um |
2550s | yeah it is |
2552s | regardless |
2553s | um if we wanted to we'd have to make a |
2555s | mutator attach it to this to flurry when |
2557s | it gets used so flurry would be able to |
2559s | modify kinetic Burst when flurry uses |
2562s | kinetic burst |
2565s | um which we can do and which is why uh |
2568s | the the two exceptions that I mentioned |
2571s | that's what they do they when we were |
2573s | making them we manually went in and |
2575s | adjusted those |
2576s | um |
2577s | getting some cool stuff here |
2587s | and uh so what we want to do I don't |
2590s | know how we're going to do this yet |
2591s | we're sort of we need to figure out how |
2593s | we're going to do this we need to have |
2594s | some sort of systematic uh way of |
2598s | applying this type of effect that |
2601s | doesn't rely on us manually adjusting |
2603s | each skill |
2605s | um each skill mutator and passing along |
2607s | that stat to each sub skill as we're |
2609s | casting |
2613s | um |
2614s | do I know how to do that or when we're |
2616s | gonna do that no |
2618s | do I know exactly what it's going to |
2619s | look like functionality wise once we do |
2620s | it no I'm sorry |
2623s | um |
2625s | you know but uh |
2628s | it's on the radar and we'll work on it |
2634s | I do love this model |
2637s | like got some serious doc Hawk Vibes no |
2640s | let me talk to lagon |
2643s | my death will be swift your death will |
2645s | be actually my death might be Swift |
2651s | Eep |
2654s | I you chose this I know I did didn't I |
2657s | crap |
2662s | lost |
2672s | I am losing my patience |
2675s | you're losing your patience come on |
2678s | I just got here |
2685s | yes that's true I am a fool |
2694s | good timing Mike |
2704s | that triggered two smoke bomb sounds |
2723s | oh |
2725s | losing my patience |
2730s | see the question about doing this we'll |
2732s | just die won't I |
2738s | oh |
2741s | yes I tried I tried to look at chat to |
2744s | find another question to talk about and |
2746s | uh didn't go so well |
2748s | currently there are only two base weapon |
2750s | types for generic minion damage they're |
2752s | both pretty early uh early game bases |
2755s | any plans to create higher level bases |
2757s | for different archetypes I mean we're |
2760s | frequently adding in |
2762s | um |
2763s | more stuff so maybe I don't think |
2765s | there's any specific plans for it now if |
2766s | you would like to get that suggestion |
2768s | noted and possibly up to the game please |
2770s | head arm to reforms uh leave it there |
2777s | hi first of all congratulations to the |
2780s | game thank you I would like to know if |
2781s | you will do something about memory leak |
2783s | think uh there is |
2785s | um |
2787s | there is something that like |
2790s | I know people have been reporting that |
2791s | they've been seeing |
2793s | um I don't know if we have like full |
2795s | detailed info on it yet to be able to |
2796s | fix it or not |
2798s | um I think someone is attempting to |
2799s | recreate it right now consistently |
2803s | um |
2804s | to try and find out how to fix it |
2807s | llama |
2813s | probably kill these things before going |
2814s | up there |
2816s | uh will there be a console release Xbox |
2818s | PlayStation we do hope to eventually |
2820s | have a console release |
2823s | um it is not going to be available at |
2826s | 1.0 I can say that for certain |
2829s | um if we do a console release uh we will |
2832s | start investigating that after 1.0 is |
2834s | released and settled down we do not have |
2837s | any sort of relationship with Microsoft |
2838s | or Sony |
2840s | um |
2841s | or Nintendo for that matter |
2843s | um to get a console release going |
2846s | um we don't have any Dev kits we don't |
2847s | have any we've never done any like test |
2849s | builds or anything like that |
2851s | um |
2853s | oh you know what I should have done my |
2855s | lightning res is seven percent |
2858s | okay what are the chances I can I can |
2860s | craft |
2861s | on one of these while this is happening |
2864s | and get a little bit of resistance on |
2866s | there |
2867s | I'm gonna say really bad |
2870s | but is it worth a shot because it's |
2871s | funny yes |
2875s | none of these are |
2878s | gosh |
2882s | I need lightning red so bad |
2886s | those lightning resin charm there health |
2889s | virus |
2895s | okay |
2897s | like more than doubled our lightning |
2899s | resistance let's go |
2913s | you're still eating stuff |
2926s | okay I'm gonna try and get another |
2927s | question while I'm doing this |
2930s | hey will there be any storytelling |
2932s | cutscenes in the game oh yeah definitely |
2935s | um we are a lot of that stuff's gonna |
2937s | come in 1.0 |
2939s | um we are working on |
2941s | um |
2942s | uh on on some cutscenes we'll be seeing |
2945s | we're also revamping the opening cut |
2946s | scenes |
2947s | um because right now they're all |
2948s | character based and they kind of give |
2950s | you like a little hint into the world |
2951s | but none of them really talk about like |
2954s | what's happening why are you like why is |
2956s | why do you have to do this thing |
2959s | um |
2961s | and uh we're all kind of revamping the |
2963s | start of the game as a whole but yeah |
2964s | there's |
2965s | um there are changes to an improvements |
2969s | coming to story presentation as we've |
2971s | seen already 0.9 had a whole bunch of |
2973s | those |
2974s | um |
2976s | and and future patches will have even |
2977s | more |
2981s | okay when we die here in this fight |
2983s | which we're gonna die in a second |
2986s | I'm gonna actually go fix my gear and |
2988s | put some uh |
2989s | some proper lightning resistance on |
2991s | stuff |
2998s | the harm you are doing |
3010s | I chose this |
3012s | yep and it was a mistake |
3023s | don't I know it |
3026s | her trash Talk's on point because she's |
3028s | just right |
3039s | I do have culling in my lethal Mirage |
3041s | though |
3042s | fool |
3053s | okay |
3054s | I'm trying to get a question here |
3061s | all right hey is there any use for |
3063s | unwanted uniques yet not really |
3066s | um |
3068s | you can sell them I know that's not like |
3072s | what you're looking for |
3078s | where are we going |
3083s | I believe it I'm killing you so slowly |
3102s | I mean |
3104s | no |
3110s | yes |
3112s | all right who needs lightning res |
3118s | what I'm counting on |
3125s | all right |
3127s | this is gonna take a long time oh no my |
3130s | damage is so terrible |
3132s | oh no |
3135s | oh no |
3138s | can't do anything to all my damage |
3139s | before this fight starts |
3148s | doesn't matter how familiar |
3151s | I mean it'll help a little bit I guess I |
3153s | probably yeah |
3155s | so much leech already I can actually |
3157s | reroll this |
3159s | yeah |
3161s | it's actually way better |
3179s | the hotel there is not useful for us |
3183s | it's okay though uh cold damage we do |
3186s | not need ing Health we do not need fire |
3189s | damage we do not need minion damage we |
3192s | do not need all right that's unfortunate |
3197s | this might be better just use |
3200s | yeah |
3204s | let's grab a free |
3207s | prefix no |
3210s | Fizz damage yep |
3216s | okay |
3221s | that should be better this would be a |
3222s | lot better because cold red is going to |
3223s | be great |
3225s | I need lightning though |
3232s | it's damage |
3235s | oh I realize my face is over this sorry |
3240s | this is what I'm doing |
3241s | sorry just a quick quick crafting |
3243s | interlude |
3245s | virus what is our fire runs right now |
3247s | it's still overcapped let's try and |
3248s | switch this to something else |
3250s | Dodge reading let's transition to |
3252s | something else |
3253s | High fire is nice to see you again |
3261s | because damage yes |
3263s | yes |
3265s | bring endurance I'll take it |
3270s | okay this this should help some |
3273s | do better gloves than this |
3278s | area for area skills yeah |
3281s | wow my left eye is itchy right now |
3285s | there's various skills |
3288s | uh |
3291s | kind of hot garbage isn't it |
3299s | armor is good |
3304s | crit strike free crit yeah okay okay |
3307s | I mean that went that went decent |
3312s | let's go vitality |
3316s | we're not doing much damage over time |
3317s | stuff at all lethal Mirage yeah we'll |
3320s | take that |
3321s | freeze we're not doing that Mana regen |
3323s | yeah |
3330s | healthy during the chaos that |
3334s | necrotic I mean not useful for this |
3336s | fight but useful |
3339s | digital channel we don't Channel |
3345s | okay |
3347s | we're better are we better enough |
3349s | unlikely |
3351s | let's give it a shot crafting interlude |
3353s | over |
3357s | this is how you get your butt kicked by |
3359s | look on |
3363s | ow |
3379s | en |
3398s | getting decent armor shred Stacks which |
3400s | is nice |
3411s | did we break 50 I thought we're getting |
3413s | close |
3424s | that's a sneaky ability there where he |
3426s | like puts his face down you gotta make |
3428s | sure to move for those |
3439s | okay |
3447s | get that one |
3449s | it get that that's something that gets |
3450s | me |
3455s | is there technical reason why these |
3457s | rules exist or as a design decision |
3459s | um it's it's |
3462s | kind of the way we we built those things |
3464s | this is back to the um |
3467s | uh |
3469s | the design of sub skills inheriting |
3471s | certain things or not |
3473s | um |
3476s | it's kind of those things that we just |
3477s | didn't think about really the the |
3480s | um long-term effects of it and the |
3482s | system kind of ballooned |
3484s | um |
3487s | I I think the the reason why nothing's |
3490s | been done to completely normalize them |
3491s | at this point is is technical |
3494s | limitations on it |
3503s | like when when those effects when that |
3505s | style of effect was first added |
3508s | um like the concept of a sub skill was |
3510s | pretty pretty early on |
3514s | um |
3516s | and we just kept adding those types of |
3517s | effects and we're just like okay well |
3518s | conditionals aren't inherited and then |
3520s | we started adding conditionals based on |
3523s | like players status and that's and |
3526s | that's another the what he's gotten |
3529s | wow the waters got muddied |
3542s | all right we're going on |
3551s | my ocean |
3556s | yep go that way oh no the wrong way |
3566s | the device always goes when he starts to |
3567s | do his big charge of attack you want to |
3569s | move to the center |
3576s | there we go |
3577s | so that he goes away from you |
3589s | I was gonna [ __ ] there because it moved |
3592s | me fully up into the character see that |
3594s | you move to the center so it goes away |
3599s | get out of that |
3606s | schools |
3613s | I was too far |
3615s | it's okay though |
3636s | oh |
3638s | I didn't see him dug down lethal Bros |
3641s | just saved my butt and killed him in one |
3643s | oh that was close |
3657s | we got lucky there |
3662s | is the campaign complete no the |
3664s | storyline seems to include defeating Rye |
3667s | heading back to deal with the emperor |
3668s | but it ends earlier yes is there more |
3671s | campaign coming later there is there are |
3673s | still three chapters missing |
3675s | uh you depending yes you need to ping me |
3678s | I'm sorry if I missed questions I know |
3680s | I'm probably super behind I'll catch up |
3682s | I'm just gonna power through some of |
3683s | those after we did this fight here |
3688s | let's go let's go we got our blessing |
3695s | that it's kind of bad it's incredible |
3698s | it's just nice though really this stuff |
3701s | yes there's that throwing damage |
3704s | enough for us |
3707s | such that's I love this one oh |
3711s | so pretty |
3712s | uh how does the game decide to sort |
3714s | items you press the auto sort button |
3716s | great question |
3718s | um it's really basic it starts with the |
3721s | physically largest items |
3725s | um and it just it just says like it |
3727s | probably starts with two-anded sword it |
3728s | says like all the 200 swords put them in |
3730s | starting in the starting on the left and |
3732s | then it presses all the 200 Spears put |
3734s | them in then all the maces then I'll oh |
3736s | I guess all 200 weapons are the same or |
3738s | something I don't know like it takes all |
3739s | of the things that are the same size |
3740s | slaps them over to the left and then the |
3744s | next biggest thing slaps over the last |
3745s | next biggest thing slaps over the left |
3747s | um |
3750s | there's an order that it goes in I |
3752s | should know I literally wrote it but I |
3754s | don't sorry |
3756s | it's very simplistic and I do really |
3758s | want to add more sorting algorithms for |
3759s | it so that it will |
3761s | um so you can like press the sort button |
3763s | multiple times and it'll like sort in |
3765s | different ways or |
3767s | um like this is kind of going a little |
3769s | far but maybe adding in like a setting |
3772s | to be like when you sort sort this way |
3773s | or something like that |
3775s | um |
3777s | yeah |
3778s | this was one of those like |
3781s | so many features that you look at you're |
3783s | like I gotta get back and fix it at some |
3784s | point I gotta get back and fix that |
3787s | yes llama I do know who's definitely |
3790s | Swift |
3791s | and you know when Mouse buttons will |
3793s | return to its former and you're talking |
3795s | about the left Mouse button |
3797s | um being able to assign a skill here |
3800s | hopefully soon someone's working on it |
3802s | by the way can we expect to see more hot |
3804s | fixes 4.91 yes |
3806s | it's not already at 0.9 F so many really |
3810s | since little to no time yeah the it's |
3812s | unfortunate we've had to do so many |
3814s | um |
3815s | but it's it is good that we're able to |
3818s | show that we are able to respond quickly |
3821s | to issues when they do arise |
3826s | I'll be better |
3830s | let's go stick a few uniques in our |
3831s | stash just because |
3833s | I like having I like having them |
3838s | and yes I do know about the stash |
3839s | problems for deleting categories PSA the |
3842s | the stash category problem that that |
3845s | happens if you do if you make a new |
3848s | category |
3849s | I I'm literally working on this right |
3851s | now so if you |
3854s | I don't wanna I can force a dab and I |
3856s | don't want it to I don't want to force |
3857s | them if you switch the order |
3861s | so if I were to if I were to take this |
3863s | and say this is category two |
3866s | um so the stash tab any sash tabs in |
3868s | category two and I then drag category |
3871s | three over and switch its place with |
3873s | category two and then delete category |
3875s | three |
3877s | um it will delete category two instead |
3879s | because what it's doing and this is just |
3882s | a a silly little oversight that has |
3886s | horrible repercussions |
3888s | um is that it's deleting each category |
3890s | when it gets created has a category ID |
3893s | that is immutable |
3896s | um static can't be changed and so this |
3899s | is ID two actually even though it says |
3902s | three because it's zero one two |
3904s | um |
3905s | and |
3907s | if you |
3910s | delete this category it's going to it's |
3913s | category two it's going to delete the |
3915s | category at index 2. which is zero one |
3919s | two |
3920s | and therefore we'll delete this category |
3924s | um which is very problematic and really |
3925s | stupid |
3927s | um |
3928s | so just if you don't reorder the |
3930s | categories they should be fine |
3933s | but obviously that's not a solution and |
3935s | we are definitely gonna fix it |
3938s | I have a fixed on text testing right now |
3944s | or it was before this stream started |
3952s | do you like for this insane game you're |
3953s | welcome I'm glad you're having fun |
3957s | uh is there gonna be more in-game |
3958s | content absolutely |
3961s | uh no just not Mike viable well I can't |
3967s | I love I love this this character too |
3973s | no but I enjoyed it |
3979s | oh I'm an idiot |
3982s | no it will be a long road to majelka |
3984s | after but |
3987s | right |
3991s | sadly yes |
3999s | is there plans to make it where we don't |
4001s | have to do normal monoliths on every |
4002s | tune so we can do empowered right away |
4004s | if we wanted uh there are no plans at |
4006s | the moment to change that |
4009s | um |
4009s | I know there's been a lot of feedback on |
4011s | the topic recently um |
4015s | I do have this topic scheduled as a |
4019s | discussion topic for uh Tuesday's game |
4022s | design meeting so oh we'll give we'll |
4025s | give it a chat and see what we have to |
4026s | say about it but there's no plans on it |
4028s | right now |
4034s | will pets ever pick up materials for you |
4037s | uh like the ones you earn in game where |
4040s | it's possible to Auto pick up for them |
4041s | we have no plans to change the material |
4043s | pickup system at the moment |
4046s | um I mean like copy and paste the answer |
4047s | I just said for the last question I |
4049s | guess |
4051s | um there's nothing scheduled for that |
4052s | one though but |
4054s | um |
4054s | yeah we're doing armor shred for sure |
4057s | for sure |
4061s | I'm surprised how fast Drew transmission |
4064s | bug got fixed uh when I send out the |
4067s | report I got we're probably 30 minutes |
4068s | after I sent out the report and I think |
4069s | it only took three days for it to get |
4070s | fixed sweet |
4073s | um |
4078s | it is possible I don't want to downplay |
4080s | that we are working on stuff quickly but |
4081s | it is possible someone was already |
4083s | working on it when the report got sent |
4090s | hello |
4092s | nor am I a fan of fans |
4097s | good it's good it's good it's a good |
4098s | line |
4101s | all right let's get back into the action |
4102s | right |
4106s | uh silicon's been nerfed vis-a-vis the |
4109s | sweeping I-beam not going the full |
4110s | distance |
4112s | has it |
4115s | pretty sure that that sweeps the same as |
4116s | it's always been I could be wrong |
4118s | uh any spoilers that I have missed I |
4120s | haven't done any spoilers yet oh my |
4122s | goodness I forgot I have spoilers for |
4124s | you guys I see I rely on you asking for |
4127s | spoilers to remember to give them |
4129s | uh it's totally your fault it's not my |
4131s | fault at all |
4132s | you can't prove anything Knox |
4136s | stuff for you I got stuff |
4138s | start with this one |
4140s | here is uh some Mage t60 Armor Set |
4145s | a little little turnaround for you |
4151s | drink lots of water |
4154s | will there be any updates to the end |
4155s | game in the next patch |
4160s | um |
4161s | I can't guarantee anything yet |
4165s | um there are things on the list that we |
4167s | hope to get in for next patch but I mean |
4170s | like 0.91 with the next batch I'm not |
4171s | talking about hot fixes |
4173s | um there are |
4174s | um elements for updating some in-game |
4177s | systems that we have planned for |
4181s | 0.91 |
4183s | um nothing big but there's there's some |
4185s | stuff some little things we have planned |
4188s | um I don't know if it'll make it in for |
4189s | point in one of the patch after that but |
4193s | um |
4193s | yeah like updating the end game is so |
4196s | like like our our major focus is right |
4198s | now with the game is you know like |
4201s | stability making sure like things like |
4204s | um accidental rollbacks don't happen |
4206s | um decreasing load times improving |
4208s | server performance like that's number |
4210s | one priority |
4212s | um |
4213s | like |
4215s | um and then the number two priority for |
4216s | us is like finishing |
4219s | um finishing the the classes off so they |
4221s | all all their skills are finished |
4223s | um adding the final Mastery classes |
4225s | um polishing up the end game uh like |
4227s | deepening the end game experience |
4229s | um adding the item faction system like |
4231s | that's this is sort of these are the |
4232s | high priority things for us right now |
4235s | um |
4236s | so yeah we're working on it |
4239s | um |
4240s | and then also simultaneously with all |
4242s | that just bug fixes and polish updates |
4244s | and that's always happening |
4251s | uh shrines reset or extend the buff |
4254s | timer uh reset |
4262s | I should probably actually hide this now |
4264s | before I start playing again |
4266s | any plans to make armor less relevant |
4268s | and make armor scale better for end game |
4275s | or |
4280s | like those are opposite things or or |
4283s | make armor scale better for it like |
4287s | um |
4288s | like those are just two sides the same |
4290s | coin really I think |
4293s | um I can say no we don't have any plans |
4295s | for that |
4297s | that's interesting |
4300s | yeah I got one there too |
4312s | uh |
4314s | oh Shadows I don't want the Shadows I |
4317s | don't care about that hasturation we do |
4318s | like that mainly physical energy yeah |
4319s | that's what we want |
4326s | easy any with no on no plans for it but |
4330s | if you have a suggestion you'd like |
4332s | consider please head to our forums leave |
4334s | feedback |
4336s | yeah |
4338s | any updates on the optimizations coming |
4340s | in 0.91 Steam deck experience is almost |
4342s | playable yes I get such vastly different |
4345s | reports on on how steam deck works it's |
4347s | so interesting um I mean so there was |
4348s | yeah there was a ton of optimization and |
4350s | performance updates that happened in 0.9 |
4352s | um and we're still adding more so it's |
4355s | still still happening we're still trying |
4357s | to update and optimize performance as |
4358s | much as we can |
4360s | um |
4360s | foreign we're looking server |
4363s | optimization is a huge topic right now |
4365s | for us |
4371s | partially because it will let us do |
4372s | things like |
4374s | um have have more more mob density it'll |
4378s | allow us to do things like have |
4380s | um |
4381s | more game servers running on |
4384s | uh the same physical machines |
4387s | which makes the game cheaper for us to |
4390s | run a lot cheaper for the game to run |
4394s | um |
4400s | even just adding one game server to a |
4403s | machine can have a huge impact |
4413s | I scroll by a ton if anyone has any |
4415s | questions don't forget to put Atlas |
4417s | Epoch game in the question so I |
4419s | remember |
4421s | hi Mike and chat hello |
4425s | uh will there ever be an AutoCast toggle |
4427s | we don't plan for it but ever's a long |
4429s | time if you have any suggestions please |
4431s | feel free to add on over to reforms and |
4432s | leave that there it's so hard for you to |
4435s | answer questions like will there ever be |
4436s | this or do you have any plans for that I |
4438s | mean so much of it's just like like |
4440s | a lot of these like little details no we |
4443s | don't have any plans for these things um |
4444s | but it doesn't mean anyone saying window |
4446s | plans it doesn't mean that we also have |
4447s | plans not to specifically so it's like |
4452s | um |
4460s | it's usually like we we decided on |
4462s | having it one way |
4464s | and released it and |
4467s | um haven't had another formal discussion |
4469s | about it since |
4478s | it's usually what that means |
4480s | bit of an ambush here |
4490s | it's okay we disappear into our own |
4492s | cover I brought my cover with me it's |
4494s | fine |
4499s | you gotta give that last little bit of |
4501s | map exploration done you know |
4503s | uh do skills you guys balance that some |
4506s | of the skills good only for early level |
4508s | or in-game post story missions no |
4521s | please |
4523s | can we at least get faster stability on |
4526s | alts in normal monos especially on later |
4528s | ones are relatively slow to get the boss |
4530s | if you already have gear and hit |
4532s | empowered |
4534s | um we don't have like we're gonna be |
4536s | talking about this |
4538s | um sort of stuff coming up but we |
4540s | haven't discussed it since point nine |
4542s | released since before that actually |
4545s | work back here again |
4548s | um |
4551s | yeah so maybe if you have any |
4553s | suggestions please head over to the |
4554s | forums drop them off there |
4559s | suggestions go in one ear and out the |
4561s | other for me sorry |
4568s | I suppose dodging Oscar auspices off the |
4570s | table fortunately there is unfortunately |
4573s | because they're all over the place |
4574s | unfortunately I suppose |
4577s | unfortunately you'll go alone |
4583s | uh tell us the truth Mike do you plan on |
4586s | making a literally perform MTX on 1.0 |
4589s | release |
4591s | um no |
4592s | but let's re-perform is getting a new |
4594s | model next batch |
4596s | which I know I said last batch but |
4600s | should actually be coming next match |
4602s | I saw I saw a preview of it um actually |
4605s | in game running around not all the |
4607s | animations were done |
4608s | um but oh some cool variants for it too |
4611s | looks good |
4617s | um I'm sure there'll be ncx for it post |
4619s | 1.0 |
4620s | uh hey Mike is it intended that |
4622s | corruption gain in a group when killing |
4625s | the shade is only applying to the player |
4626s | that started that Echo I hope it's not I |
4629s | don't think it is |
4634s | um |
4636s | just wanted to say that listening to you |
4638s | talk about Game Dev design makes me |
4640s | really want to start doing it too on the |
4641s | side cool uh yeah it's it's it's a lot |
4646s | of work I will say that but it's a ton |
4647s | of fun so if you enjoy that sort of |
4649s | stuff |
4650s | um the advice I always get to people who |
4652s | are considering doing it as like a hobby |
4655s | on the side |
4657s | um |
4658s | uh scope very conservatively |
4662s | so if you're like |
4664s | um |
4665s | I'm gonna make a game that does ABCD you |
4669s | know cut BCD and just do it but just |
4672s | they do a |
4673s | um |
4675s | especially for the first one |
4679s | because finishing a game is unbelievably |
4682s | hard to do |
4686s | not not from a like |
4688s | like it's technically difficult or |
4689s | anything like that but just like |
4692s | emotionally difficult I know the right |
4694s | way to put it but like |
4695s | actually finishing a game and releasing |
4697s | it is |
4698s | so rare the percentage that actually get |
4700s | released compared to the percentage to |
4701s | get started is shocking |
4709s | yeah good luck to it |
4712s | uh I swear I used to be able to assign |
4714s | abilities to the left click it's true |
4716s | you did uh isn't that why there are two |
4718s | icons it's true there is why what was |
4721s | the reason for this change there was a |
4722s | giant bug we haven't squashed it yet |
4724s | uh when doing multiplayers such as T4 |
4727s | sanctum and having scaling take effect |
4729s | for Mob HP if a player dies in the boss |
4732s | fight yet the others kill it maybe the |
4734s | change to |
4736s | maybe change to let the others also get |
4739s | loot Etc |
4741s | sorry I don't I think I may just read |
4743s | that wrong |
4745s | um |
4745s | if you have a suggestion or feedback or |
4747s | a bug report please head on over to the |
4748s | Discord or not Discord uh forums uh |
4751s | leave it there |
4752s | but um the experience in multiplayer for |
4755s | the dungeons should be pretty consistent |
4756s | with uh regardless of if you're the |
4759s | party leader or not and |
4762s | um |
4766s | I'm pretty sure if you whether or not |
4768s | you get the kill or not like whether |
4770s | you're alive for the kill I think if you |
4771s | I I uh I think the way it is it's |
4774s | supposed I think the way it's supposed |
4776s | to be is if you release |
4778s | you don't get it but I can't remember |
4780s | we are I know that's the topic that we |
4782s | had for |
4783s | our Thursday meeting and we didn't get |
4785s | to it so we'll be talking about it on |
4786s | Tuesday but I know there's some problems |
4788s | in there |
4793s | I just took the wrong node |
4795s | it's okay though |
4803s | what is going on |
4816s | oh my God so much poison oh you cleansed |
4819s | that's why I took that |
4823s | good job Mike cleansing me you have |
4825s | three poison sacks and not wait until |
4826s | you have 10. |
4829s | All Pro strats right here you heard it |
4831s | first |
4843s | are there opportunities similar to other |
4845s | games cough cough uh to get your own |
4848s | unique similar item |
4851s | your own unique special item into the |
4853s | game oh um okay so we have in the past |
4856s | had supporter packs that uh came with |
4860s | um designing unique as part of that |
4863s | um and so we've done quite a few of |
4865s | those there's a lot of uniques in the |
4866s | game that are supported uniques that are |
4868s | designed by players |
4870s | um |
4871s | we kind of a year and a half ago |
4876s | maybe even maybe even longer ago than |
4878s | that we had to uh close down that |
4881s | program |
4882s | um |
4884s | I I don't know if it's permanent or not |
4885s | yeah I don't I don't think I think I |
4887s | think we'd like to bring it back if we |
4888s | can |
4889s | um I don't think it'll come back before |
4891s | 1.0 it is weird so we were selling those |
4895s | packs for a thousand dollars |
4896s | it's gonna sound ridiculous we were |
4898s | losing money on every single one of |
4899s | those packs |
4901s | which I know sounds absolutely |
4902s | ridiculous but just the time and the |
4905s | number of people that are involved with |
4906s | making that unique that |
4908s | um that like leave what they're doing to |
4910s | go work on that supported unique and and |
4913s | collaborate with that supporter |
4915s | um |
4916s | and like the the wage difference for how |
4917s | much it would take to just make it |
4918s | unique for those people |
4920s | um ends up being more than a thousand |
4922s | dollars pretty quickly |
4925s | um so so it was we're also we also |
4927s | hitting a pretty big backlog on them |
4928s | we're like these people need to uh go do |
4932s | things to get the game ready for 0.9 and |
4934s | 1.0 so um we kind of had to stop doing |
4938s | that uh I'd like to bring it back |
4942s | um |
4945s | there might need to be some sort of like |
4946s | limited availability lottery or |
4947s | something like that and and just not |
4950s | have it be a money thing |
4953s | um |
4955s | I don't know how we can do it fairly but |
4957s | I know that we don't I know that in |
4960s | order to |
4961s | price it such that it's worthwhile for |
4964s | us to do and there and we won't be |
4966s | flooded by requests for it the price |
4968s | would have to be unreasonably high and |
4970s | it would not feel good |
4972s | so we don't really want to bring it back |
4975s | at this crazy stupid price and be like |
4977s | all right guys this much now isn't that |
4979s | terrible |
4981s | um so that's that's kind of we're trying |
4983s | to avoid doing that |
4984s | um |
4986s | because we still like to we we love |
4989s | having |
4991s | um Community created uniques and |
4992s | supporter uniques in the game that's |
4994s | just absolutely wonderful I mean we want |
4996s | to keep doing that and keep in mind that |
4997s | opportunity people |
4999s | um we just don't know how we can do that |
5001s | yet and have it be reasonable and fair |
5003s | for everyone and you know all that sort |
5005s | of stuff so |
5008s | hopefully soon I shouldn't say soon |
5011s | hopefully eventually |
5017s | give me those ice beetles let's go boys |
5021s | who's the necro now it's me |
5027s | I love pack of ice beetles |
5040s | this guy is just tanky |
5047s | yeah |
5049s | let's see always beautiful before you |
5050s | expire |
5054s | I do kind of wish there um |
5057s | yeah duration was a little longer so to |
5058s | say they're gonna run an 80 second now |
5065s | we do we need we need poison res I know |
5068s | that right now |
5069s | um so we should start looking for poison |
5071s | res which is zero |
5077s | that's terrible |
5081s | what are your own goals with 1.0 release |
5084s | um finish the masteries have multiplayer |
5087s | Rock Solid |
5089s | um |
5092s | those are my goals |
5099s | personally |
5101s | oh what's the story behind the bear |
5106s | um |
5107s | one of our coders |
5109s | um who |
5111s | like you know who you are thank you so |
5113s | much for putting that bear Emoji in |
5115s | there oh it was perfect well done |
5117s | fantastic |
5120s | uh when we were setting up the default |
5123s | name fallback name for nameplates if |
5127s | there's a problem or anything like that |
5129s | um |
5129s | they just decided like this this is not |
5132s | planned or anything they just decided |
5133s | that they would be best to have |
5135s | something distinct and like easily |
5138s | recognizable uh and kind of cute to be |
5141s | the |
5142s | um default name that showed up and they |
5146s | just slapped that in there |
5148s | um that's that's it that's the whole |
5150s | story behind it |
5152s | um |
5153s | and it's absolutely adorable |
5159s | you can mess with the rotation of it by |
5162s | forcing them to turn oh that's hilarious |
5164s | that shouldn't happen |
5169s | gotta get that rotation decoupled |
5177s | um |
5181s | okay |
5183s | okay let's do a little crafting |
5188s | some credible and some Ellie res |
5192s | uh we don't need Mana though so we're |
5193s | gonna cast that right away |
5196s | fire penetration for the night |
5198s | somehow worse |
5203s | okay this has gone downhill off a cliff |
5206s | and we're floundering at the bottom of |
5208s | that Cliff right now |
5211s | and yet somehow |
5218s | because of that poison resistance |
5224s | and the critstrike avoidance I think |
5226s | it's actually better |
5236s | that's what am I doing what am I doing |
5241s | thank you for the assistance I love this |
5244s | guy |
5249s | so pragmatic |
5253s | um |
5255s | hey thoughts |
5257s | I thought |
5259s | I have several a day sometimes multiple |
5262s | times |
5263s | uh any plans to make crafting extend to |
5266s | Idols like using two one by ones to a |
5268s | two by two or one by two by one or one |
5270s | by two so on and so forth |
5272s | um we've we've talked about things like |
5274s | that I don't think we'll do specifically |
5276s | that |
5278s | um |
5281s | there's I Idols will probably not be |
5285s | changed at 1.0 |
5287s | I'd say that Idols having |
5290s | um I think Idols being an untapped |
5292s | source of |
5294s | uh customization and |
5299s | um |
5301s | future depth being added to the game is |
5305s | uh very useful to have so readily |
5307s | available once we go to 1.1 and 1.2 1.3 |
5311s | and we're looking for things to do |
5314s | um |
5315s | so yeah I I |
5319s | not yet |
5320s | is cosmetic shop happening before 1.0 if |
5322s | not when it's coming it should be next |
5324s | patch |
5325s | really should be next batch there's |
5327s | there's 0.91 |
5329s | um it's it's like so close to being |
5331s | ready |
5331s | it just wasn't quite stable enough and |
5335s | um it was so last second and because |
5337s | we're dealing with real money things |
5338s | with it it had to be Rock Solid before |
5340s | getting it in |
5341s | um so we delayed it |
5343s | hired people like this |
5346s | because like yes it's terrible to have |
5349s | um like a bug eaten item |
5352s | um that you worked for and like that |
5354s | feels awful and we we like want to do |
5356s | everything we can to prevent that as |
5357s | much as possible |
5359s | um |
5360s | it is clearly worse to just have it eat |
5363s | your money your like your real money |
5366s | um |
5370s | so we had we that that had to be |
5374s | uh cut back just just on the off chance |
5376s | there was a problem there |
5386s | uh any plans in the work to change how |
5389s | corruption is gained in party currently |
5391s | only the host gains that none of you I |
5392s | like uh I'm pretty far behind I think |
5396s | um |
5398s | if you have suggestions please go to the |
5400s | forums I I I don't know we're going to |
5403s | talk about it tomorrow uh Tuesday sorry |
5405s | uh do you release last |
5407s | do you release last chapters of story |
5409s | content |
5410s | update before full launch to test and |
5414s | bug out |
5415s | um the Final Chapter story chapters will |
5419s | not be available at 1.0 there will be |
5423s | story content that comes postal point |
5424s | out |
5425s | which I know sounds real weird to say |
5427s | but |
5428s | um we just we know that the time it will |
5431s | take to finish the chapters is longer |
5433s | than we want to wait to release 1.0 so |
5438s | maybe it'll be I think I think two |
5440s | chapters post 1.0 I think |
5443s | could be wrong |
5458s | that ability offset's wrong too |
5465s | when doing multiplayers such as T4 |
5468s | sanctum and having scaling take effect |
5469s | for Mob HP if a player audience this |
5473s | thing |
5477s | I mean we're constantly updating all the |
5479s | stuff what's Le written in uh Prime like |
5482s | 95 of it's in C sharp |
5487s | there's like we start getting into like |
5490s | like what do you consider le as from a |
5493s | standpoint of like what it's written in |
5495s | does |
5497s | um like the engine |
5498s | the underlying engines that count you |
5500s | know um like stuff we didn't write |
5502s | packages we're using |
5504s | um like the server code does that count |
5506s | you know like there's there's all sorts |
5507s | of stuff that like the server |
5509s | allocations and things like that that |
5510s | aren't written in C sharp and uh |
5513s | it's C sharp |
5517s | uh |
5518s | uh has the team played D4 and if you |
5521s | guys have did you guys see cool design |
5523s | decisions that you might want to |
5524s | implement in Le |
5525s | um so I mean first off we do try really |
5527s | hard to |
5529s | um |
5532s | I I guess |
5535s | not just take things from other games |
5538s | um because quite frequently even if it's |
5540s | just like like systems generally don't |
5543s | exist in isolation |
5545s | um so you can end up with a system |
5546s | that's that's like really cool in |
5549s | um |
5551s | in one game |
5555s | and if you uh if you just take that |
5557s | system and you just slap it into another |
5559s | game it's it just doesn't work the same |
5562s | way |
5563s | um and even if you're trying to adapt it |
5565s | carefully there's there's like the |
5567s | interactions they have with other |
5568s | components and other systems it quite |
5571s | frequently has problems |
5575s | I'd love to clear them out at some point |
5577s | we've got far too much to do right now |
5582s | um |
5584s | so so it's it's yeah it's it's difficult |
5586s | to just be like as you're playing a game |
5588s | be like oh the system's Sweet let's |
5590s | let's take it to do this other thing you |
5591s | know |
5593s | um |
5594s | and and we like to we like to develop |
5597s | Epoch sort of |
5599s | um |
5600s | in the context of epoch not in the |
5601s | context of hey I saw this cool thing in |
5603s | this other game |
5604s | um no that's not to say that our |
5607s | uh the games we play influence the games |
5610s | we make there's just there's just no way |
5613s | around that that's true forever you |
5614s | create a medium |
5616s | um |
5618s | and it's not just the games it's |
5619s | everything so you get a book and an |
5620s | influence that's how you make a game you |
5622s | watch a movie and it influence how you |
5625s | I don't know write a book you know |
5628s | um so there's definitely influences that |
5630s | come over for sure and uh I can't say |
5633s | there's been anything that we've |
5634s | that we have looked at and been like hey |
5636s | let's do that or anything like that |
5639s | um |
5639s | as far as how we played a bunch of |
5641s | people who played it I have watched the |
5643s | opening cut scene |
5645s | that's all I've done so far myself |
5650s | uh will the game be cheaper one day or |
5653s | even increase the price we have no plans |
5655s | to change the |
5657s | um the 35 price tag for the game right |
5659s | now I cannot speak to ever |
5664s | or one day |
5668s | uh will you be introducing new skills in |
5670s | the future absolutely every uh class and |
5673s | master will have the same number of |
5675s | skills at launch |
5676s | um so there's one more bass Rogue skill |
5678s | missing here |
5679s | um there's one more Rogue Master skill |
5681s | missing here there's one more blade |
5682s | dancer skill missing here there's one |
5684s | more marks and skill missing here and |
5685s | there are five Falconer skills missing |
5688s | here |
5690s | um |
5691s | Rogue has the fewest number of total |
5693s | skills available so far but all classes |
5695s | will have the same number of skills at |
5697s | launch post launch we will still |
5699s | continue to add new skills |
5700s | um there's very intentional spaces in |
5703s | these trees to add more still |
5706s | um we can also just slap more on the |
5708s | base class |
5709s | um |
5710s | we can we can slap in an extra Mastery |
5712s | class if we want to like there's |
5715s | there is room for new skills and we will |
5717s | be continuing to add them |
5719s | passive Hawk Wings The Beastmaster I do |
5721s | not know what it does |
5727s | you know what let's just let's just I'm |
5730s | gonna catch up on a couple questions |
5731s | here |
5733s | hey look this cool thing while I talk |
5735s | passive Hawk Wings in Beastmaster gives |
5737s | a chance for haste on hit but doesn't |
5739s | say the length of haste granted uh is |
5742s | all sources default one second of haste |
5744s | even when it's not stated default Source |
5746s | uh time for haste is four seconds |
5748s | uh I think if you hold oh no they won't |
5751s | say it actually |
5753s | um game guide probably says it |
5757s | I know you can't see my screen right now |
5760s | it say it's not here oh taste is in here |
5763s | this is four seconds |
5766s | uh my friend didn't release uh |
5769s | and just didn't get loot yeah so there |
5771s | might be a bug it might just be a |
5772s | something we overlooked when you're |
5774s | setting it up |
5775s | um we'll talk about it hey Mike happy |
5778s | Friday hey happy Friday what are your |
5781s | top three favorite unique items in the |
5783s | game oh that's so hard |
5786s | um |
5788s | oh I don't know |
5791s | uh kermot's cage I really like with the |
5794s | changing the way around white uh I think |
5796s | it's just I think it's it's such a sweet |
5798s | model I love it |
5800s | um |
5806s | uh I do really like Harold the scary |
5809s | squirrels are so wonderful |
5814s | um |
5815s | this is so hard this there's so many |
5817s | running through my head that I'm like oh |
5818s | that one's great oh that one's great oh |
5819s | that one's great uh |
5825s | one of the ones that makes bees |
5829s | right after my money's gonna be unique |
5834s | yeah there you go I'm predictable it's |
5836s | fine I'll take it |
5839s | the the three new ones that were |
5842s | um showcased in the the patch video all |
5844s | three of those are just Stellar too I |
5847s | really like those |
5850s | um |
5852s | any plans to update monolith on |
5854s | update and monolith oh uh models a fate |
5859s | uh it says models of faith and I'm like |
5861s | just fumbling model the Fate sorry |
5864s | um in next patch since now is just |
5865s | running until objective is really it |
5867s | really is repetitive uh don't get me |
5870s | wrong I love the game it had more than |
5871s | 500 hours in but uh that's only because |
5873s | I like playing different builds not |
5875s | because end games keep me playing yeah |
5876s | so we we definitely are very keenly |
5879s | aware that that model needs |
5881s | um more |
5883s | um unpredictable content is what I want |
5885s | to say instead of so let me talk about |
5886s | like like randomized content but I think |
5888s | unpredictable content is sort of a |
5890s | better way of putting it um and what I |
5891s | mean by that is |
5893s | um things that |
5896s | like like |
5898s | um |
5899s | objectives that appear |
5903s | suddenly |
5905s | um like randomized objectives that sort |
5907s | of like okay I'm fumbling over my words |
5910s | here a great example a very simple very |
5913s | positive example of this is treasure |
5915s | goblins |
5917s | um |
5918s | it is an implied Quest objective that |
5921s | shows up mid |
5923s | activity where you have you're doing |
5925s | something okay I'm searching for this |
5927s | item or I'm looking for this location or |
5930s | I'm you know like doing this thing or |
5931s | that thing or whatever |
5933s | um and then just so there's a bug here |
5936s | and I it looked like there was no skills |
5938s | available but I just put one in it's |
5939s | because I have a plus skill item |
5942s | um and that's why I did that if anyone's |
5943s | wondering |
5945s | um |
5951s | sorry let's go Mike quickly |
5955s | this yeah one cleanse elements and start |
5957s | doing that |
5958s | uh |
5960s | you're gonna make mistakes Mike |
5962s | yeah that's okay though just do it |
5966s | we're going this way we're going this |
5967s | way |
5968s | here okay |
5970s | um |
5971s | yeah so treasure Goblin shows up and no |
5973s | matter what you're doing suddenly you've |
5975s | implicitly been handed this new Quest |
5976s | that says kill this enemy before it gets |
5979s | away and you get a sweet reward |
5983s | um |
5984s | and it's it's this like unexpected |
5987s | content right it's this unexpected |
5988s | objective that shows up |
5990s | um and so other other good examples of |
5993s | this is like you're you're playing like |
5995s | a really simple example from Poe you're |
5997s | playing along and suddenly there's like |
5999s | a map device and there's another like |
6000s | map inside the map and you go to that |
6002s | map |
6004s | um |
6004s | you know things like that where they |
6006s | sort of like show up and and add |
6008s | something cool it rewards you for |
6010s | exploring |
6011s | um |
6012s | and so like the models are very keenly |
6015s | missing content like that right now and |
6018s | uh we're definitely aware of that we |
6019s | definitely want to add more stuff to it |
6020s | we've we've got so many plans and so |
6023s | many things we want to do and it's so |
6024s | hard to like fit it all in |
6027s | um but yeah they're coming |
6032s | uh what is the max corruption limit set |
6034s | currently in empowered models runs |
6037s | um two billion |
6038s | I don't know |
6041s | you'll never get there |
6044s | uh how does development of a game change |
6046s | after his release patch in my mind it |
6048s | should be like no difference yeah I mean |
6050s | there's |
6053s | um |
6054s | so we we we're not in Post Release yet |
6057s | so I don't I can't really tell you |
6058s | exactly what's gonna happen |
6060s | um there is some difference though and I |
6063s | think part of what the difference is is |
6064s | there's a greater expectation for new |
6069s | content and new new additions to be to |
6073s | be more |
6074s | um more solid more complete |
6077s | um |
6078s | and like we're getting to that point now |
6081s | where there's like there's that |
6082s | expectation |
6084s | um which is good and we and we want to |
6086s | uh |
6088s | like we we want to be |
6092s | like just just just go |
6096s | um there's there's that expertise that's |
6098s | kind of what I'm talking about um with |
6099s | the |
6100s | um |
6113s | let me know if you have any questions |
6117s | so even |
6121s | shift k |
6123s | no it's just not even it's not even this |
6125s | build okay |
6128s | um the the Cosmetic purchasing panel I |
6131s | was gonna show uh as an example for that |
6134s | um |
6137s | like had the real money things really |
6140s | the reason why it's not in but had it |
6142s | not been two thrill money and we were |
6144s | two years ago it probably just would |
6146s | have been slapped in even though it |
6147s | wasn't quite fully polished yet |
6151s | um but as as you get closer to release |
6153s | and as for Past release any new features |
6156s | any new content anything goes in there's |
6157s | a greater expectation of quality and |
6159s | polish that we really want to maintain |
6163s | um |
6165s | so I think I think there's a little bit |
6166s | of a shift as the game launches but as |
6168s | far as like what we're doing and |
6169s | developing and and looking to do I think |
6172s | there's not a ton of change there |
6175s | like we're gonna still this the our |
6177s | patchkins will hopefully be the same |
6179s | that's the goal |
6180s | um |
6181s | back to our Point 8x |
6184s | Cadence not what we had for this the |
6185s | year that we missed patches on |
6188s | um |
6189s | but yeah it's it's it shouldn't be much |
6191s | other changes |
6197s | uh |
6200s | I think set items fall behind now what |
6203s | is the plan for them in the future |
6205s | um I agree we don't have a set plan for |
6206s | them yet |
6214s | uh who's gonna be uh who's gonna be the |
6217s | what's gonna be the pricing who what's |
6219s | gonna be the pricing on ntx's do you |
6221s | expect to have something like tears of |
6223s | Cosmetics with increased prices what's |
6225s | the plan yeah like there'll be |
6228s | uh there will be certain Cosmetics which |
6230s | I love that so much which have |
6233s | um |
6234s | like like cheaper tiered ones that are |
6237s | maybe a little less |
6239s | um flashy and |
6242s | um cosmetic cosmetic VFX |
6245s | um |
6247s | effervescent I don't know a good word |
6249s | for it but just like a little less |
6251s | extra |
6252s | will be cheaper probably |
6255s | um and the ones that are more extra will |
6256s | probably be uh more pricey you know like |
6259s | I think |
6260s | um |
6262s | probably a decent example of this is |
6264s | like the the pets that came with |
6267s | supportive packs so we had like |
6270s | um |
6272s | like here this one is uh this is the one |
6276s | one tier down from the one that was just |
6277s | up I think |
6279s | it's still cool |
6281s | um it just doesn't have that like |
6282s | lightning VFX |
6284s | so this one's got this is they don't see |
6285s | FX anymore that's what I had might have |
6288s | like a little thing that happens every |
6289s | once in a while there's like there's |
6291s | some |
6292s | like this one will like in town it like |
6295s | explodes and there's like an eruption |
6296s | that happens with it so like there's |
6298s | there's there's definite |
6299s | um |
6302s | like price differences on the MTX that |
6305s | are more flashy on a thing |
6310s | um |
6310s | do I know what those prices are gonna be |
6312s | no |
6314s | um |
6318s | do we want like I I think we've |
6322s | it's so hard to say things here because |
6323s | I don't know what the prices are gonna |
6324s | be |
6325s | um but I I know that we've |
6328s | frequently expressed internally that we |
6331s | don't want things to be |
6333s | um to feel gougie |
6336s | I don't know what else to say it |
6339s | I think we've done a pretty good job at |
6340s | showing where our priorities lies in |
6342s | studio |
6344s | when it comes to things like this |
6347s | and if we haven't that sucks I'm sorry |
6349s | we'll do a better job going forward |
6354s | our number one priority though is to |
6356s | make an awesome game |
6357s | that's our goal |
6372s | well the mini Masters appear in 1.0 yes |
6374s | they will not a question just wanted to |
6375s | thank the entire team for the hard work |
6377s | they putting anything for their gym |
6378s | glad you're enjoying it always nice to |
6380s | hear people having fun |
6382s | all right uh that scene where we take |
6385s | the big old bird taxi ride how awesome |
6388s | would a motto Echo be like that eh yeah |
6392s | um |
6397s | I I just realized that you ended it with |
6399s | a and then I just replied yeah |
6402s | uh yes I'm Canadian if you didn't know |
6405s | um |
6406s | yeah I think that'd be really sweet |
6409s | I know we talked about like there's a |
6412s | couple Echoes that are a little on the |
6414s | larger side that probably could use |
6416s | splitting up |
6418s | um to be able to like take the same |
6421s | total number of enemies and put them |
6423s | into a smaller Echo |
6426s | I think what would help |
6430s | on some some of the big ones something |
6432s | there's a couple new ones that are |
6433s | really big |
6447s | oh don't die my try not to die are there |
6450s | more items in the pipelines that add uh |
6454s | hit crit like Harbinger Stars I was like |
6457s | and it's like that only way |
6459s | they open up so much |
6461s | uh build possibilities |
6463s | um nothing specific |
6467s | um I do have like a list a big list of |
6469s | like unique items that would be that I |
6472s | want to add like there's 200 items on |
6475s | that list right now |
6476s | um |
6478s | there are several that have |
6482s | um cast on |
6484s | triggers |
6486s | associated with them for different |
6488s | conditions and um so that is a style |
6491s | that we will continue going forward I |
6493s | don't have any specific ones that are |
6495s | like |
6496s | past the initial idea stage available |
6500s | that I can share or talk about or even |
6502s | any that I can't share or talk about |
6506s | ding |
6509s | let's go |
6513s | any plans for other class specific |
6515s | Weaponry like bows for Rogues if so any |
6518s | skills you would expect to see changed |
6520s | or added to require said weapons I um we |
6523s | don't have anything specifically planned |
6526s | um I'd really like to see and I don't |
6529s | know if we can do this anytime soon or |
6531s | at all really I'd really like to see |
6533s | Bose opened up a little bit more to not |
6534s | be pure Rogue |
6536s | um I know that's something a lot of |
6537s | people that just have expressed we just |
6538s | don't have the that'll be like a post |
6541s | 1.0 thing I think |
6546s | I I like we're missing that um this is |
6550s | the tricky thing |
6552s | um it's really nice to have spikes up |
6555s | for five minutes in a row five months in |
6556s | a row five minutes keep up the good work |
6559s | thank you very much |
6561s | um |
6563s | as I said uh oh yeah we don't have that |
6566s | like Ranger Hunter style like um you |
6569s | like your pet bow like that sort of |
6572s | playstyle is missing |
6574s | um |
6575s | and there's kind of two there's many |
6577s | ways to add that so you can |
6579s | um you can slap a whole new uh pig |
6582s | pepper pig pepper thank you very much |
6585s | for this uh Pig Pepper 13. yeah that |
6588s | Prime sub going on |
6590s | um |
6592s | if we had I'm talking oh yeah that |
6594s | Hunter archetype so there's a few |
6596s | different ways we can slip that in |
6597s | um one you can just uh enable bow usage |
6601s | on a few primeless skills |
6603s | um and Beastmaster is good to go it |
6605s | really any of them can do it |
6607s | um |
6608s | you could make a new Mastery for |
6610s | primalist |
6611s | um but there's something else I'd rather |
6612s | slip in there first so maybe not |
6614s | um you could uh give some way for rogue |
6620s | to unlock |
6623s | um |
6625s | give some way for rogue to unlock |
6627s | the uh like like a like a wolf companion |
6630s | maybe there's like an item that gives |
6632s | you wolf summon wolf no matter what |
6634s | class you are like wow |
6637s | um pretty convention breaking probably |
6639s | not maybe who knows |
6641s | um and there's also like make a whole |
6642s | new Base Class |
6644s | um |
6645s | also pretty unlikely |
6648s | um |
6650s | just because getting the |
6652s | uh Mastery classes in is a lot easier |
6656s | than a whole new base class |
6662s | so there's a lot of options and ways to |
6664s | do it and it's possible that any one of |
6666s | those can happen I think |
6668s | so I would like to see that style of |
6670s | gameplay that we don't really have right |
6671s | now |
6685s | foreign |
6700s | am I really far behind sorry |
6703s | uh Michael a little late answering |
6705s | questions here |
6707s | you know what I might do I might just |
6709s | like go to town easy the next next |
6712s | Waypoint I'll just stop and just start |
6713s | answering questions and slap up I got |
6715s | one more I got one more little spoiler |
6716s | for you |
6723s | I'll probably wish right next one uh |
6729s | yes |
6730s | yes |
6749s | all right currently when you use uh |
6753s | shift on a controller dashes to a Target |
6755s | uh is there plan to change this uh just |
6758s | the direction you are facing |
6761s | um I don't think there's any specific |
6762s | plans I I know people have been talking |
6764s | about that uh I can't remember what was |
6767s | happening |
6768s | sorry |
6769s | I know I know there's movement and |
6771s | targeting things that are being worked |
6773s | on hey look a waypoint |
6778s | what have I showed you what haven't I |
6780s | showed you I think this one's new |
6785s | here is a new enemy yeah this guy's |
6788s | great |
6793s | this the file name was only like |
6795s | slightly void corrupted and I'm like |
6803s | uh when do you plan on fixing the broken |
6804s | known the devouring orb skill cheat that |
6806s | we can select it |
6808s | I didn't know there was one |
6810s | um |
6812s | when we get around to it |
6816s | uh bug reports the forums that's how |
6819s | they get fixed uh is there a corruption |
6822s | level the game is bounced around |
6824s | um I think the expectation for like very |
6827s | high-end farming is around 300. |
6833s | Pac-Man was the first RPG am I right |
6837s | I would love to hear uh a full |
6840s | leafledged argument on that one |
6842s | I I think I can get behind it |
6846s | uh talking about patches are you going |
6848s | to uh back to the three month cycle |
6850s | patches or will 0.91 be delayed a bit |
6852s | more to First fix all the bugs um it'll |
6855s | be roughly similar Cadence to what we |
6857s | had in 0.8 X patches |
6861s | um I'm not gonna put a number that sorry |
6863s | uh I am curious to know how many devs |
6866s | you had when you started creating Le how |
6868s | soon did you expand the team |
6869s | um so like |
6870s | a brief overview because I think I'm |
6873s | really far behind here I'm running out |
6874s | of time |
6875s | um there was |
6877s | uh like the initial starting was uh like |
6881s | two people |
6883s | um and that pretty quickly in a couple |
6885s | months expanded to uh about six seven |
6888s | people somewhere in that range maybe |
6890s | eight people |
6892s | um and then there was uh |
6894s | uh let's say a seven to ten person size |
6896s | team that we had |
6899s | um that lasted |
6902s | uh |
6904s | a few months at least |
6907s | eight months a year almost probably |
6911s | um |
6913s | I got up it got up to about 20 people |
6915s | pretty quickly |
6916s | um and at this point like technically |
6918s | everyone's |
6920s | uh no at that point at that point we |
6922s | started hiring people that was when |
6923s | people like started getting paid I think |
6928s | because initially started out as just |
6929s | like evenings and weekends do what we |
6931s | can have fun with it project |
6934s | even through Kickstarter we were all |
6936s | just like |
6938s | um |
6940s | like all of a sudden real jobs real jobs |
6943s | normal jobs other jobs there we go |
6948s | day jobs |
6952s | uh will there be any quality of life |
6954s | items in the shop no I think you mean |
6957s | MTX shop so real money purchasing |
6959s | quality of life no |
6961s | um so I got stash bug I had to do some |
6963s | weird stuff to get it back problem is I |
6965s | can't edit the category now I feel the |
6967s | edit eventually with a fix I'm working |
6969s | on it I'm hoping to fix all of it uh |
6971s | anything you can share about future |
6973s | upset items no I want to see I want to |
6977s | say I love the music and the game I've |
6980s | always wanted to ask Dev how do you go |
6982s | about sound design oh I'm super good for |
6984s | the wrong person to ask I do want to get |
6985s | sound design on here uh to talk a little |
6987s | more if you like about music there's a |
6989s | few sweet posts the I just noticed the |
6991s | spinny thing is glitching hard |
6995s | um |
6996s | there's there's a few a few posts on our |
6998s | forums about |
7000s | um music design |
7002s | um I think a little bit on sound design |
7004s | too so there's some I was starting the |
7005s | forums and look on the dev blog uh |
7007s | category |
7009s | uh has there been any recent arpgs that |
7011s | you have seen with an idea and thought |
7013s | hey that's a good idea I've done your |
7015s | own spin on it no |
7019s | uh someone else may have on the team but |
7022s | um |
7024s | not not personally no |
7028s | um |
7029s | I'm playing a lot of other apgs lately |
7032s | playing lastly pocket punch |
7035s | um |
7038s | yeah we're playing some Heroes three |
7039s | actually here's my magic three |
7041s | good stuff some sweet fan expansions in |
7044s | that game |
7046s | um give a row a good companion like a |
7048s | falcon yeah like a falcon you can find |
7050s | you got me uh hey Mike I've got I put a |
7053s | few tickets and I know we're quite busy |
7055s | just PSA in general if you've got a |
7058s | ticket in and you're you haven't got a |
7061s | response yet don't put another ticket |
7062s | into the same topic it will just make |
7064s | things worse |
7065s | um I've not been able to log in since |
7067s | convergence I still get the le51 air and |
7069s | I can't edit my display name to see that |
7071s | that if that's an issue |
7074s | um |
7076s | one service rep suggests that yeah it |
7078s | like |
7079s | um |
7080s | just just like reply to that just get |
7082s | more help to to get it sorted but |
7085s | um |
7085s | I can't help you with support stuff here |
7087s | I'm sorry |
7089s | oh any plans that legendary potential |
7091s | five for the steel diving settings none |
7092s | of the moment but you can leave |
7093s | suggestions on the forums any plans |
7095s | regarding working on the feeling of |
7097s | density per map yeah I kind of mentioned |
7099s | that earlier I hope that was a good |
7100s | enough answer I will be will uh be added |
7104s | tier 8 9 10 affixes to the game I mean |
7107s | ever's a long time we have no plans for |
7109s | it at the moment |
7111s | um will certain mobs get if value uh |
7113s | evaluation of their HP pool for instance |
7115s | the Big Boys with The Rock and the clubs |
7118s | they are too tanky |
7119s | um maybe |
7120s | suggestions of the forums I I don't have |
7122s | any specific details on that I know so |
7124s | there's like a bajillion times and I'm |
7125s | sorry like there's there's a lot of |
7127s | stuff we're working on right now is like |
7128s | critical fixes to improve stability |
7132s | um and a lot of these little |
7134s | um balance Things Are |
7136s | uh not as important as just making sure |
7139s | people can play the game right now |
7141s | um so there's a lot of stuff that's sort |
7142s | of |
7143s | been pushed back a little bit while we |
7145s | work on those things |
7147s | uh now that you've finally released |
7148s | multiplayer how much bigger are patches |
7150s | going to be in terms of content compared |
7152s | to patch eight five |
7155s | um |
7158s | A5 was pretty small |
7160s | so |
7162s | probably pretty decent I'd say |
7165s | uh well I have a damage overtime |
7167s | calculation on my character sheet but |
7169s | not an elemental damage over time |
7170s | uh are and are they different in the in |
7173s | calculation um so damage over time stats |
7175s | apply to your Elemental damage over time |
7177s | but your Elemental damage over time |
7178s | doesn't necessarily apply to generic |
7180s | damage over time depending on what it is |
7181s | if it's Elemental skill or not |
7183s | um |
7184s | we put more generic stats in the |
7186s | character sheet some of the more |
7187s | specific ones did not make it in |
7192s | I'm just gonna put a different one up |
7193s | here because that one's been up there |
7194s | for a long time |
7196s | uh she keeps on missing this one sorry |
7199s | if it's already been answered it's okay |
7201s | are there plans to make set items more |
7202s | relevant in the late game and we do know |
7204s | that this is a frequent feedback that |
7206s | synonyms are not awesome |
7207s | oh my gosh I just realized I'm at the |
7209s | bottom of the scroll it's exactly time |
7210s | up oh did I make it I think I made it |
7212s | how can I support you more than buying |
7214s | the game loving it um the thing I always |
7216s | say to people if they're if they want to |
7217s | support us other than just buying the |
7218s | game and money sort of stuff is like |
7220s | just be an awesome helpful member of the |
7222s | community if someone's struggling it |
7224s | doesn't know what to do give them a |
7225s | suggestion |
7227s | um engage in healthy debates on the |
7229s | forums where you'd make the topic |
7231s | instead of the person you know just |
7232s | being a positive member of the community |
7234s | is very helpful |
7236s | um because people want to be part of |
7238s | positive communities and yeah |
7242s | uh any thoughts on a guild or Group |
7244s | trade faction for post 1.0 faction |
7247s | reputation system wow I think let's |
7249s | let's get the first base version out |
7251s | first and then we can talk about other |
7252s | stuff but |
7254s | um yes we've thought about it |
7255s | extensively and there are very many |
7256s | problems with it |
7258s | um in the future will unique items have |
7260s | more effective |
7262s | on builds and ways to change their play |
7264s | style of builds |
7266s | um I think there's a lot of uniques that |
7268s | I'm gonna say on average generally |
7271s | probably not much different but maybe |
7272s | some |
7274s | um I think there's a lot of uniques that |
7276s | have very heavy impact on builds and |
7278s | play Styles so um |
7281s | I I don't know how much more impactful |
7284s | uniques could be than what the more |
7286s | impactful uniques we have are |
7288s | hopefully that makes sense anyways |
7291s | anyways that'll about two for me today |
7292s | y'all have been wonderful thank you for |
7294s | coming out I appreciate having y'all |
7296s | here |
7298s | um I hope you had fun I know I did I'll |
7300s | be back next time uh next week I may |
7304s | actually be starting an hour late |
7306s | um we've got a bit of an internal |
7308s | company event happening at the exact |
7310s | time my stream starts and I want to be |
7311s | part of it |
7312s | um so I might might delay just a touch |
7315s | we'll see what happens |
7317s | um |
7318s | we'll put out a a social thing that says |
7322s | what time it'll be at though for sure |
7324s | um |
7325s | I think |
7330s | uh let's go find someone to say hi to |
7332s | you |
7336s | if you have any more questions uh that I |
7338s | didn't answer just skipped or didn't |
7339s | answer them the way you were hoping how |
7341s | it's complete as you'd like or I kind of |
7343s | gloss over them because it is a little |
7344s | bit of a quicker format |
7346s | um |
7347s | our Discord there's an asset divs |
7349s | Channel I try to uh be in there as much |
7352s | as possible answer as many questions as |
7354s | possible |
7355s | um if it's the middle of the night in |
7356s | North America I'm probably not on |
7359s | and uh the ask the |
7362s | um ask the community generally beside it |
7364s | there are extremely helpful people there |
7367s | is from here |
7371s | I can do it from here wonderful |
7373s | um extremely helpful people they're very |
7375s | knowledgeable |
7376s | um speaking of more knowledgeable people |
7378s | than me about the game uh we're gonna |
7380s | say hi to Lizard And if you have |
7382s | technical questions about how something |
7383s | works or it doesn't work he'll probably |
7385s | know better than I do |
7386s | so uh have a great day everyone I'll see |
7389s | you next week a little later start the |
7390s | normal |
7392s | um |
7393s | yeah I had a ton of fun |
7395s | I guess I should put this up first |
7396s | stream's over have a good day bye |