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I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but when I searched for it, I didn't see anything. Also, will the (normal, not skill) movement animations be updated? Because when you change directions, you move backwards, still facing the direction you were going, then head into the direction you originally wanted to. That just looks so awful and cringe. Also, the Mage's animations need changing, because it's also awful and cringe.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

No, mage will not get any new skills at 1.0.

Technically neither will sentinel but I'm going to say it does because adding a skill tree to an existing skill that doesn't have a tree might as well be the same thing as adding a new skill

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by I_AM_ALWAYS_WRONG_

Will armour scale better so sentinels can actually be tankier/as tanky as a dancing man in leather tights with glancing blows?

I'm sorry I can't share any details about what balance changes are coming in 1.0