about 1 month
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | [Music] |
11s | [Music] |
20s | [Music] |
29s | you |
37s | [Music] |
54s | oh |
60s | oh |
65s | [Music] |
84s | [Music] |
90s | oh |
111s | [Music] |
125s | [Music] |
136s | [Music] |
150s | oh |
152s | [Music] |
166s | [Music] |
174s | [Music] |
194s | [Music] |
202s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
204s | back to another last Epoch Dev |
208s | stream as usual I'm your host Mike hello |
213s | glad to see everybody here let's get |
215s | let's get right into it we're streaming |
217s | it's de stream to feeling good |
222s | um glad to be back we had a great stream |
225s | last week hopefully you have another |
226s | great one |
229s | today if you have any questions for me |
231s | which I hope you do please put at last |
234s | OT game in the chat type out the |
236s | question we happy answer it um if you're |
239s | coming we're live on YouTube as well now |
242s | uh we do pull questions from there at |
243s | the same time so uh no matter which chat |
246s | you're in go ahead and uh leave me a |
248s | question be happy to answer |
251s | it and as usual we do stream for charity |
253s | bu my head right there so we stream for |
256s | this month we do a new one every once in |
257s | a while |
261s | woo ear almost almost died right |
266s | away all right |
276s | this I'm back in my own time maybe it's |
281s | not we are we're getting closer we're |
284s | getting closer to this to uh to patch |
286s | day and it feels like uh starting to get |
290s | a little bit little bit more juicy |
291s | details out there which is great I'm |
293s | very much looking forward to March is |
295s | going to be March is going to be so |
296s | great finally be able to talk about |
297s | everything finally be able to share |
299s | everything oh I can't wait for March |
301s | very |
306s | excited got first question here are you |
308s | taking any inspiration from poe2 yeah I |
312s | mean so we tons of us on the on the uh |
315s | design team Dev team um art team like |
320s | all all over the company people have |
321s | been playing poe2 and poe1 and other |
324s | RPGs and like we we definitely get |
327s | inspired by the games we play and pee2 |
330s | is a fantastic arpg um that we'd be like |
334s | crazy to just |
336s | ignore um so yeah we definitely take |
338s | inspiration from those games |
344s | um oh should we check out what what's |
346s | going on here what we |
348s | got |
349s | uh not a ton of super useful stuff |
352s | that's okay oh yeah can't wait for that |
356s | stuff to Auto happen it's uh I've lost |
359s | my I've lost my my like muscle memory of |
360s | like going in and transferring the |
361s | shards cuz they just transfer |
367s | now all right that that is something |
369s | that we have that's that's been Prett |
370s | spoiled yeah Mr |
373s | flibble that's a 15mon resub that's |
376s | that's what we're doing right that's |
377s | what we're talking about right there |
378s | that feels very good thank you very much |
381s | I also still love your name by the |
385s | way all right uh will skill sigils be |
389s | part of the next update no skill sigils |
391s | will not be involved in season 2 at all |
393s | that was something that we previously |
394s | teased in the old version of the road |
396s | map um it will not be in season 2 I'm |
400s | sorry |
402s | uhh I think it would be cool to if we |
404s | could name our legendaries as that |
406s | possibility in the future interesting um |
408s | we've we've talked about doing stuff |
410s | like this with custom naming um we don't |
413s | have any plans to do it it is |
415s | technically possible so it's something |
417s | that we could like we we can alter the |
420s | um the item encoding and add a naming |
422s | field and you know and and put a name in |
424s | there like that is something that is |
425s | functionally possible for us to we don't |
426s | have any plans currently to do it um but |
431s | I do think it's really cool I used to |
432s | love |
433s | um so you could you can in D2 there was |
436s | a quest that uh you could name an item |
440s | uh in there but it would always name the |
442s | item your character's name and so I I |
444s | don't know if anyone else did this but I |
446s | would you only get three items of uh |
451s | like there's three quests normal |
452s | nightmare hell so you only get three |
454s | items of that name per character per |
456s | name unless you delete the character and |
459s | remake |
460s | it and so like I don't if anyone else |
462s | ever did this but you you play through |
465s | uh like you play through the game normal |
467s | nightmare hell you complete the quest in |
468s | all three and you name three items that |
471s | you're going to use to the final build |
472s | in this and then you delete the |
473s | character that's probably like I don't |
475s | know depends how how efficient you are |
477s | with rushing could be anywhere in the 10 |
479s | to 40 level range you know and then you |
483s | um you do it all over again until you |
485s | until you name the entire set of items |
487s | you're going to use uh then you make the |
489s | character one final time and uh you use |
492s | this entire set of items named after you |
495s | I I |
497s | yeah I'm with |
501s | you all right uh Aaron asked me to ask |
505s | you sure he did hi aon's all no not in |
508s | medic I know it's not you um about |
510s | controller developments thanks to |
511s | advance yeah controller developments are |
512s | going to be sweet there's um there's a |
514s | lot of targeting stuff with controllers |
516s | right now um andariel has res is that |
520s | that say 46 months is that what that |
522s | says oh my goodness oh my |
526s | goodness |
527s | wow wow it's almost four years how long |
531s | have we been streaming for Are we almost |
533s | the four year mark of |
535s | streaming that's wild that's very cool |
538s | thank you very much um |
541s | and uh yeah controller developments yeah |
543s | so so a lot of targeting stuff sorry got |
545s | got derailed there um you'll now be able |
548s | to I've said this before but you'll be |
549s | able to um kite really well because |
552s | every ability has context specific |
554s | targeting methods um for |
558s | also uh specialization specific |
561s | targeting methods So like um by taking |
563s | certain |
565s | abilities um by taking certain nodes in |
567s | each ability it'll change how the |
569s | ability targets |
570s | uh specifically so that you'll be able |
571s | to take full advantage of that ability I |
573s | don't if I have a good example on Mage |
574s | cuz Mage Mage ones are pretty |
576s | straightforward it's like Target the |
578s | enemy with the |
580s | damage um |
583s | H it's like Arcane ascendant add like |
586s | some some some of them like add slight |
588s | movement into it oh |
591s | yes uh Frost wall has several that |
595s | change cuz there's ones where you like |
597s | want to position the frost wall like |
599s | between you and the next enemy and |
600s | others where you want to position the |
601s | frost wall like on the enemies um and so |
605s | yeah the lots of positioning stuff for |
608s | that all right um sorry I joined late |
611s | not that late we're 7 minutes into the |
613s | stream that's that's pretty prompt third |
616s | question I think fourth question do you |
618s | have any date for the patch note reveal |
620s | in March I don't have a specific date |
622s | for the patch notes yet um this is I |
625s | think we're we're we're trying |
627s | to we want the patch Nots out we always |
629s | want the patch on out as soon as we can |
631s | um and we always like as much time as |
633s | possible to work and and fix little |
635s | things and uh so sometimes we're like |
638s | can we can we fit this in the game can |
639s | we as soon as the patch notes go out |
641s | it's it's uh a little less opportunity |
644s | for |
649s | that uh are you going to make some more |
651s | minion types and more elements um |
654s | there's more minion types yes more like |
656s | elements other than than these seven I |
658s | don't think we're going to increase Le |
660s | the number here I think this is a pretty |
663s | um like exhaustive list the only like |
665s | there's a few there's a little bit of |
667s | theming that happens from some elements |
669s | that are kind of missing like there's no |
671s | holy element but we can definitely get |
673s | that with fire and lightning um and |
676s | there's |
677s | no uh that's really the biggest missing |
679s | one isn't it what else is |
682s | there sure there others too but we can |
684s | usually fit the theming in with |
686s | something else um sometimes there's like |
689s | gravity stuff I could argue that's |
691s | physical or |
692s | void |
693s | [Music] |
696s | um yeah water I feel like that just fits |
700s | under cold as you argue that's physical |
706s | though I I doubt I doubt we do any more |
708s | elements Seven's already quite a bit |
711s | yeah hello Mike uh since we now know |
713s | when poe2 would drop their content isn't |
716s | it a good idea for you guys to reveal |
717s | when you have season 2 uh what you have |
720s | for season 2 this coming weeks to build |
722s | hype oh yeah we're going to be we're |
724s | going to be building hype um we're going |
726s | to be starting off uh March is going to |
729s | be full of full of full of hype posts |
732s | full of hype uh info lots of cool stuff |
736s | coming um I do have some teasers today |
739s | that will uh reveal a few new few new |
743s | things yeah teers here we're still we're |
747s | over a month away still over a month |
751s | away um all right merch store update oh |
755s | my goodness I want a merch store update |
757s | I don't I got nothing for you I'm |
763s | sorry all right true or false the |
766s | Barbarian character design will be |
768s | designed after Aon action |
772s | RPG I've been hearing rumors that the |
774s | barber class will be designed around |
776s | swollenness that is Aaron action RPG |
780s | uh nope I uh I going to go ahead and say |
784s | false |
788s | um with the caveat that this does not |
791s | imply the existence of a barbarian class |
794s | or |
798s | not all right uh was there a graphics |
801s | update I missed recently for some reason |
803s | this just looks so clean oh thank you |
805s | very much I do I always I always like |
806s | hearing when the game feels good I we |
808s | haven't done like a big graphics |
809s | overhaul recently um but you know |
812s | there's always little things we're doing |
814s | and every time we remove one thing that |
816s | doesn't look great uh the whole game |
818s | feels like it just looks a little bit |
822s | better it's my theory |
824s | anyways uh yeah so we're we're |
826s | definitely we're adding in a bunch of |
827s | new stuff next patch that'll uh either |
829s | replace existing things or uh expand the |
832s | options for for different visual effects |
834s | and things like that and it's like it's |
836s | going to look even better |
839s | it just keeps getting |
841s | better we have not done enough side |
844s | quests |
846s | apparently all right |
850s | nesis not much |
859s | here that was |
864s | close |
866s | sickening the timely level up |
870s | choking my |
873s | [Music] |
877s | Asing okay get another question here |
879s | Mike don't just don't just play the game |
880s | what are you doing uh any options in the |
883s | future to filter specific uniques |
884s | instead of having to go for above under |
886s | equal level or item type um I don't know |
890s | if we I don't if we've got like the |
891s | fullon uh just like pick a unique in |
894s | there or |
896s | not uh I know we we added a few a few |
899s | new C categories of things but uh there |
901s | hasn't been any huge H I don't |
905s | know I don't know I'm |
910s | sorry this one of those of |
912s | like that meeting was months ago what |
915s | made it |
919s | in all |
925s | right uh will classes be more balanced |
928s | between each other yeah I mean we're |
930s | always we're always improving the |
931s | balance of the game I think |
933s | um |
934s | yeah uh when will the patch notes for |
937s | season 2 few days same time in March |
939s | cheers Mike I don't have a specific time |
941s | for the patch notes right now but uh I'm |
944s | I'm hoping that we'll be a little bit a |
946s | little bit earlier than we usually do |
947s | but who |
951s | knows it it'll be pretty close to the |
953s | patch so like I I don't know when the |
955s | date's going to be but it'll be pretty |
957s | close to the patch |
963s | all right H hi Mike I |
966s | missed I missed a few Dev streams I'm |
969s | sure it's a repeat but our set items |
971s | updated for season 2 I don't we haven't |
972s | actually said if they're going to be or |
974s | not |
987s | um all right uh is blade dancer getting |
990s | any love this |
993s | season uh there's some not a lot uh some |
1001s | but not a lot you know it's a tricky |
1004s | thing because like we release a single |
1006s | unique item and every class has access |
1008s | to that you know that's that's something |
1009s | for everyone um is it really focused |
1013s | around that class no is it like is it |
1015s | more than any other class no so it's |
1017s | it's a tricky question to answer so |
1019s | there's I would say the blade dancer is |
1020s | probably in the lower half of the uh |
1025s | adjustments for per class stuff um but |
1029s | still getting some everything is getting |
1031s | some |
1034s | stuff |
1036s | [Music] |
1038s | uh all right uh please excuse the nasty |
1041s | question uh oh uh-oh uh it's okay you're |
1045s | excused haven't even ready yet um but |
1048s | are you guys thinking about pushing the |
1049s | start of season 2 back a bit from some |
1052s | given reasons uh I I assume the reasons |
1055s | being the potential time conflicts with |
1058s | uh with other games I don't think we |
1061s | have any plans to change our release |
1062s | date whatsoever |
1064s | [Music] |
1065s | um if if there is anything that that |
1068s | comes like there's nothing internally |
1070s | that's causing us to look at changing |
1071s | that release date um so if we did uh it |
1075s | would be an external thing and I have no |
1077s | information about that um |
1080s | um I would be I would be really shocked |
1082s | I haven't heard anyone mention moving it |
1084s | at all uh I I I don't want to say it's |
1087s | not possible or anything but like |
1090s | yeah feel like I would have heard |
1092s | something by now if it was even being |
1096s | considered all |
1099s | right melee cold damage that's what |
1101s | we're |
1104s | doing or at least trying |
1107s | to retrieve the |
1110s | put your weapons down either the |
1112s | way this is the beginning of dark all |
1119s | right what do we got a little skill |
1121s | point |
1122s | here into the Divine |
1133s | era |
1136s | yeah do like that |
1148s | yes why did I not grab that one |
1153s | yet it's not a lot still something I |
1156s | should get a new |
1158s | weapon really should try and do that all |
1162s | right |
1164s | um will there be any way to semi- |
1167s | deterministically swap out one |
1168s | resistance resistance on an item for |
1170s | another uh we don't have anything |
1172s | planned on that right now I cannot uh |
1175s | it's the only thing that keeps me from |
1176s | from playing right |
1178s | now |
1180s | um oh those are two questions there yeah |
1183s | um I mean resist there's lots of tools |
1186s | to uh like to adjust resistances and |
1189s | things like that I'd say |
1191s | there's |
1192s | um one of the easiest ways to micro your |
1196s | your uh resistances uh late game is |
1199s | through blessings because now that you |
1201s | can respect blessings um you can pretty |
1204s | quickly switch between active blessings |
1205s | and change because you can get a lot of |
1207s | resistances from blessings |
1210s | um and then also Idols as well so |
1213s | between the idols and the blessings |
1214s | there's a lot of noodling that you can |
1215s | do with with resistances there without |
1216s | having to actually change gear |
1218s | physically um like the actual gear gear |
1221s | and |
1223s | um yeah so I don't think we have |
1225s | anything that that's just like hey |
1226s | switch out one resist for another coming |
1231s | but you know I mean you like it slap it |
1233s | in the ideas and uh you never |
1236s | know just going to dump everything in |
1247s | here as a Game Dev what made you make |
1250s | the game in unity over unreal customer |
1252s | other engine um so this has a lot to do |
1255s | like I think if we were going to be |
1258s | making last Deo from scratch today with |
1262s | our existing team and the existing |
1265s | establishment of the studio and |
1266s | resources we have now compared to what |
1268s | we had when we were starting nothing um |
1271s | we would probably be looking at |
1272s | something other than Unity as an option |
1274s | when we started making this um unreal 5 |
1277s | hadn't even been announced yet so it was |
1280s | it was Unreal 4 at the time was the only |
1282s | option there um which was still a very |
1285s | good engine for sure but it was um |
1287s | dramatically more expensive than Unity |
1288s | at the time time |
1291s | um and uh everyone who started working |
1294s | on the project had experience in unity |
1296s | uh so it was it was a convenience and uh |
1301s | price were were huge huge reasons why we |
1304s | started in unity in the first place |
1308s | um and you know once once you get far |
1311s | enough along in a game it's almost |
1313s | impossible to switch engines uh it's not |
1316s | impossible but it is uh very difficult |
1318s | and when you're in like a very public |
1321s | development cycle that's constantly |
1322s | releasing it is really hard to uh take |
1325s | the time off to uh to do to do something |
1328s | like that so H I think there was just |
1330s | never really an opportunity for us to |
1332s | consider switching and uh you know I |
1336s | yeah I I'm I'm really happy that we got |
1339s | the game where it is today uh and like |
1342s | couldn't be more happy with how the game |
1344s | is performing and all that sort of stuff |
1345s | and it's like |
1347s | um it is |
1350s | it's hard to think of a way we could |
1351s | have got here without Unity so there's |
1353s | there's some you |
1357s | know I don't know sentiment around |
1360s | it but yeah if we could uh if we could |
1363s | switch to a custom engine I feel like we |
1365s | like if that was a real possibility yeah |
1367s | that' be amazing there's lots of things |
1369s | you can do in custom engines because you |
1371s | build the game you build the engine with |
1373s | the game in mind um if that's like if |
1376s | that's something you can do then yeah |
1377s | you can have do things really |
1379s | efficiently um there's certain features |
1381s | you can work in that just work because |
1383s | you designed everything from the ground |
1385s | up to work with that you know it's uh |
1388s | yeah the and then at the same time it's |
1391s | a lot easier to get people to join the |
1392s | team to work on it and and Slot right in |
1395s | if it's a framework that they're used to |
1397s | so people because people know how to use |
1398s | Unity out there um we we like hire |
1401s | someone on and they're like oh I've |
1403s | worked in unity for 10 years and you're |
1404s | like great hit the ground running and |
1407s | they do and it's wonderful |
1409s | um so there's there's like there's good |
1411s | and bad things about um about using |
1414s | different engines and uh yeah I mean I |
1416s | think I think we're using Unity very |
1424s | well all right uh is it fair to say the |
1428s | new redacted items are a way for us to |
1431s | influence the individual monolith |
1433s | Echo um |
1437s | [Music] |
1448s | kind of I think I can technically answer |
1450s | no to |
1460s | that oh I'm being told what they |
1462s | actually would I was think you're the |
1463s | wrong thing definitely no |
1470s | I was thinking of something else |
1476s | whoops all right uh last week you said |
1479s | you had said we were getting some new |
1480s | supporter packs will these have skill |
1483s | MTX in them interesting question I don't |
1486s | actually know if they'll have SK skill |
1487s | MTX in them or |
1490s | not uh I don't I'd be pretty surprised |
1493s | if they did because skill MTX is so |
1494s | narrow um that when we're doing a bundle |
1496s | pack like that we usually want them to |
1498s | have |
1500s | um we usually want them to have broad |
1503s | things uh yeah Kane and |
1508s | the |
1511s | uh if if if we did skill ntx or |
1514s | something like that it would be it's |
1516s | really narrow because |
1519s | like even if you do something that's |
1521s | generic like even if you do Fireball um |
1523s | a very small percentage of Mages are |
1525s | even playing Fireball uh so I I I doubt |
1529s | that's the sort of thing we'd put in a |
1530s | bundle pack um if we were going to do |
1533s | that sort of |
1536s | thing vague answer is vague but I don't |
1539s | think |
1541s | so all |
1544s | right |
1546s | uh will there be a way for cof players |
1549s | to focus even more prophecies like |
1552s | deciding bases are very rare prophecies |
1554s | with LP2 plus uniques um having having |
1557s | the the fixed LP amount on things is uh |
1563s | it's a very dangerous game for us to |
1565s | play um because the relative Rarity of |
1569s | um of of LP on different unique base |
1573s | types uh I think that there's that there |
1576s | are changes to coff coming that will |
1578s | allow for a little bit better control |
1585s | um but I can't go any details yet sorry |
1588s | all right Mike will you be kind and give |
1591s | us a season 3 skeleton give us in season |
1595s | 3 skeletons to summon that two-handed |
1596s | melee warlocks that that is equipped |
1599s | with the spine of uh melatos |
1603s | visually uh oh like like get the |
1605s | skeleton wants the wants the wants the |
1607s | sword to have ah I see that would be |
1610s | cool |
1612s | um I mean we can probably do it you so |
1615s | usually the items like that um we make |
1619s | them a little bit more uh |
1621s | like a little bit heavier as far as uh |
1624s | like visual weight visual |
1627s | uh |
1629s | quality |
1633s | um but yeah I I feel like that's |
1635s | something we could do I don't |
1638s | know I'd be almost interested in doing |
1640s | that as like a potential skill MTX thing |
1650s | like |
1652s | uh I I don't want to say like oh this is |
1655s | a great idea we totally can't do |
1662s | that okay the the the the thing we can't |
1664s | do that I would love to that I'm sorry |
1666s | I'm even going to say it because we |
1668s | can't do it is is some sort of thing |
1669s | where it was like whatever weapon you |
1671s | have equipped your skeleton summon |
1673s | equipped with |
1675s | visually um but there's already so much |
1678s | confusion about like what stats transfer |
1680s | that having it visually would |
1682s | be uh |
1685s | tricky I do think it would be cool |
1687s | though no |
1695s | Aaron it's all |
1699s | right would be really cool |
1701s | though or or or another random idea that |
1704s | we can't do |
1705s | probably is just have them equip with |
1708s | like a Rand random weapon a random |
1709s | unique weapon so they like they all show |
1711s | like the whole Army has different |
1712s | weapons that would look really cool you |
1714s | can't do |
1718s | it all |
1721s | right uh is there any plans to be able |
1725s | to alter monoliths as in we will be a |
1727s | ever able to customize them as far as |
1729s | controlling the types of enemies that |
1730s | can spawn inside the monolith say I want |
1732s | a ton of Elites or whatever will that be |
1734s | possible yes that is the sort of thing |
1737s | that I think would be really cool to do |
1738s | do |
1740s | um specifics I think we would probably |
1743s | do it as like a a thing where you could |
1746s | decide like oh this type of enemy will |
1747s | spawn more frequently um and it would be |
1751s | less like hey this this specific Echo is |
1755s | going to |
1756s | have like 50 Elites in it and more so I |
1761s | we could do something like that too |
1762s | actually but I I think it' be more so in |
1763s | the sense of like Elite more Elites will |
1765s | spawn in general |
1772s | I think we're having an earthquake right |
1785s | now okay yeah oh there's definitely an |
1787s | earthquake happening |
1790s | wow that was |
1796s | wild cane you feel that I felt |
1802s | it ah it was cool I don't if that showed |
1805s | up on camera but like the house shook |
1808s | quite a |
1818s | [Laughter] |
1821s | lot could could you was the did the |
1823s | camera Shake did you see it |
1831s | that was sweet all right |
1837s | um I don't even know what I was |
1841s | doing again let me know how that uh if I |
1843s | need to go hide or |
1845s | something nothing's going to follow me I |
1847s | think we're |
1849s | fine all |
1851s | right the light that's above me though |
1854s | we we like all the lights in this place |
1857s | when we moved in were like not secured |
1859s | properly so we had to like take them all |
1861s | down secure them one of them was like |
1863s | sparking inside the box that it was |
1866s | crazy anyways uh moving |
1873s | on apparently the apparently the |
1875s | emergency alert is actually telling me |
1877s | to to Duck and Cover right now I think |
1879s | we're |
1880s | okay uh moving on next question not sure |
1884s | if you're familiar with couch Co-op yeah |
1886s | I love couch Co-op um in D4 mp2 |
1889s | controllers only |
1891s | oh mik not pay attention my God is but |
1895s | hand |
1896s | to 44 damage killing low oo um we we'll |
1901s | get something up for you guys here uh |
1904s | can couch Co-op poe2 implements a very |
1907s | good couch Co-op |
1909s | feature any plans or has there ever been |
1911s | talked to implement a similar feature in |
1912s | the future we've we've talked about |
1914s | trying to do coach Co-op couch Co-op a |
1916s | few times um and I think this is one of |
1918s | those things that like uh building it in |
1920s | your own engine has a lot of really good |
1923s | stuff for making it a lot of a lot of |
1925s | tools for that make it a lot easier sort |
1926s | of thing um there's tons of great couch |
1929s | C Games main Unity so I'm not saying |
1930s | that's like a blocker or anything like |
1931s | that but um I know there's been a few |
1934s | things we're like that's going to be |
1936s | really hard to do because these other |
1938s | things anyways um I it's not coming in |
1941s | season 2 I'll tell you that for sure it |
1943s | is the sort of thing that I would love |
1944s | to get in the game and like the idea of |
1947s | being able to like sit down and play |
1949s | this with my wife on the on the couch in |
1951s | the living room yes that's amazing um so |
1956s | you know personally I would love to do |
1958s | that I we don't have any plans I'm |
1962s | sorry all right can you provide some |
1964s | info if we will ever fight atera and or |
1967s | orbus because they're the main Gods |
1969s | right um yeah I I think that's a very |
1973s | reasonable |
1974s | expectation and uh |
1979s | almost just Stu my foot in my mouth |
1981s | again but |
1982s | like yeah yes I think that's |
1986s | reasonable |
1989s | oh not about something coming up but |
1991s | just like I made an accidental jab at |
1994s | another game last time someone asked me |
1996s | a question like that and I almost did it |
1997s | again by mistake but I sto myself um all |
2002s | right in season two would' be able to |
2005s | fight the harbingers just like aberoth |
2012s | uh the the way the way you interact with |
2014s | the harbingers is not being dramatically |
2017s | changed in season |
2018s | 2 uh good evening when we get a merch |
2021s | store will will we be able to pre-order |
2022s | a backpack on launch I have no idea I |
2025s | would love to I backpack sounds |
2027s | fantastic backpacks are so tricky to get |
2030s | right um I think part of the part of the |
2032s | issue that I've heard about with the um |
2034s | merch store in general is just getting |
2036s | like really good quality products that |
2037s | we're really happy with um like having |
2040s | that value proposition of like how much |
2042s | it's being sold for and uh what it does |
2044s | and the quality that it is is really |
2046s | important so that you're not just |
2048s | getting a junky piece of merch that has |
2051s | some branding on it it's actually |
2052s | something that you want to wear or want |
2054s | to use that sort of thing I think that's |
2056s | really important I I think that's |
2057s | probably one of the reasons it's been so |
2059s | tough to get it off the ground is |
2060s | finding that where it's uh where it |
2063s | actually feels like it's we're happy |
2064s | with that is probably it's probably what |
2066s | I expect a large portion of the issues |
2067s | are |
2073s | I cannot do that all |
2077s | right will oh else cool happen a weird |
2081s | get a sub to |
2086s | nightbot ah it's |
2090s | funny how long is nightbot been subed |
2093s | for is that something you can check |
2099s | ah oh I missed everil as |
2102s | well thank you very |
2104s | much thank you very |
2111s | much oh oh no Mike died but no spoiler |
2115s | Riot you're right oh what a good wow |
2118s | what is this world coming to okay okay |
2121s | okay okay okay we'll do we'll we'll do a |
2124s | good one we'll do a good one |
2128s | here is here's little little little |
2130s | teaser teaser |
2134s | [Music] |
2135s | do get a little better shot of it if you |
2137s | want yeah um this |
2141s | is possibly reminiscent of something you |
2143s | saw last week that might indicate a |
2145s | certain I don't know category of things |
2159s | let's shove that down in the corner for |
2161s | a |
2170s | bit I don't know what it is but when |
2172s | it's in when uh streamlabs is in the |
2176s | like Studio mode where you can see like |
2178s | two of them side by side being able to |
2180s | like drag and resize items the like the |
2182s | point that you can click on them to like |
2184s | resize them to grab like their edges of |
2185s | an object in the like preview window is |
2188s | so messed up and I don't know how to fix |
2190s | it and I know there's something I'm |
2191s | doing wrong but it'll be like trying to |
2194s | grab like the corner of something and |
2195s | instead of like grabbing like the actual |
2196s | corner of it you have to click like over |
2198s | here and drag and it's like the corner |
2199s | is over here it's frustrating anyways |
2203s | moving |
2204s | [Music] |
2207s | on this is night bot's first sub sounds |
2211s | great uh will there be any changes and |
2214s | Buffs for some of the rarely used sub |
2216s | skills such as tsunami and the mstom |
2218s | tree um I would say so yes I don't know |
2221s | about specifically tsunami but there are |
2227s | uh probably some changes excuse me there |
2229s | probably some changes to some things |
2231s | like that but I don't have any specific |
2232s | details on which |
2234s | ones there's a lot there's so many |
2236s | little changes like I I I read through |
2239s | the patch notes every time this happens |
2240s | every time and especially now cuz |
2242s | there's like been such a huge gap here |
2244s | and I've been working on next season |
2245s | stuff a lot and not not this season |
2247s | stuff and it's um it's like I I'll see |
2251s | read the patch notes and I'm like I had |
2252s | no idea we were working on that or or I |
2255s | completely forgot we did that months |
2259s | ago and they're just things that you |
2262s | well like cuz I I only play a little bit |
2264s | on the live version now because just |
2266s | what you see on stream so right now I've |
2267s | basically been playing um since the |
2270s | since the refresh basically just Lich |
2272s | and spellblade and so I I don't even |
2274s | remember the differences for what like |
2276s | difference on Rogue is between um like |
2279s | live |
2280s | and now in the development cycle that |
2283s | much cuz it's just the development cycle |
2286s | stuff is is all the their |
2289s | hits that's a that's a nice hit |
2294s | ignite Ignite Me getting the dot stuff |
2297s | it's cool little hitch when they're |
2300s | spawning it's specifically the poison |
2302s | one for me though |
2304s | interesting my |
2308s | all |
2314s | right uh how come you are not launching |
2316s | season to start on Friday instead |
2319s | of uh |
2322s | midweek I don't know the why the exact |
2324s | day is the exact day I assume it's |
2327s | likely so that we have some time before |
2329s | the weekend um where we're all in the |
2331s | office and we can you know put out any |
2333s | fires if there are any that sort of |
2334s | thing that's usually why we why we |
2336s | launch it midweek |
2345s | uh is there any plans of a sale for the |
2347s | game I've introduced the game to friends |
2348s | to a friend and he is interested but he |
2350s | wanted to wait for a better price I |
2352s | don't think we have any scheduled sales |
2354s | coming up um but we do you know every |
2357s | once in a while we put the game on sale |
2359s | um I feel like we had one very |
2362s | recently like I feel like it like just |
2364s | ended or |
2366s | something not |
2368s | [Applause] |
2371s | [Music] |
2373s | sure yeah I don't I don't I don't know I |
2376s | I also don't always get told when the |
2378s | patches are when there are any sails |
2379s | coming up so I I don't know |
2384s | sorry and he plans for making enemies |
2387s | immune for specific type of damage |
2390s | um completely immune no um situations |
2396s | where maybe they're temp temporarily |
2398s | immune or they have immunities that |
2400s | shift or you know things like that yeah |
2403s | something like mechanics that can be |
2404s | played around and interacted with like |
2406s | they're immune until you do something |
2408s | but just like if you're I don't know if |
2410s | you ever had this experience where |
2411s | you're like a pure Fireball Mage or fire |
2415s | sork um and |
2420s | you uh you like you you you're in D2 |
2422s | your fire sorc and you get into hell for |
2424s | the first time uh and you walk out into |
2427s | blood Moore and you're like I literally |
2429s | can't kill half the enemies here it's |
2430s | just impossible every fallen in the game |
2432s | is suddenly impossible to kill uh and |
2437s | and you kind of have to go back to the |
2438s | drawing board and they've done a lot to |
2441s | like with the sun charms recently to to |
2442s | make that issue kind of go away a bit |
2446s | and |
2448s | um so we're we're not really interested |
2450s | in in running into that issue because |
2452s | having a specific but but but at the |
2455s | same time right now there's not a lot of |
2457s | differences in the damage type based on |
2459s | the enemies you're fighting um and so we |
2461s | there are things we're doing to add in |
2463s | some more um Variety in uh like if |
2466s | you're a pure fire build uh there's |
2468s | certain things you're going to be able |
2469s | to do a lot better and certain things |
2470s | you're going be able to do a lot worse |
2472s | because you're like a pure single |
2474s | element build having having some sort of |
2476s | downside to that is I think important um |
2479s | and and upside in certain situations but |
2481s | having uh having ways to play around |
2483s | that is also really important so |
2485s | absolute full heart immunities for |
2487s | enemies for the entire that enemy |
2490s | exists |
2492s | no |
2497s | um more things around that yeah yeah all |
2502s | right will you do something similar to |
2504s | release with hype weak also do you plan |
2505s | to do more marketing yes we're do lots |
2507s | more marketing um especially compared to |
2511s | uh 1.1 we'll see more close more similar |
2513s | to 1.0 levels of marketing uh because |
2517s | this is a huge huge release for |
2519s | us uh any thoughts on Wy movement yes I |
2522s | have lots of thoughts on Wy movement if |
2524s | I going to summarize them I would say |
2526s | that that is a um a |
2529s | very uh very popular thing right now |
2533s | that uh I I feel like we are would be |
2538s | crazy to ignore um personally I can't do |
2543s | it I tried so many times and it just my |
2546s | brain can't do it |
2548s | for for an arpg I like i' I've tried it |
2550s | in every arpg that has it um I shouldn't |
2553s | say every almost every arpg that has it |
2556s | I feel like I probably missed one but |
2560s | uh I I like I just can't do it i' like |
2563s | I've tried our our our test version of |
2565s | it um and I just can't do it there's |
2569s | something in my brain so personally it's |
2570s | not for me um but that doesn't mean it's |
2572s | not for lots of other people and uh i' |
2576s | I'd love to have a really great version |
2577s | of it for everyone to try um I I don't |
2581s | have any specific details on if that's |
2584s | ever coming when that's ever coming any |
2586s | of that stuff |
2595s | yet all |
2606s | right oh come on |
2610s | I I will say the work we've done with |
2611s | with controller targeting has helped it |
2613s | a lot |
2614s | though uh will there be any |
2616s | optimizations for lowend PCs my old uh |
2619s | my old PC runs uh D4 okay but struggles |
2622s | with Le I feel like they should be |
2623s | evenly matched um yeah I mean we're |
2625s | we're constantly working on improving |
2627s | the the performance of the game that's a |
2629s | huge huge important thing to us um at |
2632s | all levels of of the the the PC quality |
2635s | Spectrum um you know right down to |
2637s | getting to work on on mobile devices |
2639s | like like steam deck and things like |
2640s | that it's it is very important for us to |
2642s | have a high quality and high highly |
2644s | performant game um and yes we are |
2647s | definitely working on those |
2650s | things you know sometimes it's just like |
2652s | random little things like um like tiny |
2656s | tiny little things that will have uh |
2659s | that will reduce the the frame time in |
2660s | very specific situations of skill |
2662s | combinations by uh a fraction of a of a |
2666s | second and and um you you do that 20,000 |
2671s | times and you get an extra frame out of |
2673s | it you know |
2676s | um and and every frame counts big |
2685s | time |
2687s | oh |
2689s | oh oh ow oh it's it's always |
2693s | Avalanche this part of the game I feel |
2695s | like I need to come with like eight |
2696s | extra teasers ready to go just just for |
2701s | Avalanche Avalanche the classic |
2704s | yep okay you know what we're we're going |
2706s | to do uh we're going do one teaser for |
2709s | this fight uh cuz I'm going to die |
2711s | another dozen times |
2716s | here |
2719s | y it still only counts as one |
2729s | come on yes out of the Avalanche I'm |
2732s | learning I'm |
2746s | learning come on I have no potions left |
2758s | I |
2767s | canot I triggered it triggered the ward |
2770s | get |
2771s | out see I really like Ward uh the the |
2775s | ward Health in a fight like this where |
2777s | there is two and flipping your DPS back |
2780s | and forth when when one of them is Ward |
2782s | up is actually like a tactic thing you |
2784s | can do a I got talking got cocky and I |
2788s | got taken still only counts as |
2793s | one the fight doesn't reset doesn't |
2804s | count should I should have been focusing |
2806s | this one first |
2830s | all right for |
2832s | me we got |
2836s | there oh seems like a good one to do for |
2839s | this |
2840s | now ooh ooh what's this oh my goodness |
2845s | what's this that might look familiar the |
2848s | the general |
2853s | shape all right uh hi Mike any plans on |
2856s | making story |
2858s | versions of Pinnacle bosses the game |
2860s | currently nudges the player into abro at |
2862s | corruption 300 but a build that can |
2864s | clear C300 slower is not going to be |
2866s | anywhere near require parallel for aboth |
2868s | so the difficulty curve becomes a |
2870s | difficulty Cliff for weaker masteries |
2872s | and |
2873s | skills um I don't think we plans to |
2875s | bring like aboth have like an easy |
2878s | aberoth um I do think we have plans for |
2882s | more fixed difficulty tier bosses in uh |
2888s | leading up to aboth so like like other |
2890s | enemies that you'll fight other other |
2892s | bosses that are more of a like yeah like |
2895s | a fixed difficulty boss is so like the |
2899s | reason I'm saying fixed difficulty is |
2900s | not really Pinnacle um but because it's |
2903s | not really at the top of the food chain |
2908s | um but that style of boss fight yeah I |
2910s | think there's there's definitely room |
2911s | for for a like a special event to access |
2915s | a boss fight uh type |
2923s | thing uh at like lower difficulties than |
2925s | aboth |
2927s | is thanks |
2934s | Kan I don't know what you're talking |
2936s | about |
2940s | all |
2942s | [Music] |
2943s | right uh think it's a repeat question |
2946s | are spec requirements stay the same for |
2949s | season 2 I hope it will not need a new |
2951s | laptop yes uh the the requ system |
2954s | requirements will not be going down when |
2956s | season 2 |
2957s | starts uh or or up sorry yeah like the |
2960s | the system requirements will stay the |
2962s | same for I the question system |
2964s | requirements are not |
2965s | changing uh for season |
2976s | 2 uh Sentinel war path skill is there a |
2979s | chance it'll be like main damage skill |
2980s | instead of just a generator skill um |
2989s | yeah feel people love triggering |
2991s | abilities and it's one of those things |
2993s | people love to trigger abilities with |
2995s | and triggering abilities is very strong |
2997s | and so having anything that can trigger |
2998s | abilities with it is going to be very |
3000s | difficult to compete with |
3003s | like unless you put something on that |
3005s | it's like more damage if you haven't |
3006s | triggered an ability recently uh sort of |
3012s | thing which we're not doing but uh yeah |
3016s | uh there are there are war path changes |
3018s | coming down the |
3020s | pipe uh there there's changes all over |
3023s | senel so yeah uh will we be getting an |
3026s | any Ultra r uniques that can be used |
3028s | across just about any build similar to |
3030s | Sho or shako depending on how you |
3032s | pronounce it um also uh we we tend to |
3035s | steer clear those generally but we do |
3037s | have a few of them in the game also will |
3039s | we be getting any skill mtxs or pet mtxs |
3042s | I'm sorry for the multi question |
3043s | absolutely D ell and can't wait for |
3044s | season 2 Mike keep up the weight loss |
3046s | brother thank you very much |
3051s | um |
3055s | uh oh come on |
3058s | uh what are we doing here I'm answering |
3060s | questions aren't they um we we tend to |
3062s | steer clear of the like the generically |
3064s | awesome uniques um cuz I mean you you |
3068s | people post I don't know if you pay |
3069s | attention um if you spend any time on |
3071s | the subreddit uh there's there's tons of |
3074s | posts of rare items like specifically |
3078s | usually like um like circlets or pelts |
3082s | um and it's sort of like the the like |
3085s | there lots of times there's a debate on |
3087s | is this good or not and there's a lot of |
3088s | answers that are like this is Godly or |
3090s | this is nothing and um a lot of times |
3094s | that the question is just is it better |
3096s | than Sho or not and it's kind of |
3099s | uh I I think it's kind of one of those |
3101s | Almost Boring things to have in the game |
3103s | like because it's so universally |
3106s | amazing um it's very difficult to have |
3111s | an item that's better than it for like |
3115s | most builds it's sort of like you're |
3119s | you're using Sho in 99% of builds unless |
3123s | you're at the absolute very tip top of |
3125s | most of them that have some sort of like |
3127s | okay this is slightly better than Sho if |
3129s | you change these other four items as |
3130s | well type thing and it's |
3132s | like I don't know if that's a great |
3135s | place to be in |
3138s | um and something we've avoided in |
3140s | general but we do put some of them |
3143s | in I can't say we're planning on adding |
3146s | any more |
3154s | [Music] |
3155s | red ring is probably the biggest version |
3157s | of that right |
3159s | now omns yeah all right uh hello there |
3164s | usual question are you planning to come |
3167s | back with Mascus mode instead of shoes |
3170s | nope uh anyways thanks for bringing it |
3172s | back since |
3173s | release uh keep up the great work guys |
3176s | hopefully hype is slowly pumping up yeah |
3178s | hype is slowly pumping up oh time these |
3181s | are questions time stamp at 1:15 so we |
3183s | are little bit behind here Master Sword |
3187s | another 46 month sub my |
3191s | goodness |
3192s | wow that's 2 46ers right there that's |
3196s | like that's that's I think the cuz the |
3198s | two of you yeah I'm pretty sure that's |
3199s | the how long we've been streaming for |
3201s | that's wild two more months and that's |
3203s | four years |
3209s | we got to do something for |
3211s | that that's going to be right around |
3214s | right around patch |
3216s | too that's really cool I don't know I |
3218s | don't know if we can do something for |
3219s | that but I'd love |
3220s | to anyways uh has there been any thought |
3224s | given the changing the market system to |
3226s | use other currencies instead of gold for |
3228s | trade somewh a Poe um we don't have any |
3231s | plans for that we've given huge amounts |
3233s | of thought to it yes massive massive |
3236s | amounts of thought thought to |
3239s | it it's always tricky I see a lot of |
3241s | questions like have you given any |
3242s | thought to this and almost every single |
3246s | time the answer is yes we spent like |
3249s | there's a dozen hourong meetings I've be |
3251s | in about that exact topic |
3255s | um and uh but so yeah yes we've spent a |
3259s | lot of time thinking about |
3262s | it and usually what that means is we |
3265s | spent a ton of time thinking about it |
3266s | we're not doing |
3270s | all right aha I've been playing off and |
3274s | on and I've really enjoyed poison Lich |
3276s | but it hasn't really changed much is |
3277s | there anything next patch I mean there's |
3280s | something in every patch for every class |
3283s | um poison Lich specifically nothing off |
3286s | the top of my head that's really jumping |
3288s | out |
3292s | um where we |
3294s | going let's go here turn a quick |
3300s | um think there might be an item that |
3302s | interacts nicely with |
3308s | that uh any chance we can get a void |
3310s | chaos Caster of some kind |
3314s | yeah think that' be |
3316s | sweet uh there's none in season 2 |
3321s | yes more idle |
3324s | slots here we go Frost wall super |
3330s | useful all right are you using scrum |
3335s | process I just wondered if you plan to |
3337s | be more active with updates after season |
3338s | 2 or if we'll start waiting for new |
3341s | season for new stuff um we do use a |
3344s | scrum uh yeah we use a scrum process |
3346s | it's not officially scrum uh but |
3350s | it's vaguely |
3353s | scrum I guess you could say um |
3360s | but yeah we we we we've heard very loud |
3362s | and clear from our community that 9 |
3363s | months was too |
3364s | long |
3366s | uh far far far too |
3372s | long I want I want to just go through |
3374s | here and pull out a bunch of stuff cuz I |
3375s | know there there's a bunch of stuff I |
3376s | can use in |
3377s | here |
3379s | um any legendaries that are pre-made |
3381s | that I can just slap |
3383s | on that' be really good right now |
3390s | uh probably not anything jumping out of |
3393s | me |
3403s | here I mean I know there's lots of stuff |
3407s | but go through and look at everything |
3418s | feel like there's a weapon in here |
3419s | that's just so much better that I'm just |
3424s | ignoring we'll do it later we'll do it |
3426s | later I see we're just going to keep |
3431s | going s the Shop's boring |
3434s | right uh is minion resummoning getting |
3436s | changed or you will you have to keep |
3437s | summoning each one after death um we |
3440s | don't have like an auto summoning system |
3443s | uh in in the works right now |
3448s | where am I |
3452s | going uh like basically you're wondering |
3454s | are we going to copy uh poe2 skeletons |
3457s | uh we don't have anything like that |
3459s | coming for season 2 um all right hi Mike |
3462s | Ray Spectre is my favorite ability in |
3464s | pee1 would you want to add a similar |
3466s | ability in the future of the game it's |
3467s | so tricky to just like to take things |
3469s | and be like okay like let's let's slap |
3472s | this in and see see how it goes um |
3480s | we I'd say there's a possibility of us |
3485s | doing our own twist on things like that |
3488s | um but just a straight hey that would |
3490s | work great let's slap it in probably |
3495s | not um you partially because so our |
3498s | skill systems while there are very |
3500s | there's a lot of similarities between |
3501s | them and how you can customize them on |
3503s | all that sort of stuff the abilities |
3504s | have to be like the base abilities have |
3506s | to to be um like interesting and unique |
3511s | enough to stand on their |
3513s | own and like exciting enough to to be |
3517s | like hey I want to take that and build |
3518s | around it maybe let's see let's exciting |
3520s | enough to say like hey what's in this |
3522s | let me go look and see what these nodes |
3523s | do and then enough possibilities and |
3525s | where we can take the ability with the |
3527s | nodes uh that it |
3530s | is uh interesting changes that are not |
3534s | just copypaste of another abilities |
3535s | interesting changes so um if the biggest |
3539s | thing about an a skill that makes it |
3541s | unique is just that it looks a little |
3542s | different than another specific skill um |
3545s | we usually won't put it |
3547s | in so if we have something that |
3549s | functions similarly but just looks |
3551s | different it's probably more of a skill |
3552s | MTX than a new skill |
3556s | opportunity all right heik will there be |
3558s | an upgrade to Graphics in terms of UPS |
3560s | skill resolution on Textures the |
3562s | lighting and design of the game are |
3563s | gorgeous but the character models and |
3564s | NPCs are very low resolution even on |
3566s | Ultra quality |
3568s | um I don't know is the short answer to |
3571s | this one um that is the sort of style of |
3574s | thing that I think would be give us |
3576s | opportunities to improve the quality of |
3577s | the visuals without having to change |
3582s | much so people who know a lot more about |
3584s | that than I do are probably looking into |
3586s | it or already have plans for it or have |
3588s | already ruled it out one of those three |
3593s | things or some combination there in |
3600s | all right how long do you think it will |
3603s | take the whole campaign until the whole |
3605s | campaign is out I would love to know the |
3606s | story I don't know it could be it that's |
3608s | tricky because I feel like the um |
3612s | exactly what gets put into the campaign |
3615s | before it's declared finished isn't |
3618s | really probably fully finalized right |
3620s | now be my guess |
3629s | soing my |
3631s | as come |
3633s | on we burst this |
3636s | down |
3638s | nope my |
3645s | as |
3648s | sickening |
3651s | my all |
3654s | right is is it possible uh is this |
3658s | possible the ability to spawn a boss or |
3665s | Monster see I'm going out of my way to |
3668s | try and get you guys spoilers look at |
3669s | that try but I'm just I'm just |
3672s | instinctually too |
3677s | good yeah that's what we call getting |
3679s | lucky is this coming through |
3681s | still oh yeah I just scrolled okay the |
3685s | the audio pickup this the senses that |
3687s | the levels was just like not there but |
3688s | it was scrolled down it's |
3694s | fine the ability to spawn a boss or |
3696s | Monster and check your DPS on said |
3698s | monster without having to fight it and |
3700s | or the ability to register on what of |
3703s | what each of your attacks are dpsing |
3705s | meaning the ability to tell which skill |
3706s | is putting out the most DPS no we do not |
3708s | have any uh is this possible yes it is |
3710s | technically possible that we could do |
3712s | this um it is technically possible that |
3715s | we might have have this functionality |
3717s | internally already |
3719s | um we we don't have any plans to |
3721s | implement this in the |
3723s | game uh any Nerfs to Tundra stalker |
3727s | incoming I don't have any specific |
3729s | details on Buffer Nerfs that I can show |
3731s | right now um I do know that's a |
3734s | frustrating |
3735s | one skill Cosmetics |
3740s | maybe |
3743s | maybe pretty cool wouldn't it uh will |
3746s | chronomancer JRA be less chaotic with |
3749s | how she uses her attacks and have a |
3750s | definite pattern to attacks to be able |
3752s | to fight her more effectively um so so |
3756s | she actually uses the same AI that |
3757s | everything else uses |
3760s | um |
3763s | and uh it's a little tricky to map but |
3767s | uh they does actually have a specific |
3769s | pattern um and you can control it with |
3771s | specific actions so there's certain |
3773s | abilities um every ability in in an AI |
3777s | in in the the enemy |
3778s | AI has uh has a bunch of things to |
3781s | determine if it can what what it can use |
3783s | and if it can if it can use things what |
3785s | it can use when it uses it all these |
3786s | sorts of things um and it's based off of |
3790s | the cooldown of that individual ability |
3792s | the hierarchy uh priority order of those |
3795s | abilities and uh the range that you are |
3799s | from the target so uh what it does is it |
3802s | it's got a list of a priority list and |
3804s | it goes all right uh first one is this |
3807s | off cool down yes great let's try and |
3810s | use it is there a Target in range that I |
3813s | can that I can cast this at cuz each |
3815s | ability has its own ranges um and so |
3818s | it'll be like okay well you've got an |
3820s | enemy that's in range it's off cool down |
3822s | use it great simple as that um if |
3825s | there's like no enemy in range um or |
3828s | it's on coold down it'll go to the next |
3830s | ability and be like hey can I use this |
3831s | ability |
3833s | now um and so like in between ability |
3838s | uses it'll have a consistent cool down |
3841s | for each ability um and it won't always |
3844s | be the exact same interval necessarily |
3847s | because sometimes the ability that it is |
3851s | um they'll be they'll be like an ability |
3855s | can be low on the priority list and have |
3857s | a long cool down which means that it |
3859s | sometimes has to um find a window where |
3863s | other things are all on cool down before |
3865s | it'll actually use it so usually the |
3866s | lowest thing on the priority list is |
3868s | just like basic attack so it always has |
3870s | something to do and the highest thing on |
3871s | the priority list is usually something |
3873s | with a long cool down and then uh |
3875s | abilities can also start on cool down so |
3877s | even if something is like the highest |
3878s | priority and maybe has a 30- second cool |
3880s | down and it starts at 15 second cool |
3882s | down so the first time it waits 15 |
3883s | seconds to use it and then it waits 30 |
3885s | seconds in between each use and so like |
3887s | it can there's a lot of different ways |
3889s | we can adjust how um the order of things |
3892s | happens and it can sometimes look kind |
3893s | of weird uh and and feel like it's |
3896s | random or something like that but it's |
3898s | not it's pretty deterministic |
3903s | actually whoa this |
3905s | hurts I cannot do that see resists coal |
3910s | damage this the sort of thing that I |
3916s | like uh any plans for getting higher |
3918s | corruption quicker uh there are some |
3921s | adjustments to that not I wouldn't say |
3924s | massively |
3930s | but but a little bit there's some |
3932s | there's some adjustments in how that |
3938s | works uh more oh yeah I died didn't I |
3941s | that means I'm suppos I'm supposed to do |
3944s | something right what is |
3947s | it h |
3953s | [Music] |
3962s | getting so many messages from people |
3963s | about that |
3965s | earthquake |
3967s | wild uh yeah if you just a reiteration |
3969s | if you do have a question you'd like me |
3971s | to answer please put at last epot game |
3973s | uh in the in the question to make sure |
3975s | we see it that we put it into a list |
3976s | I've got uh Kane's pulling out questions |
3978s | from twitch chat and YouTube chat that |
3980s | uh I'm seeing on a different screen that |
3982s | I'm answering them all in the order they |
3983s | came in I know I'm a little bit behind |
3984s | see how far behind I am okay I know I'm |
3986s | a lot behind and I will be answering |
3988s | them as fast as I can here let's let's |
3990s | do let's let's put up a teaser and do a |
3993s | little rapid |
3997s | fire here's |
4000s | one leave that on screen too there you |
4002s | go there's a double on there oh what's |
4004s | that looks kind of like something else |
4006s | since other style we've seen recently uh |
4008s | all right are the original packs going |
4010s | with season 2 or just season one packs |
4012s | uh I believe I double check this I think |
4016s | we'll have a specific announcement on |
4017s | this so it's all in writing so it's |
4018s | clear but my understanding is that the |
4022s | uh current supporter packs are all |
4026s | going um but the editions are staying so |
4030s | like the the the the deluxe edition and |
4031s | the ultimate edition those are staying |
4033s | but the supporter packs are going and |
4036s | they're going slightly after the release |
4037s | of season 2 so that there is a little |
4039s | bit of overlap I think is what's |
4041s | happening but we'll have a clear text |
4043s | post that actually outlines that |
4044s | specifically so it's it is Cle clear and |
4046s | it's not just me being like I think this |
4047s | is what it is uh all right could you |
4050s | have something Dodge specific or a |
4053s | portal to use moment uh movement ability |
4056s | you could have something dodg specific |
4058s | or a portal to use movement ability uh |
4061s | oh MTX stuff |
4063s | yes yes uh there will be uh yeah cosmet |
4066s | like there's there's portal Cosmetics um |
4069s | evade Cosmetics is totally possible |
4072s | um I don't think we have it I don't if |
4074s | we have any it's it's something we can't |
4076s | do evade the way the ability evade works |
4078s | I'm assume this mean by Dodge um this |
4082s | evade ability it literally is just an |
4084s | ability like in in our testing thing you |
4086s | can equip it onto your slots in in the |
4087s | testing environment like it's just |
4089s | straight up an |
4090s | ability uh yeah it actually counts as |
4093s | using an |
4094s | ability I wonder if if it works for |
4099s | flow there's also five of them there's |
4101s | five different technical um like there |
4103s | are five different abilities called |
4105s | evade they all have the exact same stats |
4107s | and everything but they are five |
4107s | different abilities one for each a base |
4110s | class uh when are you giving ELD eldrich |
4112s | blast to warlock ah yes I too recently |
4115s | played Ballers Gate 3 |
4118s | um uh it it has it has that in um not |
4124s | not like straight up Eldridge blast but |
4125s | I think there's very similar |
4127s | effects somewhere isn't there feel like |
4130s | we have something that we're like that's |
4131s | really similar looking in feeling but |
4133s | it's not the just like |
4136s | the D and D version of it yeah uh about |
4139s | consoles PS5 Xbox series um it's |
4142s | possible I don't have any specific |
4143s | details we'd love to do it um that's a |
4147s | that's a maybe hopefully someday future |
4149s | we'll |
4151s | see uh yes I'm playing with that up on |
4163s | screen we go |
4166s | uh do you have some of the season 3 |
4167s | content done yet there's there's there's |
4170s | work that is being put in on on on |
4172s | season 3 stuff |
4175s | yes um but like completed features no if |
4179s | if it was a completed feature it would |
4180s | just be going in season |
4184s | 2 and and and there's even some yeah |
4187s | there's even some things that we had |
4188s | slated for features in season 3 that |
4190s | were like oh we need something to go in |
4192s | here in season 2 oh just grab that so |
4194s | yeah there's there's things there's a |
4195s | couple things we |
4201s | pulled uh any changes for the arena in |
4204s | the plans yeah yeah there are |
4208s | um there |
4210s | are uh there's there's some like quality |
4212s | of life stuff in the arena there's and |
4214s | people that that's not like enough and |
4216s | they just really don't like that style |
4218s | of um that that style of content at all |
4221s | uh there's ways you can customize which |
4223s | content you're interacting with a lot |
4224s | better now too um um so yeah there's |
4227s | there's there's some stuff uh for arena |
4229s | lovers and Arena haters and hopefully we |
4231s | can convert some of the latter to the |
4234s | former all right hey uh can Mike even |
4238s | see YouTube chat I can't see YouTube |
4239s | chat directly right now no I'm sorry it |
4241s | only shows me the twitch chat um but uh |
4244s | Kane uh is um is pulling questions from |
4247s | both so if you do have a uh a a a |
4250s | question and you're watching on YouTube |
4252s | please ask it I'm I'm barely looking at |
4254s | twitch chat either so |
4256s | it's almost no different |
4261s | um I'm I'm not looking at chat directly |
4263s | for questions for either of them they're |
4265s | get they're all getting funneled to |
4267s | me so feel free to ask your questions on |
4270s | both happy Dan them uh why was the |
4274s | decision made to not let new forg guard |
4277s | passive to hold two-handers and not |
4279s | one-handers and and one uh two handers |
4283s | in one hand not count for staves um a |
4286s | lot of it a lot of it has to do with |
4287s | theming um you know the staves are not |
4291s | really a forge guard primary weapon so |
4293s | the the weapons that are able to be |
4295s | wielded in the two-handed weapons that |
4296s | are able to be wielded with a shield at |
4298s | the same time are thematically |
4299s | appropriate for the |
4300s | for basically |
4305s | it I cannot do that yes Mike good idea |
4309s | let's bite off more than we can chew |
4311s | when there's Avalanches rolling |
4313s | around so smart |
4316s | so smart can't even handle the brains on |
4319s | this |
4321s | one no zombie starve around me |
4325s | okay uh with some RPGs out there not |
4329s | going to say name names or anything |
4330s | cough D4 |
4331s | cough it's fine to talk about their apgs |
4334s | for the record uh doing cross promos |
4336s | with other games uh is it possibility to |
4339s | see another Games characters or |
4341s | something being brought into the game |
4343s | whether as an ntx NPC or even playable |
4345s | character I mean if if there's another |
4348s | game that wants to do a crossover with |
4350s | us I I I'd personally be very interested |
4353s | in that |
4354s | um I don't think we have any plans right |
4357s | now for it but like I don't know I I |
4359s | think that sort of stuff's really cool I |
4360s | think there's a lot of really cool |
4362s | crossovers that have been done in the |
4363s | past |
4365s | um I I'd love to I'd love to I think I |
4367s | think I'd probably want to put it as an |
4369s | ntx stuff the most but we've been pretty |
4372s | intent on keeping things in Universe |
4374s | this this backpack is the only um non- |
4377s | diagetic thing in the game as far as I |
4379s | know my face is right |
4384s | there uh and other than that |
4387s | everything's like in Universe Mak |
4392s | sense all right but like you asked me if |
4396s | I wanted to make last Epoch magic cards |
4398s | I would say uh definitely don't look in |
4401s | my closet because there's not a whole |
4402s | bunch of them I swear |
4407s | uh any plans for Unique stash Tab and I |
4410s | mean |
4411s | like yeah uh any plans fori stash daab I |
4415s | feel like this should be mandatory for |
4416s | every future airG um I this is something |
4419s | that we'd love to incorporate it's |
4420s | something that I can see us uh tackling |
4423s | in the future it's not something we have |
4424s | ready for for season 2 |
4427s | um but we do have some new tech that |
4430s | we're employing for uh for one of the |
4432s | functions in season 2 that will make |
4435s | doing this sort of thing I think a lot |
4437s | better um I think it's going to be I |
4439s | think I think once we once you see that |
4441s | you're going to be like why didn't you |
4443s | just make a stash a unique stash daab |
4445s | when you did this like it's going to be |
4447s | even more frustrating that we didn't do |
4448s | it yet after seeing this so um I I |
4451s | really hope we do and uh I I know |
4454s | there's been there's there's so many Fe |
4455s | there's so many features that there's so |
4456s | many us that are like oh we should do |
4457s | this and everyone's like yeah it sounds |
4459s | great where does it go on the list |
4466s | all right could we eventually have |
4468s | either a skill node conversion unique |
4471s | item or MTX to change the Falcon's color |
4477s | Yes |
4479s | y for example turn a green for version |
4482s | that convert damage to poison and |
4483s | throwing acid blast yeah I think I think |
4485s | that's fantastic there's |
4487s | um I I don't think we have I I think |
4490s | you'll see |
4491s | likely uh |
4495s | I cannot do that I |
4498s | think if we were ever I I I don't know |
4501s | what's I don't think any of these things |
4503s | are coming in season 2 is the problem um |
4506s | but I think hypothetically if we were |
4507s | ever to do a at least if if it is I |
4510s | haven't seen it but |
4513s | um like a phoenix skin for the Falcon |
4517s | would sell out instantly if it could |
4518s | sell out you know so |
4522s | um I think that's the sort of thing we'd |
4524s | be crazy not to do |
4532s | uh uh it'd be dope to see the Scorpion |
4535s | throwing his spear screaming get over |
4537s | here yeah |
4539s | yeah that would be cool that would be |
4541s | very |
4542s | cool |
4547s | um I don't we're we're we're pretty you |
4551s | usually if you're going to do there's |
4552s | going to be a crossover it's got to make |
4553s | sense for both sides Ides to do it um a |
4557s | lot of the stuff that people would love |
4558s | to see crossovers for uh were a little |
4561s | small for |
4563s | them |
4570s | yeah I don't understand why bows are |
4573s | reserved for Rogues only aha I can |
4575s | explain this |
4576s | one cuz there is a |
4579s | reason uh I would like to play a bow the |
4581s | Spell blade or run Master yeah I I'd |
4584s | really like to play a bow with the um |
4586s | Beast Master that's what I want to play |
4588s | about with the most |
4590s | [Music] |
4592s | um I'm still pushing for it don't |
4599s | worry uh but basically the when we were |
4602s | first starting to do when we were first |
4604s | putting Rogues in uh we're like we have |
4606s | to have bows we have to have bows and uh |
4610s | like it came down |
4614s | to have abilities that function with |
4617s | bows |
4619s | um there wasn't really any way to |
4621s | quickly and smoothly incorporate bow |
4624s | functionality into any other class um |
4626s | there's like maybe a couple that you |
4627s | could argue could be done with but it's |
4629s | kind of clunky and um so because the |
4633s | skills don't work with the bows the bow |
4634s | would kind of have to come with the |
4636s | skill if we were going to add it on to |
4637s | any other classes and we didn't have the |
4638s | ability to do that at the time we were |
4640s | also under a pretty big animation crunch |
4642s | for it at the time and um so having |
4645s | just having a um the the extra |
4649s | animations available for other Masters |
4651s | was the the skill work the animation |
4654s | work it was |
4655s | just there wasn't enough payoff for how |
4657s | much it would would cost us to actually |
4659s | make function I in Devon design hours |
4663s | so didn't get put in but I still believe |
4665s | that it will happen eventually it's my |
4667s | it's my belief it's my |
4669s | goal um yeah uh when can we expect to |
4674s | see oh I died didn't I I died I'm |
4676s | supposed I'm supposed supposed to show |
4678s | something for that aren't I just just |
4679s | burning through |
4687s | these okay okay I'm going to be real |
4690s | careful cuz the next one I kind of |
4691s | wanted to save for a little bit was one |
4693s | more after |
4695s | this down to my last two I'm being |
4698s | apparently I should play less squishy |
4701s | builds all right here we are let's |
4703s | answer let's rap let's rapid fire some |
4704s | questions out |
4705s | uh can we expect to see a pure melee |
4708s | build with fists or claws or Knuckles we |
4710s | need some love on the melee class uh we |
4712s | need uppercut people to the |
4714s | Moon um I mean there's definitely pure |
4717s | melee builds out there that exist that |
4718s | function and are tons of fun so yeah you |
4721s | can make them um and there's there's |
4724s | definitely adjustments for melee stuff |
4726s | adjustments for everything coming to to |
4728s | do lots of cool new stuff um we would |
4731s | love to add fist weapons as a thing as |
4734s | well um |
4735s | um but yeah season 2 I wouldn't say |
4739s | there's there's not a a new melee class |
4741s | coming or anything like that can we get |
4743s | a pause button yeah oh my God I'd love |
4744s | to do a pause button um we we don't have |
4747s | the functionality for that in online yet |
4750s | it works in offline but not online uh |
4753s | now see I don't know much about the game |
4754s | development at all but I wanted to ask |
4756s | why exactly is she going so slow on |
4758s | updates compared to other RPGs like Poe |
4760s | a torch light infinite think you guys |
4762s | are positioned pretty well with another |
4763s | Powerhouse in the arpg industry and |
4764s | provide players other airs in the season |
4766s | cycle year round yeah um there there's a |
4769s | lot that there's a reason why it's been |
4772s | so long since another big update um we |
4775s | pivoted pretty hard halfway through this |
4777s | uh this this uh season um we |
4781s | also the we there was some timings of |
4784s | things we tried to dodge earlier on uh |
4787s | that ended up being a bit of a |
4789s | mistake |
4791s | um you know it's like whenever we Dodge |
4793s | something it gets moved whenever we |
4794s | don't it gets moved into us |
4798s | um so it's it's a little tricky in in |
4801s | lining up the timings of things um and I |
4804s | I like it's just unlucky like there's no |
4808s | there's no uh Rhyme or Reason for really |
4810s | those those timings lining up the way |
4812s | they are but I'd say the frequencies |
4814s | probably that the other teams are um |
4817s | bigger and have been doing it for longer |
4820s | um |
4823s | yeah uh but yeah we we are working to |
4826s | improve |
4827s | that in the future will harbingers be |
4830s | only fought in empowered monos opposed |
4832s | to normal modos facing them in normal |
4834s | modos was brutal |
4836s | um I mean it should only happen in one |
4839s | normal mono right as you're like this is |
4841s | you're like I'm proving myself that I |
4843s | can do empowered now |
4845s | [Music] |
4846s | um but that's not changing at the moment |
4849s | uh any info on search tab improvements |
4851s | for season 2 I don't think there's any |
4854s | big changes for search searches in the T |
4855s | stash tab right now but um that is |
4857s | something that we're looking at uh do |
4859s | you guys uh ever look for there's okay |
4862s | there is some search stuff changing like |
4866s | uh I can't even bring it up the in in |
4868s | monolith timeline search is adding a |
4869s | couple filters um that's not the strch |
4872s | you're talking about I |
4873s | know uh do you guys ever look for |
4875s | designers who are more data focused |
4878s | thank you |
4879s | Kane uh who are more data focused and |
4882s | not necessarily coders I've been keeping |
4883s | an eye out but everything recently has |
4885s | been roles that require heavy degrees of |
4886s | coding experience um we don't have we do |
4890s | have that that comes along every once in |
4891s | a while part of the problem I'd say is |
4893s | that |
4896s | um it's there's a lot of value in being |
4899s | able to like people who are the like |
4901s | designers who who are like heavy in |
4903s | design meetings and are doing just |
4905s | design stuff having them have knowledge |
4907s | of what's possible and how the game fits |
4909s | together and like hey is uh if if we say |
4913s | like oh I really want to do this effect |
4915s | I want Fireball to be able to split and |
4917s | have some of them home in on targets and |
4919s | some of them uh Pierce and other ones do |
4922s | this other thing and like oh is it |
4924s | possible to even do that and and how |
4925s | these things fit together and what's |
4926s | going to be performant enough where an |
4928s | idea you're like oh I really want this |
4929s | idea to happen you're like well you just |
4931s | can't do that because the performance it |
4932s | would just cause the performance to tank |
4933s | to the point we just can't do it and and |
4935s | having this knowledge of how the game |
4936s | functions under the hood a bit I think |
4938s | makes people be a lot more effective in |
4940s | the design um in their design roles as |
4943s | well and so we we really |
4945s | um basically everyone we even we've got |
4949s | a couple people on the team that are |
4950s | that don't do any implementation stuff |
4953s | but so |
4955s | few like like two maybe and even they |
4961s | they they even get their hands dirty |
4962s | with with certain things like um one of |
4965s | them one of them does all of the |
4969s | uh that's not what it is this thing one |
4972s | of the one of the manag is this um so |
4974s | it's not nothing you know and it's like |
4978s | uh it's it's there's a ton of value in |
4981s | having that that um that that coding |
4983s | experience as well and getting into the |
4985s | game engine that sort of |
4988s | stuff but yeah it's not it's not never |
4992s | rare though uh in the new future uh past |
4995s | season 2 will Le get new class and your |
4998s | new Mastery for existing classes are |
4999s | both uh near future past season 2 no but |
5003s | we are looking at those things |
5006s | uh let me put this down in the |
5012s | [Music] |
5015s | corner so read |
5017s | it that one there we |
5022s | go |
5027s | oh I'm a Brazilian back in De with 5 |
5030s | years experience wow um but I always |
5033s | dreamed to become a game I'm uh |
5035s | fascinated with balancing creating |
5037s | systems skills my spare time uh I do |
5039s | create mods for giving suggestions for |
5042s | every game I play but my country does |
5044s | not have |
5045s | even uh does not die |
5050s | again my country but my country does not |
5053s | even have 10 small game companies to try |
5056s | to enter also I do not have any Talent |
5058s | on graphical stuff drawing modeling |
5059s | charts Etc I only know how to code but I |
5062s | do understand a lot about how games are |
5064s | design can you help |
5066s | me I can give you a little bit of advice |
5069s | on things that work for me but I don't |
5070s | have any um I will say my advice comes |
5074s | with the with the the caveat or the |
5075s | grain of salt that uh last Epoch is the |
5078s | only like 11th Hour games in last Epoch |
5079s | are the is the only game studio and game |
5082s | I've ever worked on so I don't have uh a |
5084s | large variety of experience |
5087s | myself and the way that I found this uh |
5091s | this this project I was going to say job |
5094s | but it's like it's more than that but |
5095s | yeah the way that I found this and got |
5096s | involved is very |
5099s | atypical um just the Reddit post |
5104s | so the the the biggest piece of advice |
5106s | that I can give people and what I think |
5108s | helped a lot for me myself was having a |
5111s | specific um game like a a specific |
5116s | completed uh game so like like make |
5118s | something make make a game have have a |
5120s | finished project having um I know like |
5123s | making mods and things like that having |
5124s | having mods is fantastic but having |
5126s | something where you can send you can |
5128s | actually send an employer like here's a |
5130s | game that I played here's a link here's |
5131s | a steam link you can download it here's |
5133s | a Google Drive link that you can just |
5134s | download here's an itch.io link like |
5136s | just having something where it's this is |
5137s | a finished product that you that you've |
5140s | you've signed off on and it's done and |
5142s | it it doesn't have to be groundbreaking |
5144s | or um |
5147s | like anything amazing like I I I see so |
5151s | many little projects where it's like um |
5154s | a a Proto type or a vertical slice of a |
5156s | game or something like that where it's |
5157s | like where it outlines a really cool |
5158s | mechanic and there's this really neat |
5160s | thing that it's done in the coding |
5161s | that's maybe really inspired and and |
5163s | interesting and cool and all that sort |
5164s | of stuff but it's not a finished game |
5167s | and um i' I'd much rather I'd be much |
5170s | more interested in seeing a um uh a |
5177s | basic a basic game with like one cool |
5181s | thing that it does not not even like |
5184s | Revolution Ary or amazing or or |
5186s | incredible and like but just just one |
5188s | cool thing where you're like oh that's |
5190s | that's cool that's |
5192s | neat and and um and that's all it takes |
5196s | it's just a finished a finished game you |
5198s | know bird in the hands wereth two in the |
5199s | bush well a a game on Steam is worth 50 |
5203s | on the development |
5205s | floor |
5207s | and um yeah I think that'll be the |
5209s | biggest piece of advice is is just start |
5211s | working on a on a game and finish it um |
5216s | yeah the number of the number of |
5217s | Unfinished projects I've got sitting |
5219s | sitting on my computer right now is |
5222s | embarrassing and I think it's very low |
5224s | compared to what a lot of people |
5230s | have |
5232s | fools things that I swear one day I will |
5236s | uh show the other developers and be like |
5238s | okay here's something I've been working |
5239s | on for like four years we're going to |
5240s | add this into the game |
5242s | now I cannot do that |
5246s | anything |
5249s | [Music] |
5253s | [Applause] |
5257s | cool come on can I just tank this let's |
5260s | go Frozen steel |
5265s | nope fren Steel |
5276s | [Applause] |
5278s | okay more questions in a |
5282s | second what else is attacking |
5285s | me I'm like these are not abilities that |
5287s | this thing |
5291s | has okay ly |
5294s | Puck uh will we get options to increase |
5297s | mob density and Echoes sometimes I feel |
5299s | they're a little empty yeah um yes |
5309s | all right any plans to scale uh |
5311s | resistance in character sheet with |
5313s | corruption no I have like 145% fire |
5316s | resist but I die instantly to high |
5317s | corruption monos yeah |
5319s | um having uh having the resists |
5323s | themselves |
5324s | not um like go above that limit and and |
5330s | not like punish you like not having the |
5332s | negative resist that happen is pretty |
5333s | important that like the negative resist |
5334s | you have to compensate for |
5338s | um |
5342s | yeah in case you're in case you're |
5344s | wondering you probably know this but |
5346s | just on the off chance you |
5348s | don't um resistances also have this |
5350s | thing where uh every basically every |
5354s | level Zone you are um up to 75 gives a |
5360s | Post Cap negative one to all resist so |
5363s | your resists at level 75 or or higher or |
5366s | technically zero if you're capped on |
5368s | everything um which means that which |
5370s | sounds weird but um overcapping doesn't |
5373s | affect this at all um the only thing |
5375s | that overcapping helps with is getting |
5377s | uh like Marked for Death and resistance |
5382s | shred you're which is different than uh |
5386s | the built-in |
5387s | penetration who cares about that uh are |
5390s | you happy with health potion system |
5392s | overall very happy with the health |
5393s | potion system I think think that the |
5395s | health potions um we are addressing some |
5397s | issues with it though in season 2 |
5400s | um like just adding more effects to it |
5402s | to make it more interesting um we're |
5404s | also increasing the rate that they scale |
5407s | as you go as you level up and go through |
5409s | the game |
5410s | so uh endgame potions will be stronger |
5413s | uh in the future they'll just heal for |
5423s | more and there's new effects and stuff |
5425s | but yeah yeah I really like it I think |
5427s | it's I think it's an uh relatively |
5429s | straightforward system with room |
5432s | for |
5433s | uh you know specializing in in it to to |
5437s | like get cool effects and um make |
5442s | your make your health potions |
5444s | interesting mechanically if you want um |
5447s | so I really like where they're at from a |
5449s | systems design standpoint |
5458s | I cannot do |
5462s | that all |
5464s | right oh yeah we're falling further |
5467s | behind somehow I need to I need to stop |
5469s | playing and start answering better uh |
5472s | the major downsides of playing war path |
5473s | void Knight on a controller is the |
5474s | aiming positions for anomaly as your |
5476s | character isn't always facing the |
5477s | direction he's traveling as this been |
5478s | addressed in season two yes fools fools |
5481s | uh uh are you afraid that expect to |
5484s | release of 0.2 poe2 will take players |
5486s | attention away from last Epoch season 2 |
5488s | yes |
5490s | um it may also drive more players though |
5493s | as well possibly because there might be |
5496s | more people that are looking at like |
5498s | supplementary content that are then |
5499s | finding us through that so if they don't |
5500s | have never heard of it before they may |
5502s | actually may actually help in certain |
5503s | situations so um I'm by no means an |
5506s | expert in that part of uh the business |
5508s | side of things and uh people who are are |
5511s | handling it uh very well |
5515s | um but yeah like there's there's always |
5517s | you know fears of like uh we'll go |
5520s | unnoticed because they're they're doing |
5522s | lots of awesome stuff at the same time |
5523s | but I I think we'll be able to stand out |
5526s | and |
5527s | uh be an interesting part of the |
5530s | conversation which is just always makes |
5534s | me happy to even be in that conversation |
5536s | all right hi Mike sorry if this has been |
5537s | asked for that's okay but are there any |
5539s | plans for customizable hideouts in the |
5540s | future some island in the monolith or |
5542s | something would be cool um we do want to |
5544s | add something like this style in the |
5546s | future um having it be a specific |
5548s | separate location you go to is not |
5550s | something I'm super interested in |
5551s | personally um but I do think that |
5553s | there's opportunities for this in our |
5555s | current system that would work really |
5556s | well um no no plans on season 2 sorry |
5559s | any thoughts on some kind of automatic |
5560s | loot filter system for the game I |
5562s | understand it's probably very difficult |
5563s | to do with all the different builds you |
5565s | can do but it would be really nice for |
5566s | us rookies um there are some i' I'd |
5569s | really like to have a loot filter finder |
5571s | in the game where you could like share |
5573s | and search and sort and filter and find |
5576s | recommended loot filters where the |
5577s | community is just like um this one's got |
5580s | 100,000 up votes it's probably pretty |
5582s | good you know um there's there is |
5584s | literally a description |
5586s | field uh here because we had hoped to do |
5589s | something like |
5593s | that all right uh what sort of ideas do |
5595s | youall have for endgame activities Oh I |
5598s | would love to answer this and I can't |
5599s | without spoiling everything coming in |
5601s | season 2 I'm sorry uh hello have the |
5604s | pylons been reworked because the certain |
5605s | level they are not |
5607s | effective I have no idea what pylons |
5609s | you're talking |
5612s | about |
5615s | uh oh skill |
5618s | shrines um some of them are very |
5620s | effective especially ones where it's the |
5621s | same skill that you are they Al also all |
5624s | have a secondary effect that does help |
5625s | as well so I'd say there's there's some |
5627s | adjustments on some of them that weren't |
5629s | that were really bad that either removed |
5631s | or reworked or buffed or changed and |
5633s | there's some new and all sort of stuff |
5635s | so there's adjustments but not reworks I |
5636s | think um hello for the next season will |
5639s | there be season rewards uh not in the |
5641s | sense of like hey did you beat these |
5643s | eight things you get a an MTX reward |
5647s | um will there ever be class in the game |
5650s | that's like a shape shifter meaning they |
5651s | can use different skills from different |
5653s | classes to make truly one custom Mastery |
5655s | like being able to use a void Knight |
5656s | skill with a necro skill I'm not sure if |
5658s | anything like this already exist in the |
5659s | erpg currently um there's Sion in Poe |
5663s | kind of arguably does it this a little |
5664s | bit where it's sort of a um a Choose |
5666s | Your Own Adventure type or class |
5670s | um uh we don't have any current plans |
5672s | for this but I do think there are |
5674s | elements of it that we have started to |
5676s | dabble in and I can see lots of room for |
5679s | in the |
5684s | future uh you think there are way too |
5687s | many loot lizards right now at mapping I |
5689s | think there they're too common what are |
5691s | your thoughts thank you for hard work |
5692s | love Ellie I agree I think they're |
5695s | um would be better if they drop if they |
5698s | were less uh |
5700s | frequent um and dropped fewer items but |
5703s | on average dropped uh higher tier items |
5706s | I think that would be uh better which we |
5708s | are |
5713s | doing |
5715s | uh I canot are we getting short Spears |
5719s | for one-handed equipment no they're not |
5721s | in season 2 anyways um that is something |
5724s | that I would love to do I think if we |
5726s | did that it would probably come |
5727s | alongside a new Mastery or class at the |
5730s | same |
5731s | time I cannot be my guess I'm if I'm |
5734s | going to predict something |
5737s | here oh my goodness that was |
5740s | close so so very |
5746s | close |
5748s | uh can we copy paste a stash |
5752s | tab um oh oh duplicating the preferences |
5756s | for it that's a cool idea we don't have |
5757s | anything like that right now um love |
5765s | to please please put that in a |
5767s | suggestions thread that we have on our |
5769s | website or Discord or something in in |
5771s | the suggestions box put that in a |
5772s | suggestion box that we have we have lots |
5773s | of places where we're like please give |
5774s | us suggestions to these specific |
5776s | locations put it there cuz that's a good |
5777s | one |
5780s | um I played Ellie from beta and now we |
5782s | have so many years in the future but my |
5784s | very big question is when are we going |
5785s | to see another class it's going to be a |
5786s | little while still I |
5788s | think like a full-on new base Mastery a |
5790s | base class it'll be a little while |
5792s | [Music] |
5794s | still uh is there any update with |
5797s | regards to memory leak issues via an |
5799s | Nvidia dlss option um I don't have any |
5802s | updates on dlss at the moment um I as |
5806s | far as I know there's no memory leaks in |
5808s | the de the current development version |
5810s | of the game like uh I don't know if |
5812s | there's any on live right now I think |
5814s | there's uh possibly a situation where it |
5817s | can |
5818s | happen um I don't know I I have no |
5820s | information on this at all um but as far |
5823s | as I know there are no memory leaks in |
5826s | the current development build |
5833s | it oh we got we got another sub is that |
5835s | what |
5837s | happened what was that that |
5840s | was I have no idea what that was |
5848s | we got a sub of some sort that was |
5851s | cool thanks whoever that was it's not |
5853s | showing up in my |
5858s | feed I don't know what happened there |
5860s | but that was cool thank you whoever that |
5864s | was it'll still go to child's play |
5868s | whatever uh will we be able to set the |
5870s | item filter to leave uh way points in |
5873s | map like legendary items already do oh |
5875s | like little U visuals on the map not yet |
5877s | I there still something on potion for |
5880s | I'd love |
5882s | to uh I don't know what I'm doing here |
5885s | word gain |
5886s | sure word gain |
5889s | sure Mana cost down |
5892s | sure cold pen yeah |
5896s | sure uh pancake drawer subbed oh awesome |
5900s | that's what that |
5901s | was oh yeah this guy |
5904s | he he Stomps when he when he when he |
5906s | rears up like that he's about to do a |
5908s | big Stomp and it |
5911s | hurts get away from that this is my |
5917s | punishment this shall be |
5924s | [Applause] |
5931s | yours I don't know what's going on with |
5932s | him am I just freezing him a Bunch or |
5935s | something is what his nuts freezing him |
5937s | for |
5942s | me something's |
5945s | happening must not be |
5949s | taken there's there's something going on |
5952s | here is there ever going to be a skip |
5954s | campaign mode ever's a long time I don't |
5957s | know we don't have any plans for |
5960s | it grail's doing the freezing thanks |
5963s | Grail Budd |
5965s | we |
5966s | don't |
5968s | Freedom |
5969s | death finally real didn't used to freeze |
5973s | lock him did he maybe it's just in |
5975s | comment cuz I'm playing a frost build at |
5976s | the same time so I'm freezing a little |
5977s | bit |
5979s | too tell me more the Lance all right can |
5983s | you show another unique item the wand |
5985s | was formed uh do you think we'll see |
5988s | hero no I don't have any more unique |
5990s | items I don't know if this was before |
5991s | after I showed the last one but I don't |
5992s | have any more on top of this one ready |
5993s | for today |
5994s | unfortunately but there are more coming |
5996s | there's lots more for the for season 2 |
5999s | but I I don't have any more to show you |
6001s | today 36 hours behind or 36 minutes |
6004s | behind |
6006s | o okay we're going to we're going to |
6009s | stop for a second in game and I'm going |
6010s | to just answer questions for a bit we |
6012s | can my cool dude um any plans to add |
6016s | more beer to the game no there's weird |
6019s | there's I should say weird there's um |
6022s | there's some reasons why it might not |
6025s | be awesome for us to add lots of beer to |
6028s | the game um it's just a cheeky there's a |
6031s | cheeky thing where potions can drop and |
6033s | it says beer instead of potion um |
6035s | there's some theming around that that |
6037s | we're going to add in um but explicitly |
6041s | beer in the game I I think we're cooling |
6043s | it on the direct alcohol like |
6047s | explicits uh any plans on having more |
6049s | trigger skills Falcon and warlock have |
6051s | some amazing ones cathic fion pretty |
6052s | much triggers everything classes are |
6054s | very much lacking these |
6056s | yes |
6057s | um summon season 2 more after that |
6063s | even uh so I know everyone is all in on |
6067s | 1.2 season 2 um but what's the big |
6070s | overarching theme of season |
6072s | 3 uh no |
6075s | comment uh sorry we're focusing on |
6077s | season 2 right now I don't have any info |
6079s | on season 3 for you uh as more game more |
6083s | class passives are Revisited can we |
6085s | expect to see more breakpoint talents |
6086s | used like we have in Falcon or warlock |
6088s | for example the newest one's done yes um |
6091s | we are adding more of those in they're |
6093s | not everywhere everywhere to the same |
6095s | degree like they're not you're not going |
6097s | to see as many in warlock as many other |
6098s | things as you do see in warlock for |
6100s | example right away um but yeah we are |
6103s | we're adding more of those in cuz we |
6105s | know they're very |
6106s | popular uh not sure if I can ask this |
6108s | you can always ask of course but are |
6109s | there any changes planned for |
6111s | invocations that aren't used often uh |
6114s | maybe some little stuff not not a |
6116s | ton um what's your favorite obscure |
6120s | piece of L lore M's vampires |
6122s | exist |
6128s | uh I don't |
6131s | know |
6137s | um |
6139s | the uh spron you find in the uh in the |
6143s | mountain |
6145s | uh can be brought to the end of |
6148s | time my favorite obscure piece of ell |
6152s | lore uh please make one equipable on off |
6154s | and two we very intentionally have not |
6156s | done this I don't think we have any |
6157s | plans to make it so they do but maybe um |
6161s | what's the likelihood of last Epoch |
6162s | getting the ability for Community to |
6165s | come up with mtxs possibly selling them |
6168s | and then possibly getting a cut in the |
6169s | game currency oh I you were saying I |
6171s | think it would be amazing and I think |
6172s | you'd like to see some fresh badass |
6173s | looking Cosmetics um yeah this is like |
6177s | getting like as the art like integrating |
6179s | the art Pipeline and things like that |
6181s | that is that is tricky um soz I do think |
6184s | there's that would be amazing to do uh I |
6187s | don't think we have any plans that right |
6189s | now I think we'd be probably more |
6192s | interested in just like paying people |
6193s | for the stuff um |
6197s | but it would be really cool I I don't I |
6200s | don't know if that's even possible or |
6202s | what but uh uh I think it be |
6208s | cool uh I like the likelihood of that |
6210s | coming through is probably pretty low |
6212s | but I think it' be awesome be awesome |
6215s | all right have any plans of in the |
6217s | future to be adding new abilities for |
6219s | existing classes yes you will see a new |
6220s | ability in season 2 uh for an existing |
6223s | class will it be possible to use |
6224s | two-handed weapons with a new Sentinel |
6228s | passive uh |
6231s | yes oh two two-handed weapons no no no |
6233s | no no no no no um thank you K just one |
6236s | two-handed weapon um one non Stave |
6240s | two-handed weapon with a |
6242s | shield um but I I think so we've kept it |
6245s | fairly restricted to make the the mtic |
6247s | to forg guard and I can see us adding in |
6249s | uh new nodes for other classes or |
6251s | masteries maybe some new ones in the |
6252s | future that would um have different |
6254s | versions of this like um maybe uh what's |
6259s | it maybe you could do like this this |
6262s | class this this specific map can wield |
6264s | two two-handed axes or something like |
6265s | that or two-handed like axe May sword |
6267s | only or I don't know something like that |
6269s | or someone can do like um Go full Gand |
6271s | off and like a staff and a sword that' |
6273s | be cool um but like I I'd say having it |
6276s | be a little bit more restrictive for |
6277s | specific classes would probably be where |
6279s | we'd go in the |
6280s | future uh what's the HG stance on |
6282s | current Forge Mastery bonus it was not |
6285s | changed on previous rework and seems |
6287s | completely worthless compared to every |
6288s | other Mastery since for already has a |
6289s | lot more res and |
6291s | armor I think it's there's there's |
6294s | there's a balancing act for the um |
6298s | Mastery |
6299s | passives and |
6301s | um you know they're they're usually |
6304s | designed as signposts for what we want |
6307s | that class to do what we're saying like |
6309s | hey you should be really good at doing |
6311s | this thing um so this is the sort of |
6313s | thing that we think that you're we're |
6315s | kind of telling you this is the the |
6318s | style that we've built this class around |
6320s | this is the the sort of thing that we |
6322s | expect you to do really well it's not |
6324s | necessarily a |
6327s | um they're not always going to be the |
6329s | same power level as each other and I |
6331s | think that's fine because they're |
6333s | they're balanced with the entire kit in |
6334s | mind so they're balanced with these |
6336s | abilities in mind they're balanced with |
6337s | these um passives at the top of the tree |
6339s | in mind like they're balanced with all |
6340s | these things in mind that aren't |
6341s | necessarily strictly about |
6344s | um is this passive bonus the same as |
6347s | this passive bonus in passive in in in |
6349s | power levels um cuz it also uh affects |
6353s | where it comes into play in the leveling |
6355s | process as well uh so it's the sort of |
6357s | thing that's open to change but I don't |
6359s | want to uh suggest that it's going to be |
6361s | massively |
6363s | different uh can you go over the seeming |
6367s | uh hesitance of ehg on not giving more |
6369s | void skills slon conversions to skill |
6371s | trees and putting them all on unique |
6373s | items instead CU we want more void |
6375s | skills with trees um I think a lot of it |
6377s | comes down to it's a |
6380s | very uh there there's a lot of |
6385s | theming real |
6387s | estate for a |
6389s | class that could be taken up by by |
6392s | slapping in a void conversion in a |
6395s | skill um so so putting a like a void |
6399s | conversion in I don't |
6402s | know it's a class meteor it's a class Lu |
6404s | skill um say we put a void meteor in the |
6407s | game and we put a we convert black hole |
6410s | to void damage or whatever and suddenly |
6412s | you can make a void sorcerer well now |
6415s | we're kind of like hey there's making a |
6418s | fourth Mastery let's say a void themed |
6421s | Mastery for sorcer doesn't really work |
6422s | or um say we do like a void conversion |
6425s | to scorpion and a void conversion to |
6427s | Raptor and a void conversion to a bear |
6429s | and a void conversion to we bear or |
6431s | whatever you know like like you put a |
6432s | bunch of void stuff in in Prim list and |
6434s | suddenly there's not really room for a |
6435s | void themed Mastery in Primal list you |
6438s | know it's and I I just repeat the same |
6440s | thing for every class like voet already |
6442s | has it so we put most of the Void |
6443s | conversions in void Knight um and we are |
6446s | adding more void conversions to um base |
6449s | Sentinel skills in this |
6454s | patch uh is there any reason why enemies |
6457s | lack the why enemies attack loot lizards |
6461s | in the highlands and nowhere else I did |
6462s | not know that it was only in the |
6465s | highlands I I have no |
6469s | idea those those enemies are probably |
6471s | tagged wrong those enemies are probably |
6472s | tagged as as uh enemy neutral instead of |
6475s | enemy |
6479s | evil it's probably the same reason why |
6482s | um uh exiled Mages will also do it cuz |
6485s | that's how they're |
6487s | tagged all right I just lost all loot |
6489s | from about 10 loot lizards because I |
6491s | didn't see the Ambush boss through the |
6492s | shards yeah will there be options to |
6494s | filter the shards out going forward I |
6496s | feel like they add too much screen |
6497s | clutter I'd love to I'd love to |
6500s | um do do some more ways like to Drop |
6503s | Like A Shard bundle or something like |
6505s | that where it's just like instead of |
6507s | dropping 40 shards you're like here's 40 |
6509s | shards in a single 40 various shards or |
6511s | something 40 assorted shards I'd love to |
6513s | do things like that just to so you can |
6515s | be like epic when it drops but it's not |
6518s | so cluttering I'd love to get in the |
6519s | filter there's a few reasons why it's |
6521s | not there at the moment |
6522s | [Music] |
6524s | um I I hope we I don't have anything |
6526s | like that right now to share with you |
6527s | but I would love to uh any event when |
6531s | winter can makes uh any event when |
6534s | winner can make some uniques um we've |
6537s | we I think we we've done that before |
6540s | haven't |
6541s | we I think we've done that if we haven't |
6545s | I'm sure we'd be open to |
6548s | it lamento the last Refuge was that was |
6552s | the um the community designed one but it |
6555s | wasn't the it wasn't one person making |
6557s | it as the winner for an event |
6560s | yeah me typing was that the first race |
6568s | winner am I just |
6577s | wrong oh the okay yes the unique for the |
6582s | okay we we we are doing we have done we |
6584s | are doing this this is what I was |
6585s | talking about earlier about me |
6586s | forgetting what's come out what hasn't |
6587s | the um unique that we gave out for |
6591s | Designing uh for a Community member to |
6594s | design for winning the first race is |
6596s | coming in season two got it thanks again |
6600s | uh would you guys add different sort |
6602s | options in the stash tabs like sort |
6603s | level by uh level requirement type Etc |
6606s | instead of just using sorting for space |
6608s | uh we don't have anything like that for |
6610s | season 2 but it's definitely on the list |
6612s | uh dual Mastery with some kind of mixed |
6614s | pool of passives from both Skillet trees |
6616s | in making a resp master for a huge |
6621s | cost I assume this is so just just in |
6624s | case you don't know this uh as a Spell |
6627s | blade you can use everything in the Rune |
6628s | Master tree up till this line and |
6630s | everything in the sorcerer up until this |
6631s | line so the lower sections are you can |
6633s | do that where you can mix and match them |
6635s | just in case you don't know that if |
6636s | you're talking about like Spell blade |
6638s | mixed with blade dancer mixed with um |
6641s | Paladin or something like that uh we'd |
6644s | love to um it's crazy it would be |
6647s | amazing it would throw so much of the |
6650s | game in the like there's so many things |
6652s | we balance around because we're like we |
6654s | we know that the limited scope of the |
6655s | kit that it has we don't need to worry |
6657s | about how um fire Bram will interact |
6660s | with certain ability like we don't have |
6662s | to worry about how it's going to |
6662s | interact with cinder strike because they |
6665s | don't exist in the same class um |
6669s | but I I think having this like |
6671s | combination system go a little bit |
6673s | farther would be really neat so if we |
6676s | run out of space to take things I think |
6677s | that's that's a reasonable place to look |
6679s | in the future uh any plans for adding |
6681s | new icons to skills and they change the |
6682s | damage type with skill Tre I'd say vague |
6685s | feelings of wanting to I think this is |
6687s | YouTube Subs is what's |
6692s | happening costic |
6694s | something thank you very much for the |
6696s | sub I got to figure out a way to do that |
6698s | to Fig I got to figure out way to see |
6700s | those properly instead of this like tiny |
6702s | little preview |
6705s | screen uh any plans for adding new |
6708s | answer that is there a chance a top use |
6711s | cosmetics in offline games because I |
6714s | play offline and love it love Le |
6716s | Cosmetics ah yes |
6719s | uh asking if Cosmetics are going to come |
6721s | to offline no plans at the moment as far |
6723s | as I know uh for season 2 but I I I |
6726s | think it's a it's a very heavily |
6727s | requested thing in general uh are we |
6730s | going to have PVP on season 2 no or |
6732s | anything other like that players can |
6733s | compete with one another other than the |
6734s | ladder no not not in season 2 uh will |
6736s | console release be focused after April |
6740s | um uh I I don't have any information on |
6744s | on timeline for console stuff uh if if |
6746s | that's coming what that looks like if it |
6749s | eventually does come I I don't have any |
6750s | info I'm sorry um it is something that |
6752s | we get a lot of questions about I think |
6754s | this is like the third or fourth console |
6755s | question already just this one stream um |
6757s | I'm trying to hammer out as many of |
6758s | these questions possible I know I'm not |
6759s | what I'm doing is kind of boring but I'm |
6760s | just trying to run through these as |
6761s | quickly as we can while I'm answering |
6763s | questions we're near the end |
6766s | here let's put up |
6775s | uh let's put this |
6779s | up the audio is not |
6788s | playing asking about uh I wonder what |
6791s | this is I wonder what this could be see |
6794s | if someone can figure out what this |
6798s | is uh has has there been any discussion |
6801s | in inheritance for loot filters so you |
6803s | can have the base filter that applies to |
6804s | all filters um yes we've talked about |
6806s | this um we don't have a system for it at |
6809s | the moment I think it' be really |
6812s | cool stopped oh no I may not have set it |
6816s | to |
6831s | Loop for |