about 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

I’m sorry to hear that!

If you haven’t opened the game client since the last time it crashed, could you please show us your log file to help us investigate what caused the crash to occur?


about 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

If you can’t upload the file, could you link us to elsewhere, such as on Pastebin?

about 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link


The log file is referencing a crash log which may include additional information.

You should be able to find the crash log in the following directory on your computer;
C:/Users/BANAAN~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Eleventh Hour Games/Last Epoch/Crashes

Would you mind linking us to that, too?

about 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link


Both the game’s log file and the crash log are suggesting a potential Nvidia driver issue.

I’d suggest using Display Driver Uninstaller, and then performing a fresh install of the driver.


about 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Thank you for the update! I’m glad I was able to help you out with this. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, due to the specific issue that this was, it’s hard for us to create a specific error message to that effect - there’s several factors that need to be taken into account to diagnose the problem. We’ll try to make improvements here, but we may not have time prior to release.