4 months
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
5s | back to another last Epoch Dev |
9s | stream as usual I'm your host Mike hello |
12s | lovely to see all your shining faces |
14s | back here again as |
17s | we delve into the age of winter let |
20s | going to hop right |
24s | in oh how's everybody doing today I'm |
27s | having a good I'm having a good morning |
28s | so far I'm very exced excited cuz I get |
32s | to do something fun tonight that I |
34s | haven't done in a while I get to draft |
36s | magic so I'm really excited for |
39s | that and you know what I'm feeling good |
41s | about this character I'm feeling like |
42s | we're going to get to empowered I've got |
45s | to fight my first Harbinger today soon |
48s | as we finish this one and I'm looking |
50s | forward to it I think it's going to be a |
52s | I think it's going to be a solid day I'm |
53s | a little worried that I'm going to |
56s | uh fail miserably at that Harbinger |
59s | fight to begin with |
60s | um but I think we're going to go we're |
63s | going to go try and buy some stuff we |
65s | may have to list some garbage for cheap |
67s | just to get a rank up cuz our rank's |
69s | still probably |
72s | one we might be able to buy some |
74s | upgrades |
81s | here how is everybody doing today also I |
84s | apologize if there's a little |
85s | miscommunication on uh the socials if |
88s | there was going to be a stream today |
89s | that was my bad but I am |
96s | here if you have any questions please |
99s | feel free to ask them that's why I'm |
100s | here I would love to have your last |
103s | Epoch related questions as I will do my |
105s | best to answer |
106s | them and uh Aaron day |
111s | 57 yeah I've kind of lost track I'm like |
114s | it's a lot |
118s | uh I'm just going to assume you're still |
120s | going until uh until I hear otherwise at |
122s | this point as |
126s | well also got my ziz shirt |
132s | on this is my favorite shirt that we've |
142s | done it got it got put in a |
145s | box CU we're we're going to be moving |
147s | soon I got put in a box and we're |
149s | looking through boxes and I saw it at |
150s | the top I'm like that doesn't go in a |
152s | box |
159s | ooh what new updates or new things are |
162s | you most excited for for Lich that is |
164s | coming up that you're able to tell |
167s | us |
171s | um there's not really much I can tell |
173s | you about it right now um the the most |
176s | of the Lich stuff that that we are doing |
177s | is still I would call in design early |
180s | design phases |
184s | still so we're not into implementation |
186s | for any of it |
187s | yet which is usually where I |
190s | can I'm really low on the active |
193s | development for this patch I've been |
195s | working on next patch mostly |
200s | um |
204s | myself I mean I just like and it's it's |
207s | mostly stuff for everyone at this point |
208s | is like the fit and feel of everything |
210s | and the |
213s | uh get back here yeah go that way |
216s | there's enemies that |
220s | way yeah GPH of Despair we'll take that |
224s | Ding here we |
226s | go any controller action this week no |
228s | I'm going to be playing on keyboard and |
229s | mouse again um I had a blast playing on |
231s | controller last week but I do find |
233s | myself more efficient and maybe not more |
236s | more |
237s | proficient uh with a uh keyboard and |
239s | mouse and |
241s | um well I know that I'm going to have to |
243s | face off the harbinger today and I don't |
245s | think it's going to go very well |
249s | um so I decided I decided to go to get |
252s | myself my best odds uh we're even we're |
255s | even going to take a break before before |
256s | we attempt The Harbinger and we're going |
257s | to go get our last passive point cuz |
260s | passive points are a lot of damage for |
261s | us right |
263s | now charge |
280s | all right more questions oh yeah if you |
283s | um I guess I should go over the rules if |
285s | you have a question for me please put at |
287s | lasty Puck game in the question so it |
289s | shines and stands out to me and I know |
291s | you want me to answer it directly um and |
294s | we also we stream for charity right |
295s | above my head big charity Banner love it |
298s | will not take me so all the everything |
301s | we do here goes to |
305s | charity big chunk of Health on |
316s | that death will not take |
319s | me all right more questions let me find |
324s | them good afternoon sir good afternoon |
327s | glad to have you with us |
331s | uh let's |
334s | just we can do some deeps if we |
343s | try not like a lot of them but |
352s | some what do we what's what's going on |
356s | here get in the stash |
361s | right we we we we've our our |
363s | organization is slowly falling apart as |
365s | I think everyone knew it would for me |
367s | but uh getting there yeah just that that |
369s | penetration |
372s | is it's it's nice nice no no nice node |
375s | to |
376s | have good afternoon sir how do you |
378s | approach balancing the complexity of |
380s | skill trees while ensuring they remain |
382s | accessible to new players but still |
384s | offer depth for veterans wow that's a |
386s | great question um oh my God I could |
389s | probably talk the whole stream about |
390s | this uh let's try and condense it a |
392s | little |
392s | bit |
395s | so |
398s | uh try and find a tree that I know |
400s | really really well to talk about which |
402s | isn't going to happen on on uh on my |
405s | current bill but that's |
407s | okay |
409s | um I think I I think what a lot of it |
413s | comes down to |
417s | is there there's a few there's a few few |
420s | rules where the the nodes that are |
421s | generally directly connected to the |
423s | center so these noes here are usually |
426s | oneliner nodes sometimes two liner nodes |
428s | and they're usually very uh very clear |
432s | and they they very clear on what they do |
434s | and what type of gameplay style you want |
436s | and they try to be as different from |
437s | each other as possible so you can say um |
439s | so so new players can really get an easy |
441s | sign post of hey if I go this direction |
444s | I'm going to be getting this thing like |
446s | if I go this direction there's poison |
448s | chance and if I go behind and if I do |
449s | things this direction Poison's a good |
451s | way to go if I'm doing poison build go |
453s | this way type thing um like and there's |
456s | kill threshold over here there's bleed |
458s | chance over here there's Ward gained |
459s | over here and there's necrotic |
460s | resistance sh over here and it's they're |
462s | they're like they're on liners they're |
464s | really easy and they're really obvious |
465s | where they are and then so we we try to |
467s | Cluster this is for the what we do to |
469s | make it accessible for new players we |
470s | try to Cluster in uh nodes together that |
473s | are um Obviously good together so like |
476s | these ones over here are all going to be |
478s | similarly themed and like these ones |
480s | back here will all be similarly themed |
482s | and that that clustering of similarly |
484s | themed things that go well together just |
486s | naturally means that a new player can |
488s | generally hop into a tree and kind of |
490s | just |
491s | go all right I'm going to pick this |
493s | cluster and it'll most of the time work |
496s | and it's having that like I guess |
498s | bringing the um the minimum and maximum |
501s | potential for just making like normal |
504s | decisions closer together and normal |
507s | decisions might a bad way to put it but |
508s | like um logical decisions where if |
511s | you've never played last EPO before but |
512s | you've played other games like RPGs not |
515s | even AR RPGs but just RPGs in general |
517s | you'll probably make be able to make |
519s | good decisions and having having that |
520s | that minimum uh Power threshold be as |
523s | high as possible is really important and |
525s | something that we do try to do and |
526s | usually that's done yeah and some that's |
528s | done through the the art that sits |
529s | behind the nodes as well to like kind of |
531s | cluster nodes together based on the art |
533s | you can um you know it's a lot of little |
536s | things that we try and push people in |
538s | directions where to get nodes that are |
539s | clustered together |
540s | um and then when there's a node that is |
542s | more complex and has like maybe has a |
545s | little bit more going on with it I don't |
547s | know if it's a really great example in |
549s | here um we do try to make it something |
552s | that uh is if it's going to be we avoid |
556s | the ter we avoid using creating things |
558s | that are like Noob traps where like it |
561s | seems really Obviously good but when you |
563s | put it together with other things that |
564s | are similar to it it's actually bad and |
567s | so we really try hard to avoid things |
569s | like that |
572s | um it's hard to do uh hard to hard to |
576s | come up with examples for all these |
577s | things on the Fly here and I'm not |
578s | really seeing great versions of them |
582s | um but yeah we we try we try to do that |
585s | but then at the same time we try to have |
587s | opportunities for uh like subtle |
590s | synergies things that um maybe players |
593s | won't take naturally if they're a new |
594s | player but someone who has been playing |
596s | for a long time will be able to find |
597s | these like these niche ways to combine |
600s | abilities together and usually that |
602s | happens actually cross abilities so |
604s | it'll be things that reference like um |
607s | synergies that are between skills is |
609s | usually where we try and put those oper |
611s | those seeds for really experienced |
612s | players to uh to to get the most out of |
615s | the |
617s | systems um and it's kind of that that |
619s | moment when you switch from looking at a |
620s | skill tree on its own to looking at your |
622s | build as a whole cohesive thing that |
625s | that most players kind of take that like |
626s | next step into understanding how the |
628s | systems work together and things like |
629s | that that um so that's why we try and |
631s | put the the the like the harder to find |
634s | synergies in Cross skill synergies and |
636s | have the individual trees themselves |
638s | work pretty self-contained for the most |
641s | part um and I'm sure we've broken every |
644s | rule I just said |
647s | so you know to a |
652s | point uh yeah |
661s | was a question I missed there wasn't |
668s | there okay oh no it was tagged H Kane |
671s | call calling him out but he did tag |
676s | me uh can the can that Lich style not |
680s | summon yeah I don't I don't use any |
682s | summons at |
687s | all Oh Oh you mean like am I allowed to |
690s | do summons yeah yeah I am uh like I have |
694s | the ability like here look at all the |
695s | abilities I do have the ability to |
696s | summon skeleton and summon bone Golem uh |
699s | and summon volatile zombie um and I can |
702s | gain access to summon skeletal |
705s | Mage |
706s | uh and there's some summons in here that |
709s | you can you can |
710s | generate uh where else are there |
714s | summons it's about it but yeah you could |
717s | do a lich summon build it would it |
718s | wouldn't operate as well as an NEC necer |
720s | one Necromancer is really designed to be |
721s | the |
722s | Summoner like and and I think this is a |
725s | big part of that sign posting We were |
726s | talking about for new players as well is |
727s | that is having these these passive |
729s | bonuses are often not designed to be uh |
732s | builds of |
733s | fining but are designed to be um |
737s | naturally very synergistic and heavily |
740s | signposting what's going on because like |
742s | you may not even use summon skeleton as |
744s | a necromancer you may not even use |
746s | summon skeleton Mage as a necromancer |
747s | and you don't have to to be a good NEC |
749s | necer at all um it's just this is being |
753s | like hey you're a necromancer you want |
754s | to summon things you know and just your |
757s | minions are better like if you you want |
759s | to summon things and you want to be a |
760s | necromancer like this go hand in hand |
762s | and and we try and put those sign |
763s | posting things there but like there are |
765s | there's lots of builds in Necromancer |
767s | that do not use either of these first |
768s | two points in the passive |
770s | tree |
776s | um is there any information when next |
778s | cycle is next cycle starts q1 2025 and |
780s | we're calling |
781s | them |
784s | Seasons we are switching the |
787s | name all right what do you think of |
789s | chimera's essence makes sense in your |
791s | current build |
797s | ah |
800s | yes not using the slot for |
807s | anything I am following a build guide |
811s | cuz I'm I I just don't |
814s | uh don't trust myself enough I've kind |
818s | of deviated from it a little bit now |
819s | actually I |
827s | think was that oh my hand was one off |
840s | all right let's go let's get |
842s | these more |
844s | questions would you share your Lich |
846s | build yeah so I'm I'm right now I'll |
848s | just tell you the the the one that I'm |
849s | following I'm following the |
852s | uh uh just the the the reaper Harvest |
855s | build on Max |
863s | roll which should be fairly easy to |
868s | find if you're struggling ping me and I |
870s | will help you find |
878s | it come on |
882s | yes manage to St |
890s | reperform |
897s | go okay more questions this is from |
901s | o that's a long question and I popped |
905s | out of form |
907s | no me I think there's a very good chance |
910s | I die |
913s | here like |
922s | 50/50 little micro stun it didn't let me |
925s | Dodge oh |
930s | too bad that's too bad all right this is |
933s | from the last at Tera Monthly our |
935s | weather team our weather team has |
938s | noticed an anomaly involving thick fog |
940s | and an eternal floor or ethereal floor |
944s | yeah causing a bit of a stir Travelers |
947s | are encouraged to wait I'm getting word |
950s | that the fog is clearing and the ground |
951s | has returned to its original solid state |
953s | The Jig Is up Mike tell us what's up |
955s | with the fog that is the first time I've |
958s | read that sentence I do not |
960s | [Laughter] |
964s | know but I mean let's let's look at it |
966s | what what's going on here thick fog |
967s | ethereal |
969s | floor |
974s | H okay I actually do know what this is |
977s | [Laughter] |
983s | about is that is that real is is someone |
985s | okay so I'm sitting be like cuz I've |
987s | never actually read this before and I'm |
988s | like did you make this up and you're |
990s | just like surprisingly close to getting |
992s | something by accident or is that |
994s | actually real I don't |
999s | know if you've made that up I'm very |
1009s | impressed oh my |
1013s | [Music] |
1015s | goodness that was risky |
1026s | oh okay it was not what I thought it was |
1030s | and it was |
1036s | real can can I just say |
1047s | that your death has |
1050s | come all right I've been playing |
1053s | Necromancer and I love how active they |
1055s | can be with my minions having a full |
1057s | melee Army uh with Skelly swords death |
1060s | Knights and game bonuses from crits with |
1062s | Harvest feel amazing what are some |
1063s | design challenges a minion build making |
1065s | them feel distinct from one another yeah |
1068s | okay um so minion builds having having |
1071s | minion build builds still have |
1074s | opportunities for uh for active play |
1077s | style is you you've kind of already hit |
1079s | on the main issue |
1081s | there um okay before before we talk |
1084s | about this I'm just going to really |
1085s | quickly clarify the the thing it was a |
1087s | bug fix all that's all it was it was |
1088s | just a bug fix I thought it was in |
1089s | reference to something else uh I was |
1091s | just wrong and reading way too much into |
1092s | it um there was a bug fix we fixed the |
1095s | bug it was just saying it was a weird |
1096s | way of saying we fixed the bug that's |
1098s | all just just an in Universe |
1101s | way um all right so I've been playing |
1103s | Necromancer and I love how active |
1104s | minions are yeah okay so um having |
1108s | minions be an active play style in |
1111s | general not just a |
1113s | necromancer has been a very difficult |
1116s | challenge for us cuz there are people |
1118s | who really don't want an active minion |
1120s | play style they want a very passive |
1121s | minion play style um and we want those |
1124s | players to feel like they can play the |
1126s | game the way they want to play um so |
1129s | balancing an active versus a passive |
1131s | minion play style against each other is |
1133s | really been the hardest part um and we |
1135s | do active play style minions differently |
1137s | for different classes so |
1140s | um there's the the ways the ways we do |
1143s | it on Necromancer are we we have either |
1145s | active abilities that are only useful if |
1149s | you have minions out so things like |
1151s | Dread shade infernal shade uh mostly |
1154s | dread shade really |
1156s | um so things that you need minions out |
1159s | to interact with um and then there's |
1161s | like curses that go with that too so |
1163s | there's things you can do that because |
1166s | you have Minions doing them is so much |
1169s | much better um and so yeah so that's |
1171s | that's active things you can cast like |
1173s | curses um and shades things that attach |
1175s | to your minions |
1178s | um you know it's it's ways that you can |
1180s | make your minions better through active |
1182s | play style then there's also um |
1184s | sacrifice kind of falls into that |
1185s | category as well where you're using your |
1187s | minions as like you're casting a spell |
1189s | and you need your minion there as the |
1191s | resources to cast that |
1193s | spell um so those are the Necromancer |
1195s | active play style options um for Minion |
1199s | builds but the minions themselves don't |
1202s | actually |
1203s | have |
1204s | [Music] |
1206s | um the minions themselves don't have |
1208s | like once you've got your full |
1209s | compliment of minions out and you're |
1212s | not uh you're not planning on summoning |
1215s | anymore you know there's nothing left |
1217s | for your minions to do there's nothing |
1219s | left for you to do on that slot because |
1222s | you know like |
1223s | you've you've summoned them the the like |
1226s | you're at the cap and pressing that |
1228s | button the game doesn't really do |
1230s | anything um which is why we try in uh |
1233s | which is why in Necromancer specifically |
1235s | there are a lot of ways that there are |
1237s | passive consumption of minions and the |
1239s | minions toughness isn't really overly |
1243s | High um is generally because we want to |
1246s | give that opportunity for those |
1247s | abilities to still be you know have some |
1249s | reason to use them so we make we make |
1251s | Necromancer means a little bit more |
1253s | glass canany |
1259s | as a play style uh than than minions |
1262s | like companions for example which are |
1264s | designed to stick around for |
1271s | good this will not take me look at those |
1275s | those |
1276s | were |
1279s | yeah um and then yeah so companions when |
1282s | you summon them like so I know this |
1284s | question is specifically about um |
1286s | specifically asking about turn these not |
1289s | a |
1290s | off that is |
1292s | distracting um I this is specifically |
1295s | about Necromancer but there's so |
1296s | companions when you uh use your when you |
1299s | summon a companion on primalist the |
1301s | ability gets replaced with an active |
1302s | ability so you're um kind of playing |
1305s | with that character not playing not |
1307s | using that |
1309s | minion and then Falcon is a whole |
1311s | different story but I guess that's the |
1315s | uh a little look into the different ways |
1317s | we try and make things more active um |
1319s | take oh yeah and then the the last thing |
1321s | I should mention is minion abilities |
1323s | themselves that are active summoning |
1325s | abilities so |
1327s | um uh this is this is uh summon uh |
1332s | summon wraith and summon volatile zombie |
1334s | so Minions that have fixed |
1336s | durations um which means that |
1340s | they they will run |
1342s | out and you have to uh you have to like |
1346s | keep summoning them so you usually what |
1349s | the goal is there is as as an option for |
1351s | players is you |
1353s | can |
1357s | um where you can come |
1366s | on uh where you can like have a full |
1369s | Army where you can have five minion |
1370s | abilities this was the the problem we |
1372s | were trying to solve I guess is that |
1373s | when you have five minion abilities on |
1374s | your bar that are all Necromancer |
1376s | abilities um you literally have nothing |
1378s | to do at all |
1379s | and you're just stuck there twiddling |
1381s | your thumbs and that's no |
1383s | fun so uh that's when we started |
1387s | introducing um minion abilities that |
1390s | were uh that that would that would give |
1392s | the option for |
1394s | active oh my goodness I'm so |
1397s | dead I'm so squ I'm too squishy for |
1399s | Harbinger I think and that's the |
1401s | problem it's just going to bot me and |
1403s | I'm going to |
1405s | die like at some point the D gen's going |
1407s | to catch up with me on reperform going |
1409s | to pop out of |
1425s | form |
1428s | yes be well I like that anyways um yeah |
1439s | it eludes |
1450s | me okay more questions let's not get |
1453s | distracted |
1455s | Mike that's what we're here for answer |
1458s | questions uh so by renaming Cycles to |
1461s | seasons does that mean that uh we get |
1463s | season's Journey or season themes um |
1465s | we're going to start doing that style of |
1467s | thing more and more um it be as |
1469s | explicitly one to one as what you might |
1470s | be considering as a reference to from |
1472s | other games but you know that style of |
1474s | thing we we we experimented we've been |
1475s | experimenting a little bit with it and |
1477s | um we're happy with the results the |
1479s | initial results results were very |
1481s | positive |
1483s | um so you're going to start seeing that |
1485s | style of thing maybe a little bit more |
1487s | um I I don't want you to say like uh I |
1490s | don't want you to expect too much of it |
1491s | right |
1496s | away um but I think I think the result |
1499s | from the first version of that that we |
1500s | did were very |
1503s | positive all |
1505s | right this is part of the reason why we |
1507s | didn't want to do to to share a name |
1509s | with another game's similar style of |
1512s | that thing in the first place was that |
1513s | because it would imply direct uh |
1516s | mechanics specifically um and we wanted |
1518s | we wanted to be able to Define what that |
1520s | what that experience with that new |
1521s | season or cycle it's what we used to |
1523s | call it um looked like and by giving it |
1526s | a name that is shared with another game |
1528s | we do kind of run into an issue where |
1530s | you know people see this the same name |
1532s | of the mechanic and they assume it's at |
1534s | least similar right um so we kind of got |
1539s | to decide how far from reality we can |
1542s | afford to or reality how far from |
1544s | expectations we can afford to go and |
1546s | still um get the benefits from using the |
1549s | same name |
1561s | all right what information or details do |
1562s | you find most helpful in a bug report to |
1565s | efficiently identify and address the |
1566s | issue in last Epoch clear and accurate |
1570s | reproduction |
1572s | steps um if there's if there's a bug |
1575s | report that's just like um Fireball |
1578s | won't go or even even like a really |
1580s | detailed example of like what's |
1582s | happening in the situation like like |
1584s | there's a fireball that's traveling here |
1586s | and when it hits this object it does |
1588s | this I don't want to know exactly what's |
1590s | happening I want to know how you got |
1591s | there I want to know exactly what steps |
1593s | I want I want a numbered list of very |
1596s | clear and seemingly way too overly |
1599s | descriptive and obvious steps like I |
1601s | entered the game on my hardcore solo |
1605s | offline character and then I walked and |
1608s | I spawned into this Zone and then I |
1609s | walked and I teleported to this Zone and |
1612s | then I cast the ability in this |
1613s | direction and then the bug happened like |
1615s | I want I want the leadup to that bug to |
1617s | be so precise prise and accurate and |
1619s | clear that I can take those steps and |
1622s | follow them like uh just someone who all |
1625s | they can do is follow steps literally |
1627s | and I will get the exact same results as |
1628s | you I want as much leadup and and Stage |
1630s | setting information so that I can |
1632s | reproduce the problem directly myself |
1634s | that's what I want I want I want |
1636s | detailed reprodu and Kane directly below |
1639s | it says reproduction steps is always |
1640s | number one that's |
1642s | funny yeah so we agree |
1648s | all right what is up with the portal |
1651s | shrines in dungeons they've never |
1654s | spawned a |
1655s | portal uh I thought we fixed that |
1658s | question |
1662s | mark question |
1670s | mark oh that was |
1672s | close your death has |
1675s | come oh hey texture missing |
1684s | it have the what is this this |
1691s | is I don't know what scene this is off |
1693s | the top of my |
1705s | head like your death has come like M2 D5 |
1710s | or something I don't know that doesn't |
1714s | matter there it is again hey |
1722s | purple in the corner yes thank you in |
1725s | the |
1729s | corner all right we're getting there |
1731s | we're getting there death will not take |
1736s | me more questions |
1739s | I love the teasers from the streams but |
1741s | are the bigger announcements before the |
1743s | new year uh I hope so I mean so we've |
1745s | got our monthly update coming a November |
1747s | monthly update coming and uh then we'll |
1750s | have a December monthly update as |
1757s | well taking lots of damage |
1760s | there reform makes me way too |
1764s | comfortable cuz I'm like I can't die |
1778s | uh so yeah I don't know if we'll do a |
1780s | like really big announcement before the |
1782s | um before the end of the year but uh |
1784s | there will be those those monthly |
1785s | updates |
1788s | um we'll see will not I'd like to like |
1792s | to get a little more details out |
1795s | there we'll have most of the information |
1797s | on what's coming in in one to pretty |
1800s | nail down before the end of the year so |
1806s | like we should be able to get most of it |
1808s | out but it's it's this is one of those |
1810s | things that I am very clear that I know |
1813s | so little about the best way to handle |
1816s | releasing information and marketing and |
1818s | all that sort of stuff cuz like you want |
1821s | to I I I I assume you want to build up |
1825s | like the get get the hype train rolling |
1827s | at the right time and you know like how |
1830s | how like long that hype train is going |
1832s | to roll is going to be determined on how |
1834s | what's in it and |
1837s | um yeah all right so I don't know the |
1841s | best way to do |
1850s | that y Mike you H in the gym even |
1853s | Slimmer and your shoulders look broader |
1855s | bro thank you yes I I can't find time to |
1860s | go to a gym but uh you're looking at my |
1862s | gym I'm standing in it it's I can touch |
1866s | the wall and touch the other |
1869s | wall um and it's just big |
1877s | enough but |
1884s | yes all right any extra passive points |
1887s | coming with the new chapter |
1890s | um uh eventually when the new chapter |
1893s | does get here down the road |
1896s | um I don't think we'll add more passive |
1899s | points um I know we're shaking up how |
1902s | the like |
1905s | um these these these passive Point |
1907s | rewards and Idol slot rewards down here |
1910s | the way which we've got to do one more |
1911s | still uh before before we hit that final |
1914s | we're going to do one more so the way |
1915s | that these get delivered to the player |
1918s | is is being relooked at and changed in |
1922s | such a good way um so so that that |
1925s | that'll change um but getting actually I |
1928s | think they'll still be 15 when we do |
1930s | eventually down the road at at another |
1937s | chapter |
1939s | okay you've Ked come give Champion the |
1945s | Dead |
1951s | that went so much better than I |
1954s | expected okay so now we've got to do our |
1957s | passive cuz we're we're here at the end |
1959s | we're ready to |
1960s | go um we only have 4% it's not that bad |
1965s | but we're going to go do a passive |
1968s | quest |
1971s | uh are there any passive quests |
1973s | available |
1980s | we should probably go this way cuz we'll |
1981s | find one quicker that |
1991s | way right I'm if it weren't for you I'd |
1995s | still |
2001s | be we just got to get this one this is |
2003s | the problem with the with the way the |
2004s | system is currently is that I got |
2005s | through the campaign and I miss them and |
2007s | I'm going back for it and it's kind of |
2009s | like whatever but I need |
2020s | it yeah always go back for movement |
2023s | speed |
2028s | Shard it |
2032s | udes I 100% sure why I'm killing |
2034s | anything right |
2036s | now okay more question I did some |
2038s | temporal sanctum runs today awesome the |
2040s | portal Shrine didn't do anything I was |
2042s | wondering if there's any specific |
2043s | conditions that must be met for them to |
2044s | work no they should work if you are uh |
2047s | having a bug for this please um just |
2050s | make a bug for game and we will uh get |
2053s | on |
2060s | it |
2064s | right ah |
2066s | yes I see your ping and I will answer |
2069s | this question happily I go back up is |
2072s | ehg getting significantly faster |
2073s | developing content ever since the uh |
2076s | popularity from 1.0 I love the time I've |
2078s | had with the game have a hard time |
2079s | enjoying it further as the overall |
2081s | experience has felt extremely similar |
2082s | for years yeah I think we are um I think |
2085s | the big thing that's |
2086s | happened is we've gotten uh the the |
2090s | quality level's been rising I |
2092s | think you know there's we we we're less |
2095s | accepting of um of bugs and you know |
2099s | like when we when a feature rolls out |
2100s | there's more |
2102s | strict uh rules on you know the quality |
2105s | level needs to be at and the timing that |
2106s | it needs to be at like the time before |
2108s | patch that needs to come out so like I |
2109s | think we developed content a lot faster |
2112s | but we've put a lot of um very |
2115s | necessary |
2117s | um I guess |
2120s | procedural things in place that have |
2123s | caused um probably probably a slight |
2126s | slowdown in content generation |
2128s | compared to what they would have been if |
2130s | we had just taken the speed up from you |
2132s | know getting better at this and adding |
2134s | more people than and not adding those |
2136s | extra quality checks |
2138s | in um so overall yes faster |
2142s | um but not light speed difference I |
2144s | would say so yes |
2150s | asteris impossible |
2160s | um we do have I think I think so I think |
2162s | your Point's well taken on the uh the |
2165s | difference |
2169s | in like in the game and like what you |
2172s | could what activities you can do and |
2174s | what's available and how it feels and |
2176s | all those sorts of things and I think |
2178s | that we're especially 1.2 going to see a |
2181s | big big shift in in how the how the game |
2184s | plays and feels as you level and as you |
2185s | get into endgame and as you you know all |
2187s | all these things it's going to I think |
2188s | there' be a fairly significant shift in |
2190s | feel which I'm very excited |
2193s | [Music] |
2199s | for on where's the passive |
2203s | Point almost I don't remember which ones |
2205s | I've |
2207s | done I guess I could look at the I I |
2209s | could just look at the quest complete |
2210s | log couldn't I |
2224s | all right MTX Etc is a good way to |
2225s | support you guys feels though bad when |
2228s | I'm playing wear tornado build uh the |
2231s | cycle and every time I enter wear uh I |
2233s | miss the skin any news and what about |
2235s | skins for wber and lch um so yeah we we |
2239s | are um planning on ability specific uh |
2246s | Cosmetics um |
2248s | transforms are so it's it's it's the |
2252s | amount of time it takes to develop uh |
2254s | skill ntx for let's use Fireball as the |
2257s | as the easy example here uh compared to |
2260s | an entire form that especially like |
2264s | where bear is probably one of the |
2265s | extreme examples where |
2268s | um you know you've got four special |
2271s | abilities that show up actually uh swarm |
2273s | blade form is probably the the worst |
2275s | example cuz um those abilities have sub |
2277s | abil |
2278s | ities um but yeah so because it's it's |
2282s | the main ability it's the main form and |
2284s | four sub abilities that all have things |
2286s | that need to |
2288s | change it's a lot um so when when we do |
2292s | get skill MTX rolling out um I I think |
2296s | you'll |
2296s | see more individual options for some |
2301s | abilities than others so like you'll see |
2303s | more individual options for uh Fireball |
2306s | than you will for where probably |
2312s | but it is it's it's like it's something |
2314s | we're working on it's on the list it's |
2315s | coming these these are the things we're |
2317s | doing I'm glad and when he fled I |
2321s | saw the heart of the Citadel is beyond |
2324s | there is an exit near the emperor's |
2326s | Throne giving you a chance to strike is |
2330s | this a passive point |
2336s | [Music] |
2340s | okay almost |
2343s | there looking good Mike sorry for being |
2345s | the 346 person to ask this but can you |
2348s | say anything definitive About Steam |
2351s | achievements |
2352s | Andor a uh season reward track similar |
2356s | to uh the Vault |
2360s | um |
2363s | the |
2365s | yeah in 1.2 no I can't um as far as |
2372s | Steam achievements go in general yes it |
2374s | is something we're working on um I know |
2376s | this is something that we |
2378s | were |
2380s | uh we did we we made a big list of |
2383s | achievements we wanted to put in at |
2385s | least |
2386s | initially that was pretty |
2388s | recent |
2390s | um I know that as |
2393s | a like as we look forward to other other |
2396s | platforms some of them have kind of |
2399s | requirements for |
2401s | achievements |
2407s | um see I I would I would expect |
2410s | achievements I don't want to give you |
2411s | any sort of timeline on it |
2413s | [Music] |
2414s | um but yes achievements is something |
2417s | that we are looking forward |
2423s | to all |
2425s | right uh when reporting a bug there |
2427s | there's an attached player data option |
2429s | which data is that asking so I know what |
2431s | to include and what to leave out of the |
2432s | buger report um it is O good question |
2436s | what is it everything all together it is |
2442s | um uh it's your player log I know that |
2445s | so there's there's a log file that's |
2446s | generated with the game um just every |
2449s | time you play and and that gets sent |
2453s | your your player log and your previous |
2454s | player log so it's actually your last |
2455s | two play sessions that get sent I'm |
2457s | pretty sure |
2460s | you killed him huh if we pull this off |
2463s | um maybe I can I don't think it actually |
2464s | sends like the character data itself |
2466s | like it doesn't say like I don't think |
2467s | we can see oh you're playing uh |
2470s | Necromancer and you got points in this |
2471s | and that type thing but I think it sends |
2473s | us the character |
2475s | name it's so rare that we have to use |
2477s | that the player logs is really the |
2478s | important part and that's what that's |
2480s | what when I see that I'm like yeah they |
2481s | glud the player logs yes oh we got a big |
2484s | one resub are there plans to do a |
2486s | balance pass on some existing |
2488s | underutilized unique items to make them |
2490s | more relevant personally I would love to |
2492s | see items with spell SL ability procs |
2494s | feel stronger as outside of dragon song/ |
2497s | rain of winter they're quite |
2499s | underwhelming um yeah I mean we're |
2500s | always looking at ways to make |
2503s | underutilized abilities fun and um you |
2509s | know sometimes there's there's certain |
2510s | ones where we're like oh there's this |
2512s | ability that's coming we've got to it's |
2513s | got to just wait until that ability |
2514s | comes in and then it's going to be great |
2516s | um other times s you know |
2519s | it's we there there's one that's like |
2521s | really good it has a really specific |
2523s | role in the game and um buffing it to a |
2527s | point where it's also use really really |
2528s | good as an endgame item uh can cause |
2531s | other problems too so it's each one of |
2532s | those is done on a Case by case basis |
2534s | but yeah generally yes |
2539s | yeah um all |
2541s | right don't know if this has been asked |
2543s | or addressed probably but that's okay |
2546s | I'm happy to answer it again |
2548s | we're just going to put this point in |
2549s | first yes all the pen okay |
2555s | now uh we are going to go to Quick Way |
2559s | is it |
2562s | impossible this is how much I play coff |
2565s | normally just insta clicked on the |
2568s | observatory that's |
2574s | funny all right cuz we want to |
2579s | I I really I really want to try and |
2585s | find I want to find a better weapon like |
2588s | it's it's it's the right weapon but like |
2591s | can I find a better one |
2593s | please |
2598s | please |
2601s | chop rity |
2604s | unique class uh any |
2610s | let me do |
2613s | this which one is |
2617s | it uh unique bone |
2620s | Scythe this a two out axe right I'm not |
2622s | crazy when you have an |
2627s | ax uh some |
2636s | type okay |
2638s | confirm |
2655s | search |
2657s | okay |
2660s | let's do one |
2668s | rce much |
2673s | better oh right of course it requires |
2675s | rank seven that's why I was going to |
2676s | rank up first a little |
2680s | bit |
2684s | okay we've got some to deal with going |
2687s | to cost 33 we don't have enough to buy |
2689s | it |
2690s | [Music] |
2694s | anyways can I just list a bunch of stuff |
2697s | okay let's let's let's let's list some |
2702s | stuff what are we going to list do we |
2705s | have anything worth |
2707s | listing |
2712s | no |
2715s | um let's just list some stuff for |
2720s | fun we're just we're just going to |
2722s | take take all |
2725s | that let's widen that wing |
2728s | shall |
2731s | we a there's no point doing for zero |
2734s | let's do it for 5,000 gold I don't know |
2736s | what it's |
2738s | worth probably |
2756s | nothing ranks |
2758s | six |
2768s | wonderful cuz we're not we're not going |
2770s | to beat this Harbinger if we don't do |
2778s | this we're going to need some more favor |
2781s | so we're going to play some more maybe |
2783s | we'll try we'll try it long strong and |
2786s | sharp ACC |
2791s | yes |
2796s | hello we're just going to we're just |
2798s | going to give it a shot I guess cuz we |
2799s | don't have enough to buy what we want to |
2801s | buy I wonder if there's a version that |
2805s | has uh we probably be babbling myself |
2810s | here uh legendary potential by legendary |
2814s | yeah we need to actually legendary ones |
2815s | we need more okay |
2819s | never mind we're going to go try |
2822s | it going give it a shot see what |
2825s | happens don't know if this has been |
2827s | asked before or dressed but when will |
2830s | the Lich get some Buffs or changes I ask |
2832s | because I feel like Lich always uses |
2833s | Harvest as a base attack yeah I agree I |
2836s | think Harvest is doing a lot of heavy |
2838s | lifting on Lich um and and having |
2842s | another option there would be really |
2844s | really advantageous |
2847s | um I don't have any specific timelines |
2849s | on uh on on specific changes |
2856s | there we going to give this boss a |
2859s | go this is a |
2862s | mercy |
2865s | sh do not stand in my |
2869s | way Behold The Rage of |
2874s | winter where you going |
2878s | this is a |
2879s | mercy am I stuck I there yet stand in my |
2888s | way come |
2890s | on |
2894s | shut this is a mercy oh come on do not |
2899s | stand in my |
2901s | way rise my Fallen oh I did that way bad |
2904s | timing me |
2912s | this is a mercy shut |
2915s | up do not stand in my way oh come |
2927s | on I am uh sorry that I'm not answering |
2930s | any questions right now I I'm feeling |
2933s | like going to this fight I was like no |
2935s | I'll just die it'll be funny whatever |
2937s | and now I'm like do I have a shot at |
2944s | this there's a possibility it could |
2949s | [Music] |
2957s | happen this is |
2961s | a |
2962s | shut do not stand in my way |
2971s | [Music] |
2975s | yes I did what I okay prot here's the |
2979s | hard |
2980s | part come on get in quick oh no I fell |
2982s | out of form okay so now we're just going |
2984s | to |
2988s | run oh but if I if I don't drain I'm |
2991s | going to just |
2995s | die oh my God |
3004s | yes come |
3010s | on can we got to one |
3012s | Shield of oiv for |
3019s | you oh come on no |
3039s | Jesus come |
3046s | on oh this is so |
3049s | stressful I love |
3053s | it I feel like we're so close I I feel |
3056s | like we're going to get get get bonked |
3057s | right at the end |
3061s | here come |
3065s | on my legs |
3085s | cramping yes |
3091s | all right that was went way better than |
3093s | I expected oh my God we probably just |
3096s | increased armor actually you care about |
3099s | chill or cold our cold is through the |
3101s | roof right |
3103s | now |
3112s | woo all right |
3127s | all |
3131s | right let just let just take a second |
3134s | and uh R of winter we're just talking |
3138s | about oh deep breath |
3147s | that was great okay how are you still oh |
3151s | and traveler you'll need to find that |
3153s | felt |
3155s | good I hope to that felt really |
3158s | good alive all right let's go do eye |
3162s | now if any of you haven't seen it this |
3165s | is the entrance |
3166s | to the uh Pinnacle boss of the game |
3169s | right |
3174s | now okay |
3177s | so we're |
3180s | into um empowered just like |
3184s | that we're going to get our butt kicked |
3187s | and empowered |
3189s | now answer some more questions |
3192s | here there we |
3200s | [Music] |
3205s | go ch we go to first we have something |
3209s | in everything we do have something in |
3210s | every oh we missing know that that's not |
3211s | really an important one but we never did |
3214s | it we should finish |
3218s | it |
3227s | um have here L trate we love that |
3230s | experience we love that lightning res we |
3233s | don't love that let's go |
3235s | here we have a ton though we yeah so |
3240s | overcapped hi Mike I recently went back |
3242s | to GD for a bit uh I was having a blast |
3245s | playing aox build I know ehg doesn't |
3248s | like these types of skills but are there |
3250s | any plans or would you mind adding a |
3251s | skill like that uh that spreads dot |
3254s | damage all over the screen I mean didn't |
3256s | we kind of do that with |
3261s | um uh the the recent warlock stuff isn't |
3264s | that isn't that kind of similar and |
3265s | spirit plague |
3269s | and right below it someone says that's |
3270s | Spirit plague yes I feel like we do that |
3273s | question mark you know what |
3276s | though I feel like that one shot feel |
3279s | like that one shot deserves deserves |
3282s | some love |
3285s | here are you little teaser look at that |
3288s | another conversion one Vengeance base |
3291s | physical damage is converted to fire |
3293s | consequently this damage scales with |
3294s | increased fire damage but not increased |
3295s | yeah this is just the standard texts for |
3297s | all the uh V all the conversions but it |
3300s | is important to note that it is a full |
3301s | conversion um so fiz red shred goes to |
3304s | Fire and bleed goes to ignite so it's |
3306s | the whole shebang |
3308s | um which is great which is I know I |
3311s | think that's something that we should |
3312s | have done right from the start um with |
3315s | with our conversions is had them be more |
3316s | complete conversions right off the bat |
3319s | um yeah there we go Vengeance gets to |
3322s | fire mode yes |
3327s | that is what one says right yeah okay I |
3329s | didn't just like read out the wrong one |
3332s | I have another one |
3336s | too I don't know if that's still legible |
3338s | down there in the small version but |
3339s | we're we to leave it there let it hang |
3343s | out in reference to the bug report |
3345s | feature is there a way for me to attach |
3347s | screenshots or videos to a bug report uh |
3350s | These are times when uh I can reproduce |
3353s | UI problems very reliably on my setup |
3355s | but they may not act the same way on |
3357s | someone else's setup I'd love to share |
3359s | exactly what I'm seeing since the |
3360s | existing ad screenshot button doesn't to |
3362s | my knowledge allow me to choose when I'm |
3364s | taking the screenshot of yeah it just |
3365s | takes screenshot of like what's |
3367s | happening on the screen right then |
3369s | um having it let you pick when the |
3371s | screenshot happens in Game is a is a lot |
3374s | trickier um and recording a video is |
3377s | probably out of the question just |
3378s | because of data concerns |
3380s | um this is where having uh if if you |
3384s | really need a specific like a video to |
3387s | show it or um a specific screenshot |
3390s | submitting the bug report to the forums |
3392s | is going to be your best option actually |
3394s | in that |
3395s | [Music] |
3396s | case or you can I don't know if it |
3399s | sanitizes links out or not you could try |
3402s | and put a link in there in in the text |
3405s | to say like hey this is a uh like gzo |
3408s | link or something that shows what it is |
3418s | the other option is if you can |
3420s | get um like if you really don't want to |
3423s | do any of those options and you really |
3424s | want to communicate how it works to us |
3426s | getting those consistent Repro steps is |
3427s | important because um we're going to have |
3430s | to figure out those uh Repro |
3434s | steps like anyways to fix the bug in the |
3437s | first place and uh so if you can like |
3440s | tell someone |
3441s | else uh what like what those steps are |
3445s | and have someone else reproduce it as |
3447s | well um then you can just tell us the |
3449s | same steps you told |
3451s | them merch store update nothing I keep |
3459s | asking uh let's do |
3464s | Cliffs I want that merch store so |
3471s | bad so bad did I just get insta popped |
3475s | out okay |
3477s | oh that's yeah um uh all right |
3483s | so that's interesting totally normal I |
3487s | can uh |
3497s | adapt a little bit of a problem here |
3499s | think uh as a developer for its unique |
3502s | game within the arpg genre and maintain |
3505s | its unique identity how do you view |
3507s | other game releases or how your game |
3509s | compares to other games inspiring |
3511s | distracting to your own creativity um |
3514s | definitely inspiring like yeah |
3518s | definitely inspiring I love um seeing |
3521s | seeing new updates new content new |
3522s | releases for other games um getting |
3526s | getting to try them out and play them |
3527s | it's like it and it's not even yeah so |
3531s | like it's definitely inspiring it gets |
3533s | the juices flowing um so sometimes I'll |
3535s | just be playing and I'll I most of the |
3537s | time the inspiration comes from a |
3539s | feeling that I have where I'll be like |
3541s | hey um like when this happened I felt |
3544s | this cool thing and um I I'll sometimes |
3549s | be like to myself like we don't really |
3550s | have that feeling in our game how can I |
3552s | design a mechanic to get that same |
3555s | feeling and that's that's really where a |
3557s | lot of the inspiration comes from from |
3558s | other games and it is it's awesome like |
3561s | I never never would have gotten into |
3562s | this yeah I so not ready for empowered |
3564s | never would have gotten into this if I |
3565s | didn't love RPGs in general So like um |
3570s | yeah inspiration definitely |
3575s | comes uh when do we get to see you beat |
3581s | abon uh I don't know I'll do my |
3585s | best hopefully soon I think I think I'll |
3588s | have |
3589s | to um pick like a re like I I feel like |
3593s | I really intentionally pick builds that |
3596s | are fun to play um work pretty well and |
3600s | then kind of fall off in the hyper late |
3602s | game and |
3606s | um I think I think it'll be a while |
3610s | before before I actually down aboth on |
3613s | on a stream character well maybe you |
3615s | never |
3617s | know uh you should have the loot lizards |
3620s | cast a cold AOE spell around them and |
3622s | call them loot blizzards thank you very |
3624s | much yeah that's a good one |
3629s | uh what do you think of doing a battle |
3631s | pass if you do one I think it should |
3634s | have the amount of currency the battle |
3636s | pass costs in it so you can keep them |
3638s | going it seems like the last the least |
3640s | scummy way of doing them yeah |
3643s | um I think battle passes are a really |
3645s | interesting thing and uh I've talked |
3648s | possibly controversially on Battle |
3650s | passes in the past on stream uh I I |
3653s | think that there is potential in I'm I'm |
3656s | not going to actually uh what am I going |
3659s | to do I'm going to try and level up some |
3661s | more cuz I'm just getting my ass handed |
3662s | to me in there |
3668s | let's armor is pretty rough for us necr |
3671s | sh's pretty amazing here we're going to |
3672s | go back here and actually try and get a |
3675s | new |
3677s | uh a new blessing I think |
3690s | uh yeah so battle passes in general I |
3692s | think it is possible to do a battle pass |
3695s | uh in a way that is just awesome I think |
3697s | it is possible I think that um there are |
3700s | examples of it out there where there are |
3702s | really positive battle passes that are |
3705s | just like they're just W's for the game |
3708s | all over the place and um there are very |
3712s | few and far |
3714s | between usually when I talk about |
3715s | someone's like |
3717s | this game did a really great battle pass |
3718s | and I just never remember the names of |
3719s | them I've never played one myself that I |
3721s | was like this battle pass is amazing |
3726s | um and but I think I think there's I |
3729s | think there's room for an awesome battle |
3731s | pass system to exist in gaming and and |
3733s | have it be like for the people who |
3736s | aren't um going to going to pay extra |
3738s | money for some features it's going to be |
3740s | great for them for people who do want to |
3742s | pay extra money for features um it's |
3744s | going to be great for them uh it's going |
3746s | to be it's it's going to promote actual |
3748s | gameplay content |
3751s | um you know like I I think I think |
3753s | there's opportunities for it to be |
3754s | really awesome like fun engaging all |
3756s | sort of |
3758s | stuff and I don't have a blueprint for |
3762s | that uh I don't I don't have like a a |
3764s | magical answer to what that looks like |
3767s | yet but I would love to try and make |
3771s | one um we are not currently planning on |
3774s | making a battle pass oh my goodness I'm |
3778s | just gonna |
3796s | die that was |
3799s | close uh so we don't currently have any |
3801s | battle pass plans right now um but you |
3805s | know in the future if we find a great |
3806s | way to do it it's |
3812s | possible was the Vengeance no the only |
3814s | spoiler you have today no I have |
3818s | another it's the only one I've spoiled |
3820s | so far but I do have one |
3825s | [Applause] |
3827s | more I ambushed Kane today I was like |
3830s | I'm streaming today can I have |
3833s | one so got two thank you very much and |
3837s | sorry for the last second uh |
3846s | request your death has come soz it |
3850s | wasn't supposed to be today and then I |
3851s | just sprung it on |
3863s | them all right |
3867s | Barbarian Mastery |
3870s | when uh I'd love to do a barbarian style |
3872s | Mastery I think it' be a lot of fun that |
3875s | like you know just just the raw power |
3878s | and brutality of a barbarian style is is |
3881s | something that I I really |
3883s | enjoy |
3885s | um you know like whenever I play a |
3888s | primalist that's that's the that's the |
3889s | style of node that I try and I I |
3891s | gravitate towards the most I think um so |
3895s | I would love to do it |
3897s | but uh you |
3899s | know we're we're not working on any new |
3901s | masteries yet I I there's no timeline on |
3904s | doing anything like that I I don't |
3908s | know I I don't even know if that will be |
3910s | the primel next the next primel master |
3911s | or not you know |
3917s | like I've heard I've heard a few it's |
3919s | it's one of the ones that I've heard |
3920s | that I did like the idea of um but I've |
3922s | heard a few a few good Prim list options |
3925s | for the fourth one |
3939s | I know might not see it but I think |
3940s | primel is probably the one that I would |
3942s | have the hardest time picking a fourth |
3944s | Mastery 4 of all the |
3948s | classes I was just giv C blunch to do |
3950s | whatever I wanted |
3961s | all |
3969s | right my hope with the bug report |
3971s | question was that there would may be |
3973s | some sort of a bug ID that gets |
3975s | generated with my in-game report there |
3978s | is that I might be able to dig up uh you |
3981s | can't get you won't gain access to it um |
3983s | if I could reference that in my Forum |
3984s | Discord report uh the two could be |
3987s | paired together to provide as much data |
3989s | as possible I'll be gone when you get to |
3991s | this one but I'll do I'll also be sure |
3994s | to toss this suggestion on the forums |
3996s | another we W snoozing tonight off to |
3998s | daycare pickup have a good night good |
4000s | night I understand that five all too |
4002s | well um but yeah just for future um |
4007s | there is an ID that gets generated in |
4008s | our back end but that ID isn't generated |
4010s | until it's already sent um it's part of |
4013s | the sending process that generates that |
4014s | ID so we can't really communicate that |
4017s | back to you |
4019s | um until it's being generated |
4022s | already |
4026s | um you can just put your account name |
4028s | there and I can find it like if it's |
4030s | really if it's really a big deal like I |
4031s | made a bug report this is my account |
4033s | name like even just on your for like we |
4034s | can reference your Forum account to your |
4036s | ingame account we can make that |
4037s | connection behind the |
4045s | scenes real warm in the office |
4049s | today has ehg moved at all maybe on |
4053s | maybe pets pick up gold uh you you still |
4057s | have to pick up shards and loot but gold |
4059s | is Pets thoughts um I really don't like |
4062s | pets being able to pick up gold myself |
4065s | um you know like if if that comes up in |
4068s | a in a design discussion I'm going to be |
4069s | on the other side of that aisle sorry um |
4080s | I I I haven't heard a good personally I |
4082s | haven't heard a good argument for having |
4084s | that at least in my |
4102s | eyes like they it already Auto picks up |
4105s | right like |
4110s | I it's a lot of these a lot of these |
4112s | automation processes feels like |
4114s | they're like stripping away elements of |
4117s | the game to |
4119s | me |
4121s | like but I don't know maybe I'm just I |
4123s | I'm very happy to be wrong about this |
4125s | sort of thing that's just the way it |
4126s | feels to me |
4138s | your death has come like you're you're |
4141s | venturing into this dungeon and braving |
4143s | the dangers to collect your loot and and |
4146s | and being able |
4147s | to like weigh the dangers of hey do I go |
4150s | down like your like you're exploring |
4152s | some tomb and um hey is it is it worth |
4156s | the risk to go down further in the Tomb |
4158s | to collect more Loot and is it you know |
4161s | all all this this risk versus reward |
4163s | moment to moment decision making is is |
4165s | kind of what makes it fun for |
4187s | me all |
4190s | right I know we are looking at |
4193s | distilling that experience down a little |
4196s | bit um in |
4200s | general and and reducing some of the |
4203s | busy work that that's involved with with |
4206s | the whole process of looting in |
4212s | dungeons because it's not it's not the |
4214s | primary gameplay mechanic I agree I |
4217s | agree with that one for |
4220s | sure but it is a gameplay mechanic |
4232s | was tight it was very |
4243s | tight all right more |
4247s | questions oh there's a question in |
4251s | partially another language |
4257s | that did a wonderful job at distracting |
4259s | me if that was your goal I don't think |
4261s | it was |
4262s | yeah should have run |
4268s | more I got crit am I not crit |
4271s | immune |
4276s | what I'm not even remotely close to crit |
4279s | immune and my crit reduction is |
4282s | terrible well that's a mistake |
4288s | uh oh yeah we've got forging p on some |
4291s | stuff |
4295s | nope guess I should look and now my |
4297s | potions are empty good job |
4300s | Mike oh I was going to roll it but I |
4303s | didn't yeah |
4311s | yeah so rank six |
4321s | we're still real |
4324s | squishy maybe |
4327s | not let's let's check out what's going |
4329s | on in the |
4331s | fog are you excited for poe2 also you |
4335s | taking the day off uh to play it on |
4338s | release uh I'm not sure if I'm going to |
4340s | take I probably yes I'm very excited um |
4344s | I got to try it Germany at Gamescom in |
4348s | 2023 um which was amazing and uh yes I |
4353s | am very excited for it I I feel like |
4355s | half the studio is going to take the day |
4361s | off depends on I guess it really okay I |
4364s | say it depends what's going on at the |
4366s | time so if um if we're gearing up for a |
4369s | release of our own or if there's |
4371s | something important happening internally |
4373s | maybe not but problem |
4381s | all |
4382s | right any new unique teasers perhaps |
4385s | primordial |
4387s | uniques uh no you're going to be waiting |
4389s | a long time for any information on |
4393s | that uh hello I would like to ask I play |
4397s | sometimes with controller but the evade |
4398s | button is not mapped Could It Be My |
4400s | Controller or is not mapped for |
4402s | controllers um it is mapped you play |
4405s | played before it was added to the game |
4407s | and when we added it to the game we had |
4409s | an issue with uh updating the controller |
4411s | mapping um that means that you have to |
4414s | reset your controllers to your |
4416s | controller configuration to default um |
4419s | and then reassign the custom controller |
4422s | settings you have uh and it will uh |
4425s | it'll |
4426s | [Music] |
4428s | work it's going to be this button here |
4438s | death will not take |
4442s | me all |
4449s | right oh that's |
4457s | good B that's too |
4461s | bad my |
4472s | I was hoping we get some extra extra |
4474s | stats on that Crest but whatever still |
4476s | nice |
4487s | pickup we're pretty close to being able |
4489s | to handle empowered we just need to like |
4491s | we need to get a couple upgrades I |
4493s | probably have good upgrades that'll help |
4495s | in my stash and I just have to like take |
4496s | some time and figure it |
4513s | out all |
4517s | right uh is ehg set on doing a fourth |
4521s | Mastery for all classes um it's |
4526s | the I don't want to say spec like lock |
4530s | in for a specific outcome um I think |
4534s | it's going to depend and change a lot on |
4537s | what happens as we go through like this |
4539s | is this is very much a longterm |
4542s | consideration and is very subject to |
4545s | change um I personally believe we will |
4550s | do at least a fourth Mastery for every |
4553s | class at some point um I don't think |
4557s | that all the fourth masteries will come |
4558s | at the same time together cuz they're |
4560s | very large |
4561s | undertakings um and it would be we |
4564s | probably have to like put aside we have |
4566s | to like shove a lot of work long term |
4568s | just in order to have that happen all at |
4570s | once and I don't think that would be |
4571s | wise so I think we'll probably end up |
4572s | doing like individual fourth masteries |
4575s | one at a time maybe two at a time |
4579s | depending um like over the years type |
4582s | thing and so I I wouldn't expect to see |
4584s | hey here's the fourth master patch and |
4586s | every single class gets a fourth Mastery |
4587s | all at once um and I also wouldn't uh |
4591s | specifically expect it to end there |
4593s | either so like it's possible it could |
4595s | keep going and we're just going to get |
4597s | out of here cuz the guys are going to |
4599s | kill us and we did it |
4601s | [Music] |
4603s | um so like it's it's there's depends on |
4606s | how uh how long people are interested in |
4608s | the game maybe it goes to five |
4610s | eventually and some of them or all of |
4611s | them or you know like there's there's |
4612s | room to add more um and it's a very |
4617s | long-term uh decision and a long-term |
4619s | feature type thing so I I wouldn't put |
4621s | too much uh stock on the specifics of |
4625s | what I'm saying here either because like |
4626s | it can change a lot as well but yeah |
4629s | there's um I've got at least one new |
4633s | Mastery for each of the existing classes |
4635s | that I would really like to implement uh |
4640s | and actually there's at least two for |
4642s | every Mastery that I really want to |
4644s | implement um but you know we'll we'll |
4647s | see what we get around to we'll we'll |
4648s | see what uh see what there's legs |
4651s | for uh will there be an April Fool's |
4654s | pranks in the future uh for example Mike |
4657s | beit Mastery or spicy hot sauce position |
4660s | special effects a potions special |
4662s | effects um I I don't see why not we've |
4666s | done some April Fool stuff before um you |
4669s | know just like little social post there |
4670s | was one where there was like uh we |
4672s | posted a car that you could spawn in |
4675s | very reminiscent of like the Agee of |
4677s | Empires uh Big Daddy cheat code and the |
4682s | uh or start your engin that the CH code |
4683s | one of the two I can't remember one of |
4685s | them might be ae1 might be ae2 I and um |
4690s | we did a we did like a a VR announcement |
4694s | cuz someone had got it working in VR we |
4695s | we're not actually doing VR just for the |
4697s | record uh and you know there's things |
4700s | like that we've done before I'd love to |
4701s | do more um I think I think yeah I think |
4704s | we did a hot SAU was the hot sauce |
4706s | stream April fools I'd love do that |
4709s | again I just |
4713s | made got these these |
4715s | little dangerous Devils that are they're |
4719s | um they're habanero |
4722s | peppers uh that I dehy I grew and |
4725s | dehydrated and uh I'm going to put them |
4727s | in a a spice grinder and um make have an |
4731s | airf flakes out of them love it |
4740s | uh 225 |
4745s | timer |
4746s | what current time 225 PSD no that's |
4750s | that's |
4753s | unpossible oh 215 yes okay good |
4755s | wonderful message from the future love |
4757s | it |
4766s | uh are there still removeal tabs yep |
4768s | there still removal |
4770s | tabs weekly question on road map update |
4773s | oh I hope |
4774s | soon Cobra car was that the |
4785s | cheat it was Cobra car oh my goodness |
4787s | really it was just |
4791s | Cobra huh |
4795s | was the one |
4802s | cheat ah okay aoe1 was Big Daddy I had |
4805s | it right the first time wrong game aoe1 |
4808s | a black sports car that shoots |
4811s | Rockets not crazy well not |
4814s | [Laughter] |
4823s | wrong all right yeah road map update we |
4826s | got to we got to get that updated soon I |
4828s | don't know when that's going to |
4829s | happen I hope it's |
4833s | soon cuz there's even questions in |
4835s | today's stream that I'm like we had that |
4838s | road map update out no one has |
4848s | that all right will season 2 have the |
4850s | stuff you had on the road map for the |
4851s | next two cycles or will you also add |
4853s | more new stuff that wasn't on the |
4855s | previous road map there will be things |
4858s | that was on the road map and things that |
4860s | was not on the road map and not |
4862s | everything that was on the road map will |
4864s | be there as well so it's there's some |
4866s | amount of things from the road map and |
4867s | some amount of things not from the road |
4869s | map which is why the road map is very |
4871s | useless right |
4880s | now death will not take me really we |
4884s | should just take it down I think but |
4887s | it's like it's been out there for so |
4888s | long it's on like so many websites |
4898s | and is really obvious which way I'm |
4900s | facing with |
4902s | this maybe a little too |
4905s | obvious I'm I'm out of form I didn't |
4907s | even notice I was out of form |
4918s | I'm going let that run out hold on yeah |
4921s | all |
4930s | right we're looking at the remove only |
4932s | tabs so in your stash if you have um |
4936s | played in a previous |
4939s | season uh in your in your stash when |
4943s | you're on a Legacy character |
4946s | um there will be a drop down menu here |
4950s | that will let you pick between previous |
4952s | Cycles or Seasons now or will be Seasons |
4955s | um that where you can Pi pick like |
4957s | season 1 season two and it'll it'll let |
4959s | you just go back in time to stashes that |
4962s | you had in previous seasons and the |
4964s | whole the whole thing will change all |
4965s | your tabs will change everything and |
4966s | you'll be able to take whatever you want |
4967s | out of those |
4988s | I'm feeling great today I don't know |
4990s | what it is but I'm just having a lot of |
4991s | fun you know okay I know what it is it |
4993s | was that I actually beat a boss on first |
4996s | try that I thought I wasn't going |
5000s | to that felt quite good we should get |
5002s | the other okay we're going to get the if |
5004s | next time I die |
5005s | we'll get the next Cesar |
5007s | out so I expect to see cheers when I die |
5015s | next that's |
5020s | okay death will not take me random |
5025s | question if anyone's drafted uh otj |
5027s | recently I'm going to draft that tonight |
5029s | which archetype should I play |
5037s | cuz we don't play logically we force |
5039s | archetypes |
5056s | here it looks like I'm going to be |
5058s | moving as well PR pumped on that |
5071s | oh boy is it |
5078s | stressful one thing I love about this |
5080s | game keeps me |
5089s | grounded all right oh here we |
5092s | go we're all way to the races |
5096s | I got th000 gold on |
5108s | purple oh we're going to lose one I can |
5110s | feel |
5116s | it my |
5119s | goodness okay something good must have |
5122s | just dropped you know |
5126s | and the Beast Masters are in the middle |
5127s | of it just like pummeling me at the same |
5133s | time I should have just grabbed that |
5135s | that would made that so much |
5138s | easier oh that was great oh plus four |
5141s | summon Skelly |
5146s | chest that's actually decent |
5168s | okay see if there's anything in |
5171s | here |
5179s | Zander that might be useful |
5192s | nothing that was |
5203s | nothing all right not a lot actually |
5209s | good oh I don't hate that |
5217s | that was fun okay that was |
5223s | awesome all |
5225s | right when can we get an auto vacuum for |
5228s | AIC shards if you mean like uh Sim to |
5231s | Gold where when you just walk over it |
5232s | and it picks it up um I I don't think we |
5235s | have any plans for that at the moment |
5239s | um you're welcome to put requests in uh |
5243s | suggestions channels on various |
5248s | places or upload other requests of |
5251s | similar Natures that have been |
5262s | made the the logs were Marked for Death |
5265s | so I had to oblige oh we got an egg oh |
5269s | we got an |
5271s | egg okay you know what we're doing with |
5274s | the egg right here's the problem with |
5277s | what we're doing with the egg we're |
5279s | going to put our weapon in the |
5281s | egg we only have the one weapon so we |
5285s | have to pull another weapon out of our |
5287s | stash first or else we're not going to |
5288s | be able to kill the |
5293s | boss we have to pull a good enough |
5295s | weapon out that we can kill the boss we |
5299s | oh we do have this weapon on this |
5305s | is it even |
5309s | like that's pretty rough by difference |
5311s | we can do it |
5317s | though what is the highest damage two |
5320s | anax we |
5329s | have or just to a weapon in general |
5332s | really |
5334s | you know we just go with what we've got |
5335s | we're we're going to craft this up as |
5337s | best we |
5338s | can uh we're not doing a ton of dot |
5343s | stuff we're doing |
5348s | some necrotic damage there we |
5351s | go |
5353s | yeah all right uh |
5355s | ignite we're going to try and Chaos |
5359s | that shock no thanks all |
5362s | attributes Health on kill we actually |
5364s | like that |
5367s | but think I like poison on him more |
5373s | actually okay that's going to |
5382s | do this is got to be long enough to find |
5385s | two of these |
5388s | ah probably have to go to somewhere |
5389s | lower level just to like survive through |
5393s | this we want want we want LP on this so |
5400s | bad and I'm so nervous to do |
5414s | [Applause] |
5417s | this never okay we're fine we just got |
5420s | to go find two more |
5424s | and we've got to roll with a junky |
5426s | weapon until |
5434s | then this this is a bit of a |
5436s | gamble uh but this could pay |
5443s | off death will not take me okay we got |
5448s | half an hour we can do this we we can |
5449s | find two more in half an hour |
5454s | as you get to like higher empowered they |
5456s | happen so |
5464s | fast it udes |
5467s | me |
5468s | shurikens give me those shurikens |
5484s | your death has |
5487s | come any more |
5489s | questions I need more questions guys I |
5492s | need |
5495s | it Aon give you what what do you need |
5499s | I'm playing an Emergen SK I could |
5518s | the Skelly armor oh you want that this |
5533s | thing what's the second teaser less than |
5535s | 30 left okay I said when I died |
5541s | next yeah okay sure |
5547s | there we |
5550s | go |
5554s | calculated was not |
5559s | calculated all right besides TCG |
5562s | mechanic uh obviously what mechanic from |
5564s | a different game would you like most to |
5565s | be added to Le um procedural proper |
5568s | procedural map generation I think that's |
5569s | the like we don't we don't have |
5572s | procedural generated content and I think |
5574s | that that's H like right now that's the |
5575s | for me like when I play the game that's |
5577s | the biggest thing that I find missing |
5579s | for myself when I like for my own fun is |
5582s | that so that's the big thing that I |
5583s | would add in um good news we're working |
5586s | on it it's going to be |
5589s | good uh so yeah we've also got nice |
5592s | little uh little iron blade node here |
5595s | iron blade travels faster causing it to |
5598s | also travel further additionally |
5599s | Vengeance and repost hits have a chance |
5602s | to attack with iron blade per point of |
5604s | Attunement up to a maximum iron blade so |
5608s | it's a 2. no so it can get up to 50% |
5610s | speed and range so they actually do go |
5611s | pretty far for that um chance for |
5614s | Attunement is 1% per point so you can |
5616s | get it up pretty darn High the max |
5618s | chance is 80% which you can hit at high |
5620s | level so you're pretty reliably hitting |
5624s | iron blades with |
5627s | vengeance uh Vengeance hits and Repose |
5629s | hits so it's uh it's quite a bit doesn't |
5632s | look like there's any internal cooldown |
5633s | on that which is surprising but |
5646s | [Music] |
5648s | awesome and we can go shove that in the |
5656s | corner oh man okay here we go we got to |
5659s | find more of this I'm very motivated to |
5662s | uh to to to get some awesome stuff here |
5665s | I kind of considering actually going to |
5668s | cuz we don't have anything |
5670s | here I know it'll be a little bit |
5675s | easier |
5679s | but once's our like we're still almost |
5682s | appropriately leveled for this |
5691s | content oh that don't want to on that |
5696s | I almost just joined a design meeting in |
5702s | process ah that would have been |
5706s | bad going click off that so we're not |
5709s | one click away from joining a design |
5712s | meeting which the audio would |
5714s | immediately get put through my speakers |
5716s | and through the |
5717s | game uh through through through the |
5719s | Stream |
5724s | I made a mechanic from a different genre |
5726s | oh like Tower Defense Auto battler ah I |
5729s | he was saying Builder Etc mechanics that |
5731s | aren't part of the arpg genre which be |
5733s | favor to adapt for Ellie okay awesome |
5736s | good question |
5738s | um |
5740s | oo that's going to require some |
5743s | thinking uh I think yeah okay so I think |
5745s | there's room |
5749s | for like in the in the echos system that |
5752s | we have I think there's room for micro |
5755s | mechanics where like there's like like |
5757s | mini games uh where you find like a very |
5760s | specific uh me mechanic so so here |
5762s | here's an example of this already in the |
5764s | game arena Echoes I know there's an |
5766s | arena mode but let's just focus on Arena |
5768s | Echoes it's it's basically a different |
5770s | game mode and uh that that just exists |
5773s | in that Echo and I think there's room |
5775s | for more specialty type Echoes like that |
5779s | um where you can kind of put a mini game |
5780s | in them or a mini mechanic in them and |
5783s | like I think there's I think there's |
5784s | room for some really out of the box |
5786s | things that you could put there as long |
5788s | as there was a way to uh like opt out of |
5792s | certain types of them um or or opt into |
5795s | specific ones type things so like as |
5797s | long as there's a way to kind of curate |
5798s | that experience cuz sometimes the game |
5799s | play that you're signing up for with |
5801s | these alternate mini experiences are not |
5803s | what someone likes in a in their in |
5805s | their arpg and so I think what we'd have |
5808s | to do is we'd have to add a bunch of |
5809s | them all at |
5810s | once |
5812s | um but I think there room and okay so |
5814s | what what what could we put in there |
5816s | this is this is this is me just running |
5818s | with your idea here and I cuz I really |
5819s | like it a lot |
5823s | um I'm I'm trying to just say the things |
5825s | you already said as examples but Tower |
5827s | Defense does sound |
5828s | awesome |
5830s | um like a system like like you could |
5833s | have a wave system where um they're |
5836s | coming from a specific Direction always |
5838s | and like as there's certain almost like |
5842s | an inverse uh uh of like a a MOA system |
5848s | kind of thing where like you instead of |
5849s | like defending Towers in a line like as |
5852s | you advance down the line you can build |
5854s | up |
5855s | Towers uh that would act as like a tower |
5858s | defense system in the end I don't know I |
5860s | think they're yeah oh there's cool stuff |
5862s | there's something in there that's really |
5863s | cool what I think I think adap I mean |
5866s | adapting a MOBA would be really really |
5868s | cool but that's kind of just PVP |
5870s | system um |
5874s | tower defense is probably the easiest to |
5878s | implement would be fun |
5882s | too I don't |
5885s | know I really like this idea |
5888s | though what can we do what can we |
5890s | Implement |
5892s | um you can't really change the camera |
5894s | angle so you're kind of limited to |
5896s | genres that share a similar camera angle |
5898s | for the most |
5902s | part um |
5906s | you almost do like an |
5909s | RTS oh here's what you could do you |
5911s | could do it as a as a um almost like a |
5914s | board game I guess like a turn-based |
5916s | strategy game uh |
5919s | system |
5921s | where there's like there's a specific |
5923s | enemy that's making strategic moves on a |
5926s | board like if there was if there was |
5927s | okay here we go we we we we got here uh |
5931s | you you put you put arabo or arabos you |
5936s | put so I'm playing Magic tonight not |
5938s | right now you put or |
5941s | ofus H we don't need Mana or Mana regen |
5944s | at |
5949s | all okay focus on the awesome idea we're |
5951s | having in the middle of right now |
5954s | um you put uh you put orbus on the on on |
5959s | the on the |
5960s | timeline um or you do the shade if you |
5962s | want to but you have it as an actual |
5964s | like enemy character that's making |
5967s | strategic moves against you so maybe |
5969s | you're finding some way to manipulate |
5972s | your timeline like you you have some |
5974s | sort of resource to like Place Echoes |
5975s | down or manipulate Echoes but then like |
5978s | orus takes a turn and uh like curses the |
5981s | decision you just made type thing or |
5983s | like puts blockers down in your way or |
5985s | you know some sort of like asymmetrical |
5988s | turn-based strategy game laid over top |
5990s | of the timeline UI |
5997s | there we |
6000s | go for the record that's something I |
6003s | came up with right now and is not |
6005s | something we're planning on doing at all |
6008s | um I will be pitching it at some |
6010s | point it will almost assuredly get |
6012s | rejected and I'm totally fine with that |
6018s | um just don't want any get their hopes |
6020s | up that's all that's a cool it's a fun |
6022s | thing to think about right |
6028s | good question very good question I like |
6033s | that maybe some Rogue like game mode |
6035s | yeah so um I I think like hardcore mode |
6038s | kind of is that Rog like system a little |
6041s | bit um it's it's it's fairly drawn out |
6044s | so I guess having |
6048s | a and like each Echo is kind of a Rog |
6051s | likee in a sense |
6052s | too um |
6054s | um so I guess more of a a long a larger |
6058s | Rog likee system might |
6060s | be interesting as well |
6065s | yeah if anyone likes platforming games |
6068s | and Rogue style games you probably |
6069s | played this game a ton but Rogue Legacy |
6071s | is oh my God it's so good Rogue Legacy 2 |
6076s | uh also recently uh not that recently |
6078s | but um much more recently and is so so |
6082s | phenomenal |
6089s | love those |
6091s | games great sense of humor in them |
6097s | too all |
6099s | right Mike that orbit strategy thing |
6101s | sounds awesome we expected for the 1.2 |
6104s | release which will be this |
6106s | [Laughter] |
6108s | February |
6111s | no yeah that the the content lock uh for |
6116s | for the patch it would be like would |
6120s | happen before i' even have a prototype |
6121s | ready will not even if I started working |
6123s | on it right |
6129s | now we're locking content so much |
6132s | earlier for this patch just because we |
6133s | want to you know have that time for um |
6137s | iteration on a more finished product so |
6138s | we can make sure that there's the fun is |
6140s | is living in the in the content and um I |
6142s | guess this is what I was talking about |
6143s | earlier about how like yeah we've gotten |
6144s | faster at making content but we're |
6146s | adding in some extra steps to make that |
6148s | content better and more fun um so this |
6150s | is one of those things we're doing is |
6151s | that we are uh we're having that content |
6153s | lock happening a lot EAS earlier so we |
6155s | have more time for a polishing phase um |
6158s | and you know like as we as we got that |
6161s | content in and people are testing |
6162s | internally and we push it out to the CT |
6164s | program and we get some feedback from |
6166s | the community on it and things like that |
6167s | there's there's more time for us to make |
6169s | pivots and like even with um aberoth |
6172s | because we that was the earliest one |
6173s | done up up to that point and we made |
6176s | some pretty big changes on aboth and the |
6179s | leadup to aboth from the original |
6180s | version that went out for for |
6184s | testing Aon I will totally give you this |
6186s | chest if you want it by the |
6195s | way I don't know if we ever turned PTP |
6197s | trading back on so I may have to like |
6198s | list it you have to buy it give me some |
6200s | gold |
6222s | all |
6224s | right uh doing anything to increase the |
6227s | production speed cycle patches has been |
6229s | a bit light for my taste I agree um you |
6233s | know we we |
6234s | we yes we've been like we're we're |
6238s | hiring we're hiring a new uh gameplay |
6240s | developer basically if you want to work |
6241s | with me specifically like making uh |
6244s | abilities and stuff like that |
6247s | um I I think I'm we announced it last |
6250s | stream uh there's there's a uh developer |
6254s | position so you need to be real good |
6257s | with the the clickity clacky typing the |
6259s | code |
6260s | out but also you know enjoy design stuff |
6262s | too |
6264s | and |
6266s | uh we we are increasing the speed |
6271s | there um we change we we we delayed this |
6274s | quite a lot um because we had a pretty |
6276s | big pivot on what we were planning on |
6279s | doing |
6280s | um for for 1.2 based on feedback from |
6285s | 1.1 um this is why feedback is so |
6288s | important um is because like I think |
6292s | we're going to have a way better better |
6294s | 1.2 product at the end when 1.2 comes |
6296s | out that'll be a lot more fun should be |
6298s | a better way to put it'll be a lot more |
6301s | fun |
6304s | um cuz 1.1 was good and there's a lot of |
6306s | good things we did with it but it didn't |
6308s | um it didn't Revitalize the end game to |
6310s | the extent which we had |
6314s | hoped |
6316s | um and I think we're still learning how |
6318s | to interpret feedback as well because I |
6321s | think a lot of the feedback we got from |
6322s | 1.0 was hey this is great just slap an |
6326s | endgame boss on it and it'll be even |
6327s | greater uh and that's what we did and it |
6329s | wasn't great |
6346s | enough you know what I successfully did |
6348s | not do this stream and last as well I |
6351s | think was play with something covering |
6354s | the |
6354s | gaml like some some |
6358s | teaser |
6362s | yeah uh since I'm not seeing any more |
6364s | questions any thoughts on a warrior |
6366s | class pitch if you've read it on the |
6369s | warrior class also orus strategy thing |
6373s | in |
6375s | 1.2 |
6377s | um uh I've read a couple warrior class |
6380s | pitches I don't know if I've read the |
6382s | specific one you're talking but it |
6383s | wasn't |
6386s | recent you put you tell me where it is I |
6389s | might go look at it and check it out and |
6391s | react to it livee if you got a tldr on |
6406s | it I thought I didn't clue in for a |
6409s | second that that was my stuff I'm like |
6410s | this is an arena why aren't they coming |
6411s | for me |
6414s | ding level up ding level |
6421s | up love |
6426s | it you're going to empower at 81 on uh |
6431s | like not one of the crazy op builds was |
6434s | probably ambitious especially |
6435s | considering I haven't upgraded any of my |
6437s | gear since I hit Level 90 |
6441s | timelines probably ambitious |
6445s | oh I missed the come back here oh you're |
6448s | not getting |
6450s | away you're not getting |
6457s | away J |
6460s | bear always makes me |
6464s | smile I should I should have the |
6466s | grimoire equipped why don't I have the I |
6467s | have a grimoire why do I not have it |
6469s | equipped |
6474s | just realizing I'm |
6487s | crazy all |
6496s | right uh there here this |
6499s | one yeah flat Mele necrotic damage they |
6502s | we're doing I think |
6505s | so hello it would be awesome to get some |
6508s | Arena mode where you will be where you |
6511s | will required three LP item to open it |
6514s | and get some really difficult waves on |
6517s | end of it uh would get something similar |
6519s | to three LP item for it or just overall |
6522s | really good |
6524s | loot uh yeah like like having gear as |
6529s | the um key to get in is tricky because |
6533s | it's so hard to put a value on what gear |
6535s | actually is based on um properties like |
6540s | that so like there's three |
6542s | LP like just using that as an example |
6544s | there are three LP items that are |
6547s | unbeliev like like if a 3 LP version of |
6551s | uh wings of arenta is dropped it would |
6553s | instantly be the best item that has ever |
6554s | dropped in the game um but if a 3 |
6557s | LP uh like Alchemist Ladle drops |
6561s | everyone goes okay so oh you know so |
6564s | it's |
6566s | um I I think it would it would have to |
6568s | be on a different axis and so having |
6571s | item |
6572s | like having items that are equipment |
6575s | equipment uh requirements for entering a |
6578s | Zone like that having a turning an |
6579s | equipment into a key is a really |
6582s | difficult proposition to have uh where |
6584s | you're not giving and this this is one |
6585s | of those Noob traps we were talking |
6586s | about earlier where you can like a new |
6588s | player may have a very rare item but |
6590s | they don't understand that it's a very |
6592s | rare item and they throw it away as a |
6593s | key to something like this and so it's |
6595s | that feels really bad like the first |
6597s | time you you you like you throw it away |
6600s | as a key and then like 2 days later you |
6602s | find out like oh my God that was amazing |
6605s | and I threw it away and like that that |
6606s | feeling just like eats away at your |
6609s | soul all right if you'll allow some |
6611s | feedback here the harbinger patch gave |
6613s | some much needed structure to the monol |
6616s | warrior class pitch is in feedback |
6618s | forums a couple weeks ago or so it's |
6620s | kind of long to cover here ah yes |
6624s | well I will |
6626s | um I'll tell you what I will go look it |
6631s | up and I will read it |
6635s | later |
6636s | uh it's fine forums category feedback |
6641s | that's the wrong |
6644s | feedback there's the right |
6647s | feedback uh I'm going to search in here |
6655s | Warrior the warrior class a suggestion |
6658s | nine days |
6662s | ago and that username lines up yeah I I |
6665s | will uh tell what I will read that I |
6668s | have not read this |
6674s | yet master is Barbarian Beast oh it's a |
6678s | base class okay Dragon Knight cool |
6683s | my my like just from the names I've read |
6685s | four words I've read Warrior Barbarian |
6687s | beast and Dragon Knight so five words uh |
6690s | I think there's going to be I'm I'm |
6692s | feeling there's a lot of thematic |
6694s | overlap with the |
6695s | Sentinel um and you could probably |
6701s | take uh it's it's kind of riding that |
6703s | line between Sentinel and |
6706s | primalist and it feels like you could |
6708s | probably take most of the masteries and |
6709s | put them on either Prim list or um |
6712s | sentin |
6715s | it's probably what I'm going to find I |
6717s | think I could be wrong but I will read |
6719s | the whole thing properly I let you know |
6721s | what I |
6727s | think all |
6731s | right uh will there be some new idle |
6734s | shapes like l or Zed or such or bigger |
6737s | than four square yeah okay we when we |
6739s | first uh first designed the idol system |
6742s | we actually had had in the original |
6744s | design document irregularly shaped um |
6747s | Idols so yeah L's and um there was uh |
6753s | like proximity things like bonuses for |
6756s | if it's for for every Idol that it's |
6758s | touching um we we had there some other |
6762s | stuff too like there was a lot of things |
6764s | the idol system had in it in the |
6765s | original like pie in the sky design that |
6767s | we've cut for a few reasons for just |
6770s | implementation time also just ease of |
6773s | understanding and ease of use and like |
6775s | teachableness of the system um but |
6778s | there's things in there that I'd really |
6779s | like to bring back and um unfortunately |
6783s | irregularly shaped Idols is probably not |
6785s | one of the things that's going to be |
6786s | coming back from that list um and I |
6789s | definitely didn't say all the things |
6790s | because there's a few things that I |
6792s | think actually will happen that I wanted |
6793s | to keep secret but |
6795s | um I think that the I think there's |
6798s | there are some really good options in |
6800s | there for uh for expansions to the idol |
6804s | system that I I'd like to see happen |
6807s | probably in conjunction with some more |
6809s | Idol crafting options eventually um or |
6813s | like at least idle modification |
6815s | systems and I think there's I there's |
6817s | some opportunities for a lot of fun to |
6818s | happen |
6820s | there um but yeah like and you you look |
6823s | at this and you go like yeah an L would |
6825s | be really great as like a like so you |
6827s | can still like take up four slots it's |
6828s | really big but then like cuz right now |
6830s | most of the like the four long on either |
6833s | direction like tall or long preclude any |
6835s | use of four Longs or talls on the other |
6837s | side |
6838s | type and um you know like I I'd really |
6842s | like to as we go change the shape of |
6844s | this like um I don't know move the dots |
6847s | in or something like that and have the |
6849s | same number of like they change the |
6850s | configuration at some point uh in a |
6853s | patch cuz we can change that |
6855s | configuration um and I think there's |
6857s | opportunities for having some like |
6863s | where like a new player won't care at |
6864s | all about it and they'll just see the |
6865s | same system and it won't affect their |
6867s | Gameplay at all really but an existing |
6869s | player who um who's coming back for it |
6871s | it'll be like just a little like it'll |
6873s | be a familiar enough system where it's |
6875s | still there's not like a big Paradigm |
6876s | Shift you have to learn it all over |
6878s | again but it's like different enough |
6879s | that you're solving uh the same puzzle |
6881s | in a different way and having to like |
6883s | come at come at it from a different |
6884s | angle a little bit of times i' I'd liken |
6886s | that to kind of a really simple version |
6889s | of how you know you play Katan a |
6891s | thousand different times and you'll |
6892s | have, different boards and it's the same |
6894s | problem you're solving but you're coming |
6895s | at it with a tiny bit different |
6896s | restriction a tiny bit different way |
6898s | every single |
6899s | time and I like that man I wish I could |
6902s | play more Katan my wife hates Katan |
6905s | that's like the one board game that we |
6907s | really disagree on it's one of my |
6908s | favorites and it's one of her least |
6909s | favorites and it's entirely my fault |
6911s | because the first time she played we |
6912s | played with the base game uh seaf |
6915s | fairing Cities and Knights a piece from |
6918s | Traders and Barbarians in there as well |
6921s | um just the fish but still counts and it |
6924s | was a six player variant of all those |
6925s | things and there was six people |
6928s | there and |
6931s | unfortunately it was too |
6933s | much one of the first like modern board |
6936s | games she'd ever played as well so it |
6937s | was she wasn't accustomed to it yet I |
6939s | think I think if I I if I never sprung |
6942s | it on her it would be one of her |
6943s | favorite games now |
6961s | it would consume the 3 LP item for |
6962s | Access yeah that's that's what I thought |
6964s | you meant and the what I was talking |
6970s | about uh do you guys track uh rare High |
6974s | LP drops like a four LP Red Ring drops |
6976s | do you have a Sirens going off in the |
6978s | office um I don't think there's an |
6980s | automated system for it I think we can |
6982s | like cck we can like parse the database |
6984s | for versions of those items that exist |
6987s | but I don't think we have like flags |
6988s | that go up when one of them when one |
6990s | that happens I know there's a bunch of |
6993s | tracking stuff we've just just added in |
6995s | for 1.2 um and like a bunch of stuff |
6999s | there's a lot of things in that category |
7001s | that we're working on right now um but |
7003s | there's not much of it that works right |
7004s | now it udes me |
7018s | that Health drain is fast right |
7028s | now come on we want |
7030s | another we want another Nemesis before |
7032s | stream ends do I stick around for a few |
7035s | minutes and try and get another |
7039s | one I think |
7041s | so I just got I got to I got to know if |
7044s | it goes up |
7059s | anymore can you please remove arenas |
7061s | from Monas it's so annoying no um but I |
7065s | will |
7067s | uh give you a little glimmer of hope in |
7070s | that I hear the problem you're your s |
7073s | your I I hear what the problem that's |
7076s | causing this feedback and I'm committed |
7078s | to improving the experience for |
7093s | you I don't just mean making Arena |
7095s | Echoes |
7100s | better but yes also doing that as well |
7110s | well okay come on we're |
7114s | racing we're going we |
7121s | need I need to keep an eye on my chat to |
7123s | make sure that it doesn't pop |
7125s | up I think I missed a couple from that |
7127s | just like not keeping an eye open |
7132s | in regards to the idle question uh so |
7135s | you were saying like instead of having |
7137s | this 5x5 kind of diamond shape with the |
7138s | holes at the corners a 5x5 square with |
7140s | the holes in different spots around the |
7142s | center I mean maybe yeah we we can we |
7144s | can move right now it is under the hood |
7146s | a 5x5 grid that we have just blocked off |
7149s | a few spots like that's literally what |
7151s | it is it is a 5x5 grid |
7155s | um and so we can block off any spots we |
7158s | want um making it a 6x6 grid problematic |
7163s | it can be |
7168s | done |
7170s | um but yeah it's it's one of those |
7172s | things that |
7173s | uh it is modular for |
7177s | us cuz like there's literally just like |
7181s | a an image that's just sitting over that |
7183s | spot making it so you can't click on |
7186s | it and and there's there's checks in the |
7188s | back end too to make sure you can't |
7189s | click on it but like the original |
7192s | version |
7193s | was just a a physical |
7200s | blocker it never went to release that |
7212s | way all |
7219s | right come on |
7223s | we're just going we're just going and |
7225s | we're getting it I want it we're over |
7228s | time come on Mike I'm going to two two |
7230s | more I'm going to S two more |
7249s | Echoes okay speaking of 4 LP items and |
7251s | Analytics are you happy with the rates |
7253s | of item drops with high LP like a lot of |
7255s | the times you would see some content |
7256s | creator showcase some builds with some |
7258s | cool high LP items get regular |
7262s | players jumped would uh never see |
7264s | anything through their gameplay cycle um |
7266s | yeah I think there's there's always |
7268s | going to be um expectation and results |
7272s | dissonance between like uh people who |
7274s | are playing a a ton and who have support |
7277s | in some cases from people who are |
7279s | helping them like um like a community |
7281s | behind them and and um someone who's you |
7284s | know picking it up to play casually for |
7286s | uh for a few days and things like that |
7287s | we tried really hard to |
7291s | um like to to make exciting things drop |
7294s | and like to have high LP items of less |
7297s | expensive items like of of of less of |
7300s | lower Rarity items but High LP versions |
7302s | be possible for players to get um and I |
7305s | think a lot of the content creators um |
7307s | at least a lot of the ones that like uh |
7310s | i' I see cover lyac regularly |
7313s | um do do a really good job of setting |
7315s | reasonable expectations for the the lp |
7317s | items they're putting in their builds |
7319s | and things like that so I I've been I I |
7321s | don't think there's too much of a of an |
7324s | issue there but I do understand where |
7325s | you're coming from and it's not perfect |
7333s | um Arena why did I pick |
7338s | Arena can they even spawn in here |
7345s | will not take I don't know if they can |
7346s | even spawn in here I don't think they |
7351s | can not right now |
7355s | anyways that's got to change |
7358s | though just just like mechanics in |
7360s | general being able to spawn in arenas |
7362s | that's like one of the that's one of the |
7363s | worst Parts about them right now having |
7365s | having the the special Shrine spawn in |
7367s | here was good that was a step in the |
7369s | right direction um |
7378s | this one doesn't count do one |
7380s | more come on one more |
7382s | please want my weapon |
7385s | back it's so close I can feel it okay |
7389s | here we go uh do you plan to add any |
7392s | high-end crafting that could be an |
7393s | alternative to LP items slamming uh any |
7396s | ideas to give class powerful abilities |
7398s | which high risk High reward would also |
7400s | love to see some idle po es um if you |
7403s | could drop that give you different size |
7405s | and shape yeah uh uh was it pouches or |
7409s | pouches |
7411s | poaches |
7414s | um I think there yeah |
7416s | there's |
7418s | um adding more uh glyphs and runes |
7423s | especially High tier ones is something |
7425s | that I think we're really interested in |
7427s | doing um I know we're really interested |
7429s | in doing cuz we every every every patch |
7431s | we're like |
7433s | just what can we possibly make into a |
7435s | nucero like that's something we try to |
7437s | do so often and |
7440s | um I I think |
7444s | it's |
7445s | [Music] |
7446s | um having things that H I can't really |
7451s | talk about some of these things without |
7451s | giving stuff |
7452s | away uh there's stuff we're working on |
7456s | that fits into this category really well |
7458s | um |
7464s | I think we really need to |
7466s | have there's a lot of discussion going |
7468s | on right now about the uh the experience |
7470s | oh my God I clicked another Arena we're |
7472s | not doing |
7480s | this |
7482s | um improving the way slams work in |
7485s | general is really important |
7496s | um and I'd really like to |
7498s | see I'm really excited to for people to |
7500s | see what the the changes coming in |
7501s | general |
7508s | are cuz I think like you you mentioned |
7510s | in the question um having a high risk |
7512s | High reward and that's that's what high |
7515s | like high level LP crafting is it's high |
7517s | risk it's high reward you know |
7520s | um but I think there's a lot |
7523s | of uh there's not a lot you there's |
7526s | almost nothing you can do there is |
7528s | nothing you can do to improve your odds |
7530s | at it at all there's no there's no steps |
7532s | you can take to feel like you're |
7533s | affecting that that gameplay mechanic |
7537s | and um I think there's a bit of a |
7539s | feeling of helplessness that that s s |
7541s | sinks in sometimes um with regards to it |
7545s | and um so I think having a little bit |
7548s | more agency in that category would would |
7550s | really help a lot |
7553s | and know to be clear I'm not suggesting |
7555s | that there's going to be some way to |
7556s | pick which one you're is going to go in |
7558s | but |
7559s | um being able to just do something to |
7563s | improve your odds of getting the outcome |
7565s | you want I think would be |
7577s | positive where is it |
7589s | I I just I just want my sword my my axe |
7591s | back so |
7594s | bad this is the problem is I get into |
7596s | this where I'm like I don't want to stop |
7598s | playing the stream's over and I don't |
7600s | yeah I I I want to finish this are we |
7603s | just going to have to save it for next |
7604s | time we may have to save it for next |
7607s | time if I don't find it in this one |
7609s | we're going to save it for next time I |
7612s | can be |
7617s | responsible I don't if I can |
7625s | actually make |
7634s | it any more questions can you please |
7636s | share if you're having if there any |
7637s | throwing passives added to the Sentinel |
7639s | there are unique items for Javelin but I |
7641s | think only void Knight has passives for |
7642s | scale that no there's |
7644s | um uh oh there's lots of throwing |
7647s | passives in |
7650s | um |
7653s | uh for |
7660s | guard that was wonky |
7675s | I Marked for Death what's my my cold res |
7677s | is actually a |
7679s | negative that is too |
7687s | much give me those ice |
7692s | beetles |
7694s | okay I don't think we're going to find |
7697s | it that's too bad |
7702s | I wanted to see what it was going to |
7705s | be we'll start the stream off next time |
7707s | with |
7719s | it all right can you make uh map icons |
7722s | for exalted items so that I don't miss |
7724s | my |
7726s | drops okay no I'm not doing a subathon |
7729s | until I find my drop oh gosh |
7734s | would last like 5 minutes but |
7742s | whatever all |
7744s | right well we didn't find it we're going |
7747s | to wait till next |
7751s | time this is a great stream I had so |
7753s | much fun okay last question is can you |
7754s | put a map icon the exalted items I don't |
7756s | miss drops there's a lot of exalted |
7758s | items that drop it would have to go |
7760s | through the loot filter system and |
7761s | there's some issues there that we s to |
7762s | resolve uh some controller next week |
7765s | thanks I probably I did a whole stream |
7767s | last time with the controller I I |
7768s | personally enjoy keyboard and mouse a |
7770s | lot more myself so I'll probably stick |
7772s | with it |
7773s | um especially as I'm getting into harder |
7776s | content but who knows we see what |
7779s | happens uh I had a wonderful |
7782s | time I hope you did too I'll be back |
7785s | same time same place next week uh I'll |
7787s | be able to answer any more your |
7788s | questions if I missed a question I |
7790s | apologize it was not intentional please |
7791s | head on over to Discord and ask it again |
7792s | and I will do my best to answer it there |
7794s | in the asid Dead channel um about |
7799s | it hope everyone has a lovely |
7802s | day wonderful |
7807s | weekend Aaron I don't know how you're |
7809s | still going but I'm going to come say |
7816s | hi most |
7819s | impressive have a good day everybody oh |
7821s | I got to screen don't |
7822s | I yeah all right drink lots of water |
7825s | we'll see you next time |