almost 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s good afternoon everybody and welcome
3s back to the last Epoch Dev stream as
6s always I'm your host Mike and let's hop
8s right in
9s I realized my microphone wasn't muted as
12s I pulled the headset arm lever down
16s that's probably pretty loud I'm sorry
19s that's okay let's keep going if this is
21s your first time here welcome glad to
22s have you with us please put out last
24s Epoch game in the question if you have
26s one for me in chat and I'll be happy to
28s answer it
30s just hang out we play some play some
32s plastic buck and uh you know answer some
34s questions it's about all the notice here
38s show us down touch
40s I'm doing good today
42s I am feeling real good today we're not
44s going there though
54s are builds a little a little uh
56s wet noodly
58s still
60s we're on the hunt for a better weapon I
62s think that's the
63s the key thing we're missing right now
66s as always we also stream for charity and
68s as the first year of the month we do
69s have a new charity here International
71s Association for suicide prevention is
72s our monthly Journey because all the
74s proceeds in the Stream go to that
78s which is great
88s oh give me those shards ultimate Shard
91s yes please
99s I love meteor
101s yeah how's work coming along the rubber
104s band issues how's your day
106s um I I don't have a daily update on the
108s rubber banding uh
110s uh issues
112s um but I know that
114s a big part of it is just server
116s optimization in general which is always
119s being heavily worked on
124s so in progress they're weird thank you
127s very much for recepting us 10 months in
128s a row that's that's incredible I feel
130s like that may have there may be like a
132s gap in the middle there it might be more
133s than that total but yeah
134s very cool very cool
140s my day's also going pretty good today
143s I'm gonna go a little little mini road
144s trip with a little one
147s take to get this kid to go see Grandma
154s did we already do this
166s I think we did this
184s welcome traveler hey where did this
187s I get mixed up I get so confused
191s oh and why why burmaster
196s receptional thank you very much glad to
198s have you with us hope you're having fun
200s hope you're enjoying yourself
202s hope it's I hope it's sunny
205s I hope it's like 23 and sunny
209s if you like that temperature
211s it's my favorite
220s Celsius just to be clear
222s 23 Fahrenheit sucks
224s all right was a pinnacle in the
227s announcement today
229s I'm not sure what that means exactly
230s today was uh the answer that we had
232s today was a um
234s just just a little teaser stream just a
236s little teaser uh video we can watch it
237s let's watch it
239s what do you guys say huh
247s is that
248s actually I'm gonna leave that in the
249s chat if you want to see it
252s I guess just watch it on your own
253s probably be easier making everyone watch
254s who's already watched it
260s if you want to watch it here it is in
262s chat
264s um yeah just a little teaser just uh to
266s show some upcoming stuff that's uh
267s that's coming to the game
270s but was there a pinnacle like you
272s actually like it was was there a teaser
273s of a pinnacle boss in that announcement
276s no there wasn't
281s all right I get a lot of great exalted
283s maces what character should I be using
285s them with I mean there's there's room
287s for Macy's on lots of different
288s characters
290s um
290s maybe it's an offhand on a sentinel
294s um
295s so now you can't actually put in your
296s op-amp but you put in your main hand and
297s use like an offense it doesn't matter
299s which is your main and off slots but
301s um I mean depends what depends what the
304s stats are you know like there's
305s lots of different places you can use it
313s all right what's the coolest release
315s Mastery and why is it Warlock and like
318s the upcoming Masters that are that are
320s not out yet I'm uh there's they've each
322s got something really unique and cool and
325s interesting about them that's that's
326s different that we haven't seen before
328s it's a new mechanic it's it's like just
331s it's just different to new and cool
335s um
336s a lot of times different is is a really
339s big part of it
340s um but they're they're yeah it's kind of
343s interesting stuff that we we tried to
344s make work on other classes before we
347s tried to implement before and just
347s didn't quite a tech for it things like
349s that
353s but I think I'm most excited about
355s Falconer personally we've been working a
357s lot of Rune Master lately so I am uh I
359s am really hyped on Rune Master
360s personally
362s um just because that's what we've been
363s working on lately
365s we actually just
367s combined two skills into one and added a
371s another new skill
380s as soon as there's moments where I'm
381s like I really want to say something I
382s just can't
383s about like
385s remaster
387s that was terrible to say I'm sorry
389s I just want to bring you into my pain
394s all right uh 10 months total two months
397s streak Santa's walk got plundered ah
403s yeah man
405s it's not all it's not all about the
407s streak
409s oh it says for 10 months it doesn't say
411s 10 months in a row does it say in a row
412s usually
413s oh it just tracks the total
415s today I learned
424s I've never
425s um
426s sub to a channel in an uh a
429s non-consistent streak before so I just
432s realized it's always been like once I've
434s started
435s I've never stopped and started again
437s it's always just been like go until I
439s stop and then I stop that's interesting
441s never thought of that before
446s the 0.9.1 contain anything related to
448s the forge card I'm sure there's
449s something in there yeah
452s um
455s nothing major
458s but like there's there's definitely
459s gotta be something like I mean as soon
461s as we as soon as we change the implicit
463s value on a single sword it's related
465s isn't it you know but yeah there's
467s there's I'm sure there's something in
468s there
471s salmon in there somewhere
474s does the new glyph have anything to do
476s with Idols no it has absolutely nothing
479s to do with Idols at all
482s wow okay there's like
484s I say that in such an absolute way and
486s I'm like well you could draw a really
487s tangential connection not like
489s apart from a super pedantic connection
491s that you can like see like the like Six
494s Degrees of Kevin Bacon or whatever it is
496s where you can like connect any actor to
497s Kevin Bacon with with less than six
499s jumps it's connected like that it's
501s connected
505s all right
508s but no it's not connected oh we got a
511s couple we got a big raining party we got
512s a resale Lone Star mcfluffing coming in
514s hot
515s welcome everyone from Lone Star Stream
518s and thank you that's that's two that's
520s two full years 24 months
523s join the two-year Club it's an exclusive
525s Club
529s it takes two years to get into
534s all right do you plan to turn Quest
536s items into actual items that go into
538s your inventory I think this would make
540s the campaign a bit more immersive yeah
542s so we've we've talked about this a
543s couple times
546s um
549s it creates some issues and I totally
552s agree it's more immersive what I'd
554s really like to see is to have us
557s um add on
560s elements to the quest tracking here and
563s almost the quest tracking here or
564s possibly here where it's like
566s um like you picked up this item for this
568s code it's like hand in this item and it
570s shows the item that you've picked up
572s here and it has like a proper tooltip
573s and everything but I'd like to see that
575s in the quest tracking systems and not in
577s the actual inventory and I understand
578s why you wanted inventory because and
579s then that was our first choice for sure
581s um there's some issues there and like it
584s could be little things like you go and
587s um let's let's use the the the first
589s item Quest you get you're in a 30 sorry
592s you're in council chambers and
595s um you you get the quest from urza to go
598s find his logbook and then you get uh the
600s follow-up Quest from artem to uh steal
603s that logbook as well
605s and you go to to urza's
608s um lab and you get logbook out of the
611s chest in the back right corner
612s um sorry spoilers for the first like 20
614s minutes of the game uh and
618s the
622s um and then like as soon as you open the
624s chest you get the item energy inventory
625s nothing drops to the ground and it's a
626s little like did I get it what happened
628s in the quest updates you know then you
629s go read the question okay I guess I got
630s it but it's kind of hard to tell where
632s it is
633s um there's an opportunity there where
634s you open the chest and the item drops
636s and you forget to pick it up and you
638s just don't pick it up and you walk away
639s without the item at all and we wanted to
641s really make sure that there was no way
642s to to miss the item so even if you like
644s weren't sure if you got it or not you
646s got it you know
649s um
650s and it's it doesn't quite communicate
654s the fantasy of what's going on properly
655s yet and I and that is something that we
657s would like to fix there's a couple
659s things with quests and items I'll
660s request rewards we want to work some
662s items in there because I think there's a
663s lot of opportunities to add in specific
665s items as Quest rewards
667s um that you can pick from so it's like
669s pick one of these three like you
670s complete this Quest and it's really
671s common thing you've seen games all the
672s time there's nothing revolutionary or
673s anything but just like completed quests
675s pop up like pick one of these four items
676s and we can put really specific and
679s focused items there that might be hard
681s to get
683s um
684s types of items for certain builds so we
686s can be like okay
688s um like your Rogue you finish this Quest
690s and there's like a really focused like
693s physical bow item and oh there's a
695s really focused lightning throwing item
697s which I know it doesn't really work that
698s well but anyways there's like you can
700s put like some really focused um items in
702s there that maybe have some random
704s elements to it so like we can say like
705s okay well this item is gonna drop with
707s we know these two affixes and like two
710s other random affixes and so it's like
711s some some randomization some not things
713s like that are things that we'd really
714s like to include in the quest system item
716s rewards um I know I kind of know if I'm
718s changing there sorry but
720s there's room for item interaction and
721s Quest updates in general we're not quite
723s there yet
726s uh if you have questions please don't
728s forget to put at last Epoch game in the
729s question so I see it
735s uh because things get lost in here
737s sometimes has ehg team done any more
740s work on the Warlock Mastery yeah we've
741s done some more work in the Warlock
742s Mastery
743s um
744s there's
746s um
748s uh yeah there's not not A lot's been
751s done this week on it but you know
753s recently in general we've been we've
755s been working on it
759s so it's coming along
764s this way I'm just crazy
774s I'm just like I'm gonna go the wrong way
776s but you know what let's let's unlock
777s cell fire Bastion
783s why not eh
791s over here okay
796s should we try it
801s should we just get her butts handed to
803s us
806s because that is what would happen
811s um
813s I mean are there some things we can do
815s to like
826s not very much going on here is there
831s prison rats are nice
834s I think they'll be better
854s uh let's let's let's give it a shot for
857s science right
861s what's the worst that can happen we lose
862s the key
864s I feel like I must have a couple of
866s those right
870s his words like don't have any keys
877s well never mind just just kidding we're
880s gonna keep going to the Therma
885s uh
888s uh can you expand on the new item types
891s uh what new item types
900s uh hi Mike in the future are items for
903s the skill Shield throw possible yeah
908s items for any skill are possible
915s I feel like we have some items that are
918s um
919s uh she'll throw Center already could be
923s wrong
925s what's this okay nice
940s oh it's just a note I've got
943s I forgot about
950s gonna get more CDR on our tool tool to
953s teleport
956s okay next question Mike
960s when the MTX store launches yeah it's
962s getting real close I'm like we're
965s I've got one bug left and as soon as
967s that's fixed which is I'm working all
969s week on this one bug once that's fixed
974s uh should we merged in
977s when it launches we'll be able to buy
978s stable server upgrades
982s uh any cool multiple changes in 9-1 uh
986s no
987s oh
989s uh yes
992s sorry
993s yeah I'm a Fool there we go did I just
996s walk back down the same way again and
998s get stuck in the exact same spot where
1000s where is it how do I how do I go there
1003s did I miss something
1017s foreign
1025s yeah yeah there's there's some there's
1028s some little model of changes stuff
1029s happening
1030s um
1032s uh nothing like groundbreaking or like
1036s Paradigm altering but you know there's
1039s there's some there's there's a little a
1041s little bit happening
1043s some touches
1046s I've actually teased some of it already
1051s on past dreams
1054s uh are you planning to do some changes
1057s to the auto aim feature maybe on off
1058s toggle this makes the skills really bad
1060s like donating Arrow or marrow shards I
1062s don't I don't know what's going on with
1063s this at all right now
1065s um I know it's something that people are
1066s talking a lot about
1068s um it seems like a reasonable thing to
1070s have there might be some sort of
1071s technical reason why having a toggle
1072s doesn't work
1074s um I don't I don't know I'm sorry
1083s okay
1086s uh can you comment on
1088s uh can you comment at all on when we can
1091s hope for ladders to be enabled again pre
1093s 1.0 yeah yeah pre 1.0 for sure
1095s um
1097s the
1103s um
1105s I think this patch
1107s they might be next patch
1122s I'm sorry I can't throw this at your
1124s next batch but yeah they're pre 1.0
1132s into this patch
1136s okay
1138s I should have things that it's written
1139s down
1147s I've uh I've gone the wrong way again
1152s it's quite quite lovely
1156s almost went the wrong way again
1159s I really should just step back through
1160s there
1176s a little XP Maybe
1179s we should uh let's let's okay
1182s stop it
1186s okay
1187s I already have that awful oh that's not
1189s good
1191s step operation that's good
1193s this way yep
1199s yes chain
1201s let's get some chain on
1205s uh any chance of a gamble system for
1207s monoliths like sacrifice a piece of gear
1209s to increase difficulty and get a better
1211s reward
1212s um
1214s you know kinda
1218s not the way you're thinking
1222s uh any new uniques to tease today no I
1224s don't have any niece these days we
1226s usually do uniques like new uniques get
1227s added so close to patch day it's crazy
1232s um that's one of those things that
1233s generally doesn't require a ton of
1236s um testing to to to to get functioning
1240s nicely usually not always usually
1243s um individual they're fairly
1244s self-contained it's fairly easy to test
1247s like this one item especially if it's a
1249s class specific item you know especially
1251s if it's like really going to be used
1252s almost exclusive with a single ability
1256s um which a lot of items are so yeah it's
1257s it's um
1259s they go in quite late
1262s happy Friday is she glad to be here
1264s thank you glad you're here too
1267s hanging out having some fun
1269s I do love these dreams it's like there's
1272s always a highlight of my week
1274s dang it
1277s uh how do you guys feel about how model
1279s Echo modifiers work right now is it
1282s possible we'll see a rework in the
1283s system uh or maybe change the modifiers
1285s or something
1286s um so as this like the let's if we're
1288s talking about just like the system as a
1290s whole I think it's fantastic
1292s um I think that it is
1295s um something that lets you
1297s uh pick your pick your challenge you
1300s know like
1301s um you kind of have to decide is is this
1304s something that I can do in this on this
1306s character it lets you
1308s um avoid certain modifiers that are not
1312s uh ideal for your character
1315s um and I I I think the system's
1318s fantastic now
1319s um do I I also like to acknowledge that
1322s some people are frustrated by specific
1325s modifiers and the perception that it
1327s becomes mandatory to take them uh in
1329s order to get the reward that you want
1331s which it does become mandatory to get
1332s them to get the reward you want
1334s um but that's the point of a challenge
1335s it's hard right
1337s um I I think there's if if there wasn't
1342s uh some of them that were that were
1344s really difficult for different builds
1345s depending it would be uh it would be a
1347s shallow system
1349s um
1351s which is not something we're describing
1353s for
1355s but thanks for the feedback which is
1357s what I uh feel like is happening there a
1360s little bit but if you want to leave
1361s feedback for the game please do so on
1363s the forums
1365s or the Discord in the feedback sections
1367s of each
1370s maybe there's a specific one you really
1372s want to see leave the game because you
1373s think it's
1374s just bad for gameplay
1393s oh don't stand in the water it's like
1395s standing in the fire just worse
1399s I don't drink lots of water
1401s cheers
1406s are there any plans to reduce the
1408s effectiveness of the elemental damage
1409s over time affix uh not that I know
1415s um same comment about feedback treasure
1418s Goblin's coming no there's no treasure
1419s goblins coming this patch
1422s I would love to add treasure gums I know
1424s it's I know I use that as like an
1425s example so much when I talk about like
1427s unexpected mechanics in in monolith and
1430s things like that so the go-to example I
1431s use so it's it's like oh they're gonna
1433s have it's reasonable to expect us to do
1435s something like that because I use it as
1437s an example so much but no it's not
1439s coming right now it's uh I I'd like to I
1441s think it's a very like it's a
1443s straightforward mechanic I think it's
1445s gonna end up and if it hasn't already
1447s um become a staple of the of the genre
1449s in general
1454s course
1455s schools
1458s why didn't they listen to me the fools
1462s nice barrage I really like guys barrage
1464s that was one of my favorite skills to
1465s make
1467s um playing around with the homingness of
1470s it we set up just like fields of
1472s different configurations of test dummies
1475s um and then like testing homing with
1477s with that was a lot of fun
1479s and like seeing how they curved and
1481s changing values to be like okay what
1482s does this do what does that do and you
1484s know like you get inverse homing uh and
1486s for something's funny because it like
1487s just starts it tries to like avoid
1489s things so you set like an obstacle
1491s course up of like test dummies all over
1494s the place and you put really strong
1496s inverse homing
1498s um
1499s and uh you like fired off and like see
1501s if any of them can like get out of the
1503s maze
1505s it was a lot of fun
1508s uh right
1510s uh any set item changes coming this
1512s patch no not dispatch we do have a plan
1515s for some set item changes we haven't had
1517s a chance to implement it yet
1522s and that's a that's a pretty set item
1524s systematic change
1525s but once we're once we're a little more
1528s confident having tested that everything
1529s will be more interested in sharing that
1531s it is it's a problem that we're working
1533s on it's something that we know is really
1534s important to get right
1536s um
1537s and uh yeah
1540s it's it's extremely on the list
1544s any design progress on making stuff said
1546s I'm just excited to see to drop it's
1548s interesting as unique and exalted yes
1550s see previous question Ellie is a good
1552s crafting system and sets have no
1554s interaction with it
1556s yeah I know like uniques don't really
1558s have any interaction with it either okay
1560s it's not you to kind of do in the sense
1561s when you craft an item to make the
1562s legendary so I guess they do
1565s um
1570s but yes don't worry
1572s don't worry
1573s you'll be happy it's gonna be great
1577s it's gonna be great
1580s all right
1590s uh highlight of my week what's when your
1593s weekend starts yeah mine too yeah it's
1595s uh
1596s this this I guess it's all about
1598s weekends starting because I actually
1599s really enjoyed the weekday as well which
1601s is weird
1603s um
1606s I just really like playing the game and
1607s hanging out with you guys that's all
1615s hi Mike Judd mentioned in this interview
1617s with did that he says that he feels sort
1619s of plateau once skills maxed out at 20.
1622s um but there are plans to smooth that
1623s out and once for the progression for
1625s skills beyond that any specific ideas
1627s that could be discussed on the subject
1629s uh no I'm surprised he said that I
1631s didn't actually watch that
1632s um
1633s that clip
1635s I'm surprised you mentioned that uh
1639s but uh yeah yeah there's um we do have
1642s something in the works that will
1644s um that we do plan to implement that
1647s will um
1649s we'll just take your word for that he
1650s said this you could just like shot in
1651s the dark and like yeah it's true
1655s um yes yes there's there is a plan to
1659s um
1660s alter the progression curve on
1664s skills and uh how that unlocks and
1669s progresses into end game
1673s um
1676s I probably don't even need that I'm not
1678s gonna use it
1679s um it's it's it's in concept phase still
1700s but it's gonna be good I think
1716s that meteor just do six six damage I
1718s think it did
1719s all right
1722s next question
1724s any specific ideas that can be discussed
1725s on that subject no I can't discuss
1726s specifics on it sorry uh will we get
1729s more monsters that have you think about
1732s how to handle them like how dolls or
1734s Soul Cindy too oh
1737s oh
1738s just to be clear
1740s are you asking for dolls and souls right
1745s now is that is that what's happening
1752s um
1754s Maybe
1759s I actually weirdly like dolls uh I'm not
1762s a big fan of souls to be honest though
1764s uh thank you for the sub oh I'm gonna
1767s butcher this name you ready guys
1770s hit a Haka as hi to Haka is hi to Haka
1775s that's what I'm going with last one
1777s nailed it first try
1779s um
1784s uh
1785s as far as uh more enemies coming with
1788s with like more unique interactions yes
1792s um I think that's safe to say that we're
1793s going to be bringing that in and as we
1795s make new enemies we do try to
1798s um
1799s bring in some more advanced mechanics
1801s especially into the later game systems
1803s where
1804s um like maybe there's there's enemies
1806s that work well that synergize really
1808s well together so like there's there's
1809s really basic examples of this and I'll
1811s use D2 as another example of this
1813s um and it's like right at the very start
1815s you start you start fighting Fallen
1816s right
1818s and it's great it's easy and they die
1820s pretty quick and you know they're
1821s they're they're you get used to killing
1823s fallen and some zombies you know in
1825s there too
1826s um and then you you get into uh cold
1830s planes or or down into the
1832s um dead people and there are the shamans
1835s and suddenly the following you're
1837s killing are getting resurrected and and
1839s you kind of have to change up your
1840s gameplay pattern
1843s um it's a really simple interaction
1846s um and then and then you for the first
1848s time you spend that a little bit of time
1850s with uh you know like having a shaman
1853s constantly resurrecting a phone that
1854s you're just killing over and over again
1855s you're like oh am I gonna get more loot
1857s more experience forever can I stay in
1858s the forest killing boars nope you can't
1860s deal with it anyways
1862s um
1863s I I think there's this ring I think
1866s there's
1866s um
1868s room for more interesting interactions
1870s between enemies like that that we can
1871s place in the world
1873s um
1874s and I I heard a pitch for an enemy just
1876s yesterday that I thought sounded really
1877s cool that had some more complex
1879s mechanics
1881s um it's more interesting mechanics that
1882s would be
1883s uh require some thought to interact with
1886s lest you pop like a doll
1889s uh
1894s Gerald awesome Gerald laugham
1898s also Butch I'm just like
1900s fresh meat on all of these names you
1903s know let's go
1905s how's it going thanks Lisa I'm glad to
1907s have you here
1909s let's drink some water
1917s Judd mentioned new item type since his
1920s interview
1921s I thought you might know more detail
1924s new item types
1927s context
1930s um
1932s like I I I'm sure there's like some new
1935s like I do a new sword subtype coming you
1938s know that sort of thing I don't know if
1939s it's actual sword but like I bet there's
1941s some new item subtypes coming
1945s um that might be what it meant there's
1947s probably some new unique items that
1949s might be what I meant
1950s um I know there's one glyph which I
1952s mentioned previously
1954s um that's what he meant I'm not sure I'm
1956s not sure what the context is
1958s um
1962s and he may not have been referring
1964s specifically to the upcoming patch as
1965s well
1976s now
1977s I didn't look down and see if flame
1979s board was not cool but it's fine all
1981s right
1983s does it involve operating the base item
1986s of the set item no it does not
1993s uh Mike hi Aaron how you doing
1997s how's it going
2003s um
2005s will sets still stay small in size uh
2010s like how they are now or can we see some
2012s bigger leveling sets like Saigon size
2013s one uh
2021s I think that with the changes coming to
2025s how unique uh what legendary items
2028s collect their
2030s um their levels for scaling
2033s I think it's more likely that we'll see
2038s um
2039s people making their own leveling sets
2041s not sets necessarily but leveling uh
2044s gear sets wasn't meaning set items like
2046s green but they'll be making leveling
2049s gear that way if you're gonna like make
2051s leveling gear
2052s um changes coming to settings could lend
2055s itself to better leveling experiences
2058s with set items but
2060s um
2062s I I don't think that we'll see like a a
2067s five plus piece set in last debug
2070s anytime soon it's possible that we could
2072s add one
2074s um I think it would be a really good
2075s reason for it
2078s it's just it's just so much of
2081s like let's let's look at um the gear set
2083s for a second here
2091s we actually have more gear than D2 does
2094s don't we
2099s because they're The Relic
2105s all right
2110s like crazy second guessing myself right
2112s now uh D2 paper doll
2117s that's a D3 paper doll why are you
2119s giving me a D3 paper doll
2121s I said D2
2133s what what
2135s what why is
2139s ruining everything yes okay I'm right
2141s okay yes we have one more slot to them
2143s because we have a relic slot
2144s uh it's the the potions I'm like what I
2146s couldn't remember what goes where our
2147s boots are
2148s I just couldn't remember what was
2149s sitting there at the other time like
2150s there's a big gap there isn't there it's
2152s it's no it's potions okay
2154s um anyway so yes there's
2159s it's it's way through the D3 though
2161s because your shoulders or pants
2163s um and they had more six piece sets I
2165s think that there's
2167s once we get into set piece sets that are
2170s in that five six range it's just it's
2174s cutting off so much like it's cutting
2176s off half your gear like just just draw a
2178s line right there and like imagine that
2179s like either the bottom half or the top
2181s half was just a single set that's half
2183s your gear
2185s um and maybe it's possible and like I
2187s said with a leveling set it would be uh
2189s probably a better use for it because
2191s you're not really
2192s like switching your gear in and out as
2195s you're leveling
2196s um
2197s so maybe if it was like a set of gear
2198s that all like you know Hammer have
2200s learned that scales off your level and
2201s things like that I can see that you have
2203s to be really generic is kind of the
2205s problem though
2206s um and Saigon's is super generic which
2208s is and it is sweet
2211s um
2212s I think maybe
2220s Let's uh let's see the changes that ends
2222s first before we get on that road though
2224s yeah yeah all right
2229s is a real letter coming back to 0.91 uh
2232s and also what about resonances um 0.91
2235s ladder I'm pretty sure yes
2238s uh
2245s uh resonances I don't think so I haven't
2247s seen anything but residences yet
2251s unless unless she snuck those in and I
2253s just didn't even notice
2255s which they might have
2260s something that we do
2270s I just got to the Outreach over the doll
2273s comment
2275s uh she planned some minor changes
2278s balloon filters that we had more
2279s specific in the rules
2281s so I I think there's there's room for
2284s some uh expansion of of of
2287s uh rule sets in the
2291s um in the filter yes uh I there's
2294s certain things that we've intentionally
2295s excluded from the loot filter that I
2297s think will continue to be excluded
2299s um
2302s I I don't have an exact uh answer to the
2305s exact answer example you gave here
2308s um but I would say there's a good chance
2310s we will be expanding it in some way that
2313s could include what you are looking for
2316s super big right
2318s uh all right
2320s I love game I'm guessing that's a lot
2325s maybe but other plans for auto looting
2327s no uh it would be awesome to have gold
2329s materials Auto gold is already
2332s um and maybe even an option to leave
2334s filter to Auto pick up certain items no
2336s no
2337s um
2339s uh Auto picking up items like loot
2341s filter to pick up items no
2344s um
2345s materials uh we we have this we have
2347s this debate every every few months it
2350s comes up
2351s um and and they'll be like usually it's
2354s it's on the heels of a large swell of
2356s player base growth
2358s um foreign
2361s some major content
2363s um there's a swelling player base uh
2365s we'll get a ton of people asking for
2367s auto picking up materials we'll we'll
2370s take their comments we'll take the
2372s feedback there we'll we'll have a big
2373s meeting specifically about it
2376s um we'll we'll discuss it we'll debate
2378s it we'll come out with our with our what
2380s we want and we'll
2382s um
2385s we'll we'll sort of go from there and
2387s that's that's happened that that Cycle's
2389s happened three or four times now I think
2390s uh most recently just after the release
2392s of 0.9
2393s um I can I can read you sort of our our
2396s current our current statement on the
2397s matters I'll read this again I've read a
2398s few sentence but this is our
2400s current statement on the topic uh we
2404s believe that it is important for the
2405s feel of the game Loop to have enemies
2407s fairly frequently drop items that you
2408s want to take an active action to pick up
2410s but which you do not have to take time
2413s to inspect to work out whether it's good
2414s for you for you however there are times
2417s where it feels bad at the moment
2419s especially when it's just one Shard so
2421s we're planning to have them drop
2423s slightly less frequently and in larger
2425s groups on average we're also planning to
2427s add more of a sink for your shards if
2429s you don't want uh so that it feels less
2431s futile to have to pick up Shard when you
2434s aren't planning to use it and already
2435s have hundreds of
2437s so there's some small changes to the
2439s system coming that we we hope will
2442s um make it feel better to use in general
2444s and we'll keep looking at feedback after
2446s that and see see what people think about
2448s it
2449s um
2451s you know the games the game's constantly
2453s evolving and we're we're constantly
2456s re-looking at Old systems as it evolves
2457s and things like that
2459s um
2462s but at least for now
2464s that's all we're doing
2467s uh no two-headed daggers
2469s this isn't that a sword
2473s question mark uh
2476s a belt never upgraded their item tight
2479s adults never upgraded their item type
2483s huh
2493s Judd said the entire stream Let's uh the
2497s instruction to get stuff out of Mike
2500s ouch oh no
2505s oh no I'm sorry
2508s I had no idea
2518s uh can you explain what the new updates
2520s coming on the 25th of May includes um I
2523s I don't have a big list of details and
2524s things I can share with you right now on
2526s what that's what the 25th is going to be
2528s um we this was this was a teaser trailer
2530s and then we'll we'll be following that
2531s up with
2533s um some more content closer today it
2535s says 20 days from now until launch so
2536s three weeks roughly
2539s um
2540s and uh usually there's there's a bit of
2543s a lead up to patch where we have
2545s um a bunch of bunch of tease reposts and
2547s things like that
2548s um so so I would keep an eye out for
2550s information on our socials uh Discord
2553s Reddit forums website uh Facebook
2557s Twitter I'm assuming I don't use them so
2559s I don't know uh I assume we we must post
2563s those things right
2564s we must that'd be insane if we didn't
2572s I'm just a weirdo
2574s I know that's fine
2578s ichibodo thank you welcome
2582s hope you're having fun
2583s hope you're enjoying yourself
2588s appreciate this uh
2592s and just go through the Spiel again soon
2594s for charity new charity this month up
2596s above my head any questions for that
2597s last Epoch gaming in the question and
2599s chat so I see it just in case
2601s uh if you're asking one if if I did if
2603s you if you see me answer a question that
2606s was after yours and you know that I
2607s missed it just repost it because I'm not
2609s gonna go back I'm sorry
2611s uh when will Spring and form get a
2613s movement skill I am sorry I don't know
2622s uh so as some shards are insanely common
2625s do you think an option to say tick box
2627s use 10 shards instead of one for example
2629s chance to crit success or someone could
2631s make it into the game
2632s um no because it um
2636s it's it's an uh
2639s so there's there's all these different
2640s things that are multiplying together to
2643s have the the chance of having an item
2645s that is let's say
2648s um an 80 item so so an item that is 80
2651s of the maximum power and there's there's
2653s a whole bunch of different things that
2654s that um basically chances to get
2656s multiplied together to say like this is
2658s the chance of it happening here you go
2660s um and if we say if we say you can
2665s um you can modify that chance pretty
2666s heavily by just dumping more resources
2668s into it it puts an additive modifier on
2670s a multiplicative
2672s um chance and uh it's it can cause some
2677s problems
2679s um we're we're probably more likely
2681s going to be taking a
2684s because uh the other thing that doesn't
2685s solve is it also doesn't solve say
2687s you're like I play Rogues I only ever
2689s play Rogues period okay and you have
2693s this like uh it's increased void damage
2696s sitting over here and you're like well I
2697s can't do anything with that because I
2699s never use void damage because I should
2700s avoid damage on Rogues
2702s um there might be a timing somewhere
2705s anyways
2706s um
2708s point is
2709s this still doesn't sellbacks you're
2711s still you're not using any of those as
2712s well so we're going to be looking uh
2714s more like it as a
2716s um there's still probably a vendor
2718s somewhere that'll have this is not next
2720s patch for the record
2721s um but eventually there will be a we're
2723s planning on having a vendor somewhere
2724s that's just like
2727s um oh I've got these like super rare
2730s shards for sale and they're
2732s um they cost 10 of any one Shard to buy
2736s or something like that you know
2741s so you're
2743s you're
2743s um you're just trading in shards for
2745s like ones you don't use for ones you do
2746s use
2751s it'll also kind of create this weird
2753s thing where like suddenly items that are
2755s just awful but have just like a
2756s bajillion affixes on them as they
2759s naturally drop suddenly you're useful to
2761s pick up
2762s um
2764s which should be kind of funny but I
2766s think you'll still be picking up ones
2769s that have specific shards you want more
2772s uh I'm talking to when when it's ready
2774s 1.0 uh voice
2777s do you have a timeline for when ntx will
2781s be added only that's 100 buy some strict
2783s looking gear
2785s um yeah the
2787s as far as I'm aware the plan is to put
2789s it in next match
2791s um
2792s there's there's one big bug that we're
2794s still working on
2797s um and as soon as that gets over the
2799s finish line
2800s good to go
2803s so it's so frustrating right right I
2805s need to just tell you what it is right
2806s now when you buy
2808s foreign
2814s actual MTX in the store
2819s when you buy the currency it um it
2822s doesn't update that you've bought the
2824s currency in the game until you either
2826s restart the game or buy something else
2830s um it's just it's it's quite frustrating
2843s the worst part is that because we we had
2845s to use the steam overlay
2847s to test it you can't run Steam overlay
2850s in the editor you have to run Steam
2852s overlay in a build version of the game
2853s through Steam so if I ever make a change
2857s in order to test that change I have to
2860s make a full build
2861s it's so frustrating so instead of like
2863s there being 15 minutes in between
2866s uh being like okay let's check something
2868s and having checked it or not it's like
2870s three hours
2879s at least I have stuff to do in the
2880s meantime when it's building
2883s all right XP model of Echoes XP reward
2885s is useless when you level
2888s uh I assume this means when you level a
2890s hundred
2891s or something yeah do you plan to replace
2894s it with something when character reaches
2895s a little hundred
2897s um no they're not useless and no we
2898s don't plan to at the moment but
2900s um
2901s if you'd like to suggest something or
2903s leave feedback on that please head on to
2904s the forums
2908s um what if on set items you uh you get a
2912s version of every possible slot of gear
2918s maybe it requires to wear 35 pieces a
2920s year that is some flexible
2923s so I don't quite understand the
2925s suggestion but uh we're going in a
2926s different direction I think
2929s well the secret B level be in uh nine
2931s one in 9.1 oh maybe a 9.1
2935s a little ways off though don't you think
2938s I just went the wrong way
2944s am I just crazy person wait what
2947s didn't we come this way
2959s so I go through the wrong transition at
2961s some point
2966s foreign
2971s what's going on where am I
2974s what year is it
2983s what is going on
2985s I I thought it was going the right way
2987s and then like the the dot took me back
2991s it's been so long since I've gone to the
2992s ship apparently
3004s you gotta focus on actually playing the
3006s game apparently
3014s I'm a special butterfly leave me alone
3018s it's okay
3020s oh I want those
3023s ooh I want those
3027s thank you
3035s extra media for good luck
3042s foreign
3051s are there any plans to change models and
3054s remove the scaling of modifiers the
3055s corruption instead of making corruption
3057s more impactful for the player no that's
3059s a pretty massive change
3062s but if you have a suggestion please head
3064s over to the forums leave suggestion
3066s there
3067s uh will the loot filter have a rule to
3070s show items with a certain forging
3071s potential that's one of those things I
3072s was talking about earlier that we
3073s probably won't be adding in
3078s okay
3091s there's a lot of Pop
3098s uh
3103s first thing I want with loot filter is
3105s to remove affixes that doesn't exist on
3107s selected item types as possible probably
3109s not that's another one things we
3110s probably won't be adding in
3112s my
3114s hi lava how's it going
3119s nothing wrong with being a weirdo thank
3120s you
3124s discovery
3137s the ship will be our tomb
3144s too bad I don't intend to die
3157s no mercy eh
3160s I think it's gonna be my tomb
3166s that's a doom and I just didn't hear it
3167s right I got terrible hearing
3174s just watched the DND movie last night
3176s it's good enjoyed it
3179s it was very predictable but I didn't
3181s care at all
3183s the whole time I'm just like this is
3185s gonna happen next my wife is playing
3186s she's like she's like oh this is gonna
3188s happen next for sure like yup
3203s no thank you
3207s all right let's get a question while I'm
3208s doing this
3210s uh as a newer player uh why is there a
3214s transfer crafting materials button in
3216s your inventory instead of graphic
3217s materials go in the Forge this is the
3218s only other place that can be used
3220s um
3221s it's a long story
3223s it's a really long story I'm a little
3225s tired of telling it to be honest
3227s um but I'll give you the tldr version uh
3230s basically it's kind of what I was
3232s talking about earlier about having
3233s active actions to be taking we really
3236s like having them be items
3239s um
3241s and you know you pick up an item that
3242s goes through inventory
3244s um
3249s that's that's kind of that's kind of it
3251s really
3259s oh
3260s all right next question
3263s uh has ever been a discussion about a
3266s rune that would change the base type of
3268s item randomly yes we definitely talked
3270s about that
3275s please note that it's still not in the
3277s game
3277s intentionally the best time to learn is
3286s let's go swimming
3288s uh if you ever make a modding tool
3292s modding toggle for offline it better be
3294s uh there is no B level
3299s but what if we added one then it would
3300s just be a lie
3302s the B level could be a lie
3309s I'm sure we'll see you again bud
3319s um I know it's a long way off uh maybe a
3321s long shot but are there any plans for
3322s twitch drops or twitch rewards uh yeah I
3325s think that would be it I think there's a
3327s good chance that we'll look at anything
3328s like that eventually
3329s um we haven't looked into it yet so we
3332s don't really know what the requirements
3333s are and any of that stuff but
3336s yeah I think it's a cool way to get
3339s um people to engage with the game uh
3341s even if they're like maybe away from
3342s their computer or
3345s um maybe they're you know just
3348s wanting to play something else at the
3349s same time but still you know get have
3351s some engagement that sort of thing and
3353s it's
3354s um
3355s I think it helps content creators as
3357s well which are which are fantastic for
3359s us and all that sort of stuff
3367s uh
3369s uh just to be clear it would still be
3371s cosmetic only stuff we wouldn't put
3373s Power items in there
3375s um
3375s which I hope which I hope is is the
3378s expected stance or something like that
3379s from us at this point
3381s but I like to clarify just in case
3386s um I use this fire don't you
3395s okay let's let's get uh let me in I mean
3399s how do I how do I
3401s I run in
3412s eat
3414s um
3416s this is this is just the other era isn't
3418s it yeah
3426s how's the ladder coming in 0.91 I'm
3429s pretty sure it is I'm like I'm I'm like
3431s I'm pretty sure it is right it's coming
3433s right yeah
3437s uh does corruption item Rarity magic
3439s find directly affect the Rarity of drops
3441s from a unique item Echo Rewards
3445s uh
3450s I I think it increases the quantity of
3453s them that you find
3455s oh I always get this wrong I think it
3457s increases the quantity of them that you
3459s find
3466s this distance from Center that increases
3468s the quantity than we find
3473s remember if you're still in check can
3475s you answer that one I think you know
3482s all right uh now that the launch date
3485s Perfection I wanted to announce are you
3486s going to take a week off to play Diablo
3488s 4. no
3491s too much work to do
3494s I'll take I'll take a week off when I've
3496s got lots of time
3503s uh
3505s please don't forget to put Atlas default
3507s game in the question so I see it pop up
3509s uh any campaign boss changes for 0.91
3511s that make them actually a challenge and
3513s do damage yes there's at least one
3515s campaign boss that's getting a complete
3517s and massive rework in every way
3524s uh uh untradable items epic charge yes
3531s uh campaign Skip sounds great
3534s I don't know when I said that
3536s um if only end of an end of time Mastery
3538s so you can choose to start mono or get
3541s bonus idle stats passive
3544s oh this was this was trying to draw my
3546s attention to a question
3547s that's what that was
3549s okay let me go look at the question that
3551s it was this is a question that didn't
3553s ping me I'm assuming
3557s likely I'm gonna do like nah
3572s it might be able to craft that in
3573s something not terrible
3577s oh let's take a look at this thing
3580s how do I jump back to that question
3591s Mike in the near future will it be an
3593s option to skip the campaign once you
3595s already have completed it so you can
3596s focus on the end game
3598s um we don't plan on anything like that
3600s specifically no
3602s um we've we've so the if you're if
3604s you're unaware the dungeons are campaign
3607s skips
3608s um if you complete a dungeon at the end
3611s of it you are spat out significantly
3612s further along in the campaign than when
3614s you started
3615s yeah
3617s um
3618s so far Bastion right now
3622s this is so far uh
3628s yeah we should we should have access to
3630s light this Arbor by now actually
3631s shouldn't we
3633s can go do that one one wouldn't be much
3635s of a skip though at this point
3637s it would actually be backwards in time
3642s um those campaign skips are not
3646s um they're not great yet especially not
3649s um
3650s with without some serious gear the first
3652s version of them usually is a little too
3654s hard to get through
3656s um on a character that is just getting
3658s to there naturally especially if you're
3660s an experienced player and you're rushing
3664s um so with the changes that we are
3667s planning eventually for uh level
3669s requirement changes to legendary items
3673s created
3674s um that should that should be a tool for
3676s making those a lot easier for players
3679s that are on their third fourth hundredth
3681s campaign run
3683s um and then there's also some talks and
3685s changes to the actual level one versions
3687s of some of the dungeons themselves to
3688s make them more conducive to that type of
3690s um uh encounter
3693s in general
3695s I think that was I there was a
3698s suggestion I heard that I liked and I
3700s don't know if it was from the community
3700s or not but I did like it and I I don't
3703s know if we've talked about I think we
3704s probably haven't but it was
3706s um
3707s like having the first one just not
3708s causticky
3713s oh you know what let's let's try and
3715s make this into an okay
3718s item can we like chaos the throwing
3720s damage off but manner
3722s okay
3726s oh this is comically sized
3729s that's not right
3735s I don't know how people resize things in
3741s um stream labs
3743s but like it's so tiny for me
3748s and it like jumps all over the place
3750s you're like I'll even move it one tiny
3752s pixel and it's like boom
3757s there we go
3761s what are we gonna put here
3764s elyria's health
3767s probably just health
3768s cruelty is nice
3772s there's some health
3776s excuse me
3781s it's probably not awesome to hear
3788s now is that better
3791s the plus two the two flat spell like the
3793s image is actually amazing with lightning
3795s blast which is why I want this
3802s shock and this velcro is nice too
3809s it's a little damage though
3813s technically it does lose damage
3820s we're gonna play with it and have some
3821s fun
3824s hello
3827s can I trust you I don't think I can but
3830s you said I could some good anyways
3834s all right let's get back to some
3836s questions
3842s uh any plans to add a DPS calculator for
3845s skills I mean uh other than what we have
3847s already in the tooltips no we do we do
3850s tend to try and improve this to make it
3851s better more accurate things like that
3852s but
3853s um we do not plan to add a specific DPS
3855s like perfect DPS
3861s uh is there a possibility of re-rolling
3864s or gaming for Idols some of them can be
3867s sort of built to finding enabling it
3869s would be nice if there were more options
3870s to Target Farm Idols
3872s um
3873s there's there's nothing in the works
3876s right now for Idols
3878s um I think that is something that we're
3879s kind of intentionally leaving as a bit
3881s of a gap for post 1.0 features
3885s I'd say that there's a good chance that
3887s we'll see some sort of dungeon reward
3889s interacting with the acquisition of or
3892s modification of Idols in the future
3896s um
3898s but I don't think we'll see that pre 1.0
3916s oh
3918s all right let's keep moving I think
3920s we're good we're gonna struggling to
3922s keep up with Pace a little bit here
3924s I do go quite slow just because I just
3927s relaxing
3929s all right are you aware of how many
3932s players know about the dungeons being
3934s campaign skips because I feel like I
3936s totally wouldn't notice if it wasn't for
3937s Reddit or patch notes
3939s um it is one of those things that it is
3941s kind of designed to be
3944s um
3946s a not your first time not your first
3948s playthrough uh type of information and
3951s feature
3954s um so I think I think we do
3957s we probably don't sign post it and talk
3959s about it well enough
3961s um the the the plan with it really is
3963s the goal within the hope with it is so
3965s that
3966s um like you you have your first
3967s character you played through the
3968s campaign all the way through you get to
3970s end game you start getting Keys you
3972s complete the key you complete the
3973s dungeon with the key and then as you can
3975s put your dungeon
3976s you you leave the dungeon and you're at
3979s a different part of the campaign and you
3980s go
3982s oh my God I'm further in the campaign
3985s you know that sort of thing it's it's I
3987s there's nothing that really explicitly
3988s tells you about it I think that's
3990s probably a mistake there might be like a
3991s a loading screen tool tip
3995s it might be a good thing to put there if
3996s there's not
3998s that actually can be a decent amulet
4019s how did that mess how did that Miss
4026s you I need to
4030s um
4031s trim the old mustache a little bit it's
4033s getting really itchy
4050s you know what bye
4055s uh
4059s all right next question as I'm getting
4060s this loading screen
4068s oh I'm also the wrong side of the screen
4070s what see you
4072s right now it feels like there are a lot
4074s more offensive skills and abilities
4075s compared to defensive skills and
4077s abilities true there are some which are
4078s kind of hybrid like wordpath where you
4080s get an extra block but generally in
4081s fields like most skills both skills and
4083s passes mostly revolve around offense and
4085s and uh then you have to figure out most
4088s of your defense via gear something you
4090s might change in the future do you like
4091s keeping it where defense mostly come
4092s from gear
4094s um
4096s I think that a lot of times
4101s um
4102s active defensive abilities can really
4105s frequently fall into a couple categories
4109s um
4110s one the the like first category that I
4113s see a lot of them fall into is just numb
4115s lock trick them and just Auto cast them
4117s forever type thing
4121s um I'd also argue that every movement
4123s ability is a defensive ability one of
4126s like some of the best defensibilities in
4127s the game or movement abilities
4129s um
4130s so like
4131s one two three
4134s those like four
4137s yeah those those are four
4138s defensibilities
4142s mostly all offensive here you know
4148s um
4149s rinmaster has some defensive abilities
4151s in it
4153s two
4159s um
4166s I think that they're sorry the second
4169s category I was thinking about but like
4170s just like numb lock and always use it or
4172s useless those are two categories kind of
4174s for the most part that I see
4176s um
4180s or or movement abilities I guess the
4182s third category really
4185s and
4186s um
4187s it is really tricky to make an engaging
4190s interesting and unique defensive ability
4193s um I think we've struggled with that in
4195s the past
4198s um
4203s but it is it's I'd like to see more of
4205s them in general
4207s I think they're less exciting in general
4208s as well so I think it makes sense that
4210s it is lopsided to some degree
4217s all right next question
4221s so what are you guys looking into for
4226s more time travel not going to travel to
4227s the future with guns and necks no I'm
4230s sorry I'm like running into stuff
4231s because I'm just like not paying
4232s attention to my screens I'm looking over
4233s here
4234s um
4235s there's like a little preview window of
4238s what I can see over this monitor
4242s it's bad when you take your hand off the
4244s keyboard
4245s um
4248s okay here we go
4251s getting their butts kicked
4255s I should really do something about my
4256s gear I think so I'm probably still
4258s wearing like level five gear
4274s ow
4278s truck truck truck
4282s um
4284s I do kind of need the helmet that way
4289s look at that
4291s what are you guys looking into for more
4292s time travel not going to travel to the
4294s future with guns or mechs no probably
4295s not travel with guns Max
4298s um
4300s so if you notice on this on the screen
4302s you can zoom out and it tells you how
4305s many sub areas there are in each region
4308s of the map for that era
4310s um and you can quickly see that there's
4312s like what 40
4315s another
4315s [Music]
4318s 30 or so there
4320s was another 30 or so there
4326s this doesn't have any that it shows
4328s technically there's a couple
4331s you know but um yeah there it is
4335s there's lots of room in the past
4338s lots of room in the past to explore
4341s it's wonderful
4345s I think we're gonna hear right
4361s [Music]
4366s foreign
4369s oh keeping it simple right
4374s speaking of simple here we go
4381s are the charter dummies by the arena
4384s don't seem to behave exactly like when
4386s an enemy without AI
4389s they're not exactly like an enemy
4391s without AI uh things like harborture of
4393s stars and such don't work against them
4394s is this intention of War bug
4396s um so some of them some of them are
4398s different than others
4399s um are you sure it doesn't work on all
4400s of them because some of them should
4402s basically just be a totem with a weird
4404s amount of health regen
4414s ER
4422s some some of them should be targeted by
4424s that I'm pretty sure
4433s oh
4439s foreign
4441s I mean
4443s it's actually kind of sweet
4452s did we start to any meteor more
4456s I mean like do we do this
4459s it's a meteor build now
4474s uh any chance we could see any unique or
4478s set that amplified's Warpath with a
4479s Vortex gravity pull wild warpathing no
4482s I I mean maybe if you got suggestions or
4485s requests put them on the forums but
4487s that's like
4492s yeah a finger on the monkey spot curls
4495s granted
4496s um
4497s you're immobilized while warpathing
4500s I'm pretty sure there's a node for that
4506s all right uh dungeon-like Poe lab-esque
4511s uh kind of
4516s ish not really
4518s uh with the addition of a rune that
4526s uh with the addition of a room that
4529s seals of random affix like the removal
4531s one does to remove possibly added
4535s would love to have so you have an RNG
4538s chance the CLT 67 ethics
4540s um
4544s the system's pretty intentionally set up
4545s to not be able to see clt6 and t7
4548s affixes
4550s um
4553s it doesn't mean it's impossible to do
4555s that like that that's sort of thing that
4556s could could happen maybe at some point
4559s um we have no plans for it
4568s how would someone who doesn't know about
4571s skips or going straight to the monos at
4573s end of time uh be fair ladder
4575s competition
4581s uh I feel these two things should happen
4584s after a full play through the campaign
4585s or at least on one character should be a
4587s thing so that's that's the way it is
4589s right now is that you have to go through
4591s enough to get a key to use it which
4594s which is why I think we were talking
4595s about having the first one not have a
4597s key uh not need to have a key but yeah
4599s it's it's kind of brutal to to give that
4601s as an option if someone doesn't have it
4603s but if you're really gonna like if
4605s you're seriously gonna compete in a
4606s ladder race like a like a ladder launch
4608s race
4609s um
4611s like you you've got to do the like
4613s there's there's research to be done and
4616s um some of that a huge portion of that
4617s is routing right
4619s um
4620s so like is it reasonable to expect
4622s someone who's planning on competing in a
4623s ladder to to learn routing
4626s for that for that you know like I I
4628s think it is
4630s I think that's reasonable to expect
4631s someone to learn
4633s um if you just like
4635s day one bought the game ladder start go
4637s I'm gonna race like even even if you had
4641s that information available there's no
4643s way you're gonna win
4645s like the experience is is just gonna get
4647s from so many other angles right
4650s maybe I'm completely wrong about that
4652s I don't know
4655s uh can we add all the loading tooltips
4657s to the game guide as well seems like
4659s it's something new player could make use
4660s good use of yeah there's a little
4661s section of the game guy that says like
4663s loading screen tips
4666s I actually like that because then it's
4668s like I thought I saw something about
4670s this in a loading screen but I just
4671s can't quite remember what it said tips
4673s that's a good idea you should put that
4674s in the suggestions for him because I'll
4676s forget as soon as the stream ends and
4679s what is it 46 minutes 42 minutes
4685s um all right can we add all the loading
4688s tips to the game that see I forgot that
4691s fast I just reread it right away hello
4692s Mike hello at this point are you guys
4695s already doing balance changes for patch
4696s point nine one uh some but not many yet
4700s um and if you are can you say the scale
4702s of those changes no because I have no
4704s idea what they are if we have started
4705s them or not for example if we can expect
4707s big or more shy changes I don't know
4708s sorry
4710s uh Curious what the game what game
4712s engine to use we use the unity 2019.4
4718s 2f 16 I don't know what the suffixes
4722s 29 you need 2019.
4726s huh
4727s whatever one there's there's a a stable
4731s um long LTS build a long-term support
4733s build we always try and stay on LTS
4735s builds
4741s this is a really good reason to get off
4743s of one
4746s will gender unlocking character creation
4749s customization be available 1.0 hard no
4751s we do not have the time to implement
4754s that sorry
4757s hey tide where's the leak okay
4760s okay we caught up into the point in chat
4762s where I'm back where I died so yeah
4764s let's get a leak
4767s I don't I have my leaks are so limited
4769s today that you know I gotta save them a
4771s little bit you know
4774s um here's a cool something summon
4779s you might find it related to something
4781s that was spoiled a couple weeks ago
4785s uh any chance upcoming skills or uniques
4787s will reward odd combinations of exalted
4789s items that are otherwise bad together
4791s skills of material is a good example or
4794s like how old Werebear tree turned t7
4796s spell damage staff uh with plus melee
4799s crit into something really useful and
4800s unique
4801s um nothing specific like that that I can
4803s think of
4805s but I do really like that that was a
4806s thing and could continue to be a thing
4809s all right can we get a small UI prompt
4811s when we leave something in the Forge not
4813s that I've ever done that
4815s uh I I mean I don't see why not go leave
4819s a comment on our suggestions Forum
4821s please uh hey Mike hope you and your
4824s team are well yeah we're doing pretty
4825s good enjoying life let's have them have
4827s a good time we'll be able to will we
4829s have an event mode or something along
4831s the lines of a of the old solo mode
4835s uh not be able to speed run in online or
4838s organize events easily kind of kill the
4840s hyper 0.9 for me
4842s um
4843s like a character found mode
4847s um
4850s yes uh I don't I don't know when we're
4853s gonna look at something like that we so
4854s basically we had to in order for the the
4857s file saving system to structure itself
4860s nicely as multiplayer launched
4863s um
4864s and like have the time to get in but we
4867s need to get in
4869s um our choices were
4872s um can change the also just the record
4876s the offline still has that but I know
4877s it's hard to run events offline
4879s um it was there are options were change
4881s the solo self found uh into a way that
4886s it shares a stash with all other solid
4888s cell phone characters
4890s um
4891s or remove solar cell phone from the game
4894s those were our two options
4897s um I hope you appreciate the option we
4899s picked
4903s uh is new glyphron coming in 0.91 uh I
4906s I'm pretty sure there's one coming I'm
4907s pretty sure there's a new glyph coming
4908s in point in one
4913s uh all right let's keep moving
4918s I caught up
4921s ssf confirmed SS in the game already
4929s so yes this is have confirmed
4941s when you're making your character
4942s there's a solo challenge button you can
4944s pick in the last screen for character
4946s creation website hardcore mode
4949s if you missed it
4957s uh is it possible to add an option to
4959s lock minions icon in top left based on
4961s the order of the skill bar no
4965s oh ain't yeah
4967s they don't their identifiers don't
4970s directly relate
4973s um
4976s it might be possible
4980s oh he's such a pain uh it's probably
4983s possible
4986s uh if you wanna if you want to leave a
4988s suggestion or request please go to the
4989s forums and leave it there currently it's
4990s a bit difficult to see who to be summon
4992s at a glance uh if you have multiple
4994s meanings due to icons shuffling
4995s oftentimes you're just gonna Dodge
4997s possibilities yeah
5004s it would be a lot easier just to have a
5006s uh fixed
5008s orientation instead of It Go off of your
5010s skill bar
5012s the problem the problem is that like
5015s um you can have the same skill in your
5018s bar multiple times and then also you can
5020s change the order of your skill bar so
5022s like updating the order of skills in
5024s your skill bar would have to then
5027s update the order of them in the top left
5029s as well and
5031s um they don't they don't directly have a
5041s the icon up there doesn't actually know
5043s what ability created it
5046s um because there's a couple abilities on
5048s the steps through through there's like a
5050s chain of abilities to make
5052s um
5055s um there's there's a chain of abilities
5057s to create
5059s uh a summon
5069s uh confirmed custom minion ordered guy
5071s you heard it here
5076s no I'd prefer to like
5078s set one set a static order for everyone
5081s myself
5082s I was gonna do it
5086s just be like this minion the card always
5088s shows the left of like like uh I don't
5090s know summon skeletons or like someone
5092s someone Abomination always shows to the
5094s left of summon Golem and someone Golem
5096s always shows to the left of summon
5097s skeletons and seven skeletons always
5098s shows to the left of summon skeleton
5100s archers and
5102s you know that sort of stuff
5104s let's put a priority list on it
5111s that would be so much
5114s and easier is not the right way to look
5116s at that to pick out which way you do it
5120s just sort of greedy greedy standpoints
5122s like I would have to do that wouldn't I
5128s oh no that's bull
5131s ah
5134s it's not I just got cocky I'm like I can
5135s take it
5136s let's have an upgrade my gear in Forever
5143s and I know what you're gonna say I don't
5144s have one
5155s uh right is it possible to move menu
5157s icon from the top left to just left of
5159s your health bar near the bottom no
5162s uh is the button to remove all passive
5164s points at once coming point and one uh
5167s not that I know of as far as I know it's
5169s there is this is one of those things
5171s that like
5173s uh it frequently gets
5176s like said that it's coming
5179s um
5180s and then we go back to the games I'm
5183s eating again and it gets turned down
5185s again
5187s so no there's no plans to bring it
5199s all right where are we at with fixing
5201s the Rogue movement issues I don't have
5203s any details on existing bugs or the
5205s status of their fixes
5208s uh
5209s will there ever be character
5211s customization by the way character
5212s exposure something we really like to add
5215s um it's not a um
5219s uh easy thing to do
5227s and
5228s um
5231s it's it's very time intense it's very
5233s cost intensive very time intensive
5236s um it's something that we would really
5237s like to add to the game and I do expect
5240s us to add it at some point it will not
5242s be a 1.0 feature I can tell you that for
5244s soon
5245s um
5249s but but I want to go that way
5252s also I'm being told to show this off
5260s beer just left clicks only
5263s in that media let's let's do uh uh
5266s lightning blast
5267s the icon updating is not working there
5269s though which is frustrating but yeah
5275s Beauty
5278s uh do you have plans to add items with
5281s their own built-in skill trees
5284s um
5287s maybe
5290s um
5292s there are
5295s uh that's something that if you'd asked
5297s me two years ago I would have said no we
5299s can't do that
5301s um
5303s since then we've discovered some things
5306s that might make it possible
5309s um do we have any immediate plans to add
5311s one no do we have any specifics on ideas
5314s to create one no
5316s um do I expect this to eventually
5319s no
5335s oh
5338s oh my
5340s well look at you
5342s aren't you interesting
5345s why yes you are
5348s I think we'll have to say hello
5361s all right Rosie yeah we'll take fire
5362s reds not not ideal but we'll take it
5372s I think that's a I think that's an
5375s improvement
5384s just because I always love doing this
5385s yeah it replaced the piece shatter the
5387s old one
5392s got a shot of the old one right
5404s uh
5406s sneak us a little Rune Mage Rune Master
5409s gameplay for that death Noble no I would
5412s know
5413s I would know
5416s oh what's that rainbow Edge
5421s name that game reference
5425s uh are the Cosmetics going to be limit
5427s by amount if I buy one armor look can I
5430s have multiple characters at the same
5431s time
5432s um I'm pretty sure that it is the same
5434s as like the backpack is now like once
5436s you even not everyone has that I know
5437s sorry but like
5439s um it's it's like the items on your
5441s account not the character
5443s so as far as I'm aware like I really
5446s hope I'm not wrong about this as far as
5447s I'm aware once you've bought that armor
5449s look you've got that armor look
5451s um and you can put it on multiple
5452s characters okay
5455s I'd really like confirmation from
5457s someone higher up than me to uh to that
5460s with more knowledge on the system at
5462s least but I'm pretty sure that's the way
5463s it is
5466s I'd be pretty surprised always because
5467s there's there's there's no as the person
5470s who uh built the UI for this
5473s um there's no quantity value for the
5476s number of times you own an ncx and you
5478s can't buy it twice yeah there's actually
5481s there's there's uh
5483s the UI stops you from being trying to
5484s buy it twice and the back-end system
5486s will stop you from buying a second time
5488s so yeah you must be able to be equipped
5489s multiple times
5493s all right uh any potential spear
5496s specific functionality we can hope for
5498s in updates to existing masteries or for
5502s upcoming ones Spears aren't a major
5505s component in um
5509s leaning on my elbow not even handling
5511s the keyboard
5513s um
5514s Spirit Spears are not a significant
5519s um element of upcoming interesting
5524s content
5528s yes
5531s apparently apparently we're crafting a
5532s lot this time
5547s actually Sunshine is not terrible but
5550s I'd rather have a little bit of ignite
5551s in there
5554s and we shatter the old one
5558s and she got exactly the shreds I wanted
5560s out of that's nice
5563s uh
5564s let's see
5566s [Music]
5568s how does the left click ability work uh
5572s does it only trigger when hovering over
5574s an enemy yes so if so if you notice some
5576s I'm just I'm just gonna left click uh
5578s and so I'm still just left clicking
5586s this is all just look looking
5591s meteor bunch here and same words I don't
5594s just die I'm gonna get out of there so
5596s I'm just die
5603s okay now I'm right clicking because
5604s that's my uh apparently what my brain
5607s does automatically
5608s yeah I'm I'm like a hard move only
5611s person just
5613s just gotta do it
5615s all right
5618s uh was there noticeable spike in player
5619s numbers fall into D4 betas any concern
5621s of a mass Exodus once D4 launches in a
5624s few weeks no I think that um I think
5627s that a lot of people who like to play
5629s arpgs like to play arpgs and not just
5632s like like to play
5634s um like Diablo and will
5636s um
5638s play something to hide them over in the
5639s meantime and and like yes there are some
5642s people that are like that but I think
5643s that there's a very significant portion
5645s of the
5646s um of arpg players that will be
5649s interested and excited to play multiple
5652s games
5653s um
5654s and maybe you haven't been in a position
5656s where there were multiple games that
5657s Drew their attention simultaneously
5658s before
5660s um
5668s but no I'm not worried if if anything I
5670s think that
5672s um so yeah we we you do you can you can
5674s pretty clearly go to steam parents and
5675s look at like the player numbers before
5676s and after defor betas and things like
5678s that
5679s um
5680s and I I think that the um like D4
5683s launching is gonna be actually in a
5685s weird way good for us like I know it
5686s sounds kind of backwards but I do
5692s all right
5696s how are the Cosmetics going to affect
5698s skill to modify damage type we don't
5700s have any skill Cosmetics coming in the
5702s first round so it won't initially but uh
5704s for the future if I have a pyromancer on
5706s my skeleton uh if I pyromancer on my
5708s skeleton Mages could my cosmetic
5710s override that default modification for
5711s the skill
5712s um visually yes functionally no
5716s uh why are you guys so good at in
5718s community Communications and big AAA
5720s companies aren't uh because they pay me
5722s way less now
5725s um I I think that the a lot of it just
5728s comes from how we started the company
5730s and
5731s um like how this has been just such a
5732s key part of
5734s um of our development process for so
5737s long and
5739s um
5741s I think that's really what it comes down
5742s to is just how it's such a core part of
5745s an expected part of our of our
5747s development process
5749s um
5750s and we have a very vocal very active
5752s community and it's wonderful and and
5755s um
5756s I think it's at still at a size where
5758s it's it's more manageable like
5760s um Diablo has a significantly larger
5764s enfranchise community
5766s of players like like it's just
5768s a fact right
5770s um
5771s and
5774s um
5777s I I think it might be
5780s something that happens when when
5782s communities get large enough that
5784s um
5785s it no longer becomes feasible to really
5786s have as as good of an engagement
5789s percentage you know that sort of thing
5791s but I I don't know
5796s alternative answer we're just so awesome
5801s uh
5804s all right uh villagers staff is bug
5807s right now oh no I was gonna play with
5808s that also it's both normal and lightning
5810s meteor when you cast meteor oh that's
5812s not good make it build with a quick
5814s before you get sticks
5821s I mean that's the plan right
5824s uh estimate number of new uniques for
5827s 0.915 10 15 20. I have no knowledge
5830s because they are not created yet
5840s I can tell you exactly the details of
5843s every single unique item that I know is
5845s coming in 0.91 right now you ready
5847s done
5850s uh I just have no idea
5852s uh with the left click spell uh will
5854s there be a standstill while casting
5856s attack button yeah uh I'll double check
5858s make sure this works but um
5860s yeah so I'm now holding shift
5863s and left click
5864s we got my index finger my left hand on
5867s my left shift button and my index finger
5868s my right hand on my left click button
5869s and that's all I'm touching right now
5871s and we are spamming lightning blast into
5873s the air
5877s also
5878s we got our fourth slot right right it's
5882s meteor right it's got to be meteor
5885s uh we're going this way right
5891s it's just it's just a thing
5899s yeah it feels good
5903s uh
5906s wait you get paid for this
5909s I mean
5913s technically I think yes
5928s I don't know I just work in the game and
5929s every second chance that I'm awake
5932s and uh
5933s because I can't help but do it you know
5937s uh so this is a long shot to stay on the
5940s interview on zizz's channel I mentioned
5942s that the prime list Iceland is going
5944s away yes and so we've been saying that
5945s for years though so that's not new info
5947s uh what skill will uh be replaced with
5949s what skill will it be replaced with just
5952s the idea of a new skill if possible yeah
5954s um so it's not happening dispatch
5956s um
5957s it will be replaced
5961s um
5964s I don't know if I can see the name of
5966s the skill there's a new skill coming
5966s that's gonna replace it
5969s um
5970s it's it's kinda gonna simultaneously be
5974s replacing
5976s um
5978s Tempest strike and Ice orange at the
5980s same time in a weird way
5982s um
5985s there's a bit of a shuffle that's
5987s happening
5988s um but yeah there's there's a new skill
5989s coming there
5991s I can't talk about it though it's
5994s uh I'm pretty sure it's a male uh it's
5996s kind of a melee skill
6000s uh uh snow in Fallout again sorry
6004s anyway let's get to the sometime
6007s thank you very much uh
6013s it's one of our staff
6016s uh don't forget to put that lastly about
6018s game in the question I think I just saw
6019s one that didn't have that all answered
6021s anyways
6022s uh are you able to speak about the
6025s vision for the Rune Masters General
6026s architect gameplay Loop or is that still
6028s too far out
6029s um
6031s yeah I I don't think I should really
6032s talk about it much just because I think
6034s that's the sort of thing that we'll want
6035s to like really have the language for be
6037s be clear and and
6040s um
6041s and finalized by by people who are uh
6045s more uh potentially being really
6047s ineloquent right now on purpose anyways
6050s um I I think that it will be
6055s I can say a little bit about it it'll
6056s still be it'll still be a mage base
6058s you're still a Caster right like you're
6060s still you're someone who is
6062s um you're studying and you're you're
6064s you're you're focusing on intelligence
6066s still you know like you're you're still
6068s uh crafting spells through Arcane
6071s knowledge uh you're it's this is not
6073s some major paradigm shift from the
6075s Thematic standpoint uh possibly a little
6078s bit more zealous than the average
6080s sorcerer uh on that front but but
6084s nothing like you're still still clearly
6086s rooted in a mage as the the thematics
6091s um
6093s complexities a little bit higher in
6095s general
6098s um there's a lot of options
6103s and whatever you just thought of I
6104s guarantee there's more
6112s oh my goodness
6124s these Bonkers just
6127s thank you
6131s glad that AOE didn't scale up
6137s uh
6141s the largest bugs only Visual and you
6143s panic yeah I I assumed as much
6146s um when will we get more information on
6148s what's coming the 25th I I don't I don't
6151s have an exact date on exactly when
6152s things are happening but
6154s um so we got three weeks until the patch
6155s to almost two weeks and six days
6164s um and
6167s uh like I don't know what when do we
6170s usually when do usually start teasing
6171s stuff two weeks out that we usually
6172s start like Hardies and stuff maybe maybe
6175s one one week out
6180s I'll be a little bit of time whoa that's
6182s a big one
6184s more to tell more
6187s weird
6188s okay I went to eat Jared thank you very
6190s much people that's fantastic
6193s five gift subscribe congrats to anyone
6195s who got one of those
6199s hope you all having fun enjoying
6201s yourself hanging out
6202s thank you very much
6205s um
6208s is this the is this the meta build
6209s you're running uh I'm I am mucking about
6212s having some fun and putting points in
6214s whatever I feel like
6215s uh we don't we don't get bogged down
6218s with quality builds here or high power
6222s gameplay
6225s so sometimes I do but um no I'm just
6229s just having some fun
6231s is getting high
6238s I find that I'm too distracted by chat
6240s to give
6243s um any sort of reasonably
6245s decent and consistent gameplay so I I
6249s don't put any pressure on that for
6251s myself
6269s any plans on expanding in-game content
6272s horizontally oh yeah
6274s uh there's an entirely new systems
6276s alongside monolith and dungeons or do
6278s you guys plan on expanding the model
6279s since the more before 1.0
6281s um I would say we'll see vertical
6283s expansion to the monolith 4 1.0 and
6285s horizontal expansion sorry yeah for the
6288s model but vertical expansion for the
6289s in-game systems at 1.0 and horizontal
6292s expansions for the in-game systems post
6294s 1.0 and vertical as well so like you'll
6296s you'll get you'll get both so you'll see
6298s um the 1.0 will launch with the core end
6300s game systems being
6303s um
6304s but the quarantine systems being what
6306s they are now so you'll have monoliths
6308s dungeons Arenas
6310s um and that's that's about it as far as
6311s like overarching core end game systems
6316s um we do want to we I we don't think
6319s that the monolith is quite at or or the
6321s dungeons really for that matter are
6322s quite at a stage where they are 1.0
6325s ready yet
6326s um so we're still going to be expanding
6327s the content that's there the like the
6329s types of things that show up
6331s um and this this is where usually the we
6333s usually give the example of a treasure
6334s Goblin as the type of con style of
6336s content that we are looking to add to
6338s the monolith and things like that to
6339s make it less expected more interesting
6342s um and that sort of stuff and and
6344s um
6345s we do have plans for new end game
6348s content systems uh that will that will
6351s start to show up but we'd prefer to have
6354s fewer higher quality systems at launch
6356s than
6358s um
6361s uh more lower Quality Systems to watch
6367s yeah that's right
6369s it's just just slapping in that
6370s lightning
6375s you can leave the skill name with that
6377s death
6378s I don't remember what the skill name is
6382s sorry
6385s it's not made yet
6387s any skills coming with 0.91 I don't
6389s think there's a new skills can be
6390s pointing in one
6393s maybe we've got to make soap like
6396s there's so many new skills being made
6398s for the masteries oh Manny
6402s um
6405s one of them might have squeaked in but
6407s uh I don't think so
6410s I'd love to slap one in take a week I
6413s could do it
6416s too many other things gotta get done
6419s oh my goodness
6421s I just got told nope
6425s that was fast
6428s who's your favorite content creator that
6431s covers this game oh that's so hard I
6433s don't know I'm not gonna answer that
6436s I have a lot that I really like
6438s there's a lot there's a lot that I
6440s really like and I'm just like
6442s the list is so high like I feel bad I
6446s feel the problem is that there's so many
6448s that I really like and there's so many
6449s that like make content less frequently
6452s that I really like as well and I kind of
6454s forget about them until like another
6455s video for us pops up
6458s so there's there's like there's a lot of
6459s people that do make very regular content
6461s for Epoch
6462s um and
6464s and like those get stuck in my mind and
6466s then there's other ones that make
6467s infrequent Epoch content that I also
6468s really like that I forget about
6470s sometimes
6471s um
6472s just because
6475s I forget about things
6477s um
6479s yeah
6482s ah
6483s I I was like I'm like I'll do a top ten
6485s I'm not gonna do a top ten because it's
6486s more than that that I can think of that
6488s I like
6496s we have fantastic content creators
6506s all right from previous streams should I
6508s be able to assume that the new glyph for
6510s changing Shard types
6513s uh
6514s should I be able to assume that the new
6517s glyph is for changing Shard types at a
6519s loss no
6524s no that wouldn't really work would it
6529s I don't think I don't think you could do
6530s that as a glyph
6537s you know there'd be some pretty big
6539s changes sorry I don't know I don't think
6541s you even could do that
6543s was this since the game inspired by
6545s games like Chrono Trigger
6548s I don't know what do you think
6555s I don't know what do you think
6558s and uh the person who stands right here
6561s his name's Gaspar
6564s and
6565s uh
6567s uh oh I can never find it
6573s oh
6586s I don't know where it is
6590s there's a there's a sweet little uh
6593s Chrono Trigger reference in the Rune era
6595s map
6596s and I do not know where it is off top my
6598s head it's like I'm pretty sure it's it's
6600s like surprisingly small you gotta zoom
6602s in to see it
6607s if anyone knows where it is
6609s tell me like
6610s it's near this or near that or above
6613s this above that
6614s if you know what I'm talking about
6616s yes it was definitely a spider cone
6617s trigger
6619s also the epoch is the name of the ship
6620s in Chrono Trigger
6624s need more end game yes we need a better
6627s end game
6628s and more more better
6630s we need more better and more better end
6633s game all three of those things necessary
6635s uh I also just also wanted to say I
6638s really like Downstream thank you and the
6640s openness on interviews you guys doing a
6642s great game and I'm very glad to be here
6643s to see the evolution yeah it's kind of
6645s it's kind of wild eh
6647s like
6649s um
6651s like I follow development of lots of
6653s lots of games
6655s um
6657s and and and following it on that Journey
6660s from like if you've been around from
6662s like Kickstarter days or like even
6665s before I'm very unlikely but um
6668s seeing that Evolution I always think
6670s it's really cool
6671s I love it
6678s suggestion warning all right go the
6680s forms
6683s uh I think something like a chance of
6686s having a side area like a Time Rift that
6690s leads to a rare mini boss you can drop
6691s some rare even exclusive loot feel uh
6694s really fun I feel I agree I think that's
6696s a fantastic type of content
6703s I'd love to see that type of Zone be
6705s randomized have it be like a little a
6707s random zone so you don't like you go and
6709s you don't know exactly how it's gonna be
6710s to do like a little mini Explorer like
6712s to get through it
6713s with no like pings or anything like that
6716s where to go I think that'll be sweet
6720s uh
6723s good to know the new glyph is not for
6724s changing uh shards there's still things
6726s to wonder about it yeah
6729s like it's it's so outside the box that I
6732s guarantee no one will think of it even
6734s though I almost said it on stream once
6737s uh I'm sure it has been asked the
6739s previous streams will it be an idol
6741s crafting element for after 1.0 I think
6744s there's a good chance at that
6746s um I think it will probably come in the
6749s form of a dungeon reward likely
6752s um but maybe not
6757s ah media meteor shower is
6760s so nice and like our character is
6763s finally starting to feel a little
6765s a little more awesomer you know it's
6767s getting there oh it's getting there
6771s that man efficiency might be nice but
6773s like
6774s I mean
6776s we gotta get there right
6780s I don't need that as much we need this
6791s okay we're just gonna Chuck a bunch of
6792s these catalysts down even though they're
6793s probably awesome
6805s resist fire damage yeah right
6810s um all right
6812s uh
6814s uh is there going to be any changes to
6816s flamery spell I don't really see any
6818s viable build
6820s um
6821s I mean unless something's changed pretty
6823s dramatically there's there's been some
6824s really good Bible uh flame rebuilds that
6826s have come through the through the pipe
6830s I want to go this way I'm gonna go that
6832s way come on let me through there yeah
6834s yeah yeah all right
6836s um
6839s um the uh flame I don't know if there's
6842s any changes the flame we're going
6843s through sorry
6844s we do a lot of the balancing stuff a lot
6847s of a lot of the items uh unique items
6849s and bouncing and like minor skill
6852s changes and things like that happens
6853s really close to the the patch date which
6856s I know is sounds crazy but like a lot of
6858s that happens really late in the in the
6860s patch cycle
6862s and we're late in the patch cycle we're
6863s not really late in the patch cycle yet
6871s uh
6876s yeah I think I think this one that uses
6877s firebrands
6879s to kick some butt
6881s uh should we expect that the Falcon
6884s uniqueness is that it cannot die or that
6887s it can equip items
6889s um I'm not gonna answer something so
6892s specific on it
6896s as the new glyph a rare one like despair
6901s uh I don't know how rare it's gonna be I
6903s think it'll be pretty rare
6904s probably not crazy rare though
6914s but it won't be anything like this
6915s better
6917s like functionality wise at least
6921s not even remotely close
6930s this is like this is like try and figure
6932s out what the new glyph is 20 questions
6935s good luck
6966s so let's just focus here
6974s there we go
6976s you slam word to kill him
6979s are you gonna have an official cast on
6981s type in game so we don't have to reset
6985s it back we Tab out of the game or die
6994s oh this is this is this is a numblock
6996s trick this is
6998s um
7000s yeah uh
7003s I don't know this is we've always viewed
7006s uh skills that are frequently Auto
7009s casted uh as a failure of the skill
7011s design itself and have struggled very
7013s hard to remedy that
7016s um
7017s I I I I
7019s personally am starting to get to the
7022s point a little bit of maybe we just add
7023s it
7025s um
7027s but I don't know
7053s will the new glyph make I don't know
7056s scrolling on me automatically will the
7058s new glyph make base types stop scrolling
7060s on me will the new glyph make base types
7063s Superior like Diablo 2 style no we don't
7065s have any concept of a superior base type
7067s in the game and we're not planning on
7069s adding it
7080s I'll say it again none of the
7083s suggestions or hints about or questions
7086s about the glyphs that I'm talking about
7088s or even anywhere in the right ballpark
7090s even close at all even a tiny bit
7093s so
7095s yeah
7097s can the nuclear fit in a bread box why
7100s yes it can
7104s uh understand not answering about the
7106s Falcon hopefully you can you can you can
7109s uh hopefully you can blame a guy for
7112s trying to get a bit more info
7115s I don't want to blame you though
7123s yeah no I understand I just um
7125s the reason the reason I'm like answering
7127s questions about the glyph is because I
7128s know no one's gonna come even remotely
7129s close but I'm just not gonna answer
7130s stuff to the Falcons I know people will
7132s get close
7133s um
7136s that's all
7141s if the cliff entered a beauty contest
7143s how high would it score well assuming
7145s that all the other entries in the beauty
7148s contest were glyphs it would get very
7150s high marks for uniqueness
7153s um but probably wouldn't get very high
7155s marks for power so I would say medium
7158s low
7168s but I promise you're gonna love it
7173s and be crazy confused
7176s because I don't know if I still
7178s understand it all the way either
7181s uh new glyph that had sockets to items I
7184s mean like so so no but also like
7188s let's describe a socket for a second
7192s let's describe a socket for a second
7195s socket is an empty slot on an item which
7198s another item can be placed in to have
7201s the effects of that item
7203s applied to the first one
7206s it was actually a sweet set of boots
7208s that I just like ruined
7212s oh Mike you're an idiot anyways
7215s I mean
7216s didn't ruin them that hard I do love
7218s Mana like some boots here
7227s I mean got a horrible luck with that
7230s crafting but still an upgrade somehow
7237s no the glyph is not at sockets
7241s a socket system we would like to add a
7244s socket distance to the game for items
7246s um
7247s it's going to need to be
7250s uh another
7252s unique
7255s uh style of mechanic it's it's gonna
7258s we're gonna need to find some
7259s interesting way to take that that
7262s classic concept of a socketed item and
7266s um kind of turn it on its head a little
7267s bit and make some interesting
7269s adjustments to it
7271s um
7280s yes you're a giant worm and you move so
7283s slowly
7289s oh yes
7293s there is but just possibly not by me
7296s because I'm terrible
7303s yeah probably
7306s I really hope you guys can hear the life
7307s the The Voice lines too or someone's
7309s like talk to myself
7313s one time in grade four I got every
7315s single question on a stalling test run
7319s not that type of secret okay
7327s everyone is screaming into the computer
7328s to try and help me but they know I won't
7330s take it
7338s yes
7360s I believe it
7375s okay I got a good question going to do
7377s this
7381s uh there are ways to be a gaming by
7384s virtual keyboards
7387s oh this is in response to please add and
7389s unlock belts in their ways to do it via
7390s gaming mice and virtual keywords Etc but
7392s are all a little flawed so people want
7394s to and it would just be nice to have a
7395s smooth experience with it built in
7398s yeah the the problem is that like what
7400s what if we fix the game so no one wanted
7402s to do it
7403s isn't that even better
7407s [Music]
7413s [Laughter]
7417s I'm sure we'll never see you again
7426s terrible Bass
7430s uh and then I I unfortunately that's
7432s kind of how I feel about it too
7434s at this point
7436s would you feel okay to turn them into
7439s auras instead for example tornado just
7442s being Aura instead of cast would solve
7443s an unlock thing also make it bounced by
7445s disabling on cast bonuses Athena forms
7448s uh yes uh forums but does uh does Tech
7451s exist yes it does exist
7456s problem is though is that
7457s um you've just described Maelstrom
7459s basically you know
7461s um
7462s and so a lot of the the thematics uh
7465s come from like mechanical influence in
7468s addicts
7477s all right oh we are we are way over time
7479s I have to go
7481s uh let's hammer on some questions see if
7484s there's any any questions real quick
7485s yeah
7488s new glyph if you set resonance no
7492s no that'd be cool though
7494s you have to like that kind of requires
7496s two items right
7499s unless I'm just like not understand the
7501s the idea there
7503s but like still so far away from the what
7505s it's gonna be not even remotely close
7508s uh lowers 10 increase definitely not
7510s even remotely close uh more like deal
7512s with two Peewee with sockets
7517s I I think that the socket the sock
7519s system that we end up in blending will
7520s actually be kind of closer to Poe in the
7522s sense that Diablo 2 socket system is
7524s basically our just crafting system so
7527s like we want to be away from our
7528s crafting system a little bit with some
7529s sort of potential socket system so it's
7531s going to end up being closer to Poe
7532s sockets and just because it's not that
7534s typical I'm gonna say diabetes is more
7537s typical
7539s not a bad way it's actually really
7541s fantastic have you guys ever thought
7542s about having combat output in the chat
7545s tab window absolutely not gonna happen
7547s uh does the new glyph uh add uh
7551s corruption mod no
7553s uh is the new glyph a double corrupt no
7558s um
7560s also corruption's already a system you
7562s have in our monolith
7564s and still so far away from it guys not
7566s even remotely close uh I hope all is
7569s well think about uh I think what you
7571s could
7572s words what do you think about Le
7574s characters holding scepters in their
7577s right hand instead of
7578s uh instead close to the middle visually
7585s holding scepters on right on the end oh
7589s oh I see was saying like like the like
7591s proper ways to hold scepters and stuff
7593s like this I don't know
7596s uh
7599s I I do not know enough about how you're
7602s supposed to do it sorry
7607s all right uh does the nuclear have
7609s anything to do with visuals of items no
7611s it does not
7612s all right we're gonna call it there for
7614s the day
7616s let's come by everybody I did a ton of
7618s fun I hope you did too I'll be here same
7620s time same place next week to answer more
7622s of your questions if I missed your
7623s question and you still like to ask it in
7625s the meantime please head on over to our
7626s Discord we've got an accident Channel
7627s lots of great questions and answers in
7629s there let's also ask the community
7630s Channel where there are extremely
7632s knowledgeable people answering questions
7633s all the time they'll maybe be able to
7635s help you more than I will
7637s um
7637s there's also Forum spread it just scored
7640s other places
7642s um lots of fun lots lots of fun stuff to
7645s happen all over the place eh
7649s and I have
7651s you know on pretty decent Authority
7654s that there's some giveaways happening
7660s over on this channel we're gonna say hi
7661s to
7663s I don't know what's been given away I'm
7664s assuming something though because it
7666s says giveaway on the title
7669s new glyph sets the affix Max role nope
7672s and still way off base not even remotely
7674s close not even the same ballpark all
7675s right that's it for me see you next time
7677s have a good day everybody and have fun