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While I was overall satisfied with the decision to restrict item trading to gifting, I realized there would be some edge cases where it would be really nice to trade with someone.

For example, let's say that you were playing for a while with a friend. They log off and you decide to keep playing for a little bit longer. All of a sudden, the one item that they have been wanting just drops! It would be a real bummer if you couldn't gift that one item to them.

Forum poster "Lord Yanaek" suggested a pretty cool solution, in the form of trade tokens: https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/additional-gifting-trading-system/51196

Basically, it means that: "When adventuring as a group, you have a chance to randomly drop some sort of “trade token”. Those tokens remember which player you were teamed with (player, not character). At any time, you can use one of those tokens to initiate an exchange between one of your character and one of their character. That exchange allows to transfer one or your items to them (and possibly one of their items to you if you want it to look like a real trade) even if that item dropped while you were playing solo or with another character."

I think this is a great idea. It might need some tweaking though. Perhaps each item can only be traded once via trading token?


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about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Pandarandrist

It sounds promising, although I'm sure we're not going to hear devs weigh in on this anytime soon in a definitive way, other than a possible, "we're not changing anything for 0.9 but are looking at improvements for the item gifting system".

Would feel pretty shitty if they weren't dropping for you.

Hey that's my line