almost 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s good afternoon everybody and welcome
6s back to their last Epoch Dev stream as
9s always
9s I'm your host Mike
11s hello how's it going everybody
14s uh great to be here great to have you
16s all back uh it's been a little while
18s since we've done one of these but uh you
21s know figured we'd let everyone else
21s stream when multiplayer was launching
23s and it's great to be back
26s if this is your first time here welcome
28s glad to have you we always stream for
30s charity and the weekly chair or monthly
32s charity is always above my head
35s um and I'm just gonna play some games
37s and answer some questions so if you have
38s a question for me please put at last
40s Epoch game uh in the question so I see
43s it pop out and it's really easy for me
44s to answer
46s um but I'm just gonna take this
48s opportunity to play multiplayer uh
51s because I haven't had a lot of time to
52s do that yet
54s um on the actual live servers
57s and uh so yeah if you're wondering what
59s I'm doing I'm a crazy person so I'm
61s playing two-handed Rogue
64s um
65s and we're still we're still pretty early
67s I'm only level 44.
70s but we're uh we're hanging out
72s having some fun
75s and I'm I'm lost in town apparently
79s I don't know why I thought there was an
80s exit up there
84s here we go
85s get into the actions little little
87s stroll I was listening to the music at
88s the start of this and the like the
91s chickens and the the soft like Town
94s Music was happening I'm like this really
96s reminds me of sitting in like
98s kakariko Village in breath of the Wild
110s all right
115s if I'm prepared to spam Mike with your
117s bug reports
119s yeah please don't
122s glad to have you all with me though I
124s hope I hope you get some some good
125s questions in here
127s um
128s yes big Zelda fan
140s it's also geralt sword down there too
141s but yeah
143s uh all right first question any chances
145s to make melee builds a bit more
147s forgiving uh uh talking about things
151s like Buffs falling off after two seconds
153s which makes rotations extra rough I get
156s the feeling the two second buff is
157s talking about
160s um
161s uh berserk in Werebear probably
165s um which ironic like it's funny this
167s comes up every once in a while and it is
168s it is a tough buff to keep up but oh boy
170s is it strong and it's one of my favorite
172s Buffs to use
174s um
175s so like I
177s I I can't really say like oh yeah we got
179s plans to change that oh we got plans to
180s fix this or that or anything like that
182s um we always look at feedback and
185s um and distributions of how people are
187s doing and what people are playing all
188s sort of good stuff um and if there's
189s something that you really want changed
191s or feel like
193s isn't working the way you're hoping it
194s to
196s hoping it should
198s um there's like feedback sections on the
200s forums that are really good for placing
201s things like that as as for
206s in this game a ton uh my favorite is is
210s Marksman but I'm a rogue damn boy for
211s sure
213s so any plans nothing specific
216s there's always plans to make everything
218s better yeah better
233s I figure I'm channeling my inner Master
236s Yi with this build
238s really fast attacks and then lethal
240s Mirage you know basically that same set
242s isn't it
246s they would disappear oh my goodness
248s that's embarrassing
251s I was reading a question yeah yeah
255s I'm loving these hands to judgment clubs
257s we'll be getting more unarmed items like
259s this maybe it's the like it's the first
262s attempt at an unarmed Style
265s um
266s we've had requests for things like it in
268s the past and so we might uh
270s we might look at more
273s it seems that people are enjoying it
278s oh gosh
290s talking to me
303s we get another question here there's
305s some grumbling going around about
306s excessive damage output from fire type
308s monsters compared to their compatriots
311s on the inside here well I've been
313s getting complaints that the fire enemies
315s are over tuned the cold enemies are
317s overturned the void enemies are
318s overtuned
320s um and the poison enemies are over tuned
323s oh
325s and like really compelling arguments
326s about all those how like everything else
328s is fine but just that one specific one
330s is like really overtuned
332s um
334s so it's a little tough to
338s um engage in conversations about that
340s when I I don't have good evidence about
342s it yet
344s um
350s but uh I mean like it's it's never
352s intended that one specific enemy type
355s like element type is is significantly
357s more powerful than the others
364s quick little reminder if anyone does
366s have a question please put at last Epoch
367s game in the question so that I see it
369s but I think I see some ones that are not
371s like that Master store 1291 wow 22
374s months in a row thank you so much that's
376s crazy
377s we're almost at two years wow
382s we do this for a while haven't we that's
384s this this is literally how I track how
386s long we've been doing this this is just
387s by the people who are stuffed the whole
389s time
392s oh down there
394s I don't want to go down there
400s uh
406s let's try and find a question here
407s talking about rhythm with dancing blades
409s with bosses needing to consistently move
412s around the whole build based around two
414s seconds is just uh oh you're some of the
416s melee thing still yeah like
420s you might not enjoy like there's there's
423s lots of different gameplay Styles and
424s maybe that one's just a little too
426s frenetic for you
428s um
435s the the Rogue is definitely designed
437s around like
440s um very rapidly changing battle
442s conditions
445s in mind as like a
447s plan
450s it's a possible monolith progression
451s will be partly shared between characters
453s 1.0 release anything's possible
457s uh
459s uh
460s is the first season mechanics already
462s picked
464s um so like we're not doing seasoned
466s mechanics the same way that you might be
468s used to from uh Path of Exile
473s um
475s the the first at least initially uh the
478s the first few seasons or Cycles
482s um are kind of just gonna feel like big
483s expansion packs
486s um or like really big patches I guess
487s because we'll be
489s um
491s like just building up more endgame
493s systems and uh and things like that and
495s it won't be
497s distinct between the cycle start and the
500s standard cycle so it'll still be like
504s um like older characters will still be
505s able to access the new stuff as well
508s um but as far as like what we're gonna
509s do for the first
511s um cycle yeah it's been picked up we're
513s gonna be releasing the
515s um the final masteries
518s um and finishing the game
522s like like finishing the release version
524s of the game
533s how was it doing in here I was oh it's
535s been it's been a few days since I've
536s even touched this
539s I think I was going down here
548s come on
552s that was frustrating
556s oh what do you think about builds which
558s can do T4 drill in 30 seconds without
560s insane legendaries I mean they're
562s probably overtuned uh last stream I
565s asked you if you'd be willing to
566s introduce a resistance stat that
568s combines boy necro and poison resistance
569s like Elemental does you didn't ask me to
571s come with a name for it do you remember
573s this so here in no particular order the
575s top five names that I came up with
577s okay uh corrupted resistance
580s um
581s I see what you're going for it's tough
583s because corruption is
586s um such a prominent mechanic in the in
588s the monolith that I think people would
589s associate the two and get confused so
592s probably can't do that one uh vicious
595s resistance
598s I see where you come with that one too I
600s I
604s don't think there's
607s only if it's for poison really
610s I mean there's nothing really inherently
612s evil about or vicious about any of those
615s compared to other elements is there
618s too easy
622s vile resistance that's I think that's my
623s favorite so far
625s unearthly resistance
628s uh meteors by definition don't come from
630s Earth
635s ah
642s and technically this is an earth
651s uh and Decay resistance it works great
655s for for poison
657s um but I think people would assume that
659s it works for things like
661s um
662s uh glitch Decay so like vile resistance
666s can get behind that one a little bit
673s it's the best one I've heard so far
683s what's your favorite car
686s um
690s I always get the year on I think it's a
691s 56 red Thunderbird
699s the ones with the big mirrors
713s you wanna talk about overtune damage
715s Avalanche is the one that always gets me
717s my goodness I think like three quarters
719s of my deaths on stream are to Avalanche
721s not cold damage Avalanche
730s you think I'd be running like huge
731s golden bids that's the two of my highest
734s apparently I'm predisposed to dealing
736s with it
738s uh do you plan on having a system in
741s place for multiplayer when let's say if
743s two people are in a party that have the
745s same skill that skills cooldown is
747s shared regardless of who used it no
750s uh this could be useful for balancing
752s skills that maybe not overpowered
754s executed by themselves but would be if
758s each other could execute it back to back
760s um I think that the time when that
761s happens is specifically around hard CC
764s abilities like Shield bash
766s um and and having that resistance shift
770s to the Target uh to regulate how
772s frequently it can be stunned is a better
773s way of doing that I think
775s hello hope you're having a great day and
777s I am having a great demon
779s out of curiosity what is the intention
781s behind the creation of the Judgment
783s gloves are the gloves designed to be the
785s best way to play judgment
786s at you without a weapon thoughts no
788s that's nothing's nothing specifically
790s designed to be the best way to play
791s anything
793s um
794s I I think there's uh a predisposition
798s for the new thing to be
801s um
802s evaluated highly
804s um in power level and they might be too
806s strong still I find it really funny that
808s they are extremely popular and very
810s powerful
812s um and the like initial reaction when we
814s release the patch and when we're like we
815s nerfed them right away that raise the
817s patch drop compared to the preview event
818s version of it
820s um and the initial reaction was well
822s they're done dead build doesn't matter
824s useless Never Gonna use them and they're
825s still like almost ubiquitous now
828s I find that really funny
845s okay what is the reasoning behind
848s Dynamic boss Dr
850s um make more builds possible to be
852s competitive and awesome
855s um the way I see it the rest of the
857s question here the way I see it it just
859s goes against what makes an APG and RPG
860s since it makes character progression
861s meaningless past a certain point
863s unfortunately that's not true actually
864s fortunately that's not true
866s um because no matter what the more
867s damage you you build the faster the boss
869s dies period there is no exception to
871s that
882s oh
889s my real name life name is vicious cool
894s uh hey what are you guys plan to do with
895s the storm bow item types of the database
897s that I can't drop it is a unique only
900s item base so sometimes what we'll do
902s when we're making a unique item we try
904s and match it up with a
906s um with with a like a base type that we
909s like
909s um but sometimes they just don't exist
911s so if there's if there's a situation
913s where like okay this this unique really
915s needs this implicit but no base sites
916s had this implicit sometimes we'll just
918s make the base type for it and just add
920s that to the list and there you go you
921s have a new base type and sometimes we'll
923s say well okay this works really well
925s because this unique exists and basically
928s unless you're using this unique That
929s Bass type is gonna suck
932s usually happening on Elemental
934s conversion uniques
935s um what we'll generally do is we'll um
939s we'll uh what you want to call it just
941s just make a you make a base type
943s specific that unique and then it doesn't
944s drop normally so you can still get it as
946s part of a unique
949s noxious resistance yeah
952s I think voider necrotic necrotic kind of
954s does
956s uh do you have any relatively far plans
959s on soft reworking the existence the
962s existing story act pacing somewhere uh
965s like that like like that just a bit
967s sorry it's stumbling over these words
970s here of course it's personal but
971s pre-rune part feels uh for me a bit too
974s short and hectic or low to solves
976s feeling two zones packed into one
978s um so the the starting initial two
981s chapters are getting completely
983s overhauled
985s um that's been in the works for a while
986s now
989s um
989s it didn't make it into this wasn't ready
991s yet uh the and there's more chapters
994s coming later on as well but part of that
996s is the the early part of the game is
998s really old now and a lot of techniques
1001s we've we've learned and created and
1002s tools we added for for level design and
1005s story telling and all these sorts of
1007s things that we've added later on in the
1008s game have it weren't available to the to
1011s the to people making the systems or make
1013s making the those tools weren't available
1015s to people making the content at the
1016s start of the game when we were doing
1017s those stuff so it's um in need of a bit
1020s of a bit of a glow up in certain
1022s sections
1025s that Avalanche hurts
1034s am I a news or nowhere to craft one
1035s Idols you are not a noob there's no way
1037s to craft on idols
1040s make sure to tag me yes make sure to tag
1041s me if you want me to answer your
1043s question put out last game in the
1044s question I'll be happy to answer
1050s as long as it's a reasonable question
1051s you know
1053s I get sassy with you
1058s oh two of them that was a mistake
1073s I'm trying to use lethal Mirage as a bit
1075s of a defensive option as well because of
1077s the disappearing
1079s so I've taken a lot of the like
1081s um like adding adding images to make
1083s them like last longer but I'm
1085s specifically not taking things like this
1087s make it happen quicker so that I stay
1089s invisible longer
1095s prior to multiplayer release you discuss
1097s the networking mode being neither lock
1099s step nor predictive like Poe uses but
1101s that would feel good even on a
1102s relatively High pane currently even on
1103s low ping it's quite common to experience
1105s small amounts of desync in various
1107s abilities It's Not Unusual to randomly
1109s have significant desync will we
1111s potentially see a shift towards
1113s different type of networking mode no
1114s it's not the fault of the networking
1115s mode it's a fault of the um the way
1117s those skills are set up specifically
1120s what is full release when it's ready
1124s did I miss the memo daylight savings
1126s ended or did we start now early today
1128s um I'm this is the exact I said the
1130s exact same time in what we call Epoch
1132s time or local time for me
1135s um some parts of the world I guess don't
1137s do dad savings but
1139s um no this is
1141s daylight savings adjusted I wish we
1142s didn't do daylight savings my goodness
1156s I always do this I always come down this
1159s way
1160s and like I always remember as I've done
1161s it
1163s I don't know why
1168s depending on the continue to work on
1169s multiplayer beta launch will we see the
1171s faction system that introduced trade
1173s closer to or introduced in 0.91 or later
1178s um it will be 0.91 or later
1182s um like we won't be in 0.90
1186s um we haven't started work on it yet
1191s we we came up with the idea and knew
1193s that we had to say something before
1195s multiplayer launched
1198s and we're like we just gotta tell
1199s everyone right now
1201s so that announcement the idea was like
1204s a wiggled
1207s total
1232s oh
1234s oh
1247s okay be more careful Mike
1274s playing a dumb two-handed Rogue it's not
1277s supposed to work and surprise it doesn't
1289s hmm
1291s interesting
1295s might be a replacement uh
1298s weapon there for me
1303s it's sunny a lot less snotty to stream
1304s yeah I'm over it pretty well still got a
1306s little cough every once in a while
1307s lingering it wasn't covered don't worry
1313s it has been a long week
1316s it's been a good week though it's been a
1317s really good week
1320s do the Judgment gloves currently also
1322s buff concerted ground spell damage and
1323s is that intended I'm pretty sure they do
1325s and yes if it does it is
1334s does flat plus spell damage scale fire
1337s Aura 2 or just percent increase I'm
1339s pretty sure it's just the percent
1340s increase are there any purifier or
1342s builds
1343s um
1344s another builds close to the right just
1346s fire from Poe I used to be a thing last
1347s I played long ago but apparently that
1349s got nerfed
1350s um
1351s we took the depending on how long ago
1353s you played we took the skill out of the
1355s game like the active skill out of the
1357s game so you may have been
1358s um playing when you could actually just
1360s just cast fire aura
1364s um the closest thing to righteous Fire
1366s style builds is actually
1369s um in the Lich tree
1372s um
1373s the poison aura
1375s which I'm blanking on the name of right
1376s now embarrassingly
1385s also for the record I would call void uh
1388s necrotic
1389s uh and poison
1392s damage very vicious yeah
1402s did he make something uh I hope it's
1404s going well sorry this has already been
1407s asked it's okay well the online
1409s characters be wiped through this 1.0 we
1411s have no plans to wipe characters
1413s um sometimes we make horrible mistakes
1415s and things will go terribly wrong and
1417s it's possible that could happen
1419s um but we have no plans to wipe any
1420s characters the plan for the 1.0 release
1423s is to take all of the characters that
1425s are existing
1426s um and move them into a standard League
1428s or standard cycle
1431s don't know what we're gonna call it yet
1432s but um it'll be very similar to the way
1435s that
1436s um Diablo and Path of Exile use their
1439s standard and non-ladder systems
1441s um and as 1.0 starts a new ladder will
1444s start and
1446s um all the all everyone wants to compete
1448s on the new ladder will need to start a
1449s new character there will not be any
1451s content differences between
1454s cycle and non-cycle characters
1456s um
1458s so if you don't care about the latter at
1461s all and want to just keep playing on
1463s your character you've been playing on
1465s before that's totally fine
1470s but as as we learned very strongly from
1475s um some people the uh
1477s the letters all that matters
1479s and we got got a fair bit of feedback of
1482s disappointment when the latter got cut
1484s from 0.9 unfortunately
1486s which I'm sorry about
1489s would have kept it if we could it's
1491s quite often these things come down to
1493s like sometimes when something seems like
1495s insane that we've done
1497s um
1499s it quite often comes down to we're
1501s sitting in a room we're like so our
1502s choices are cut this feature or push the
1504s whole patch back some amount of time
1508s and we're like what's how much time is
1509s it we don't know
1511s okay so it could be a month and you
1513s could have it not fixed yep all right
1515s well
1517s uh I guess we're cutting the feature
1518s then and that's kind of what happened so
1520s it's just
1522s um it's it's just it's it's not a like
1524s we we hate the feature we decided to get
1526s rid of it or anything like that
1534s little tangent there sorry
1537s Smite proc Paladin plus bone shattered
1540s Golem insta rip instance probably
1542s something
1544s calculate interaction with monster
1545s corpses and Bone spikes from Golem
1549s sorry I do not
1552s know enough about
1554s all the things you said to know an
1556s answer to that
1559s if you think you found a bug please go
1561s to the forums for rug report
1565s someone just said I'm on yellow I am on
1567s yellow didn't even notice
1570s I was struggling a bit on those walls
1572s the ice walls but other than that it's
1573s been fine so far for me
1578s do you plan on a better training dummy
1580s to calculate damage no
1583s uh what are the possibilities of
1585s Standalone client ever making a return
1587s ever's a long time but by 1.00
1591s forehanded Rogue win
1594s wouldn't that be the site
1602s um yes I'm a horrible person
1608s four-handed Road I'm trying to think of
1610s a funny way to say that to make it work
1618s all right
1622s when is the next big update we are
1624s returning to our normal major patch
1626s Cadence from before from from the 0.8 X
1629s patch groups
1631s um
1632s I I don't have an exact time on that
1636s um but it will be similar to what if
1638s you've been following us what you come
1639s to expect
1641s there will not be another massive
1643s um
1644s uh Gap like there was for one for 0.9
1647s for the eight five to point nine Gap
1650s we're not doing that again it'll be back
1652s to our normal regular Cadence
1656s uh hi Mike hello the guy with lethal
1660s Mirage question here again if rending
1662s Darkness doesn't hit yourself is it just
1664s above party members
1666s yes
1668s I'm pretty sure look at it uh
1678s yes I know how to type
1683s yeah so yeah I'm pretty sure there's no
1687s way to make this hit yourself
1695s pretty sure
1708s easy too easy
1712s I don't think you can ever hit yourself
1714s with anything
1716s oh my goodness that's a huge spider
1718s just a second
1730s sorry about that
1734s I I'm in like a basement office and for
1736s whatever reason there's like always
1738s spiders on the ceiling
1740s I've had one like Drop in front of me
1742s too of typing
1744s yeah
1746s I screwed like a girl it's fine
1752s I am no Samwise
1772s are you able to showcase the pets
1774s currently in the game uh and will there
1776s be other reskinned Chrono worm pets in
1778s the game in the future
1779s um so the Chrono worm pets that are in
1781s the game already are
1785s um specifically for Kickstarter backers
1788s um I completely forgot I even had it on
1790s uh I don't know if I should be showing
1793s all of them
1808s it's the backpack work now
1810s hey
1814s you see my face
1817s it's real small but it's there it's my
1819s face
1821s and you know we're gonna play with it on
1823s flip it on yeah we're going on an
1826s adventure
1828s I love it
1835s what is going on
1840s leave the barrage make me invisible
1862s what do you smell over here bud
1866s got your back Jack
1874s drink lots of water everybody
1880s ah I don't think I can I don't think
1882s this is to show the pets I don't know if
1884s I ever not
1894s these these are the ones that
1897s these are not all of them
1899s I guess these are the ones that my
1900s account just has activated for testing
1923s I feel like the usefulness of ballista
1925s is uh quickly being outclassed and I
1927s need to replace it with a smoke bomb
1931s specialization
1942s I'm not sure about this one is it
1944s intended I don't know
1946s that casting static through surge does
1948s not face Statics power surge Mana
1951s increase uh I mean prop every time I see
1955s an is it intended question probably not
1958s I don't know
1960s um because it's almost always just found
1961s a bug afterwards uh
1966s uh I don't know
1969s uh four patches in last week for last
1972s Epoch three patches in last week for me
1975s at work
1976s we're winning
1981s I don't know if that's a good thing to
1982s be winning
1989s it means we needed them
2003s oh come on
2007s that was a very inopportune moment to
2009s get stunned
2013s uh does the shadow slip perk for shift
2017s still work for you I don't know is it
2019s supposed to give invulnerability on a
2021s ship but apparently it doesn't do
2022s anything if you think you found a bug
2024s please head on over to the forums into
2025s our bug reports
2026s section
2036s I don't like I'm using it
2039s so I hope it works
2059s I make Lusty Park and best RPG created
2062s data thanks but yeah uh keep it up your
2065s game combines Simplicity and final
2067s complexity uh I'll support you to the
2069s end thanks I've been waiting for this
2070s for so long thank you team for your work
2073s and your determination I take uh Liberty
2076s of reposting you to spike our uh
2078s National Frenchman who loves your game
2080s and does great Construction
2083s friendship with
2085s something sorry for my bad English
2088s that's okay bud your English is better
2090s than my French
2093s which considering I've technically taken
2095s university courses in French should be
2097s pretty good
2101s but it's not
2117s blade into a specific question with
2118s dancing strikes would it be it would be
2121s a huge quality of life if it's the
2123s question uh quality life to let chance
2126s to apply scale with the skill based on
2128s your attack speed right now the attacks
2130s of it are speed capped so chance to
2133s apply is horrible to scale with it full
2135s 20 points full 20 skill points in dot
2138s application and the likes and I will get
2140s the same amount of dots with dancing as
2141s I do is just right clicking the
2143s unskilled Theory that's sad thanks for
2145s the feedback
2147s uh uh how to get your cute how to get
2151s the cute Dragon you have go back in time
2153s and support us on Kickstarter
2158s ah
2168s Oh I thought it was outside that radius
2180s I noticed some but nothing on the power
2182s level of good for everyone uniques like
2185s tabula rasa from from tabula from Poe or
2188s furnace in the old days of D3 any reason
2190s or plans did something like that I would
2192s argue so there are definitely uniques
2195s that are extremely useful in a fairly
2198s generic way
2200s um the poster solid for that unless
2201s Epoch is Bastion of Honor which
2204s we're still trying to work out exactly
2206s how to make that
2207s um
2208s it just needs more competition right now
2210s it's the big problem there I think
2213s there's actually anything wrong with the
2214s item itself it just needs more
2215s competition I would argue that and this
2218s is gonna sound really mean I would
2220s preface this with by saying my favorite
2222s game pro
2223s it's so hard to pick a favorite game of
2224s all time possibly one of my favorite
2226s games of all time is Diablo 2. so just
2228s before we before we get too far into
2230s this I would argue that one of the worst
2232s items in dl2 is Shaco a harlequin Quest
2235s Crest
2236s um I I think it is
2238s far too universally awesome that even if
2243s you find the absolute best like item for
2248s your build like if it's not Jacob like
2250s there's usually something else that's a
2251s little bit better
2252s um
2253s even if you feel like the absolute best
2255s one
2256s it's usually just like a tiny bit better
2259s and you're just like
2262s everything gets compared to Shaco it's
2265s too universally good
2267s um
2269s especially as like an end game item I
2272s think one of the nice things about
2273s tabula is that regardless there's always
2275s something better than it possible
2278s um
2280s unless I've changed it recently
2285s but it's um so I like that style more
2295s oh my goodness
2297s oh my goodness
2302s this is gonna be a tough fight
2314s we're gonna try and take this safe and
2317s chances are I'm gonna die at least once
2319s here I think
2322s oh
2340s it's not going well
2343s oh I should not shit's there
2352s wow
2354s oh someone's trying to distract me thank
2356s you very much but I'm not looking at it
2358s right now
2377s oh dude
2393s thank you I appreciate you all
2397s jerks
2402s oh come on
2407s okay we got there only one death that's
2409s fine I expected more
2415s uh that might actually be good A little
2417s bass to start crafting on all right what
2419s happened here
2423s oh deadless thank you for the for the
2426s gift Subs looks like a bunch there that
2428s one two three four five six of them
2430s thank you very much appreciate you
2433s uh it looks like one of the ones who are
2435s our community manager who re-gifted it
2439s out thank you very much there bud
2441s congrats everybody got one of those
2449s would you come with me
2452s it's a large request but
2454s I need all the help I can get
2456s but why
2459s but but why
2462s Immortal Empire
2465s s I'll give you one better
2468s after we're standing over raya's corpse
2470s we'll take that bag of bones together
2472s hello
2475s Immortal Emperor on our journey
2478s oh the team is taking some time oh and
2481s they can yes deadlifts we are very busy
2483s for everyone coming to the guy who got
2484s yesterday into today off work
2487s dude a burnout from series of oh condone
2490s Spirit deployment Crystal Cycles that's
2491s that's that's Sprint Spirit ah
2494s that sucks hope you're feeling better
2495s yourself
2498s what made the game was one person
2500s responsible for all the sound effects or
2502s was it a group effort there is
2504s um
2505s uh there right now is one person who
2508s does all of our sound effects
2511s and bless it
2513s um but it has not been them from the
2516s start
2517s the whole way through that makes any
2518s sense
2524s we do something weird here does this
2525s work
2526s uh just because yeah it's the same thing
2528s obviously
2531s this
2533s let's fix things
2535s nope we're missing another one there I
2537s don't know why I thought that would work
2552s you know what let's
2556s I'm gonna try and craft this helmet
2557s because I'm using snow blind which is
2558s kind of garbage
2560s um especially considering it's just
2563s basically cold resin armor
2565s um so we're going to try and craft this
2567s helmet I just got which has T4 Vitality
2569s on it already which is fantastic
2574s all right let's start with a discovery
2579s dog training we'll take it
2584s reality
2588s uh let's just go armor I think yeah
2591s armor up
2597s yeah that's that's better
2600s I never lose the cold red so we're in a
2602s cold area which is possibly a dumb idea
2606s do we have any slots for anything
2611s I should get rid of this this is I don't
2613s know why I have this on
2615s Mike find a better chest for yourself
2616s okay good job Mike
2627s hey Aaron thanks for the welcome back
2632s do us a favor and reopen that
2633s Kickstarter page so we can pledge
2636s there'll be more supporter packs that'll
2637s have cool cool pets on them
2640s uh questions for you guys are planning
2643s question uh are you I'm sorry are you
2646s guys planning on a future
2648s to put some sort of way to level up
2651s alter characters
2652s um
2654s in the future will there be a way to
2656s level up alt characters faster
2658s um yes they're it'll be the same way
2660s that there is now
2662s um so you can use dungeons to skip
2666s uh sections of the campaign to Jump
2667s Ahead faster
2669s um you also can
2672s I have my chat on
2677s um you also can I usually play with it
2679s on but usually turn it off for stream
2683s uh you can also just jump in a game with
2685s someone and
2689s uh they can just take you wherever
2698s uh game looks super awesome right now
2700s thank you what will be one of the next
2701s big points for the team to tackle next I
2703s mean there's like cleaning cleaning up
2706s the early game
2708s uh campaign uh finishing the rest of the
2711s campaign
2712s um adding in some like game mechanics
2714s like
2716s the item faction system
2719s um finishing up all of the uh item all
2722s the classes that we have already so like
2725s um like Rogue you may notice has far
2727s fewer skills and is missing a mastery
2731s uh some things like that
2734s just improving everything all over the
2736s place like more like
2739s uh gear sets and uh like visual updating
2742s visuals on on
2745s items and minions and adding more
2749s enemies and it's kind of it's just just
2751s more
2753s more in Polish
2764s I noticed a refreshing lack of minions
2767s in boss fights uh is this a general
2769s design goal that you have for boss
2771s fights no not specifically
2774s um
2775s like there are there are certain boss
2777s fights that that really specifically do
2778s have minions
2780s um
2781s and I think it just comes down to we try
2783s and make
2785s um boss fights unique when we can
2789s um and one of the ways we one of the
2792s tools we had to make a boss fight unique
2794s is by giving it minions
2797s um so so not every boss like gets
2799s minions because there's
2801s others that need it
2804s will you rework set items to make them
2806s more interesting unique in a way we do
2808s want to
2811s um
2812s make set items generally a little bit
2815s more appealing than they are now
2817s um it's pretty rare that you see a build
2818s used set items um and when you do it's
2820s usually just as a quote unquote bad
2822s unique
2825s um we've got a couple
2827s uh
2829s things we've we've talked about over the
2831s over the years because it's been an
2833s ongoing issue
2834s um seven is another one of those things
2835s that's like
2837s there's a lot of nostalgia for set items
2839s and a lot of like oh set items were
2840s sweet
2841s um I really like stud items and looking
2844s back on
2846s games that have set items that were
2848s really prominent I'm really
2850s really
2853s I find it really difficult to pick out
2857s um games that have good set items in
2859s them
2860s um like in RPGs
2863s um and like the usual thing that gets
2865s brought up is odl but you had great set
2866s items yeah but you had terrible set
2868s items there was like
2869s there was there was one set that you
2872s that you could use in endgame but it was
2875s terrible compared to what else was there
2877s um and those other stuff you can use
2879s part of for farming uh
2882s and that was good there's better options
2884s and like
2886s DC doesn't have good sets
2889s um and I'm like sounds gonna be really
2891s critical to them too I love Diablo 2
2893s completely
2895s um
2898s but there's there's a lot of I think
2901s uh mechanics that don't translate well
2903s to other other games in the same genre
2906s yeah
2913s and so I can see why some games like
2915s steer clear though
2921s foreign
2936s are you trying out the deeper beta I I
2939s don't have time for it
2941s not yet
2942s um when when things uh things calm down
2944s a bit I'll give it a shot for sure
2947s um where am I going
2951s yeah I I will definitely try it
2953s for sure
2955s but uh a little bit a little busy right
2957s now I barely have time to do this but so
2960s happy I am
2964s what's the coolest thing you've
2965s implemented that was suggested by the
2966s community oh this is the problem is that
2969s I know there's things that have been
2970s suggested by the community
2972s there's a few categories here there's
2973s things that have been suggested by the
2974s community that we didn't realize were
2976s suggested by the community and we just
2977s happened to implement at the same time
2979s um there are things that have been
2981s suggested by the community
2983s um that were super cool and we just like
2984s didn't ever hear about them I'm sure
2986s this has happened we just like missed it
2988s somehow
2989s um
2991s and I'm sure there are things that I
2992s didn't realize were suggested by the
2994s community in the first place so there's
2995s like we had a ton of suggestions
2998s um so I don't have a good answer for
2999s this really
3001s um there is there's a pretty sweet
3002s unique item that we did specifically as
3004s a community suggestion like uh like we
3008s did like uh each each week There's a
3009s poll and and at the end of it we'll make
3011s an item based on what the community
3012s suggested that was pretty sweet
3016s um
3018s it's been so many things
3022s I'm sorry I don't have a great answer
3023s for this one
3041s uh if it's so hard to make settings feel
3043s good why do you decide to have them all
3044s because I think there's a really good
3047s um yeah that's a great question I'm
3048s happy to have to talk about that uh
3050s there's there's this really interesting
3052s thing with
3053s um set mechanics in gear it creates
3055s inter-gear dependencies that I think are
3057s awesome and makes for an interesting
3059s puzzle to solve which is very cool
3062s um and we actually tried to we in the
3064s past we've tried putting set affixes
3066s that you can actually craft onto gear
3068s that you can make your own set items
3070s okay
3071s um which sounds great and and we we had
3074s those for about two years
3077s um and we just could never get them to
3078s feel good
3081s um like we constantly got feedback on
3083s how terrible they were like like every
3086s day and this was before we had a huge
3088s number of people playing the game so it
3090s was basically everyone was telling us
3091s they were terrible so we ripped them out
3095s um and and what they what they were was
3098s they were specific set they were like um
3100s it was an affix that says like plus 10
3102s health for every
3104s set Health affix you have so if you have
3106s four set Health affixes and they're all
3108s plus 10 Health person affix they're each
3110s giving 40 health so the four of them
3113s together is giving you 160 health and
3114s it's just an example terrible math
3117s terrible numbers I know
3119s um
3122s and so I'd still love to try and uh
3125s explore that one a little bit if
3126s possible but I don't know how it would
3127s be doable really
3129s and so the the cool thing that set items
3132s in general and and also that system was
3134s trying to do and and bring it to the
3136s table is those interdependencies so
3138s um
3139s and this kind of happens anyways with
3141s certain uh defensive players needing to
3143s hit certain thresholds
3145s um specifically things like crit
3146s avoidance so it's like okay so I've got
3148s 77 creative points on this ring
3151s um and says and say I've got 100
3152s creative wooden type therapy which I
3154s don't
3155s um and I find a new ring that has like
3158s amazing stats on it I just gotta get
3160s those stats into I gotta get that ring
3162s on my gear like no matter what I have to
3164s have that ring so I switch up this ring
3165s but that the new ring doesn't have any
3167s creative ones on it so suddenly I'm then
3168s looking around it elsewhere in my gear
3170s what can I change what should I what can
3171s like can I switch up my boots for boots
3173s that could have wins that sort of thing
3175s is what I'm suddenly doing looking for
3176s other ways to adjust my gear and having
3178s that that inter-gear dependency through
3181s set items is a really clear and obvious
3183s way to do that where you're like okay
3185s well I'm I'm I usually put Health on my
3189s belt slot but I've got this set belt
3191s that I have to use so I have to find
3192s somewhere else to put that help
3194s and and I think it really contributes
3196s nicely to that gearing puzzle
3199s um the problem being when you get
3202s like you run to problems with set
3204s affixes when they are dictating too much
3207s of your build
3208s and are so clearly the best thing to put
3211s on
3214s um and I think that's worse than set
3216s items feeling lackluster
3219s um
3220s which is kind of why we've probably
3221s aired on the side of caution when it
3223s comes to set Power
3233s what I'd really like to see set items um
3235s being able to do as well there's there's
3237s a lot of like storytelling and thematics
3239s you can pull out of a set item where
3241s you've got like this character say and
3243s this is this is this is an element of
3244s the set items in Diablo 2 that I really
3246s like
3247s um is you get these characters because
3249s all the set items are based around this
3251s this person
3252s um that like I think triangles is a
3255s really good example of this even though
3256s it's terrible because when you transform
3258s you your stats go ballistic
3260s um but the the feeling of there's this
3264s there's this really unique thing you can
3266s do that's based around this character
3268s and you get the storytelling of like oh
3270s this was so-and-so's sword or this was
3272s so-and-so's boots and
3276s um if it's if it's a well-known enough
3277s character in the game you can actually
3279s have some really cool stuff where you
3280s are gaining some new ability that that
3282s character had and you get cool World
3284s building opportunities with things like
3286s that that I really really like
3292s I think those are some strength that set
3294s items have
3295s and some pitfalls that you can find
3296s yourself in
3298s my colleagues only the Mirage that's
3299s what the problem is ah get back here
3316s cold res cold res
3321s yeah
3323s cold runs
3326s let's go
3331s eight hand Rogue when when it's ready no
3344s going to be a packages this year no we
3347s won't I think we've ever done packs East
3348s we've done Western Central because
3350s there's a lot of us in
3352s West and Central PEX location areas and
3355s nearby areas
3361s Apex West is really easy for me to get
3363s to
3367s which I think was PAX Prime for a while
3369s possibly is still PAX Prime
3373s I don't know I haven't been paying
3374s attention to them for the last couple
3375s years
3377s something happened in the world I don't
3378s know what it was
3380s I was just in my basement office
3381s everyone was telling me stuff was
3383s happening I believe in my gas
3389s I do I'm just kidding for the record
3397s ah come on die I told you to
3408s what do you maybe releasing a limited
3411s time pet pack with pets currently in the
3413s game oh like like uh like a revamp of
3416s pets that we've already said would be
3418s one time only very unlikely
3421s uh just popping in the save thanks to
3423s the great game that's all back to work
3424s okay bye thanks yeah
3426s LP said items when so yeah this is this
3428s is a question we get a lot about adding
3429s LP to set items as a possibility like oh
3432s just put it up here on settings problem
3433s solved
3435s well yes but actually no I don't
3437s understand items to show this with but
3439s set item tooltips are called colossal
3442s there's already too much on them
3445s um there is not room for
3447s you uh LP and and exalted affixes to go
3451s on them really as far as just space on
3453s the tooltip
3455s um
3457s so really unlikely that'll happen
3464s I don't know if this has been asked
3467s probably but that's okay I'll have it
3468s answered again
3470s um End Game maps feel like way too big
3473s in size personally are you guys happy
3474s with the size have you discussed that I
3477s think so like I
3480s um
3481s I disagree on them being too big in size
3485s uh I would argue that there probably
3487s needs more stuff to do in them and
3491s specifically more Dynamic stuff to do in
3493s them so things where you
3495s um you don't know exactly what you're
3497s getting into when it starts is is the
3500s type of stuff that I think is really
3501s necessary and worthwhile
3505s um and like like that can be something
3506s as simple as
3509s um like like a treasure Goblin showing
3510s up I think I think that's a that's a
3512s really interesting mechanic that's
3512s gotten adopted by a lot of games
3515s um
3516s like outside of the classic arpg genre
3519s um that I
3521s I really like
3524s but yeah I'm not saying specifically do
3526s that but just that style of
3530s um like hey here's uh organic Quest
3534s that just showed up randomly out of
3536s nowhere that organic Quest being killed
3538s this thing before it gets away like and
3540s that's that's the implied quests pop-up
3542s that happens as soon as
3544s um a treasure Goblin shows up right
3549s um I think it really helps
3552s with the like
3555s um areas you maybe played a million
3557s times feelings down or not feelings down
3566s oh okay
3568s so about those fire enemies eh
3575s protect me Ballista
3580s uh the Viking beard from the Viking
3582s beard when I joined a friend's game if
3585s this is a bug report please don't I'll
3587s joined a friend's game who's more
3588s advanced than me in the storyline gave
3591s me credit for the Oracle quest in the
3592s Risen Lake I cannot do the quest but
3594s it's stuck on screen will it eventually
3596s come off by finishing the stories and
3597s stuff for now
3599s um
3599s there should be a point you should be
3601s able to go back like slightly before it
3603s or go back like there should be a point
3604s where you can go that will cause the
3607s quest to
3609s um resolve it's a little tricky knowing
3612s where to go because you don't have the
3613s right Quest marker
3615s um but going back and following the main
3617s quest from earlier should be able to get
3619s it off your screen
3622s it may also be a bug
3635s handled
3642s can you describe some ideas for Rune
3644s master or warlock not really
3647s um
3649s easy too easy
3651s I I think that uh we we haven't released
3654s a lot of info about it yet
3656s um and so there's not a lot I can talk
3658s about when it comes to these these
3660s Mastery classes yet
3662s um we do have their
3664s um their skills
3666s designed
3668s and
3670s um some prototypes are being worked on
3671s right now actually for them so there's
3673s there's work work's being done on them
3675s again
3677s which is good news if I'm waiting for
3678s those they will be in at 1.0
3682s I'll tell you that much
3685s um
3690s frenzies when allies diet let's kill
3691s your allies
3704s I need a new chess piece because this
3707s one is garbage
3711s let's go into our filter and try and
3714s highlight
3716s a new chess piece
3718s uh let's make it this cool blue
3724s uh it's gonna be an item type
3728s armor body armor confirm subtype
3731s something Rogue specific
3734s uh maybe not these crappy
3738s this damage is nice though
3744s I really care that much about Mana regen
3745s but I wouldn't say no to it
3748s I did not have that
3751s I'll leave it on now just because it's
3752s bad
3759s I mean let's just let's just let's just
3761s see them all
3762s let's just let's just see all of our uh
3766s chess pieces that we
3768s can use that are the right base type
3771s let's get something because what we got
3773s now is
3775s not working for us
3792s I would probably put some more specific
3793s stuff in there normally but I want to
3795s keep things moving
3798s oh I also have like spoilers that I
3801s brought little teasers I'll I'll
3806s share it uh when I'm finished the next
3809s next reasonable break point I got
3811s something for you guys
3831s oh ding ding
3834s uh what's up here
3842s that's pretty awesome
3847s yeah right I forgot that's what that was
3854s hello Mike welcome back to switch thank
3856s you very much it's only gone two weeks
3858s I'd like to know how much of the bugs we
3860s are seeing in gamer related to the game
3862s now running on a server vast majority
3865s and do you think a huge amount of new
3867s people playing the game especially in
3869s the weekend the patch launched
3870s corroborated
3871s uh with the amount of bugs appearing yes
3885s are you guys happy with the item
3887s distribution in terms of drops from
3890s kills and the echo or just yes um so the
3893s thing the the reason why oh Lang
3898s oh this boy is there extended that way
3900s too much sorry welcome thanks to the
3901s writing party
3903s um with regards to item drops uh
3907s from killing things compared to what you
3909s see at the end so we
3911s originally had most uh actually
3914s originally we had all the rewards for
3916s doing an echo coming from the enemies
3919s you kill in the Echo
3922s um and before we never even released a
3924s version like that we very quickly got
3925s feedback that wasn't awesome because as
3927s you're going you're stopping to pick
3928s things up all the time and it was just
3931s like breaking up the gameplay too much
3933s um so basically what we did is we took
3935s the vast majority of the drops you see
3938s as you're playing
3939s um and we shoved them in the chest at
3941s the end
3943s um so that chest that's in that ending
3945s Zone
3947s um the amount of drops that come from
3949s that scales directly with the oh my
3951s goodness
3952s scales directly with the number of
3955s enemies you kill in that Echo
3958s so
3959s um the the chest at the end
3963s is
3965s from kills
3966s that makes any sense
3991s yeah I mean like I'm tempted to just
3992s like take this
3994s uh and craft it
3997s that is a bad item
4000s where this is this is where this is
4002s where we're at though
4014s I mean I could have gone worse
4027s all right we got T5 fire epics let's go
4035s where am I going
4044s our fire resist now
4048s and now I'm gonna get cocky because I'm
4050s like oh I'm so strong because I'm
4051s dealing with fire enemies and
4052s something's gonna kill me anyways
4061s yes
4062s it's done stay stunned
4068s my dazzling display of awesome stuns you
4071s I know it does
4078s all right next question I got a question
4082s what would you say to Sentinel players
4085s you can't sustain High Mana cause skills
4087s for certain builds do the recent
4088s volatile reversal cooldown Nerf
4091s um
4093s send us your feedback
4099s uh sprinkle in if you want advice
4101s sprinkle in a low-cost skill to gain
4104s Mana back
4105s as you're going
4121s uh does the upcoming net code
4125s transferable skill update fix uh the
4130s thing like Buffs falling off that
4131s shouldn't fall off
4135s why is this turning back on
4141s um does the upcoming net code trans
4143s serval skill update fix the things like
4145s Buffs falling off this shouldn't fall
4147s off one second duration buff skill
4149s cooldown 0.7 seconds
4152s looking forward to that netcode Trend
4154s serval fix though maybe I'm sorry I
4156s don't know what that is
4159s everything today good
4182s oh
4185s another more stuff
4189s no fire is garbage
4193s Jaws kidding
4207s oh
4215s is that yeah
4217s it might be good
4219s see we switched to a giant spear from a
4221s sword
4223s can you tell us uh where you are in
4226s development process for the next dungeon
4227s have you uh found a nice idea mechanic
4230s yet no the next dungeon is not
4231s developing yet
4239s I mean the movement skills English
4240s number primary language that's okay I
4242s really want
4243s to like dancing strikes but it's hard
4246s yeah
4249s yeah it's it's got uh dancing strikes
4250s I've always felt has a very ribbon feel
4252s to it
4255s have you ever played uh
4260s so I just I just locked myself in place
4263s okay we're not doing that
4267s that's funny
4271s it's
4274s classic RPG player just don't read
4276s anything just click go it's go click
4278s faster
4280s I know I'm terrible
4285s uh any bug fix dropping patch dropping
4288s today I don't know I hope so there's
4289s there's one in uh in the pipe
4294s I got to the end and I likely missed a
4297s bunch of questions if you have any
4298s questions please put at last the puck
4300s game in the questions so I can see it
4302s pop out at me a little bit easier
4305s in the meantime I got something cool to
4309s share here is the concept art for a new
4312s upcoming anime
4317s that guy look at that look at that
4319s tongue
4324s how can you join the factions uh Jordan
4326s faction or is this feature not in the
4327s game yet uh the item faction system is
4329s not in the game yet
4331s um it was there's there's a big write-up
4333s on our forums all the information is
4334s there
4336s um there any uh it says in that document
4340s that it's not coming in 0.9
4342s um
4343s the
4345s we'll be adding it as soon as we can
4348s um we know it's something that a lot of
4349s people want we know it's a really
4350s popular
4351s um
4352s uh a really popular
4357s things I think that people are looking
4359s forward to so we're gonna get on it
4360s quickly should have reveal this on
4361s Wednesday my dude yeah but I don't
4363s stream on Wednesday
4367s but yeah good point
4388s oh water went down the wrong pipe
4411s um okay I swear
4417s why Wednesday llama
4419s no you're mean bro
4435s are there any plans to have timeline
4437s stability shared between characters
4439s there are no plans at the moment if
4441s you'd like it please leave your feedback
4443s on our forums
4445s uh we have the void version of this
4448s already that thing was small fat thing
4450s that lashes out with a tongue
4452s it's similar but it's definitely
4454s different
4460s oh yeah look at this weapon
4466s it has potential it has a lot of
4468s potential
4471s but not a lot of forging potential you
4473s know
4474s the actual stat
4479s yeah I'll give a shot later
4481s ah
4491s oh
4492s terrible lethal Mirage
4496s I love the icefield shrine so it's such
4499s a good time we looked at the same
4501s yeah I see the wins
4525s oh that's a bunch of skills getting
4526s Level UPS right there is what that is
4535s right there that is yep
4537s oh this is the problem it's been a
4539s little bit I can't uh
4541s remember exactly what I was putting
4545s points in and towards
4552s it may have just been leech
4556s they're just playing on leech
4559s uh I think we're going this way it's
4562s gonna be able to cleanse with the lunge
4564s because I love that and this needs to
4566s get scrapped anyways but
4570s we'll put something in there
4574s hey Shrine let's go
4584s I have a job now I'm too busy to know me
4588s even means bro
4590s sorry bud
4593s so you have a job
4595s also congrats on the job
4601s oh there's another chest potentially
4613s yeah we'll we'll be crafting on that for
4615s sure
4616s for sure
4622s I didn't watch it for college
4627s uh when will the new supporter packs be
4629s available to buy I don't know I thought
4631s they were going to be available right on
4632s day one and I'm not sure where they are
4634s um I think there was a technical problem
4635s with them
4636s um
4638s hopefully it's getting worked out
4640s honestly we probably looked at it and uh
4642s was like well there's this technical
4644s problem about getting the the supportive
4646s backs the shops working and stuff like
4647s that and these other Pro technical
4648s problems that are causing the game to
4650s not work for a bunch of people we'll fix
4652s the game for a lot of people first
4671s uh those four packs available oh and
4673s will we be able to purchase them through
4675s the website or steam only for now on oh
4678s good question
4680s um
4682s I don't know I'm sorry
4687s do you plan to reduce or hide the
4689s effects of other team members skills um
4691s we don't have anything in the pipe right
4693s now
4699s llama uh doing it through Steam is way
4701s easier for us actually
4711s hi me here asking questions me do asking
4715s questions all right awesome one is
4717s sparknova
4718s skill to be proced by lightning blast
4721s affected by the nodes in the lightning
4722s blast tree I'm pretty sure it is
4726s I don't see why it wouldn't be
4732s uh it's two hits in 0.02 second window
4738s to one damage number mechanic only work
4742s on visuals or also convert multiple hits
4744s into one it does not actually ever
4746s convert multiple hits into one nothing
4747s does
4762s why do I think you've not been acting on
4763s the phone I I thought you were just
4765s upset over that thing I said last time I
4767s saw you you know I I just thought you
4769s just couldn't forgive me
4771s no I have no idea I'm sorry
4781s I've seen you on there too a little bit
4790s that's been so hard to keep up with
4792s everything I've been trying so hard too
4793s and it's just like it's very
4795s overwhelming sometimes in a good way
4805s can I take this yeah no problem look at
4808s that fire red is doing work
4813s fire damage who said that was over tuned
4818s just get Fire Res easy thumbs off
4824s oh sorry just kidding
4828s Shaman 2.0 win there's a bunch of Shaman
4830s reworks in the pipe
4833s um
4835s contrary to popular belief due to a
4837s certain video being circulated
4840s um we are not removing Tempest strike
4841s never said we were
4844s um we are moving Tempest strike
4848s um from its current role
4850s to a new role and are changing the way
4853s it works very significantly
4858s but the ability Tempest strike and the
4860s core idea and fantasy of it will still
4863s remain
4875s uh do you think there will be skills
4878s that characters can swap between
4882s do you think that there will be skills
4884s that characters can swap between
4887s or will classes always have locked in
4889s skills
4892s like um
4895s sorry do you mean like like I'm sorry I
4897s assume you I assume you don't mean like
4898s being able to switch the skills on your
4900s bar
4900s and you mean like will there be a skill
4903s that is specializable in multiple
4906s classes so like a non-class specific
4909s skill
4917s um we've talked about that and um
4920s it's it's possible it would probably be
4922s granted by a weapon or not necessarily a
4924s weapon an item
4926s um
4927s it'll probably be granted by an item
4928s that's probably how we distribute
4929s something like that
4937s but the like
4943s um
4946s the way the way that like skills
4950s um
4953s like we're we're probably we have no
4956s plans to take skills like acid blast and
4958s be like all right anyone can use acid
4960s blast just go
4962s um that that's extremely unlikely to
4964s happen
4998s all right next question where are we at
5002s are there any Dynamic boss damage
5005s reduction mechanics in the game yes and
5007s if so are you able to elaborate and how
5008s they work
5009s um honestly I don't know the formula off
5011s the top of my head
5012s um basically so here's here's the the
5015s important thing to know there's one
5016s really important thing because every
5018s time someone learns about this mechanic
5020s the first thing they try and do if
5021s they're if they're really trying to min
5022s max things is they try and figure out a
5024s way to
5026s um stop DPS in order to kill the boss
5028s faster to like alleviate the effects of
5031s the dynamic Dr on the boss
5034s um so like like they'll do some sort of
5036s like stack up a bunch of Buffs Spike the
5039s damage
5040s um and then like stock DPS hard to have
5042s the Dr fall off to spike up to stack a
5044s bunch of bosses try and do something
5046s like that okay
5048s I'm 100 confident that will not work no
5052s matter what you do the fastest way to
5053s kill a boss is to do as much damage as
5054s you can to it as fast as possible period
5057s with that out of the way generally how
5060s the dynamic Dr works is the more damage
5062s you do to it the tougher that boss gets
5064s and the less damage you do to it
5066s um
5067s and I I know that
5071s from what I just said it's very
5073s counterintuitive but
5075s trust me on this one
5083s it's the system's been in the game for a
5084s while a lot of people have tried to find
5087s ways to game it through that and the
5089s early versions of it were possible to do
5090s things like that
5092s um but since then
5094s we're
5096s we fix it and the fastest way to kill
5099s boss is to do more damage to it faster
5102s so
5103s do more damage to it you know
5110s uh is it intended that while uh during
5112s the cast animation of a terrorist
5114s blessing it removes all existing Buffs
5116s from previous cast of the skill
5119s um it it actually happened it doesn't
5123s um so if there is something happening in
5126s the casting animation of it it's the the
5130s timings of that casting animation are a
5133s little bit behind from when the skill is
5134s actually happening and the the UI for
5136s the thing you're targeting is actually
5137s just updating first
5141s um
5145s like
5146s yeah the all of the things for the skill
5149s happen when it actually casts not when
5152s you start to cast it
5175s re steam being easier does that include
5178s uh taking the current pack values as
5181s partial payment for the desired pack
5182s let's have a hundred dollar pack and
5184s wanted to buy the 200 pack it only cost
5185s 100
5187s um
5188s I I don't know
5198s I got this question will you try D4 beta
5200s this weekend probably not this weekend
5202s but yes I will try
5207s I'm very busy with something I don't
5211s know what
5214s but I am very excited to try it
5220s I am also more interested in trying it
5222s once any any uh
5227s um
5228s difficulties have been ironed out or
5230s early flood
5232s um problems are
5234s no longer existing
5237s while I am very excited to try it I can
5239s I can wait the extra week
5241s for uh things to calm down a little bit
5249s hey Mike just wanted to say multi-launch
5251s has been awesome I quite like the Orvis
5253s type fights uh I'd also like more mini
5256s boss fights like that like just
5257s throughout the web yeah
5259s um the shade of Orvis not to be confused
5261s with orbis themselves
5263s um is uh it's one of my favorite fights
5266s because it's so dynamic in um what
5269s abilities can show up
5271s um so anyone doesn't know that fight has
5274s uh like if you if you really want to get
5275s down to it like say like Library
5276s combination's different it has hundreds
5278s of thousands of different combinations
5279s that can happen
5283s um
5286s and you like some of them are close
5288s enough that I wouldn't really call them
5289s different fights but there's like
5291s there's a good dozen like really
5292s different versions of that fight that
5294s are like super distinct that happen
5296s um I don't really like that
5304s yeah but I only get 60 wins a day to
5306s browse the forums you've never invited
5308s me over
5309s I'm sorry I there's only room in my cave
5312s for one
5316s volcanic slash Frost or Buff when
5319s uh
5322s I don't know
5325s but it's appropriate that's a good
5327s answer nailed it
5339s does less Epoch have control sport on PC
5341s it is partial is what we call it
5344s um we're still working on making it
5345s better you can basically play
5349s um
5349s with with controller and for the most
5351s part it's quite good
5353s um there are still some things missing
5355s with it and improvements we need to make
5356s and features we need to add and all that
5357s sort of stuff so it's I wouldn't call it
5359s full controller support
5361s um
5363s it is still a feature in development but
5366s um
5368s if if that's the only way you can play
5370s it's definitely functional
5382s let me hand Dunk Dunk Dunk
5391s uh can we get more active sources for B
5394s generation we have to be patient on that
5396s one
5398s uh why did you decide to go with the
5400s current view of elements
5403s greater than 100 equals multiple Stacks
5405s compared to say how few he does it
5408s um
5409s we figured it was
5412s um
5414s so if if there if there is like just
5415s like let's assume that like the very
5417s basic version of this is
5420s um
5421s 100 or more just means one element gets
5424s applied
5427s um
5429s we we figured the most intuitive way to
5433s to have
5436s having stats that end up being
5438s completely wasted because you have too
5439s much of it doesn't feel good so you're
5441s stacking like oh I want a stack ignite
5443s chance oh you want to start getting
5445s night build and maybe you've got maybe
5448s there's some item that gives like 100
5449s ignite chance but then there's this like
5452s too unique so this is two uniques are
5453s really good for ignites and they both
5454s have like big booths to ignite damage
5456s and effects that work off of ignite but
5458s they both give 100 ignite chance because
5460s they're so ignite focused you have to
5462s have full ignite chance on both of them
5465s well suddenly those items
5468s um while very synergistic and great to
5471s have you're not using the full potential
5473s of either of those items
5475s um and we figured the most intuitive way
5479s and and simplest way to set up
5482s um being over 100 on uh on element
5485s chance was to just say like well if you
5488s have 200 if you're 100 chance to apply
5490s ignite and you have 100 chance of the
5491s Black Knight you get two ignites
5493s um we figured that was just the easiest
5495s the most straightforward way
5503s any plans to UI scaling his Nation not
5506s specifically I've seen the request a few
5508s times usually it comes from people
5509s playing on
5511s um like they're like a TV or a really
5514s big monitor or really small monitors too
5517s I've seen some of those
5520s um we don't have plans to support 4x3
5521s I'll say that
5523s um it might happen someday what do I say
5526s like we don't have plans for it it I'd
5528s like to clarify that I I mean
5531s we don't have plans for it and we don't
5533s have plans not for it either we just
5535s it's just not something we've
5538s yeah
5541s um
5542s so as far as UI plans for you guys we
5544s don't have any plans for you guys going
5545s but we don't specifically have something
5548s in a design document somewhere that says
5550s never do UI scaling or anything like
5551s that
5553s this is not something we're planning to
5554s do right now
5556s but if you want it
5558s go to the forums and leave a feedback
5561s a suggestion whatever it's called
5563s suggestions or things people do right
5572s uh have you fixed the remaining health
5574s bars after you kill an enemy I mean most
5576s of the time that should be gone I I
5579s don't want to say it's 100 gone forever
5582s but like
5583s I haven't seen it in a while
5590s you're not sorry you're never sorry I
5592s know right
5594s just the worst
5597s uh that's the question about a terrorism
5599s earlier the exam for me is if I hold
5601s down the cast on myself the percent
5603s increase Elemental bread seems to not be
5605s counted towards my character res in the
5607s character menu briefly are you thinking
5608s it's just a UI timing issue and in
5611s reality the Reds is shown in the
5613s character menu is wrong there's there's
5614s probably a brief moment where the UI
5618s hasn't caught up with the fact that it's
5619s been back on
5621s um if the Buffs if the if the trigger
5624s for it I don't know I don't know what
5625s the wording is
5626s um
5627s but if the above says something like
5629s whenever you cast a terrorist blessing
5632s you get this buff No it should still
5635s work
5640s there shouldn't be any time between
5642s those two
5643s the UI is probably just lagging behind a
5645s little bit
5655s I I don't know though if you if
5658s PSA if anyone ever thinks they might
5661s have found a bugger for bug not like is
5663s even if you're like is this I don't know
5664s if this is intended or not that's what I
5666s mean by you think you might have found a
5668s bug
5669s um just go to the forums leave a bug
5670s report like I don't
5672s um even if it's not a bug a bug report
5674s is so helpful
5677s um because even if even if it's not a
5679s bug and we look at that and go hey
5680s that's not a bug
5682s they thought it was a bug or they
5684s thought it might have been a bug we need
5685s to communicate to the players better
5688s why that's not a bug so that they don't
5690s get confused by this
5693s so in a way it is a bug because the bug
5696s is how we're communicating it
5703s yeah
5706s yeah let's go
5719s we don't want that anymore we don't want
5721s that
5730s I think we're good
5737s just overcap crit chance interact at all
5740s with the enemy's crit strike avoidance
5742s uh I hate these questions
5745s uh just so I don't know well enough the
5749s uh over capped crit with crit avoidance
5757s I don't think so I don't think so
5760s because I think what happens is
5762s um like the ability is like this is a
5765s crit and then the person's like
5767s Nova avoided the crits
5769s um
5771s and so it's it's not like it's adding it
5773s up together to see if it's going to be a
5776s crit I think
5778s oh
5780s I don't I'm not confident there's
5782s there's someone in the community knows
5784s that and answer that better than I do
5786s I'm sorry
5798s okay no it does not cool yes I was right
5801s nailed it
5802s thanks again
5806s Orvis fight in chapter 10 or 12. also
5809s what about 1.5 hand Rogue I mean I think
5812s that like a bow and quiver is kind of
5814s like 1.5 hand Rogue right right
5821s um
5821s can you tell me about warlock I would
5824s like to know how it will be different
5825s from Lynch
5827s um
5828s I can't really give you too much on
5830s Warlock the the sort of like thematic
5832s Touchstone that we've been working from
5834s for warlock was Jafar from Aladdin
5837s um not to be referencing specific
5840s abilities or things that Jafar can do
5842s but uh a thematic feeling
5846s sort of a like a dark sorcerer type vibe
5851s um and
5855s so like I I think Lich deals a lot more
5858s in
5859s um hurting yourself uh controlling like
5864s um like like controlling life and
5865s draining life and
5868s um like has transform abilities and
5870s things like that I think you're I think
5871s you're looking a lot more in the like
5875s dots and poison
5877s um type of damage that's coming from
5879s Lich more so I think those are the
5880s things that really stand much out from
5882s other acolyte classes
5885s I I know I kind of answered that without
5887s answering it and I'm sorry but that's
5888s about the best I can do
5894s without just
5896s spoiling stuff that I'm not supposed to
5897s spoil
5898s you know what distraction look at this
5900s instead
5903s nope wrong one crap
5905s I don't know what have I done
5907s yeah quick distraction look at this
5909s instead
5911s nothing to see here
5915s uh I believe this is a new Mage Armor
5918s Set
5920s coming up
5924s hey will we ever
5926s not have to transfer shards in from our
5929s inventory and will they ever be Auto
5932s pickup
5934s um ever's a long time I don't know we
5937s have no immediate plans to do this
5941s um
5941s but yeah ever's a long time so
5946s maybe it's possible
5948s if you have suggestions please head over
5950s to our forums or suggestions section and
5952s leave one there
5958s uh why can't the weapon Master of the
5960s game Sentinel dual wield more varieties
5962s of weapons uh he has fewer options than
5965s even a the Primitive cave monkey Prime
5967s was
5968s um
5969s we really tried to all the dual wielding
5973s options we tried to draw from uh what
5978s type of there's a lot of things you try
5980s to drop on but like which which weapon
5982s types are really thematically
5983s appropriate for this class
5985s um and also which weapons are
5988s logically appropriate for dual wielding
5992s with like a hint of historical context
5994s coming to that so um one example we
5997s frequently get is like maces like why
6000s can't I do real Masons
6003s and it's really
6006s really care that maces were
6009s dual wielded it's it's almost it was
6011s almost always like like having one mace
6013s and another one like a sword or
6015s something like that
6016s um was was definitely done but it was
6018s and I'm sure there are examples of
6020s dueling mazes like I don't want to say
6021s that was never a thing
6023s um but that's like there's there's
6025s influences like that that come into and
6027s we're deciding which things we're going
6029s to make dual wielding and which ones
6030s were not
6032s hope that makes sense
6038s give me that crit vulnerability
6043s additionally does shield which is not a
6045s weapon in the offhand count as unarmed
6047s for the purposes of panda gentlemen it
6049s does you are considered armed if you are
6052s wielding a weapon
6055s uh any hints for the fifth Paladin skill
6059s will it show Mercy to our Ally on our
6062s allies
6063s uh
6068s is it not in it's not in yet right you
6072s guys know what the fiscilla is do you
6074s uh no
6077s uh
6080s but I think you're asking the answer is
6082s no I think
6097s I forgot about him was still missing the
6098s skill and Healing Hands it's kind of
6100s missing too
6119s uh plans to deal with melee weapon plus
6121s wand please
6124s um
6130s can't you do that technically
6137s can't you put the wand in your main hand
6139s and sword in your offhand as a
6140s spellblade
6147s some someone someone correct me wrong on
6149s that one please
6151s but I'm pretty sure you can do that
6165s uh
6166s I'm second guessing myself on this one
6168s let's let's go look at the
6171s spellblade because because
6173s shatter strike has an ability for
6177s are the scales based on the number of
6179s Swords you're wielding I think
6182s doesn't it
6191s sorry quick interlude while I
6196s was there none here
6200s can equip swords and offhand yeah okay
6207s yeah uh uh Gemini just above the lock
6210s line on uh on spellblade right in the
6214s center
6215s um should let you put a wand in your
6216s main hand and a sword in your offhand
6235s and really you can do that on any class
6237s so you could I could do that on uh you
6238s could do a wand and a dagger on a rug if
6241s you wanted
6242s um
6243s but it says like dual wield this
6245s specific weapon just means like that's
6246s the only thing that can go in your
6247s offhand slot but any one-handed
6250s um weapon can still go in your main hand
6252s slot while you're dual building
6253s something else in your offhand it
6254s doesn't the dueling things don't mean
6256s like you can only put these two things
6258s in each like
6261s uh it's just like you could do wheeled
6263s swords it doesn't mean like it has to be
6264s two swords it means anything you
6266s remained and a sword and you're off
6271s that may also apply to the previous
6273s question of a dual building a little
6274s while back
6279s I heard 1.0 might come at the end of the
6281s year is that the rumor vs or is it Dev
6285s speech
6287s um so this rumor got started I know
6289s exactly where this River got started
6292s um a certain person was in chat one day
6296s in in-game chat one day uh recently a
6299s couple days ago I think
6301s um and may have mentioned that their
6305s desire was that
6307s 1.0 would be released before the end of
6310s the year
6313s um
6314s that person who relayed their desire for
6316s when 1.0 would be released
6319s may have happened to be the game
6320s director
6322s um so that carries a little more weight
6324s than just a random person saying it
6326s usually
6328s um
6329s we have no set date for 1.0 yet
6338s and I chose my words very carefully
6339s there
6342s and I hope that's okay
6356s puncture Shadows we don't do those
6360s things
6379s oh there's a big mouthful
6388s get back here
6389s I said get back here
6397s I mean it's not that easy quit quit quit
6400s you know just just eat do your do your
6403s job you know what you're supposed to do
6404s here
6405s kicking butt let's keep doing that but
6407s let's not get cocky kid huh
6419s easy too easy
6422s we need a few more lines in those in
6424s those categories I think
6429s well that's pretty nice too actually
6431s I do love that having the less bonus
6433s damage taken from crits on the on a
6434s weapon you get that up to 100 and you're
6435s just just laughing
6442s will it be an option for AutoCast ever's
6446s a long time
6449s um we have no plans to add it for 1.0
6453s technically there already is technically
6454s it's already in the game if you want to
6456s get real real specific with it
6457s technically it already exists bottom
6459s right of and it's terrible don't take
6462s the note
6463s um unless you want to
6466s bottom right corner of
6468s um
6470s uh
6472s uh enchant weapon Elemental weapon uh
6474s the snow blade skill enchant weapons
6477s right
6484s he's real frenzied I just killed all his
6486s buddies
6489s oh good
6492s please if you have a question please put
6495s at last debug game in front of the
6496s question so I see it pop out all a
6497s little bit easier I do have one more
6498s spoiler for you guys too that I will
6500s show right near the end of the stream
6501s because I'm a terrible person
6505s uh any chance we might see some kinds of
6507s gun slash rifle spec mastered down the
6509s line I think steam uh powered engineer
6512s or something like that yeah I mean
6514s that's that's
6516s um not something that we have
6518s specifically planned out right now to do
6521s it's not impossible it's a request we
6523s get every once in a while
6524s um
6526s we do have like we've got a ton of like
6529s we've got a ton of design documents that
6530s are like
6531s this could be a class we had in the
6533s future and like here's some example
6536s skills and you know like like themings
6538s and
6539s um some like some art some touchdown
6541s artwork that you find and things like
6543s that like there's there's lots there's
6545s lots of ideas like that floating around
6547s I'd be lying if I if we don't get this
6548s request a fair bit and
6551s um you know like we we have a version of
6554s that that's sort of like uh in the what
6555s if category maybe it's we we also have
6560s um
6562s uh list of hey this will probably be the
6564s next Mastery for this class and hey this
6567s will probably be the next class we
6568s release and you know
6570s um it's not in those lists
6577s so
6582s eventually it's a long time you know
6591s you were told not to come here
6594s it would be wise uh those pesky see us
6598s leaking their hopes and dreams and
6600s creating rumors yep
6608s this Quest this Quest was so buggy
6612s trying to get it to work in multiplayer
6614s my goodness
6616s oh my God this Quest is so buggy for so
6620s long it's so frustrating
6623s are the missing classes being added in
6624s what point are the missing Mastery
6625s classes warlock Rune master and Falconer
6627s will be added at 1.0's release date not
6630s before not after
6633s I think lagon needs some new lines too
6635s he talks too much he doesn't have much
6637s to talk about
6639s missing line there
6644s I don't know if that was intentionally
6646s uh ironic or not but that was good
6649s uh why ostrich are all evil that's
6653s racist sir
6655s I mean all the ones you've met so far I
6658s think assuming that they're already all
6659s evil is the racist thing really
6663s I'm just kidding
6665s um I I don't know
6668s I mean I'm sure we're evil from their
6669s point of view you know
6681s oh yeah of course you get back up
6694s oh making legendaries does it always
6695s take the exalted mod random random
6699s always random there's no waiting there's
6701s no way to influence it it's always
6702s random uh two different minions have
6704s different scaling on flat added minion
6706s damage
6708s um no that's not how it works the
6710s abilities themselves well
6713s well yes but actually no
6716s um the minions themselves don't have
6721s um different scaling the abilities they
6723s have
6724s have different scaling but it's added
6727s damage scaling and it's very rare to get
6729s added minion damage it's possible
6732s um
6733s but the
6735s abilities that they use are what
6739s dictates the added damage scaling rates
6741s not the minions themselves
6744s um
6745s so you get
6747s like if if two minions use Fireball
6749s they'll have the same added damage
6751s scaling
6753s um
6754s but one minion but sometimes what we'll
6757s do is it might look like okay well
6758s they're both using firewall but in
6760s reality one of them's using Fireball a
6762s and one of them's using Fireball B and
6764s Fireball a might have different scaling
6765s than Fireball beat
6767s um
6767s so it's it's always it's always locked
6769s to the skills
6771s um
6779s usually
6784s uh minions have very high minion
6787s abilities have very high base damage
6790s with
6792s um just default added image scaling and
6796s because it's almost impossible to get
6798s added damage on stuff anyways
6801s it almost because it's not impossible
6817s I'm sure while I was saying that
6818s someone's like it's on this it's on this
6820s and I'm like okay cool
6822s sorry
6824s I am not aware with that
6844s nice little bell
6846s little trip
6848s a little too shabby
6851s we're getting close to the end here I
6852s should probably pop this up before we
6854s get too far
6855s oh look look at that timing
6864s did I did I complain about how buggy
6866s this Quest was in in development and I
6868s bugged it is that that's something that
6870s I just done
6873s is this it
6876s okay
6879s I just work back
6884s uh
6890s this is the thing where I'm like is this
6892s buggy where I shouldn't just go
6896s um
6901s I'm gun shy about this Quest
6933s okay come on just give me give me some
6935s breathing room here please
6940s uh and here's a new model
6944s for bone wall
6947s I believe
6960s uh how has team morale been since the
6963s ninth I know the internet can be a tough
6965s place it could be a bit tough sometimes
6967s though uh but I hope you guys uh have
6970s been feeling good about everything yeah
6971s I mean
6973s it is uh I'd be lying if I didn't say
6976s that it was difficult
6978s to hear some of the less positive things
6981s that come out around these things
6983s um but overall people have been really
6985s supportive
6986s um and really positive and it's been
6988s it's been really great and you know
6991s um
6993s it's like there's a lot of people that
6995s are really passionate about about games
6997s like this and are passionate about our
6999s game and and having things not work for
7001s them
7003s um it's It's tricky sometimes
7006s it's It's tricky to to have this thing
7007s you've been waiting for come out and
7009s have it not work for you
7011s um especially if you plan time around it
7013s uh like I know everyone's busy it's it's
7016s it's difficult so um
7020s you know I don't take it personally and
7023s uh I know someone's that passionate
7025s about it that they're angry it means
7027s they they they're probably excited about
7029s the game and hopefully we can hopefully
7031s we can win them back by making it better
7034s just making the game better fixing the
7036s problems
7038s but yeah overall well it's been really
7040s great
7041s uh this Chris keeps the heck out of you
7043s my first playthrough I love the
7045s architect Leah 3D model yeah it's good
7049s uh I might just I might just chill here
7052s and hammer out a bunch of these
7053s questions here
7058s how large is someone spriggan passive
7060s heel Aura it's really big and there's
7062s actually a graphic ring for it
7065s um
7067s so you should be able to see it but it's
7068s like
7072s it's it's really big
7075s like yeah
7079s uh
7082s yeah it was like he says the same things
7084s a lot somebody would make it better
7087s oh I don't know what the question was
7091s sorry
7093s are you telling me that Riot isn't the
7094s good guy I'm I mean
7097s if you've if you've drank the Kool-Aid I
7100s guess you could be the good guy
7108s uh I hear the voice acting can be very
7110s expensive even for big Dev teams How
7113s likely is it for Ellie to get full voice
7115s acting 1.0 um I mean we're we're
7117s constantly adding more voice acting
7120s um
7121s there's way more than the use being
7124s where we're just still adding more
7127s um every single little line
7130s the entire game
7133s um it'll be a little while before I
7134s think all of that's done
7136s um but I think we'll be getting pretty
7137s close to full voice acted by 1.0
7140s um
7141s localized voice acting when we do
7143s localization
7150s sorry that's
7152s a lot even even just like we've been
7155s working on localization in general oh my
7158s goodness it's a lot
7163s uh why is less epoch's ultimate what is
7166s last epoch's ultimate goal in the erpg
7168s space are there any core philosophies
7170s that separate it or make it unique from
7172s other apgs uh that's a big question for
7175s one minute left in the Stream I'm sorry
7177s I didn't get to it earlier
7178s um I would say ultimate goal only in the
7181s RPG space is to
7184s um
7185s when when when someone Googles best
7188s arpgs in the world
7191s um one of the one of the things like
7193s that you're probably never gonna see
7195s like an infinitive this one's the best
7196s one for category like that it's always
7198s so hard to deal with any game category
7200s but but I want last Epoch to be one of
7203s the top ones in those lists and
7206s um
7208s be debated upon as one of the contenders
7211s for the top spot
7213s so that's a good way to put the goal I
7214s don't think there's any I think
7215s sometimes this question comes up
7218s um and it's the it's the whole like I
7220s know it's not the same genre but it's
7221s all like wow killer mentality of like oh
7224s is this game gonna kill this other game
7227s I don't think it needs to I don't think
7229s they're that I think there's plenty of
7231s room for people to
7233s um to play different games or to play
7234s multiple games and and all that sort of
7236s stuff so I think having us be
7240s um
7242s a fantastic RPG I think that's the best
7245s way to put it just just a really great
7247s arpg
7249s um
7250s and and people who play harryp he's
7252s enjoying our game and you know
7255s that's what we're looking for
7259s I I do see ourselves show up in I like
7263s like like
7264s um
7266s content creator videos and lastly and
7269s Diablo 4 content creator videos and
7270s things like that and and getting
7272s referenced in those oh it's so great
7277s so great seeing that
7280s lovely love it fantastic
7283s makes me feel great
7288s uh it's a melee damage on strikes
7293s oh I'm sorry I don't know what that was
7294s referencing
7295s I gotta I gotta wrap this up
7298s uh are the devs benefiting from more
7300s recent AI advancements to make
7302s development faster we don't utilize it
7304s much in the way of AI for development
7306s right now
7307s um we've We've joked around with it a
7308s few times sometimes the new AI voice
7310s generators are pretty stunning yeah
7313s there's some pretty amazing stuff there
7314s uh image image AI genes can be cool
7317s there's
7320s there's a lot of subtleties in theming
7322s that can be generated by a real artist
7324s that I don't think AI art can quite hit
7328s on the right notes yet
7330s so we're real happy with our real live
7333s artists right now
7335s I don't think it's going anywhere going
7336s away anytime soon I think we've like
7338s tried it for like concept art for some
7341s things to see what it spits out
7343s um but I don't know if you've ever used
7344s anything like that it's sort of just an
7346s experiment
7349s uh last couple questions here when can
7351s we expect French translation of the game
7354s um we are working on it uh I have no ETA
7357s I'm sorry but it is actively being done
7359s uh will you introduce some sort of
7361s branching campaign choices like allying
7364s with Raya
7365s um
7367s branching campaign choices in an online
7369s multiplayer game gets real messy real
7372s fast
7373s um
7374s while not impossible
7376s uh I don't think we'll be doing that
7379s anytime soon definitely not before 1.0
7385s one of the arpgs of all time exactly I
7388s hope I didn't say that
7391s uh why are there are so few mobs on
7395s locations in models in Le
7397s um part of that is very intentional we
7399s do want there to be fewer mobs than you
7401s see in in a lot of other games
7404s um having combat be a little bit more
7406s intentional and
7408s um
7409s hopefully a little bit more Tactical
7412s um there might not be enough in a lot of
7414s situations still so we are we are still
7416s giving feedback on that and adjusting
7418s and tweaking it and because you know
7419s some people really like having those
7420s huge hordes to deal with so
7425s um that's why uh check out the Seer
7429s video on last Epoch if you haven't
7431s already on YouTube I will
7433s I I don't know if I've seen that one or
7435s not I watch a lot of them
7437s uh has anyone else reported an issue
7439s probably
7440s projectiles being lost yes
7443s um what's happening there is there's
7445s there's an object in the world that's
7446s improperly tagged with Collision
7448s so think about report
7450s epoch's call system when
7453s um we did scrap that a long time ago
7457s um there's
7459s things that are similar that we'll be
7462s working back in still
7465s uh is there a difference between melee
7467s crit multiplier and crit multiplier
7468s melee crit multiplier only applies to
7470s melee skills crit multiplier applies to
7472s uh throwing bow spell and melee skills
7478s on that note it's time to end
7481s thank you all for coming out you've been
7483s a wonderful wonderful group of people to
7485s spend the last two hours with I
7486s appreciate you all
7488s um I hope you had fun I know I did I'll
7490s be here same time same place next week
7492s doing some more Epoch taking some more
7495s questions
7496s um if I didn't answer your question and
7497s you would like it answered please head
7499s on over to our Discord there's an asset
7500s dips Channel which I'll be opening back
7501s up again any minute now
7503s um that I hang out in answer questions
7506s just also ask the community tons of very
7508s experienced people in the community if
7509s you're wondering does this work with
7510s that I I would I would bet that someone
7513s in there knows better than I do
7515s um so so don't forget to ask them too if
7517s you have any bug bugs that you found
7519s please just go to the bug reports in the
7521s forums I spend way too much of my day
7524s telling people to go there
7526s um if you have feedback there's feedback
7528s places
7529s lots of them all over the place we love
7531s it we read it we take it we need it give
7533s us your feedback
7537s uh I think that's all the housekeeping
7539s stuff
7540s we'll be back
7541s we're still here we're hanging out we're
7543s having a great time
7551s let's go say hi to someone who should go
7552s say hi to you
7557s I don't think we've gone to this in
7558s quite a while
7565s yeah that's it stream's over hope you
7567s guys say fun I know I did
7569s I think I already said that didn't I
7572s it's okay see you later