about 1 year
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | Greetings travelers, I'm Judd Cobler. |
2s | Founder of Eleventh Hour Games and Game Director for Last Epoch |
5s | Today we will be discussing the highly anticipated item faction system |
9s | coming to the full release of Last Epoch, on February 21st. |
13s | We're very excited to release |
14s | this innovative new way for players |
16s | to participate in the deep and rewarding item hunt |
19s | that Last Epoch offers, in a way that they like to play. |
21s | By joining the Merchants Guild |
23s | you will be able to buy, sell, and trade items |
26s | through the bustling bazaar. |
27s | or, if you choose to join the Circle of Fortune |
29s | you'll set your sights to the stars |
31s | and be able to bolster your item acquisition |
33s | through Prophesies and increased item drop rates. |
36s | This system is the result of many years |
38s | of debating what the ideal trade system |
40s | should look like in |
41s | a loot-based action RPG; |
43s | tons of collaboration with our amazing community |
46s | and many sleepless nights in game design meetings |
48s | with our game design team. |
49s | We found through extensive polling |
51s | that players of action RPGs |
52s | are split nearly down the middle |
54s | when it comes to those who want their experience |
56s | to heavily trade and an economy, |
58s | and those who want to |
60s | focus on finding items themselves |
61s | or, with close friends. |
63s | We believe that through the item faction system |
65s | we will deliver a tailored and |
66s | exciting path to hunt for top tier items |
68s | for both camps of players. |
70s | In Last Epoch 1.0 you will join a faction |
73s | once you reach the great mercantile |
75s | city of Maj'Elka. |
76s | When you select to join the Merchants Guild |
78s | or the Circle of Fortune |
79s | a new interface will become available |
81s | that will let you access details |
83s | about your current status with your faction, |
85s | known as reputation, |
86s | how much favor you currently have |
88s | and what benefits your faction is currently providing you. |
91s | Let's talk about these briefly. |
93s | Reputation within a faction |
94s | is a core part of how a faction is going to be |
97s | benefiting you on your journey. |
98s | As a representative of that faction, |
100s | you will continue to increase your reputation |
103s | by killing enemies and completing quests. |
105s | For the Merchants Guild, this includes |
107s | participating in the bazaar |
109s | and completing trades at your current level, |
111s | and for the Circle of Fortune |
112s | this means completing prophesies |
114s | that will divine certain items |
116s | after fulfilling the foretold conditions. |
118s | Through earning reputation, |
120s | you will ascend ranks within your faction |
121s | earning you unique benefits and options. |
124s | Once you have earned reputation |
126s | within a faction, |
127s | that reputation stays with your |
128s | account, in that game mode. |
130s | This means, if you rank up a |
132s | cycle character, all of your other |
133s | cycle characters will have that rank |
135s | when they join the same faction, |
137s | and contribute to that factions reputation gain. |
140s | You may switch factions, |
141s | and earn and maintain reputation with them |
143s | with no penalty to your |
145s | earned reputation with the other. |
147s | There are currently ten ranks to acheive |
149s | in each faction. |
150s | With the later ranks |
151s | requiring quite a bit of commitment |
153s | in order to obtain. |
154s | So, While you have the freedom to |
156s | change your faction at any time, |
158s | you will want to pick a faction |
159s | and stick with it |
160s | to reach the most powerful |
161s | benefits that they have to offer. |
163s | It is important to note that you |
164s | can only be a member of one faction |
166s | at any given time per character, |
168s | and items earned with the benefits |
170s | from those factions |
171s | will require that you are aligned with them |
174s | in order to use them. |
175s | So most players will want to stick to a faction |
177s | that rewards their preferred playstyle. |
179s | Next, lets talk about favor. |
182s | Favor is the currency |
184s | you will earn while slaying enemies |
185s | or completing quests |
186s | for each of the factions. |
188s | Favor is separate from reputation. |
190s | This currency can be used to either |
192s | complete trades with the Merchants Guild |
194s | or, acquire new prophesies from |
196s | the Circle of Fortune; |
197s | and, if you find yourself with excess favor, |
200s | you can always spin the wheel with the faction gambler. |
203s | Item gifting to party members |
204s | has been in the game for a while now |
206s | and it isn't going anywhere. |
207s | However, it's important to note |
209s | that once you have joined a faction, |
211s | items will start being tagged |
212s | with the faction you are a part of |
214s | when they dropped. |
215s | This means, that while questing |
216s | if you are a member of the Merchants Guild, |
218s | and an item drops for you |
220s | that item will still be shareable |
222s | with anyone who was in the party like always, |
224s | and be available to be sold |
226s | provided that you meet the rank requirements |
228s | in the Merchants Guild bazaar. |
229s | Just be sure that the person |
231s | you are trading it to |
232s | also meets the same faction requirements. |
234s | The last use case we wanted to solve for, |
236s | are friends who choose to play together |
238s | and just want their own little trade group, |
240s | which brings us to Resonance. |
242s | Which are a new type of item that |
244s | can be found when you are questing |
246s | with your friends or party members. |
248s | This item can be used to enable an item |
250s | to be gifted specifically to the player you have a resonance with, |
254s | even if they weren't there when the item dropped. |
256s | We know a lot of times, players will play with their friends |
259s | and then later, you'll be soloing a piece of content |
261s | and the perfect item drops for your buddy. |
263s | Well, thanks to the new resonance system, |
265s | you will be able to give them that |
267s | perfect item, the next time you see them. |
269s | As those of you who love loot-based action RPGs know, |
273s | trade and economy is a very complex |
275s | and divisive issue to solve for |
277s | when catering to a large player base |
278s | and different play styles, while keeping |
280s | the item acquisition hunt feeling great. |
282s | We can't wait to get your feedback |
284s | on the system that we've come up with alongside you, |
287s | and we thank you for all your continued input |
289s | and passion, for helping to make |
290s | Last Epoch, the next great action RPG. |
293s | There is so much more to explore |
295s | with the item faction system, |
297s | so check out the deeper dive we have on our forums |
299s | and we look forward to seeing you in |
300s | Last Epoch, February 21st! |