over 1 year ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s Bing Bong your call is important to us
6s if we answered in the order it was
7s received
10s just kidding hey everybody welcome back
12s to another last Epoch Dev stream it's me
14s Mike how's it going how you doing let's
16s go let's jump right back into it and
18s we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna play
19s some
21s of the main quest on our own master that
24s we're leveling
25s here we go
34s Dylan
35s oh I feel good
39s I feel very good
41s I'll get some hot fixes out the door
44s lots of fun
46s yeah there's that fireball
62s so yeah how's how's uh how's your master
67s treating everybody I feel like that's
68s sort of the
71s the thing most people are playing right
72s now
73s understandably because it's awesome
82s yeah
84s a big Fireball gets me every time
90s if this is your first time here welcome
92s glad to have you with us we stream for
94s charity and uh all of the stuff we do
97s goes to charity which is great and our
98s Charities are about my head this is the
99s one
101s um
102s and if you have any questions I'd be
104s happy to answer them please put at last
106s default game in the question so I see it
108s pops out of me
110s and we're also usually seeing these
112s things
113s we have some fun we're gonna hang out I
115s don't I'll warn you right at the Top If
117s you're here just for spoilers
119s I'm I'm Barren I'm dry no spoilers today
124s unfortunately I come bearing nothing
125s except my charming personality
127s I might be able to get something out of
129s me who talk nicely
133s or trick me either way
136s uh
141s has been any thoughts to more Weaver's
144s items absolutely there'll be more
146s Weaver's items
147s um it's one of those things that uh
150s it's it's one of those mechanics that
152s we'll keep adding too slowly over time
154s um there weren't any in the most recent
156s patch but that doesn't mean there won't
157s be any more after
160s we were focusing on the like of the new
162s item types
164s of the new items that came into the game
165s we were focusing really heavily on Rune
168s Master specific uniques
171s um
172s and
175s uh personal items and experimental items
178s so those are like the big item focuses
180s for 592
181s um so Weaver's well not really in there
183s but yeah it's something that we're going
184s to keep expanding on as we go
187s 1291 loving this patch awesome glad to
189s hear it that's fantastic
193s I'm also loving this patch
217s oh ow my face
219s not like this
222s Swatch The Matrix again
228s what a gut wrenching scene
231s all right next question do you plan to
233s keep Weaver's will as such I'm not
235s satisfied with the results oh no
237s uh most of the time
239s most of the time but I have an idea to
242s level an item by killing enemies I I
245s like the idea I think it's trying to say
247s items killing enemies to level item yeah
250s it's one of those things where we're
251s trying to incorporate new ways of you
255s know
255s um
257s like like leveling an item or leveling
259s item but like building your character
261s gear and all that sort of stuff and I
262s just tell you multiple avenues for that
263s sort of thing
264s um and I I think it's
267s really expected that most people won't
269s use every single method of like item
274s acquisition for gearing and it'll be
276s more of like
278s um maybe maybe there's like eight
279s different ways to get items and you pick
281s four of them for your builds and and
283s some builds need some and some builds in
285s the other and I think that's that's
286s really good overall
294s but yeah we will also be making
296s more weaversable items um and they're
299s there might be little updates to them
301s planned as well you know little little
303s changes little things here and there
305s that can make them more awesomer
307s that's right more awesomer
310s I I think it could be the sort of thing
312s that
313s um I I could see that being the sort of
316s thing that
317s comes up in a prophecy even
320s um or I mean obviously you'll be able to
322s to buy them with stats you like from the
326s um for the bazaar so like why not have
329s things in the in um prophecies that can
333s like I don't know maybe
336s let you force the next affix to be added
340s to be something or like a range of some
342s things or I don't know
350s we don't have any specific plans for it
351s but I consider being more ways to
353s interact with the system being added on
355s as we go
356s that's what I'd really like to see
357s personally
365s it's a cut on my leg and it's so itchy
371s foreign
380s let's go
391s is he blowing the horn
393s uh any thoughts on more of his lines oh
397s a lot sweepers will item questions today
398s yeah
402s don't worry
403s the weaversville system and items are
406s not finished
412s okay technical question you absolutely
414s can ask a technical question I make no
416s promises of being able to answer it
417s perfectly and if I don't know the answer
419s I will
421s um I'll I'll either give you a partial
423s answer or I'll Dodge the question and I
425s will be clear make it clear that I am
427s not answering because I don't know the
428s answer um they'll do my best and there's
431s certain categories that I'll be able to
432s answer very confidently for technical
434s questions and other categories I will
435s have no knowledge about sorry
440s if you ask me how
443s um
445s animation timing is done for
449s um like locking out various portions of
452s the body so that the animations can be
453s combined together I have no idea how
456s that works
460s I've been playing hydrohedron love it uh
463s I need to increase duration as a
465s craftable stat cool
469s um
470s good evening Mike good evening Mr fiddle
473s lovely to see you this evening
482s um I just like the good evening uh I
485s guess this has been asked many times
487s that's fine but I've returned to Le
489s after a lengthy this welcome back and
491s was wondering whether we will be
493s required to start fresh character
494s recycle one
497s um so if you want to participate in the
499s latter
503s so good at this guys so good if you want
506s to participate in the latter you will
508s have to start a new character
511s um but just in order to play the game
514s and do the stuff no you do not have to
516s make a new character for a single one
525s at least that's the way it's playing
526s right now it's possible so like we're
528s we're not 100 set in stone on exactly
530s the like what will and will not be
532s included in
533s um as like exclusive content for the
535s cycle so
537s um
539s right now I think we're looking at the
540s first cycle just being everything for
543s everyone
544s um in future that may be slightly
546s different
547s oh my nose
556s oh
558s we've got some
559s some cats and they're uh
563s they're hitting me hard
574s all right
576s what questions are so many questions I
578s love it good job everybody
580s uh can you tell us if the Falcon from
583s the falconer class is a minion is there
585s any other minions in this class
587s um so I don't have a ton of details that
589s I can share about exactly how the
590s falconer is gonna work and be like that
591s the I can basically just tell you what's
593s already been said
595s um
596s the the Falcon will
598s scale with minion stats
602s so in order to make your if you want to
605s focus on your Falcon as your primary
607s damage Source
609s um
610s you'll want to get increased minion
611s damage for that
614s um
615s you won't need increased minion Health
618s as a stat as a falconer
622s there might be ways that that can be
625s used to scale things with the falconer
627s but just
629s barring other foreseen unforeseen things
632s you won't really need it as a stat
635s um so yes ish it's a minion ish
640s um
644s kinda so to speak
647s um
653s if you were to ask me is do I think
655s Falconer is a minion class
657s um I'd say yes I know people would
660s disagree with me
662s so
664s uh
667s I I know other people would very
669s strongly agree with me because we've had
670s this debate internally a few times if it
672s counts the mini class or not
674s um
675s generally I think it does count
694s prophecies how have I missed have I
696s missed a News Post not really probably
698s the um prophecies were
701s um first mentioned as part of the
704s alternative to oh my goodness
708s as part of the alternative to
711s um the bazaar so uh we'll our item
713s faction system is going to be coming up
714s 1.0
716s um I actually just saw a preview of the
719s um circular Fortune UI that looks really
722s good yeah yeah you could tell I had no
725s hand in it whatsoever because it looks
727s really good
728s um
729s and
732s um
734s yeah it's so there's two item factions
737s one of which gives you access to trade
739s one of which does not and the one that
741s does not
742s um gives you access to the circle of
743s Fortune which the primary feature of
746s that is you can buy prophecies
749s with favor
750s um
751s which is a
753s like if all this is brand new you should
755s go read the the item factions um
758s uh blog posts that came out
760s shortly after 0.91 or shortly before
764s 0.91 I can't remember
766s maybe that's it was a 0.90
771s I don't know it was a weird time
773s it surprised me long ago it was like
774s eight months ago nine months ago
776s something like that
786s um
788s but there's not been any details on it
790s there's like there's there's in in that
792s posting there's two examples of like
794s potential prophecies and what they could
796s be and that's about it
798s uh any aspirational bosses coming with
801s 1.0 or things that uh make grind worth
804s it so and end game content in general is
807s definitely missing uh like a Capstone
810s boss to say like here here's the here's
813s here's Diablo you know here's
816s um any any Pinnacle boss type thing like
819s here's here's the oh did you beat the
821s game and like
824s um
827s it's it's kind of gray what that is
829s right now
830s um and we really want to make sure that
832s whatever the first version of that is
835s because there'll be lots of those things
836s over the years
838s um but whatever the first version of
839s that is we want it to be to be like a
842s complete system and to feel special and
843s to feel fun
844s um so I'm not sure if that's actually
846s going to make it into 1.0 or not
850s of like an actual like singular Capstone
852s Pinnacle boss
854s there will be lots of changes to end
856s game coming
857s um
859s it just might not be that specific one
862s change
887s uh oh we're at the Menace
893s wow that was just like the perfect
895s amount of damage to just finish the job
898s hahaha
900s I'll take it
909s now about that Forge guard passage any
911s side's been coming love I mean yeah
913s everything's on the list everything's
914s everything's in the queue type thing
918s the the primary focus for skills and
922s passives for 1.0 will be still around
924s Falconer and Warlock
928s um which will have some bleed into the
930s other masteries and base classes for
932s those So like
934s um Rogue play dancer and Marksman
937s um and acolyte Lich and Necromancer will
940s will sort of have some incidental
941s changes happening
943s um
944s but the primary focus will be on the two
946s new masteries
947s um
949s that's not to say that all the other
950s ones will be untouched but there won't
952s be
953s um yeah and if you remember what we we
955s did a druid overhaul
958s uh two packs to go three patches or
960s something like that
961s um
962s and and so it won't be that extensive
965s but that was pretty extensive overall
970s oh walking out of my AOE come on
974s smart that's one thing I've always
976s wanted to like set up in an AI is like
978s have it be able to tell that it's
979s standing in an AOE and just like just
981s move a tiny bit you know
986s like I'd be able to see the circles
991s hello from Brazil I got the game this
993s week and it's been great experience
994s congratulations to work thank you that's
995s awesome
998s hey Mike are you going to release any
999s more content before official 1.0 release
1001s or this is the last major update plan
1003s for now this is the last major update
1005s planned pre 1.0 the next major patch
1008s will be 1.0 it'll be later this year
1010s um
1012s it'll be sometime in December
1014s hopefully that's obvious when we say
1015s this year and there's still a little
1016s time left in the year
1035s 's here's the question I expected to
1038s come up that's fine
1039s um hi can you tell us if changes in
1041s unity will affect studio and the game
1044s um so any effect yes there's definitely
1047s an effect
1048s um like the there's there's the most
1050s basic effect which is just like that was
1053s a lot of stress for a couple days
1055s it's not over yet
1058s um
1059s you know so there's there's small
1060s effects like that that happen as as far
1062s as effects that you'll actually see on a
1064s player facing side
1066s um
1067s you should see literally nothing there
1069s should be nothing that
1072s um you can tell affected anything you
1075s know like as far as uh the average
1077s player is concerned it should be just
1080s like okay I guess nothing happened
1083s um
1095s it's it's a
1098s um
1100s there's a lot happening there's a lot of
1102s moving pieces and a lot of things that
1103s we don't understand yet
1105s um
1107s so the one thing that like is this has
1108s run up several times in like our forums
1110s uh Discord and all sort of stuff
1112s um Reddit uh basically everywhere that
1114s we have contact we've seen this come up
1116s as a topic and
1118s um
1119s we're just trying not to be rash or
1121s Hasty or do anything without all the
1123s information basically so
1126s there's there's time to see how this
1128s shakes out and
1130s lots of stuff but yeah the there's
1133s there's no there's no talk of like
1136s switching engines or something like that
1139s um
1140s yeah
1144s uh all right is it safe to assume more
1147s base item types for Weaver as well
1149s um yeah I think that's a safe assumption
1170s thank you
1200s this guy's a little beefy
1203s no
1204s no
1212s body movement skills
1219s yeah I'm talking about having like
1220s things move out of aoes that's just like
1222s doing it to me
1226s it does feel more like you're fighting a
1227s real person though when they actually
1228s use moving abilities frequently
1234s I need some sort of calling on this film
1241s fireball's just big enough that it just
1243s hits
1246s all right
1248s where to keep threshold nice word game
1250s proportion is nice increase health
1252s increase fire damage
1258s in Mana pots I think
1262s are stronger for us really come to think
1265s of it let's cast this minion damage away
1268s lightning damage
1270s that's nice the experimental affix
1273s teared up
1279s uh oh
1281s oh
1292s I think Mana pots are more important
1295s yeah the stats are so much better than
1297s the new one though
1318s yeah let's go for it let's see what
1319s happens
1323s probably using them as Mana pots
1332s not bad
1334s oh questions
1343s can we expect Ragdoll on enemies corpses
1346s for 1.0 right now they all assume the
1348s same position when they died there's
1349s actually
1350s um it's actually split so there are some
1353s enemies that Ragdoll on some enemies
1354s that have specific death animations
1357s um and we'll probably keep it as a
1358s combination of the two
1360s depending on which ones we feel work
1361s better for each enemy type
1366s all right what what's in our Frost law
1369s we're not actually uh
1371s uh expecting to frost law yet
1380s that is nice
1385s of these right out of the gate
1389s uh area duration yeah I just want area
1391s duration just crank that
1396s um Master this one love it can't get
1399s enough of it
1403s how big is it now yes lovely
1411s good
1420s all right we're moving and we're walking
1425s hey they're just gonna say one thing
1427s quick the three fire Rune Fireball you
1429s guys made uh fried my friend a good way
1432s using that in the most fun I've ever had
1434s in an RPG won't lie and then as you can
1437s see I am right there with you
1440s hahaha
1443s we just get like a nice
1445s oh
1448s it's a big big boy
1451s uh how will the letter work what will
1452s the what will we be competing for
1455s um well the ladder is still the same as
1456s the ladder that's here it's
1458s um uh waves in the arena right now
1462s um we do plan to have
1464s more
1466s um
1468s more types of things to compete on for
1472s the latter so right now it's just it's
1474s just this one type of thing but um
1476s you'll you'll you'll see more categories
1478s eventually
1479s um you're alive we don't have specifics
1481s on what those categories are going to be
1482s yet
1484s um but there's definitely things that we
1486s want to who cares about that like like
1488s deal with Ryan
1491s just to start adding two
1494s voice acting talking over me or me
1496s talking to the voice acting was got me
1497s tongue-tied
1499s um there's more categories that we will
1500s add eventually
1502s um we don't have details on what those
1503s are going to be just yet
1511s ah
1531s I love the frost lot that goes around
1532s this wall that they make
1535s like so perfectly
1536s it's great
1552s descendants Give It Up
1559s all right more questions
1563s uh is it possible that a new melee class
1566s will arrive for the game for example a
1569s barbarian yes it is entirely possible
1572s um
1573s I don't want to say specifically the
1574s barbarian's coming or anything like that
1577s um
1577s the only details on which classes are
1579s next there's the Falcon and the Warlock
1581s after that
1582s um we will be adding probably like we
1584s don't have specifics on exactly what
1585s will be coming after that likely it will
1588s be new Mastery classes for existing base
1590s classes first
1592s um and and once there's like a few of
1595s those in uh we'll we'll reevaluate and
1597s pick what we're gonna do but I'd say
1598s there's they'll probably be a new
1601s Mastery class up to four for most base
1603s classes before we add a new Base Class
1606s um but it really depends on like
1610s what's what's in the game how are the
1611s games going what feedback we're getting
1613s all that sort of stuff like there's lots
1614s of factors that go into deciding which
1615s one's next
1616s um
1617s and we we sort of have loose plans once
1619s you get past a certain point ahead
1622s um
1623s so we know what we like kind of want to
1625s do and rough plans we don't have
1627s specifics like guaranteed this is the
1629s next class and this is the one after
1630s that and this is the one after that yet
1633s sort of got like here's the next few
1635s masteries here's the next few base
1637s classes and we'll decide which order we
1639s want to do them in as we go
1647s but yes some of those classes that we
1649s have
1650s rough roughed out pre-planned roughed
1652s out uh our melee classes
1660s I don't think there's any class that's
1661s pure melee
1664s like every class has some way to do
1666s range stuff
1671s maybe that's the Barbarian stick there's
1673s no range anything and it'll be weird
1675s though
1676s I think I'd want to see like if
1678s hypothetically we're gonna do a
1679s barbarian class I think I'd want to see
1680s like
1681s I don't know some sort of
1683s uh
1685s like big like ranged spear or something
1688s I don't know
1700s yeah like we could we could go into fire
1702s here but I do like having that cold
1703s skill on the bar to be able to get that
1705s like cold fire fire around if we need it
1711s um so I think when you go this way which
1713s is more of these
1719s Pebble haste boom
1726s what's left is locating the Lance
1730s locate that Lance
1734s there's uh
1739s there's there's a cliff of it's a circle
1741s Taskmaster
1743s uh and there's a clip I saw last night
1746s that I hadn't seen in a while that was
1747s funny where James acaster was trying to
1749s remember a famous Armstrong
1752s um and took the action of their first
1754s name which was supposed to be Neil
1758s um and and he was trying to figure out
1760s how to Lance something out of mime out
1762s Lance
1775s I thought it was funny
1780s all right will there be an option to
1782s Auto cast skills
1785s um
1787s we don't have any
1791s um any specific plans for that at the
1793s moment apart from technically the one
1795s that's already in there for enchant
1796s weapon
1798s um
1800s but I know what a lot of people are
1801s looking for is basically an in-game way
1803s to do the numblock trick
1806s um we don't have anything like that
1807s planned at the moment I don't know why
1808s that boss did not even look at me but
1810s I ain't mad
1813s um
1822s would you but why I'll give you tell me
1826s more of this
1828s would you but why oh tell me more of
1831s this Immortal Emperor on our journey
1841s um
1842s not much we don't have any plans to add
1844s that at the moment
1846s um it doesn't mean we won't ever add it
1847s but right now it's not on the list
1855s all right there are some gameplay
1857s differences visual
1859s only that I've noticed
1862s there are some gameplay differences
1864s visual only that I've noticed has there
1867s been thoughts of unifying the look
1869s or is that just something that's not
1872s being thought of
1878s I think this was in response to a
1880s specific question I was talking about
1881s and I have no idea which one uh dracana
1885s blade please rephrase the question with
1887s context so I may answer it please
1890s I remember you talked about adding three
1892s more acts uh can you tell us what their
1894s theme Desert Snow maybe no I can't
1896s because I don't know
1899s um the one so like
1902s pure speculation on my part but
1904s hopefully should be obvious
1906s um
1907s there are no acts that take place fully
1912s in the ancient era
1914s and it has it's it's just as much of a
1916s full era as these other three up here
1918s like we're just like ignoring a quarter
1921s of our timeline at the moment basically
1924s there's little bits and pieces for you
1925s where you visit them
1927s over here yet so third one I think it's
1930s just the two right now
1932s like it doesn't even do the same stuff
1934s where like this zooms out it's like
1935s there's like the regions the area number
1937s of areas and like doesn't even bother
1939s with that because there's so little
1940s that's here
1941s um why would we make an entire map era
1945s without for just two oh three zones the
1947s three zones
1948s one two three anyways
1951s um
1953s like we we've got to come back here to
1955s some of this there's like there's
1955s sections of it that are like
1957s uh only exist really
1960s like there's just nothing here in the
1961s other in the other eras right so there's
1963s like there's sections of of the game
1965s where like and you can you can pick lots
1966s of spots but like yeah I I feel like
1968s some stuff has to happen in the ancient
1971s era at some point
1983s around
1990s um
1997s going down this path all right
2016s okay
2018s did me
2020s did me implementing remaster take a lot
2023s of new technology less under the hood
2025s changes
2026s um if it was difficult would you say
2028s upcoming masteries will have about as
2030s much special stuff that has to be
2032s implemented just for them
2034s um there was there was there was some
2036s stuff that had to be um created for Rin
2038s Master yet like for example
2040s um this little icon that shows up here
2042s as like a permanent buff spot like that
2045s that style of thing didn't exist before
2048s um
2049s the runebolt had a surprising amount of
2052s stuff that had to be made for it to make
2053s it work
2055s um that was painful
2057s um
2061s I don't think Ricky vacation actually
2062s had to have new tech created for it was
2064s just like an absurd amount of work
2067s um of just like stuff to make
2073s um oh the the stuff above these things
2075s these icons here that took that took a
2077s little bit of work
2078s um nothing like crazy though
2081s um
2083s there's I know I know animation's been
2087s like animation VFX for um Falconer has
2091s been tough
2093s um
2094s but they're doing a great job on it so
2097s it's not gonna look like it was tough at
2098s the end
2103s but that's just because they're awesome
2105s and
2111s um but yeah I I I think if you're if
2113s you're trying to ask if there's a system
2116s on the same scale as rainy convocation
2119s for the other two no it's not on that
2121s com that that complexity level is not
2123s there
2124s um and that's really intentional Rune
2126s Master will at lunch and probably for a
2128s little while stand is the most complex
2129s class
2130s um and that is buying
2132s very much by Design
2153s yeah the the Falcons the falconers had
2155s some some pretty unique stuff made for
2156s it
2157s um
2161s warlocks had some tricky under the hood
2163s stuff that had to be made for it to make
2165s it work but it's
2166s uh definitely not visible it's one of
2169s those things that like you're like you'd
2170s be surprised how hard this was but it
2172s looks just normal and you're like yeah
2173s it does look just normal
2190s but there's little stuff all the time
2191s that we're adding in that like if you'd
2193s asked me if you could have it a year ago
2194s I probably would have said no we don't
2195s have to check for it and there's lots of
2197s things like there's there's stuff that's
2198s in like experimental affixes
2201s um just stuff that's in like passes and
2203s sort of innocuous seeming skill nodes
2205s that you're like okay yeah great that's
2207s a normal thing but like there's a lot of
2209s changes that have to be made to make it
2212s work nice
2214s all right any chance of us getting an
2216s Uber monolith mode where we choose a
2218s node that node
2221s any chance of us getting the Uber
2223s monolith mode
2225s where when you choose a node that node
2227s is permanent but can only be one node of
2231s each type
2233s for example if you take an elemental
2235s damage node and it increases damage by
2237s 90 but then you take another node that
2240s does 190 11 damage they don't stack
2243s uh but give the higher the stats remain
2246s throughout the entire monolith
2250s um
2253s uh I I that's a pretty big change to the
2256s system I would we don't have any plans
2258s for that
2260s I see you have returned with alarms
2266s that's the plan
2268s uh will you have a rebirth mechanic are
2272s you making old characters level one for
2273s Cycles uh we don't have anything like
2276s that planned at the moment it's a cool
2277s idea though you're right
2278s um I'm not you couldn't really carry
2280s anything over so like if you want to do
2283s that you just delete the character and
2284s remake it
2289s uh can you explain the new bug report
2291s feature to us how does it work on your
2293s end
2294s um so there's a bug report feature right
2297s here that you can enter a description of
2299s a bug
2300s um and it submits a ticket to us it it
2303s creates a
2305s um a bug marked with like your username
2309s and like or it depends on if he's like
2315s you know touch player data that has like
2317s your username on it and everything
2319s um
2322s yeah it just it just basically puts this
2324s into like a big list of bugs that we
2326s have
2328s um and then someone goes through and
2331s looks for things that seem relevant and
2333s sorts them and tries to combine them
2335s together and
2337s you know tries to pull
2340s um maybe there's something that's like a
2342s lot of users are talking about I think
2344s it it tries to automatically create
2345s duplicate or um like combine duplicates
2347s so like if one person's just supporting
2350s the same thing over and over again we
2350s just see it once
2352s um
2353s oh
2355s there's a few of the little things like
2356s that that it does
2362s warp here
2365s yeah
2367s um I haven't actually seen how that form
2370s looks so I can't really give you details
2373s but yeah
2376s wait is Ellie on Union engine it is
2381s all right considering this is the last
2383s major content patch before 1.0 uh are
2387s there any where am I going
2389s that uh are there I'm just like looking
2393s at my peripheral vision on the screen
2394s get lost sometimes
2396s uh are there any balance changes going
2399s to happen in between considering how
2400s powerful remastered looks in comparison
2402s to sorcerer spellblade I am afraid that
2404s this subclass might dominate the class
2406s and I'm worried that similar fate can
2408s happen with doctor and warlock
2410s um
2412s we don't have a pre 1.0 balance patch
2416s planned
2417s um
2420s we will be working we will be locking
2423s things a lot earlier than usual for 1.0
2427s um
2428s and we will be working pretty closely
2430s with um
2431s with people that are
2434s uh really good at making really powerful
2436s builds to try and balance things a
2438s little bit better
2440s um
2445s and and yeah it would have been nice to
2447s have uh a patch there
2450s um in between but
2452s you know uh
2457s this is just the way the timing worked
2458s out
2474s those are really funny I just want to
2475s make note that like
2477s um I've gotten so I do a lot of the
2479s Reddit moderation and I've gotten a
2483s I've had to like break up a couple
2485s arguments now about how
2489s uh either good or bad remaster is
2494s we're like
2496s really aggressively touting how terrible
2498s it is just like slamming into the ground
2500s really aggressively saying it's the most
2502s powerful thing ever so everything else
2503s is invalid and it's like it's really
2505s interesting how strong the like opposing
2507s viewpoints are
2511s I'm not saying one is wrong or right
2512s just
2513s I find it really funny like we've never
2516s had such a such a strong uh
2519s like completely opposite reaction to
2522s something like this before
2526s I don't think
2534s uh
2536s foreign
2539s were you the one at Gamescom I was one
2541s of the people at Gamescom I wasn't the
2542s one up on stage
2543s um but if you came by the uh our booth
2547s in before if you came by our booth
2549s before 3 P.M any day I was there
2557s but yeah I was there that was me
2560s Gamescom was so much fun I had a blast I
2564s like
2566s um and there's every time I go traveling
2568s which isn't very often at all like every
2571s like six years
2573s um
2573s so I'm not very good at it but there's
2575s always things that you're like oh I wish
2577s I could have done this I wish I could
2578s have done that
2579s um
2582s and and there was there was a few things
2583s that I wish I could have done while I
2584s was there you know like I didn't really
2585s get to see a song with my wife actually
2588s about this um last night I'm like I
2589s don't feel like I've really visited
2590s Germany I feel like I've visited
2591s Gamescom
2593s um
2594s and like I did get a ton of like there
2596s was there was some some locals that were
2597s there
2598s um and some like people that were from
2599s Journey from other regions that were
2600s there that were like in our group type
2602s thing and uh they show us a ton of
2604s awesome stuff which was really really
2606s great to have local guide for a lot of
2609s stuff but like I still don't feel like I
2610s went and saw Germany like there was
2612s there's a lot of places and things that
2614s I would have liked to have seen
2617s so still still on the list to go back to
2619s someday
2620s someday like 30 years from now
2632s uh when will we get more story content
2635s it cuts off the last area but there's
2638s obviously not done yet that's true it is
2639s not done yet
2641s um there will be more story content
2643s added post 1.0
2645s um it'll start pretty quickly post 1.0
2647s and um
2649s there's still three I think it's three
2651s chapters left to go
2653s someone else earlier said three that
2655s might go and stuck in my head
2656s um the hold up and
2658s but I'm pretty sure three is right and
2660s so you can see what chapter you're on at
2661s the top there and
2663s um
2665s it is
2669s uh and and the story content won't be
2671s completely done after that that's just
2672s where like the campaign will stop so
2673s like that's the that'll be the end of
2675s like what we had mapped out as the main
2677s primary story arc
2679s um and then there's still room for like
2681s the time travel game there's there's
2683s room for other stories to happen really
2685s easily where you can just be like well
2686s you know you
2688s pull someone out of the storyline at
2690s this point and have them go do an
2691s adventure and then come back at the same
2692s point and it's like they never left
2695s um you know that sort of thing is really
2696s easy to do
2701s let's go sort of things there's plenty
2703s of room for
2705s um future Cycles to
2708s um add on story content through in-game
2710s systems where it doesn't extend the
2712s campaign but it still expands on the
2714s story in the world as a whole
2716s lot to do a lot of people have a big
2718s problem with the long campaign so we
2719s don't want to in future we don't want to
2722s be just adding chapters onto the
2723s campaign
2725s um
2726s because because it can get really
2727s bloated
2729s or maybe like maybe alternate chapters I
2731s know that's something people have talked
2732s about a lot where like storyline can
2734s Branch you can pick a different chapter
2735s to go do there's tricks with this
2737s there's tricky problems with that
2738s because like you say you're like you're
2740s part way through one side of that
2743s um and then you like go play multiple or
2745s someone there on the other side of it
2746s how does that work yada yada yada so
2749s this it can get messy but
2752s you know we really want to explore the
2753s options we have for expanding the
2754s storyline as a whole without necessarily
2757s floating the campaign
2769s right because they're really lock chat
2771s language or change it in game
2773s um
2774s no there's not a way to change there
2777s used to be a way right here it's gone
2786s yeah that would be nice to have it
2789s definitely
2790s um
2791s so the chat system runs a little bit
2793s differently than the rest of the online
2794s features it actually has its entirely
2797s separate system and
2799s um
2802s there's
2804s there's a couple issues with it
2806s um being changed after you already got
2808s the game going I think but
2811s it should be possible
2823s uh in my gaming experience The
2825s Beastmaster is underpowered compared to
2827s the necro specifically considered abuse
2829s master has to get the front line has to
2831s get to the front line uh and hit enemies
2834s because of the many aspects of synergies
2836s uh in other words The Beastmaster has to
2838s take more risks and it deals less damage
2840s cool thanks for feedback
2842s uh I hope Unity stuff shakes out for you
2845s guys well I would hate for you to have
2848s to increase the Box place your game or
2849s anything
2850s I I yeah I don't know I read the
2853s question it wasn't highlighted and you
2855s know we'll see what happens there's lots
2856s lots of time
2859s Exile Mages are awesome what about Excel
2861s Rogues Excel boy knights I mean the
2864s um
2865s the way the
2869s uh I guess lore of it works out it
2871s doesn't really make as much sense for it
2873s to be any other class that I'm age
2876s um
2877s oh wow look at this
2882s that's totally wrong that's funny that's
2885s that's really cool actually I wonder why
2887s that happens
2890s oh I wonder why that happens
2894s okay not important right now we can fix
2896s it later
2897s um
2897s I I I I I can socially Exile Rogues
2902s Excel void nights all that sort of stuff
2904s um
2904s I think that it would make more sense
2906s for us to have a slightly varied story
2910s reason for having that type of character
2913s show up in this in a similar style
2915s mechanic
2916s um
2917s at least initially it's gonna stick with
2919s Mages
2920s um but I do think it's very cool to have
2922s that type of thing where you're fighting
2923s and this is the this is the arena
2924s Champions right this is this is just
2926s another very twistedly reading Champions
2928s that are in game already which is uh
2930s Rogue Prime list and
2934s Sentinel
2937s specifically Marksman
2941s Forge card
2944s I don't know the the those guys
2955s yeah it's kind of another Twist on that
2968s how many devs are working on the game
2971s um so it's kindly
2974s the like title developer is a little
2977s gray
2979s um
2981s the I think the studio is about 80
2983s people now
2987s that includes everyone so like
2990s um
2992s like when you say devs do you include
2995s um
2996s like uh somebody just to the Arts I I do
2999s definitely
3000s um
3001s but I just yeah
3002s it's hard to understand the questions
3004s that's why I make that
3005s distinction of the whole studio instead
3007s of devs but yes
3011s have you any plans to make one and two
3014s run skills worth building towards
3016s um
3017s I mean there's
3019s I've definitely seen a few builds that
3020s utilize volunteering skills there's
3022s there was a
3025s um
3025s plan we had to make them a larger part
3029s of the the Arsenal on the build toolkit
3032s um that didn't quite have time to get in
3033s before the last patch so we we left the
3036s way it is but that is the sort of thing
3038s that we didn't notice was happening a
3039s lot and feedback we got initially we
3041s tried we we have a way that we want to
3045s um
3046s make one and two runes feel more like
3048s part of the class but it hasn't made it
3051s yet
3056s hey cool streams thank you I know you
3058s guys are busy for 1.0 but pretty please
3061s improve server in EU us is awful all of
3064s the servers uh have the same
3068s like server strength or whatever
3077s um and we are in the process right now
3078s of switching over servers
3081s to someone like you you could be on the
3083s old ones right now
3092s but we are in the middle of switching
3094s all of our servers over
3128s all right I should keep talking
3130s shouldn't I'm just like just playing the
3131s game
3135s so you can tell I don't actually do this
3137s normally
3138s because I just like shut up sometimes
3140s for a while
3141s oh yeah I'm supposed to be talking
3142s aren't I
3144s have you considered a skip dialogue
3146s option button it's annoying click like
3148s idiot forever each discussion we have
3150s considered it yes uh have you considered
3153s an elemental being Summoner an elemental
3156s being Summoner for the fourth Mage class
3157s we have
3159s um
3160s please don't get your hopes up
3163s uh will all new future based classes
3166s maintain 50 passive tree availability
3168s regardless of specialization as it is
3170s now would help Builders demon sleep uh
3172s yeah
3177s I don't see why not like the like
3180s you're you're saying if we made it if we
3181s made an entirely new base class and
3183s everything so I completely knew
3184s everything and there was like
3187s um the it was it was a fool this
3190s painting that we're definitely not gonna
3191s do so like there's a fool Base Class and
3194s uh it has access to uh dunce and
3199s uh I don't know
3203s but I make enough ancient terms for
3206s things that doesn't matter there's
3208s um
3209s yes it would still be structured the
3210s same way where there's like a lock line
3212s and the first half is shared and you can
3215s you can like multi-class and see that I
3217s can take points in these points that
3217s sort of thing yeah that's that that core
3221s um mechanic for our passives is
3223s something that we do plan to keep for
3224s all masteries
3226s um and I don't want to say it's 100 set
3228s in stone because we have recently sort
3231s of looked at
3233s some conventions that we had set up
3236s for uh for classes in that sense that
3238s we've decided to Break
3241s um and and not big things but little
3243s things like how there's an extra extra
3244s skill here on the base Mage class
3245s because originally we were like okay
3247s well all the base all the classes are
3249s gonna have the same number of skills
3250s available at each sort of like category
3252s and like tier and rank and spot along
3255s development
3256s um but recently we decided that hey you
3259s know what what's the point of doing that
3261s it doesn't really bring much to the game
3263s it's just sort of there because
3266s um
3266s why because it's expected because it
3269s feels natural it feels normal so we we
3271s decided to allow there to be
3273s discrepancies in the number of skills
3275s here
3277s um and then on top of that there are
3279s discrepancies in when they're unlocked
3281s as well so that's another thing that we
3282s had initially planned out to be pretty
3284s static where you can see most of them
3285s following this 5 15 30 40 uh track Rune
3288s Master now is 5 15 30 35 and that that's
3291s sort of like variance while not like
3294s groundbreaking or anything is is
3296s something that we have been
3298s um loosening up on a little bit
3310s thank you
3313s it looks asking us to be too
3315s no spoilers I'm still watching Tessa and
3317s said
3321s hi Mike uh just joined so I don't know
3323s if somebody asked this question related
3325s to the latest news with the unity
3328s um
3328s how does it affect Ellie uh as uh
3331s someone has asked that but you know it's
3333s been a little while and I'll answer it
3334s again sure
3335s um I've got basically zero info for you
3337s so yeah
3339s um
3341s I I hope it has no effect on us
3345s um as far as
3347s uh people who play our game are
3348s concerned you should feel uh like
3352s nothing changes
3353s at all hopefully you can't even tell
3356s hopefully six months from there you go
3357s hey wasn't there a thing did that do
3359s anything I can't remember it doesn't
3361s matter oh believe that's what happens
3363s um as far as all of you are concerned it
3366s it shouldn't matter at all
3369s um and we're doing our best to make sure
3370s that
3372s it feels that way
3380s thank you
3388s but like yeah just
3390s let's let's wait a minute yeah let's not
3392s do any rash let's take some deep breaths
3394s and see what happens
3402s we're like one this year
3404s yeah probably something ancient here
3406s yeah
3414s oh am I the only one who wished who wish
3416s wish the Raptor looks less British and
3419s more lizardish I'm not a big fan of the
3421s feathers
3422s um probably not the only one
3426s um
3430s uh eventually there will be
3433s um skill skins to change the way things
3435s look
3437s um maybe the Raptor gets a conversion
3438s node anyways that sort of thing down the
3440s road I don't know nothing planned but
3443s who knows
3445s uh how far ahead of 1.0 release should
3447s we start seeing information spoilers on
3449s the few classes like on the last few
3450s classes like Falconer
3452s um I I would say there probably won't be
3455s a ton of information until pretty close
3456s to release
3457s I think it'll be pretty close to the
3459s chest until we're in that like
3461s patch preview week for like really
3463s specific details on like what's
3465s happening with the class like skill
3467s names and skill descriptions and and
3470s that sort of stuff like I don't think I
3471s don't think it'll be that far out in
3473s advance I think we got more information
3474s on more information earlier on Rune
3477s Master than than what will happen on
3479s Falcon I could be wrong with that but I
3482s still want anybody that hopes up on
3483s early info
3485s I'd rather say like way later and people
3487s be like oh surprisingly early then uh
3490s let me say early and have people upset
3492s about waiting you know hopefully
3507s we've got a sub cooked diamonds
3512s that's what diamonds are they've just
3513s been cooked on like a slow cooker for
3515s like a really long time
3516s thank you very much the sub glad to have
3519s you with us hope you're having fun
3521s uh
3523s any teasers for warlock more Fire theme
3528s um I don't have any info for warlock
3530s right now
3532s um
3534s as far as like acolytes are concerned in
3537s general Fire's not outside of the realm
3539s of their like sphere things they can do
3549s but that's just like you look at the
3551s skills that accolide has now there's
3552s fires up in there
3556s uh is there anything you can share about
3558s leagues or is there nothing set in stone
3560s yet I mean the basics
3562s um for leagues we can talk about
3565s So like
3567s um it's gonna be like pretty similar to
3570s the sorts of things you see in like Path
3571s of Exile
3573s um and like uh I I guess uh I I don't
3578s want to see D4 because I haven't really
3579s paid attention to some of the specifics
3581s there and I might by myself in the foot
3584s a little bit
3586s um
3587s closer to that happen again it's just
3590s all water that's hilarious
3592s ah closer to like like initially it'll
3596s feel like Diablo 2's resets
3598s um or or leagues where it's just like
3600s it's just a new ladder basically
3603s um
3604s and then it'll start to feel it'll start
3606s to drift further and further towards
3607s like what D3 did or what Poe does
3611s um where there's like there's like
3613s special mechanics that show up maybe or
3614s there's new content that shows up and
3617s um that that sort of stuff
3621s new new mechanics all sort of stuff we
3624s really don't want to maintain two
3626s versions of the game as much as possible
3629s um so we want to keep most of that
3630s content Universal cycle non-cycle cycle
3633s Legacy is what we're calling it
3635s um
3636s and
3640s um but you know there might be some
3642s little things like maybe there's
3644s um
3645s maybe there's an item that we're not
3647s sure is gonna work
3648s and we're like
3650s all right this one's available for the
3651s cycle but
3653s um
3654s it may or may not ever go to Legacy
3656s we're not sure yet you know something
3658s like that
3669s and hopefully of course but just want to
3671s say it anyways the um
3674s all these things are very subject to
3677s you know how how it feels did it work
3680s did we try it did it go well did it fail
3682s did people tell us it was awesome did
3683s people tell us it sucked
3685s um
3686s you know we'll definitely be evaluating
3689s how well the things we're doing are
3691s going and then
3693s um correcting is needed
3708s come on
3722s okay more questions
3725s yeah oh yeah we'll take that
3729s for the slot
3732s is this fire damage I don't care Brute
3734s Force
3737s this is this
3739s um
3741s June the Third
3743s oh Tyron the third sorry my bad uh
3748s uh yo long-term big fan here watch some
3751s videos hopefully still be excited if I
3752s put you in your name uh from game show
3754s presentation looked really cool uh
3756s there's just some bit unclear to me
3758s could you please explain Sextant
3760s blocking
3761s all right don't feel bad about putting
3763s your name now
3769s um so you know like like sometimes when
3771s you're organizing your inventory
3773s you need to make sure that there's room
3775s for a Sextant right in the middle so
3777s sometimes you just gotta block out space
3779s for it
3780s you've just got you just gotta make sure
3781s that there's room blocked out in your
3783s inventory
3785s um it's really it's a really important
3786s part of inventory management so you have
3788s that like Sextant slot ready in your
3790s inventory to go just blocked out like
3791s that
3792s or else I'll just run into problems
3793s later
3801s I'm sorry
3804s um I think I'm funny are you satisfied
3807s with the ballista now it has weak damage
3809s very low fire rate No Amy except for
3811s some meme builds this this skill is
3813s disappointing thanks to feedback
3815s um
3816s I I
3818s uh I don't know what to say
3824s um
3826s it will
3827s probably receive attention alongside
3830s other Road changes coming with falconer
3845s next question
3847s uh can we use the report bug feature and
3851s select feedback to submit suggestions
3854s um
3858s oh yeah if you've actually there yeah I
3859s don't see why not
3861s um
3864s I will say that the majority of the time
3866s that a suggestion gets included into the
3870s main game uh it comes from uh from a
3874s forum thread more than anything it's the
3876s primary place that those get added to
3878s because
3879s um they quite often seem more
3882s um more discussion more Community
3883s discussion and
3885s um not only does that that help refine
3887s the idea
3888s um but you also end up with an easily
3891s referenceable location for other
3894s um
3895s designers that want to to look at where
3897s you can just be like oh I saw an ID on
3899s the forums I thought it was really good
3900s here's the link quick there you go done
3902s you're talking about it awesome
3904s um and also when it gets when other
3906s people see it on the forums if it's a
3908s really good idea
3909s um you start seeing other people suggest
3911s it in in other places and then it just
3913s becomes uh it comes like part of the
3916s community's
3917s um like shared language of a good good
3919s idea that people want to see at it and
3921s and so you're totally welcome to put it
3924s in in the in that private format and we
3927s do see those frequently in other private
3929s formats like
3930s um like sometimes I get people like
3932s messaging the mods on Reddit even like
3934s trying to suggest things to the game
3936s um
3937s please don't do that that one's not good
3938s because uh
3940s we we don't I
3944s while I do read them I as soon as I see
3946s what it is I usually roll my eyes and be
3948s like yeah this is not the right place
3949s for this
3952s um
3954s oh yeah
3958s and
3959s um
3965s what'd you read them
3969s cause I'm a sucker
3973s yeah form's the best place for it but if
3975s you want to do it privately that
3977s feedback form uh thread's a good place
3978s to do too
3980s um
3987s I'm pretty sure that the feedback there
3989s probably goes to the same place as the
3992s uh there's a feedback form on our
3994s support site I bet that was the same
3996s thing
3998s uh disable the new transitions to every
4001s game do something about the new
4003s transition of the game every time we
4006s want to create a new character uh and
4009s allow the pet to collect gold
4011s here's a great example of a suggestion
4013s that would probably be better served as
4016s a former host
4020s but thanks for the feedback
4022s uh have you considered allowing dual
4024s build one receptors we have very
4027s extensively considered this
4029s um it is extremely unlikely to happen
4033s um I don't want to say impossible but at
4035s least 1.0 will not be in the game
4037s I tell you that much
4043s wow
4047s one hand crossbow plus Catalyst when
4050s when I'm damn well ready no
4054s um I think there's
4056s a
4059s I I think that there's room for
4063s um how do I say this there's there's
4064s some there's some weapons that we've
4066s intentionally left out of the game that
4069s seem like they should be obvious
4070s inclusions and
4073s um they could really use inclusion
4076s alongside a thematically appropriate
4078s class base or Mastery
4081s um and until the right class comes along
4083s some of those item types might not be
4086s included
4088s um others might get earlier inclusions
4090s so who knows
4092s um
4094s currently
4096s um because I know people have data mined
4097s this already the uh there is
4101s um so like every base item type like
4103s like wand chest Helm
4105s um boots you know a a quiver uh staff
4109s you know all of these item types these
4111s base item types
4113s um have like the the two-handed staff
4115s right here but you can alt tab by the
4116s way to keep um a tooltip on screen and
4119s be able to move your cursor away if
4120s you're ever wondering how to do that
4121s just all tab initial tip stains anyways
4124s um
4126s and
4130s uh what am I saying what am I saying
4133s oh yeah yeah there's there's two-handed
4135s crossbows and fist weapons already have
4139s IDs blocked out for them that are not
4143s um used in game yet
4147s uh just for us I don't know if already
4149s commented but anything from each year
4151s regarding Unity yes uh I just
4154s no comment
4156s there's some comment but I've already
4158s answered it twice now so three times now
4160s so just uh I basically said nothing uh
4163s hello Mike can you already say at which
4166s point during the game we will unlock the
4168s factions
4170s um I don't know specifically I should
4172s know this um we do we have it we have
4173s decided at what point specifically they
4175s will be unlocked
4177s um
4179s uh the first time a character goes to
4182s the campaign it will be
4185s um a little bit later than follow-up
4187s characters so follow-up characters will
4188s gain access to turn factions on earlier
4191s than uh the first character of that
4194s cycle yeah
4195s the ladder basically a shot a stared
4198s stat shared stash
4201s um
4204s and so yeah there'll be some there'll be
4206s some stuff there
4208s uh
4211s where will it be I'll be in the campaign
4216s um there's a thematically appropriate
4218s point at which you'll encounter a
4219s character
4220s that will um
4224s uh be related to the theming of the
4227s bizarre
4228s that will help you
4230s get that ball rolling get that Quest
4231s rolling because it'll be a little side
4232s quest
4235s it may actually be inserted into the
4236s main quest line
4242s and I'm not sure which area it'll be in
4243s either
4246s Imperial Divine here I'm pretty sure
4251s but I won in come on let me in
4255s will you let me in just one of you
4256s always tell the truth one of you always
4257s lies you get one question huh
4260s you remember that riddle
4262s you approached two Guardians in the path
4264s one of which will always lie the other
4266s always tell the truth you have one
4268s question to ask either what is it
4275s foreign
4278s for those of us who don't like temporary
4281s pets could we have a wave Forge weapons
4283s to last until they are killed perhaps an
4285s item idle from the use
4287s um
4289s um while not impossible uh we don't have
4291s any plans for this at the moment
4293s um if we did do something like this it
4296s see the part of the problem is that
4297s basically all of the things that
4298s interact with forged weapons assume that
4301s they are
4303s um temporary minions all the things that
4305s generate them all things that change how
4306s they function they're all they all
4308s assume it's temporary
4310s um so if we were going to make a an item
4312s or something that made them be able to
4314s be permanent it would probably force a
4316s specific mode for them for some specific
4319s like stat reduction or you know
4322s something like that
4323s I doubt we would ever release an item
4326s that just said forged minions don't die
4328s after like have infidelation like and
4330s just nothing else
4332s um
4333s yeah maybe but I'd be surprised
4339s I just
4341s just go
4348s uh
4355s what's going on long enough yes
4359s I see you helped clear out the rabbit
4367s just her class confirmed
4372s great oh my God I would love that yes
4375s please
4377s oh yes please
4382s what would it be like Bard jester
4386s I don't know like what's the what's the
4387s base class there Entertainer
4389s tinkerer I don't know
4394s go look up every like
4395s every every weird class that's ever been
4398s in a d d or Pathfinder game I bet
4401s there's three that work together there
4402s four kind of a bass loss
4406s uh I looked and it seemed like COC cast
4410s on grip builds are attached to specific
4412s items yes they are any chance a more
4415s broad approach to cast uncle in the
4416s future
4417s um
4419s in in the sense of like
4421s so the I'm gonna assume from the
4424s terminology that you're looking that
4425s you're coming from Boe if not uh
4428s uh my bad
4429s um but in Poe they've got a like a skill
4433s support gem system that lets that that
4435s is extremely
4437s um generic broad diverse generics it
4440s seems
4442s um
4443s contradiction versus or like negative
4445s but I don't mean it in that way
4447s um
4448s more in the sense of that it is that you
4452s can kind of combine however you want to
4453s combine things and
4455s um
4457s I think things are generics are weird
4460s works I mean in a good way but it sounds
4462s bad oh I'm getting caught up on this um
4464s the
4466s the because the system is so broad it
4469s does allow for a lot of creative freedom
4471s when you're when you're when you're
4472s making things in the system as a player
4475s um it does produce some pretty strong
4477s restrictions on development design that
4480s are a little frustrating I'm sure to the
4483s people doing those designs
4485s um
4486s and
4488s I I doubt we will have a way to do it as
4492s generically as Poe does it
4495s um
4496s I could see there being some specific
4499s way like um like like a more generic way
4502s but not quite as generic all not like
4503s all the way generic so like something
4505s like
4506s um
4507s uh maybe it's maybe it's a passive that
4510s says
4511s um
4512s like
4513s whenever you critically hit
4516s you have a chance to
4520s um use the use whatever skill is the
4522s first skill in your bar or something
4524s like that
4525s um or use the first bow skill on your
4527s bar you know from left to right or
4528s something I don't know
4529s um
4530s and or use a random Bose deal from your
4533s bar you know like something like that
4534s where it's a little bit more Universal
4535s Universal might be better word than
4536s generic there we go Universal
4540s um
4540s and but I doubt we'll ever have a system
4543s where it's like
4545s um
4548s like pick a skill it's cast on crit now
4550s you know like I I doubt we'll ever have
4552s that because there's certain skills that
4555s um
4556s could be problematic to have as cast on
4559s crit
4560s um
4566s thank you
4568s yeah
4570s we'll see though
4571s it's it's
4573s I I really don't want to say no to this
4575s because you never you never really know
4577s what could change but
4580s um
4581s it's it's not something we're planning
4583s right now I guess the best way to put it
4585s hopefully that was an okay answer for
4586s you thanks for detailed answer regarding
4589s passive trees and skills nice response
4590s you're welcome
4592s uh is there any chance of more options
4594s to Idols planned at 1.0 something like
4597s Singularity
4598s um
4599s uh 1.0 we don't have any specific
4602s anything specific planned for uh for
4604s Idols like major overhauls or anything
4606s like that
4607s um
4610s there will be more Idols coming
4613s um
4616s there will there will at least be more
4618s magic Idols like like normal Idols like
4620s like this teal type Idols there will
4623s definitely be at least more of those
4624s coming in 1.0
4626s um more unique Idols coming in 1.0 I
4630s don't know maybe I think it'd be pretty
4632s cool
4634s um
4640s so good I love that one so much so good
4643s that's why that's why Frost will stay in
4644s frost on our bar
4648s um
4651s speaking of Singularity though there are
4653s more things planned for making non-crit
4656s hit builds
4658s um more viable and more fun and more
4660s interesting
4662s I think like
4665s it's it's really hard to
4670s um make non-crit builds be viable for
4674s hit without just like ruining crit as a
4677s as an option
4679s um and if we have to pick between the
4681s two of being more prevalent
4684s fret is likely going to stay more
4686s prevalent than non-crit hit style builds
4689s what
4692s I am not a man of many pockets I said it
4699s oh my God it's not a sex internationally
4701s but it's kind of similar to went into my
4703s Sextant block
4707s cast speed oh we'll take that
4710s we'll take that all the way to the bank
4712s void poison res how we doing on those
4715s oh
4716s oh
4723s I kind of want to change this
4727s we only have four forging potential left
4728s though
4729s could be anything it can be a boat you
4731s know what you want one of those
4735s how to run an item in 10 seconds
4739s it's okay it's Lego Forge potential
4740s which is too low level we'll get there
4745s um
4748s uh it's getting experimental affix from
4751s gear when glyph and removal intended no
4755s they're non-functional though so it
4757s doesn't really matter but no
4760s uh what major things will be added for
4762s 1.0 Falconer and Warlock and item
4764s factions are three gigantic systems and
4767s things that are super duper awesome
4770s uh well the game have a free sound so a
4774s good way to support you're doing a great
4775s job thank you
4780s would you put everything charity
4784s what happens with all the money from the
4785s Stream
4789s yeah
4790s I can try yes I swear
4793s I want to help I just don't read
4797s thank you very much oh odd King 326.
4802s glad to have you with us
4806s hope you're having fun I really enjoy
4808s these dreams that's
4812s always a really nice way to end the week
4818s farewell
4829s I'm gonna Dodge all future Unity
4830s questions so just started sipping that
4832s one
4834s um
4834s you can re-watch the start of the stream
4836s if you want to hear what I'm saying
4836s which is basically nothing I all just
4839s found this game a few weeks ago and
4841s can't stop playing so bad fun awesome
4843s that's awesome
4845s D4 is best game
4847s cool I'm glad you're having fun
4850s I love
4852s Diablo 2 is
4854s fraud it's so hard to pick a favorite
4856s game dl2 is still probably my favorite
4857s game I think though
4861s like like a change this week did the
4863s week it changes but like today it's the
4865s 52.
4874s I play next season
4879s tear zones are awesome spy kids resubbed
4882s for nine months in a row hey Mike great
4884s job to the team for me master thank you
4886s very much
4887s glad you're enjoying it I
4890s it was it was definitely hard to keep
4891s remaster stuff a secret because we were
4893s under pretty strict like don't say
4895s anything with regards to Gamescom and uh
4899s which was really tough but yeah
4902s it's a lot of fun
4904s well Cycles have a battle pass type
4906s approach to progression we're not
4908s planning any style of battle battle pass
4911s type content whatsoever
4914s um
4914s if we did do a battle pass type approach
4917s to progression I think it would look a
4919s lot more it like it wouldn't be like a
4922s um like a paid and a free type thing it
4924s would just be like a
4926s a way of structuring the content
4929s um
4931s type thing because yeah
4935s but no we have no plans for something
4936s like that I think the closest thing to
4938s that I could see is like the UI for the
4941s item factions the way you like level up
4943s your item factions looks like kinda
4946s similar-ish
4947s to how that type of system sometimes
4950s shows but like
4952s it's not a battle pass so
4955s no
4956s hahaha
4958s uh which the devs is the biggest
4960s practical joker
4962s it's
4964s that's really hard because we don't work
4966s in the same office
4967s and practical jokes often require
4969s physical proximity
4971s um so we don't see each other often
4974s enough to get like
4976s super comfortable with physical pranks
4979s on each other
4980s um
4982s but like it's only the people that are
4984s closest are like
4986s um Judd and Kyle who are cousins so it's
4988s like
4990s um
4990s you know probably one of them if you're
4993s gonna like just tally up things like
4995s that because they've known each other
4996s the longest
4998s thank you
5015s uh just more questions
5019s this last Epoch when he released this
5021s year yup oh no
5024s that's what happens when I look away
5026s when we die would it be possible to
5028s indicate if we've been struck by a
5029s critical hit or not uh I
5032s Joe
5033s know if that's possible
5038s but if it is that's a really great idea
5042s I don't know
5044s uh awesome job on campaign rework it
5046s felt amazing for me you're good thank
5049s you very much it is completely different
5051s from a year ago
5054s you're not completely different but like
5056s at least at least the start of it is
5061s Michael you're at age 10 man raids to Le
5064s that would be awesome I'd be very
5065s surprised
5067s um
5069s you know I I hate saying never on on
5072s these uh on these streams but
5076s um
5077s I'd be shocked
5080s um there would have to be some pretty
5082s massive improvements to our networking
5085s um to make that be possible
5100s what about flails or
5103s oh I'm gonna pronounce that wrong
5106s uh which I think is the proper spelling
5108s of nunchucks
5111s that's what I'm gonna guess
5113s um
5115s we don't have any specific plans to add
5116s them but I'd love to see them be sweet I
5120s think especially
5122s the second one there would probably be
5123s more would be one of those examples of a
5127s an item type that's tied to a specific
5129s base type
5131s flying here yeah
5139s fools
5146s uh it's one question I've been thinking
5148s about sounds big at first but hear me
5150s out
5151s I don't know if you admit that for that
5152s that's rhyme but nice
5154s um how hard is it to make a game really
5157s hard
5159s we as a community ask for a lot of
5160s things yeah but you know there's lots of
5162s great games out there
5164s um we want this and that but how much
5166s work is it to make a game behind the
5168s scenes question kind of it's an event
5170s amount of work yeah
5173s um making this game has been by far oh I
5176s shouldn't say that has been one of the
5178s hardest things I've ever had to do
5180s um
5182s kids are also extremely difficult you
5185s lose about the same amount of sleep
5189s um get games games are games are a
5191s really interesting industry to be in
5193s because so many people get into it
5197s for love of the games
5200s um and some people's theme in it for for
5201s just the love of the games and and so
5203s you have this sort of like underlying
5205s Drive
5207s um that you might not have with
5210s with other Industries and lots of people
5211s are passionate about their Industries
5213s but I think games are a really easy
5215s industry to be passionate about
5216s and so there's there's a lot of
5219s competition there's a lot of people who
5221s um you know it's the it's the it's the
5223s astronaut effect it's the firefighter
5225s effect it's the what I want to be when I
5226s grow up as a kid type of career and it's
5231s um it makes it very competitive which
5233s which is a great thing for people who
5236s play games because it means there's lots
5237s of options
5239s um and it also means that in order to be
5242s successful at it it's a lot of work
5247s um and and that's not to say that you
5251s know other Industries are not huge
5252s amounts of work too
5253s um
5255s I I think it could be deceptive how much
5257s work the unions are to make
5261s um
5262s I had I had no idea before starting to
5265s work in games how hard how much how much
5267s effort time it ever went into it like
5270s and and there were there were there's
5272s there's definitely been times I've like
5273s gone back to like
5275s you you do something stupid as a kid and
5278s you like it sticks with you just think
5279s about it forever and there's like
5281s definitely comments I've said on forums
5283s about other games that I'm like as a kid
5285s thought I knew what I was talking about
5286s now I'm like oh my God I was such an
5288s idiot
5290s foreign
5293s malicious hateful stuff but like
5296s why don't they have this it should be
5298s easy to put this in
5300s no idiot young Mike it's not
5316s but we wouldn't do it if we didn't love
5317s it so
5335s this guy is
5339s he's got some tank to him combing two
5341s skills is fun instead of giving us only
5343s a few skill combo possibilities what
5345s about allowing us to combo some skills
5348s with what we want
5350s uh it would drastically increase the
5352s number of possible builds as well as
5355s the personification it builds
5366s I don't really understand this question
5368s I think it's I think it's like
5375s just asking for more freedom in like
5378s what things can be triggered in which
5380s skill trees
5381s I I think that's what's being asked for
5384s here I'm not really sure
5386s um
5389s we we definitely do one of the things
5392s we've been adding into the game for the
5394s past
5395s couple years is just more skill
5397s synergies
5399s um
5401s and it's like that'll continue
5403s and some older skills that maybe don't
5405s have skill synergies like for example
5407s summon Sabertooth I think has none
5410s um we'll we'll get them
5416s sorry bad answer I don't know
5421s if you if you want to re-ask that
5422s question with more detail I'd be happy
5423s to answer it
5427s the game continues need opposition yes
5429s it does how you progress now Unity is
5433s same way we always have
5436s uh
5440s uh when is your message getting buffed
5443s um
5444s I have no information regarding upcoming
5447s balance changes
5449s it's it's so funny like this one was
5450s talking about earlier about like
5451s remastered table needs above your messes
5453s up he needs a Nerf
5455s um like earlier in the Stream I've had
5456s both those questions already
5459s uh okay one question I've been thinking
5462s about sounds oh yeah I already answered
5464s that
5468s uh what is your message
5470s it's actually like scroll up somehow
5472s must have uh when Towns come back yeah
5475s again again for the like the third time
5479s um
5482s when Towns come back is there such a big
5484s town that people will congregate in love
5486s the designs of them just want to know if
5488s there was going to be a reason to
5489s revisit specific ones
5492s um
5493s I would say it is likely you'll see most
5494s people at end of time
5498s partially just because it's the it's
5500s it's like the one that people gain
5502s access to the earliest
5504s oh that's not working interesting okay
5507s um
5509s I think you'll see a lot of people here
5510s partially because of like the way it's
5511s laid out most of the stuff you're
5513s looking for is pretty Central
5515s um you know it's it's
5517s yeah I think that'll be the primary
5519s hangout place
5520s the Orgrimmar so to speak
5523s with a Delran
5525s depending on which
5528s guess which years of wow I played
5534s um
5536s I'm not sure if I'm remembering
5537s correctly
5538s but
5542s but let me just finish this
5546s uh uh I'm not sure if I remember
5548s correctly but you mentioned like magic
5550s the Gathering oh yeah I do love magic
5552s the other thing oh my goodness
5554s that's how I die
5556s um any other ccgs you played enjoyed
5559s warlord legend legend of the Five Rings
5561s got
5562s um I I not really
5565s um
5569s I I don't really have enough time to to
5572s get multiple ccgs or tcgs going
5577s um I did recently learn lorcana
5580s while I was at Gamescom which was a lot
5582s of fun
5584s um don't think I'll be putting it into
5586s my repertoire
5589s um I really really like the ability to
5592s to have instant speed interaction so
5594s like I I like for there to be
5597s um ways to do things on other people's
5600s terms
5602s that's sort of a key component to
5605s um to a card game I think in my world
5607s just just for the type of way I like to
5610s play not saying that needs to be for
5611s every game to be fun for everyone but
5612s just like for me the way I like to play
5614s them I I play magic with a lot of
5616s instance in my deck so yeah
5618s um
5622s yeah I I really enjoyed it I think
5624s they've done a great like I think that
5626s they've that they're making their kind
5628s of really well and I think it's gonna do
5629s really well but I just don't think I'll
5630s be one of the players
5632s um the one that I've been looking at
5634s recently is
5636s um
5638s oh crap in the Fang and blood warning
5640s blood
5642s um Blood and Steel
5646s someone who plays it's like yelling at
5648s me right now
5650s um
5652s they've been doing a lot of uh like like
5655s Pro level tournaments support recently
5660s watsi pay attention
5663s um but no I don't I don't know sorry I
5665s haven't played any of those little ones
5666s for more than
5668s 10 seconds
5672s uh do you know if we'll ever get
5675s pre-multiplayer patch Graphics back no
5679s uh they were they were much worse
5684s uh something we're stunning especially
5687s Lighting in outer areas the graphics are
5689s uh
5692s I'm not sure what you're referring to
5694s but
5694s um
5695s maybe the settings changed since then
5697s but they're way better now
5698s for sure and they'll keep any better
5700s we've got a whole new lighting system
5701s coming in
5703s um
5708s you know
5713s uh did you tell family friends lastly
5715s talked for at least one point of this
5716s year I did
5721s I'll put you in touch with my magic
5722s group and uh they can tell you how
5724s they're sick and tired of me saying at
5725s one point it was coming this year
5731s uh any plans on increasing the max skill
5734s or character level
5736s um
5737s character level being capped at 100 is
5739s pretty set in stone I would say
5742s um
5744s uh the base
5747s skill level of 20.
5749s uh I would say is very solid but not
5753s completely set in stone
5756s um I would be shocked if there was a
5758s major change to that in the next several
5760s years
5762s um have you said that there's
5765s um
5766s there are things we have planned with
5769s regards to this that will be awesome
5772s um
5773s and allow for
5775s uh uh like new stuff in skill dreams
5781s that's kind of all I can say about that
5783s but like it's it's it's not like a
5785s completely finished ecosystem of stuff
5802s that fireball just gets me every time
5809s I don't know I'm doing this I just
5810s warped where I want to go
5812s but no burn
5819s oh all right I feel like running
5822s communication feels a bit absurd
5824s obstructive
5826s okay for channel type generators like
5828s lightning blast or disintegrate and that
5830s it interrupts the channeling because it
5832s channeled related node
5834s uh could I channeled related node in it
5837s oh in it yeah have a follow-up node that
5840s would make ridiculation instant cast
5841s while channeling like flamework
5843s um I mean maybe I I mean we don't
5846s there's no
5849s specific plans for that but it's
5850s possible you've got something like while
5852s channeling
5854s it becomes instant castle that sounds
5856s cool
5858s um I know especially with things like
5859s disintegrate that have the like
5862s just turn the voice down
5865s phone call
5870s um especially on the nodes that say
5874s um
5876s sorry just a sec it's a friend can help
5879s me install some trim around a door
5881s because I don't know what I'm doing
5887s um
5888s was it talking about
5890s oh yeah channeling because disintegrate
5891s has those nodes that like ramp up their
5893s power over time while channeling uh it
5895s would be really nice to not have to stop
5897s I think to cast uh running communication
5898s still
5900s um
5912s oh my goodness
5913s also just
5915s got my wife's hand-me-down phone and all
5917s the settings are completely wrong
5922s all right well you keep a dark fantasy
5924s theme for the game the rework of X1
5927s looks very cartoon and colorful uh the
5930s game is
5933s it was still amazing I thought it was
5934s two one word but still amazing despite
5936s of that
5937s um yeah I I think that the um
5940s I think that there's
5942s room for
5945s um you know variants in that Dark
5947s Fantasy theme and I think that you'll
5949s like the overarching theme is not
5952s changing from what it is
5954s um
5957s but I think especially in like for
5959s example the the ancient era stuff's a
5961s lot brighter itself's a lot more vibrant
5963s um and when we do go to the ancient era
5966s um eventually you know because that's
5968s like we were talking about earlier with
5969s there's just nothing here yet like we
5971s gotta go here and do stuff with it
5973s um like you'll see you'll see more
5975s vibrant
5976s um colors than than we have I always go
5979s down this path and I don't know why
5982s then we have seen in uh in the past
5988s you know like um
5990s is gonna be a lot more dark than
5992s anything else
5994s um that sort of stuff and we we use a
5995s lot of those uh we try to use those
5998s color schemes to like to help you
6001s um and maybe color is the wrong term for
6004s it I'm not
6005s obviously it's not my field but
6007s um we do try to use that like
6014s we we want it to be possible for you to
6017s tell fairly closely what era you're in
6020s from looking at a screenshot based on
6022s the color schemes
6024s um and the I guess like the brightness
6025s of the colors of the the intensity of
6027s the colors that are there and not just
6029s that like like all sorts of
6031s environmental effects stuff but it's
6032s that's one real easy way to sort of like
6035s shift the feel of the zone to to be a
6038s little bit different
6039s um
6041s or like you'll notice things in the ruin
6042s your are very dark and gloomy
6045s um and and Imperial is definitely darker
6047s and gloomier than the that's my hero
6049s which is darker and clearer than the
6050s engineering and so it's sort of this
6052s like Spectrum I guess of like
6057s sparkliness
6059s that's probably the worst term I could
6060s have used ever
6062s um
6064s so yeah I think that the like the
6066s overarching theme is up for like visual
6069s style
6071s um would be high fantasy
6073s too dark fantasy in in those those two
6076s sort of Realms High to Dark Fantasy
6079s um
6084s and that's not going anywhere
6086s with with a focus on more realism for
6087s the graphics
6095s like we're definitely not planning like
6097s uh
6098s doesn't have plenty I'm playing a wind
6100s waker here which is one of my favorite
6101s Zelda games but you know I know a lot of
6103s people didn't like the the visual change
6108s and we've got a bunch of these here
6109s don't we what are we doing finish that
6112s this sure
6114s terrible plan that was awful Mike why
6116s did you do that
6118s um
6119s because I'm rushing and we're just
6120s picking stuff
6122s uh some stuff taking notes we already
6124s have stuff in
6126s uh yeah sure why not
6129s uh
6132s yeah sure why not
6134s are we going
6136s we're going places and doing stuff
6146s more questions am I like really far
6148s behind I feel like I'm far behind
6153s I may have to do like a speed round the
6155s lightning round here in a minute
6168s let's go okay
6172s um are we gonna get some kind of Hideout
6174s some of the poe unlikely anytime soon
6176s it's possible we need them to do
6177s something
6179s um we know remaster is kind of in
6181s Balance compared to old masteries in
6183s which direction I don't know uh
6185s currently Tony plants the old masteries
6187s to have more love and rework for 1.0
6190s um
6191s yes but probably not to the extent
6193s you're hoping for uh regarding remaster
6196s I'd love to see more options to proc
6197s learning communication outside of
6198s manually casting it for example it would
6199s be awesome to be able to channel this
6201s degree I feel like I've already answered
6202s that uh flesh of blood yeah that's the
6205s one I was looking about
6207s um is it going to be I'm not that far
6208s behind then is is there going to be a
6210s lagoon size B is a boss someday
6214s uh nice reference I do not know that'd
6217s be sweet
6220s also a nightmare because lagon being
6222s that big is what's caused so many
6223s problems
6224s um
6225s oh my God I I haven't caught up I just
6227s didn't scroll down again uh or any
6230s flicker strike fans on the dev team hope
6233s he brings something similar to the game
6234s I mean have you looked into flame Rush
6236s yet much
6242s check out all the nodes in flame rush
6243s and get back to me
6247s also yes
6255s nope don't want that
6259s uh I know I I know I know submit the
6263s still forms but man the new towns are
6265s amazing it'd be cool to have some of
6267s them as hubs in the future I mean
6270s they're like they'll all be because all
6272s of the towns that are
6275s um
6284s oh my goodness just die already
6287s um all of the towns that have
6293s uh this icon
6296s so you see how it has these um like
6299s spikes that stick out from the sides of
6300s them
6301s um those are all like towns and we'll
6303s likely be hubs for some things but the
6305s reason I suggest that uh end of time
6308s will be the The Hub there uh for the
6310s main hub for the game is it's funny that
6312s it doesn't have the right icon
6316s oh fine also let me write that one down
6318s because I'm changing the quest or the
6320s map panel launch right now
6323s uh eot needs main town map icon
6330s um
6333s I I just I just I think practically
6336s that's what will happen
6341s like
6344s um like under city was a main city for
6347s The Horde but everyone hung out in
6348s Orgrimmar
6354s I know that wasn't always the case but
6360s at least when I played
6363s I understood he was dead by comparison
6379s uh more questions uh you mean Flesh and
6382s Blood the TC yeah okay okay what I
6384s missed Aaron basically uh uh nothing
6390s um we're we're spoiler free this week
6392s for you I'm sorry bud
6395s we're still in we're still in um patch
6397s Afterglow
6413s oh
6416s oh what you miss q a shame on you
6420s uh regarding my Graphics question I have
6422s a link comparing all the new graphics I
6423s can post something I don't know if I can
6425s post links I I mean
6430s I I don't think it'll let you
6432s but if you if you want to start a
6434s discussion on it my advice would be to
6436s make a foreign post about it
6459s the way ridiculation works it always has
6462s to be able to cast something basically
6463s no matter what
6465s um and the first few first little while
6467s um it didn't give you ward when you cast
6469s it without any runes
6471s and
6473s um there was a lot of early testing
6474s where like people were just like using
6476s it nothing's happening and they're just
6477s like well that skills broken they just
6478s ignore it
6479s so that's what gives you a bunch of work
6483s uh there are cannons in the Dreadnought
6487s sort of a Flintlock gun rifles they're
6489s they're magic cannons so like they
6492s figured out to like from from seeing
6495s like prophetic visions of from gods that
6497s like canons could work but I have no
6499s idea how to make them work so they just
6500s got these magic cannons that were
6503s through Magic
6504s I have no idea if that's right or not I
6506s don't have an answer I'm sorry I see you
6509s guys have a necro class in your game how
6512s does your necro stand up to d4s FYI I
6515s don't like D4 at the moment it's very
6516s underwhelming
6517s um
6519s I haven't played the necron D4 yet so I
6521s don't have a first-hand account for you
6524s um
6525s I know that uh one thing that people
6527s really like
6529s necromancers are a
6531s extremely passionate
6534s group of players
6536s um
6537s and I think that our our Necromancer
6541s really hits home well the minion Army
6545s that is there to serve you
6548s um
6549s and there are tools to there are tools
6552s to be used by you in any way
6556s um type of gameplay
6559s um I'm really happy I'm really pleased
6561s with our with our Necromancer approach
6563s um
6564s and also I just want to for a second
6567s talk about these like tentacle like
6570s Doctor Octopus type
6572s attachment that she's got here that that
6574s was this was something that was like I
6577s think someone said as a joke to make the
6578s move I don't know the whole story behind
6580s it but like
6581s we were kind of like haha it wouldn't be
6583s great if this could happen type thing
6585s okay well that's obviously not gonna
6586s happen and there's like this eel that's
6588s like floating around in this tank that's
6590s like I think it's like electrical
6591s providing power for these tentacle arm
6594s things
6599s super cool
6602s that I can like just get a little bit
6605s more power before this fight
6607s let's go six something 11. can we do
6609s anything health
6612s give me health
6614s I'll take it
6618s lightning res very useful in this fight
6621s not gonna let us have it that's all
6622s right
6625s okay let's drop some stuff on the ground
6626s that we know we don't want
6632s a fight
6634s let's go I was talking
6637s and I'm gonna remember what I was saying
6639s in a second
6644s uh oh see there's a network class how
6647s does it stack up yeah okay
6649s um I was talking about necros we we have
6652s we try really hard to
6655s um
6656s give players options to like play necros
6659s the way they want to play
6661s um and for some I guess the big
6663s distinction there is usually whether or
6665s not there's active summoning or not
6669s so some people really want to set up a
6671s necromancer where you do literally
6673s nothing and it's just like oh you got
6674s your minions and they fight great
6677s um so try to make that possible and then
6680s we also try to make the
6682s um primary action you're taking
6686s a little bit it's gonna jump me yep
6689s um
6692s we try to make the
6696s um
6698s where are you down here
6705s we should we try to make uh open up
6706s different types of play Styles as well
6707s if people want them so for example
6710s um pairing curses
6712s with the minions themselves
6715s um
6716s pairing in active summoning so that's
6718s another type of something we have so um
6720s temporary minions there's two primary
6722s temporary minions in uh Necromancer
6725s right now being uh wraith and volatile
6730s zombies which are specifically designed
6732s as temporary Minions that you can make
6734s permanent if you really want
6736s um
6737s yeah
6738s to fill different means for you so I I
6741s think I think we do a good job with the
6742s variety of minions
6744s um
6745s lots of cool uniques that go with them
6747s so I think I commence is pretty awesome
6750s um
6752s I don't think I don't think there's much
6753s in our Necromancer class that's been
6755s done to like break the mold so to speak
6758s uh the same way that like Rune master
6759s has for example
6761s um but I think we do uh I think we do
6765s Necromancer really well
6774s I know
6782s going for the kill
6794s look on his unpredictable
6798s I was trying
6799s a Lucifer is so relaxed right now it's
6801s just like did you find a wand great pick
6804s it up
6811s usually one of the big things that comes
6813s up people ask about Necromancer is like
6814s how many how big can I make my Army
6817s um and like not like ignoring crazy
6821s stuff you can do with like some uniques
6824s and some like special combinations of
6826s things but just like if you're gonna go
6828s in as a like complete arpg Noob and just
6831s take the obvious stuff and not take any
6833s special stuff at all
6835s um
6836s like how big how big is that Army if
6838s you're gonna like Go Army heavy
6842s um
6843s like 10.
6846s 13 16.
6849s 17 18. I think it's 18. that's how big
6853s like the naive Army is
6860s so we'll call it
6877s oh I gotta stand near him now
6885s oh my goodness
6889s my damage sucks so much I'm tempted to
6891s like intentionally die
6894s it's like get some crafting in here
6905s you can do like cold fire cold
6913s okay how do we
6914s how do we fix this
6923s so we fix this no
6927s no we're just gonna go
6929s screw it
6954s we need more Mana I need to answer a
6956s question what about little icons under
6958s monster's name instead of of the ox or
6961s twins it would be more easy to
6962s understand the quick look
6964s um
6965s yeah I think there's like
6968s there's a lot of really good things
6969s about I think that's a great option if I
6971s was gonna say like how would I just do
6972s it as an option because there's a lot of
6973s really great
6975s um
6978s uh things that having
6981s specific information there like twins
6985s um
6985s you know that's that's got information
6988s in it
6990s um
6991s that people may understand without
6993s without needing to look up like what
6995s does this icon do
6997s um so there's a lot of like first time
6998s player
7000s um understanding of of what an icon what
7002s like a a thing means like that and
7004s usually it's written out
7012s but it's possible
7014s if you'd like to have a suggestion
7015s considered please leave us on our forums
7018s I'm just like recording my voice saying
7019s that
7025s huh
7032s next question
7035s how come you didn't tell Aaron about
7037s what you said about Nerf and Golems oh
7039s yeah I forgot about that sorry Aaron
7041s into the ground
7051s I'll twofer
7065s oh and we're done okay we're gonna
7067s speedrun some questions here uh as I am
7069s dead
7072s uh you can't be totally spoiler free
7074s what I'm going to talk about tomorrow I
7076s don't know I'm sorry Aaron
7079s uh need help there at last seatbelt game
7082s yeah probably
7083s I'm um
7086s we're really the end of the Stream
7088s can you wanna come in and kill this for
7089s me
7111s oh
7113s I can't believe I actually got oh yes
7115s hey that's what I'm talking about
7122s yes
7129s all right let's go
7136s Gaines here to save me
7140s hey is there any roadmap about class
7142s releases trade Etc yes I can give you it
7145s right now
7146s 1.0 next patch this month
7155s sorry not this month this year what am I
7156s talking about this year this year this
7158s year
7167s uh
7170s yeesh
7188s wow this thing's dying so slow
7202s thank you Kane
7206s I'm totally not just spamming bubble
7208s over here
7211s and standing in i-beams
7219s okay maybe a little bit
7223s more questions here this month no not
7226s this month not this month not this month
7228s this year sorry I misspoke
7242s uh I froze there for segments for this
7244s month still this year is awesome too
7246s yeah sorry about that
7250s I know I have to be more careful
7252s sometimes
7275s Bubble Boy
7282s so it's coming this month then uh there
7285s will be a hotfix
7288s and some teasers
7293s that's about it
7323s save me
7337s I just did away from probably so that I
7339s uh draw a little bit of the aggro
7357s oh that's what's eating my Mana
7360s the auto trigger on flame Ward uh and
7365s all the Minions going through the um
7370s going through my my
7372s um Frost wall that's funny
7377s I did not take that through well
7380s yeah I did it first try all my own no
7383s help
7393s do you plan to Nerf this spriggan totem
7396s build not specifically no
7411s yeah very appropriate but nah
7430s very little useful stuff here for me
7435s let's look it up
7437s thank you very much for the help Kane I
7439s appreciate it that'll back to it for the
7440s stream today uh it seems any lingering
7442s questions I did submit a bug report but
7445s the Dodge conversion on foot of the
7446s mountain to endurance threshold is not
7449s currently working is it not currently
7451s working or is it not currently
7452s displaying in the
7454s uh in here
7457s stats like that some conversion stats
7459s don't always display properly but they
7460s do work
7463s um on that terrible disappointment it's
7465s time to end
7468s um I had a fantastic time I hope you did
7470s too we'll be here next time same time
7472s same place next week
7474s um
7475s boom thanks for coming by
7478s I promise I will not leave my stream on
7479s again like I did last week
7482s uh uh because I'm totally not a huge
7485s Noob about this
7496s go say hi
7499s someone
7500s yeah um if I if I didn't answer your
7503s question uh this week if you had one I
7505s didn't answer it please feel free to
7506s head on over to our Discord
7509s um there's an acid Dev Channel where
7510s we're very active in answer questions
7511s all the time uh you can also head on
7513s over to our subreddit lots of people
7515s answer questions there too
7517s um and yeah I hope you guys have a great
7519s week
7520s we'll see you next time
7522s and uh you know have some fun
7527s about all I got for you