almost 5 years
ago -
Direct link
Yesterday we mentioned bringing the forum down to work on some additional features.
The most significant changes are;
- A link to a Dev Tracker has been added to the top of index pages.
- We plan to ultimately replace this with an alternative that will omit forum posts in the categories #customer-service, #technical-support, and #bug-reports.
- Forum threads now contain navigational tools to go to later (and earlier) EHG posts.
- The #announcements, #developer-blogs, and #patch-notes categories now display a notice that new threads can only be created by Eleventh Hour Games staff.
- This is just a clarification of existing behavior.
- When bookmarking a thread it is possible to have the forum send you a reminder of the thread at a time of your choosing. This is optional; bookmarks can be saved without one.
- Forum threads can now be set to automatically delete responses of a certain age. To prevent abuse, this can only be enabled by EHG staff. If you would like to request that one of your threads be configured in this way, please post in #customer-service.
Please be aware that we do not offer support for any version of Internet Explorer, including the latest version, Internet Explorer 11. Features may not work for users of Internet Explorer, and bug reports pertaining to Internet Explorer will not be investigated.