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I know Steam takes a cut of the profits but I wonder if having more Steam sales helps them out in the long run? I just want to support the game the best way I can.

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about 5 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link


Thanks so much for your kind interest in supporting us.

We'd honestly be thrilled regardless of where you purchase Last Epoch. You'll have access to both the Steam and standalone clients after purchasing, so you don't need to worry about tying yourself to one or the other. On Steam we sell the $35 Ardent Gladiator supporter pack; you'll get the full contents of this pack from either store.

Things to bear in mind include;

  • Different refund policies apply to each store (ours, Valve's).
  • If you buy through Steam, your review - if you leave one - will count for the game's Recent and Overall ratings. If you buy the game outside of Steam, you will be able to post a publicly-visible review, however you review will not affect those ratings.
  • While we avail of Steam's built-in support for regional pricing, our own website does not yet have support for this.
about 5 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by Sheepfu

Is there a future plan to allow us to buy a larger supporter pack to sync with the Steam purchase? I'm so, so in on this game and I'd like to support by opening my wallet.

We're able to manually process upgrades if folks poke us about them. :)

Currently we're unable to perform these transactions through Steam. I can't say for certain whether that'll change in future. We recognize - and value! - the large number of payment methods supported by Steam and the convenience that results from such broad support, but there isn't currently a great way for us to offer this through Steam.

We'd like to make significant improvements to both our store page and also our own website, as we recognize that currently the upgrade process is a bit janky and we'd obviously like to offer a good user experience to people who are trying to give us money. At the moment we're focusing more on the game itself, but we plan to get around to improvements here at some point.