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Hey all!

I am new to LastEpoch, and enjoy the single player but really love the multiplayer aspect of other ARPG's. Even if its 4 person multiplayer and general multiplayer trade.

Has Eleventh Hour Game's updated its roadmap that is pinned to the top of this subreddit on when this feature is targeted to be released?

I am definitely happy to donate a supporter pack as well if my small pitance would help speed up multiplayer release :).


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almost 4 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by WarokOfDraenor

Oof. Right. I just hope they have a SG server for SEA players.

Servers in Singapore have already been confirmed. :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link


I'm not sure whether you've seen this post; it's our most recent one regarding Multiplayer.

We'll be releasing multiplayer later this year as part of Patch 0.9. We're currently working on Patch 0.8.2, an endgame-focused update.

almost 4 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by destravale

Oh really? I asked in the discord and they said they are still working on deciding where to put servers.

Yes, we aren’t ready to provide an exhaustive list yet.