i bought the game couple of years back and never bothered to play but still as a arpg lover i wish the game to succeed, especially seeing how much effort devs had put into the game.
i just wanna give my first impression feedback just right at the char creation moment. as i believe the game is about to launch soon and the first impression matters ALOT especially in gaming. as ppl that leave mostly tend to not come back again.
as someone that doesnt mind playing even 2d games where graphics hardly is a selling point,
my most recent game i played was dungeon fighter online which is not known for its graphics, yet i have to say the character models in this game stand out at the very first moment, sadly not in a positive way.
i dont really know how to exactly describe it but it just looks like the char models are somewhat "weird" looking.
apart from that and the online lags the game is really heading into a nice direction.
i love all the systems in the game and am looking forward to playing that.
ps: me personally could get into the game despit the char models looking weird to me, but i just imagine not beeing able to convince friends that are some casual arps fans to get into the game, because they might get deterred by it, while bad games like d4, managed to hook em for the first couple of hours.
i think what this game needs is a strong first impression so first time players can get a chance to play the game for the first couple of hours to get the ARPG itch and addiction going.
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