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When a skill augments the mana cost, it changes based on the current cost or the total?

I mean if you get a skill cost down to 0 from 10, for example, and then you pick a +50% mana cost modifier, that 50% will be applied to the total cost (10) or to the current value of 0?

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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Depends on what that modified actually is. If it's a more/less then it's multiplicative with other modifiers. Increased/reduced is additive.

The order which modifiers are selected has no impact.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Depnids

If some modifiers are flat increases/reductions, the order should matter though, right?

The order they are calculated is static and matters but the order that you add them to your character doesn't.

Flat added mana doesn't have a %.

(Base mana + flat added - flat subtracted) * (1+increased + reduced) * (1 + more) * (1 - less)