Original Post — Direct link

I've followed the "guides" that were questionably ridiculous to find to begin with and I can't link my account to steam. Your process doesn't work, you took my beta money on your website, and I can't even link the game and play.

Thank you for a questionable experience to begin with. Your thread is flooded with issues with zero responses . I am bit worried about your customer service out of the gates. Your players that bought the game before it even came to steam should be a priority.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

I'm very sorry for the difficulties you've encountered.

Last night the game both entered beta and was released on Steam, and there was a massive surge in support requests around this time. I'd echo /u/Mogibbles's advice to e-mail [email protected] if the steps on this page don't work for you.

While we do care a great deal about our players, please understand that we're a small team and it's not possible for us to be posting as much as our customers. We've been prioritizing responses to our support e-mail, however every thread in Customer Service has a response from one of us, and approximately half of the recently created threads in Technical Support do, too. I'm not sure "zero responses" is entirely fair.